HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-84-87~~Pe; .~+Y yx.11UU .y,~ .~~~~~~~~`1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # 5 ~.F Res. # ~ '-~ By-Law # I`~ETI~: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, March 16, 1987 T #: PD-84-87 FILE #: CT: MINISTERIAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-84-87 be received; and 2. THAT Staff's comments on the proposed Ministerial modifications to the Town of * Newcastle Official Plan, attached to this Report as Attachment No. 2, be endorsed; and 3. THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-84-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Region of Durham. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: By letter dated February 3, 1987, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs advised the Region of Durham that it had completed its circulation and review of the Offici al Plan Amendments implementing the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The Ministry's letter, attached hereto as Attachment No. 1, outlined a number of proposed modifications to the Official Plan and requested the Region's comments on same. By copy of the letter to the Town of Newcastle, the Ministry also requested the Town's comments on the proposed rnodificatio ns. * ...2 ^i REPORT NO.: PU-84-87 Page 2 '~ Staff have reviewed the modifications as proposed by the Ministry and note that their primary effect is to clarify the wording of certain sections of the Official Plan. With the exception of Modifications No. 2 and No. 14 which delete all references to a land use schedule as part of the Official Plan in favour of Schedule A5 of the Regional Official Plan, the proposed modifications do not challenge the basic structure and intent of the Official Plan as approved by Town Council. The Ministry has also proposed that Section 9 of the Official Plan relating to Hamlets be deferred to facilitate further discussion regarding Hamlet Development Plans. Staff's comments on the proposed Ministerial modifications were forwarded * to the Ministry by letter dated March 4, 1987 (see Attachment No. 2). A copy of the letter was also sent to the Region of Durham for their review. In the letter, Staff did not indicate any major objections to the proposed modifications and the one deferral. However, with respect to Modifications No. 2 and No. 14, we did indicate that, although the inclusion of a land use schedule as part of the approved Official Plan remains our preference, Staff would have no objection to such a schedule not being included at this time in order to expedite the approval of the Town's Official Plan. Staff's letter specifies that the comments as outlined by the letter only represent Staff's comments on the proposed modifications and that Staff would be seeking Council's endorsement of same. It is therefore respectfully recommended that Council endorse Staff's comments to the rviinistry and that a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Region of Durham. Respectfully submitted, . war s, .C. . Director of Planning Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence otsett Chi of A ' ~ i trati ve Uf ficer JAS*TTE*jip *Attach. March 6, 1987 CC: Dr. M. Mici~ael Planning Commissioner Regional Planning Department 105 Consumers Drive WHITBY, Ontario L1N 6A3 Fek,ru.,ry 3, 19E;7 Dr. M. Mir_haei Commissioner of Planning Regional Municirality of Durham ] 05 ConsurnFar':, Drive W}71tt]y, Ontario LiN 6A3 Dear. Dr_ Mir_hael: ~~ Fie ~ a ~sr P o~NN ~ ~~w~asnF Subje:r..t.: I~mendment No. 22 t.o the DarlinuLor~ Official Plan (new Official Flan for the Tnwn of Newca~.tl e: ) File No.. 18 OP Oggn 02:? Amendment No. ~ to the Sawr,;arlville Official Plan File no_: 1.8 OP 018 003 Rmc~ndmrnt No. 2 to the Newcastle Village Official Plan File no: 18 OP 01.9 00? 4I t, have now co:l;pleted the: r_irculation ana revi~=:w of t.e::e ame.nclrnent.c. Amenclmento 2~+rtd 3 to the Ofii._~<al Plans of Newcastle tint ;3c,wn~;nnv ille, resl~e~:.~~ivEl`1', are ::CCeptahle %!:; ~'Li~3ih].t.'t.Et= WI-:i1° Anler_d:~lent ?2 is generally acceptulal.c, we hLve sours: corn+,;ents whit}~ follow. n.7 ~7;il.y !~ r 19CJ,U, t=}7e ariendrtier.t rECei.vE:d a Pa=: tai a I~r'CV21 Sub,jC~t t0 c`1 muC:i~"iCatlOl7, ~2:: ice. affect:." C'E1-twirl 1~:I7G~ In t}l E: SUL'th hii~r CF LOt .~'~~, CUr:Ce~'siOn ii , .a; r~~c~uected by the Regiol: thrat.g%1 r.;c~di.fication i. anti 2. Cor.~equentl.y, our canments I~ertain only to the rerrtainder of t}-lc dccument which wc... ;:E;rG':.. rPG~ f or ~:~~ ,-hE?C GOS..~1CUr3t~...I"i. We have also recently received proposed Modification ~~; to Amen.c3ment Nc,. •22. from "thr Region, which ~ would add' a" new Subsection ~2.:3, Comrr;unity lmprovement F'olicie;. T,ie:ae ~,c,licies hr:,ve been C:1rCL:lHted to the Cortimur,iLy Renewal F'.ranch for their review. Approv~.l. of this new sc::cti on may havF: to he deS'er•red :should we L,e iti a position t.o maH;e ~, recommendation on the rc:ruainder: of Amendment No. 22 bc:for.e comp]E~ting our circulation and review of tt,e Cc,rnmunity In,provernent Polici.e~. Amendment No. 22 wau circulated to a numbF~~r of agencies for commE:rrt. The fol.lowirrg have no objections: - Durham Regional Health Ur:it ~' - Central La}:e Ontario Conservation Authority - G4inar.a::kU Region Conservation Authority - Ministry of Tran>portatiori and Con;munications - Ministry of. Agr:icult.ur.-e and Food - Communi~y Planning Advisory Branch, MMA - Office of Local ??.:ginning Poli.tsy, NiriA - the Ministry of the Environment has indicated that the amendment does not identify ail known waste di~po~al areas within the Town. - the hinistry c>f t~~-,aural RPSOUrces ?,as noted i~.ti:-,t the followinc! rr=ineral aggregate resource e::traci:ian areas as s;,own on Nap A have h~,d ttreir. i. i.c•ences cancelled and ;,ave kieen re},a'.:•i] ita'~cd: a) i\o. 51 : Darlington Township, ?art of i.ots 1.3 anc: 14, Conce~:.,ion ~; ~;) No. ~7: Durlinctc,n Townsini;_~, Fart of Lot ?_2, Conce~~ion ?; and Cl,~rke mownsh'.p, Part of Lots 27 and 2E, Cc:icess i or: 7. . / J ~As 'Map~'A• does• rir,t .form :part of t}re Ameodment,' no modificatioris are propo~.;•ed in either of the above cases. However, the Region might cnn~~ider an' amendment to the Regional Official Fian to reflect MOE and MNR'r comments in the near future, perhar-~~ in conjunction witri the review. The MNR al::o i,ad additional concerns. These are dealt with under Modifications 2, 4 and 12. _ A copy of MNR and MOE'e~ comments are attached fnr • your information. bur comments nn Amendment Nn. 22 arc as follows: :~. ~~ Modification 1: Ta correctly reflect the name of this ministry, we rzugctc~::t the fifth line of Sectinn 1.1.2 on page 3 be modified by deleting the words "and I-Inusinq." Modification 2: Any references in this docuri,ent to a rr,ap or. :schedule must tie made to one w1',ick, :i~• approved ;or one which is to be approved) by the Minister. Since the land u~~F sr.hedule for the.Town oi' Newcastle Official Flan is to kie Map A5 of the Re~ior.al Offici.:,l F].an, it is Map A5 1_.hat should lie referred to throughout the Amendment No. 22_ ConEquently, to en~;ure that there i~ no confu~icn, Section 1.1.4 should be revised to clarify which ~chedule s•1~rould be referred +~o. We! c;uggest th::t both ~aragraph~ of Section 1.1.4 be replaced with the fc;llowina: .. /4 :~~, "~1.;..9 Map A i.ndicat.er; for information purpo~:c:+~~ only, the designations for the Town of Nc~wcast.le as provided in the approved . Durham Regional Official Plan. For accurate reference, the approved Regional Plan and schedules should be consultEd for the land use de~ignatian~ and provisions relevant to the particular designations." Modi.fi c~tian 3: ' For clarification purposes to indicate the relationship of the "h" symbol. with the zoning by- law as opposed to official plan designations, we rer.ommend that item ~, regarding Section 2.1.2, be 7llOdifled as fO11GWF: The fifth line of Section 2.1.2 on pwge ~i bc' revised by deleting the word:: "use designation" and replacing t:zem with the words "specific zoning category". Modification 4: As~ requested by the Ministry of Natural Resources, S,=r.tion 2.1.2 (b) on page 5 should be revised by adding the MNR a~ an agency having input over removal. of the "h" from lands to be protected from any physical ha_ard or condition such a~ ~~lor~e s•i..abi.lity or. f7.coding so that. ache. section would read as follows. "b) that the owner has satisfied the requirerilents of t.h~ '!'own, the Ministry of Ivatural Re~ource~, or ~~ ;7v Conservation Authority having jurisdiction ... Modification 5: Since i.t is the intent of the ~lar.nir.g Act that an ~rfi..ia1 plan s?-,ow or de.rr_:. _.be :s pre:posed .;ite p? un .~ control ar~,a which may be designated i:: whole or in ^` I. '±'. ~?y by-:.~W, +._. }-!°. fir~'~._. pc;rcl `_{r.1 f'}3 C ~eCt.l Ui, 2.2.1 ~hau3.d be revi~:ed L-y deleting a portion of a.: l 1 E' :~ .. ~ i~ t : cl J'1 :~ _...,..: +:... ~.. n t~::. .~ :~ t :-. C }.: ; ~ 1 F~ C) c. C ~i. ~ ~ ; ~ i' 1. , . ~ 5 _ 5 -.~ .. "ln accordance wi t.h~. Sects on 40 of the P..anninc~ nct., 1983, all lands within the Town of Newcastle are hereby designated as a pr.opo:;c:d site plan contrc:;l area, Except for the following specific Er~ceptions : " Modification 6i The Ministry of Natural Re~our•cES hac requested that an additional exception };c added to Section 2.2.1 for pits and quarries, mince the actual excavation of aggregate material is not conyidEred to be "development" as defined under Suction ~0 of the Planning Act. Consequently, wE suggest the following new sub.;F~~ction be added to Section 2.?..1: "h) any r.x1.r•acti.onc,Ct]Vlties wit}7in a pit or quarry in areas de~ignatcd ur.dor the Pity and ~?uarrie.; T.ct, ].980." MUdifiCat).on 7: Section 40(S) of the Planning Act specifically e cludEn "the colour, tes:ture and ty~>E of materials, window detail, construction details, architectural detail and interior design" fr.or,~ i.te plan control. WE cannot approve official Ulan provisions i.ndicati.ng architECtur.al contro.i. as ;gin intended objECtive of site plan control. ConsE,uently, subsection c) of SECticn 2.2.2 should be revised to remove the word "architectural," leaving rei:ErencE only to the "design" of the built farm. Modification 8: For reasons av discussed above under rr,odification 5, i.he first oac'acrap}i o`' Section 2.2.3 s~.ould bc_~ revised by replacing the word:- 'de:_;ign.i:.ed area" in :_}:~~ <,r.cond i..ne w.i.h ":~rop~,s_:ii :. .. `e pJ an contro?. ~~ .. ar.Ea. .. /6 It i~ not clear why "residential buildings containing less than three {?) dwelling units" Nava been excepted in Section 2.2.3(b) since Section ~.?..](f) excepted all "residential buildings containing less than three (3) dwelling units unless located within an Entrir.onmental Protection Zone as defined by a zoning by-law," as well as variaus other. types of development. Consequently, it is-suggestod that Section 2.2.3 (b) be revised by deleting that reference so that the section would read as follows: "b) Drawings shaving plan, elevation and cro::s- section views for each building to be erected, uff: icient to it lustrat.e : " Mcidif icatioti 1Q: ItF:m 8, whicYi amends Section 3, Subsection 2, should be clarified, since the explanation of the changes to be made to the }policy doe,; not coincide wi.~t1_i the difference between the policy as approved liy Amendment. tic:. 16 and the policy as proposEid b}> tthi~, amendment. Wr_: suggest that Iteri~ S be revised b}> replacing it with the fol lawi nc; "8. by further amending Section 3 Subsection 2, by replacing Sectian ~(1)(e), as renumbered, with trio following: „~) ndul± ?~ahi ~ e Home par•!; Natwithstanding the above, an adult mobile home park will be permitted on Part of Lots i, 2 artd ~, L'.roken Front Concession, former Township of Dar.linc;tor., and Lots 33, 34 and 35, Broken Front Concession, forr!mer Township of Clarke, as identified ~.~ "R EO" or. Nab-, 1;5 to th~~~ Off ici~:l Plan for the regional Mur.i~ipaiity ~f L1llrslan'~. ' . ~ 7 ,. .. 7 N,odification 11: a) As the Planning Act does not provide for the municipality to require dedications for road improvements for roads other than those under municipal jurisdiction, Section 3.2.2 should be revised by deleting the words "public road"-and replacing them with "road under the jurisdiction of the Town or the Region of Durham" in the first line of Section 3.2.2. b) Since road widenings can not be taken beyond what is described in an official plan, the seventh line of -Section 3.2.2 should be revised by adding "up to the maximums described on a schedule to this Plan, as discussed in Section 3.2.1, or as specified in the Durham Regional Official Plan for Type "A" and Type "B" arterial roads designated in that Plan," after the words "entrance improvements". In additian, it is not clear what maximums apply to the "additional road widenings" referred to in the second paragraph of Section 3.2.2. We request that this be clearly indicated or. that the words "additional road widenings" be deleted. c) As previously discussed with the Region, the City of Oshawa and the Town of Pickering regarding the taking of road widenings through site plan control, it is not the intent of the Planning Act to permit the taking of more than 50% of a road widening on either side of a road. Consequently, the last two sentences of the first paragraph of Section 3.2.2 should be replaced with the following: "Raced widenings will generally be taken equally from both sides of the road. In instances where this is not possible or praci.ical due to development patterns or site conditions, a greater road widening may be required f corn one side of the road than the other. However, only one half of the maximum widening described in this Plan or in the regional Plan will be ta}-:en on any one sine of ~?:e roa~ t}.rou~h ~~te Ulan C:7ntrai ' . ~ g ,. _ . ~ c9) Also, it should t,e .nat~~d tt,at. the ii:cl'u~~an o`~ ~ . Section 50 of the Planning Act in t.hi~ polir.y migt,t unnect:^r;~,r.ily res.t.rirt the rand widenings to be taken in conjunction with approval of plans of subdivision. Secti.an 50 i^ nat a^ restrictive as Section 40 for the t;~k inq of r~oaci widenings. ~;adificatian l Iteu, 1~, which amend:; Section 5, could be clearer if revi.~ed by replacing parts'ii) and iii) with the following: "ii) by deleting Subsection 5.3, aN renumbered, and replacing i t. with tl,e: fal.l.awing new Subsection 5.3 a~; follows "5.3 In additio:: to the foregoing, specific interpr.ct7ti.on pal.ici.e~,~ :sr,~ pr.ovided fcr Courtice, the Bowmanvillc: Major Urban Area and the Newca:±le Village Small Urban Area, in Sections 6, 7 and 8, respecti.vely." h;adific~~tion 13: rurther to a request by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Item ?2, which adds a r:ew Section 9 sl-iould be reviaed by adding the MNR as a cons.ultinc_ agency to the Town fir. detern,ir.ing t'-ic e:?tent of i:a~ard lands and environrnenta?.ly ~en~•itivc areas. Their rezquest is based an that M..nistry'~ rasponsibiiities~ for wetlands and wetlands rnanaget;:ent a.ti; auti.ined in the C:uideii:taa for Wetlands Management on Ontario. Consequently, Section 9.9 ii) and iii) should L-,e mcdified ~.~ follows: "ii) The real extent of hazard lands and environri,ental ?.y sensitive areas shc.l'_ 2~e accurately dGfinedin zoning by-laws ~.. can~•,;~-~,:~;tian ca_t?-r i.: ;-, r. ?~;i..~st.,-y o_f i`o~- ~ _ - 1. ~t_ra Re:-c,urce~ and the rer:pective Can~•crv~tion Autt:or..tty . .. /9 • .. •.. ii:i'): ~• •.~Bui1d'~nq" aiid%ci'r•' ltit Tine"~.ct.t;ack.., ' ..•.Setback .rec7uireme"nts shall be determined Ly the Towr, i.n can:;ult.at_ion with i.ti~ Mini:;t.ry o£ Natural Rc~s•c,ur-ces anc] the respective Con:;ervation Authority... Modification 14: Item 15, regarding ~~chedule~, does not correctly r. eflect the amendrnc:nt a.~; submi t.ted tc, the Mini :;ter , since Map A does not form part of the amendment. This should be clar.ifi.ed liy eii.t;er adopting ,the. schedule as part of the arr,endment, by de].etirig the reference hero to Map A, or by not deleting the currently approved schedules to the Darlington ~ Official Pl~~n. As mentioned ear.li.cr. , any referenr.e in this dor_ument to a ~ and u: c, schedule rnu;:t be made to one wtiicli is aj~prc>ved by the mini. :;tor. Modification 15: Further to the Region's rEque~ted modification. 3 which r-clatt~s to Amendment No. ~! to the Bowrnanville Uffici~a.l Plan (approve>_d ,?uly 28, 1Q86,) Schedule 7- ?_ should he modified by ci-,angina the desiyr,.tian of the lands described from "commercial" to "rr,ediur:, and high density r.e~identi~l." Modification 16: Further to the Region's reque.ted ri~odification 3A which relates to Amendment Nc. 2.'~- t.o the Darlin~t.on Official Plan (approved >`lover,-;ber 17, 1886,) Section 6.~i.2 iii) b) ohould bt=~ mc,difie.d by :~d•dir.c; ~. new r;ub-clause b) as follows: "b) Eiloc}; 75, Regist.ere:d plan lOM-755, Nor'~hwer;t corner of Hig}iway No. 2 and Centref.-ield Road shall ha~>e a ma<~imum of 1,1?.0 ~cuare metres (1,000 sq. ft.) of ret<,il and personal oervice flo.:,r space_ ' .../10 To facilitate further discussion regarding Hamlet developn;ent: plans we suc;gest hint Section 9 r,e deferred. We look forward to receiving the Region's corr~ments on these proposed modificati.onc iri the near future. By copy of this letter to the TGW27 of Newcastle, we are alao requesting tri~:ir con~rner7ts. Should you have any questions or concern:, do not hesitate to call me at 585-6064, or: Stella Gustavson, Area Planner, at 585-6067. Yours truly, ~~ Paul Featherstone 5'eni or Planner Plans Aciministr.:~tir~n Br. inch Central and Southwest nttac.t-~n;cnt c.c. h3r. T. Edward t~irector of ?'lanr.ing Town of Newcastle . •.' .. . , ' '"~" , ATTACHMENT NO.. 2 TO ~ ~/~ .~REPORT:PD-84-$7 •. .. • CORPbRL1TION OF~YNE:TOWN'OF N~WCASTCE ~• 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ' ~ ~ ~ L1C3A6 .: ~ ~ TELEPHONE 623:3379 - Niarch 4, 1987 C Mr. Paul Featherstone Senior Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs 14th Floor, 777 Bay Street TORONTO, Ontario M5G 2E5 Dear Sir: RE: AMENDMENT N0. 22 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER PLANNING AREA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON YOUR FILE: 18-OP-0994-002 OUR FILE: 85-33/ND(22)/NB(3)NV(2) Town of Newcastle Planning Staff have reviewed the modifications to Amendment No. 22 to the Darlington Township Official Plan as outlined in your letter of February 3, 1987 to the Region of Durham. Staff's comments on the proposed modification are detailed below. We will be seeking our Council's endorsement of these comments at the earliest possible oppo rtunity and will advise you accordingly of their decision. Modification No. 1: No objection. Modification No. 2: Town Staff see merit in having a land use sc e u e as proposed by Map A as part of the approved Offici al Plan, and the inclusion of such a schedule in the Plan remains as our preference. However, we also realize that the issue of the land use schedule will be resolved at such time as approval authority for local of ficial plans is delegated to the Region of Durham. Therefore, in order to expedite the approval of Amendment No. 22 and the implementation of tine Town of Newcastle Offici al Plan, Town Staff would have no objection to Map A not being included in the approved Official Plan at this time. Modification No. 3: No objection. Modification No. 4: No objection. Modification No: 5: No objection:.. ...2 - ~ f ,~ Mr. PaulFeatherstone ~ March 4,1987 .. Page 2 Modification No. 6: Staff have .no objection .to exempting- extraction actrv~t~es withi n~ an approved- pit or.~ quarry. .from s~i~te- ~ ~-. - plan control. However, in order to clarify the intent of this provision, we recommend that the proposed new Subsection 2.2.1 be amended to read as follows: "h) any extraction activity within a licensed pit or quarry or wayside pit or quarry, as established under the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1980." Ministry of Natural Resources Staff, in recent discussions with Town Staff, have indicated no objection to this revision. Modification No. 7: Town Staff feel that the word arc itectural s ould be retained. It is not the intent to control detail but rather to ensure the continuity of character. We would therefore recommend changing the word "design" to "character". 1 Modification No. 8: No objection. Modification No. 9: No objection. Modification No. 10: The proposed change in Amendment No. 22 re lects t e revisions needed for format. It was the intent to replace the wording in Amendment No. 16 and to establish five subsections, being a) Courtice, b) Bowmanville, c) Newcastle Village, d) Hamlets, and e) Adult Mobile Home Parks. Modification No. 11: a) No objection. b) First paragraph - No objection. ~ Second paragraph - In order to clarify the intent of the second paragraph of Section 3.2.2, we recommend that this " paragraph be amended to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the foregoing specified maximum right-of-way widths, additional road widenings for turning lanes and sight triangles may, be required where necessary for traffic turning movements and in order to provide sufficient sight distances. In the case of turning lanes and sight triangles, the following maximums shall apply:" c) No objection. d) Since Section 50(5)(c) of. .t he Planning Act, 1983 provides the - ~ authority for: road widenings in subdiwisions;~-Town Staff -feel-~ ~ - ~ - it is a necessary reference and would not restrict our options. $'~ Nir. Paul Fe.atherstone~ ~ Nlarch 4, 1987 Page 3 Modification No. 12: No objection. However, in order to provide cons stent wording and to accurately reflect Uffici al Plan designations, we recommend that Section 5.3 be further modified to also refer to Courtice as a "Major Urban Area". Modification No. 13: Section 9 is being deferred at this time. owever, we ave no objection subject to changing the word "real" in the first line to "areal". Modification No. 14: See our comments on Modification No. 2. imp emente we suggest that Item 19 be modified by deleting all of the wording after the word "Roads" in the second line so that Item 19 would read as follows: "19. by deleting, in its entirety, Schedule "A" "Land Use and Roads"." Modification No. 15: Agreed. Modification No. 16: Agreed. Deferral 1: As noted previously in our letter of September ~,~to your Ministry, Town Staff would have no objection to the deferral of Item 18 to permit any modifications required to be assessed. On February 25, 1987, Regional Council approved Amendment No. 24 to the Darlington Township Official Plan to designate a Local Central Area in Part Lot 30, Concession 3, former Darlington Township (Courtice Urban Area). The resolution as approved by Regional Cou-Heil failed to forward Amendment No. 24 as a modification to the Town of. Newcastle Offici al Plan. Amendment No. 24 should therefore also be processed as Modification No. 5 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. We trust the Ministry will have no difficulties with Town Staff's comments as outlined above and that.Amendment No. 22, with the exception of Item 18, will be approved shortly. By copy of this letter,. a copy of these comments is also being forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information . Yours~ra'f ;,_~ _ CC: Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. ~; 1. ~ Commissioner of Planning -~~~ Regional Municipality of Durham -~`~ '~~~ Planning and Development Department T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. 105 Consumers Drive Director of Planning WHITBY, Ontario L1N 6A3 JAS*TTE*j i p