HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-127-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: GO-RAIL.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #rC:$. 11'65"'. 67 () $ Res. # /b?t9 - .:59S- -tf';;u # Date: Tuesday, May 19, 1992 #: PD-127-9~ile #: PIn 12.6.1 PHASE 4: BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY AND STATION LOCATION FOR FULL GO RAIL SERVICE TO BOWMANVILLE OUR FILE: PLN 12.6.1 is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-127-92 be received; 2. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Bowmanville Main Central study be expanded to examine the technical feasibility and station location for full GO Rail Service to Bowmanville, as indicated on Attachment No. 1 to this Report; 3. THAT the Study Area for the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study be expanded as shown on Attachment No. 2 to address GO Rail station location options; 4. THAT the Minister of Transportation be requested to provide a 75% subsidy for all costs associated with such Study; 5. THAT Staff be authorized to engage the consulting firm of Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd. and their subconsultants for this additional work subject to confirmation of the subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation; 6. THAT a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation, Gord Mills, M.P.P., GO Transit, and the Region of Durham Planning Department. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 GO Transit has indicated its intention to extend full GO Rail service to the east end of Oshawa, along either the C.N. Rail line or the C.P. Rail line. GO Transit's current plans do not include the extension of GO Rail service into Bowmanville. The Town and the Region have advised GO Transit and the Ministry of Transportation of their preference for extending GO Rail service along the C.P.R. line. 599 1 /1 -t nECYClEO PAPER PAPIER IlECYCLE THIS IS PHiNlfOON nECyclED PAPEf1 REPORT NO.: PD-127-92 PAGE 2 1.2 On June 11, 1990, Council approved a resolution to request the Ministry of Transportation to initiate appropriate studies under the Environmental Assessment Act to establish full GO Rail Service to the Bowmanville Urban Area and identify and protect station locations consistent with the current technically preferred route through the City of Oshawa. On May 16, 1990, Regional Council adopted a similar resolution. \ 1.3 In a letter to the Town dated July 18, 1990, the then Minister of Transportation, William Wrye, indicated that he would be prepared to support the Region in undertaking the necessary study to identify potential GO Rail station(s) along the C.P. corridor to Bowmanville, so that these may be protected through appropriate local and regional municipal planning and land use control processes. 1.4 The 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan identifies a GO station site on the C.P. line immediately west of Regional Road 57. Council supported the identification of this site in its comments on the 'Recommended Changes to the Durham Regional Official Plan' in March 1991. 1.5 The Region of Durham has not been able to commit the necessary funding for its share of a study related to the extension of full GO Rail services along the C.P.R. line to Bowmanville. However, if such a study can be initiated immediately, it can be integrated into the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study currently being undertaken for the Town. 2 . BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY 2.1 As Committee is aware, a consulting team headed by the firm of Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd. was retained by the Town in late 1991 to undertake a planning study of the entire Bowmanville Main Central Area, including the expansion lands to the west of the C.P.R. line. The consultants have recently completed Phase 1 of the 599 r 1 J REPORT NO.: PD-127-92 PAGE 3 study (Background and Preliminary options) and have commenced work on Phase 2 (Recommended Secondary Plan for the expansion lands). 2.2 Staff and the consultants have had preliminary discussions with various landowners, the Bowmanville B.I.A. and GO Rail regarding future station locations and the operational requirements for such a station. 2.3 A study regarding the extension of GO Rail Service along the C.P. Rail line to Bowmanville would fit well within the current Main Central Area Study. Much of the background work and contextual analysis necessary for a GO Rail Feasibility Study has already been completed in the context of Phase 1 of the Main Central Area Study. Further work in Phases 2 and 3 would allow for the full integration of GO Service within the ultimate development concepts for the Bowmanville Main Central Area. 2.4 Accordingly, Staff propose that the Terms of Reference for the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study be expanded to incorporate the GO Rail Feasibility Study as Phase 4. Phase 4 is intended to establish the most desirable location for a GO station in Bowmanville along the C.P. Rail line, determine the size and cost of a station, and assess other factors such as access, any required modifications to the abutting street system, servlclng requirements, and interaction with other transit modes. Work on this phase would proceed concurrently with the ongoing work of Phases 2 and 3 of the Main Central Area Study. 2.5 The Terms of Reference for the GO Rail Feasibility Study, as prepared by Town Staff in cooperation with Regional Staff, are attached to this Report as Attachment No.1. 3. STUDY FUNDING 3. 1 In response to a request from Staff, the consul ting firm of Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg, in collaboration with cumming REPORT NO.: PD-127-92 PAGE 4 Cockburn Ltd. and DS-Lea Consulting, has submitted a proposal to undertake the work outlined in the Terms of Reference. The continued role of Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg as lead consultant, combined with cumming Cockburn's ongoing role and local knowledge, ensures the full integration of the GO Transit component into the Main Central Area study. The firm of DS-Lea has been added to the study team to take advantage of their expertise in railway engineering and particularly GO Transit. 3.2 The Proposal submitted by Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg proposes a study budget for Phase 4 of $67,100 (including 3% GST). The Ministry of Transportation has verbally advised Staff that the Ministry would provide funding for 75% of the cost of the Study subject to certain funding limits in the range of $40-50,000. until the Town submits a request, the Ministry will not commit any funding. The Town would be responsible for 25% of the cost of GO Rail Study ($16, 775 . 00). The Town's share of the costs would be covered under the existing funding arrangements for the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study and within the 1992 Planning Budget. 4 . CONCLUSION 4.1 The proposed GO Rail Technical Feasibility Study is important in the broader context of planning for the Bowmanville Main Central Area. It will ensure that all of the requirements of a future GO station are technically achievable, and that the planning concept for the West Main Central Area incorporates the best location for a future station. 599 16 REPORT NO.; PD-127-92 PAGE 5 4.2 It is noted that the proposed study will not meet the detailed requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. In this regard, it should be regarded as a work of advocacy by the Town to encourage the extension of GO Rail service to Bowmanville and to utilize such infrastructure as a catalyst for economic development in the Town. This study is not only the first step, but the most important step towards achieving the goal of bringing GO Rail service to Bowmanville and must be initiated by the Town. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee . cj ~JlJ'v~ ~^.jL Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development ~Qftt)ttt~, Lawrence E. Kots Chief Administrj Off icer ( JAS*DC*FW*df *Attach Attachment No. 1 Terms of Reference for the GO Rail Technical Feasibility and station Location study (Phase 4 of the Bowmanville Main Central Area study) Attachment No. 2 Expansion of study Area List of interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Howard Anders Policy Planner Urban & Regional Planning Office Ministry of Transportation 3rd Floor West Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario. M3M 1J8 !::QO '1' ~7 ) r / Attachment # 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE PHASE 4: BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY Technical Feasibility and Station Location for Full GO Rail Service, to Bowmanville 1. SCOPE OF WORK The objective of the Study is to assess the feasibility, cost and most desirable 'station locations for implementation of GO Rail Service along CP's Belleville Subdivision from the City of Oshawa through to the Bowmanville Urban Area. The Study shall be strategic in nature but will be sufficiently detailed to identify and address those issues which affect the feasibility of providing service along this corridor including: A. System Requirements . facilitating the integration of GO Rail service within the Bowmanville downtown and its planned transportation network; . provision of appropriate station locations; . impact on track operating capacity; . . probable right-of-way and track construction requirements; . signal and structure related requirements including railway grade separations; . operational issues including possible means of reducing travel time to Union $tation; and . implementation or ~taging issues. B. Station Requirements The study shall incorporate the technically preferred concept of extending GO rail services to Harmony Road on the CP Belleville subdivision and the need to identify and support an appropriate GO rail station in the Bowmanville Urban Area. This concept has been described in the Region of Durham's Official Plan approved in June 1991. Specifically, the study shall investigate: . integration of an urban station with the staged development of adjacent land uses; . possible need of an additional non-urban station; . interface with future local and regional transit services; . possible multi-purpose transit station facilities; . parking and "kiss and ride" requirements; and . vehicular and pedestrian access including new roads and upgrading existing (approved) roads. 599 19 PAGE 2 C. Layover Site Requirements The study shall also include a general an assessment of a possible layover site in terms of: . location; . property requirements; . grading/drainage requirements; and . track/switching requirements. D. Costs for Implementation The estimated cost for the implementation of full GO Rail service should include costs for: . property; . tracking; . fencing/signals/communications; . station platform/shelters/buildings/elevators; and . municipal servicing and road works. E. Environmental Impacts An overview of possible environmental issues or impacts which may affect the implementation of this service should also be completed. Possible mitigation measures to identify noise/vibration/safer drainage impacts should be identified. It is not intended that the scope of work would include a detailed assessment of impacts. 2. CONSULTATION PROCESS A Technical Advisory Committee shall be formed to provide input into the Study and will be comprised of representation from GO Transit, CP Rail, the Ministry of Transportation, the Region of Durham Planning and Works Departments and Town of Newcastle staff. The consultant will be required to meet with their representatives throughout the course of the Study as necessary. It is anticipated that two Technical Advisory Committee Meetings will be conducted at appropriate stages with the above parties. There is no public participation component for this phase of the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study. r.:::99 19 PAGE 3 The Consultant shall make a presentation on the final report to Town Council and to the Region of Durham, and GO Transit/MTO if required. 3. DELlVERABLES The Consultant shall prepare a separate document on this phase of the study as follows: Draft: 10 copies Final: 30 copies All reports shall be printed on paper made with recycled materials with greater than 50% post-consumer waste. Appropriate visual displays will be prepared for meetings. All original text, maps, plates, data, reports and other materials or information collected or prepared by the Consultant shall be considered municipal property and will be turned over to the Town at the conclusion of the Study. All data files used and developed through the study process will be provided to the Town on a floppy computer disk (3.5 inch format). In addition, all reports will be provided on a floppy computer disk (3.5 inch format) in Wordperfect 5.0. 4. STUDY DIRECTION The work of the consultant will be directed by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department. The consultant will be required to meet regularly with Town Staff to review the Study's progress. 5. TIMING The Consultant shall prepare an appropriate timetable which ensures the completion of this component prior to the finalization/adoption of a Secondary Plan for the Main Central Area. (July 1990) 6. PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES The Consultant shall prepare a written proposal containing the following: . a detailed description of the Consultant's suggested approach to the Study as outlined in these Terms of Reference and the requirements for any municipal staff resources J99 20 PAGE 4 . a specific timetable/work plan for the various phases of the Study and a , deadline for commencement, the submission of any reports and completion of the Study process and final report . the name(s) of the principal(s) of the firm who will be coordinating and presenting the Study and the Staff who will specifically be assigned to the Study . cost estimates with upset costs for the Study, including such matters as the cost of meetings, mileage, secretarial, telephone, fax, computer and printing costs. The Consultant will furnish an itemized estimate of the costs of each component and phase of the Study process. Any per diem rates and meeting rates for additional work not specifically covered in these terms shall also be provided . a schedule of hourly rates and an estimate of the number of days that each member would spend on the study and a sum total of this time. The Consultant is encouraged to make separate constructive comments and suggestions regarding the Terms of Reference and the approach to the Study which in his/her opinion, would improve performance in carrying out the assignment. Such comments shall not be made conditional to the acceptance of the assignment. Upon approval of funding for this Study, a contract will be executed by the Town. March 13, 1992 k, Q q )', .i '.' L Attachment #2. I ' ( I , ) \ \ '" \., '\ ~--- I )/ / . ! (Study 'Area 1 ! ~ w w << ~ . . w z ~ ~ i j ~ i I /~ LAKE ONTARIO BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY 599 2?