HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-7-87L~O~ ,.~,r ..w.~iw ,,,, ~ ~,.~~ 9'1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~~ . ~ Res. #~', ~~~~~~'~~` By-Law # (~jNG: General Purpose and Administration Committee 11A~; Monday, January 5, 1986 REPORT #; PD-7-87 FILE #: DEV 86-65 SUB.)ECT: REZONING APPLICATION - ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION PART LUT 27, CONCESSION 2, FORMER VILLAGE OF NENCASTLE OUR FILE: DEV 86-65 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-7-87 be received; and Purpose .and Administration Committee 2. THAT the application submitted by Mr. R. Walsh on behalf of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation to rezone a U.6 hectare. parcel of land located in Part Lot 27, Concession 2, former Village of Newcastle to permit the development of three (3) dwelling units in the existing church, on municipal services, be approved; and * 3. THAT the by-law attached hereto be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 26, 1987 for approval. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Un October 27, 1986, the Planning Department received an application filed by Mr. R. Walsh on beahlf of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation. This submission was made to request a zoning change to permit the development of three (3) dwelling units in the existing bui 1 di ng. These units will be in addition to the Rectory which i s currently existing. ...2 ~g) REPURI~ NU.: PD-7-87 Page 2 /"~ The current zoning of this site, as set out i n the Comprehensi ve Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, is "Urban Residential Type One Exception (Rl-1)". This zone lists only single family dwellings as permitted residential uses. The non-residential uses permit places of worship within this zone. The comments from the Regional Planning Staff have provided the following:. with respect to the Ufficial Plans. The Newcastle Village Small Urban Area P 1 an designates thi s site as a "Communi ty Faci li ty" within the Mai n Central Area. The Durham Regional Official Plan has the subject property designated as "Residential". The proposal appears to be permitted. It has been determined that the proposal conforms to the long range development plans of the area. Staff wishes to encourage the development of rental accommodation through the Town and this mixed use proposal appears to present an opportunity for such development. The Town has a severe sho rtage of rent a1 accommodation, which is even more severe in the small villages. Any attempt to relieve this situation with low end type accommodation, of a small nature, is supported and encouraged by this Department. The proposed change would create three (3) one bedroom apartments cont ain ed within the existing building. The units each meet the minimum size as required by the "R4" zone of the By-law (55m2). There will be addition al parking provided for each unit and there i s excel lent ameni ty space surrounding this building. Since the proposed floor areas are consistent with apartment minimums, but are inconsistent with the minimums prescribed for converted dwellings, Staff are recommending the by-law not be approved until the next Council meeting at which time a general amendment will be considered relative to converted dwellings. Staff would note for the Committee's information that, pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. Staff would note that no objections to the proposal were received at the writing of this Report with respect to the amendment requested. ...3 ~~~ REPORT NO.: PU-7-87 Page 3 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies as noted with Staff Report PD-254-86. Staff would note the following departments/agencies, in providing comments, offered no objections to the application as filed: - Newcastle Public Works Department - Newcastle Community Services Department - Newcastle Fire Department - Newcastle Building Department - Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - Regional Health Services Department - Ministry of Transportation and Communications In the response from Regional Planning, the impact upon the servici ng of the site was mentioned. The Works Department had no objection to the concept but noted that the following charges will be levied by the Region: "...that the applicant pay development charge levies in accordance with Regional Policy." This charge will be in addition to the requirement of the Town of Newcastle that lot development charges on the three (3) units will also be levied. The Regional Works Department also noted that: "...if additional service connections are required, the applicant must submit site servicing plans to the Region fo r approval." The site currently has three (3)accesses frorn Highway No. 2. The increased volume of traffic is not considered to have any significant impact upon these points of ingress and egress. Neither the Ministry of Transportation and Communications or the Newcastle Public Works Department had any problem with the proposal. Staff believe that the traffic generated will not have any adverse irrrpact upon the site, or upon the entrances/exits. ...4 ~~g~ REPORT NU.: PD-7-87 Page 4 The site is currently controlled by a Site Plan Control Agreement. This plan was originally approved in 1981 and updated in 1984. The site appears to have been developed in accordance with the approved plans. The only change which will have to be made is to show three (3) additional parking spaces. No amending Agreement will be required. The changes to the Site Plan shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff has concluded that this type of development is unique to the Town, but appears to be a very compatible combination of uses. The provision of rental units within the Town is desparately needed. Staff wish to support such applications and believe that this is an appropriate site for this development. Respectfully submitted, TFC*TTE*jip *Attach. December 11, 1986 CC: Nir. R. Wa1 sh Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp. 214 King Street East P.U. Box 249 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LUA 1H0 ive Officer Recommended for presentation to the C ommi tte e THE CORPURATIUN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 87- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. NUW THEREFORE BE IT RESULVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "5" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Urban Residential Type One Exception 'Lone (R1-1)" to "Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1-12)" as indicated on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1997 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1987 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1987. ,r, ~ Er, .,, ~- .._. / _ This is .Schedule "X" to By--law 87- , passed this day of ,1987 A.D. LOT 27 CONCESSION 2 I N 71° 14~00'~E 66.31 8 '`~' w z 3 o °1 ~ O M I ~ ~ ~a ~o m_ z dl c ~ ~ J 0 J 1 3 3 0 0 S. W. Angle Lof 27 Con.2 M ~n o o a' 109.73 z Z N7I°I4 00 E 66.294 KING STREET HIGHWAY N° 2 ®ZONE CHANGE FROM ' R 1-1 I TO I R1- 12 I 0 10 20 40 60m 20 15 IO 5 0 ,Mayor Clerk ~OT 28 1 ~ ~. L ...~. OT 27 cv _ RI•I ~ MI.1 ~~~' """~'; i ~ LOT 26 Z F: , k ~ o 1 R2 ~ RI.1 '~ ~ r `~~ ~' W ~ ~ a R1.1 ~ R1 o w ~ cl ~I I ci a T i l 2 ~~. C ~ H ST E~ ~~~ HI H 4"~~ I Tii.TT E L I ~ ~ (H)R1 ~~_ ~.i ~ ,_~~ I ~..; SUBJECT 81TE NEWCASTLE VILLAGE ° ~ loo 200 ~° ® m ~ .~ . ~:'; ' SF ~ ~ 1. .. f' ;,; y`, . :1r r> :4 s, ~.i ;; ~ t,