HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-88-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #ff)), ,::} I 't Res. # By-Law # tffTI t{J: DATE: REFffiT #: SURECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE October 1, 1990 'l'R-88-QO FILE #: TENDER NW90-38, KRESIA LANE AND GEARING LANE SURFACE PAVING AND DITCHING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-88-90 be received; 2. That Bennett Paving and Materials, Oshawa, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $44,041.40, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW90-38, be awarded the contract forthwith, for Kresia Lane and Gearing Lane Surface Paving and Ditching, as required by the Department of Public Works; and 3. That funds required for the work be recovered by drawing down the developer's Letter of Credit, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in the Subdivision Agreement between Gearing Farms Limited and the Town of Newcastle. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Subsequent to Council's approval of Report WD-68-90, tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for Kresia Lane and Gearings Lane, Surface Paving and Ditching as required by the Department of Public Works. Copy of Report WD-68-90 is attached. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. I Page - 2 - TR-88-90 TENDER NW90-38, KRESIA LANE AND GEARINGS LANE SURFACE PAVING AND DITCHING The engineer's estimate for the contract was $42,800.00. Other associated costs are estimated and detailed as follows: Contract Design and Tendering Construction Administration $ 44,041.40 1,500.00 500.00 Total Required Funds $ 46,041.40 The amount in the Letter of Credit retained for development is $46,531.58. Therefore, minor reductions in the quantity of base course asphalt and changing of sodding to seeding were made to the contract so that the net project cost will not exceed the Letter of Credit. Due to the approaching winter season, a forthwith approval is requested. The low bidder has previously satisfactorily performed for the Town of Newcastle. See attached letters from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B" and "C". The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Bennett Paving and Materials, Oshawa, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for Kresia Lane and Gearings Lane, Surface Paving and Ditching. submitted, LAB/hjl Attachments 72 SCHEDULE "A" TENDER NW90-38, KRESIA LANE AND GEARINGS LANE SURFACE PAVING AND DITCHING Bidder Total Bid Amount Bennett Paving and Materials Oshawa, Ontario $ 49,802.20 Harnden and King Construction Brooklin, Ontario $ 56,470.00 Mopal Construction Ltd. Scarborough, Ontario $ 57,811.00 ! CONSULTANTS totten sims hubicki associates Ms. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3A6 September 18, 1990 Dear Ms. Eirkett: SCHEDULE "B" G.L TOTTEN B,Sc" P,Eng, R.E. SIMS BASe., P.Eng. J.M. HUBICKI BASe., OM, P.Eng. R.L. WINDOVER M.Sc., P.Eng. P.C. EBERLEE BASe., P.Eng. TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES (1981) LIMITED 1A KING STREET EAST P.O. BOX 398, COBOURG ONTARIO, CANADA K9A 4L1 (416) 372-2121 FAX (416) 372-3621 Re: Contract No. NW90-38, Heritage Farm Estates Paving and Ditching - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Tenders for the above construction project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, September 14, 1990. The list of bidders with respective bids are as follows: Bennett Paving and Materials Harnden and King Construction Mopal Construction Limited Engineers Estimate $49,802.20 $56,470.00 $57,811.00 $42,800.00 We have checked the low bidder's tender and wish to advise that all requirements have been duly completed. Bennett Paving and Materials, a local firm, have completed a number of contracts under our supervision, including work for the Town of Newcastle, and we have no hesitation in recommending acceptance of their bid. Scheduling of the contract calls for work to be underway by Monday, October 8, 1990, with completion within ten working days. We understand the amount in the letter of credit still retained for the development is approximately $46,000.00. Based on the low bid, the overall contract costs are summarized as follows: By Contract Contract Preparation and Advertising Contract Administration Contingencies ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS $49,802.20 2,000.00 2,500.00 1,197.80 $55,500.00 Continued ... 2 7 ...~ 4. .L Ms. Lou Ann Birkett NW90-38 Heritage Farm September 18, 1990 Page 2 Although the low bid exceeded our estimate of the work by approximately $6,000.00, we feel the low bid is realistic. It is very difficult to estimate this type of remedial work due to the number of unknowns involved. The approach to this kind of work is not comparable to normal reconstruction projects. It may be of assistance to the Town in considering this bid, to review the recommendation to topsoil and sod ditches. Topsoil and seed would be cheaper. A decision to change this item would of course require a review with the low bidder. Please advise if we can be of further assistance in the review of this project. Yours truly, TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES <:?~ ?\ C~Lwf4~- R. A. Kempton, P.Eng. RAK/jam cc: Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Mr. A.S. Cannella, C.E.T., Manager of Engineering Mr. D. Patterson, Manager of Operations. 7 ? r) totten sims hubicki associates SEP-26-90 WED 10:59 TSH.COBURG FAX U 372 3621 . p _ ';::11 .. ~ ,........ SCHEDULE "C" .. -" ........ FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL - I~I totten sims hLlbicki assocIates Eng~nee(s Ar~hicects & ?lanne~s . DATE: ':'-'")6 ()'- ~<-k"",,~ 1<1'10 OuR PROJECT NO, 10.- {(!)(;o'7 '{OUR FILE NO. JJc.J10 .. '38 to: k:tl t Co.l"rtlli'. UC>.. C. 11!'f: ~~.J1<1 1, ;J.ew(~t..~ ~ fAX No..4b.:....6?'3.... 4(6'1 FRO~!: Ro'1 ./I,e H p1["'"J t:,<:;J..J . I NO. OF P AGE:S: 2 (i.ncluding this page): R,E: ~~o~ 00. 0[,J10-~ "'1M", 'i tJ.e-v..! (~f<p . ~lISSACE : tI-t.v.., .{..c.< <y '';;fI.V~ rr:J 16 rle.,;, . IkD c (..c..(l..A,. ",-..1) <~t ('LO ck~ J-r.t~...y:;) /l..(J......7'.~Q.f -o~ .. I. (J~ ~ i C;~ ../-........... c; ~ ~ c::JU..(:y.<J <""-" <:~ a ~.. c..)....;.. c ~ v...... (';.Q.'-'I, .h.:,." <: I (.;. d..r- (..-,..0. ,n .f-( fA {.u......... C,,^Qf 41,1Q7, '>fa ;:!.,rtJl.)t;:J c..ru '3 , 1. "E)' tZ cl..v. <:~.~ t......., ~~ CM';4 """", .v't '-f.oP""<':>-I-~ l2..A ~.~ ~ ........... c.:o", -h "d G.Q v../'V":!J; c.vyL.. Jj '/'...<::....... .L-. ..(-'7 """^ c1 f')<.:d -10 ..{"O f n ~ ....( c.......d ~Q..Q d r .\R-f'-""'~' t~ ('''- d <" (Jv.,..,~..... ~"'"'0'- 0, rc;f ,__Q /L() cLu(. ~u'.r"'.... /-l,~~.go /400, 0"'0 -- - b<::lCI.(ro ~. <t1!-f-'1-:'J:B::::J.<AI ~11- 5 go. (, c ........1 ,J) I r..>r'\ l' (A .0. (' """'^ ~'M.<:. I OR.!GXNA.l..S TO rou.O\": YES ...uo.A. r:> '- ..J-t . \ I" ' . . J ;L ~\i'. .104-6 I 04( ,4{; "-N~ f,wcf.'"1 C:Pr":1f '~____'r (~(' 1<:...6 "'? I.:> +t... 0. f +t.., .............J.. P -u) ji. c f <.".d (./,J l'iO -:.- . '. ~t .e..x.. (,.'..1U/ (J..r?~r . & 1 TO U~ SENT BY: COURIER ~IA!L H .4..N 1) PLEAS!:: ?ICK UP n 111ERE ARE l\lt'( J:>ROSLEHS \~:CTH TInS TR.~_'-:SrHSSIN{. PL8ASE C/\LL 't";:!:S OF'f!Ce: AS SOON 1\$ llOSSlllL,-r:, (416-3 72-2.l.2U /..... .2. 6 SEP-26-9~21 ,,.;~ .f~::~;": :.,",~.\'''',:-.., i ,'''.' 0' '. .',. \ ' I .' , " .,. I ' , '" . .,'. ~ ~ I .' l , ", .'," " . I ." ~. WED 11:00 TSH.COBURG FA>'. u 372 3E.21 P.02 JO<'::l-;L --, ',' .:.;...",.-. .' (t{... r " .' I :, I " " ~.' , ,"," , " ';or;\',,\' .... .. ".:'i',' . . Ms. Lou" Ann ,Birkett '.<}.~,F,~h~~;~ri8)m~~ug~lYAgerit . , .:.Corpot'at:l.on, of ,the Town of Newca8t1~ :,,4.9'. Teiiii>e~an~e . Sti~e't: : BOWMANVILLE/ Ontado. , """'~~i?i:1:~~.;'.::,.:,:;', .'., ,,::,,~\::,: 'I.' t .. , . ,,~.:', t.' ,~ / . 'Jj' : ;"; 'j , ' . ..... " ..::,~' ~;:.' .,: ~:I;~;': .' ,~..:.'.',. .i" "~;':'.'I 'I, ',: . ;:: ',' :'.<'~~'.j'.' ,:::" .- '. . . I" ....,:I;~.~;.\~;~..,~t.,~:\0$,,~P,.~~~p,,~1:'..L:~,~,.,.,:~~9,0,..:.' ,." ',}': ::;';:,":':.'::::::.' ::t:!:i~;DS;:: :,;~~t~i&1~~~~':~~:::". :.,.':", ::, ' , ,I. . '. ..'. . . \:.~' I, " ",oe.isr Ms~' 'Birkett: . ,', , . ,:::~,;.:,,;..:'.,..i<~"~( .' .'. , . .'....:,:::!~Jl~ ':..'toub:a.ct No. NW90-38, .",.;..:" .:.P~v1Dg ..and DitcJ?i~ ..: .; .. :'. , lle:-;:!.tage Parm Estates . .. . Corporat:lon of the. Town of'~ewca.atle . ' ;' " , ,t.' . ~,' ""', I ' "." , .' .' , I' .' .' ',' . , . ., . ,I ' I' . .' "'",,:,..Tend~rs':.fot'. the aboV'e,'conatt'uction project were opened :a.Ltne'. Municipal '. .':i:.9~~1C~~':.?#.:':Friday,:. Septem.l?e.r14,. 1990. . The list .of' bidde~~ with resp~ctive "\"b1da are:aS. follows: . "~I ,'.I:,l.~,l!~":,~.:,.~/. . . \ .'~.''''l'' ' " i" , , , "':.:, ',' , ." h . . , , .::.Benri~tt" ~avirig and Matet'ia1s.. '< '." . . 'I .1 f.. '\ " I . ,I;:' H~,rnden:.' and,: King. Cop,s truc don ,,/'~,O'pal':,'oon~'b:uction' ~Limi ted, .\:.'::" ":"\ ,,:~':,<'i,'~':;I:'}~' '~I\~:" :"~\\, \:,::".", '\"<1,,, ".' . '.' ~l'" :.:,':'Eng1neera' Est1ni'e:te'., . .' (,. ~';. ":':<:::::.(,;'::i:::". '~:<'.J:i:\:i,'.. ~ ::~.:'(~:".~'."'>',.". '.".' " ":'IW~::'have ':,c~ec.ked :the!ow' b~dder.' s tender. and 'wisp. to advi~e tha.iall requirements. ....,::have be.ert'duly.con\ple'ted. .' .' ,,:'i".:';::~'::>'::' ....'.. . ',.. :"'." "".: . ., . ::' "'.,"':' :'. ,. ' . ../ '(},::,"Be'nnett'. Pav1n'g. and'.:'Mate:r,:l.als', a. local: firm, have. cOMpleted a_nuro.beiof'. . . " : .........:..::c9..ntrac,ts,:::I~nder.' our'"supe);'Yl~.ion,,' 'including work forth~;~,To(liJ;l..':~~:'.,~~wc~~tl"e, ,:" ...:':~and we :have'.no'heaitationiri ):'.ecommend1ng acceptance of':thefr'bid~ ':." . ...::::::;' . ... :':?i:~~'~'~d~i~~'~~,~~1:~'~ t.~~:'.'~:~'~~~a~t""'c'ai'ls"f~'~,.'~~rk to' b~':~nd~rwa;',':b';"M6~~~Y" Oct6'~er :.::';,,':.:',. ::..:'i;:8:,.,:19,90.,,'~~~h":c6~Pl'e.Uon\..wi~h1~ .ten',.;:w:o,r~~ng .da!.,s~.' ~.~:'.u~?)~~i~~~d :t1)e.:a~!?~nt.. .> ':':'~';''''';;',''~,<:'in.::the\~letter. of cr.edit still . retained' for tbe: development>is\approx!ma.tely.. ;"'~""":':;""'$46 000 o'b, ' ..,. . '. . ..:.;,....'.,... .. ...:....,;:".:::..,~ .-.- .." .., ....' . ,:.::},.'.I.>':"::.:':;~;'~:,,:,:,:" '......::":,,.:<~,. ." :,,' . ':." '. '".. . ., .. ":..'; ;.::': ~}ri~~\(.):':~;.i,;::::',:~:.;':;;t~:~~~~.d'i'<?riY.fh\e.'lo'w';b(d; ~:1::he<o'y'e'i::~l~ '. ~~.~~~ac't costs"ar~;,:Buiiima;:i'zed:;\aij",foi1(}\4'8 ;'';,~,:; .:.::'.";: .... 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It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-68-90 be received; 2. THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized FORTHWITH to issue a Final Notification Letter to Gearing Farms Limited (Plan 10M- 751), and his solicitor, stating a completion deadline of August 24, 1990 for all outstanding works; 3. THAT upon expiration of the aforementioned deadline, the Director be authorized to take all necessary actions to correct and complete all outstanding works at the cost of the developer; 4. THAT funds required for such works be. recovered by drawing down the developer's Letter of Credit, in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in the Subdivision Agreement between Gearing Farms Limited and the TOwn of Newcastle; and 5. THAT Gearing Farms Limited and the Royal Bank of Canada be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-68-90. ! 2 B IO~~.L 1 . . .2 "C_,.. REPORT NO.: WD-68-90 PAGE 3 2.5 Public Works staff have had ongoing discussions with the developer, his solicitor and his engineering consultant regarding timing of the completion of these deficiencies and the placement of surface asphalt. These works remain outstanding and we have not received a positive response to our concerns. We therefore, consider the developer to be in default of his obligations under the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. 2.6 In order to effectively expedite the correction of these deficiencies and the completion of the surface asphalt this summer, the provisions of the subdivision agreement, Section 5.17 shall be invoked. 2.7 Under Section 5.17 of the Subdivision Agreement.(Attachment No.2) the Director of Public Works has the authority to order the work completed at the expense of the developer, subject to the approval of Council and upon written 'Notice' being given to the developer and his surety (refer to Attachment No.3). 2.8 .t. f ~ , 3.0 3.1 i ~ ~. " ..... In the event the developer does not complete the outstanding works by August 24, 1990, the Town will proceed with these works at the expense of the developer. The Town currently holds a Performance Guarantee to ensure the completion of these works, in the form of an irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $46,531.58, which exceeds the value of the outstanding works which is estimated to cost $30,000. RECOMMENDATIONS THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized FORTHWITH to issue a Final Notification Letter to Gearing Farms Limited (Plan 10M- 751), and his solicitor, stating a completion deadline of August 24, 1990 for all outstanding works; 3.2 THAT upon expiration of the aforementioned deadline, the Director be authorized to take all necessary actions to correct and complete all outstanding works at the cost of the developer; f;.,:" .- 7 2 9TO~-L3c. . . .4 II PEBBLESTONE 2 3 4 BLOCK 28 ,/1 I~LU SUBJECT SITE o <t o a: n 2\ I KEY 7 3 trrO~-li. IOM-751 II DATE: JUNE 1990 ATIACHMENT NO, 1 \:JI)-68-90 c' 3.13 PAYi1illlT OF 1.illiIICIPAL COGTS (1) EVC1-J provision of this L~recmcr:t by \.}hic~. t:1G O;:nG~ iz c:'ligcJ. in ~n;; '-ICY shall be ceerued to inclu~:2 t!lC ~-]{Ji.:'clG "ut the e::pai..43C of t:'l~ O;l!.lCrtl u;'llenc the conte:;:t othcruise require!). (2) The <A'1nel" oh.::::.l1 reir:;bu::,se the TO\1:1 ~or ull 4enoon~blo i.c1;o.l e::pcnDCS actually incurred for the prcpa~atio~ ~~d =etiiot~ation of t4io l~~c~ucnt, end the legal GCLvices contct..~ple.tc(l by tho t:::;l.-~~tC of tl:in ':\[;l.'eei'l~cri..~t, \ild.ch shell include rcvicH of perfOl'Y~\Q.r:.ce ~uorcnt~c ;:.e.ci tile 1.'i."C?cj:ctioi1 of Clij' rclcnnc. (3) The eX1Uer shull ho.ve the j;;"i.C;ht to incpcct:, Hi:;on rccGor..able 11oti~e, dUl"'inr; r-0[;ular busine:JG bourn, 3uch accounts, il.1voi~CD, th.:z ::ccOr(15 Ci":C. otbcr docuoentG and cclculctiono of chc~.:::;cc for ,:.;hich the ~<h':ll ia SG01:it\J reimbt.:rocl.lent. (l~) The Dlmer shall pa)' to the Tom.. for all el~3:tl1eer)_:.1g "nrl im:pection C05ts in clccorcl.~l1cc ui th the i=--ro'l/iciorlc of ncl:edulc "n" hereto. 3.14 lJ1~rAID CHtu:GES TIle Due date of: {\;1Y GUt~ of: l.;oney p~Y2.ble herein, u:...:.lecc a nhorter tiEle is specified, shall.be thirty (30) ~~ys after the dnte of the invoice. Interest at one ~nd one-half per c~r.t (1 1/2:;;). pe~ l~O~lth sh~l:- oe pa:/.:i!lle. ~7 the, C~mcr to the J.~I:n on all :H.tnlG 0:': 1~1oacy li.:iy.::.:ula ne:re~n, 'wll~cn UTe not pD..lC! on tnc due dates, calculated from such due cnte. I - r 1. ~1 .". L f." L .0.;; t. '.~ 7 3 '\ !-f}gJ~L1Z,. !(fjjC~!.!~ Mr. Paul Gearing Gearing Farms Limited Box 12 R. R. #3 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K4 - Dear Sir: RE: GEARING FARMS LIMITED, PLAN 10M-751 COMPLETION OF OUTSTANDING WORKS This will serve as notice, as stipulated in Section 5.17 of the Subdivision Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Gearing Farms Limited, that in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, you have defaulted in the completion of the outstanding works relating to Plan 10M-751. As such, you are hereby notified that you have until August 24, 1990, to complete the outstanding works, which include, but are not limited to the following: 4... Repairs to road culverts Repairs to base asphalt Improvements to gravel shoulders Placement of surface asphalt Installation of boulevard trees Regrading, tops oiling and sodding of section of ditch on Gearing's Lane Regrading of ditch on Tooley's Road at Kresia Lane. :\ ., This list may be reduced depending on the amount and quality of work carried out by your forces prior to the stated deadline. All works are to be to our approval and require the full time supervision of your consulting engineers, D. G. Biddle & Associates. to., . . .2 7 3 21-~F)-Q.Q 1 9 I '. .' .._"._~ ----.. A IT ACHf:'ENT NO I 3 HD-68-90 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40TEMPERANCESTREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. L1C3A6. (416)623-3379' FAX623-4169