HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-017-11~jari~gton REPORT g y ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday April 4, 2011 Report #: EGD-017-11 File #: (~(~ ~89-II By-law #: Subject: NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL PARK -PROPOSAL TO RENAME RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Newcastle Memorial Park continue to be known by that name;ana THAT all interested parties be notified of Council's decision ly by: i_.-, ~~ Submitted by: .Cannella, C.E.T. Reviewed by: Director of Engineering Services ice./ ASC/PWfjo March 25, 2011 G-' ranklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 REPORT NO.: EGD-017-11 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the Council meeting of January 17, 2011, Myno Van Dyke of the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society made a presentation to Council and provided correspondence to recommend that Newcastle Memorial Park be re-named to honour Joseph Atkinson. A copy of his correspondence is Attachment 1 of this report. The correspondence describes the early life of Mr. Atkinson who was born and raised in Newcastle and went on to become a leading newspaper publisher and social activist. Mr Atkinson was the editor and majority owner of the Toronto Star from 1899 until his death in 1948. A Provincial Heritage Plaque honouring Mr. Atkinson is located at King and Mill. Street in front of the Newcastle Town Hall. 1.2 Council direction from the presentation was as follows: THAT Correspondence Item D-6 from Myno Van Dyke, Director, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, with respect to naming the park area surrounding the new library in Newcastle "Joseph Atkinson Park" be referred to staff for follow-up and processing. 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 The Clarington Museums and Archives were asked to investigate the original naming of Newcastle Memorial Park. Their findings are summarized in Attachment 2 of this report. They concluded that the park was once the location of a Drill Shed. Drill Sheds were used for the purpose of training local military regiments. While the Museum was unable to locate a document signifying the meaning of the name Newcastle Memorial Park, they believe the intent was to honour local veterans with the park name. 2.2 The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 was asked to provide their input on the possible re-naming of Newcastle Memorial Park. Their letter is Attachment 3 of this report. The Legion disagrees with re-naming the park and feel that it was, originally named in honour of veterans and should continue in their memory. REPORT NO.: EGD-017-11 3.0 CONCLUSION PAGE 3 3.1 Joseph Atkinson was a Newcastle native who rose to national prominence in the newspaper industry and as a social activist. The Atkinson Foundation remains today and has granted more than $55 million since its inception. The Municipality's policy regarding Memorial Tributes allows for the naming of parks, streets or facilities in honour of Members of the Community at Large or Nationally recognized individuals at Councils. discretion (Attachment No. 4). 3.2 While no documentation could be found regarding the naming of Newcastle Memorial Park it is evident that "Memorial Park" has been applied to parks in various communities to honour war veterans. 3.3 New residential development in the Foster Neighbourhood and North Newcastle will result in the development of new schools and Neighbourhood Parks. The Municipality also has an unnamed.Community Park site on Rudell Road. So there are certainly future opportunities to name a facility to honour Mr. Atkinson. It is staffs recommendation that a future park in Newcastle be named ih honour of Joseph E. Atkinson and that the name Newcastle Memorial Park be maintained for the park surrounding the library. Attachments: Attachment 1 -Letter from Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Attachment 2 -Letter from Clarington Museums and Archives Attachment 3 -Letter from The Royal Canadian Legion Attachment 4 -Policy Regarding Memorial Tributes Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Rick Saunders -The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 Myno Van Dyke -Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Martha Rutherford Conrad -Clarington Museums and Archives REVIEWED BY ORI~~GI@6.L TO: p~CDUNCIL ^ COUNCIL DIRECTION INFORMAT COPY TO: - ~ _ ^ MRYDR ^ MECtOERS ^ CAO DF COUNCIL ^ COMMUPiITY ^ CORPQRSTE RVI ~ ^ EMtR~tncr SEAI~EI^ SERVICES SE ayO1 E ^ ENGINEERING ^ MUNICIPNL ^ OPEPATIONS SERVICES CLERK'S ^ P! ANNING ^ SOLI 2' °Josep SERVICES K ^ O.urn ` _._.. _.-..,,~.,,~ j~C74. ~F ~. - j r~ _ ..~, ..... ., .. ~, n f T~ t ~ ~~ N~~ L 3 Lu IJ November 15, 2010 ~„~ and Members of The Municipality of Clarington Council: Atkinson Park f i ~ ~L'n I= C~,EL rlfli ~. = 3€ ^.~~t #1e~s~le Village & District Historical Society sent Council a letter on April 30, 2010 requesting that a street in Newcastle be named after Joseph E. Atkinson. This was turned down by the Region of Durham as there is a duplication issue regarding a similar named street in Ajax. As per recent correspondence from the Municipality, it appears that it is not. possible to name a street in Newcastle after Mr. Atkinson. At a Newcastle Village & District Historical Society Director's Meeting on November 9, 2010, the following motion was made and passed.- "That a letter be sent to the Municipality of Clarington Council requesting that the parkland immediately surrounding the new Clarington Library at 150 King Avenue East be named "Joseph Atkinson Park"." Prior to the new Library being built on this property, the park was initially called "Jubilee Park" (around 1900) and later referred to as "Memorial Park". During construction of the new Library, the Memorial Park sign was removed and it was not placed back on the property. At our Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Archives, we can find no evidence that this area around the library was ever officially called "Memorial Park". We do know that this was the site of the Newcastle Armouries at one time- and the public outdoor skating rink. This site was used for many village activities and more, recently was the site of a baseball diamond. The baseball diamond~'r~~s removed and now the property has the beautiful new library, a parkin lot to the north, and north of that, two small soccer pitches and a children's, layground. p--; - ATTACHMENT N0.:1 REPORT NO.: EGD-017-11 Joseph E. Atkinson was born in 1865, in a rented house just east of the Village of Newcastle. Although the home is no longer there it was on the east side of Golf Course Road where the Newcastle Golf Course is today. In 1866, after his father was killed by a train in Newcastle, Joe's mother Hannah moved her family into a house at 44 King Street East, Newcastle. This home is now owned by Jack and Peggy Pruner. Here Mrs. Atkinson ran a boarding house where she took in men who worked at the Newcastle Woollen Mill and the Massey Foundry. Just before Joe's 14th birthday his mother died and Joe took a job at the Woollen Mill. After the Woollen Mill burned down he took a job at the Post Office as a clerk. Later he got a job as a clerk at the Port Hope Times. and this began a spectacular career in the newspaper business. The house that Joseph Atkinson grew up in is only a short walk west of this park. Presently, there is a Provincial Heritage Plaque honouring Mr. Atkinson at the corner of King and Mill Streets in Newcastle. If Council grants this request to name the park area around the library, "Joseph Atkinson Park", we would also recommend that this plaque be moved to the park. The Newcastle Horticultural Society will soon be undertaking a project to completely redo the gardens around the Newcastle Community Hafl and have plans to move the plaque to a slightly drfferent location. In a recent conversation with their President Jeany Barrett, they are in full support of moving the plaque to the park if this takes place. Note: We would be pleased to present this information to Council as a Delegation. R~ ctfully submitte , I I% 1 ~ Myno V n yke, Dire\\\ctor, Newcastle Village & District Histo ~ Society. 905-987-5482 28 February 2011 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontazio L1C 3A6 RE: Newcastle Memorial Park At Clarington Museums and Archives, we advocate the preservation of the history of Clarington. With this in mind and due to requests from the public, we undertook research into the naming of Newcastle Memorial Park. Through our research, we verified that there was only one Armoury built in the Municipality of Clarington and it is located in Orono. Other communities, including Newcastle and Bowmanville, built Drill Sheds for the purpose of militazy training of local regiments. The Drill Sheds, which were a more temporary structure than an Armoury, no longer exist. However, in Bowmanville, Memorial Park was named and dedicated to our World War II Veterans in order to ensure the memory of their sacrifices remained a part of the history of Bowmanville. In Newcastle, the Drill Shed was located on the grounds of the current day Newcastle Memorial Park. While our Archivist was unable to locate a document signifying the meaning of that name, we feel that due to the intent ofMemorial Park in Bowmanville and the location of Memorial Pazk in Newcastle on the former Drill Shed grounds, it is highly likely that this park was named in honour of their Veterans. While Clarington Museums and Archives applauds the efforts of the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society in recognizing the accomplishments of Joseph E. Atkinson along with his affiliation with Newcastle, we respectfully request that this recognition takes place without the removal of an existing historical name. Even though today people may not specifically recall the motive for the naming of a site, we view this as an opportunity to educate our residents on that historical name rather than removing it from the face of our community. Newcastle is a growing community and that growth presents opportunities for recognition through the naming of their new pazks, schools and even library. We are requesting that the Municipality employ one of these new opportunities to recognize Atkinson and allow the history of Newcastle Memorial Park to remain in place. Sincerely, Martha Rutherford Conrad Executive Director .cc Peter Windolf, Planning Department ATTACHMENT N0.:2 REPORT NO.: EGO-077-11 ~~~'°"~`~e The Royal Canadian Legion 4~ -.- BOWMANVILLE (ONT. NO. 178) BRANCH BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3K8 March 18, 2011 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Re: Newcastle Memorial Park The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 Bowmanville Disagrees with the name change of Memorial Park Newcastle. We feel that the original name of Memorial Park was named in memory of our World War 11 Veterans and that the name should continue in their memory. Si ely cc n e s President "They served till death? Why noF we7" ATTACHMENT N0.:3 REPORT NO.: EGD-017-11 ..~.r~-rrc~ NV.:ADMIN.lfi-98 PAGE 3 Attachment # 1 to Report Admin.-16.98 .POLICY REGARDING MEMORIAL TRIBUTES A) MEM8ER3 OF COUNCIL: Mayors: recognize pest or present Mayors by the naming of a facility. CayRaillors Oer~ased During Terfn of Officelor Deceased in First Tenn After Leaving Office: may be recognized upon requesE, by the naming of a street or a park within the Municipality. B} MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE Members of the Community At Lame recognition on an ad-hoc basis by Council, as requests are received, by the naming of any park, street ar facility, based on the lerrgth and degree of service tD the community. C} NATIONAL TRIBUTESIRECOGNITION OF ROYALTY Nationatky recognized individuals, such as Terry Fox, anti recognition of Royalty through visits to Municipally hosted events, may be reoognized by the naming of a street, park, or facilhy. STREET NAMES: The suggestion of any street names will be processetl in conjunction with the Planning Departmerd's registry and street naming process. FUNDS: Funds required to implement recognition memorial tributes will be budgeted in any given year that the tribute is anticipated, and otherwise may be drawn from the UnGassified Administration Receptions and Tributes account. INITIATION: Requests will be considered by Council on an as requestetl basis. Irderestetl parties are to be notified of Council's decision. ATTACHMENT N0.:4 REPORT NO.: EGD-017-17