HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-164-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: OSHAWA.GPA General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, July 6, 1992 File# Res. #U/J -?'-.?'3- 9;0 # #: PD-164-9~ File #: PLN 2. ti.1. 3, OPA 91-042-D Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE OSHAWA OFFICIAL PLAN PART 1 PLAN FOR THE TAUNTON PLANNING AREA respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommended the following: 1. THAT Report PD-164-92 be received : 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection Official Plan amendment to the City of Oshawa Official Plan to include the Taunton Planning Area in the Urban Area Boundary for the city of Oshawa in accordance with the expanded urban area boundaries in the Regional Council approved Durham Region Official Plan: 3. THAT the city of Oshawa be advised that prior to urban development within the Taunton Planning Area, the Boundary Road Agreement between the city of Oshawa and the Town of Newcastle must be reviewed and amended to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle; 4. THAT the a copy of this report be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning and Works Departments, city of Oshawa, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The city of Oshawa proposed an amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan (Part I) for the inclusion of the Taunton Planning Area in the Urban Area Boundary for the city. The amendment was approved by the Council of the City of Oshawa with one amendment to staff's recommendation, the amendment was approved June 17, 1991. On May 17, 1992 the Region of Durham Planning Department notified the Town of Newcastle Planning Department of the amendment and requested comments of same. "~,~i,CgD PAPIEIl RECYCLE lljlS IS prWHEDON flECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD-164-92 PAGE 2 1.2 The study Area The Taunton Planning Area is located in north-east Oshawa, bounded by Taunton Road to the South, Townline Road to the east, Wilson Road to the West and Conlin Road to the north (Attachment 1). It comprises of Lots 1 to 6 (inclusive), Concession 4 in the city of Oshawa. 1.3 The Amendments The proposed amendments (Attachment 2) consists of a minor amendment to the text to reference the Taunton Planning Area and changes to two schedules of the Oshawa Official Plan. i) Schedule 'A" (Land Use) is amended to adjust the "Urban Area Boundary" northerly to Conlin Road East and redesignate lands form "Agriculture" and "Special Study Area #8" to "Residential" and "Open Space and Recreation" within the valley areas associated with the Oshawa and Harmony Creek system. (Attachment #1) ii) Schedule 'E' (Part II Planning Areas) is amended to identify the Taunton Planning Area as Part II Planning Area. (Attachment 3) city of Oshawa Council had amended the recommendations contained in the Planning Report 82-91, to include the Mountjoy Woodlot in the "Open Space and Recreation" land use designation of the city of Oshawa Official Plan. 2. THE OFFICIAL PLANS 2.1 The Durham Regional Official Plans (1976) The Taunton Planning Area is outside of the Major Urban Area boundary as delineated in the 1976 Durham Regional Official Plan. The Regional Official Plan designates the south half of the Taunton Planning Area as Special Study Area No. 8 and 'J..... () 9 " \, I REPORT NO.: PD- 164-92 PAGE 3 the north half as "Permanent Agricultural Reserve". Policies related to Special Study No. 8 note that due to the possible need for industrial land and other land uses in northern Oshawa, further investigation shall be carried out to determine a suitable pattern of land uses. Appropriate amendments to the Regional Official Plan would required to extend the urban area boundary and designate appropriate urban land uses in the Taunton Area. 2.2 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan In the Durham Regional Official Plan, approved by Regional Council June 5, 1991, the Taunton Planning Area has been included in the Major Urban Area boundary and is designated as a Living Area. 2.3 Oshawa Official Plan In accordance with the Regional Official Plan, the south portion of the Taunton Planning Area is designated Special Study No.8 in the city of Oshawa Official Plan. The northern portion is also designated "Agricultural" with "Hazard Lands" associated with the Harmony Creek system. The proposed amendment to Part I of the Oshawa Official Plan is intended to be followed by the preparation of a Part II Plan which will define the designation of land uses in the Taunton Planning Area. As part of the Part II Plan, a Commercial Study of northeast Oshawa will be conducted, which may result in further amendments to the Part I Plan. 3. URBAN LAND USE NEEDS STUDY 3.1 Industrial Lands Assessment As noted earlier, the provisions of Special Study Area No. 8 relate to the possible need for future industrial lands in ~J 7 0 REPORT NO.: PD-164 -92 PAGE 4 northern Oshawa. In order to develop these lands, justification for alternative land uses must be analyzed. Accordingly, in 1990 the city of Oshawa undertook an investigation into the short term supply and demand requirements for industrial and residential land. It was concluded that lands on the north-east quadrant of the Oshawa Urban Area (north of the Oshawa Airport) provided the best location for future industrial uses. As a result of a recent Secondary Planning Study the city has prepared a concept plan and will be shortly considering an amendment of redesignate lands in the study area (known as the Northwood Industrial Area) for additional industrial lands. with this it was concluded that there was sufficient industrial land designated in the Northwood Industrial Area, to achieve a minimum 15 year supply of vacant industrial land in Oshawa. 3.2 Residential Needs Assessment The residential analysis concluded that there was sufficient land designated in the Oshawa Official Plan to accommodate a housing supply for 12 years. The city Of Oshawa suggests that since the Official Plan must be reviewed every five years as required by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, it is necessary to designate at least a fifteen year supply of residential land at each review to ensure a minimum ten year supply throughout the five year period between reviews of the Oshawa Official Plan. This is also reflected in the Oshawa Municipal Housing Statement. In order to accommodate the projections and to enable the completion of Part II Plan for this area, Oshawa Staff recommended that the Taunton Planning Area be included in the Urban Area for future residential development. 4 . COMMENTS 4.1 Staff reviewed the proposed amendment to the city of 571 REPORT NO.: PD-164-92 PAGE 5 Oshawa Official Plan and are satisfied that the Taunton Planning Area represents a logical extensions of the Oshawa Urban Area. In this regard, staff concur with the "Residential" designation for most of this community, consistent with the Region approved Durham Official Plan. It is noted that there are no amendments to the "Transportation" or "Environmental Management" schedules and no planned population was assigned to this Planning Area. These matters will be considered through the preparation of the Part II Plan. 4.2 Townline Road The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department have advised that at the present time the Town and the city have executed a Boundary Agreement, specifically related to routine maintenance and capital cost expenditures for Townline Road. The agreement distributes the responsibility for maintenance of specific portions of Townline Road equally between the Town and the city. Accordingly, the portion of Townline Road abutting the proposed amendment is currently the responsibility of the Town. The Public Works Department notes that urban development in Oshawa will require a higher level of service, specifically greater maintenance and a future need for major road upgrading or possibly full reconstruction. The Public Works Department suggest that the Boundary Road Agreement be amended to place the responsibility of road maintenance of Townline Road from Taunton Road to Concession Road 6 on the city of Oshawa. In addition, the agreement would reflect 100 percent for the future road upgrading or reconstruction to accommodate increased traffic. The agreement would amended to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Town of Newcastle Council. u' 572 REPORT NO.: PD-164 -92 PAGE 6 4.3 Servicing Requirements An overview of the servicing requirements for the Taunton Planning Area was prepared by G.M. Sernas and Associates on behalf of the major landowners. Their findings area as follows: . The entire area can be serviced by sanitary sewer extensions from developments to the south; . Storm drainage can be handled by direct discharge into the Harmony Creek. More detailed studies on storm water management and water quality are required. . Approximately one third of the Planning Area is located in Zone III water pressure system requiring infrastructure improvements scheduled shortly. The majority of the area is located in the Zone IV water pressure system requiring major infrastructure improvements as well. Oshawa Staff Report 82-91 did not address the question of plant capacity requirements nor the impact of services to the Taunton Planning Area in relation to the Courtice Urban Area. The Regional Works Department was consulted for the availability of sanitary sewer capacity. In discussions with the Regional Works Department there appears to sufficient capacity aVailable in the Harmony Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, when expanded to accommodate development for the next ten years. This plant services the city of Oshawa as well as the Court ice Urban Area. In addition, Regional Works has assured Staff that there will be sufficient capacity to allow for the servicing of portions of the Courtice Employment Area if an interim servicing solution for that area is reached. This area is currently under 573 REPORT NO.: PD-164-92 PAGE 7 study by the Planning Department. It is expected that a new sewage treatment facility would eventually be constructed south of Courtice, which will accommodate the long term development. 4.4 Part II Planning study The proposed amendment to the city of Oshawa Official Plan amounts to an approval in principle for future residential development in the Taunton Planning Area. It is proposed that upon completion of the Part II Planning study and Commercial study that further refinements to the Oshawa Official Plan would be undertaken. This would appear to include the following: a) a determination of the population capacity; b) incorporation commercial designations as required; c) revision to the "Transportation" schedule to incorporate the arterial road system shown in the Durham Regional Official Plan and a collector road system: d) revision to the "Environmental Management" Schedule to incorporate the significant findings of the secondary plan process (if any): e) consider possible changes to land uses as a result of the Highway 407 route alignment. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 The report of the Oshawa Planning Department indicated that these lands were required to meet short term residential land supply requirements, in accordance with the Urban Lands Needs Study and the Council approved Durham Regional Official Plan. As such staff would offer no objection to the approval of this amendment. r,i 574 REPORT NO.: PD- 164-92 PAGE 8 with city of Oshawa Staff. Inasmuch as development of the area in not anticipated for some time, Staff wish only to bring this matter to the attention of the city Of Oshawa staff to be considered at a later date. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development CS*DC*FW*df *Attach 18 June 1992 l.l,j 7S / ~ I ..... .~ lATTACHMENT NO. 1~ 41 '. -------. . .. . -...... --..'''---. " , . . . . . . . . ..... ADD MAJOR URBAN AREA BOUNDARY ,.,-4.t,. <''''''''04 REDESIGNA TE FROM AGRICU L TU RAL TO OPEN SPACE & RECREA nON o - '" w ~ ~ ~ REDESIGNATE FROM AGRICULTURAL TO RESIDENTIAL / LU ' ...J I- I/'l ~ ~ LU Z LI- o Z ~ o I- I... DELETE MAJOR URBAN AREA BOUNDARY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ~~)A~'t~;i;!.1~\:Jr~: ' . ?~/,~'~l.Jl";;i'.. t;~ ;;.~,;J / kt:~~~4\~ 'It:l~i.:.. EXHIBIT "A-I n L.EGENC : ~c:~og,~ SPE(;lAJ.. pURPOSE cow.EACI.l1. ~ OSHAWA HAR&oV" Date: 9\ 07 08 !-----j []I] IlH!llfj mm ~ cumw. BUSINESS DlSTIIICT l:~:~:~:~:~:~:::l RESIOElHIAL lID (~~:~\;~~~ft~I~\3'" ~ I\A~T ~ INSTlruTlONAL '~ INOVSTRIAL r;:::;-J OEfERREO IlY ~ REGIONAL COUNCIL ~:~:::::::~ ~ CJ OPEN SP~CE AHD RECRUTIOH ~IRPORT Amendment to Schedule" A n Land Use ~.I.'.I loIAlH CEHTIIAL ~RU IlO\JIlOAllY we-CENTRAL ~RU &oUND~RY CO....UHITY COlTRAL AJlL\ IlOUNOARY LOC~L CENTR~L ~RU ~ PUHNEO COUMEl1C1AL COITIU: Pv.HN€O COM"ERCW. STAll' ~GRICULTURAL ~ ~W}.~\I~~OREUTt ~ (I1U1:R 10 SECTION Z , I Z I ~ UTIUTlU ~I HIGIlYl~Y ~OT CO"RIOOR ~ CAlltnm.,., f'oOl n".IItHl c=:::J eOUNO~RY Dr "~JOR ~ URBAN AREA City of Oshawa Official Plan ~) 76 39 ATTACHMENT NO.2 , PART I: INTRODUCTION Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment to the City of Oshawa Official Plan Is to: (I) extend the Oshawa Major Urban Area boundary to Include the entire Taunton Planning Area; (ii) include the Taunton Planning Area within a new Part II Planning Area of the City; (iii) redesignate to Residential those lands within the new Taunton Planning Area which are suitable for residential development; and (iv) redesignate to Open Space and Recreation the creek valleys within the Taunton Planning Area. Location: The lands to which this Amendment applies comprise the entire Taunton Planning Area which is bounded by Conlin Road East on the north; Townline Road North on the east; Taunton Road East on the south; and Wilson Road North on the west. The subject lands comprise all of Lots 1 to 6 (inclusive), Concession 4, City of Oshawa. Basis: As part of the recent urban land needs study undertaken by the City, it has been concluded that the City has an insufficient supply of short-term residential land to satisfy future housing demand requirements. The analysis also indicated that in order to continue to fulfill the requirements of the Provincial Land Use Planning for Housing Policy Statement and one of the recommendations of the Oshawa Municipal Housing Statement, additional residential lands are required to be designated in Oshawa. It was further concluded that the redeslgnation of the Taunton Planning Area to primarily a Residential designation will enable the City to achieve its short-term residential land supply requirements. The choice of the Taunton Planning Area to satisfy the residential land needs of the City represents a logical extension of the Oshawa Major Urban Area boundary. The extension of this boundary in this location will encourage the maintenance of a compact urban form and will discourage the unnecessary urban sprawl In other areas beyond the City's Major Urban Area boundary. The redeslgnation of the Taunton Planning Area as proposed In this Amendment Is considered to be compatible with the surrounding urban land use designations in the Oshawa Official Plan and is consistent with the proposed Living Area land use designation for this area contained in the proposed Durham Regional Official Plan. In consideration of the foregoing, the City is of the opinion that the Oshawa Official Plan should be appropriately amended to redesignate the entire Taunton Planning Area to primarily a Residential land use designation. In addition, the creek valleys within the Taunton Planning Area should be redesignated to an Open Space and Recreation designation to encourage the preservation of these natural environmental features. Finally, the Taunton Planning Area should be established as a Part II Planning Area in order that detailed land use designations can be prepared to serve as a guide for development and redevelopment in this area of the City. These detailed land use designations would Include com mercial designations, to be determined upon the completion of a Commercial Study of Northeast Oshawa and the Taunton Part II Plan Study. I,t is anticipated that further amendment(s) to the Oshawa Official Plan may be required at that time to incorporate any commercial land use designations in the Taunton Planning Area. The Council of the City of Oshawa is satisfied that the Amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan is necessary for the proper and orderly development of the municipality. ( ~'''-.' =."f JII 40 Part II: ACTUAL AMENDMENT This amendment to the City of Oshawa Official Plan consists of the following text and the attached Exhibits "A-l", "A-2" and "B". The Oshawa Official Plan is hereby amended by: (I) amending Schedule 'A' Land Use in accordance with Exhibit "A-l" such that Schedule 'A' Land Use, as amended, will be as shown in Exhibit "A-2", attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment; (ii) amending Schedule 'E' Part II Planning Areas in accordance with Exhibit "B" attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment; (Iii) amending Section 8.2.2 by adding the words "and the Taunton Planning Area" after Pinecrest Planning Area such that Section 8.2.2, as amended, shall read as follows: "8.2.2 A Part II Plan shall be prepared for the Pinecrest Planning Area and the Taunton Planning Area in accordance with Section 2.3 and any other relevant provisions of this Plan." PART ill: IMPLEMENTATION The provIsIons set forth in the City of Oshawa Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. PART IV: INTERPRETATION The provIsIons set forth in the City of Oshawn Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. C7 rl ~J I 0 ;~~=.:~. I ~ i: II i\ Ii 3 ~ j' I I 1\ 1 11 1\ II II II I ..I II I II II II II II - . 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