HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-176-92 7'FI COOA°f[Ot~ O~ 1°hi TORN ~ t~~IAS1°~S DN: ORONO.GPA Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File ~ s d C~~te. Monday, July 20, 1992 Fier. ~~-° a ~ PD-176-92 OPA 90-59/N Sy-Lane Ftepc~rt Fife subject: MODIFICATION NO. 2 TO AMENDMENT NO. 45 TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN (ORONO SECONDARY PLAN) APPLICANT: ALECK MOFFAT PART LOT 27, CONCESSION 4, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARRE FILE: OPA 90-59/N ~~~r~rn~ntflc~r~~e It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-176-92 be received; 2. THAT Modification No. 2 to Amendment No. 45 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Orono Secondary Plan), as indicated on Attachment No. 2 to this Report, be approved; 3. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Region of Durham Planning Department and Mr. Aleck Moffat. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In March 1986, Mr. Aleck Moffat submitted Subdivision Application 18T-86017 which proposes to create 10 residential lots on a 3.96 ha (9.79 acre) parcel located in Part Lot 27, Concession 4, former Township of Clarke (see Attachment No. 1). The lots are proposed to be privately serviced. The subject site lies to the east of Highway 35/115 and has been severed from the applicant's lands by the new exit ramp connecting the highway to the Sommerville Drive extension. 1.2 In October 1986,the Town recommended draft approval of the subject subdivision application on the basis that it constitutes a minor addition to existing development in the hamlet of Orono. As well, the proposed subdivision would have little impact on the development potential of Orono inasmuch as it would not utilize capacity in the municipal water system. _ ....2 P~~~~°~ ~Ew~« iH AS IS PfiRliED PEGVGLED PAPEfl REPORT NO. PD-176-92 PAGE 2 1.3 Revised subdivision plans were submitted in April 1987 and again in March 1988. This latter revision essentially reflected the initial submission made in 1986. The Town recommended draft approval of this last revision in July 1988. 1.4 Rezoning Application DEV 86-55 also submitted by Mr. Moffat to rezone the subject site to 'Residential Hamlet' was approved in principle by Council on November 25, 1986. 1.5 The Orono Secondary Plan as originally approved by Council in June 1990 indicated the subject subdivision as being outside the boundaries of the hamlet. At that time, Council also requested. Durham Region to approve a Special Exception to the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the subdivision to proceed. Staff note that the Orono Secondary Plan was 're-approved' by Council on January 13, 1992, as Amendment No. 45 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. Amendment No. 45 has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 1.6 The Regional Commissioner of Planning has verbally advised Town staff that it is not appropriate to approve the proposed subdivision through an amendment to the Regional Official Plan, and that the application should be dealt with through an amendment to the Town's Official Plan and be incorporated as part of the Orono Secondary Plan as opposed to seeking special exception. 2. PROPOSED MODIFICATION 2.1 In view of the foregoing comments, it is recommended that Modification No. 2 to the Orono Secondary Plan be made, as indicated by Attachment No. 2, to expand the boundaries of the hamlet to include the lands subject of Subdivision Application 18T- 86017 and designates same as 'Residential Expansion'. A modification to the text of Section 9 of the Official Plan is also required to permit the lots to be developed on private water and sewer services. r ° REPORT NO. PD-176-92 PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence E. o seff DIrector of Planning Chief Admini~t~ative and Development Officer JAS*FW*cc *Attach 10 July 1992 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Aleck Moffat R.R. # 2 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 t-.- ..t ,~1 l PROPOSED MODIFICATION NO. 2 TO AMENDMENT NO. 45 TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN (ORONO SECONDARY PLAN) Amendment No. 45 to the Town of Newcastle. Official Plan, being the Orono Secondary Plan, is hereby modified as follows: 1. By modifying Item 4 of the Amendment to read as follows (changes indicated in bold type): "4. In Section 9.4, by renumbering Subsection "(x)" as Subsection "(xii)", and by inserting a new Subsection "(x)' and a new Subsection "(xi)" as follows: "x) Notwithstanding Section 9.4 (ii), new residential lots on private water supply and sewage disposal systems may be created on the lands designated 'Residential Expansion' on the west side of Regional Road 17 immediately south of Regional Road 4 in the Hamlet of Orono, subject to the approval of the Durham Region Health Services Department. "xi) Notwithstanding Section 9.4 ii), new residential lots on private water supply and sewage disposal systems may be created on the lands designated 'Residential Expansion' on the east side of Highway 35/115 south of Sommerville Drive, being the lands subject of Subdivision Application 18T-86017." 2. By modifying Schedule 9-8, being the Land Use Schedule for the Orono Secondary Plan, as indicated by Schedule 'A' to this Modification. F ~ • Attachment No:1 18T-86017 8 A • SOMERVILLE DRIVE `- / ~ ~---~ ~o. • 2. / _ ~ a a l C ~ P~ ~ / ~ / a°~ ~ ~ 3 ~ M ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~Q' ( / ~ !A ' 6 S `V I ~ / ~ ~'r ~ / ` ~ a I.OT 27 , CONCE S•S'~ON 4 --I--~- ---~ -- -- - - -- -_ _- , _- .._- -- -- SUBJECT LANDS ;1_..4~;' 2 i • 'h~KKtl a : ; I V ~ 1 _ k MI ~4 J`~ n c ~ RC i ' H~~ ~ R l r__ - _ ~Jyy1 ~ f . -y~ Sou(~v~ll.[ 1 dtl _.-•~ EP ~ .gyp ' _ i :P 'I A~~ - AI - if ~ ~ i s z ~ @ o • 21• N~~:e ~ G v1 I ~ w ~ r~ ~ ~ ; _ • LAT 28 LOT 2T • M M X00 q0~ KEY MAP `-~ - ~.m~ Attachment No: 2 SCHEDULE "A" TO THE MODIFICATION No. 2 TO AMENDMENT No. 45 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 ~ V , i ~ 1 ~ ~ lol " M ~ i~,, ! o Ia -,:ice - (Z I°al L~ h r', ~ } ~r/ = II :y- ~ : i/: _ I ~I , euC ar. I I -~ _ t :- I. . %:%~~'1%!~ ~ ~ ~ Existing Residential .,~I. ` ~ -, . ~ ' ~'::~r~ Residential Infilling ~ EXPAND I HAMLET Residential Expansion BOUNDARY Community Focility i I ' 'f'O'Y I' J4~~ ~ ~ ~ ' l1ll~1W Community Park I- I ~T II ~ G n I ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ r o ' ~ Elementary School _ SOMMERVIIIE DRIVE _ r ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Senior Elementary School ~E, 3vr , ccw 1_~ ~~''~~x;:4~v~w;;°~ Commercial ~,~~~;~W. 1=.' ~ Industrial 'I .ice%~~~~ I ....i " Utility DESIGNATE AS '~-'y'' ~~RESIDENTIAL r Area sub)ect to ' ' ,~1' ~~TI=%1~ Development Restrictions ' EXPANSION ! I ~ ~ Possible Access Points ,,,I :1, .~.1. / ~ ~._Limit of ~ Z Hamlet Secondary Plan r / O_ f ~ TER RD % V.I ORONO SECONDARY PLAN ~ ~ ~ SCHEDULE 9-S tWIN RDI/ ~ Q I U TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN i-- = LOT 28 LOT 27 ~ 2°°" 3°°m 100m_. I r (-