HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/1994 MUNICIPALITY OF arington ONTARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 17, 1994 TIME: 9 :30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 . ROLL CALL PAGE 2 . MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 3 , 1994 201 3 PUBLIC MEETINGS (a) Condominium Conversion Application - Kingscourt Residential Limited, Part Lot 10, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville REPORT PD-125-94 301 4 . DELEGATIONS (a) George Papapetrou, 41 Meadlands Crescent, Whitby, L1R 1Z9 - Report PD-126-94 (b) Doug James, James Insurance, 26 King Street East, Bowmanville, L1C 1N2 - Report PD-126-94 (c) Roger R. Elliott, Fasken Campbell Godfrey, Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, P.O. Box 20, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, M5K 1N6 - Report PD-126-94 (d) Charles Cattrin on behalf of The Rotary Club, 29 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, L1C 3A1 - Report CS-44-94 (e) Don Welsh and Annabelle Sisson, c/o Clarington Older Adult Committee, R.R. #4, Bowmanville, L1C 3K5 - Report CS-44-94 (f) Kathy Ferguson, Deb Butson and Dan MacDonald, 4795 Trulls Road North, Courtice, LOB 1JO - Report WD-52-94 I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - 40 rE MPERANCE. STREET • 4 OWMANVILLE -ONTARIO - LlC 3AE ^ f905} 623-3979 o FAX 623-4E69 RECYCLED PAPEr� G. P. & A. Agenda - 2 - October 17, 1994 5 . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (a) PD-125-94 - Condominium Conversion Application - Kingscourt Residential Limited, Part Lot 10, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville 501 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BRANCH (b) PD-126-94 - Rezoning Application - George Papapetrou Part Lot 12, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville 511 (c) PD-127-94 - Rezoning Application - M.P.N. Properties Part Lot 11 and 12, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville 521 (d) PD-128-94 - Monitoring of Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the Meeting of October 6, 1994 536 STRATEGIC PLANNING BRANCH (e) PD-129-94 - Official Plan Amendment Application - 168125 Canada Inc . , Part Lot 19 , Concession 1, Former Township of Clarke 541 (f) PD-130-94 - Making Choices, Alternative Development Standards Draft Guideline 547 BUILDING DIVISION (g) PD-131-94 - Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for September 1994 560 6 . CLERK' S REPORTS (a) CD-43-94 - Parking Enforcement Monthly Report for the Month of September, 1994 601 7 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT (a) TR-88-94 - 1993 Audit Report and Management Letter 701 (b) TR-91-94 - CL94-31, Foster Creek Trail Landscaping 710 (Phase II) (c) TR-92-94 - Proposed Photocopier Lease - Public Works 714 Department (Hampton Depot) 1 (d) TR-93-94 - Quotation Q94-14, Supply of Concession 719 Beverages f G. P. & A. Agenda - 3 - October 17, 1994 (e) TR-94-94 - Mosport Park Limited Legal Fees - Transfer of Funds 723 8 . FIRE DEPARTMENT (a) FD-1-94 - By-law #84-68 as it Pertains to Rescue 801 (b) FD-6-94 - Quarterly Report - July 1 - September 30/94 813 9 . COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) CS-41-94 - Animal Control Monthly Report for Month of September, 1994 901 (b) CS-42-94 - Community Services Department Parks and Cemeteries - Capital Update 903 (c) CS-43-94 - Community Services Department Building/ Facility Capital Update 907 (d) CS-44-94 - Fire and Court Building/Renovations 911 (e) CS-45-94 - Ken Hooper Memorial Fire Station (to be distributed under separate cover) 10 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (a) WD-50-94 - Request for the Construction of Sidewalks in Enniskillen 1001 (b) WD-51-94 - By-law Limiting Weight on Bridges 1018 (c) WD-52-94 - Traffic and Pedestrian Concerns, Mitchell Corners 1025 (d) WD-53-94 - Total Quality Management 1046 (e) WD-54-94 - Schleiss and Holland Subdivision, Phase 5, Plan 40M-817, Certificate of Acceptance, Above Ground Services 1055 (f) WD-55-94 - Storm Sewer Easement from Gilles Rene Roussy and Halina Helen Roussy Prestonvale Road, Courtice 1058 (g) WD-56-94 - Confidential Report re : Property Matter (to be distributed under separate cover) (h) WD-57-94 - All-Way Stop, Rundle and Nash Roads 1066 l G. P. & A. Agenda - 4 - October 17, 1994 11 . ADMINISTRATOR (a) ADMIN- - Status Update - Economic Development 13-94 Office Activity and Industrial and Commercial Activity from January 1, 1994 - August 31, 1994 1101 (b) ADMIN- 17-94 - West Side Creek Marsh, St . Marys Cement (to be distributed under separate cover) (c) ADMIN- 18-94 - Northumberland - Clarington Joint Use Initiative 1112 12 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13 . OTHER BUSINESS (a) Confidential Verbal Report from the Municipality' s Solicitor re : Legal Matter (b) Confidential Report from the Chief Administrative Office re : Personnel Matter 14 . ADJOURNMENT