June 2, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Present: Elaine Simpson, Vice-Chair
Sally Barrie
Keith Brettell
Corine Goodwin
Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer
Councillor Ron Hooper
Absent: David Kelly, Chair
Also Present: Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk
Elaine Simpson, Vice-Chair assumed the role of the Chair.
Moved by Sally Barrie, seconded by Keith Brettell
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on May 5, 2010 be approved.
a) Recreation Facility Accessiblity
Anne provided the Committee with an update on the accessibility at the
Clarington Fitness Centre. Mark Sutherland has advised that the pool lift
at this facility had the annual inspection on April 16 and it is fully
operational. This lift is now added to their monthly inspection schedule for
their operators. Regarding the family changes rooms at the CFC, this
matter will be addressed in the renovation design stage of the capital
project. The Courtice Community Complex changes rooms will need to be
investigated further as it appears that moving the privacy walls would
require some effort and funding.
Sylivia requested that the wheeled chair that they use to transfer a person
to the lift also be included in this monthly inspection as the wheels are
often seized on the chair. Additionally, Sylvia requested that all lifeguards
be trained to be able to operate the chair/lift because when they are not
competent it makes the customer feel very inadequate.
Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 2, 2010
Advisory Committee
a) Accessible Election Equipment - Demonstration
Anne gave the members a demonstration of the audio/tactile ballot
assistive marking tools, and highlighted the various accessible tools we
will be offering to our electors in the 2010 Municipal Elections, at the
Advance Voting opportunities and on Voting Day. Anne sought feedback
on writing tools that should be considered.. Members provided feedback
as follows:
Sally suggested that we contact the hand clinic in Toronto, part of
the University Health Network, for suggestions on easy to use
writing tool options. Sally will forward the contact information to
Elaine agreed to test the table height adjustment (which may be
used at each of the voting locations) while sitting in her scooter to
help staff determine if the devised table lifts will be suitable.
Anne/Patti will contact Elaine when they are ready to conduct the
Members supported the concept of the tools and Elaine stated that
the amount of work being undertaking by staff to accommodate the
needs of our electors should be communicated to the public. Anne
confirmed that a report will go before Council advising of our
accommodation measures both before and after the election.
b) Accessible Election Policies and Procedures - Update
Anne gave the members an update on the election Policies and
Procedures, which the Committee reviewed at their last meeting. The
draft has been amended to include standards on which we based our
assessment of our Voting Locations. Each location has been inspected
and graded.
c) FYI – Municipal Monitor Article
Members received a copy of the article, Setting the Standard – impending
changes to accessible built environment, from the May/June 2010 Issue of
Municipal Monitor. The Committee felt this was a very interesting article.
d) Accessibility Experts – Recognition Certificate
Anne advised of the Recognition Certificate received by the Municipality of
Clarington for their outstanding efforts and commitment towards making
Ontario accessible.
Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 2, 2010
Advisory Committee
a) Channel Island at Highway 2 and Courtice Road
It appears to be completed now as the interlock brickwork is done. Keith
reported that he has travelled over the island and it is nice and smooth
and he had no issues with it.
b) Expo Update
Sylvia advised that she attended the most recent planning meeting for the
Expo. Guy Longo, the gentleman creating the video was also in
attendance. Sylvia enquired if David attended the video shoot as he had
volunteered to be a spokesperson in the video. No one was able to
confirm if David had attended.
Sylvia further advised that the organizing committee did not get enough
volunteers for the initially planned wayfinders, so now there will only be
Clarington has an option to host a booth at the event. The Committee
discussed this option and it was agreed that although it would be nice to
have a booth there is an issue with the lack of volunteer resources to
cover the booth activities. Anne agreed to contact Tracy to see what other
municipalities have planned with respect to a booth. Anne will send an
email out to advise members of what other municipalities are doing.
The next planning committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
June 9 from 2:00 pm– 4:00 pm. As well, there is an additional planning
meeting scheduled for June 15. No one was available to volunteer to
attend the June 9 meeting.
b) DREN Award – to Municipality of Clarington
Councillor Hooper, along with Councillor Novak, attended the Durham
Region Employment Network 2010 Employability Awards celebration. He
reported it was a very well run event. The Municipality of Clarington
received one of the Accessibility Awards; an award presented for
achievements of accessibility based on the success for the removal of
barriers to ensure accessibility within our business.
Councillor Hooper suggested that the AAC should consider looking to
businesses within our community who employ persons with disabilities for
the 2011 nominations.
Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Ministry of Community and Social Services
was in attendance and spoke to the new recreation facility, designed for
persons with disabilities, to be constructed in Whitby -- Abilities Centre.
Clarington Accessibility - 4 - June 2, 2010
Advisory Committee
b) Tripping Hazard – Liberty and King Intersection
Sylvia advised of a watermain valve at the south-west corner of the Liberty
and King Street intersection. Anne will advise the Operations Department.
The next meeting will be held on September 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in Committee
Room 1A.
Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Corine Goodwin
THAT the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.