HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/2000 (Special) i _0MUNICIPALITY OF .1arington ONTARIO SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2000 TIME: Immediately following the G.P.A. Meeting PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. REPORT I (a) TR-08-00 - 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast 4. OTHER BUSINESS 5. ADJOURNMENT I I' I i I i CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET • BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO - LIC 3A6 - (905) 623-3379 - FAX 623-4169 RECYCLED PAPER WEBSITE: www.municipality.clarmgton.on.ca THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: February 28, 2000 File #: Report#: TR-08-00 File #: Res.#: By-Law#: Subject: 2000 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-08-00 be received; 2. THAT the 2000 Capital Budget as outlined in the attached document and in this report, be approved, 3. THAT Council approve the Beech Centre Capital Budget request, in addition to the capital projects identified in the budget document; 4. THAT Attachment 1, 2 and 3 to this report, identifying the Reserve Fund and Reserve Fund balances and summaries of capital draws on these funds be approved; and 5. THAT the Four Year Forecast be approved in principle. Background and Comment: 1.0 Timing 1.1 The Capital Budget is presented to Council on February 28, 2000, in order to allow the Municipality to take advantage of timing efficiencies for capital projects in respect of tender timing for construction, advertising, etc. As in the past, the Capital Budget has been presented separately from the Current Budget due to delay in finalization of assessment and other information from the Province. 1.2 The Current Budget is tentatively scheduled for presentation to Council at the Special General Purpose and Administration meeting of April 17, 2000. Report TR-08-00 Page 2 2000 Capital Budget & Four Year Forecast 2.0 Impact 2.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed capital budget is 0%. 2.2 The zero percent impact has been achieved by applying essentially all the assessment growth room to the capital budget projects and by transferring linear property revenue through the operating budget into the Working Funds Reserve for capital financing. This transfer into the Working Funds Reserve will show up in the Current Budget and is reflected in the Reserve balances shown on Attachment 2. The assessment growth of approximately 2.8 % has provided approximately $500,000 of tax room without increasing the tax base. The major capital impacts to the tax base are outlined below. 3.0 Major Capital Projects 3.1 The major capital projects affecting the year 2000 are essentially beyond the control of the Municipality and they include the following: • Playground Equipment Repair or Replacement- $460,000 - This cost is a one time significant drain on the tax base to make repairs or replacements for compliance with the direction of the Regional Department of Health. This program will be continued on an annual basis, but the greatest impact is in the initial year. It is required in order to exercise due diligence with regard to safety standards in Municipal playgrounds, and it is financed from the tax base and the Working Funds Reserve. • Financial Svstern ReplacementJGIS/Capital Budget System/Etc. - Council committed in 1998 to adding an additional $300,000 to the tax base each year for hardware and for software in order to replace the financial system. This was originally intended for the year 2000 compliance, however due to outdated applications creating immediate Y2K needs in Fire Dispatch and Community Services registration, approximately $150,000 of the accumulated budget was redirected to the more immediate issues. In light of the playground equipment requirement in 2000, the computer budget has only been increased by approximately $30,000 on the tax base. A temporary program was written to carry the financial system into the millenium, but it is anticipated that these systems will be at the end of their useful life and require replacement in 2001. In order to achieve the replacement, it is proposed that the tax support directed to playground equipment in 2000 be directed to financial system replacement in the capital budget for the 2001 year. • Fleet -With the elimination of the Provincial roads grants of approximately $2 million, in part contributing to fleet acquisitions, the funding of these purchases is now reliant on the tax base. As noted in the 1999 Capital Budget Report TR-1 5-99, the Reserve has not been replenished in the zero percent budget years. The 1999 Capital Budget initiated the transfer into the Reserve for equipment replacement and this has been continued in the capital draw on the tax base for equipment in the 2000 budget. Report TR-08-00 Page 3 2000 Capital Budget & Four Year Forecast Hampton Facility— The 2000 budget provides for the construction of a storage facility for winter and general protection of vehicles. This facility is in part to address the concern with vandalism. Over the recent past there have been a number of incidents of vehicle damage, which have caused insurance claims to increase and draws on the Insurance Reserve for deductibles. If one incident of vandalism occurs where several vehicles in the yard are destroyed, each vehicle is treated as a separate occurrence and the deductible is applied by the insurance company. 4.0 Additional Capital Considerations 4.1 The Clarington Older Adults have requested consideration of completing the capital construction of the elevator at the Municipality's Beech Centre. The estimated cost is $150,000. It is recommended that this construction be completed to satisfy the handicapped access into all sections of the building, including the basement. As it is currently, access is restricted to many of the users of the facility and with the increased use of this Municipally owned facility, it is reasonable to complete the elevator which was anticipated to be completed when the need was recognized. The funding for this project is recommended from the Older Adult Operating Reserve Fund, which has approximately $750,000 of principal funds, which are generating interest income for the seniors. The unexpended principal funds are to be returned to the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund in 2002. The original principal of$1,000,000 was accessed, with Council approval, for the completion of the original construction. It is therefore reasonable to complete the capital requirements from this fund. 4.2 As a housekeeping item, many reserve funds are recommended for closing to other funds, as the projects are complete. The Courtice Library Construction Reserve Fund was used as an interim funding mechanism for the start of construction in Courtice but it was financed from within other Reserve Funds. With the completion of the Courtice library facility, it is recommended that the balance be closed to the Main Branch Library Reserve Fund for that facility construction. This will assist in lessening the tax impact of the facility. The Garbage Reserve is also recommended to be closed to Working Funds Reserve for continued support to capital and municipal garbage charges through the Working Funds Reserve. 5.0 Conclusion 5.1 The Capital Budget is presented for Council consideration. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds (Development Charge etc.) and/or tax base and as such it is noteworthy that any or all of these areas may be affected with the alteration or deferral of projects. Report TR-08-00 Page 4 2000 Capital Budget & Four Year Forecast 5.2 Current Budget flexibility will be restricted due to the proposed application of the growth room to the Capital Budget. However, the linear property (primarily hydro corridor), reassessment has increased the tax base in 2000. It is proposed to be used to offset the impact of the capital projects funded through the Working Funds Reserve as identified above, and to assist in minimizing the tax impact on the current/operating budget in 2000. Respectful submitted, Reviewed by: Respectful f; arie A. Marano, H.BSc.,AMCT, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Treasurer. Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjI Attachments RESERVE FUNDS 2000 BUDGET ATTACHMENTt01 - Feb- 16.1000. M. .. - i 9 2000: i c:a LANcE - Av ugBL9 E%PE N D I T U R 6 S: CaxN>utfons Trbnsters ies[{}} FUND COMMEIffS r < _ ... .. < 500"-X BN.rtrlcE cOt+MEO rrT FOR 2000 OPERATING Front Geriafd Brwn:Fwvdso NAME _ GENERAL 50.000 282.513 uousT/ECO CEVLrr _ 4 jmC;S LiFCC DEVELOPMENT 237.913 5.400) 232.513 350.000 _ 4,206.703 �." CAP M 25 KICIPAL CAPITA!WORKS 4.128.!89 247.786 _3.881.703 (25.000)-_ 125.000 1,203.590 DEBENTURE RETIREMr+r 34 DEBENTURE RETIREMENT 1,128590 50.000 1.078.590 - 2,214,329 DEBENTURE REIw 50 IwAaTESCao.v 3 472.599 1.258,270 2.214.329 _ 846,000 I Gvw(venalan) 48 MUN,C,PAL C.OvERrk,ENT ENTERPRISE 948 000 948,000 - (100.000) -__ 3,750.478 CLARrFEOION STN A 60 cLARIIri-rONaEat.+sn.A ACC 3773.000 (22,5222 3750.478 - CLERK'S 552.532 o'i Klt+e LCT - 3 FARnvIi LOT 770.976 151 tM 619.532 (87.000) _ FIRE 275000 - . 4.405,777 F RE PRIMARY RESP 5 FIRE vam+APi aeskorS 4.850,777 15,000)777 -_- ROADS 8 PARKS - 417,863 GOADS CAPITAL 8 ROADS c APITAL 417.663 417,663 - -- _ 4000001 1,777,875 PaRKI_ANDCASK LIEL 7 PARKLArvo CASs�I+LfU 2.834.013 5( 76.336) _2.257.67$ _- (80.000) 1$0.000) 1,005,858 ENGIN b INSPECTION -_ 32 ENCINEERING bII.SPECTICll 1421!61 265,803 1.155.858 _-(- 3,214,888 ROADS CONTRIBANS - 33 FOAr,s COr4mIBuTIONS 3.398.168 89.300 3,308.868 - (94,000) 0 PW PARKS MINCE ,_- -- 35 Pw PAPKS MrNCE 313.153 313,153 0 --- 205,003 P W b PARKS CAPITAL _- 38 PLeL IC WORKS 6 PARKS CAPITAL 1.466.497 1,054.2!3 412.254 _ 1207,251) --- _ COVE RD WESTSIDE 44 COVE RD vVESTSIOE CREEK BRIDGE 479.610 (479.610 200 000 Np[e 269,072 PPOPTY MOMENT CAP 38 PROPEAn MAPOACEMENT CAPITAL 655.784 (313.992) 341 772 (272700) _ _ COMMUh MY SERVICES - 513,831 PIC SITE DEVELPMtn 16 _RRC SITE DEVELOPMENT 513_831 513.831 - -_ _ COURT CO-CMPLEr 17 COURTICE COMMJNTIY COMPILE, 394.177 394,177 34,583 ARENA CAPITAL 19 ARENA-CAPITAL 97.197 82.614 34.583 37 COMI-UNITY SER.ICES CAPITAL 795 864 158127 637.437 _ (126,250) 200.000 Ncle 711,167 COM BFVICES CAPTI PLANNING 10,047 o>=5TSD2owtAARSn 12 v.ESTSIDE'ECVrrnArv':IUE nwP Sn 110.047 100000 10.047 43,085 '.CSTLE WATERFRONT 14 JNCSRE WATERFRONT 43095 43.095 _. )EVWENT CHARGES L C R 47,779 D/C GEN GOVEMEW 51 GENERAL GOVEPUIENT 174.124 (106,345) 67,779 - (20.000) 82�) (728,854) LIBRARY 52 LIBRARY 555.654) 9L200) 646.854) - 102,801 FIRE PROTECTION 53 FIRE PROTECTION 487.901 32$000 162.901 (731,643) INDOOR RECR 54 INDOOR RECREATION 456.843) 95000) 551.843) (I$O,000) (433,122) PRK DEV&FACT _ 55 PARK DEV b FACILITIES 133.877 133.877 _ (586,999> 60,800 PUBLIC WORKS 58 PLauc weans 60.800 80.800 241,185 RDSSRELATED 57 aoAns s RELATED 3,763.622 2 143.764 1.819.858 (1,378,693)_ - sEwER/wg1ER 58 SEWEKW'ATER2 AIN CONTROL - - UBRARY 570.616) NMe 4 - COU2TICE LIBRARY Cbee W In 2000 Budget 18 COWTICE LIBRARY 570816 570.816 80 LIBRARY M BRANC 173.141 86.063 87.078 (60,000) 570.816 597.694 L IBRAkY MAIN 8k b Man UDtay for Cora H tr MUSEUMS 10EME7ERlES/OTHER - 78.864 :LDR ADUT-OPER 71 OLDER ACLILTS CTR-OPERATIIw 943.639 754.775 188.864 wi (110.000) 452 a1 DR ADULT GAFnAL _-_-- 72 aDER ADUTS CM-CAPITAL 70.186 129734 _40.452 w? (40000) --' - OL OR ADULT-FURN --_- 73 OLCfR ADULTS CTR-FURNITURE _ _ -- 45,487 '.41SEUM-BOWVILLE 82 MLISEIMCAFITAL-B'i`.YTMNVILLE 70.828 5.341 85.487 - (20,000) _ 980 MUSEUM CLARKS 84 MUSEUMCAFITAL-CLA,E 59980 _5.000 --- _ - _ -,PONE COMCEIJTPE -_-.- __ 86 TYRONE iCRAMLd+ITY CENTRE -_ _- _ _... .-_-- - _ 302,610 RL, M VILLE 814 88 BOWMaaVILLE B IA _ 302.610 302610 - _ -- 2-877 - 2,877 OARLTONCEMETTEF _ 90 DAFLINC TON CEMETERY-CAF,LAL 2.877_ -_ - - 1,D00 Ps'`NCNEPD CEA'E iER'f 98 BoNC.CID C EICTERY 1.000 _ _1.000 _ __- 13,043 r GUE MUST MWrU TRUST 13.043 _13 043 - 82 _E nR P LONS B9 62 0 n R P_OM 82 - _- ---- TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 39,299,912 9,460,102 28,828 811 (3.342.893) (682.000) 525.000 25.328.918 _ Less Beecn Co--not Nn Docunert 529,559 9.4W.102 150,000 less LlDrary b MuSeNfrK-rnt m penerel bEger $0'000 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS(w/o Beech CV,1 _ __ 3 112 893 NOTES t 1 Repoli TR-15_99 pror+Cea Nor 150 to5 stars to eacn O Comm Sen S Prop M _te d Dabnce Irto MW5.n:000 L..J J+t t 2 Repat A4ny n1399 p oe0 tar 1501n 2000 750001n fu6re veers 0 2003 W 6e0et6re pavtnent for Man Berencr L�Dra'Y 1750 n AtcrTfiO&1-3001 DO�s a401ton to rwrmal traLSler ttr Atc iT001 /3 Bee,Cerae-caMrpencV W elevabr W Cbse al balance In CCC_ID lY cort 0.1 reserve M4 to Min F_Res FunE Icr co,�.n Ths font was aQ�anceo nom oPx�r I111(t"InpaUy RESERVES 2000 BUDGET Feb-18 2000 rnm A1TACtMEt4i x 2 ACC:X:° :.... _. >:': < Z�DQ: :°::°:ii:<•`>:°; {:.:.r.......::: N _ AVAL�t9 9AW►. LE - :�i EJ(PEft(1tT t1:R£'9:':°..CordriE ......... i-r:I::`i:•:•.•i•°,•:•:°:•:•:•:•.: _ # .:.:.::..: .:. uboYx.....7fMa}eii°::•:•:•tes!}:•:•: i:°:•:•:•Wl 7D•:•:°:•:•:•I`:•:°i:•:CAMMEN]° -•. _ _"_.__ s..:• I:: ... ...... ..... ....... .. ...... .. ..... ............ . ..... ....... ... .... . .... .... . ..... ........ ... .. Q x9oo_. .... .... AWICE:: :EOMMTtED '.:!:�:�ii:�:�:��::::as �FGR:26*000ET CAp , ..... OF.YERATINS FroaYGmera(. : :•.61w[t.FYmits E 1 ...........I NAME GENERAL 1 WORKING FUNDS 2.379.202 1,742.644 636,558 — 510.000 ( -- -- 2 SELF INSURED LOSSES 154,552 ( ) (25.000) 500.000 N-2 2,277,277 2,878,835 vORKING FUtaDS - ----- - 154,552 _ __ 25.000 179,552 SELF INSURED LOSSES 3 MUNICIPAL ACQUISITION OF faOPERn 260.049 260.049 30.000 ante t $ TAX WRITE-OFF 869.795 (217.400 652.395 — -- 290,049 r.11,ryICIPALACG PROPERTY -- --- 6 GIS 200.000 852,395 TAX WRITE-OFF 241,988 149.072 _ 92.914 _ (82.500) 40,000 SQ414 G(S -_ - — - 11 GA RBAGE RATE mfPnci — 2.507.877 110.000) 2,397,677 -' "` - 16 SICK CREDIT °-;- —_ (45,400)____(75.0001 — _ 2.2( -77.277) - ;;.kci.,,cE ii+R+LLT Nfiars (Cbso luiaoli muvorcwy�F;,rtl6; —' . 192.239 192 239 v (t0.00D) - 40.000- - 222,239 slCn c aED+T — 17 GENERAL cApIT.A 1,209,845 1,209.845) _ — -- 24 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 948.739 533,380 415.359 — (62,500) 60,000 GENERAL CAPITAL 26 LEGAL CONSULTINWPROFESSIONAL FEES 165,896 165,896 _ 412,859 COMPLRER EQUIPMENT 1 - - ..° LEGAL'CONSU TING 6 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 31,300 12 ANIMAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT 91.483 12,300 79,183 31,300 RECORDS MAINTENANCE - -- 12.1 ANIMAL coNTRoL BuLDING 30,000 (26.000) 53,183 wL coNTRoL EQUIP 30.000 28 ELECTION EXPENSES 6$,000 85,000 65,000 30,909 IMAL CONTROL BUILD 130,000 ELECTION EXPENSES -- / 8 .a FIREFIGHTING PROGRAM 2.295 2.295 ...— 2,295 !R FIREFIC-MING PROi-RAM 14 FIRE EQUIPMENT 346.227 77.226 269,001 (223,050) 30,000 } -- 75,951 FIRE EQUIPMENT 15 FIRE FIGHTERS CO-iRpJNING 34,362 34.382 34000 64,342 FIRE FIGHTERS CPTRAINING —°— --- ROADS d PARKS 10 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT 796.989 346,934) NaaA 450.055 (509,791) 200.000 Nnta3— I 18 PITS s QUARRIES 478.009 75.060 402,948 .- 140,264 PUBLIC WORnS EQUIPMENT — --'-- -- 27 PARK ERFRO T TRAIL(irgintlual COnlnDuOpr•) 25,000 25 000 — ._. 402.949 ITS d QUARRIES ---- - 30 WATERFRONT)RAIL 20.623 1,788) 18.835 25,900 PARK DEVELOPMENT 31 6VRKETONPARKIMPROVEMEMS 2,167 167 2.1 18.835 WATERFRONT TRAIL ETON PARK IMPROV -° -- 87 BlXt1( 32 SAM,E wIL L MOT NATURE AREA 68.327 44.2731 24,054 2, ----- 24,054 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE -... COMMUN/TYSERVICES 33 2,vww RAlEA GAMES 10,935 10,935 2000 SUMMER GAMES --- TOTAL RESERVES 10,932,697 4,696,754 6,235,943 1,459,241 110,000 1,220,000 3,886 702 ITOTAL RESERVES --- 1.732,234 ---- - t4otes: -- s i PAr lrtwary Cpnstvcnon Report ADMIN 33.99 commvatl to Dro. L,for hm.re parbnq I,upr irenactetl In ACC!?n03-3-105) — - t 2 T,—far .mrou turret[for caDltal hnancetl D Ynear DrcpaM revanuas ---- .3 Esbmetatl current year tbsa out DI Ilaoi fo reserve for aOIADmant reDlacameM ---#4 DD(N(Ytratl Pre Cu t aDweval?000 wrvcMe purchase TR-07-00 —- - t5 CbSe Gmeage impact Reserve to WOrbrp Funtls These luntls Ara tlrKls gpnard:atl trrtugh mur.ci(al peroor.of gd2age,har _corpnue LO SUppol garoage coat aMCUgn tr.«N.'crlon FurgS Felt-rva _ Flb.i6.2DW 1wa 2000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ATTACHMENT i3 art4'r RESERVE FUNDS RFSmtVEy tua clnr brve.nnar� ¢da r4tonAtto taa�ttatatDi 10104 r.wi4ruas� rltaan � ucem c0rwn� otlaw •w nOtawO twtrvtu ruwn want rnm ollasrt ru�a I I I I C auuou 1 clrtrAE eAlt+at.ar+ earlx�vtlon l ata.tr.e.wv41 olvtanr+�«r ttur u l nw01 s31. louet4tnr la+qtr roueter crr«a�cma 25,360 - amrsC na 514,300 ..3W2W 164,100 1"100 - 1 20.0001 1{ 1001 --- 639 650 cerna Omer 9,600 Errorcem 17.000 17 000 17,000 17.000 — -- _ Anw Co-ed >0 000 26 000 26 DDO _ 26 000 65 6'+i /3000 -.1T 000 ZQ mm .�i is cr�r.ai c+ncr 14,650 µ� - - --" - 61,670 .ti µ,p0 - _ _ 1 1 1 1 amrare 477,600 20400E 277,6DO 35,000 242.600 - 1 1 1 1 35.000 can tut 150,000 62,500 J0100 295.300 '�iy,10F 15.700 30,000 16.300 30,000 c¢tot.m - 15300 -- t T" ca 5 82 82 500 - 82,500 82500 934,720 - 406{W S5,000 340,400 _ 5050 crrera omcr 5.050 5.050 - 5,050 -"--- '-" su aon 268.000 -:ir �� 243.000 25,000 218,000 25.000 —216.000 - 273.050 24S.050 25,0W 223 050 1 1 I I I I I ---- oaeseswn�re J.OIB,OW 1354438 1,33{,138 - 1.123.187 _ 94000 37.251 100.000 wnErxrro — _-------- 27.000 --3i-"-'- - _ R. sera 250.000 Tt .110� 152.998 152.998 - 152.998 --- a+[Eao-omerrt.REWC 633.000 1W 483.000 - 483,000 483.000 - E "wEw ,71,000 4,701 129,299 102.508 26,791 26.791 ----- -- t axi ora a rmc 1.521,000 ,001 1.156,999 796.999 360,000 566.9991 80,000 1 150.000 1 1 360.0100 5 6" 65 3,276,734 2106 943 869,791 1 rcra an-r 332,000 '20' 312.000 312.000 - 1806061 1 96600 35.400 43.250 43260 - - 7- — — E rrn - --1" _ 145001 14,500 14,500 14.500 - -- - -- --- "--- -- Om�E U 120760 108350 108350 - -- — ------ 1 32000+ 76.350 510500 431850 434,850 -- _ — -- - -- ---- _ 29.400 ��.200 5.0 TO.OW 10000 60,000 60.000 - _ i ----- I I 1 60.00 "BOenxmur 35.000 "';iFJ00 20.000 20,000 7,500 x0.000 -- 10.000 -nartx 9 -7,flp - �— TOTAL. 8,075,735 GM 4,652,134 3192,893 1,459,241 25,000 3,5",385 10,000 94,000 297,251 272,700 126,250 262,000 510,006 ersal 12,600 509,791 223,050 71,"0 10,000 .m c�owo�.o� 1o.Wo TO—HL 8,085,735 1,489,241 MIN,d 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum i To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng., Director of Public Works Date: February 24, 2000 Subject: BENNETT ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNALS Although the Public Works 2000 Current Budget has budgeted for the annual maintenance for these signals, the signals themselves were inadvertently not included in the 2000 "Draft" Capital Budget. The attached pages represent the necessary additional and modified pages to be inserted into the"Draft" 2000 budget document. This modification does not change the tax levy impact, as it will be financed from a reserve account as indicated on the attached pages. Stephen A. Vokes Director of Public Works SAV/wc PC: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads T 11 F. C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T O N 1166 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST DEPARTMENT FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF TOTALS DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS GROSS RESERVES-(R) TAX LEVY SECTION NAME EXPENDITURE R/F R.FUNDS-(F) OTHER SUBSIDY 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 GENERAL OFFICE 11,565 R 11,565 ROADS AND STP.UCTURES 20,318,400 F 10,127,851 669,287 1,673,562 2,243,101 1,914,303 2,165,296 1,525,000 ILIJIT4TNATION 87,000 R 27,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 SIDFWALKS AND WALKWAYS 818,500 F 398,221 97,002 82,751 100,526 70,000 70,000 R 2,814,791 ROIITPMT7dT' 3,172,000 F 179,003 154,701 9,402 4,701 4,701 1,701 R 360,000 PART, DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE 4,589,000 F 3,177,493 364,001 251,002 120,001 166,502 150,001 -- _ DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 28,996,465 ❑$ 17,057,359 $ 669,287 $ 0 $ 2,327,831 $ 2,601,256 $ 2,154,531 $ 2,421,499—$ 1,764,702 'P"7IAL GROSS EXPENDITURE PER YEAR 2000 5,647,565 2001 5,148,600 2002 6,485,500 2003 4,764,800 f 2004 6,950,000 L AGREES WITH SECTION GROSS EXPENDITURE TOTAL $ 28,996,465 T 11 F, C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T O N j 6 J 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS BY SECTION DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT R/F 1998/1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2004 TAX LEVY 11,565 11,565 GENERAL OFFICE SECTION TOTALS $ 0 $ 11,565 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 11,565 MUNICIPAL GOV'T ENTERPRISES RES FUND F 100,000 100,000 PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS CAPITAL RES FUND F 80,251 20,000 100,251 ROADS CONTRIBUTION RES FUND F 94,000 94,000 DEVEL CHARGE PUBLIC WORKS RES FUND F 1,123,187 807,499 3,452,697 924,504 3,525,713 9,833,600 DEVELOPER COITIPIBITTION 669,287 669,287 TAX LEVY 1,673,562 2,243,101 1,914,303 2,165,296 1,525,000 9,521,262 ROADS AND STRUCTURES SECTION TOTALS $ 0 $ 3,071,000 $ 3,050,600 $ 5,367,000 $ 3,109,800 $ 5,720,000 $ 20,318,400 TAY, LEVY 27,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 87,000 ILLUMINATION SECTION TOTALS $ 0 $ 27,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 8'7,000 F 152,998 72,249 172,974 DEVEL CHARGE PUB[,TC WORKS RES FUND 398,221 'FAX LEVY 97,002 82,751 100,526 70,000 70,000 120,279 SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS SECTION 'TOTALS $ 0 $ 250,000 $ 155,000 $ 273,500 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 818,500 R 509,791 755,000 420,000 695,000 435,000 2,814,791 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMFSTT RES DEVEL CIIARGE ['11131,1C 1,10PYS RES FUND F 102,508 30,598 15,299 15,299 15,299 1 79,003 'FAX 1,EVY 154,701 9,402 4,701 4,701 4,701 178,206 EQUIPMENT SECTION TOTALS $ 0 $ 767,000 $ 795,000 $ 440,000 $ 715,000 $ 455,000 $ 3,112,000 WORKING FUNDS RES R 360,000 360,000 PUBLIG,WORKS PARKS CAPITAL RES FUND F 150,000 150,000 PARKLAND CASH-IN LIEU RES FUND F 80,000 80,000 DEVEL CHARGE PUBLIC WORKS RES FUND F 566,999 881,998 269,999 688,498 539,999 2,947,491 TAX LEVY 364,001 251,002 120,001 166,502 150,001 1,051,507 PARK DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE SECTION TOTALS $ 0 $ 1,521,000 $ 1,133,000 $ 390,000 $ 855,000 $ 690,000 $ 4,589,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 1 _ $ 0 $ 5,647,565 $ 5,148,600 $ 6,485,500 $ 4,764,800 $ 6,950,000 $ 28,996,465 T Ei E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T 0 N _ i 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS BY ACCOUNT CATEGORY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT R/F 1998/1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2004 WORKING FUNDS RES R 360,000 360,000 PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT RES R 509,791 755,000 420,000 695,000 435,000 2,814,791 RESERVE TOTALS $ 0 $ 869,791 $ 755,000 $ 420,000 $ 695,000 $ 435,000 $ 3,174,791 MIRQICIPAL GOVT ENTERPRISES RES FUND F 100,000 100,000 PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS CAPITAL RES FUND F 230,251 20,000 250,251 PARKLAND CASH-IN LIEU RES FUND F 80,000 80,000 ROADS CONTRIBUTION RES FUlJD F 94,000 94,000 UFVF.I, CHARGE PUBLIC WORKS RES FUIID F 1,945,692 1,792,344 3,910,969 1,628,301 4,081,011 13,358,317 RESERVE FUND TOTALS $ 0 $ 2,449,943 $ 1,792,344 $ 3,910,969 $ 1,648,301 $ 4,081,011 $ 13,882,568 RESERVE + RESERVE FUND TOTALS $ 0 $ 3,319,734 $ 2,547,344 $ 4,330,969 $ 2,343,301 $ 4,516,011 $ 17,057,359 DFPJF.LOPF,R CONTRIBUTION 669,287 - 669,287 OTHER FUND TOTALS $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 669,287 $ 669,287 TAX 1,F,,'Y 2,327,831 2,601,256 2,154,531 2,421,499 1,764,702 11,269,819 fDEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 0 $ 5,647,565 $ 5,148,600 $ 6,485,500 $ 4,764,800 $ 6,950,000 $ 28,996,465 T tI F. C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T 0 N _ 9 vh( a 7 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST --- ---------- - DEPARTMENT CURRENT YEAR SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS -"--- -- F I N A N C I N G SECTION NAME GROSS ACCOUNT RESERVE-(R) 2000 EXPENDITURE NAME R/F R.FUNDS-(F) OTHER SUBSIDY TAX LEVY - --- — - --- - 11,565 11,565 �;P3IERAL OFFICE , PCIADS AND STRUCTUP.ES 3,071,000 Mun Gov't Enterprise F 100,000 P/W Parks Capital F 80,251 Roads Contribution F 94,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 1,123,187 1,673,562 ILUMINATION 27,000 - - -- -- - - 27,0 L --- ,one S1DE4JALKS AND WALKWAYS 250,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 152,998 FO1JIFhIFTPt' 767,000 P/W Equipment Res R 509,791 Devel Chrg P/W F 102,508 184,701 FAPK DF.FI OIMFJTI/h1AIP11'FCJANCE 1,S21,000 Working Funds Res R 360,000 P/W Parks Capital F 150,000 Prklnd Cash-in Lieu F 80,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 566,999 364,001 - - -- --- - DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 5,647,565 $ 3,319,734 $ 0 $ O $ 2,327,831 --- ---- - **** SUMMARY OF TOTALS ON NEXT PAGE **** T Ii E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T 0 N ' 7 0 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST - DEPARTMENT CURRENT YEAR SUMMARY OF TO'T'ALS DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS - --- SECTION NAME EXPENDITURE FINANCE RESERVES R.FUNDS TOTAL R/F OTHER SUBSIDY TAX LEVY GF21EP.AL OFFICE 11,565 11,565 11,565 ROADS AND STRUCTUP.ES 3,071,000 3,071,000 1,397,438 1,397,438 1,673,562 ILLUMINATION 27,000 27,000 - 27,000 SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS 250,000 250,000 152,998 152,998 97,002 F,OUIFME21T 767,000 767,000 509,791 102,508 612,299 154,701 PARK DEVELOPMENT/MAINTENANCE 1,521,000 1,521,000 360,000 796,999 1,156,999 364,001 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $ 5,647,565 $ 5,647,565 $ 869,791 $ 2,449,943 $ 3,319,734 $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,327,831 T H E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T O N 7 I o 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST --- - 2000 ROADS AND STRUCTURES SECTION SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS REF GENERAL F I N A N C I N G PROJECT PAGE LEDGER GROSS ACCOUNT RESERVE-(R) 2000 # ACCOUNT # EXPENDITURE NAME R/F R.FUNDS-(F) OTHER SUBSIDY TAX LEVY ROAD RECONSTRUCTION MEARNS AVENUE 1 7205-00001-0261 600,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 497,249 102,751 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION NASH ROAD 2 7205-00002-0261 750,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 571,539 178,461 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION TOWNLINE ROAD 3 7205-00004-0261 60,000 60,000 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION CENTRE STREET 4 7205-00005-0261 200,000 2 ,000 60 CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS LAKESHORE ROAD 5 7205-00003-0261 60,000 60,000 CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS WERRY & VANNEST RD. 6 7205-99003-0261 30,000 30,000 QUEEN ST. RETAINING WALL 7 7205-01002-0261 8,000 8,000 40,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TYLER STREET 8 7205-99006-0261 40,000 ENGINEERING DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 9 7205-87000-0247 50,000 50,000 120,000 ENGINEERING DESIGN CAPITAL WORKS 10 7205-87000-0260 120,000 PARKS AND CEMETERIES DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 11 7603-00100-0516 35,000 P/W Parks Capital F 35,000 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM 12 7205-01003-0261 570,000 5 ,000 12 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION TEMPERANCE STREET 13 7205-01003-0261 12,000 12,000 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION DIVISION STREET 14 7205-01003-0261 14,000 14,000 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION CHURCH STREET 15 7205-01003-0261 80,000 80,000 UNSPECIFIED CONSTRUCTION 16 7205-01002-0261 10,000 10,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT GREEN ROAD 17 7205-96001-0261 50,000 Roads Contribution F 50,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT DIVISION STREET 18 7205-97005-0261 4,000 4,000 32,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT TEMPERANCE STREET 19 7205-97004-0261 32,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT WELLINGTON STREET 20 7205-98001-0261 95,000 95,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT HIGH STREET 21 7205-99002-0261 26,000 Roads Contribution F 26,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT MARTIN ROAD 22 7205-99001-0261 18,000 Roads Contribution F 18,000 SURFACE COURSE ASPHALT WELLINGTON/ELGIN ST. 23 7205-99007-0261 49,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 41,650 7,350 ROAD RESURFACING TAUNTON ROAD 24 7205-00006-0261 100,000 Mun Gov't Enterprise F 100,000 STORM SEWER OVERSIZING TRULLS ROAD 25 7205-00007-0261 15,000 Devel Chrg P/W F 12,749 P/W Parks Capital F 2,251 SIGNALIZATION HWY. #2 BEN= ROAD 26 7205-00008-0261 43,000 P/W Parks Capital F 43,000 R F SECTION TOTALS $ 3,071,000 $ 0 $ 1,397,438 $ 1,397,438 $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,673,562 L 71 1A T H E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E M U N I C I P A L I T Y O F C L A R I N G T 0 N 2000 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ROADS AND STRUCTURES SECTION PAGE REFERENCE : 26 2000 PROJECT PROJECT COST/FINANCING ACCOUNT # : 7205-00008-0261 COSTS PROJECT NAME: SIGNALIZATION HWY. #2 BENNETT ROAD SIGNALIZATION 38, 700 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 4 , 300 LOCATION: INTERSECTION OF HWY. #2 AND BENNETT ROAD, DARLINGTON DESCRIPTION/DETAILS : THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT PROVIDES FOR THE SIGNALIZATION OF THIS INTERSECTION. THIS PROJECT WILL BE SHARED ON A 50/50 BASIS WITH THE REGION OF DURHAM. (TOTAL PROJECT COST - $86, 000) TOTAL COSTS : $ 43 , 000 - - - -- --- - - — - - — FINANCING Lot Lot Lot tots RESERVE FUNDS P/W PARKS CAPITAL 43 , 000 Concession 1 Highway No. m v af c a> m {p E DARLINGTON 8 TOTAL FINANCING: $ 43 , 000