HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-06 MinutesCLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE JUNE 6, 2007, 6:00 P.M. MEETING ROOM #1A Present: David Kelly, Chair, attended the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Keith Brettell Norman Hannan Darlene Matthews Councillor Ron Hooper Absent: Sally Barrie Tim Hick Also Present: Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk Ellen Atkinson, Recording Secretary Councillor Hooper chaired the meeting in the absence of the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Moved by Norman Hanna, seconded by Darlene Matthews THAT the minutes of the meeting held on April 3, 2007 be approved. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS 2. b) Clarington Public Library – Newcastle Branch Edie Hopkins, Bruce Taylor and Gerry Shoaltz provided an update on the construction of the Newcastle Library. Edie thanked the Committee for their input for improvements and reminded the members that the Library’s official opening will be held in the fall of 2008 and she hopes to see everyone there. Gerry Shoaltz provided a Powerpoint presentation on the improvements, advising the Committee all of their earlier concerns/issues were addressed and that most have been accommodated. The two washrooms have been remodelled (family and handicapped). The toilet and washbasin in the single handicapped washroom has been moved to the back wall allowing for more floor space. The doors for both washrooms have also been moved to allow for more space. The electrical work to install the push buttons on the washrooms will be roughed in, however, due to budget constraints, the push buttons will not be provided at this time. It was suggested that the door to the family washroom open outward; Gerry advised that this could be done. The parking lot has been redesigned and the handicapped parking spaces have been moved so they do not cross over the delivery ramp, curb cuts have been Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 6, 2007 Advisory Committee put all the way around and the trees have been moved. No pavers will be used; only concrete. The wider edging tool will be used on the sidewalks which will make them 1 foot wider for a total of 6 feet. At the main entrance, the sidewalk will be 8 feet and all sidewalks will be well lit. The inner doors will be automatic sliders, with a width of 3 feet to allow the sensors to work. The flooring will not be natural slate, it will be manufactured tile, providing a tighter, non-slip surface. David Kelly assumed the Chair. a) Sidewalk Snow Clearing Program Fred Horvath, Director of Operations thanked the Committee for arranging and allowing Municipal staff to participate in the Sensitivity Training session. Mr. Horvath addressed the Committee regarding the Kendal Community Centre kitchen renovations and advised that the Kendal Community Centre Committee has applied for a Trillium Foundation grant. Mr. Horvath requested the Accessibility Advisory Committee visit the Kendal Community Centre to provide suggestions, Mr. Horvath provided an update with respect to the Municipality’s Winter Maintenance program for seniors and disabled persons. Currently there are 700 residents who take advantage of the snow clearing program. It is required that all participants in the program reapply every year. He informed them of the challenges with the program and outlined guidelines and timeframes within which the department must work. He assured the Committee that all the Municipality’s main roadways are cleared within 8 hours from the end of a storm. A question and answer period followed Mr. Horvath’s presentation. ITEMS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 3. a) Sensitivity Training Patti Barrie relayed the positive comments on the Sensitivity Training sessions. Most of the Municipality’s full-time staff participated in the training and all comments have been very positive. Staff is determining if budget allocations will allow for the training to be provided to part-time staff members. NEW BUSINESS 4. a) 2007 Accessibility Plan Patti Barrie distributed the draft copy of the Accessibility Plan to the Committee members. The Committee felt this was the best one yet. Ms. Barrie will finalize the Plan for presentation to Council on June 25, 2007. David will attend the meeting and present the Plan to Council. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 6, 2007 Advisory Committee b) Clarington Public Library – Newcastle Branch Moved by Keith Brettell, seconded by Norman Hannan THAT the delegation of Gerry Shoaltz, Bruce Taylor and Edie Hopkins be received, with thanks; THAT the push buttons for the washroom doors in the Newcastle Branch of the Clarington Public Library be purchased by the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee; and THAT Gerry Shoaltz, Bruce Taylor and Edie Hopkins be advised of the Committee’s decision. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS 5. a) Fred Horvath offered to have the Kendal Community Centre available to the Committee for a summer meeting, should the Trillium funding be approved. A date will be arranged. b) David Kelly distributed copies of the letter that he received on behalf of the Committee from MPP John O’Toole regarding the public awareness AccessON campaign entitled . c) David requested that the media be contacted with respect to the Committee’s resolution regarding the conversion of Self Service gas stations. d) Norman read a letter that he received from the Mayor of Vancouver, B.C. thanking him for the suggestion of construction methods for creating City sidewalks. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 5. The next meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2007. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - June 6, 2007 Advisory Committee ADJOURNMENT 6. Moved by Norman Hannan, seconded by Keith Brettell THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary