HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-182-92 9 f9G @es6'd 6'6.l~~~~LfI~4~~ 9AB $O~~d 0~909~1~~6Y ~S711~. F~ DN: 18T87092.GPA L , P U B L I C M E E T I N G ~,r p V Meeting. General Purpose and Administration Committee ~ =~7I'~ < €~~~°~-, `~,`~~C~ Monday, September 8, 1992 ~~~v ~ PD-182-92 18T-87092 (X-REF: DEV 88-116) ~®La~ru# Report Fiie Subject; PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION & REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: WAYNE JEFFERY PART LOT 29, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: 18T-87092 (X-REF: DEV 88-116) ~orrtrtt~~tCi~tirt: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-182-92 be received; 2. THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment and proposed Plan of Subdivision submitted by G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. on behalf of Wayne Jeffery proposing 298 units be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report; and 3. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Wayne Jeffery 1.2 Agent: G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd 1.3 Proposed Plan of Subdivision: proposing to develop 57, 12.0 m frontage single family dwelling lots, 57, 15.0 m frontage single family dwelling lots, 49, 18.0 m frontage semi-detached/link lots (98 units) and 25, 6.0 m frontage on-street townhouse units and a block having a possible 61 townhouse units. Total 298 units. 1.4 Rezoning Application: from "Holding Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" to an appropriate zone to permit the above-noted proposed plan of subdivision 1.5 Land Area: 18.885 ha (46.66 acres) .....2 ~ ..1 ~ 40 it{~$ IS PfillliED EGYCI ED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 2 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 29, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington. The lands are described as being generally south of Highway No. 2, east of Trulls Road, north of Bloor Street and west of Courtice Road. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The proposed draft plan of subdivision application was originally received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department in January of 1988. The application for zoning by-law amendment was not filed until October of the same year. The applications have since undergone a number of revisions and have been circulated and processed concurrently. A number of people submitted letters expressing interest and concern with the proposal at the time of the original Public Meeting. As a result, Council requested Planning Staff meet with the residents and the applicant. Meetings with the residents were held on two separate occasions, one on May 31, 1989, and the second April 5, 1990. In support of the proposal, the proponent submitted an environmental noise impact statement to address the projected noise environment for the development and to investigate potential noise control features for specific lots. The study suggests Courtice Road will be the only noise source of consequence for the development, and that the noise levels projected from Courtice Road can be mitigated to satisfy Ministry of the Environment standards for all outside amenity areas. .....3 ~ JU~~ REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 3, 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The subject site. is a well vegetated vacant parcel of land. 4.2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: primarily vacant and agricultural land with limited scattered residential fronting on Courtice Road. East: limited residential fronting on Courtice Road and agricultural lands east of Courtice Road. North: residential fronting on Highway No. 2 and Roy Nichols automobile dealership. West: vacant lands subject to applications for residential development. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the original application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance. The required public meeting for the rezoning application was held February 20, 1989. All land owners and tenants within 120 metres of the subject site were recently notified of the September 8, 1992 Public Meeting. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Within the existing Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated "Residential" within the Courtice Urban Area. The residential policies allow for a variety of housing style and type. The application would appear to conform. .....4 .J L _.7 REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 4 6.2 Within the June 1991, Durham Regional Council approved Official Plan the subject lands are designated as "living Area" within the "Courtice Urban Area". The policies for the living area designation are similar to the previously mentioned residential policies. The application would appear to conform. 6.3 Within the Courtice Urban Area section of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is located within neighbourhood "2C" and designated "Residential". The predominant use of lands within said designation shall be for housing purposes. The application is comprised of blocks for school and park purposes and proposes a total of 298 residential units with a gross residential density of 15.77 units per hectare. The 298 units will generate approximately 865 persons. This proposed population may b.e accommodated within the 2500 person population target. 6.4 Within the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan the subject lands are designated "Residential". A neighbourhood park and elementary school site are also designated in the vicinity of the application and portions of which are provided for by this application. 7 ZONING 7.1 The current zoning on the subject property is "Holding- Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)". Subject to the removal of the holding (H) symbol, said zone would permit the development of both singles and semi-detached/link units on 15.0 and 18.0 metre lots respectively. In addition to the above type of units, the applicant is proposing to develop on-street and block townhouses, as well as 12.0 m singles. .....5 REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 5 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. The Fire Department, Separate School Board and Ontario Hydro advised they had no objection to the rezoning and subdivision applications as proposed. 8.2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department reviewed the subject application and offered no objection in principle to the proposal subject to conditions. Conditions~of approval include the applicant assuming all costs for provision, installation and location of Community Mailboxes. That temporary turning circles be provided and adjacent lots be withheld from building permits until such time the roads are extended. That all works be undertaken in accordance with the Draft Robinson Creek Master Drainage Study, dated January 1991 and the Draft Black Creek Master Drainage Study, dated May 1991. That a Stormwater Management Implementation Report which provides for the sequential construction of the Stormwater management works necessary for the watershed be submitted. The ,applicant will be required to enter into a development agreement with the Town. That a permanent secondary access be provided and that a Front Ending Agreement be entered, into with the Town. 8.3 Community Services Department Staff advised they have no objection to the application subject to conditions. Should this application proceed to registration prior to other applications in the neighbourhood (18T-90010, 18T-90022 or 18T-88060), the applicant is required, at the time of registration to secure and dedicate the entire neighbourhood park to the Town of Newcastle. As well prior to the Town issuing beyond the 50% of the building permits for this .....6 ,1~ REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 6 subdivision, street frontage and services to the park block shall be in place and the Town must have acknowledged that the funds are available for park development. 8.4 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have advised that they now do not object to the approval of the proposed plan of subdivision, subject to conditions of draft approval. Prior to final approval the owner shall obtain Authority approval for site grading plans detailing 100 year overland flow routing, erosion control plans providing on site containment of sediment and a detailed hydrogeologic report which assesses the servicing scheme for the plan. The owner shall contribute towards remedial erosion control works on the Black Creek. 8.5 The Newcastle Northumberland Public School Board has advised that although they will not be in a position to acquire the school site for a number of years they are very interested in the site and request the owner to enter an option-to- purchase agreement prior to registration. 8.6 The Region of Durham Works Department review of the application noted full municipal services are available to the site. Regional Staff concur with the road widenings and reserves shown on the submission, however have requested a traffic study to determine the road improvements required on Courtice Road. 8.7 Ministry of the Environment Staff advised they have identified that various materials have been deposited on the site. Due to the uncertainty of the type of materials deposited the Ministry requires prior to draft approval, .....7 f~(.~ ~~r REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 7 that the type and extent of the materials placed on site be confirmed. As well they noted that noise warning clauses on lots adjacent Courtice Road may be necessary. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The rezoning application now proposes to rezone the subject lands to permit the development of 114 single family dwelling lots, 49 semi-detached/link lots (98 units) and 86 townhouse units for a total of 298 unit plan of subdivision on approximately 18.8 ha of land. The original subdivision application, submitted in December 1987, proposed to develop a total of 256 units. The previous Public Meeting for the subject application was held February 20, 1989. At that time the application was revised to propose a total of 323 units. In response to concerns from neighbouring residents Planning Staff scheduled an Information/Residents Meeting on May 31, 1989 and a second one on April 5, 1990. 9.2 At the time of the second Information/Residents Meeting the proposal had been revised and reduced to a total of 291 units. The main concerns expressed by the area residents was the impact this development would have on their wells and the conformity and appropriateness of the medium density block. Residents wanted assurance that should their wells be affected by the development of this land, they would have water provided to them immediately. 9.3 Should the proposed plan of subdivision and rezoning application ultimately be approved, a condition of approval would be imposed requiring well monitoring be undertaken prior to development and the owner acknowledging responsibility for providing potable water to any affected party. .....8 r~. REPORT NO.: PD-182-92 PAGE 8 9.4 The Town's official plan policies state that medium density proposals shall not exceed 40 units per net hectare and shall generally be located on the periphery of the residential neighbourhood with direct access to collector or arterial roads. The medium density component of this application appears to be in conformity with the policies. 10 CONCLUSION 10.1 In consideration of the time frame since the previous Public Meeting and the modifications to the proposal, staff considered another Public Meeting would be necessary at this time. Comments received from this meeting will be reviewed by Staff and a subsequent report will be forwarded to Committee at such time Staff will be in a position to make a final recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence E. IZlotse~f~f DIrector of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer ~ CP*FW*CC *Attach 28 August 1992 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: G.M. Sernas and Associates 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 8Y7 Jeffery Homes c / o Wayne Jeffery 58 Rossland Road West OSHAWA, Ontario L1G 2V5 ~ ~ rJ C5 SUBJECT SITE LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 R ! i~ `i 1 I NASH ROAD ,1 - ----- ~ I ~ - R, Rl R4 i = EP ~ ~''- ~ I ~i R~_ (H)R4 I ~ y~c ~ ~ N ywgY N 2 ~.- EP ~ ~-5 R' ~ (H)c~~ ~~5 ~ (HER ~ Z ~ ~ o / - ~ ~ ~ Rl i Rt ~ ~ _ o ~ I~ EP ~-o Z ~ ~o ~ U~ R-2 (ao w _ i~ ! CH R ~ .J ~- 0 ~ ~c' ~ _ o so ao 'Zoo 300 sow . ~ 1 1. ev. 88-116 _ t~~ FJ w_~ R ~ ~ x\1.1 s-`NE f`~L7J~~\ \ _ ~ V J ~ I i ' ~ I - ------_ P 1'1 ee -, ' z i ~ -~ 1 o Jr-o ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ _ -~ ~r III ' i ~ I I'I IJ~ 1'-I-y,-1~.1 ~ ~~ri2'• 21I z~ -I I ry p ---~I I ~ I I I I~ I. 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