HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-63-90 ToWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File OlD '.5' 7. 3 . Res. 0 By-law 0 GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE July 23, 1990 TR-63....90 FILE #: PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION - INFORMATION REPORT I RECOMMENDATIONS: ] .J I J 1 J J J J J ] It is respectfully recommended that. the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-63-90 be received for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS 1. Committee directed, at the meeting of July 9th, that the Treasurer investigate and report on the Property Assessment Corporation. 2. Discussions with Mr. Lettner, Assistant Deputy Minister _ Revenue, in charge of the Property Assistance Program, have confirmed the following details: . Bill 156 - dealing with the Property Assessment Corporation is still in the legislature Bill 156 will likely receive second reading in Fall 1990 Bill 156 will be effective January 1, 1991 Current services of the Regional.Assessment Offices to "Municipalities will not change A Board of Directors will be established as follows: * 3 - 7 members * 50% - each Provincial/Municipal representation * Memorandum of Understanding between Board Chairman and the Ministry will be undertaken 710 TR-63-90 Page 2 f I ~ r I 3. Currently there is no written documentation available from either the Minister's Office or the Regional Assessment Office. However, should Council wish, the Regional Assessment Commissioner, Mr. Merv Bowen, has indicated that he will be available to address Council subsequent to a scheduled National Assessment Conference in September 1990. Attached is an information letter from the Ministry of Revenue regarding the formation of the new Crown agency. This letter was included in a recent Council Agenda. Staff will bring forward further information on this matter as it becomes available later in the year. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee /2/1~ ~ A. Marano, H.BSc. Treasurer -1J Officer MAM/ges Attachment 7 1 1 COUNCIL INFORMATION 1-26 [&1 .. C2JO r Ontano I I Dear Head of Council: f5)~ f? R n \\n r? ..>=c.. ...n~.._. ~I!:>~LSU \J lS ?~~:Gf;;:,\Cr 'j\ HAY - 9 '990 lOWN OF NEWCAST , E MAYOR'S OFFICE ~ TO\J;iN C;~ :,!'::\f:.><'~;\.E , . ~ CLER~~':3. ;);:f .:~C;..;'.~.:~rF The recent Ontarlo Budget announced the formatlon 'u[ a: ..=~.~-~~~=- new Crown agency, the Property Assessment Corporation, effective January 1, 1991. The Corporation will be responsible for all of the programs and services currently provided by the Property Assessment Program, and will report to the Legislature of Ontario through the Minister of Revenue. , r ~<;'{..L-' '-' ..<!..-<_j' - .' _.. ._-,/...-rr~. ~.t.-. '. 4th-Floor Hearst Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1X7 416/965-2901 4e etage Edifice Hearst Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1X7 416/965.2901 Minister ~ rstre Ministry of Revenue Ministere du Revenu May 4, 1990 MA '( ?c;. 19~)O J 1 The Province assumed responsibility for property assessment in 1970~ with the stated intention of implementing a consistent Province-wide system, To date, we have successfully reassessed, under the Section 63 and Section 70 programs, 692 municipalities, or 82 %, at least once at the local level. Also, in the past few years the Ministry has begun a process of extending reassessment to the region or county level, in order to provide a sound basis for the distribution of upper-tier government and school board costs among constituent municipalities. '1 .J At the present time, the Property Assessment Program has an "order book" of reassessment requests from over 500 municipalities, largely in 23 counties or regions.. As well, earlier this year the Council of Metropolitan Toronto requested a reassessment of the Region, which will be completed in 1992 for taxation in 1993. J When these reassessments have been completed, the Province's 1970 commitment will have been fulfilled. Consequently, the new Corporation is being established now in order to meet future needs, particularly the need to involve municipalities directly in establishing new priorities and in ensuring the continued effectiveness of assessment services. 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While many details of the structure and operation of the Corporation remain to be decided, I wish to inform you that the staff and office network of the Property Assessment Program will move intact, as a going concern, to the Corporation. On January 1, 1991, it will be business as usual, and you will be dealing with the same Regional Assessment Office and staff that provide services to your municipality now. I stress that the service levels currently provided by the Property Assessment Program will be maintained, If you have any questions about the Property Assessment Corporation, I invite you to contact your Regional Assessment Commissioner. :~s Si~cerel?/)l, f~~~~'M:~l~~~i: Ctj~ i Mini ter i \ / Copy: Honourable ~avid Peterson Premier of hntario Honourable Robert F. Nixon Treasurer of Ontario Honourable John Sweeney Minister of Housing and Minister of Municipal Affairs Honourable Sean Conway Minister of Education, Colleges and Universities and Skills Development Regional Assessment Commissioner I' - , 1 I) J r j'