HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-06 MinutesCLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MAY 6, 6:30 P.M. MEETING ROOM #1A Present: David Kelly, Chair Brian Duffey Councillor Adrian Foster Tim Hick Keith Kelly attended until 7:45 p.m. Pat Rundle Evylin Stroud Suzanne Wortman Walter Zutell Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Evyln Stroud, seconded by Adrian Foster THAT the minutes of the meeting held on March 31, 2004 be adopted. "CARRIED" 2. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Business Awards of Excellence David Kelly advised that he has been visiting various businesses throughout the municipality to ascertain what improvements have been made to accommodate accessibility issues. It was agreed that a set of standards would be devised to be reviewed by the entire committee at the next meeting. Councillor Foster will contact Ron Collis to determine if the Board of Trade would be interested in assisting in this endeavour. b) Transportation Pat Rundle reported that she and Suzanne Wortman have spoken with Leslie Benson regarding the municpality's bus system and with Len Creamer with respect to the proposed taxi by-law. She advises that the Region is looking at a Handi-Transit model, however they are waiting on the business plan to be formulated. The Town of Ajax has a system where buses are "flagged" rather than having to stop at designated bus stops. The sub-committee is reviewing transportation systems in municipalities of similar size. It was suggested that the Timmins system be reviewed. One of the difficulties in operating accessible cabs is the extensive training required for the drivers. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - May 6, 2004 Advisory Committee c) Operations Tim Hick advised that he and Keith Kelly had met and agreed on both short and long term goals, which were distributed to all members. Following discussion of these goals, it was agreed that the Director of Operations would be invited to attend the next meeting of the AAC Committee. d) Site Plan Review Evylin Stroud and Brian Duffy met with members of the Planning Services Department to review two site plan applications. Comments pertaining to the applications have been forwarded back to the Planning Services Department. A system has been devised for the sub-committee to be notified when site plans are received. Two more plans are being reviewed following the meeting this evening. 3. UPDATE ON RICK HANSEN WHEELS IN MOTION CAMPAIGN Councillor Foster advised that he has had a great amount of interest shown in this event and it is scheduled for June 13 commencing at 2:00 p.m. at the Courtice Community Complex. The walk will commence at the Complex, head north on Courtice Road to Nash, west on Nash and then back easterly on Nash, south on Courtice to the Complex. Moved by Pat Rundle, seconded by Tim Hick THAT the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee support the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Campaign scheduled for June 13 at the Courtice Community Complex and forward a letter of request for a Road Occupancy Permit to Council; and THAT the members of Council be invited to participate in the event. "CARRIED" 4. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP It was agreed to replace the two members who are no longer active with the Committee. Applications are to be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk. 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) 182 Church Street – Installation of Ramp The Committee discussed the issue of a ramp installation at this business. Rick Pigeon, Chief Building Official had been contacted prior to the meeting and asked the owner to contact him with questions. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - May 6, 2004 Advisory Committee 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held on June 3, 2004. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Pat Rundle, seconded by Evylin Stroud THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:14 p.m. "CARRIED" ___________________ Chair ____________________ Secretary