HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-103-90 fffTIKl : DATE: ~T #: SURECT : TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. II By-Law II GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE December 3, 1990 FILE #: TR 103 90 TENDER NW90-47, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE I RECOKMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-103-90 be received; 2. That Bob Hendrickson Construction Limited, Scarborough, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $81,711.00, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW90-47, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase I, as required by the Department of Community Services; 3. That the funds in the amount of $81,000.00 be drawn from the Community Services Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516; and 4. That funds in the approximate amount of $10,011.00 ($81,711.00 total bid + $9,300.00 inspection/ engineering less $81,000.00 budget = $10,011.00) be drawn from the Community Services Lot Levy Account #1110-00156-X. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. for the construction of the Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase I. In September of 1990, Tender NW90-37 waS issued for this project. Page - 2 - TR-103-90 TENDER NW90-47, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE I Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Vic Priestly Contracting Limited $159,029.69 Aurora, Ontario Rutherford Contracting $180,650.00 Gormley, Ontario Deeb Wallans Corp. $183,200.00 Brighton, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited $194,329.69 Oshawa, Ontario Bennett Paving and Materials Limited $202,511.74 Oshawa, Ontario As all of the bids submitted were substantially over the $81,000.00 budget allocation, Tender NW90-37 was cancelled and staff requested the consultants Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. to revise the specifications in an effort to reduce the total cost. The changes made to the specifications included the following: double concrete ramp changed to single elimination of timber dockage elimination of landscaping, ie. trees, shrubs Subsequently, Tender NW90-47 was issued with bids being submitted as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Bob Hendrickson Construction Limited $ 81,711.00 Scarborough, Ontario Vic Priestly Contracting Limited $ 89,833.27 Aurora, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited $109,431.78 Oshawa, Ontario Miller Paving Limited $113,597.00 Unionville, Ontario I Page - 3 - TR-103-90 TENDER NW90-47, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE I Other associated costs are estimated at $9,300.00 for surveys, engineering and inspection fees, which brings the total required funds to $91,011.00. The funding for this project is reflected on page 187 of the Capital Budget. It is proposed that funding in the amount of $81,000.00 be drawn from the Community Services Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516 and that the additional funds required in an approximate amount of $10,011.00 be drawn from the Community Services Lot Levy Account #1110-00156-X. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Community Services. After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Bob Hendrickson Construction Limited, Scarborough, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase I. Although the subject firm have not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, they do come highly recommended as outlined in the attached letter from Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd., marked Schedule "A". Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ~~ Marl.e Marano, H.B.Sc., Treasurer. d UA~~(-< L~ rf" 7^' Lawrence E. Kotseff, ~ 'Chief Administrative Officer. d L/ ..;;t~ aruana, DIrector of Community Services. LAB/hjl I' I ,U 11/28/90 11:07 2i: 41E. 985 8509 O'BRIEN, KURRENT P.02 Dan i c1 J. 0'1\1'1 en ^s..~OCIATl!S 1/1'1). November 28th, 1990. I,ANllSCAl'H A HC1!lTUCTS ~he Corpor.ation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance street Bowmanvllle, Onto Lle 3A6 Attention: Lou-Ann Birkett, Purchasing Department Re: Mill Stroot Boat Ramp and Parkette T,ou-Ann: We have reviewed the bid8 for Mill street Boat Ramp (Tender number NW 90-47) and find the low bid by Bob Hendricksen Construction Ltd. of $81,711.00 to be reasonable and responsible. WG have reviewed the past projects he has done (see fOl1owi~g resume) and in speaking with some of the people he has worked with and for in the past, find him tc b~ competent in this type of construction. We recommend that this job be awarded to Bob Henoricksen Construction Ltd. Sincerely, DANIEL 0. O'BRIEN & ASSOCIATES LTD. Per: Dani,el O'Brien T,andacape Archi teet. 7U4 'l'gL. (41 0) ~'80.4400 CANADIAN SOCIETY- OP LANLlflCAPll 180 MARY snnmT, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO un,IB7 M1{M~~kl r\"~I' A U ,/\ A ~(:r\t.'" A'r'rr\loJ (liP 11/28/913 11=07 2i: 416 985 8509 O'BRIEN, KURRENT P.03 NOV-2B-90 W~p 10:~2 BOa.HENnRICKEN P.e.~ .1 . ~~.~\~ Rl c ~. ~-.~~'~' kC) o V \\\ ~ '.\ \JL-,. ~ ' it- " '~~ '. t,'~ Construction Ltd. /U5 11/28/90 11:138 2i: 416 985 85139 0' BF.:IEtJ, f(UF~REHT p.e4 NOV-28-90 WED 10:52 BOB.H~NDRICK~H P..0:5 ,~ BOB HENDRICKSEN CONSTRUCTION LTD. 3620 MoNioo}} Avenue , Soarborouqh, O,ltarlQ MlV 4CS , Mobilel 4&0-2949 B".: 393-2S03 "Pllxt293-307S . WATER TOWER Illt~.IlIfIS , WATER 'rOWER lNSl'EC'I'IONS · POs'(.nNS'ON1NO , JUUDG! UF'tlNGl . GARBAGE SLAB LIFTiNG . PFtESSU1\!l: GROutING · SLAn G1\OIJTING . CONCRETE fltPAIRB · LIF'TING PMH3~S OTTAWAt pQul 01c6rl , Home: (6l~) 623..2186 Palu'I(63~) 788..0055 Pa$~t No I 023 Doar Sit I Madam, X would l1ke to ta~e this opportunity to acqua1nt you with our Compan~. BOn HENDRICKSEN CONSTRUCT10N LTD. We hAV~ been in b~6in~aa for over e1$ht (8) y~ars ~nd speeia1~te'!n the r~etor4tion and r~habil!tation of concr~te &truetute~~ hydraulic jaoking and the temoval~ r~p~ir and ~epla~em'nt of bridi& be&riniG and e~panaion jointe. Att~ebed pl~a~~ tind a list of jobs co~pleted tot your peru.al. . P~ior to $tartirti my o~n business, t wotked with Con~nco tlauada (1'9613) Ltd d01nS baslcally the ~ame type. of work aa I do now. Du;inS my thirteen (13) yea~e with them 1 worked my way up from l~boutet, through 9uperlfttendent, to M~nase~ of Con$t~uction ~e6ponB1ble for all the~t proj~Qte th'ou&hQ~t Canada. t sincerely hope the en~loaed will be of v.lue to you ahd should you requir~ fu~~h~~ ~n~~~m~ti~n, planse f~~~ fr~c to contaot me at your convenienee. .1 1.\11/ nc. /U6 11/28/913 11:138 2i: 416 985 8509 O'BRIEN, KURRENT NOV-2a-90 WED 10:5~ ~OB.H~N~RICKEN P.05 F".04 B08 HENDtUc~seN CON$'l');\UOTION LTD. bOMPLETED PROJECTS ~,.~ ~ ....._~_~~...-"'-'-'.....It. AMHF.RSTJ3t1RG: ~e~air$ to elevated ~ater tAnk Ensinee~:W.M. Sl~t~r & 8~9. lnc. Workl MINtST~Y OF THE ENVIRONMENT Valua:$29,826.00 TORO~'f.<..~ ; O~r~aa roof ~l~ b J H tine Workl ONTARro HOUSING CORPORAT10N ContractortBaukt1eld C~ostructlon Ltd Vlluel $6.600,00 'I'OROt-l~'O I Jacking of bridie rep~j~8 ~orkIMINISTRY OF TRA~SPOR'I'ATrON Contraetor I Conenc:o Canada (1968) Ltd Va lu. ; $ 3 . SO 0 . 00 AMllr::~R'l'tltlRO: n~movBl of loose tonc~ete around water tank Enginee~IW,M, Slater. & As&, tn~. Work: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ValuOt$5,819.00 l..AMBHIN I Brigden Wlt~r Tank Repairs E~g!n~er= W.M. Slater & Ass. Inc. Work; MXNlSTRY OF THE ENVtaONMENT V~lual$5t782.00 TORO~'~'l': WQodb1neaO'Coupor Bridge, jackins, r~p81re ~o .&xpan.~ot\ joints WQrk~ METROPOLITAIN TORONTO ConttaotorlGeo. Wimpey Canada Limited Valu61$130.030.00 .1. R~v. 1, 01...89 2. <I . IU7 11/28/913 11:09 2i: 416 985 85139 O'BRIEN, KURRENT NOV-2e~90 WED 10:~Z ~O~~H~NDRICK~N BOD JiENDRlC1<~f.N CONSTRUO'I'lON LTD. AM H E ~ S 'J' 11 U t\ G I S'IOUX LOOKOUT: VANCOllVEJt: FEN I:: 1.0 N }I ALL S I W!l:LJ.AN n: T01\OtH() I ALvrSTONI COMPLETED PROJECTS Cont .., T (~~~ Post-t~ns1on r~pairs to elevoted water tanK includine the ri~~ih~ ~nd operating of over~ head 8w1ni utaae. ~n$intorl W,M. Sl~ter & Ae~. tne, Work: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Contractor :Underiround Setvio~s ttd ValU& :$65,000.00 FrO$ ~6pidts Br!dgeJ repair ~Xp8hS1oh j01ht~ Wor~: MINIS~RY or ~RANS?ORTATION Contralcor :Wercholz A6aociat~6 V.lue: $14,276.00 Supervision and inspection of post-teneio~1ng Workl G.M. STeEL LTD $10.803.00 Inapa.ot1on. 'str;lppiog and patching of water ta.tlk. Engtneerj W.M. Slater & Ass. !ne. Wo~kl MtNlSTRY OF THE ENVIRONMtNT Value $8.420,00 ~ost.tenBioning, tie baek~ Contr~ctot ;Stp6h6n & Rankin Valuer $26.811,00 Spa13:e:d conerH.~ tep41.t.rs (lnd .srQuting to \\1u:ehouse slah Workl B~LL CANADA Valuel $26.811.00 Water Tank Repairs gn$!ne~~1 W.M, Slatet & AS$. !n~, Work: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Value: $12.564.00 IUB p.e6 P.05 3 .. f f 11/28/913 11:09 2i: 416 985 85139 0' BR I OJ, KURRENT p.e7 NOy-~e-'0 WED 10:~6 BOB.HEN~~ICKEN po .. 0 :L aOB HENbntOKSEN QONSTRUCTION'LTD, ~ eOMP.LE'r,ED PR.OJECTS, Cone... BkAMA l,lt}, I ~~p.1~ ot concr~te. j~ci1n~. removal and replaoink of eXpan~1on jo1~t$, Work, BRAMALE^ LIMrTED Value;$131.S00.00 ~ to a H:O l< l~ ; J~ckin8 of parking d~ck fo~ repairs to concr~te Work: SHERWAY GARDENS LTD Va1Uftl$21,4S5,QO TORON'I'~) : Slutry ,tout tor con~rete pour at JQrvie ~ Gar~~ner work: MET~OPOLITAN TORONTO C~ntractQr; Geo. Wiropey Can. Ltd Value;$l,135.00 TtlRON'ro: H~drAulic ~acklng 6 installation Of expansion -bearing. Contr.etQr; MAaTINWAY CONTRACTING Valu.;$15,700.00 S T .. C A '1' Ii A. R 1. NitS. i ~$palr concrete at ShoppinS Mall & CQulk1~~ of joints. Workt ~ENN CENT~E Veluet$2,6S0.00 W~~NrpBGt Bridge jacking; Route 20, Twin over~~~e Works THE ctTY OF WINNlPEG Conttaotor; V.K. Ma~on Conatruetion Ltd VatuGs $75,000.00 OTTAWA; Sridge rehabilitation. ~emove and rQP1~ement of spe.lled cot\crcte deck, Gede~alk8, abutment walle and b~ar1n~s Wotkl OttawA-C~b~eton Region CQntr~ctor: DagMar Construction Ltd Value;$2000,OOO.OO IU9 5. A , 11/28/90 11:113 2i: 4169858509 O'BRIEt.j, KURREtn NOV-2e-~0 W~D 10:~6 ~OB.HEHDRICKEN DOB Ii~NDJHCKSEN CONSTRUCTION L1'[), .. .t. CO~~.L~~.!.~ ~~oJ.J;lCTLCont. . . OTTAWA: Bt1<lg(i Deck lteptacemc.nt; Hwy 7 & 7B M111i881ppi River nrid~e COhtractoJ:; '6ob Hendricksen Conatl,'uctlon'. Work; MINISTRY or TRANSPORtATION Valu., $630.000.00 Nt~OARA REQION: a~1dee Daok Replacement, Oaw~8o ~r1d~e Contractotl Bob H~ndrick~en Con$tru~tion Wor~: CITY O~ NIAGARA FALLS Engineer; McCormick Ran~1n Valuel$136.000.00 TORON'l'O: Brid&, re;:babl11tat1on, concrete repaits ~ontractot; Man-Co Construction Ltd Work, C1TY OF 10~ONTO, eN & Cr RAt~WAY . ValU6t $565jOOO.OO TORo~tO: ~eplacero$nt of ~xpans1on joint* at Leater B. pearsort Airnort Contractor: Duffer!n Oonstruction Ena1~eerl McCQrmick ~Qnkin Wor~~ FEDERAL GOV&RNMENT V.1UGI $14,000.00 NtAQARA KEatON, Structural repairs, >>ur&o,n9'arida~ Contt&ctor1 nob H~ndricksen Consttuct1o~ Engineers. McCormick ~ankin Work* MV~lCIPALlry OF NIAGARA V41uet $66,000.00 I ' O' . I P,88 P.02 6. t . 11/28/913 11: Ie 2i: 416 985 8509 O'BRIEN, KURRENT p.e9 NOV-2B-90 w~n 10:~7 ~OB.H~NDR!CKEN F>\'.03 ,. BOD HE:tU)RICKSEli OONSTRUCtlON ttO. .f. COMFLETED PROJECTS Cont... .. 1..........-IL J L ...,....... toX\.o~ao : Stren8hte~ins of slab En$lneer~;Read Jone~ Chri~toEfer~on L~d WQrk: ROSTLAND CORFORATtON Value: 33,700.00 TORON '1'0 I P4~k1ng garasc repairs, ~Qrtcret~ ~ epQ$Y injactioft Construction Mana&ernent~ Dove~ Struotures Work: Dennis Cornrn&~oial properti6~ Value; $145,000.00 TORON ~ro ~ Removal of ~truttural vault wall~ Bnalneersl W.N. Slat~r & Ae4. l~c. Work~ TORONTO 1nANSIT CONMtSSION Value! $165,000.00 ! I 'I P. 113 11/28/90 11:11 2i: 41E, 985 8509 O'BRIEt~, KURREtH ,N9y~~e-~~. WED 10:57 ~OB.HENDRICK~N ~ . BOB H'ENDRICKSE'N CONSTRUCTION LTD. ", 3520 MoNieoll Ave1'lut Searborol,19.h, Ontario Ml V 406 MobUe: .oeO,2949 llu.l: 293-2603 LISf O~ REC~NT PROJECTS 1969-90 _..... ..., . .. ~..,..~ ..._.-......... .A ...A ......... -... ~..- . ... ~ ......... . ... P.04 . WATER TOWER flEPAlRS . WATER TOWER INSPECTIONS , POST.TENSIONING . IlRlDGE Llf'tlNG , G,Ard~AGE StAll LtfTJNG , PRESSORI': GROUTING . SLAt ~ROUnttG . OONCRl':TE ftf.:PAIRS . LIFTINQ bt8lGlNS Conotot$ Tank R.epaiX'~., Town of B(~dg~wa.t6r. n.s. , Rehab11itattoh And r~pair by. externAl p08t~ten8ionin8' OW~er; Town of Bridgewater, N.S. Va1ue: $21tOOO.00 CQntr~ct tB9w44 Resent Wat~r Tow~t Str~nithen1n& ~~t~rnal ~epair of 61evated tank by PO&t~t~hsioni~g. OWfiet; City of Fred~t1ctQn, N;~. Co~,ultant: W.M. SlAte~ ~ A$soc. V~1U.1 $49.000.00 , Laurie~ Ave, Br14a~, Ottawa Jack~n$'operation Owners City of Ottawa . Contractor. MoGinn1s Conatruet1otl. Ltd. , V,lue, $20.000.00 Contract 69-'81 ~ehabilitetion cf two bridiea ~xpa~slon Joint~/beattnS8 etc~ Ens,IOwne~1 City of North York Valu$1 $11~,OOO.OO Contr.a.~t. 09..89, Gardiner ~x.prt:IJIHlay ~ Concret. ~QP.lr8 Owner & Et\~. Metro Tot6rtto 112 Oe~. Contt~otora G. Tar! ~alu~; B.H.C.L. sup~eOhtract $750,000,00 11/28/913 11111 2i: 416 985 85139 0' BRIEt.l, KURREtH P. 1 1 NO V - 2 6 - 'Sf Ii!! we: D 1 ~ :. e; 6 B O:B .. H t=: t.,j P R I C K,e: N P.0!:5 , , ... .. . BOB HENDRICKSEN CO~STJ\UCTI0N LtD. .t.'fP.J ,..~!f...!.If.~ti!, P R.2.JECTB 1989..90..!,. 2 Contract S9~O~-OlO Glen Rd. Bt1d;e E~pansion jo~nt replacement Owne~/2na. City of Toronto vll~.i $107,025.00 Cont~act 89-43 ~ehabil~tation 6t 4 S~ru~t~re~ E~pa~Bion jo~nt replate~~nt, l~t~~ OVerlays., ~ ". paving. concreta repa~rB ete. ~ Own e r I En S. ' M. '1' . 0 . V~\uel Sl.5nO.OO~.oo Contt:'ac.t P.N. e9..1~1 Iteh~bU1tatiQrt t>f bundae St. W. Hr'-dS$ over CredH River txpabsion joints. jackins, beartns repla.eement. CQ_tinS. CQncr.~t~ ~Qpa1rs. VWlltUI "'."11,-1.1: 10A.l.I:HI.l.tI"b1Ugii Ens. I Morri$on U~r5chfield Lto. Va1util ~356,OOO"'OO * Rithm~ndJA~elaid~ lnt~rchang~ Rehabi11t~t1Qn Jackina Owner/Ena. Metro toro~to Oen. Contt&cto~: O~~~Ql~ ~iV1ni . V.lue of 8~b~conttact $95,000,00 . " , Conttaet 89-701 Sturgeon R!V6r Bridse Bridge deok t6placement, 6ttuctut~1 iteel f~p$1~~, cQat1na and jacking. Owner/2ng. M.f.O. Value; $600,000.00 ,I 113