HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-154-92 REP ORT #2 THE DN: STEPHENSON. COD OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE council File # Res. # Date: Monday, June 22, 1992 #: PD-154-92 File#: # NEWCASTLE SALVAGE - MR. ROBERT STEPHENSON PART LOT 23, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 3753 METCALF STREET Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Report PD-154-92 be received; and 2. THAT the Region of Durham and the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Town of Newcastle does not consider a hearing by the Environmental Assessment Board necessary for Newcastle Salvage for an application for a Waste Disposal site (Processing) located at 3753 Metcalf Street, Part Lot 23, Concession 1, former Township of Clarke in the Town of Newcastle; and 3. THAT a copy of Report PD-154-92 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and the Ministry of the Environment. 1. REPORT 1.1 On August 16, 1991 a letter was received by the Clerks Department from the Ministry of the Environment advising the Town that an application to operate a Waste Disposal site (Processing) was received on behalf of Newcastle Salvage. The Ministry have determined that a hearing by the Environmental Assessment Board is not necessary (Attachment # 1). 1.2 A copy of the application submitted by Newcastle Salvage to the Ministry of the Environment is attached (Attachment # 2). This attachment provides details as to the nature of Newcastle Salvage'S proposal. ....2 RECYCLED PAPIER PAPrll I1ECYCLE THIS IS PfWHEDON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD-154-92 PAGE 2 1.3 On September 16, 1991, Council passed Resolution # C-548-91 with respect to the above correspondence stating: "THAT the letter dated August 13, 1991, from Mr. K. Klinck, Environment Officer, Ministry of the Environment, pertaining to an application from Newcastle Salvage to operate a waste processing site, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Planning and Development for the preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT K. Klinck be advised of Council's decision." The preparation of this report fulfils the requirements of the above noted resolution 1.4 On June 5, 1992, the Mayor and Director of Planning and Development met with Mr. Adams, Senior Environmental Officer, Ministry of the Environment and Mr. Stephenson to discuss this application for a waste processing site. Following this meeting, Mr. Wu forwarded a letter to Mr. Adams, advising him of zoning conformity with respect to the proposal. (Attachment # 3) 1.5 In light of the information provided by Mr. Stephenson and the Ministry of the Environment, and that the lands are appropriately zoned, Staff are satisfied that a hearing under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act is not necessary and it is recommended that Council adopt the resolution contained within this report. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to council, d^-1>h_LC~" {~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Lawrence E. Kptseff Chief Admin!sfrative Officer I HB*FW*cc *Attach 17 June 1992 ....3 REPORT NO. PD-154-92 PAGE 3 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: K. Klinck Environmental Officer Ministry of the Environment Central Region 7 Overlea Boulevard 4th. Floor Toronto, ontario M4H 1A8 Rod Adams Senior Environmental Officer York/Durham District Office Abatement East section Central Region Ministry of the Environment 7 Over lea Boulevard 4th. Floor Toronto, ontario M4H 1A8 Durham Region Planning Department Lang Tower, West Building 4th. Floor 1615 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Onto LlN 2L1 Robert Stephenson Newcastle Salvage 3753 Metcalf st. R. R. #8 NEWCASTLE, Dntario LlB lL9 " .~ Ministry of the Environment Ministere de l'Environnement Central Region Region du Centre 1991 08 13 ATTACHMENT -#1 '10 53 AM t91 7 Overlea Boulevard 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 . 416/424-3000 Fax: 416/963-2935 7, boulevard Overlea 4e etage Toronto (Ontario) M4H 1A8 416/424-3000 Fax: 416/963-2935 Ontario Mrs. Patti Barrie Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mrs. Barrie: f-',- ',,~.'::'~::-:""--:-'7."~::, -,' f n>"/'\ :l~,;::,:~ \:~."y' ;:\'j ~~, : . i .~ b~->' ,,: \ \UG 20 1991 I i T~r.'(,:(:' ,F.:"" 'S 1':~ J PL/\1\~1,' ~~:~~ L~~ '.;\~ ,: 1/j ~~NT . ~_-..__~,.~-_.,~._-...I'-~,-''''~''''-'''''''_'''~''_F Re: Application for a Waste Disposal Site (Processing) Newcastle Salvage, 3753 Metcalf St., R.R. 8, Newcastle, Ontario The Ministry of the Environment, Central Region, has received an application from Newcastle Salvage to operate a waste processing site. The attached application form provides details as to the nature of the operation' to be carried out at this location. In our review of this application we have concluded that a hearing by the Environmental Assessment Board is not necessary and we intend to recommend to the Director that a hearing not be held in this instance. As you may be aware, the Director has discretion under _ Part V of the Environmental Protection Act to hold a h~ng on applications of this type if . he feels it necessary. Should council wish to make comments with respect to its attitude on the need or otherwise for a hearing it may write directly to Mr. D. J. Beach, District Officer, York Durham. District, no later than September 10, 1991. Yours truly, I DfsTj3~uTnoN t CLERK .~:J______.__.__._um.. I ACK. BY m____'_.______.._________. ORIGINAL TO:__...__......~-.... C S TO: ~..--,...." Q' C'''''' ....-- <....".. ......" 'j ) " .. ' ../-- ). ~ .'\,; '- --'--- (;....-'---,,~Q..Q,-jA..~ -.'" '-.7<----.J '-.." K. Klinck Environmental Officer York Durham District cc: D. J. Beach, MOE, York-Durham District C. W. Lundy, Regional Municipality of Durham ~-"I._~-'h-rc -:.. -~-'..:~,,?-:-(;i. _f'- .,:_ ,J2?]._,;;fl~~~ .' ,. ATTACHMENT -#2 @ Ministry of the Environment Minlstere de l'Environnement Application for a Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site (Processing) Demande de certificat d'autorisation pour un lieu d'elimination des dechets (traitement) Ontario Important Note: ! Remarque: If this application Is for notification of changes In use, operations or ownership, specify the MOE number on your certificate and fill In only the data which is being revised. Include a copy of the plan of survey of any lands on which the site is to be located.! 811a presente porte unlquement sur un changement d'utlllsatlon, d'exploltatlon ou de proprletalre, rappeler Ie numero du certificat et ne rempllr que les sections pertlnentes. Annexer une cople du plan d'arpentage de tout terrain sur lequelle lieu dolt 6tre amooago. I. I Certificate of Approval No./NO du certificat 1. A IIcant ! Demandeur: Name / Nom /V K WC//i--Srt- If o Municipal / Munlclpalitll 0 Provincial/ Province 0 Other, specify / Autre, preclser 2., Land Owner Name / Nom 'Address / Adresse Postal Code / Code postal City/Province / Ville/Provlnce Telephone / NO de tel. ( ) 3. Lessee (If applicable) I preneur a ball, Ie cas echeant: ~ame / Nom Address / Adresse Postal Code / Code postal City/Province / Ville/Provlnce ' Telephone / NO de tel. ( ) 4. Site 0 erator I Ex loltant du lieu: Name / Nom , If () ,8 F)<:. r Q J Address / Adresse <:7. J. cL ~~ a So City/Province / Ville/Province DN! Title / Titre (] W ryE R -. Postal Code / Code postal J.... I 13 i L- 7 Telephone / Nil de tel. (0ftJ e;- Y--7$-11 ,5. Site Location I Emplacement 0 City / Ville 0 Town / Ville 0 Village / Village 0 Township / Canton 0 Other. specify / Autre. preciser Name/Nom S. i ~~~u: ~~ a-S ~hPI::~dd'~ ,L:!,O:~~~~~~_ I' ,~ 7 j .3 ,/VI e t c::. "" / "";__, I , 1fl<l~ 1111!l(\\ F'nn' .' I .. C'tOt' . 1 M I ~ 5;d/Vde YA-I<j) (0) Present zoning category / Categ rle de zonage actuelle ~. .. (d) Present land use of all adjoining properties to be provided on location map, / L'utilisation actuelle des terres acljacentes dolt figurer sur Ia carte de I'emplacement ,.. ( c.- l..<.- t<..-' (e) Rate at which site can receive waste per day / V. ume de dOOhets que Ie lieu peut recevolr par jour Domestic / 0 tonnes Commercial / 0 tonnes Processed , DOOhets ......................... , DOOhets ......................... Organic Wasts / ..........................0 litres domestiques 0 cu. meters / m3 commerolaux 0 cu. meters / m3 D9chets organlques trattes If any of the following waste categorIes are Intended to be receIved at the site, attach a description of each, ' Including their source, to the Appllcatlon./ Slle lieu dolt recevolr des dechets d'une des categorIes cl-deasous, joIndre une de~rlptfon de ces dechets en en pr6cJsant la source. Tonnes CU. Meters / m3 Utres (f) UI-'\- k",---o'-\J k (h) (g) Population served / Population desservIe DNT \ lA.-~ It'c. 1"0';' of DNt 2. 3. 4. 5. (I) Total area of site / Superficle I I hectares' or/ou I 7 I acres (j) estimated storage capaclIy (If Intended for storage). (Rate per day and estimated capaclty must be In the same measurelTlGnt) I Capaclt6 de stockage ~ (st kllleu est destloo i cette nn). (La volume quolldlen at Ia capaclt6 pr6we.dolvent 6tre exp!1n* il'aIde de Ia m4me unlt6 de mesure.) . .... ..il.. ...I.::r.:P..... lEI tonnes 0 cu. meters / m3 0 Iitres (k) Type of facillty/oMration / Genre d'lnstallation ou d'a0tMt9s o Incineration /lnclner~tion IIiY' composting / compostage ~rinding/shreddfng / broyage/dOOhlquetage , ~paratiori / tri 0 resource recovery / recuperation 0 stabilization/encapsulation / stabllisation/encapsulage (Q'storage / stockage [Q' packingJbaflng / compactage/mlse en balle 0 other, specify: / autre, prOOlser: 7. List all Disposal Sites (for final disposal) I Dresser la IIste de tous les lIeux d'enfoulssement (destines au stocka e detlnltl (I) Site Certificate No. / Location / Emplacement , I, r + r' NO du certificat 'D N ...,- A f< lOt... <1 "- d ..f t Il 4! F h .. V e cL J (f.e , (If) Site Certificate No. / NO du certificat . Location / Emplacement 8. List all supporting documents submitted with this application I Dresser la IIste de tous les documents ertlnents annexes a la demande . ~~ 1~ -A/'~~ SEAL OF COMPANY (if applicable) / SCEAU DE LA COMPAGNIE (s'lI y a lieu) Date ..- r.... ......, T'". .....-,. I II"........... .' ATTACHMENT -#3 !ft~~!~ 8 June 1992 Mr. R'od Adams Senior Environmental Officer York/Durham District Office Abatement East Section, Central Region Ministry of the Environment 7 Overlea Boulevard, 4th Floor TORONTO, Ontario M4H 1A8 Dear Mr. Adams: RE: NEWCASTLE SALVAGE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR A WASTE DISPOSAL SITE (PROCESSING) Thank you for meeting with Mayor 'Diane Hamre, Mr. Stevenson and myself on June 5, 1992. Based on the information provided in the application for a certificate of approval for a waste disposal site (processing) as filed by Newcastle Salvage, I wish to advise that the types of facility and operation as indicated on the application are in conformity to the Town Zoning By-law which zones the property "General Industrial Exception (M2-4)" specifically allowing a salvage yard. In addition, we are satisfied that automobile wrecking yard is also permitted as a legal non-conforming use. As I stated in the meeting, if there is a new building or structure proposed to be erected on site for any of the permitted uses, such building or structUre is subject to site plan control and an application to amend the existing site plan and agreement would be required. By copy of this letter, we are advising Mr. Stevenson of Newcastle Salvage of the foregoing position of the Town. Yours truly, C~~.,~ .~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development FW*jip CC: Mayor Diane Hamre CC: Mr. Bob Stevenson Newcastle Salvage 3753 Metcalf Street R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ontario L1B 1L9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE . ONTARIO. L 1 C 3A6 . (416) 623-3379 . FAX 623-4169 @ RECYClED PN"'ER