HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-101-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT file # /t) ,,;< <t Res. # By-law # fffT If{): DATE: fHlffiT #: SUR.ECT : GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE November 19, 1990 TR-101-90 FILE #: CO-OPERATIVE TENDER WB5-90, FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECYCLABLES FROM THE BLUE BOXES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-101-90 be received; 2. That Muscillo Transport Limited, Kleinburg, Ontario, with a unit price of $ .296 per unit per pick up, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Co-Operative Tender WB5-90, be awarded the contract, forthwith, for the collection and disposal of Blue Box Recyclables, as required by the Department of Public Works; and 3. That the Regional Municipality of Durham finance all blue box collection costs throughout the term of the contract as outlined in Report WD-89-90; and 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary agreements. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: As outlined in Section 2.7 of Report WD-89-90 (Schedule "A" attached), a Co-Operative Tender was issued for the Collection of Blue Box Recyclables and delivery to the Region of Durham recycling facility on Gerrard Road in the Town of Whitby. I Page - 2 - TR-101-90 CO-OPERATIVE TENDER WB5-90, FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECYCLABLES FROM THE BLUE BOXES Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Unit Price Per Stop Muscillo Transport Limited Kleinburg, Ontario $ .296 ODL-Ontario Disposal $ .325 A Division of Courtice Auto Wreckers Limited Oshawa, Ontario Browning-Ferris Industries Ltd. $ .445 Courtice, Ontario J & F Waste Systems Inc. $ .570 Ajax, Ontario Miller Waste Systems $ .620 A Division of Miller Paving Limited Markham, Ontario James Dick Construction Limited $ .725 Bolton, Ontario The low bid from Muscillo Transport Limited is being recommended for acceptance by staff of the seven (7) area municipalities of Uxbridge, Scugog, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle. Representatives from the Public Works Departments from each participating municipality have met with the subject firm and all are satisfied that all contract conditions will be met. The estimated cost of the Town of Newcastle's service, based on 9,201 blue boxes for fifty-four (54) pick ups in the thirteen (13) month contract period, from December 1, 1990 to December 31, 1991 is $147,068.00. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and Public Works staff, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Muscillo Transport Limited, Kleinburg, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Collection and Disposal of Blue Box Recyclables as required by the Department of Public Works. I [ Page - 3 - TR-101-90 CO-OPERATIVE TENDER WB5-90, FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECYCLABLES FROM THE BLUE BOXES As Durham Recycling Centre Inc. will no longer be providing curbside collection of recyclable as of November 30, 1990, a forthwith approval is requested. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, t2tuP-- r e Mara~o, H.B.Sc., Treasurer. Officer. kra/~ /W.A. Evans, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. LAB/hjl Attachments /4,) ku,Ni: ~re; ~T #; buuCT ; I ATTACHMENT "A" REPORT #3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT: fi Ie 11/0'6- Ol.f. ~ Res,. II py-law II I' COONC It. ' ,OCTOBlilR'29, 1990 WD-Q9...90 · 'FILES: BLtm ~ox; lmCYCLING ~ROGIWl ,; ~. .' ,: t~COMMENDATIONS: I .1\ I I I I I I I I I I ~t ~~ re~pecttully ~~cpmmenqed that Cpuncil ~pprove tne following; 1. , THAT Report WO~Q9'"!90 be' X'ecijiv~d; THAT the R~<;Jion. ot DUrham p~ advi~~a tnat the T()wn, of , N~wca~tl~acc~pt,~ the op~X'~ttc;mal, r~spon~ibility for blue box collect,ion :f:J:om D~CE;)mP~X' l" J990 . tp p~qemb~:J:' 31, 19~ 1 in '~ccoX'qanc~ with 'thE;) termscontClin~d in tllEit Reg!qJla;J,. Council Resolution ot OqtQPe:J: l7, 1990iin thi~ :J:e<;Jardi and 2. ,II 3. ,. .' ," ,j THAT a copy lot RepO:J:'t WD-89;..90 'pEr forwClX'ded to Mr, C. W. Lundy, A.M.C~T., Regional Cle~~. . ' -------~-~-----~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~-~~~~--~------~---~~---~--~----- ~PORT 1.0 ATTACHMENT \, ! { i I No.1; RepoX't WM90-42 to the Waste Man~gement Committee dated October 17, 1990. 2 f 0 ' BACKGROUND II I, II Ii I , ! il( I 144 . . . 2 REPORT HO.: WD-09-90 'i.\.'..",->p';,-:..,J PAGE 3 . . -, 1 Jt;.-,-', . . . . . . . . . .' . . . SeveX'~l meetings we:J:'~ hE;l:J.q with ~ti;lft ottheArea. Mup,.icipalities and th~ RE:lgiQQ to discuss how the Area Municipalities p+efeX'red to p+ogE;l~q "t9\gpn~~n"E:lHt.hE;l1 P.).YE;l;i PPx ,QQllE;lct1onin J.ight of Durham Rec:ycling tE;l~tJlat,iJlC;1 tllE;l,i,.'tQPE;l~at:ic;m~Ut ptPecemPeX' ' ~, 1990. <: _' 't;,," ,1:,:.':'1' ;':~;":'_::';"'-""'/;i I ._,'," r. ",', :,~"i ;j:: J>;"d(;; :.,:,...':,,: r: \;,:>::,:,:(. :;)'.l,";f,<i ; :~. ~;t h' Ceniju's~~, 'wa~. ',iE;l'~ch~q '~n~t, ,:th~pp~:n;'atipnqJ.:J:'t:H;lponsipili ty for plue 'P9xpp.J.!eoti9J( ,31\9uld, ' b@)j~J\"(Mea" Nqn.ipipaJ.i ty re~ponsibil i ty and that>,a oo~ope:rative tender be called to optain bids from contX'actors to pX'ovide the service. , ,.1-'1,' ,',:", I,; .,;.r i 11. ..:'j',.,(.>i ,f":,,, !'!' ~' , Decision' of Regional Coun,ci.l, .~,October 17, 1990 ' ( I On QotQPeJ;.~,l1 f,l! Jtegiona.l.A,(;gungi.J. a.doptecl t,l1e,:tollowing amencled :reO(;mlJqenclat~Qn~',Qt t.he Wa"'1re Ni:Uli;lgement COmn\.1.ttee (rete:J:' to RepoX't contained in Attachment No.1);. ~ f,{ ',,' "a) , T~T"D"r4amRegiQna.gX'ee to the,X'equest fX'om Durham RecYQ.J.ing Gent:re ;.;+Jl.q ~. (PRe), tp,extend the ORe ooot:J:'act tQ,PecembeX',l, ,t990, in oX'der to allow PRC 'tqi ,wiJl,cl down., 9PE;l~atJon~;, ~ncl l i: i i ; " ;' \, p) THAT in oX'der to ensure uninterrupted ope~ation Qf th~ plqel.pq~ reoyoJ.in<] program afte,;J: Dec~mPer 1, 1990, Durham Region endorse the .f9J.lowiJl,<J,;interim :J:'e,~yol:i-ng ~ction plan:- Coiiection , l : , I, ( r 1:'; i: , i) Effective December 1, 1990, the area municipalities w.j.ll assqme ,I (:!iX'E:lqt oPerational X'espon~ibility for blue pox collection; . I :' 5. :1, I ! 1 ~'/ I ,j.,i )Durh~ RegioJl w:i-ll oQntinue to finance all plue box co1.le,ot,ioJ). oP~ts, foJ7'dlthiX'teen month period from December 1, 1990, until December 31, 1991; iii) Effective December 1, 1990, Durham Region will lease to the area municipalities, for a nominal fee, the existing.. f.}.~~t: of, eigh,te~n (18) recycling pick-up vehicles toX' the thirteen month period from December 'I ~, 1990 f ,,1;0/PecemQ~~J1, 1991; !!.'. , , .' . 1," " , DuX'ham Region will cont,inue to puX'chase blue boxes in bulk anq pX'ovide blue boxes to area munic:;:ipCll!ti,e~, ~s J:'equ.t:red, for distribution to ;r~s idences; . J?ioc:e~sin9. .tv) \ T~~ purllam R~9~qn t~ke the required action for the Works Dep~+tme,nt to 9pe:rQt,.e the recyoling processing operations effective December 1, 1990," ' . . .4 /15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '){EPORT NO.: WD-89-90 PAGE 5 4. A co-operative tender was called on Friday, October 19 for the collection and disposal of recyclables. The tender close~ on Octobex:- 31 anQ~ x:-eport will be supmitted to the General Purpose ~nd Administration ,Committee in Novembex:- to deal with the tender. 4.0 RECOMMENDA~tO~S 4.1 ~HAT Report WD-89~90 be reoeived; 4.2 THAT the Region of Durham pe ,advi~ed that the Town of Newcastle accepts the op~rational respons.tpility tOr P+ye pq~ colleotion from December 1, 1990 to Decemb~r ~1, 1991 in accordance with the terms containeQ in the Regional Council Resolution of Octopex:- 17, 1990 in this regard; and ! .l 1 4.3 TH.AT a copy of Report WD-89...90 be forwaJ;'ded to Mr. C.W. Lundy, 4.M.C.T., Regional Clerk. Respectfully supmitteQ, . Recommended for 'presentation to the Committee, . -111Jii;. ~;;~~;~(-~~~;;ii:-"'~------ Chief ~dministrative Ofticer Waltex:- A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works WAE*llv' October 24, 1990 Attacnment :/ pc; Mr. C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.~, Regioflal Clerk Region of Durham 105 Consumers Dx:-ive Whitpy, Ontax:-io LlN 1C4 /48 ~ t'C7-1 c;)' !-(ELLY: ZUL1~ (}REBN'VAY~ BRUCR BARRISTERS 8: SOLICITORS TERENCE V, KEl.,LV, Q,C, STANLEY V, ZULY I. PAUL GREE:NWAV ANDREW J, 9RUCE: MARK R, FRAYNE: BY FAX AND REGULAR MAIL Town of Newcastl~ Clerk's Department 40 Temperance Street ROWMANVILLE, On~ario Lie 3A6 Dear Strs: OCT Z6 3 36 PH 'SO P,O, BOX 886 114 KING $TREET EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 7N1 H;i..I::PIiONE (416) 723-:?'278 TORONTO LINE (416) 42"-0465 FAX (416i 422-2€>63 October 26, 1990 RE: Durham Recyclin~ Centre Inc. This is sent to confirm that, as of November 30, 1990, Durham Recycling Centre Inc. will no longer be providing for the curbside collection of recyclables. We trust the above is satisfactory. fI1RF' : Tn k OP \frJ2P . . LJ LU ~ r}J /49 / \,