HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-160-92 THE OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: COFA.GPA Date: General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, July 6, 1992 \ . 0 File # b\3 {:_- , ~j Res. # ~//J - 1/;7? - ~ ;Z..; / . #: PD-160-92 File #: A92j027 and A92j031 # MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1992 FILE: A92j027 AND A92j031 It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-160-92 be receivedi and 2. THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on June 11, 1992 with respect to application A92j031i and 3. THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment in the event of an appeal. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In accordance with section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, all applications received by the Town for minor variance are scheduled to be heard within 30 days of being received by the Secretary Treasurer. A meeting of the Committee of Adjustment was scheduled for June 11, 1992. 1.2 The June 11, 1992, two (2) applications for minor variance were heard by the Committee (A92j027 and A92j031) . Application A92j027 was TABLED at a previous meeting on May 28, 1992. 1.3 Application A92j027 proposed a variance to the lot frontage requirements for a single family dwelling unit in a "R1" zone. The proponent proposed a frontage of 14.24 m (46.75 ft.) as opposed to the minimum required 15.0 m (49.21 ft.). A motion . . .2 ..' 1 r . i. t 'J'~' I ''; . .+ 0 FlECYCLEP PAPER n~~~.'~EE tHiS IS PRimED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD-160-92 PAGE 2 to approve the application did not carry and the application was DENIED. Staff recommended approval of the application and can not support the decision of the Committee. 1.4 Application A92j031 was to permit an existing farm building to be located 3.0 m (10 ft.) from a newly created lot line. The by-law requires a 15 m (50 ft.) minimum setback. The application was APPROVED as applied for. 1.5 Staff concur with the Committee's decision on application A92j031, and are satisfied that the decision to approve conforms to the general intent of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law and the variance is minor in nature and desirable. 1.6 Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford Staff's official status before the ontario Municipal Board in the event of appeal of the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee cJ f-~~J~jj:J {~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development CP*FW*cc *Attach 24 June 1992 549' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/027 ******************** APPLICANT: ROSEMARY O'KANE GRAWERT AGENT: NEWMAN & CARD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 101 HIGH ST., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PART LOT: 11 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE PLAN NUMBER: ZONING: Rl HEARING DATE: II-Jun-92 DECISION: DENIED APPEAL DATE: II-Jul-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CREATE A LOT HAVING A FRONTAGE OF 14.24M (46.75 FT.), MINIMUM FRONTAGE REQUIRED 15M REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN KEEPING WITH THE INTENT OF THE O.P. AND ZONING BY-LAW AND BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAND AND IS MINOR IN NATURE, THE APPLIC.hTION BE APPROVED, MOTION LOST r- 1'"' 0 .~ I,),. . .J. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A92/031 ******************** APPLICANT: KIRK KEMP AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 3343 LAMBS ROAD, BOWMANVILLE PART LOT: 6 CONCESSION: 3 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: ZONING: Al HEARING DATE: II-Jun-92 DECISION: APPROVED APPEAL DATE: II-Jul-92 MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT AN EXISTING FARM BUILDING TO REMAIN ON NEWLY CREATED LOT WITH A SIDEYARD SETBACK OF 3M (10 FT.), MINIMUM REQUIRED 15M (50 FT) REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN KEEPING WITH THE INTENT OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND BE MINOR IN NATURE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR 551