HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-110-92 THE DN: PARKING.GPA OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Meeting: General Purpase and Administratian Cammittee Date: Manday, May 4, 1992 File # Res. #.Ar:JlJ -~57 --;1.;<.; # #: PD-J..10 -9 file #: Subject: PARKING MATTERS Recommendations: It is respectfully recammended that the General Purpase and Administratian Cammittee recammend to. Cauncil the fallowing: 1. THAT Repart PD-110 -92 be received far infarmatian, discussian, and far directian to. Staff; and 2. THAT the Bawmanville B.I.A. be advised af Cauncil's decisian. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 At its General Purpase and Administratian Cammittee meeting ===~c=hglctpn=Aw::.i:L~'cc=l Sl.Sl2...b...th~=..~o:mrni 1:te~.=d i:r-...~c::t.~cl........~ 't..a.:f..:f .........tp=....=.......=........=...==.=....== repart an the variaus issues related to. parking. 1.2 At its meeting held an April 13, 1992, the carrespandence fram the Bawmanville B.I.A. regarding "Caurtesy Parking Ticket" was received by Cauncil and the matter was referred to. staff far a repart. 2. ISSUES IDENTIFIED: There are several issues related to. parking including: parking meter vandalism, parking revenue and expenditure, parking fine, request fram B.I.A., canditians af current equipment. Each af the issues will be discussed as fallaws. . . .2 ~~"7 I flEpC/pCEWO n~~f~I~EE THIS IS I'RIIHEDON RECYCLED P^PEA REPORT NO.: PD-110 -92 PAGE 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 Parkinq Meter Vandalism until recently, vandalism af the Tawn's parking meters has been a rare accurrence. Hawever, since the start af this year, there have been aver fifty (50) meters vandalized. This ranges fram the meter head being smashed, the pipe being sawed aff, to. the extreme case where the entire assembly has been pulled aut af the graund and demalished. Almast in all cases, the cain baxes are remaved ar smashed. Pal ice reparts have been filed and two. (2) arrests have been made by Durham Regianal palice. Despite this, vandalism cauld be a cantinuaus prablem. Excluding the last revenue in the cain baxes, the cast af replacement af each parking meter is $530.00. Replacing fifty (50) damaged meters wauld cast $26,500., an amaunt nat budgeted and certainly wasn't Parking Revenue and Expenditure There are two. (2) saurces af parking revenue; fram parking fine and fram parking meter (including manthly passes). Tatal revenue callected in 1991 is: $24,373. fram parking fines $68,749. fram parking meters $93,122. Total The 1991 aperating cast far parking includes salary, cammercial cancentratian tax and ather miscellaneous items total $92,809. Therefare last year cast/revenue picture is by and large a break even prapasitian. . . .3 578 REPORT NO.: PD-110 -92 PAGE 3 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 Any surplus will go. into. the parking reserve fund. Canversely, in a deficit situatian, funds will be transferred fram the reserve to. balance the ledger. The current parking reserve fund as af year end 1991 stands at $228,385. which amaunt was accummulated over the years, presumably since the day the Tawn introduced parking meters. Parking Fines The parking vialatian fine structure is established thraugh a Staff Advisary Cammittee at Durham Region camprising af staff representatives fram all eight lacal municipalities. A Public Works staff represents the Tawn af Newcastle an the Cammittee. The fine structure is unifarm far all eight (8) local municipalities in Durham Regian and all municipalities use the same Parking Ticket baak. 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 The authority far levying a fine against parking violatian is cantained in the Tawn's Traffic By-law 91-58. Courtesy Parking Ticket This is a request fram the B.I.A. suggesting that a special ticket be made up to. read as follaws: "Yaur meter has expired. To. avaid the inconvenience af a parking ticket, an additional 15 minutes has been allawed, caurtesy af the Tawn af Newcastle, and the merchants af the Bawmanville Business Centre." In cansidering this request, Cauncil shauld weigh the pras and cans af this request. . . .4 1:,79 REPORT NO.: PD-110-92 PAGE 4 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 The pros are obvious both from the viewpoints af the shappers and the dawntown merchants. The cons are: a) printing cost of the ticket; b) additional works required by the Town's Parking Officers and the Police Officers; c) patential arguments or disagreements from matarists regarding the 15 minutes since there is no. mechanical device to. determine when the 15 minute period starts and ends; d) changing ar re-calibrated the metre mechanism to show 15 minutes grace periad would cost $30,000. at a per unit cost of $100. e) lass of revenue. Conditions of CUrrent Parking Meters The current supply of parking meters have been in use since the 1960's. Although there have been periodic replacement of warn aut or damaged meters aver the years, the current stock is now prone to frequent breakdawn and repair cost is increasing. If the Tawn were to. stay in the parking meter business, a parking meter replacement pragram must be in place. The Town's stock af 300 meters could be replaced through a 10 year period. At 30 meters, it would cast $15,900. annually and the amount will have to be drawn fram the Parking Reserve fund this year and the same amount set aside in the current budget in subsequent years. . . .5 r-.n 0 Ju REPORT NO.: PD- 110-92 PAGE 5 2.5.3 Fram a cast/revenue paint af view, the added cast af $15,900. to. replace parking meters will ensure the Tawn in a deficit situatian year after year. 3. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE: 3.1 The questians which arase aut af the previaus discussions are: a) What shauld the Tawn do. abaut vandalism and shauld there be mare pal ice enfarcement? b) Shauld the Tawn replace the damaged meters? If so, autharizatian is needed to. draw fram the Parking Reserve Fund? c) Shauld the Tawn grant the B.I.A.request far "Caurtesy Ticket"? If sa, what are the implicatians an last revenue given the fact that the parking meter already has a 5 minute grace after time expiry? d) Shauld the Tawn eliminate parking meter altagether since the balance sheet is a break even prapasition? If sa, what are the alternatives and implicatians? e~) ShaulLth~~wn i nCre<'l S8 t.he~g~cat:~e==andj=o~~vy a charge tor emplayee parking? 3.2 The abave questians are raised far discussian and debates. There may be ather questians arising aut af detailed discussians af the issues. The issues identified are palicy issues which cauncil is the ultimate decisian making body to. decide an solutians andjar alternatives. 3.3 This repart is intended to. facilitate meaningful discussian amang members af Cauncil. Since the parking issues are also. af prime cancern to. the Bawmanville B.I.A., Staff suggest that a special infarmal meeting be held between Cauncil and the B.I.A. priar to. any decisian by Cauncil. . . . 6 1.....:-)..0 1 .u REPORT NO.: PD- 110- 9 2 PAGE 6 Respectfully submitted, Recammended far presentation to. the Cammittee FW*jip *Attach 16 April 1992 \~ c ') J7f ~ ' .~. (~JW~~0(! ( ~awrence E. KPrseff Chief Administ/~ative Officer , I /~) /(1 '(1 ( A".e 7, ..... / \.j:J..j<J. j""" ~~.Jtl,) Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Directar of Planning and Develapment 582