HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-202-92 l"Fi COPOTtON OF °fFl °~OtV t~~`WGAS`T~~ DN: VANSTONE.GPA ~ mt~ P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee file ! ' ' ~ C~~ Fees. ~ ~ ~d1~.,~ Date: Monday, September 21, 1992 D~-Levu Report pn-202 -92 :O.L'A 90-25~/D/N & DEV 90-044 iubject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: VANSTONE MILL INC. PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILES: OPA 90-25/D/N and DEV 90-044 ~ndstlrespectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-202 -92 be received; 2. THAT the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application submitted by Vanstone Mill Inc. be referred back to staff for preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding agency comments with respect to this proposal; and 3. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS: 1.1 Proposed Uses: Commercial: Approximately 1850 sq.m. (20,000 sq.ft) of existing commercial (the Mill Stable and Miller's House) and 1226 sq.m. (13,200 sq.ft) of commercial and office space fronting onto Scugog Street Residential: 4 storey, 52 unit residential apartment building for senior citizen:, located on the west side of Bowmanville Creek i) 39 one bedroom ii) 13 two bedroom 1.2 Official Plan Amendment: From: Main Central Area (Commercial and Low Density Residential) and Major Open Space with an indication of Hazard Lands and Environmentally Sensitive To: Designation to permit proposed uses ...2 ~r 11VI515 PHitPED ,1EGYClfD VhPEII REPORT NO.: PD- 202-92 PAGE 2 1.3 Zoning By-law Amendment: From: "Environmental Protection (EP)", "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" and "General Commercial (C1)" To: an appropriate zoning to permit the proposed uses 1.4 Area: The applicant owns 6.8 hectares (17 acres) of which 2.34 ha (5.80 acres) are subject to the amendments 2. LOCATION: 2.1 The subject site is located in Part Lot 13, Concession 1 of the former Town of Bowmanville. The subject site is located on the north side of King Street west of 5cugog Street. 3. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: 3.1 Existing Uses: Commercial/Vacant Open Space 3.2 Surrounding Uses: East - Residential/Commercial West - CP Railway South - Commercial (Tim's Rent All Ltd.) and Highway No. 2 North CP Railway 4. BACKGROUND: 4.1 On March 30, 1990, the Town of Newcastle received notice from the Region of Durham of an application submitted by the Vanstone Mill Inc. to amend the Town of Newcastle and Region of Durham Official Plans. Subsequently, on April 17, 1990, the Town received a related rezoning application. 4.2 The initial applications had proposed a 44 unit apartment building and was subsequently reduced to 39 units. ...3 REPORT NO.: PD-202-92, PAGE 3 4.3 There were two (2) components to the previous application; the proposed commercial development east of the Creek and the 39 unit apartment west of the creek. On June 17, 1991 Staff forwarded Staff Report PD-130-91 recommending approval of the residential component only. Committee made a motion to amend Staff's recommendation to add "and the applicant be requested to provide an on-site playground area for the use of the residents". The resolution, as amended, was then put to a vote and the motion lost. As such, there is no decision on the residential portion of the application. 4.4 The applicant has now revised his application, specifically, the residential component of the application is changed from 39 apartment units to 52 senior citizen apartment units. The revised apartment proposal differs slightly from the previous proposal the following table indicates the changes. Previous Proposal Revised Proposal 39 Unit Apartment 52 Unit Senior Citizens Apartment # of Storeys 4 storey 4 at the front parking in rear 5 at the rear (underneath building) # of Bedroom 8 one bedroom 39 one bedroom 19 two bedroom 13 two bedroom 12 three bedroom Parking not indicated 29 spaces 50 spaces required (26 spaces required) Lot Coverage 1170 sq.m. 995.52 sq.m. (building envelope) ...4 ~`f REPORT NO.: PD-2p2-92 PAGE 4 4.5 The purpose of this report is to deal with only the revised proposal for the apartments site under the Public Meeting requirements of the Planning Act. Recommendations regarding the commercial components of this application will be brought forth to Committee at a later date. 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES: 5.1 The applicant has proposed to develop a four (4) storey, 52 unit apartment building for seniors on a 0.56 hectare property west of the Bowmanville Creek. To achieve this, the applicant must: 1) amend the current Regional Official Plan to extend the urban boundary and to designate the land "Residential"; and 2) amend the. Newcastle Official Plan to designate the . land "Residential" with a high density symbol as well as increasing the population allocation. 5.2 In February, 1991, Regional. Council approved Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan to permit the extension of the Bowmanville Main Central Area westerly, to Green Road including the subject property. The said Amendment designates the subject property as part of a Special Study Area. The Minister is currently considering a request to refer the Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board. 5.3 Concurrent with the consideration of the Amendment #40 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, Regional Council adopted Amendment #255 to the Durham Region Official Plan. The subject lands are designated "Main Central Area" with an indication of hazard lands associated with the Bowmanville ...5 / REPORT NO.: PD-202-92 PAGE 5 Creek. Amendment #255 is also the subject of a referral request. The applicant's proposal conforms to the designations included in Amendment #255. 5.4 The Council-adopted Durham Region Official Plan (1991) designates the Bowmanville Main Central Area by a symbol. The boundaries of the Main Central Area are to be defined in the Newcastle Official Plan. 6. ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS: 6.1 The site is presently zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)", the applicant has requested that the property be rezoned to permit the proposed residential uses. 7. PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS: 7.1 The appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to .each land owner and tenant within the prescribed 120 metre distance. 7.2 No public submissions have been received as of the date of writing this report. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS: 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedures the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The application is similar in nature to the previous submission for apartments and agency response may be similar as well. Nevertheless the revised application has been circulated to the following agencies/departments although there has been no response to date. • Newcastle Community Services Department • Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority • CP Rail • Bowmanville B.I.A. • Regional Planning Department ...6 REPORT NO.: PD- 202-92 PAGE 6 • Regional Works Department • Ministry of Natural Resources 8.2 "The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department has notified the Planning Department that more time is required to review the revised proposal. 9. COMMENTS: 9.1 The applicant is undertaking the redevelopment of the Vanstone Mill as well as the lands to the west of the Bowmanville Creek. A number of constraints have been identified with the site, and in order to accommodate the proposed uses, supporting technical documentation had been submitted in respect to the previous submission for the apartment proposal. 9.2 Floodplain: As noted in the previous Staff Report PD-130-91, the applicant has requested that the floodplain limits of the Bowmanville Creek be re-defined. At the time of the mapping of the floodplain a dam next to the Mill building was in place creating a pond. In September, 1986, the dam was washed away during a heavy rain storm. The applicant indicates that as a result the Bowmanville Creek flows straight through at a much lower elevation, therefore, a greater portion of the subject lands may be considered tablelands rather than floodplain. The applicant had retained the engineering services of Cosburn Patterson Wardman to recalculate the floodplain limit as shown on Attachment No. 2. The recalculated floodplain limits would require the removal of the portion of the dam abutment on the west side of the Creek. The work ...7 } REPORT NO.: PD- 2p2-92 PAGE 7 involves removing a considerable amount of material from the vicinity of the washed out dam and relocating it on the west side of the creek where the apartments are proposed and on the east side of the creek, near the Mill. The project also involves the construction of gabion and rip-rap protection at various locations along the creek. This is intended to prevent erosion of the creek banks. The Conservation Authority had advised the Town in the previous proposal that this work would reduce levels approximately 3 feet which will further remove floodplain restrictions from the lands. At that time, the Conservation Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources were satisfied with the applicant's consultant findings and have accepted the reduction. in the floodplain, provided the works are completed, to the satisfaction of both agencies. 9.3 Noise: A Preliminary Noise Impact Study prepared by G.M. Sernas and Associates was submitted examining the Noise Traffic levels of the C.P. Railway and Highway No. 2. Study recognizes that a barrier fence/perm is impossible to achieve given that the C.P. Railway Trestle is located 15 metres above the proposed apartment location. The Report indicates that approximately six freight trains travel along C.P. Rail in that vicinity during the daytime and approximately six freight trains during the night time. The average length of trains has eighty cars and three locomotives. The ultimate ...8 J REPORT NO.: PD-2p2-92 PAGE 8 average daily traffic along Highway No. 2 would be 17,000 cars/trucks. The report suggests a number of measures can be made to mitigate noise generated from rail and vehicular traffic. i) 2 metre high barrier located on the far south-east side of the building if outdoor amenity area is to be created and the appropriate clauses should appear in the purchase and sale/lease agreements; ii) consideration should be given to communal indoor amenity area; iii) due to high noise levels predicted at the building facade, the use of unenclosed balconies as outdoor living areas is not recommended. 9.4 Traffic: A Traffic Report written by Marshall Macklin Monoghan was submitted at the request of the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department for the previous application to examine traffic egress and ingress into both the residential and commercial components. As mentioned earlier there are still outstanding issues that surround access into the Mill area. Public Works is satisfied with the access into the residential component, provided the GO Transit kiosk is relocated so as not to obstruct visual site lines when existing the subject site. It should be noted however, that the entrance into the newly proposed apartments has shifted to the east. Public Works Department will have to re- evaluate this change in the context of the Traffic Report. 10. CONCLUSION: Due to the proposed change to the residential component of this. application, a second public meeting is required. ...9 J REPORT NO.: PD- 202-92 PAGE 9 The report is intended to provide Committee and Council with the background on the applications and for Staff to indicate issues or areas of concern. Pending receipt of all outstanding comments, staff will be reporting back in due course. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee --~ ~ ~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence E. Kot~s~ff Director of Planning Chief Administl¢~ tive and Development Officer CS*FW*jip *Attach 9 September 1992 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Gerard Gervais Vanstone Mill Inc. Suite 501 100 Allstate Parkway Ms. Evylin Stroud Markham, Ontario 89 Little Avenue L3R 6H3 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1J9 Mr. Ray Brooks R.R. #2 Mr. Tim Coffey Oshawa, Ontario Tim's Rent-All Ltd. L1H 7K6 102 King Street West Bowmanville, Ontario Mr. and Mrs Paul Edwards L1C 3R2 28 Carruthers Drive Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3S2 ~:5 P. ~ ~ i I~'~ i - SUBJECT SITE OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 1_ I l_l)VERM C FREDERICK AVE N f ~ ~ R1 Z Z i RE-5 , EDSALL ST - SfC.ONI _ p o - ~ - o C2 ~ P REHOER AVE. u O I F" ~ U ~ o.FIRST W- C91-_ V ~ TURROCX M/E. o W Q ~-~ OOELL _ ST, r O C1 '8 ~ V Z ~ .JH\ Rt-3 STEVENS ROAD 1 ' - ~ I EP RE (H~Mi _ ~F ~ ~HIGHWHAY ,N~? Z .P ~ ti R,~? R'~? 1 •ZO ~ `0`E~N /Nv`` p ~ ~ W ~ (H R 1 ~ ~ . ~ v i ~ ~ ~ sTRNCE ~ ' y . ~ - ~ 1 o l R1 ~ cH~R4 _ ~ EP KEY MAP 5° m 2°° 300 m Dev. 0- 9 044 o.~.. A 90 . 2 ~/D/N ~-. z z ~ ° °o a_ ° ° J ~ F- O ~- Z W J O } Z O ZO W ~ Q J_ V' W O O O ~ ~ ~ lW O ~ Z ~ ~ O m Z F- Of O W ~ ~ O W F- a cn w w a~..°.° << ~ ~ ~ ° ---'.- "'^---^~._ SCUGOG m.._~.a N es~ ' --- -. STREET .o.~_ • ,,.- - w • 7 ~ '10µ $ ~ c ~ xpy'ao'~ h f. \ . T. . ~ ~ ~ / - ss. a~ r X1.1' ~ t,~~ a I . ~ i l t D ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ft N . ~ I.. , - r ~ , , i~l..,il:::i.l,l:. t` ~ i ~:::i•:::. ..llkli a i ~ iii: . i \ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (Iii ~iI \ ~'ii.°ii'i ~ ~:~~h f iii ~ ` J ix'!• a°Q it S / _ s / / .ww-_ \ / ' ; ~ . iiS lilii~~iii:il' ~ ~ /P . ~ r a, ~p r 'i i a do ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ \ I ilk' i ~ 9,~ ~ I ~ C i i a,~ t~; ~ ~