HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-60-87y ~~~ -~~~ ~~"'~""'~~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~~~ ;P' `~ u~`~,~.-~~~~,%`'~~~~ REPORT ~ '~,,,!~', , r ~`t ~, -., -~ INC: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, March 2, 1987 T #: PD-60-87 FILE #: P 1 n . 7.3 CT: SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1987 Res. # /,~ ~~ r -~~ By-Law # RECOh1MENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-60-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND ANU COMMENT: For the information of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff have * prepared the attached list of applications to the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting f of February 12, 1987. 1~his list includes the file number, applicant's name, site location, type of variance requested, Uffici al Plan Conformity, By-law Confonni ty, Staff's comments on the applications and the Committee of Adjustment's decision. Respectfully submitted, war s, Director of Planning Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~rawrence otsett Chief Adi i ~ strative Officer CC*TTE*jip *Attach. February 18, 1987 z O H H U W A H z w H ti A W 0 W W H H H O U W 0 c~ z H t~' O F H z 0 II II 11 II II 11 II it II ___.11 :. --- - --- i {-w .- .. .) ~ I 1 II O II Ii II t5 II `II II II II z II n a n 11 z n H II II d' II II O II t~ II II ,'~ it II H it 11 iI O II 11 H It ~ II II ~.'' 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I I Q,' U i t I ~~) i ~~) ~~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT February 12, 1987 7:30 p.m. Court Room # 2, Fire Hall Building, Bowmanville. PRESENT: Chairman - T. F. Rehder Member J. P. Murdoch Member Jean Payne Member Arnold Riecheld Member Bernhard Herring Member Gordon Barrie Current Operations Planner Tim Chadder Secretary Carrol Clemens APPLICATIONS: A A 1/87 -.Shirley-MacLean, Lot 25, Concession 2, Darlington> Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a 1200 sq. ft, accessory building which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. Mr. & Mrs. MacLean appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in oppsoition to this application. Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed accessory building would appear to conform with the Official Plan and would not appear to offend the intent of the provisions of the Zoning By-law, and as the proposed variance would not have a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood, permission is GRANTED to construct an accessory building having a maximum area of 600 sq. ft., which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. This approval is conditional on the existing shed, at the rear, being removed." "CARRIED" ~ce> Committee of Adjustment Meeting, February 12, 1987..... A 2/87 - Otto Provenzano,-Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a commercial plaza leaving a 1.2 m side yard, instead of the required 5 m side yard from any residential use and to provide 11 % landscape area, instead of the required 20% landscape area. Mr. Provenzano and Mr. Ray Abbott appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Herring, "THAT as the requested variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the surrounding neighbourhood, in fact would be a major improvement over what has existed on the lot for some time, therefore, permission is GRANTED to construct a commercial plaza leaving a 1.2 m side yard from a residential use to the west and providing 11% landscape area." "CARRIED" A 3/87 -Marion R. McKeen, Lot 19, Concession 5, Darlington Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to expand a legal non-conforming use by the construction of a 5000 sq. ft. addition to the existing legal non- conforming use. Mr. McKeen, Mrs. McKeen, and Irwin Hamilton appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Barrie, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the requested variance would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the surrounding neighbourhood but would rather enhance the area, permission is GRANTED to expand a legal non-conforming building by the construction of a 5000 sq. ft. addition." "CARRIED" ~cc~~ Committee of Adjustment Meeting, February 12, 1987..... A 4/87 - Irving Robert Gill Jr., Lot l0, B.F. Conc., Bowmanville. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a Motel leaving a 1 m side yard, instead of the required 5 m side yard and providing off- site parking in other than a C5-2 Zone. No person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Rehder, "THAT as the proposed variances would appear to conform with the intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. as the abutting lands to the rear are owned by Ontario Hydro and will not likely ever be developed, and as off- street parking is being provided in other than a JE5-2 Zone, permission is GRANTED to construct a Motel leaving a 1 m side yard, instead of the 5 m side yard and providing off-site parking in other than a C5-2 Zone. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS: Moved by Mr. Reicheld, seconded by Mrs. Payne, "THAT Application A 5/87 be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment to allow the applicant to acquire additional information." "CARRIED" Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Barrie, "THAT the minutes of the last meeting be approved as curculated." "CARRIED" Next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment is February 26, 1987 Appeal date for the foregoing applications is Marcy 14, 1987 Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.