HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-15 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting March 15, 2011 David Reesor Allan Kirby Councillor Hooper ADOPTION OF MINUTES Karin Murphy Tracey Ali Karina Isert Moved by Allan Ki THAT fhe minutes Road an c determined designated pros community and 5681 Acres • 5531 Bethesda Road • 5658 Bethesda Road • 7500 Highway 35/115 • 4825 Rundle Road • 2064 Taunton Road eight rr°~tage resources that had been listed for of Highway 407. Two of the buildings, 5415 Solina ated under the Ontario Heritage Act. The CHC iainin six buildings in the Municipal Register of non- in informing MTO that these buildings have value to the mclished. The list includes: 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: MTO owned two of the six buildings that were proposed to be added to the Municipal Register, 5531 Bethesda Road and 5681 Acres Road. The remaining four were still in private ownership. Council added 5531 Bethesda Road and 5681 Acres Road to the Municipal Register asnon-designated properties in 2009. MTO has informed staff that they have acquired 5658 Bethesda Road and 7500 Highway 35/115. A report will be forwarded to Council recommending that these two buildings be added to the Municipal Register as non-designated buildings. The last two properties in the list, 4825 Rundle Road and 2064 T on Road, are still privately owned. It will be recommended to Council that they ed to the Municipal Register upon MTO's acquisition. St. George's Anolican Church The Committee members had visited the the proposed changes to the brick bound available to attend the April me to the proposed addition. no concerns from in regards to minister are ommittee on CORRESPONDENCE Heritage Matters CONFEREN 11.06 Moved Kozak, seconded by Allan Kirby THAT the C cover the conference fee of the members wishing to attend the Ontario Heritage Canference in Cobourg "CARRIED" 2 SUBCOMMfTTEE REPORTS Bowmanville CIP Grant applications have been received for Chanferelle Bistro which has moved from King Street West to Division Street, for 104 King Street East (Royal Service), and Oak Unlimited. Oak Unlimited plans to remove the painted layer of brick on the exterior and replace it. Orono CIP Bridge replacement is planned for the street 2012. This is of concern to the Main Street r 3 months. A plaque will be posted in ho discussed for Orono Park anniversary ~ September 25~". Newcastle CIP a orth end of Main Street in bunts as a swill be limited for up to Roy Forreste lebrations are being The chilli co will be held on Est n evaluation of the use of on aturday was conducted. town. The study concluded core to meet the existing demand (A Gif ), and the Harvest Table, 187 King Avenue East the cement block houses on Beaver Street. Staff will be working with the Communication and Tourism's website technician to design the website. The link to the Kingsville Heritage Committee's website was 3 provided as an example of a heritage website that is user friendly (http://www.kingsvilleheritage.ca/Welcome.html). The Kingsville website contains a Google-based map with pop-ups of pictures of heritage buildings and a brief architectural description. The CHC website could contain a similar map highlighting the designated properties. It was suggested that the buildings on the Primary lisf should be mapped this way as well. FINANCIAL REPORT Opening balance 11.07 NEW Sept 25 Interest Closing Interest Closing Interest Closing Interest CHO me Closing Interest Sept 30 Oct 25 Oct Dec 3'I Jan 21 dan 25 0.05 $5,858. 0.05 $78.00 780.88 0.05 by Andrew Kozak The Committee mem a asked to consider which buildings they think should be individually designated i rder to formalist of candidates for designation. Staff and tha Committee Chair will work on a process and protocol for seeking designations. OHT Request for Nominations The Ontario Heritage Trust has submitted a request for nominations for the Heritage Community Recognition Program and the Young Heritage Leaders Program. Tenzin received the Heritage Community Recognition Program award in the built heritage 4 category in 2005 for the restoration of the Massey building in Newcastle Village. The Committee discussed the restoration work completed on the building owned by Edmond Vahaverbeke in Newcastle Village known locally as the house of all nations, 101-109 King Avenue West, and determined that the project would qualify for nomination. 11.08 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by Andrew Kozak THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee nominates Edmond Vanhaverbeke fior the Heritage Community Recognition Program "CARRIED" Gabby Kirkwood won the ACO A.K. Architectural Conservancy of Ontario in raising public awareness of the boys tram would qualify for nomination in the Yo project. 11.09 Moved by Angela THAT the Glaring the Younq Heritac The that kttgxt meeting April 19t", 7:00 Meeting room 1 C q for Advocacy from the :ego 2009 for her efforts in imp 30. she is under 18, she Leaders Xam for the same Ali Gabby Kirkwood far 'm fhe group of restoration projects in other communities. 5