HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-55-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # lo.;<..f!. Res. # By-Law # fffTI rtJ: DAlE: ItPffiT #: SUBJ:CT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June 18, 1990 TR-55-90 FILE #: TENDER NW90-3, CONSTRUCTION OF MILL STREET CULVERT AND APPROACHES, HAMPTON, ONTARIO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-55-90 be received; 2. That R.T. Grills Construction Limited, Omemee, Ontario, with a total contract bid in the amount of $345,035.60, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW90-3, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Mill Street Culvert and Approaches, Hampton, Ontario, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3. That the funds in the amount of $75,000.00 be drawn from the Public Works 1990 Capital Budget; Road Capital Reserve Account #1110-00165-X (Capital Budget page 30); and 4. That the additional funds required in an approximate amount of $346,500.00 be drawn from Public Works Lot Levies (total project cost $421,500.00 less $75,000.00 Road Capital Reserve $75,000.00 of which was identified from Lot Levies through the 1990 Capital Budget page 30). BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the construction of Mill Street Culvert and Approaches, Hampton, Ontario, as required by the Department of Public Works. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. 715 Page - 2 - TR-55-90 TENDER NW90-3, CONSTRUCTION OF MILL STREET CULVERT AND APPROACHES, HAMPTON, ONTARIO The engineer's estimate for the contract was $348,000.00. Other associated costs are estimated and detailed as follows: Contract Contingencies Design and Tendering Construction Administration Relocation of Utilities Land Acquisition and Legal Fees Total Required Funds $ 345,035.60 10,714.40 21,250.00 34,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 $ 421,500.00 Due to the redesign of the project, the total required funds of $421,500.00 are substantially over the budget allocation of $150,000.00, reflected on Page 30 of the 1990 Capital Budget. It is proposed that funds in the amount of $75,000.00 be drawn from the Public Works Road Capital Reserve Account #1110-00165-X and that the additional required funds of $3.iJ.6}!).OOZOOi ($75,000.00 + $271,500.00), be drawn from Public Works Lot Levies. The low bidder has not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle. See attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, outlining their references, marked Schedule "B". The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, R.T. Grills Construction Limited, Omemee, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Construction of Mill Street Culvert and Approaches, Hampton, Ontario. Respectfully submitted, (j 12{ I&:t:~r- . ie Marano, H.B.Sc., ~. W.A. Evans, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. Recommended for presentation to ~. e Committee, /1 /i r./.~. /J/lf \,' l"m,,~' ~ ./ ;1.() ~4'.l ffawren~e/E. Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer. LAB/hjl Attachments If) SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY TENDER NW90-3, CONSTRUCTION OF MILL STREET CULVERT AND APPROACHES, HAMPTON, ONTARIO BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT R.T. Grills Construction Limited Omemee, Ontario $ 345,035.60 $ 353,670.55 ** $ 363,319.00 $ 370,844.60 $ 396,518.00 $ 472,296.65 Ron Robinson Limited Oshawa, Ontario Baltimore Development & Services Ltd. Cobourg, Ontario Dave Boyle Excavating Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario G.C. Romano Sons (Toronto) Limited Concord, Ontario Logan Contracting Limited Stratford, Ontario ** extension error ! JUN- 1 1 -9121 t'10t.~ 15:25 TSH.COBURG FAX ~ 6~L OOL~ ,'.f::..I.L SCHEDULE "B" ,a CONSULTANTS G.L. TOTleN 6.$0.. P.E!r'lg. ~,e, SIMS a,A,SO" P.Enil, J,M. HU6lCKl BAse., OAA. P,!;;nQ, R,t., WINOOVER M,Sc., FI.en\). P,C. eaERLES B,A,So.. P.E"g. totten sims hubicki associates TOTl'f.H $tillS HUDlCKI A$SoelAT1!5 Ilill') LIMITED '^ KING STAEET lAST P,O. 80X au, COflOURO ON"l'AAIO, e~NADA I<vA 41.1 (41ft) 372-2121 FAX (41ft) 372~~1 FAX NO. 416-623~4169 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Co:rporation of the Town of Newcastle Municipal BUilding. 40 Tempe~ance Street BOWMANVILLE, Onta~io LlC :3A6 June 11, 1990 Dear Ms. Birkett: ;; Re= Contract No. NW90-3, Mill Street Culvert and Approaches, Uampton, Ontario Tenders for the construction of the above project were opened at the Municipal offices on Wednesday, June 6, 1990. The list of bidders with respective bids are summarized as follows: Logan Contracting Limited G.e. Romano & Sons (Toronto) Limited Dave Boyle Excavating Baltimore Development Services Ltd. Ron Robinson Limited R.T. Grills Construction Limited Engineer'S Estimate $472,296.65 $396,518.00 $370,844.60 $363,319.00 $353,670.55 $.345,035.60 $348,000.00 We have checked the Low Bidder's tender and wish to advise that all requirements have been duly completed and the appropriate certified deposit cheque accompanied the tender. R.T. Grills Construction Limited has completed a number of bridge projects in recent years including Cattail Bridge, Canal Arch Bridge in Victoria County, and Taylor Drain Culvert, Village of North Gcre. All works were completed ~n a satisfactory manner and we recommend acceptance of the lO~<l bid. ../2 ENGINEERS ARCHliECTS AND PLANNERS 7'1 g .J UN - ..1. ..1. - :::0 I:::.:J 10..___ t... .J. ==- ;; ...:::. -=_ I :=_ H _ 1_ 1_1.t::i I_I r-o:: 1....:1 r- t-I.=-=. 4+ -=. r....::: 0=. r::.....::: .1. r- _ .....:.'...::.: - 2 - Coutract No. NU90~3, Mill St. Culvert & Approaches, Hampton, Ontario June 11, 1990 Scheduling of the contract calls for the work to be completed by Friday, September 7, 1990. Based on the low bid, the overall contract costs are summarized as follows: By Contract Land Acquisition and Legal Fees Oesign and Contract Preparation Layout and Contract Administration Contingencies Utility Relocation Total $345,035.60 $ 5,000.00 $ 21,250.00 $ 34,500.00 $ lO,714.40 $..2.t. 000.00 $421,500.00 All work on this contract is eligible for subsidy by the Ministry of Transportation Ontado. Yours very truly, TOtTEN SIMS HUBICKl ASSOCIATES -:k? 4~~ R.A. Kempton, P.Eng. RA~/ag cc: Mr. W.A. Evans, F.Eng. Mr. A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Mr. O. Patte:t:son 719 totteD aims hublcki aasociatea