HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-27-90 fffTIf{] : DATE: ~T #: SUB..ECT : TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # '7 <:1 'd\ ' f) GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE April 23, 1990 TR-27-90 FILE #: TENDER NW90-4, RECONSTRUCTION OF TRULL'S ROAD FROM KING'S HIGHWAY NO. 2 TO GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: It 1S respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-27-90 be received; 2. That Bar-Bro Construction Limited, Concord, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $1,858,725.10 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW90-4, be awarded the contract for the Reconstruction of Trull's Road from King's Highway No.2 to George Reynolds Drive, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3. That the funds in the amount of $1,750,000.00 be drawn from the approved 1990 Public Works Capital budget, Account #7205-88008-0261; and 4. That the additional funds required in an approximate amount of $153,000.00 be drawn from Public Works Lot Levies (total project cost $1,903,000.00 less budgeted cost $1,750,000.00). 748 I . Page - 2 - TR-27-90 TENDER NW90-4, RECONSTRUCTION OF TRULL'S ROAD FROM KING'S HIGHWAY NO. 2 TO GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the reconstruction of Trull's Road from King's Highway No. 2 to George Reynolds Drive, as required by the Department of Public Works. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. The low bid of $1,858,725.10 is over the budget allocation of $1,750,000.00. The engineer's estimate for the contract was $2,044,035.00. Other associated costs are estimated and detailed as follows: Contract $ 1,858,725.10 Contingencies 51,056.60 Design and Tendering 35,000.00 Construction Administration 155,000.00 Relocation of Utilities 17,000.00 Legal Surveys 2,000.00 $ 2,118,781.70 Less Payable by Others 215,781.70 Total Required Funds - Town $ 1,903,000.00 It is proposed that funds in the amount of $1,750,000.00 be drawn from the approved 1990 Public Works Capital budget, Account #7205-88008-0261 and that the additional required funds be drawn from Public Works Lot Levies. With respect to the total bid price being over budget, the tender includes the supply and installation of an oversized storm sewer below King's Highway No.2. This sewer shall serve future land development south of King's Highway (on both sides of Trull's Road south). The total cost of the sewer (including 749 Page - 3 - TR-27-90 TENDER NW90-4, RECONSTRUCTION OF TRULL'S ROAD FROM KING'S HIGHWAY NO. 2 TO GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE appurtenances) approximate $150,000.00 which had not been included in the original estimate. It is anticipated that this cost shall subsequently be paid by the respective developers. Although the low bidder has not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, their references have been outlined in the attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "B". The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Bar-Bro Construction Limited, Concord, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Reconstruction of Trull's Road from King's Highway No. 2 to George Reynolds Drive. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ~ ie Marano, H.B.Sc., Treasurer. c-) N0J!L ~ ~ Lawrence E. Kotseff, J 'Chief Administrative Officer. ~ W.A. Evans, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. LAB/hjl Attachments 7C . ..J SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY TENDER NW90-4, RECONSTRUCTION OF TRULL'S ROAD FROM KING'S HIGHWAY NO. 2 TO GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE Bidder Dawn Enterprises Ltd. Thornhill, Ontario Total Bid Amount $ 1,858,725.10 ** $ 1,888,832.88 $ 1,914,843.85 ** $ 1,966,834.25 $ 1,988,831.80 $ 1,990,129.00 $ 2,017,395.00 $ 2,150,001.46 ** $ 2,195,259.37 ** $ 2,463,217.00 ** Bar-Bro Construction Limited Concord, Ontario Craftwood Construction Company Limited Toronto, Ontario Dagmar Construction Inc. Markham, Ontario Power Contracting Inc. Thornhill, Ontario Kamlu Construction Limited Gormley, Ontario Lamco Construction Gormley, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited Oshawa, Ontario Advice Construction Limited Markham, Ontario Elirpa Construction Materials Limited Pickering, Ontario ** extension error 7',' h 1 ~) , APR-17-90 TUE 14:26 TSH.COBURG FAX U 372 3621 ATTACHMENT "B" 3"'2'1 'J ' ~ - I~I CONSULTANTS totten sims hubicki associates FAX NO. 416-623-4169 Ms. Lou Ann 8irkett Purchasing & Supply Agent Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Municipal BUilding, 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 April 17, 1990 Dear Ms. Birkett: P. ~31 G.!., TOTTEN B.Se" P,Eng. R,E. SIMS a,A.Se" P,Eng, J.M, HUSICKI SASe.. OM, P.Eng. IU, WfNOOVER M.So., P.En\). P.O. EBERLEE BASe., P.l\!n\), '!'OTTEN SIMS HVDl~1 ASSOCIATES (1881) UMITED ,,, l(INt;l f:ITREili' EAST P.O, eox 3ge. coaoUAG ON'l'AAIO. OANADA KlIA ~Ll (410) (l7:Z-~1~1 flAX (ile) 37:t.:i021 ae: Contract No. NW90-4, Town of Newcastle1 Trull*s Road North, (K.H. #2 to 100 metres North of George Reynolds Drive). Lot 30 & 31. Concession II & Ill, Darlington. Length 1,100 metres Tenders for the construction of the subject project were opened at the Municipal offices, on Wednesday, April 11, 1990. The list of biddet$ !ncluding respective p~ices are summarized as follows: Elitpa Construction Materials Limited, Pickering Advice Construction Limited, Markham Ron Robinson Limited, Oshaws Lamco Construction, Gormley Kamlu Construction Limited, Gormley Power Contracting Inc" Thornhill Dagmar Construction Inc" Markham Craftwood Construction Company Limited, Toronto Dawn ~nterprises Ltd" Thornhill Sar-Bro Construction Limited, Concord *CQrrected amount Enginee~'s Estimate of Cost $2,463,217.00* $2,195,259.37* $2,150,001.46* $2,017,395,00* $1,990,129.00 $1,988,831.80 $1,966,834,25 $1,914,843.85* $1,888,832. 88~\' $1,858,725.10* $2,044,035.00 We have checked the low Bidder's tender and wish to advise that all requirements have been satisfactorily addressed. The Agreement to Bond has been duly completed and the appropriate certified deposit cheque in the amount of $75,000.00 accompanied the tender. 752 ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS " /2 H~H-~~-~~ IWE 14:26 TSH.COBWRG FAX U 372 3621 P.02 - 2 ~ Contract No. NW90~4, town of Newcastle, Trull's Road North (cont'd) Ap~il 17, 1990 We have checked vatious references provided by the low bidder, Bar-Bra Construction Limited and have received favou~able comment. In this regard, I have spoken with representatives of the Region of Durham, Town of Richmond H~11 and Sernas Engineering Ltd. I am advised that the Contractor's workmanship, operational procedures and cooperation are satisfactory. The Company has not previously undertaken work for our firm. Bar-Bro have been !ncorporated Since 1980 and employ 15 persons on a full time basia and 35 to 40 people during the peak construction season. Their volume of work has averaged three million dollars annually during the last three years. I enclose herewith one copy of correspondence dated April 16, 1990, originating from tha Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, North York Branch. The Branch Manager confirms the business association with Ear-Bro is satisfactory. The employees of the subject Contractor are members of the International Union of No~th America, Branch 183. The Union Contract expires April 30, 1990 and negotiations for a renewal must be completed and the conditions ratified by the major~ty of members not later than May It 1990. A labour strike could have adverse effects to the progress of our project. However, this is a problem common to the majority of the bidders and is beyond control. We are advised the low bidder is prepared to commence work on May 7, 1990 in considera~ tion of the Town approving the tender award. I recommend all certified deposit cheques now be released with the exception of the low and second low bidders. Time did not permit our completing an itemized cost breakdown at this time. This Shall be calculated and forwarded to all participants at a later date. Based on the low bid the overall contract costs are summarized as follows: Section 1 - Roadworks Section 2 - Sanitary Sewers Section 3 - Watermains Section 6 - Traffic Signals Total Tender Bid $1,642,943.40 $ 121,956.20 $ 11,247.50 $ 82~578.00 $1,858,725.10 Costs associated with Sections 2, 3 and 6 are payed by others. Approximate costs associated with Section 1, RQadworks payable by the Town of Newcastle are detailed as follows: ../3 753 totten sims hubick1 associates AF'J;;:- 1 7-9';::1 TUE 14:27 TSH.COBURG FAX tt 372 3621 P.~:::13 - 3 - Contract No. NW90-4, Town of Newcastle, Trull's Road North (cont'd) April 17, 1990 Tender Contingencies Design and Tendering Services Construction Administration Relocat1on of Utilities Lagal Survltys Total $1,642,943.40 $ 51,056.60 $ 35,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 17 , 000 . 00 $ 2,000.02 $1,903,000.00 The aforesaid tender cost includes th~ supply and installation of an oversized storm sewer below King's Highway No.2. The sewer shall serve future land development south of g.H. #2, (on both sides of Trull's Road south). The total cost of the sewer (including appurtenances) approximates $150,000.00 and shall subsequently be payed by the respective Developers. This additional work was not included in the original estimate of cost. We have completed a breakdown of the contract items associated with Section 1, Roadways. The Town of Newcastle are eligible for payment of $621,000.00 in subsidy dollars from the Ministry of Transportation Ontario toward the financing of this portion of the contract. Please contact the undersigned at your convenience should you requite additional details concerning this matter. Yours very truly, TOtTEN SIMS aUBICKI ASSOCIATES ~~ D.R. Bourne Projects Manager DRB/ag encl. cc: Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Mr. A.S. Cannella, C.E.T., Manager of Engineering Mr. D. Patterson) Manager of Operations 154