HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/2001 i i i MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 8,2001 —9:30 A.M. _a FILE i I- I I i i MUNICIPALITY OF ONTARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 8, 2001 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1• ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. MINUTES (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of December 11, 2000 301 4. PRESENTATION (a) Chief Kevin McAlpine and Inspector Ross Smith, 16"' Division 5. DELEGATIONS F- (a) Tony Topley, 28 Hart Blvd, Newcastle, LIB 1E3 - Report PD-004-01 (b) Ray Rigby, Superintendent of Business & Finance, Peterborough Vic Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board - Victoria Report PD-004-01 (c) Joe Domitrovic, 3872 Courtice Road, Courtice, LIE 2L5 - Report PD-114-00 (d) Alex Artuchov, 789 Don Mills Road, Suite 500, Don Mills, M3C 1T5 Tax Arrears and Extensions 6. PUBLIC MEETING i (a) Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Donald and Norma Welsh Part Lot 9, Concession 4, Former Township of Darlington REPORT PD-001-01 - DONALD AND NORMA WELSH 501 i i I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET - BOWMANVI:LE • ONTARIO • LIC 3A6 - (905) 623.3379 • FAX 623.4169 WEBSITE: www.municipality,cla ring ton.on.ca RECYCLED PAPER i i G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - January 8, 2001 (b) Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application Applicant: Canadian Waste Services Inc. 1 McKnight Road, Courtice Part Lots 25/26, B. F. Concession, Former Township of Darlington REPORT PD-002-01 - CANADIAN WASTE SERVICES INC. 503 (c) Rezoning Application Applicant: Cory and Rose Kuipers 70 Wellington Street, Bowmanville Part Lot 11, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville REPORT PD-003-01 - CORY KUIPERS 505 _ 7. PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PD-001-01 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: Donald and Norma Welsh Part Lot 9, Concession 4, Former Township of Darlington 601 (b) PD-002-01 Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applications Applicant: Canadian Waste Services Inc. 1 McKnight Road, Courtice Part Lots 25/26, B.F. Concession, Former Township of Darlington 610 (c) PD-003-01 - Rezoning Application Applicant: Cory and Rose Kuipers 70 Wellington Street, Bowmanville Part Lot 11, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville 620 (d) PD-004-01 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Applicant: 902714 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 31, Concession 2 and Part Lot 31, Concession 1, Former Township of Clarke - 1774 Rudell Road 628 (e) PD-005-01 - Monitoring Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the Meeting of December 7, 2000 642 l G.P.& A. Agenda - 3 - January 8, 2001 Addendum (f) PD-087-00 - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of Clarington Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan Applications Applicant: 1319164 Ontario Limited Part Lots 26 & 27, Concession 1, Former Village of Newcastle 649 r- 8. OPERATIONS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENTS No Reports 9 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND CLERK'S DEPARTMENTS (a) CD-01-01 - Animal Services Monthly Report for November, 2000 801 (b) CD-02-01 - Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of September, 2000 803 (c) CD-03-01 - Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of October, 2000 804 (d) CD-04-01 - Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of November, 2000 805 10. CORPORATE SERVICES AND FINANCE DEPARTMENTS I No Reports i 11. ADMINISTRATION i I No Reports 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS it (a) PD-114-00 - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of Amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan Applicant: Joe Domitrovic Part Lot 29, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington 3872 Courtice Road 1101 i i i G.P.& A. Agenda - 4 - January 8, 2001 I 13. OTHER BUSINESS (a) - Appointments to Boards and Committees 1201 14. ADJOURNMENT i I I i I i f 4 i i i THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee December 11,2000 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, December 11,2000 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Councillor J. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie(until 11:45 a.m.) Director of Comm unity Services,J. Caruana(until 11:45 a.m.) Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome(until 11:45 a.m.) Solicitor, D. Hefferon(until 10:40 a.m.) Divisional Fire Chief, W. Hesson(until 11:45 a.m.) Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Public Works, S. Vokes(until 11:45 a.m.) S Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Stanley Mayor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. fDISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Trim indicated that he would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Willie Woo. MINUTES ! Resolution #GPA-477-00 1 Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the minutes of regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on October 2,2000 be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATION i (a) Frank Wu and Mark Berney,Survey 2000 Committee— F. Wu,Chief Administrative Officer, advised that the"Survey 2000"Committee was formed for the purpose of communicating with the residents to receive feedback on the quality of the municipality'; programs, services and facilities. Replies were received and tabulated. He introduced Mark Berney, Fire Captain to provide an overview of the results of the survey. A document entitled"Survey 2000—an Executive Summary" was circulated for the information of Members of the Committee. The presentation addressed the foiloAing criteria: - committee objectives - background information . 301 G.P. &A. Minutes -2 _ j December 11,2000 PRESENTATION CONT'D. - 94%of the respondents agreed that"Clarington is a Great Place to Live" - 6l%of the respondents agreed that"Health and Community Services are Keeping Pace with the Rate of Growth" - 81%of the respondents agreed that"There is a Strong Sense of Community Where I live" - programs offered by the municipality received an 86%satisfaction rating - facilities provided by the municipality received a 78%satisfaction rating;and - 88%of respondents are satisfied or more than satisfied with the facilities, programs and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington. DELEGATIONS (a) Tom Bryson,Tom Landscaping, P.O. Box 44059,600 Grandview St.S. Oshawa, LIH 8R5—was called but was not present. Councillor Trim stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Linda Gasser on behalf of William Woo, vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Charlie Trim and Willie Woo were candidates for the position of Wards 3 and 4 Regional Councillor. + (b) Linda Gasser, P.O. Box 399,Orono, LOB 1 MO appeared on behalf of Willie Woo, 20 Foster Creek Drive, Newcastle, Ll B IG2—circulated a copy of her presentation dated December 11,2000 re: Municipal Election/Re-count Request and a second handout which encompassed various items of correspondence pertaining to the Municipal Election 2000. Mrs. Gasser asked several questions to which she would like a reply from the Municipal Clerk on the Council Agenda scheduled for December h 18,2000 as well as her recommendation that a request for re-count for Wards 3 and 4 for Regional Council seat be included on the December 18,2000 agenda if the Clerk fails to provide satisfactory documented responses to the questions posed by herself ' and Mr. Woo by December 13, 2000. Resolution #GPA-478-00 Moved by Councillor MacArthur,seconded by Councillor Pingle �J THAT the meeting be"closed" for consideration of a legal matter. i "CARRIED" PUBLIC MEETING Pursuant to the Planning Act,the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, through its General Purpose and Administration Committee, is holding a Public ! Meeting for the following applications: (a) Subdivision and Rezoning Applications—Part Lot 29/30, Concession 2, Village of Newcastle— Kirdaar(Ont) Inc., l 151677 Ont. Ltd. (b) Clarington Official Plan Amendment—Part Lot 31,Concession 2 and, Part Lot 31,Concession 1, Former Township of Clarke—902714 Ontario Inc. � n2 G.P. & A. Minutes - December 11, 2000 PUBLIC MEETING CONT'D, The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the rezoning application by first class mail on or before November 10,2000 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the sites prior to November 10,2000. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act, The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the official plan amendment application by first class mail on or before November 10, 2000 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the sites -- prior to November 10, 2000. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the proposed plan of subdivision application by first class mail on or before November 10, 2000 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to November 10,2000. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. (a) Report PD-109-00—Kiradaar(Ont) Inc., 1 1 151677 Ont. Ltd.- the purpose and effect of the applications is to rezone the subject lands and permit the development of a draft plan of subdivision consisting of one 15 metre single detached dwelling lot, twenty-three 18 metre semi- __ detached lots(46 units)and a 0.299 ha block of land for a seniors retirement residence. Doug McCurdy,304 King Street W., Newcastle, LlB 1GO advised that his backyard will back onto the proposed development and verbalised opposition to this proposal because the townhouses are not compatible with the existing neighbourhood and the traffic situation will be negatively impacted. Margaret Maskell,320 King Street W., Newcastle, LIB 1GO advised that she represents other residents ol'the, should be placed somewhere other than directly b hilndthler hot et.cShe all o requested that single homes be placed behind her residence. I No one spoke in support of this application. 1 Mary Rycroft,GM Sernas & Associates, 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, LI N 8Y7 advised that she will take the residents' comments into consideration and noted that the applicant will adhere to the municipal requirements. I (b) Report PD-1 10-00—90271=4 Ontario Inc. -the purpose and effect is to relocate the Separate Elementary School symbol south of Highway 2 on the west side of Rudell Road. i Real Aubin, 1514 Rudell Road, Newcastle, L B 1 LO expressed opposition to this development because ofthe increase in traffic and the loss of his view. He noted that the school site is wrapped around his property. I Sherri Farrell,Chair Person,St. Francis of Assisi School Council,2773 Bellwood Drive, Newcastle, LIB 1 LO expressed support for this development stating that it is long overdue and expressed words of thanks. 1 G.P.&A. Minutes -4- December 11,2000 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D. I Joel Sloggett, Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board, 1355 Lansdowne Street West, Peterborough, K9J 7M3 provided background information of this application. He advised that the new school is needed as soon as possible and the anticipated completion of construction will be September, 2002. He noted that it is a twenty-five acre site which will be fenced and landscaped and will have low impact on the general surrounding activities. He anticipated this to be a two storey building which will be constructed into the slope. Resolution#GPA-479-00 Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the meeting recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Subdivision and Resolution #GPA-480-00 Rezoning Appl. Kiradaar(Ont) Inc. Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Rowe ZBA 2000-024 THAT Report PD-109-00 be received; THAT the application for proposed draft plan of subdivision and application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning 13y-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates, on behalf of Kiradaar(Ontario Inc., 1 151677 Ontario Ltd.), be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments: THAT within 15 days of the Public Meeting, the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham be advised and provided, by sworn declaration from the _ Clerk,the following: f i a) that the Municipality held a Public Meeting in accordance with Section 51 (21.I)of the Planning act for the subject subdivision application, b) a copy of the minutes of said meeting, C) a copy of all written submissions received by the Municipality, d) a list of all persons and public bodies, including their mailing j addresses, who made oral submissions at the public meeting or written submissions, and THAT the Durham Region Planning Department,all interested parties listed in Report PD-109-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" i l G.P. &A. Minutes - 5 - December 11,2000 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D, Official Plan Amendment ROSOlution #GPA-481-00 902714 Ontario Inc. COPA 2000-009 Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Trim LD 325/2000 THAT Report PD-110-00 be received; THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan,as submitted by the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board,on behalf of 902714 Ontario Inc., be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report;and I� THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-1 10-00 and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Report PD-1 10-00 and be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" 1 Part Lot Control Resolution #GPA-482-00 Clarington Fieldcrest ZBA 2000-027 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PD-1 I 1-00 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Block 57 on 40M-1820 and lots I to 13 and Lot 16 on 40M-2000 be approved; THAT the Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PD-1 11-00 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7.1)of the Planning Act;and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-1 1 1-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Monitoring of Resolution #GPA-483-00 The Decisions of y Committee of Adj. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Pingle Meetings of Oct.5/ 19& Nov. 2/00 THAT Report PD-1 12-00 be received; and THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on October 5,October 19 and November 2, 2000 for applications and that staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. "CARRIED" Regional Official Resolution #GPA-484-00 Plan Amendment Region of Durham Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor MacArthur ROPA 2000-007 THAT Report PD-1 13-00 be received, THAT Report PD-1 13-00 be adopted as the Municipality's comments with respect to the regionally initiated official plan amendment regarding the allocation of servicing capacity; and ) ! I l G.P. &A. Minutes _6_ December 11, 2000 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PD-1 13-00 and be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Amendment to Resolution 4GPA-485-00 I Durham Region Official Plan Moved by Councillor Pingle,seconded by Councillor Trim Joe Domitrovic ROPA 2000-007 THAT Report PD-1 14-00 be tabled to the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled for January 8,2001. "CARRIED" Adult School Resolution#GPA-486-00 Crossing Guards Dr. Ross Tilley and Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell John M. James School PILE: CG 1.5 THAT Report PD-1 15-00 be received; THAT Adult School Crossing Guards be approved pp d at West Side Drive in front of Dr. Ross Tilley Public School and at the corner of Mearns Avenue and Apple Blossom Blvd. in Bowmanville; THAT a rover adult crossing guard be hired on a casual basis, + THAT funds be incorporated in the 2001 budget for these positions,and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-1 15-00 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Animal Services Resolution #GPA-487-00 Monthly Report for - Month September,2000 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-56-00 be received for information,and THAT a copy of Report CD-56-00 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Monthly Report for Resolution #GPA-488-00 Month of October,2000 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report CD-57-00 be received for information;and THAT a copy of Report CD-57-00 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Cavada and the Animal Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" I 306 G.P. &A. Minutes _ 7 December It,2000 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONT'D. General Purpose and Resolution#GPA-489-00 Administration Committee Structure Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report CD-59-00 be received;and THAT the order of the agenda for the General Purpose and Administration Committee meetings be as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary interest 3• Minutes 4. Delegations 5. Public Meetings 6. Planning and Engineering Services Departments 7. Operations and Emergency Services Departments 8• Community Services and Clerk's Departments 9• Corporate Services and Finance Departments 10. Administration Department it. Unfinished Business 12. Other Business 13. Adjournment "CARRIED" TREASURY DEPARTMENT Cash Activity Resolution #GPA-490-00 Report—Sept.2000 Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report TR-75-00 be received, THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79(1)of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended September 30,2000, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-75-00;and THAT Part"A"of the expenditures for the month of September,2000 be confirmed. "CARRIED" Cash Activity Report Resolution #GPA-491-00 October,2000 r Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor MacArthur THAT Report TR-76-00 be received; THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79(1)of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990,the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended October 31,2000, is as shown on the schedule attached to Report TR-75-00;and THAT Part"A"of the expenditures for the month of October, 2000 be confirmed. "CARRIED" I 307 G.P. &A. Minutes 8- December 11, 2000 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D, Tender CL2000-28 Resolution #GPA-492-00 Snow Clearing and Winter Maintenance Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Robinson Of sidewalks and Parking lots THAT Report TR-77-00 be received; i THAT D& F Snow Removal, Bowmanville,Ontario, with a total bid price per call-out in the amount of$6,437.50(plus G.S.T.),Option 1, be awarded the contract to provide snow clearing and winter maintenance as required by the Municipality of Clarington for the 2000/01,2001/02 and 2002/03 winter seasons; and THAT D& F Snow Removal, Bowmanville,Ontario with a total bid price per call-out, or on an"as required basis" in the amount of$31,750.00(plug G.S.T.), Option 2,be awarded the contract to provide snow clearing and winter maintenance required by the Municipality of Clarington for the 2000/01, 2001/02 and 2002/03 winter seasons;and THAT the funds expended be drawn from the 2000,2001,2002 and 2003 winter maintenance budgets, for the respective departments, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" I Early Tender Resolution#GPA-493-00 I Calls Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report"fR-78-00 be received; THAT staff be authorized to advertise and issue vehicle tenders in advance of the 2001 Capital Budget approval for the requirements identified in the body of Report TR-78-00 and THAT this process be approved for the balance of the term of this Council. "CARRIED" Capital Fund Resolution #GPA-494-00 Accounting System And PSAB Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Robinson requirement THAT Report TR-79-00 be received, THAT the Municipality establish a Capital Fund Accounting System; THAT interest earned in the Capital Fund be transferred periodically into the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund; I THAT,excluding Development Charges related projects,any Capital Fi.md financing shortfalls below Purchasing By-Law requirements be funded from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund; 4 lll � G.P. &A. Minutes - 9- December 11,2000 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D. THAT, excluding Development Charges related projects,any Capital Fund surpluses be transferred to the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund; THAT in preparation for complying with the Public Sector Accounting Board requirements,the following, in addition to any future Reserves determined to be more appropriately reflected as Reserve Funds: Computer Equipment Reserve be changed to the Computer Equipment Reserve Fund, the Animal Control Equipment Reserve and the Animal Control Building Reserve be combined and changed to the Animal Control Reserve Fund;the Fire Equipment Reserve and the Fire Fighters Co-Training Reserve be combined and changed to the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund;and that the Public Works Equipment Reserve be changed to the Public Works Equipment Reserve Fund; and I THAT the By-laws attached to Report TR-79-00 be approved. "CARRIED" FIRE DEPARTMENT Monthly Fire Report Resolution #GPA-495-00 October, 2000 Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report FD-19-00 be received for information. �- "CARRIED" I Monthly Fire Report Resolution #GPA-496-00 November,2000 Moved by Councillor MacArthur,seconded by Councillor Pingle i THAT Report FD-20-00 be received for information. "CARRIED" COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no items considered under this section of the agenda. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Lay out and establish Resolution #GPA-497-00 Part of lots 23,243 1 and 32, C.G. Hannings Moved by Councillor Rowe,seconded by Councillor MacArthur Plan of Lot 8,Cone. I Parts 17 and 18 THAT Report WD-50-00 be received;and Plan 40R-19553 THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report WD-50-00 to lay out and establish Part of Lots 23,24, 31 and 32, Block A,C.G. Hannings Plan of Part of Lot 8,Concession I (formerly the Town of Bowmanville), now in the Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham, referred to as Parts 17 and 18 on Plan 40R-19553 and forming part of McFeeters Crescent. "CARRIED" 3n9 I G.P. &A. Minutes - 10- December 11,2000 I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Building Permit Resolution#GPA-498-00 Activity for Month of October,2000 Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report WD-52-00 be received for information. I "CARRIED" Building Permit Resolution #GPA-499-00 Activity for Month of November,2000 Moved by Councillor MacArthur,seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT Report WD-53-00 be received for information. "CARRIED" Confidential Resolution #GPA-500-00 Reports Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Confidential al Reports ADMIN-25-00 and ADMIN-26-00 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a"closed" meeting. "CARRIED" ADMINISTRATION Organization Resolution #GPA-501-00 Restructure Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report ADMIN-27-00 be received, THAT the Organization Structure attached to Report ADMIN-27 be approved, and THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to undertake all necessary actions to implement the organization changes. "CARRIED" Survey Resolution 9GPA-502-00 2000 Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report ADMIN-28-00 be received for information;and THAT members of the"Survey 2000"Committee be thanked for their contribution for the project. "CARRIED" { f 310 G.P. &A. Minutes - December 11,2000 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Trim stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Linda Gasser on behalf of Willie Woo, vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Charlie Trim and Willie Woo were candidates for the position of Wards 3 and 4 Regional Councillor. Resolution#GPA-503-00 Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the request of Linda Gasser on behalf of Willie Woo be referred Clerks office for response to Willie Woo to be sent Friday, December 15 2000 with copies forwarded to Members of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-504-00 Moved by Councillor MacArthur,seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the meeting be closed for consideration of Confidential Reports ADMIN-25-00 and ADMIN-26-00 pertaining to personnel matters. i - "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-505-00 Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the actions taken at the"closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS Newcastle Community Resolution #GPA-506-00 New Year's Eve Family Celebration Moved by Councillor Trim,seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the correspondence dated December 6,2000 from Bruce Gilbert,on behalf of the Newcastle Community requesting the holding of a New Year's Eve Family Celebration on December 30, 2000(alternate date—January 2,2001) which includes fireworks,games, food and fun be received; THAT the request of Bruce Gilbert be approved;and THAT Bruce Gilbert be advised of Council's decision, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" G.P. &A. Minutes - 12- December 11,2000 ADJOURNMENT I Resolution#GPA-507-00 I Moved by Councillor Schell,seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:05 p.m. "CARRIED" i i MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK I r } 312 REPORT: PD-001-01 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Don Welsh NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. DATE: JANUARY 8,2001 Tom: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Council Chambers,Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St.,Bowmanville,Ontario The proposed official plan amendment would provide for the creation of a new lot for a dwelling deemed surplus to the farm operation(as shown on the reverse). ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. Please note that the time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences,not necessarily when this item will be considered. IF YOU wish to make a written submission in respect of the Official Plan Amendment Application, made to Mr.David Crome,M.C.I.P.,R.P.P.,Director of Planning and Development at the address given below be IF YOU wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment you must make a written request to the Clerk's Department at the address given below. An Official Plan Amendment adopted by the Municipality of Clarington is forwarded to the Region of Durham for approval, unless it is determined during the review process that the Amendment is exempt from Regional approval. For an exempt Amendment, the decision to adopt by Clarington Council becomes final, subject to any appeal during the statutory appeal period. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed official plan amendment does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. THE PROPOSED Official Plan Amendment text and background materials relating to the proposal are available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of July and August) at the Planning and Development Department, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Heather Brooks at 623-3379. t DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON- THIS fft O ecember 2000 Patti B e Municipa ity of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE,Ontario L1C 3A6 PLANNING FILE: COPA 2000-008 CLERK'S FILE: D09.COPA.2000.008 - � nl i Subject lands owned by Welsh to be aquired by Benschop Additional Welsh lands to be aquired by Benschop TAUNTON ROAD LOT 10 LOT 0, LOT 8 LOT 7 Benschop chop 20.24ha ■ . l Benschop Benschop 20.24ha 20.24ha Welsh 18.20hai::':::: H Welsh 45.63ha ° Z Retirement Lot created W O in favour of Welsh by W '. LD75/316 AVENUE :,•2.02 ha Rural Residential: Z :non-farm lot created by Q W iiLD 79/312 in favour of N m Retirement Lot created :0) Welsh W in favour of Welsh in 1973 <i i ' : i i':' ''':' V F— ..,� W i26.30hai i i Benschop 23.32ha Proposed surplus dwelling lot 0.418ha.' i Benschop 11.17ha Intrafamily Lot created G� Retirement Lot created in favour of Benshop in favour of Benshop by LD89/177 0 by LD89/176' CONCESSION --ROAD 4 DARLINGTON KEY MAP COPA 2000-008 REPORT: PD-002-01 Canadian Waste Services Inc. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment and a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. DATE: MONDAY,JANUARY 8,2001 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Council Chambers,Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St.,Bowmanville,Ontario The proposed Official Plan Amendment(File:COPA 2000-007),as submitted by Canadian Waste Services Inc.,would redesignate a 9.5 ha parcel of land located in Part Lots 25 and 26, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington (as shown on the reverse) from "Light Industrial Area" to "General Industrial Area"to permit the development of a waste transfer station and a material recovery facility for solid non-hazardous waste. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (File: ZBA 2000-026), as submitted by Canadian Waste Services Inc., would change the zone category of the subject lands from "Light Industrial (M1)" and "General Industrial(M2)"to a"M2 Special Exception"to permit the proposed development. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. Please note that the time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences,not necessarily when this item will be considered. IF YOU wish to make a written submission in respect of the Official Plan Amendment Application or the Rezoning Application, it should be made to Mr. David Crome,M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development at the address given below. IF YOU wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment you must make a written request to the Clerk's Department at the address given below. An Official Plan Amendment adopted by the Municipality of Clarington is forwarded to the Region of Durham for approval,unless it is determined during the review process that the Amendment is exempt from Regional approval.For an exempt Amendment,the decision to adopt by Clarington Council becomes final, subject to any appeal during the statutory appeal period. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that tiles an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed official plan amendment does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted,the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. i THE PROPOSED Official Plan Amendment text and background materials relating to the proposal are available for inspection between 8:30 a.m.and 4:30 p.m.(8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.for the months of July and August) at the Planning and Development Department, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street,Bowmanville,Ontario or by calling Janice Szwarz at 623-3379. i l DATED AT TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAVINGTO THI 2000 Patti ��lt{rk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE,Ontario LIC 3A6 PLANNING FILE: COPA2000-007; ZBA 2000-026 CLERK'S FILE: i - 503 i SUBJECT SITE LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 sj, Y C9`yp� 0 O Z Q J O Z� p _ BASE IN ROAD � i C R _ 920 U T op,` yGo WAY RA ,- HIGHWAY 401 z o SOUTH SE �n VICE ROAD w o U � Z 0 0 w x Z m z w tv V J LL- 0 O N Z Y ti o - x Ng7' m x�� RAID Wq LAKE ONTARIO COURTiCE COPA 2000-007 KEY MAP ZBA 2000-026 r - 5n4 REPORT:- PD-003-01 Cory Kuipers DN;Kui-pub CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. DATE: January S,2001 Tom: 9:30 A. -- M. PLACE: Council Chambers,Municipal Administrative Centre, i 40 Temperance St.,Bowmauville,Ontario The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment,submitted by Cory and Rose Kuipers would change the zone category of a 599 M, Bowmanville parcel of land located in Part Lot 11, Concession 1, former Town of from "Urban Residential Exception (R1-12)" to an appropriate zone to Permit expansion of the existing funeral home and associated parking lot. (as shown on the reverse) the ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting in support of or in opposition to the proposal and/or note that the otiv�� above reflects either time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences not necessarily when this it will be considered. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an Clarington respect of the proposed that by-law amendment oes not make oral osubmissions t a Council ublic j mfg or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is adopted,the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposal are available for inspection am,and 4:30 p.m.(8:00 am,to 4:00 p.m,for the months of July and August)at between 8:30 Development Department,Municipal A )at the Planning and P Administrative five Centre,40 Temperance Street,Bowrrranville, Ontario or by calling Carlo Peilarin at 623-3379. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTO TMS.B'th FIJ c mber2 Patti$ i ' I unicipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVI LLE,Ontario LIC 3A6 i PLANNING FILE: ZBA 2000-029 CLERK'S FILE: D14.zBA.2000.029 C i I 505 i i ® SUBJECT SITE LOT 11 LOWE STREET � w o N � w o S 'T ti �o o � s � N BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA 2000_029 i 506 DNT001-01 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report#: PD-001-01 FILE #: COPA 2000-008 By-law# Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICANT: DONALD AND NORMA WELSH PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 4, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON-4280 MEARNS AVENUE FILE: COPA 2000-008 (X-REF: OPA 2000-009) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-001-01 be received; I 2. THAT application to amend the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, submitted by Ronald Worboy, on behalf of Donald and Norma Welsh, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt and resolution of all outstanding issues and comments; and 2. THAT Durham Region Planning Department received a copy of this report and all interested parties listed in this report, including Durham Region, and any delegations, be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Donald and Norma Welsh 1.2 Agent: Ronald Worboy 1.3 Durham Region Official Plan Amendment: To provide for the creation of a new lot for a dwelling deemed surplus to the farm operation. 1.4 Clarington Official Plan Amendment: To provide for the creation of a new lot for a dwelling deemed surplus to the farm operation and to grant I exception to the Official Plan requirement that no previous farm-related severance has been received since January 1, j 1974. 601 REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 2 I 1.5 Area: 0.418 ha(1 ac.) portion of a 45.63 ha(112.75 ac.) parcel 1 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located in Part of Lot 9, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington. The property has the following municipal address: 4280 Mearns Avenue. The lands are situated on the west side of Mearns Avenue, north of Concession Road 4. This is a 45.6 ha parcel of land which is currently being used in association with the Welsh's farm operation. There is only the one residential structure located on the subject lands. 2.2 Mr. Welsh also owns 2 additional parcels being an 18.2 ha parcel and a 26.3 ha parcel, the 18.2 ha parcel is vacant. Both these parcels are used for farming. The Welsh's are third generation farmers and they own a dairy farm known as Welcrest Farms. Prior to 1999 when the Welsh's sold their cows and milk quota, they milked 45 dairy cows. They are now raising 70 dairy heifers. f I 3. BACKGROUND i = 3.1 On September 29, 2000, the Municipality of Clarington Planning Department received an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan. The application upon submission was pp P incomplete and the agricultural assessment report was not submitted until November 14". Likewise, an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (OPA 2000-009) was submitted, but was not circulated for agency comments until December 5, 2000 as the application when received was deemed incomplete. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Use: A residential dwelling surrounded by agricultural activities. A tributary of the Soper Creek flows through the subject lands. Surrounding Uses: North- agricultural activities and two residential lots South- agricultural activities East - agricultural activities, a farm residence and barns West - agricultural activities 602 REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 3 5. PROVINCIAL POLICY 5.1 Section 2.1.2 c) of the Provincial Policy Statement specifies that a residence deemed to be surplus to a farming operation may be severed from the property creating a new residential lot. The Policy Statement defines a "Residence Surplus to a Farming Operation" as "one or two or more existing farm residences built prior to 1978 and surplus to the farm, or an existing farm residence that is rendered surplus as a result of farm consolidation (farm consolidation means the acquisition of additional farm parcels to be operated as one farm operation)." 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Regional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands "Permanent Agricultural Reserve". Lands so designated shall be used primarily for agricultural purposes. Section 12.3.12 of the Official Plan states that an amendment is required for the severance of a surplus dwelling, if the dwelling is deemed surplus through the acquisition of a non- abutting farm parcel. 6.2 Clarington Official Plan 6.2.1 The subject lands are designated "Prime Agricultural Area" and "Environmental Protection" in the Clarington Official Plan. Lands designated "Prime A f g Agricultural Area" shall be predominantly used for farm purposes. The lands designated "Environmental Protection" reflect the Soper Creek tributary and valleylands. i 6.2.2 The Clarington Official Plan (Section 13.3.9) provides a policy to allow the removal of a dwelling rendered surplus due to the acquisition of a non-abutting farm provided that the following criteria are met: a) A retirement or intra-family lot has not been severed since January 1, 1974; b) The farm to be acquired is a minimum of 40 hectares; C) The dwelling to be severed is not required for farm employees; d) The surplus dwelling lot is generally less than 0.6 hectares; and e) It is registered on title that once a surplus dwelling lot is severed, no further severance is permitted from the parcel for retirement purposes. 603 it i i REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 4 7. ZONING BY-LAW 7.1 The subject lands are zoned "Agricultural Exception (A-1)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)". The "EP" zoning reflects the tributary and valleylands. No structures are permitted within the "EP" zone except for flood or erosion control structures. On lands zoned "A-1", farm uses shall prevail. 8. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 8.1 In accordance with the Municipality's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, notice was given as follows: L ➢ Public Meeting sign for the application was installed on the site; and ➢ Written notice was circulated to all assessed property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands. i 8.2 At the time of writing this report, no comments have been received from the public either in support of or opposition to this application. i 8.3 The Region of Durham Planning Department have advised that a public meeting to F consider the Regional Official Plan Amendment will be held on January 23, 2001. 9. AGENCY COMMENTS i r 9.1 Staff circulated the application and the following agencies had no objection to the application. ■ Clarington's Public Works Department ■ Clarington Fire Department ■ Durham Region Health Department 9.2 The Region of Durham Planning Department have advised that the application is not exempt from Regional approval. 9.3 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is the only agency that has not yet provided comments. 604 REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 5 10. STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 The Benschops wish to acquire the 3 parcels comprising the Welsh farm lands adding them to their total farm operation. Mr. Benschop owns a farm operation located to the east of the Welsh'property. The Benschops currently operate a 90 head dairy farm which I includes 4 parcels of land totalling 141 ha. The Benschop farm has increased in size over the years and have made improvements to the land including some land clearing and the L installation of tile drainage where required. According to the agricultural assessment completed by Dale Toombs, the Benschops farm is larger than the average size dairy operation in Durham Region. The assessment report states that the Benschops operation is a viable farm. 10.2 The Benschops will have three houses on their farm property, being adequate for the size of the farm operation. The occupant of the house and farm structures located on the 26.3 ha Welsh property to be acquired is presently employed by the Benschops. The assessment notes that if the Benschops were to further expand their farm operation, there currently exists available land to support any needed additional dwellings for farm i employees, including the 2 vacant lots created by severance in 1989. The assessment concludes that the residential dwelling located at 4280 Mearns Avenue is surplus to the farm operation. i 10.3 Some of the lands the Benschops are acquiring from the Welsh's are adjacent to their existing farm operation. However, as the property from which the proposed surplus dwelling lot is to be separated is located across a municipally open and maintained road, the proposal to remove the surplus dwelling generated by the acquisition of additional lands qualifies as the consolidation of non-abutting farms and requires a site specific I amendment to the Clarington Official Plan. 10.4 Both the Welsh's and the Benschops have removed residential lots from their farm parcels. The Welsh's have created a total of 3 lots, being a residential lot created in 1973, a retirement lot created in 1975 and a rural residential non-farm lot created in 1979. The 605 REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 6 Municipality of Clarington did not support the creation of the rural residential non-farm I lot. The Benschops created an intra-family lot and a retirement lot in 1989. The application for official plan amendment requests relief from Section 13.3.9 a) being the provision that prohibits the creation of a lot for a surplus dwelling if a retirement or intra- i family lot has been created since 1974. Staff is concerned about the precedant this application may set, if approved. 10.5 The agricultural assessment reviewed Minimum Distance Separation formula r- requirements and confirmed that this application meets the separation distance dictated by the formula. It is important to note that even though MDS was applied, the implementation guidelines exempt the use of the MDS formula where the creation of a proposed lot with an existing building is located on a parcel separate from the livestock buildings. i 10.6 The criteria established within the Provincial Policy Statement has been met and this application conforms with the PPS as this residence was built in 1967 and will be I rendered surplus as a result of farm consolidation. r 11. RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act (Section 34.12), to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or areas of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommended this application be referred back to Staff for further processing and a subsequent report. i l 606 REPORT NO.: PD-001-01 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, 4Davi J ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer. HB*BN*DC*df 2 January 2001 Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Donald and Norman Welsh R.R.#4 4280 Mearns Avenue BOWMANVILLE, Ontario i L1C 3K5 Ronald Worboy I Barrister and Solicitor 153 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, Ontario LIG 4S6 Dale Toombs Agricultural and Rural Land Use Consulting 15 Walker Street LINDSAY, Ontario K9V 5Z8 I I 607 ATTACHMENT 1 ■ ' TAUNTON ROAD LOT 10 LOT■9 LOT 8 L01 7 3 o Q 0 Benschop 20.24ha a • ■ o ■ c � Benschop Benschop 20.24ha 20.24ha 1Neish ��:`•�`���`�`� - ■ Welsh 5.63ha i • z Retirement Lot created Q W in favour of Welsh by 0 LD75/316 C2 A AVENUE .:2.02 ha Rural Residential Z ::non-farm lot created by 0 W .'LD 79/312 in favour of U) m Lot created in favour :y) Welsh W of Welsh prior to W F- 1974 () m Benschop 23.32ha i Proposed surplus dwelling lot 0.418ha.�, Benschop 11.17ha Q Intrafamily Lot created • Retirement Lot created in favour of Benshop N Q W ■■ in favour of Benshop by LD89/177 'LGQ-►',dE ■ by LD89/176 ■ S ■ CONCESSION .. ROA.D 4 ■ ® Subject lands owned by Welsh to be aquired by Benschop Additional Welsh lands to be aquired by Benschop DARLINGTON KEY MAP COPA 2000-008 , ROPA 2000/009 I 608 ATTACHMENT 2 APPLICANT'S PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 13.3.10 The following surplus dwelling lots have been approved by amendment to this plan: EXCEPTION NUMBER ASSESSMENT NUMBER(s) 010 0�0 08400 0000 010 080 08300 0000 010 080 08350 0000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 9, Concession 4, (former Geographic Town ship of Darlington) AREA OF SURPLUS DWELLING LOT 4,180.5 square meters ters (.418 ha). i AREA REMAINING FARM 44.908 ha. i i I i 6 ,99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report #: PD-002-01 File#: COPA 2000-007; ZBA 2000-026 By-law# Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: CANADIAN WASTE SERVICES INC. 1 McKNIGHT ROAD, COURTICE PART LOTS 25 & 26,B.F.C., FORMER TOWNHIP OF DARLINGTON FILES: COPA 2000-007; ZBA 2000-026 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-002-01 be received; I - 2. THAT the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications as submitted by McDermott & Associates Limited, on behalf of Canadian Waste Services Inc., be referred back to staff for further comments; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS i 1.1 Applicant: Canadian Waste Services Inc. 1.2 Agent: McDermott &Associates Limited C 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To permit the development of a waste transfer station and material recovery and recycling facility for solid non- hazardous waste as an exception on lands designated "Light Industrial Area". 1.4 Rezoning: To rezone the subject lands to an "M1 Special Exception" zone to permit the development of a waste transfer station and material recovery and recycling facility for solid non- hazardous waste. 610 i REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 2 I 1.5 Site Area: 9.48 hectares (23.42 acres) i 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part Lots 25 & 26, B.F.C., former Township of Darlington. The municipal address is 1 McKnight Road, Courtice (see Attachment 1). 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Canadian Waste Services has indicated that the development of the waste transfer station will proceed in the initial phase through the expansion of the maintenance depot currently on the site and the construction of a new building with a gross floor area of approximately 1680 sq. m. The transfer station will be designed to accommodate the processing of approximately 800 tonnes of solid, non-hazardous residential and ICI (industrial-commercial-institutional) waste on a daily basis. Waste from collection trucks will be tipped and loaded onto trailers for haulage to an approved waste management site. All operations associated with the loading and unloading of vehicles will be fully enclosed within the proposed building. Outside storage will generally consist of truck i _ parking and the storage of empty waste containers and receptacles. Canadian Waste Services has indicated that the development of the material recovery and recycling facility will proceed at a later date(see Attachment 2). �7` 3.2 Once the proposed waste transfer station on the subject lands is operational, Canadian Waste Services will close their existing facility on the Clarke - Darlington Townline Road and consolidate all of their waste transfer operations at the McKnight Road site. All of the solid non-hazardous waste collected by Canadian Waste Services in Clarington will be brought to the new site. This currently totals approximately 250 - 300 tonnes per day. Solid non-hazardous waste collected by Canadian Waste Services from other municipalities east of Toronto to Grafton will also be trucked to the new waste transfer station. Once fully operational, there will be approximately 80 waste collection trucks i and 27 long haul trucks entering and leaving the site each day. I 611 REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 3 3.3 Canadian Waste Services will require a Provisional Certificate of Approval under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act for the operation of the proposed waste transfer station. The Ministry of the Environment will determine whether a full review under the Environmental Assessment Act will also be required. The company has indicated that it I will submit their application for a Provisional Certificate of Approval to the Ministry of Environment once the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications have been processed and the conceptual site plan has been confirmed. The Municipality will have f an opportunity to comment on any application for a Provincial Certificate of Approval i submitted by Canadian Waste Services, as well as whether a review under the Environmental Assessment Act is required. 4. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The subject property is currently used by Canadian Waste Services as a truck transport depot and maintenance facility with associated office uses. The total floor area of all existing buildings is 918 sq. m. Approval was recently given for the construction of a new 700 sq. m. truck service garage on the site. In light of the site's "Light Industrial" designation and its visibility from Highway 401, the development agreement with Canadian Waste Services on the property requires the installation of treed earthen berms along the southern property line to provide visual screening from the Highway. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: North - Canadian Pacific Rail line and vacant industrial lands South - Highway 401 East - Canadian Pacific Rail line and vacant industrial lands West - General industrial uses on Courtice Court . 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES Clarington Official Plan 5.1 The subject lands are designated as "Light Industrial Area" by the Clarington Official Plan. Lands so designated are located in places of high visibility along major roads and freeways and permitted uses are to be sensitive to and compatible with abutting land uses (Section 11.5.1). `Light Industrial' lands are to be used predominantly for 612 REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 4 manufacturing, assembling, processing, fabricating, repairing, research and development, and warehousing. (Section 11.5.2). 5.2 The Plan (Section 11.6.5) states that a waste transfer station may be permitted in "General Industrial Areas" by site-specific zoning provided it is integrated and part of a waste processing facility. The Plan (Section 11.6..1) further states that "General Industrial Areas" are to be located in the interior of Employment Areas, and shall not be located in highly visible locations or adjacent to sensitive land uses. 5.3 The Clarington Official Plan (Map A2 and Map B 1) also identifies a future interchange for the Highway 401-407 connecting freeway. The Plan (Section 19.3.2) states that the Municipality, in co-operation with other authorities and senior governments, will strive to plan for and protect transportation corridors that are supportive of the future urban and rural structure of the Municipality. I 5.4 The applicant has been requested to submit a report to address how the subject applications meet the Official Plan policies regarding the protection of future transportation corridors. Durham Regional Official Plan 5.5 The subject site is designated "Employment Area" by the Durham Regional Official Plan". The Plan (Section 11.3.10) encourages prestige employment uses with high r employment generating capacity and greater architectural, landscaping and sign controls along Highway 401. Other employment uses may also be permitted by designation in area municipal official plans. j 5.6 The Regional Official Plan also indicates a north/south freeway connection between Highway 401 and the future Highway 407 in the general vicinity of the subject site. The Ministry of Transportation, through their preliminary identification of a technically preferred route for the connecting link, has determined that the subject lands are required for an interchange. However, the final alignment of the connecting link will not be i I 613 REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 5 determined until such time as route planning and design studies pursuant to the Environmental Assessment Act have been completed. The Regional Official Plan (Section 16.3.6) states that Regional Council shall protect freeway corridors from uses which may jeopardize the implementation of the corridors. This section of the Plan has been deferred in its entirety by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (Deferral 9), a result of a concern expressed by the Town of Whitby regarding the connecting link through that community. 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The northern 1.9 ha of the subject site is zoned "M2 (General Industrial Zone)" by Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, while the balance of the property is zoned "M1 (Light Industrial Area)". Because the property is not serviced with municipal sewer and water, industrial uses on the site are limited to those that do not require water i as part of their operations. 6.2 In accordance with the requirements of the Clarington Official Plan, an application has been submitted to rezone the entire property to permit the development of the proposed waste transfer station and material recovery and recycling facility on the subject lands. i 7. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. i A public meeting notice sign was installed on the McKnight Road frontage of the lands. 7.2 As of the writing of this report, no inquiries or comments regarding the subject applications have been received. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS i 8.1 The Clarington Fire Department has indicated that on-site water may be required for fire fighting purposes. i 614 REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 6 i 8.2 The Clarington Public Works Department (Engineering Division) has indicated no i objection to the subject proposal subject to addressing the Department's requirements related to site grading and drainage and improvements to McKnight Road. The applicant will be required to provide an appropriate cash contribution in lieu of normal parkland dedication. 8.3 The Clarington Public Works Department(Building Division) has provided comments on the need for on-site water supply and sewage disposal. A building permit cannot be issued until the Ministry of Transportation has issued a permit for the proposed development. 8.4 Comments have not yet been received from the following agencies: • Region of Durham Planning Department • Region of Durham Works Department • Region of Durham Health Department • Central Lake Ontario Conservation • St. Lawrence and Hudson(C.P.) Rail I • Hydro One Network Inc. • Ministry of the Environment • Ministry of Transportation. (M.T.O. has informally indicated that they have concerns with the subject applications and have requested an extension for the submission of comments). 1 9. COMMENTS 9.1 The issue of whether the proposed development can proceed on the subject site given the r- proposed location of the interchange for the Highway 401 - 407 freeway link cannot be f addressed in the absence of comments from the Ministry of Transportation and the ! submission of the report from the applicant regarding the protection of transportation corridors. i 9.2 The proposed Official Plan Amendment submitted by the applicant sought to redesignate the subject site from "Light Industrial Area" to "General Industrial Area" to permit the development of the proposed waste transfer station and material recovery and recycling facility. However, given the site's visibility from Highway 401 and its proximity to other 615 REPORT PD-002-01 PAGE 7 lands also designated "Light Industrial Area", it will be important to ensure that any development of the site will not create a negative image along Highway 401, and that it will be compatible with other light industrial uses in the area as the Courtice Industrial Park develops. 9.3 Traffic can be well managed at this site given it's proximity to the Courtice Road interchange and location just south of a Type B arterial road. f— i 9.4 Any other matters related to business arrangements between Canadian Waste Services and the Municipality will be addressed in a report from the Director of Public Works. 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the Planning Act requirements for a Public Meeting in respect of the proposed Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment. It is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to staff for f further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. RespeptUly submitted, Reviewed by, i Dftv rome, Franklin Wu, . . ., Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer i JAS*BN*DJC*cc December 13, 2000 I Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Conceptual Site Plan Attachment 3 - Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: I Mr. George Field Mr. John McDermott Canadian Waste Services Inc. McDermott &Associates Limited P.O. Box 2398 1550 Kingston Road Oshawa, Ontario Box 1408 L1H 7V6 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6W9 I 616 ATTACHMENT 1 SUBJECT SITE LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 o Q z a° 00 —1 BASE IN ROAD C R u T X01 o Rq WA �`'-----_ HIGH 401 O SOUTH SE VICE V) ROAD w Q U O Z x Q Q r- w O - Z m Z w V) o Jo V) cgtiq w O NqT m ��NqC Rq/LWAY — I LAKE ONTARIO i COURTICE CO PA 2000-007 KEY MAP ZBA 2000-026 617 � 1 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN Proposed Waste Transfer Station & Material Recovery & Recycling Facilities Part Lots 25 & 26, Broken Front Concession, (Former Township of Darlington) Municipality of Clarington q A / COSH" ADMIC 0 a 0 _ 41 \�. V. IX FRMIE � SIORAQE Y / lIMlDIMO � TSIUOC PAApNO AREA co /�� lOgcw a a oD+"�EFOr C HYDRQ,\ EASEMENT PROPOSED TRANSFER FACUrY ` STORAGE \ \ i ` D AREA > �1ACDON XERw - q�D-CARTIER FREEWgy HIGHWAY m No. 401 ® Z N i ATTACHMENT 3 i I PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN L k Purpose: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is to permit the development of a waste transfer station, material recovery and recycling facility for solid non-hazardous waste on lands designated "Light Industrial Area". _ Location: The lands subject of the Official Plan Amendment is located at 1 McKnight Road, Courtice. The subject land is described as Part lots 25 and 26, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington. Basis: The proposed amendment is based upon an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan submitted by Canadian Waste Services Inc. (File; COPA 2000-007). Actual Amendment: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. In Section 23.14 'Exceptions', by adding the following new section: "23.14.2 Notwithstanding Section 11.6.5, the development of a waste r transfer station and material recovery and recycling facility for.solid non-hazardous waste shall be permitted on the properties identified by roll numbers 010-050-00100 and 010-050-00110, located in Part Lots 25 and 26, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington, identified municipally as 1 McKnight Road." j G Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. i 619 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report#: PD-003-01 File#: ZBA 2000-029 By-law# Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: KUIPERS, CORY AND ROSE PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 70 WELLINGTON STREET FILE NO.: ZBA 2000-029 (X-REF: SPA 2000-025) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-003-01 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, submitted by Hull Drafting and Development on behalf of Cory and Rose Kuipers be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; 3. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Kuipers, Cory and Rose 1.2 Agent: Hull Drafting and Development 1.3 Rezoning: from"Urban Residential Exception (R1-12)Zone" to an appropriate zone to permit the expansion of the existing funeral home and associated parking lot. 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located in Part Lot 11, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville. The lands are further described as being located at 70 Wellington Street, i 620 REPORT PD-003-01 PAGE 2 immediately abutting Northcutt Elliot Funeral Home, one lot east of Division Street on j the north side of Wellington Street. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The applicant submitted an application to rezone the property at 70 Wellington Street. The rezoning application and related site plan application, if approved, would allow a 135.2 m2 expansion to the existing funeral home. The majority of the expansion would be contained on the existing funeral home property at 53 Division Street, with approximately 1.6 m of the proposed 8.0 m wide addition actually located on the lot subject to rezoning. The balance of the lot would be used to accommodate parking for the proposed addition and the existing funeral home. The existing dwelling at 70 Wellington would be removed to allow for the proposed expansion. 3.2 In 1990 a rezoning application was filed for the existing funeral home and the lands behind the subject property to permit a parking lot for the funeral home. At that time 17 off-street parking spaces were created, where previously there was none. A recent site inspection of the property confirmed that a driveway has been paved along the east property line to provide a secondary access to the 17 off-street parking spaces. In addition, a walkway has been paved along the west boundary of the subject property for pedestrian access from the sidewalk to the parking area. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses - single detached dwelling 4.2 Surrounding Uses: North - Parking area for existing Northcutt Elliot Funeral Home I South - Wellington Street and single detached dwellings East - Single detached dwellings West - Northcutt Elliot Funeral Home I 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. The predominant use of land within the Living Area designation shall be for housing 621 REPORT PD-003-01 PAGE 3 purposes. Section 10.3.1 (b) allows limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations provided that the functions and characteristics of designated Central Areas are not affected. 5.2 The subject lands are designated Urban Residential in the Clarington Official Plan. The predominant use of land within the Urban Residential designation shall be for housing purposes. "Other uses may be permitted which by their activity, scale and design are 4- supportive of, compatible with and serve residential uses." These include among other uses community facilities in accordance with Section 18 of the Plan. The application is considered to be in conformity. 6. ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS 6.1 The subject lands are zoned "Urban Residential Exception (R1-12)". Said zone, in addition to a single detached dwelling, semi-detached/link dwelling and a duplex dwelling, permits a converted dwelling. A funeral home is not permitted in this zone, f- hence the application for rezoning. 7. PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSION 7.1 A Public Notice sign was installed on the subject lands. In addition, notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report, no phone calls, letters or inquiries have been received relative to this application. i 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The Clarington Fire Department offered no objection or concerns with the application as filed. Comments remain outstanding from CLOCA. 8.2 Clarington Public Works Department offered the following comments: i) Engineering Division No objection to the proposal subject to the following conditions. The applicant's C i 622 i REPORT PD-003-01 PAGE 4 engineer will be required to prepare a Grading and Drainage Plan that details the I configuration of the on-site storm sewer (minor system) and conveyance of the overland flow (Major system) from this site. The applicant will be required to make application for property access and shall be responsible for the cost of cutting the curb at the new entrance. I ii) Parks Division The applicant will be required to provide an appropriate cash contribution in lieu i of parkland dedication. iii) Building Division The applicant has been made aware of the information required for building permit relative to occupant loads and revisions to entrances. 8.3 Veridian Connections advised that electric service is available from the road allowance touching this property. The Corporation provided a list of requirements related to the site I plan approval, which have been forwarded to the applicant's agent. 8.4 Regional Planning Department staff advised that the subject property is designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands within this designation shall be predominantly used for housing purposes. However, limited retailing of services, such L as a funeral home would also be permitted within the context of Policy 10.3.1(b) of the r Durham Regional Official Plan. The subject rezoning application conforms. In addition, no provincial interests were identified for this application when screened in terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. i 8.5 Regional Works Department staff advised that municipal water and sanitary services are available to the site. The Region will disconnect any abandoned services at the expense of the owner. The applicant will need to contact the Region of Durham Works Department for this work prior to issuance of a building permit. r 623 REPORT PD-003-01 PAGE 5 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The applicant is proposing a 135 m2 addition to the existing funeral home located at the corner of Wellington and Division Streets. The majority of the building addition is proposed to be accommodated on the lands presently zoned to permit a funeral home. I However, a small portion of the building and all the required parking for the addition are proposed to be accommodated on the adjacent, subject property to the east. I j 9.2 The subject property currently contains a single detached dwelling which the applicant intends to remove to accommodate the expansion and required parking. The 135 m2 addition requires 15 parking spaces. The site plan submitted in conjunction with the rezoning application indicates a total of 19 additional parking spaces are being proposed. J In addition, the existing wooden fence along the east property line is to be retained along with a 1.5 m wide planting strip. f 10. CONCLUSION 10.1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for staff to indicate issues or areas of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommended the application be referred back to staff for further k-= processing and subsequent report upon resolution of any issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions. ;avi pectful submitted, Reviewed by, Jrec"a C . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development Chief Administrative Officer CP*DJC*cc i December 22, 2000 Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Site Plan 624 i REPORT PD-003-01 PAGE 6 i i Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: j Hull Drafting and Development 5410 Old Scugog Road Hampton, Ontario LOB 1 JO Cory &Rose Kuipers 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 2Z8 I I i { I I 625 ATTACHMENT No. 1 SUBJECT SITE LOT 11 LOWE STREET W V) z G� STS O w U w U O� U � s �y � C BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA 2000-029 i 626 ATTACHMENT No. 2 rp-c> rt_,n.c.-, <�I- •eur+-•vt,Y op• 1�PT of Tot--t-.+ t.�7's I a z t��,txxiK ' ,eccvwot,_Y, -('o J, �*'�a-..�Te F'•�Lo..� oP- Lc�•III �- pp�o1^+ 116U�/I l�l�E`� 1-1oW WIThII+-� THE L1r-tIT' i ope TI I t=. f•1 V�1 c-I(�,o L.1-rl� v r• f-I V{.1 I G(f'.a.t_.rT-f i I SITE INFORMATION l'oYal- Lc,T •.a a.u,►,, - � 11._rt,.-15 I-I, rl�ti,ar+�l. 1•lortty c.- F --1�-1 4 �r - I-7q Z.ooz n''• -�utsT„-rr Hobe 4, PV`a posF�•� Pvt�.1..t'J4 `� �tq_09 4n z391.o9on` A0.6A op s-ip.0�,'I-Ll(3-bb• � •tnutsTt,--+9 FUN(✓c.-.ra. 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ITT�a+bs•i6o•�� i .�.P�1i•< or A6PH6LT /4',,.of- C LIT IL�vO✓+pt1 b� �A.n-Gd oF• U.�nx,s F+t.J4 = GMI'L•>2 Cab.`I d.': l.a'1• GOVbK4L� •6)<ISTI,--k Pd V-1�I,J 4 +t-7 -P�t�'�1G1'-k P6Q V iFiF'., k•oI"1 PPUFias�,� 6�ofTto•� Wh �ln�AM•a�.FI.. _ 13.G2 - To Tai, Pav--�t�t4 b1-yaVtu�tu = 7I ep�.t.,.s• - T,—r,, PAD-i.,"4 Poa./lobs •so- �•°•`- - __———— __ � 1-17Ys�.h•1 /i�.�q �✓wavo rc.-ttJ. ... _ S f rl x.78 4a._� yl v'F'Ci6!' .4.— o-.csv 1 z t +-173'4'�I w• 50.4f I I s OT 'I it ai• T /; /� nI �+a o EXISTING FUNERAL HOME d PROPOSE j � --•-• � 1 �" b qQ Q I � p 1 z * gw , I-17IY4b)w 'Jl 66 N'/5'�;1 Zo.o• 1 I WELLINGTON STREET I T LEGEND i ._.__..� Dlvv.a fl�i.+ ol• ps.n,...,a THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report#: PD-004-01 File#: COPA 2000-009 (X-REF: LD 325/2000 By-law# I Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICANT: 902714 ONTARIO INC. PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 2 AND PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE— 1774 RUDELL ROAD FILE NO.: COPA 2000-009 (X-REF: LD 325/2000) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-004-01 be received; - 2. THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan, as submitted by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board on behalf of 902714 Ontario Inc., be APPROVED as Amendment # 17 to the Clarington Official Plan, that the necessary by-law to adopt the Official Plan Amendment be passed and further that the Amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 902714 Ontario Inc. 1.2 Agent: Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To relocate the Separate Elementary chool symbol ymbol from the west side of Rudell Road, north of Highway No. 2, Part Lot 31, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke, to the west side of Rudell Road, south of Highway No. 2, part Lot 31, Concession 1, former Township of Clarke, 1774 Rudell Road (Attachment 1). I I 628 i REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 2 1.4 Site Area: 2.63 hectares (6.5 ac) 2. LOCATION 2.1 The separate elementary symbol is currently located north of Highway No. 2 on an i agricultural property which has frontage on both Given and Rudell Roads. The new location would be south of Highway No. 2 on the west side of Rudell Road south of the intersection of Edward Street West with Rudell Road. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Prior to submitting this application, the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board attempted to purchase a portion of the property in the location of the existing school site. The property owner was not interested in selling and the Board did not want to pursue expropriation. The site, located at 1774 Rudell Road, was considered to be the best alternative location as servicing was available and the owner was willing to sell. The School Board has a conditional offer on the property i subject to the approval of this application and the related application for severance (LD 325/2000). I i 3.2 Extensive discussions have been held between Municipal staff, the applicant and the School Board on how the school site could be made compatible with the future community park and recreation complex to the north. Once all parties were satisfied, the School Board submitted this official plan amendment application on October 30, 2000, on behalf of 902714 Ontario Inc. to facilitate their requirements for providing a separate I elementary school for the residents of Newcastle Village and area. A Public Meeting was subsequently held on December 11, 2000. 4 4. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The entire property owned by 902714 Ontario Inc. covers 23 hectares (56.8 acres) and contains an older frame residence which has been converted into two apartments. Wilmot Creek runs north and south through the western portion of the lot leaving approximately 13.4 hectares (33 acres) of farmland. There are eight residential lots on the west side of Rudell Road in the vicinity of Hart and Sunset Boulevards. The east side i 629 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 3 of Rudell Road has been completely developed with plans of subdivisions from Highway No. 2 south to Highway 401 (Attachment 2). 4.2 Surrounding Uses: North - Large lot residential South - Highway 401 East - Urban residential - West - Wilmot Creek 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 The lands are designated Living Area within the Durham Region Official Plan. Such lands are predominantly for housing purposes. The Plan allows for public uses which are considered compatible with their surroundings. I 5.2 The lands are designated Urban Residential within the Clarington Official Plan. The predominant use of these lands shall be for housing purposes. Other uses, such as schools, may be permitted which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive of, compatible with and serve residential uses. School sites are designated with a symbol on the Land Use Map. Schools are to conform with Section 18 of the Official Plan, which states the following: • The minimum site area for future elementary schools on full municipal services should be approximately 2.5 hectares; • Elementary schools are generally to be located on collector roads; • In order to minimize the need for school crossing guards, safe pedestrian and bicycle routes are to be provided; • A minimum of 25% of the site perimeter is to have street frontage, wherever possible. 5.3 The proposed school site is 2.63 hectares, which meets the 2.5 hectare minimum. Rudell Road has been identified as a collector road from Highway No. 2 south to Edward Street West. The Public Works Department has requested a sidewalk along a portion of Rudell Road in order to provide for safe pedestrian access to and from the site. Due to the existence of residential lots on the west side of Rudell Road, and the need to 630 i REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 4 accommodate both indoor and outdoor recreation facilities on the balance of the lands owned by the applicant, it was not possible to site the school property with 25% i perimeter frontage. Three hundred feet of road frontage is provided and it is considered acceptable under the circumstances. 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY I 6.1 Within the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the proposed school location is zoned predominantly "Agricultural Exception i (A-1)" with a small amount of"Environmental Protection (EP)" on the south west corner of the site. The A-1 zone does not list a school as a permitted use. However, Section 3.17 of By-law 84-63 states that "the provisions of this By-law shall not apply to prohibit the use of any lot or the erection or use of any building or structure for the purpose of public services provided by. . . any school board . . ." Therefore, the application complies with By-law 84-63 and a rezoning of the property is not required. 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Prior to the Public Meeting one phone inquiry was received from a resident of Rudell Road noting a concern with the possibility of increased traffic along the road should the application be approved, and one written submission was made in support of the application. Both comments were included in the Public Meeting report which was presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on December 11, 2000. 7.2 Mr. Real Aubin of 1514 Rudell Road spoke at the Public Meeting expressing his opposition to the development due to the possibility of increased traffic and the loss of his view. His house is the most northerly of the lots fronting on Rudell Road and he raised a concern in regards to the school site wrapping around his property. Sherren Farrell of 2773 Bellwood Drive and a member of the St. Francis of Assissi School Council spoke in support of the application. s 7.3 Additional comments have been received from a resident of Hart Boulevard and the owners of 1474 Rudell Road. Mr. Topley of 28 Hart Boulevard was concerned about the i school bus traffic going through the neighbourhood and that buses and other school 631 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 5 generated traffic will affect the traffic entering and exiting onto Highway 2 from Rudell Road. He requested that a traffic light be installed at the intersection. The residents of 1474 Rudell Road had no objections to the application upon viewing the proposed site plan. 7.4 These public comments will be addressed in Section 9 of this report. ' 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Region of Durham Planning Department notes that the school site has been addressed as having a high archaeological potential due to the proximity of Wilmot Creek. An archaeological assessment will be necessary. The proposed school site is situated partly within the fill line and floodplain, as designated by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority for Wilmot Creek. Any issues concerning the flood hazard, I floodplain use and stormwater management are to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority. The Region of Durham Planning Department has also noted that in accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000, the application is exempt from Regional approval. 8.2 The Region of Durham Works Department states that municipal water supply can be provided from the existing 150 mm watermain on Rudell Road. Sanitary sewers are available to the subject lands from the existing 200 mm sewer on Rudell Road and the Rudell Road sewage pumping station has sufficient capacity to accommodate flows from the proposed school. _ 8.3 The Clarington Public Works Department has no objection in principal to the proposed I Official Plan amendment. For the applicant's information, they have provided the following comments which will be applicable at the time of site plan approval: An internal traffic study will be required which demonstrates that the site has adequate parking areas, bus lanes and passenger pickup areas to accommodate the anticipated volume of traffic generated by the site. In the event that the study determines that there are traffic related improvements necessary on Rudell Road such as right or left turn lanes, the applicant will be responsible for 100% of the cost to 632 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 6 construct these works. • A pedestrian sidewalk will be required on the west side of Rudell Road from Edward Street to the southerly limit of the proposed school site in order to facilitate a local service connection from the adjacent residential neighbourhood to the school. • A grading and drainage plan will be required which details the configuration of the on-site storm sewer system (minor system) and the conveyance of the overland flow (major system) from the site. The Plan must identify any stormwater management facilities as well as any drainage works that are external to the subject property. i • A development agreement will be required, as well as an application for property access. • The applicant will be responsible for any costs necessary to facilitate the construction of an entrance from the subject property to Rudell Road which may include the construction of any traffic related improvements such as right or left turn lanes, utility relocation, culverts, entrance paving, ditching, curb cuts, restoration, etc. Ed • A performance guarantee estimate is required for an external works including entrance construction, traffic related improvements, sidewalk construction and boulevard sod and restoration. 8.4 The Clarington Community Services Department has no objection to the application but will be providing detailed comments during the site plan review process. 8.5 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has no objection to the application but notes that the property is partly within the fill line and floodplain as designated by the GRCA for Wilmot Creek. The application is subject to the Conservation Authority's Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation (Ont. Reg. 148/90 as amended). Any concerns with development of the site have been discussed with all parties and the GRCA is satisfied that all issues can be address through the site plan approval process. I j 8.6 No objections were received from Le Conseil Scolaire de District du Centre-Sud-Quest, Veridian Connections, Regional Health Department, Clarington Fire Department, Clarington Building Division and Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 Public comment on this application has raised the issues of traffic generation, loss of i 633 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 7 scenic view, privacy concerns and site configuration. In regards to the increase in traffic, undoubtedly the existence of a school will result in more traffic along Rudell Road as school buses and parents bring the children to and from the site. However, Rudell Road has been constructed as a collector road from Highway 2 south to Edward Street and collector roads are designed to move moderate volumes of traffic over short distances. j The school is sited just south of Edward Street and to this effect the Public Works Department has requested that a traffic study be conducted which not only addresses internal traffic on the school site, but also the impacts on traffic on Rudell Road. If the �I study determines that road improvements are required on Rudell, these will have to be implemented as part of the site plan approval process. 9.2 Highway 2 is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham. If there is sufficient traffic to generate the necessity of a light at the intersection of Rudell Road and Highway 2, the decision will be made by the Region of Durham and not by the Municipality. Staff have i notified the Region of Durham Works Department of the concern. f i 9.3 In regards to the loss of scenic view, the school site is proposed on lands designated for Urban Residential use. The Urban Residential designation, which has been in place since the Official Plan was approved in 1996, allows for a variety of low density housing units such as single detached, semi-detached and/or linked dwellings. If the lands were developed as a plan of subdivision there would be several buildings abutting the existing Rudell Road lots, as opposed to one building on a 6.5 acre parcel. ! r f— 9.4 The School Board has informed staff that they have met with the neighbours to discuss the issue of privacy and have offered them the choice of a chain link fence or a wooden privacy fence. Once the neighbours have selected a preference, the fencing will be incorporated into the site plan agreement. 9.5 As to the school site wrapping around the rear of the .residential properties, ideally the School Board would have preferred a rectangular property but this was not possible given the various constraints. Wilmot Creek runs north and south through the applicant's lands, thereby not permitting the school site to extend to the west. Immediately north of the site i 634 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 8 is the future community park lands which contains both indoor and outdoor recreation facilities. These lands have already been impacted by the school site and any further reduction would seriously impact the Municipality's facilities. It was not possible to extend further south due to the residential lots fronting on Rudell Road. The School Board had placed the school at the north end of the site and angled it towards the road (Attachment 3). Parking has been allocated behind the building and a playfield is proposed immediately west of the residential lots. The view to the north will be obstructed with the school building but the view to the west will remain open to the creek. 9.6 The existing separate elementary school in Newcastle Village has reached its capacity and a new facility is required. Staff are satisfied that all departmental and agency concerns can be addressed during the site plan approval process. The School Board is willing to address the neighbourhood residents concerns with regards to privacy issues j and any resolution will also be incorporated into the site plan process. 10. CONCLUSIONS 10.1 Based on the comments contained in this report, it is respectfully recommended that L Council approve Amendment#17 to the Clarington Official Plan. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, 0 4idrorm4ee, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer IL*BN*DJC*cc December 27, 2000 Attachment 1 - Proposed Amendment Attachment 2 - Key Map Attachment 3 - Proposed Site Plan Attachment 4 - By-law E 635 REPORT PD-004-01 PAGE 9 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: 902714 Ontario Inc. Mary Rycroft c/o Bruce Brown G.M. Sernas and Associates 56 Browview Road Unit 41 R.R.#8 110 Scotia Court NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 1L9 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 8Y7 Joel Sloggett Real Aubin Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and 1514 Rudell Road Clarington NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB IE2 Catholic District School Board 1355 Lansdowne Street West Tony Topley PETERBOROUGH, Ontario K9J 7M3 28 Hart Blvd. Edmond Vanhaverbeke NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 1E3 85 King Street West Sherren Farrell Unit 2 2773 Bellwood Drive NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 1L2 R. R. #8 Jill McDonald NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 1L9 1687 Rudell Road John&Mayme Carr NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB 1G8 1474 Rudell Road NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B IEl f-- i I 636 ATTACHMENT 1 AMENDMENT NO. 17 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: To amend the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington by relocating the `Separate Elementary School' designation. I BASIS: The Amendment is based on an application submitted by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board—File No. COPA 2000-009. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by relocating the Separate Elementary School symbol within the west part of the Newcastle Village Urban Area on Land Use Map A4 from the north side of King Street, west of Rudell Road, to the south side of King Street, west of Rudell Road as shown on Schedule `A' attached. Schedule `A' attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. IMTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. i i i I 637 SCHEDULE "A" AMENDMENT No. 17 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN, MAP A4, LAND USE, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA CONCESSION ROAD 3 SPEC AREA G�� I t 1 C 5 � i REMOVE"SEPARATE / �.- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" DESIGNATION i® SPECIAL d Poucr AREA E $ O SPECIAL O KING sneEE E AREA E f r.. M T `i � RELOCATE"SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" EDWARD DESIGNATION STREET & i f HIGHWAY S 401 +.l • Sri I�sgP� � �.� t7 �f'4 Yru y F4�•q `J L4KE ONTAR/O "':+is' ,. 0 '► I i E I 638 i ATTACHMENT SUBJECT SITE OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 3 2 LOT 31 LOT 30 c lV eN RoA� HI( 2 KING:S:T:. j6ST I o Yoo U O m 0 V) O W U Z O U HIGHWAY 401 TpRQNTC + STReET i I I NEWCASTLE VILLAGE KEY MAP C®PA 2O00'OO9 i 639 u m Z W = N r U D REL L R _--• 1s0 _ 4. Q Ne Lj Lo to Q — 4• 1 I � t t i w n: era� � • ca i S7F�GLE i O i 8H664,,. 1 E3 �, EXLST114 FAPILY yEl1NG LOTS 92zt PROPOSED Z 1 1 A Lua.FLA. - 90.25 Ild.3 t9 `" UMFLR. 91,05 BH42 r t . o k I C a FLAY LEl6 Q , rule OF clu"o WSISWUM 1 �--;` STOIIHYAI9C / ' N � _ 119C L7D. i slydllEY. (� 1� i i 1 PLAID / •i•� �'�,4] ~"{ m �-St, 1 ��, / �'• 1 KSt• 11.9{• �LJ � , I eta• �� cotgcEsl�tION C4 A L0-T ----------°- 6.5 acres J 0 ,p,,v 143. $1 11G svus Av- o fQ --- ---- irll)i11iAL K4rpLL[[IE SITE PLAN - OPTION #2 1 r \\ SCA1 ' Attachment 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2001- i being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 17 to the Clarington Official Plan. WHEREAS Section 17(22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments hereto; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it � L_ advisable to amend Clarington Official Plan to permit the relocation of a Separate Elementary School symbol from the west side of Rudell Road,north of Highway 2 to the west side of Rudell Road,south of Highway 2. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 17 to the Clarington Official Plan, being the attached Explanatory Text and Map is hereby adopted. l 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. i f BY-LAW read a first time this 15`h day of January 2001. I BY-LAW read a second time this 15`h day of January 2001. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 15`h day of January 2001. I MAYOR I i I CLERK i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report#: PD-005-01 FILE#: A2000/054 TO A2000/058 By-law# _ Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 2000 FILE NO'S.: A2000/054 TO A2000/058, INCLUSIVE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee = recommend to Council the following: I 1. THAT Report PD-005-01 be received; and i 2. THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on L December 7, 2000 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal I _ Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. i I 1. All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled to be j heard within 30 days of being received by the Secretary Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment No. 1. Staff's recommendation and the decisions of the Committee are detailed below. DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR DECEMBER 7, 2000 Application # Staff Recommendation Committee Decision A2000/054 Approve Approved A2000/055 Approve Approved A2000/056 Approve Approved A2000/057 Dismiss without prejudice Dismissed without prejudice A2000/058 Table for up to 9 months Tabled I i 642 i REPORT NO.: PD-005-01 PAGE 2 2. Staff have reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that the applications which received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and those approved are minor in nature and desirable. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford staff's official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Davi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., f Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer SA*DJC*cc r December 11, 2000 I Attach. I r I 643 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A00/054 ! APPLICANT: 1044960 ONTARIO LTD. AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4561 PAYNES CRES . PART LOT: 7 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP : CLARKE i PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: RH HEARING DATE: 7-Dec-00 APPEAL DATE : 27-Dec-00 DECISION: APPROVED ( MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE A LOT THAT WAS CREATED THROUGH LAND DIVISION WITH AN AREA OF 2730 SQ M, INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 4000 SQ M REASON FOR DECISION: ! THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR IN NATURE. i I 644 i I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A00/055 APPLICANT: 1044960 ONTARIO LTD. AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4565 PAYNES ORES . PART LOT: 7 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: CLARKE PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: RH HEARING DATE: 7-Dec-00 C APPEAL DATE: 27-Dec-00 DECISION: APPROVED F MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE A LOT THAT WAS CREATED THROUGH LAND DIVISION WITH AN AREA OF 2836 . 7 SQ M, INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 4000 SQ M I REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR IN NATURE. i i 645 I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A00/056 APPLICANT: 1044960 ONTARIO LTD. AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4569 PAYNES ORES . PART LOT: 7 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP : CLARKE PLAN NUMBER: - - rZONING: RH HEARING DATE : 7-Dec-00 1 APPEAL DATE: 27-Dec-00 DECISION: APPROVED MINOR VARIANCE : TO RECOGNIZE A LOT THAT WAS CREATED THROUGH LAND DIVISION WITH AN AREA OF 2943 . 5 SQ M, INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 4000 SQ M REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR IN NATURE. 646 i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT FILE NUMBER: A00/057 ******************** APPLICANT: 1044960 ONTARIO LTD. AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4573 PAYNES CRES . PART LOT: 7 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: CLARKE i PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: RH HEARING DATE: 7-Dec-00 APPEAL DATE : 27-Dec-00 DECISION: Dismissed _ without prejudice MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE A LOT THAT WAS CREATED THROUGH LAND DIVISION WITH AN AREA OF 3086 . 5 SQ M, INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 4000 SQ M i I REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE AS IT IS NOT REQUIRED. I 647 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT f I FILE NUMBER: A00/058 APPLICANT: KONOPACKI, MIKE AGENT: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1700 BASELLINE ROAD PART LOT: 29 CONCESSION: BF TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: - - ZONING: M2 HEARING DATE: 7-Dec-00 APPEAL DATE: 27-Dec-00 DECISION: TABLED l ' MINOR VARIANCE : TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WITH AN INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 2 . 0 M (6 . 56 FT) , INSTEAD OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 5 . 0 M (16 .4 FT) SETBACK REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE TABLED FOR UP TO 9 MONTHS TO ALLOW FOR THE APPLICANT TO MAKE SITE PLAN APPLICATION. f 648 DNT087-ADD THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # i Addendum to Report#: PD-087-00 FILE#'s: COPA 99-002,ZBA 99-027, By-law# ZBA 99-030, SPA 99-021 and SPA 2000-027 j Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPEAL OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT,REZONING AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: 1319164 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOTS 26& 27, CONCESSION 1,FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE _ FILE NO.'S: COPA 99-002; ZBA 99-027; ZBA 99-030; SPA 99-021; SPA 2000-027 - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-087-00 be lifted from the table and received for information; 2. THAT the Addendum to Report PD-087-00 be received; 3. THAT Council authorize Staff and the Municipality's solicitor to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in regards to the appeals by 1319164 Ontario Limited and support: a) the adoption of Amendment No. 20 to the Clanngton Official Plan, as revised (Attachment 3) to extend the Newcastle Village West Main Central Area; and b) the approval of a by-law amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, as revised (Attachment 4) to permit retail commercial uses, a gas station and a retirement home on the lands subject to application ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030; 4. THAT as the proposed changes to the Amendment to the Clanngton Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment are deemed to be minor in nature, a further Public Meeting is not required; 5. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board and Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded copies of this report; and, 6. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. i 649 i ADDENDUM TO REPORT NO.; PD-087-00 87 00 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 1319164 Ontario Limited filed Clarington Official Plan amendment, rezoning and site i plan applications to permit a two storey plaza with 2,112 m2 of commercial floor space, a two storey retirement/nursing home with 88 units/175 beds, and a gas station with 329 m2 of commercial floor space. A retail market impact study was conducted which determined that there would be no adverse impacts to the existing retail inventory. L 1.2 On September 18, 2000, the Planning and Development Department forwarded Report PD-087-00 to General Purpose and Administration Committee for consideration. The General Purpose and Administration Committee approved the Report's recommendations. 1.3 On September 25, 2000, Council tabled the Committee's recommendation to the next ! Council meeting scheduled for October 16, 2000. On October 16, 2000, Council further tabled the Committee's recommendation until January 2001. 1.4 On October 18, 2000, PMG Planning Consultants appealed all applications to the Ontario Municipal Board on behalf of the applicant as Council failed to make a decision within L the prescribed timeframe. A hearing date has been scheduled for February 27, 2001 for a period of four days. l 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Council no longer has any authority to make decisions on these applications as the matter has been referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. As such, Council is being requested to authorize the Solicitor and staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in support of the Official Plan Amendment and the Zoning By-law Amendment as contained in Attachments 3 and 4. i ' I 2.2 At the GPA meeting of September 18, 2000, there was a discussion about the importance of this site as the eastern entrance to the Newcastle Village Main Central Area. In I 650 ADDENDUM TO REPORT NO.: PD-087-00 PAGE 3 particular, it was noted that the development should be of high quality and reflect the historic character of Newcastle Village's Main Central Area. Staff concurred and indicated that these issues would be addressed through site plan approval. Since this matter is now before the Ontario Municipal Board, including site plan approval, it is important that the Municipality's position be clearly articulated in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law documents. Accordingly Official Plan Amendment 20 has been revised i to add two new policies to the Secondary Plan (Section 3.5 and 6.4) to address the _ gateway function of this development. Furthermore, in reviewing the site plan application, staff identified entified concerns with a drive-thru restaurant being located immediately adjacent to a residential area. Accordingly, this use is prohibited in the Cl- 27 zone. I i 2.3 Staff have met with the applicant to discuss site plan and urban design issues relating to E- all parts of the development scheme. The applicant intends to submit all required design i studies, reports and drawings by year end. Staff will be reporting back to Council on the site plan applications prior to the hearing. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, r -LIE-) David 'Tom d, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. r- Director of Planning & Development Chief Administrative Officer. RH*BN*LT*DC*df I 19 December 2000 Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 -Revised Site Plan Attachment 3 -Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan Attachment 4-Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 651 ADDENDUM TO REPORT NO.: PD-087-00 PAGE 4 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Ian Roher Mr. Murray Paterson 1319164 Ontario Limited 266 Church Street 1050 Finch Avenue West NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 105 Suite 201 DOWNSVIEW, Ontario M3J 2E2 Mr. Mike Peel 315 King Street East Mr. Julius DeRuyter NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 11-14 PMG Planning Consultants 227 Bridgeland Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M6A 1 Y7 Mr. Marty Levinson M.S.M. Construction Limited 180 Steeles Avenue West Suite 210 THORNHILL, Ontario L4J 2L1 i Mr. Joel Hirsch Mandel, Hirsch Barristers and Solicitors i 180 Steeles Avenue West Suite 218 THORNHILL, Ontario L4J 2L1 Mr. Ron Verbeek 327 King Street East NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB 1114 Mr. Ron Hope Newcastle BIA 24 King Street East NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 11-16 Mr. Hans Verkruisen Newcastle Chamber of Commerce 3988 Highway 2 East R.R.#8 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB 1L9 I 652 i ATTACHMENT 1 Part 1 : COPA 99-002 SPA 99-021 , ZBA 99-027 Part 2: ZBA 99-027 SPA 99-021 Part 3: COPA 99-002 SPA 2000-027 , ZBA 99-030 LOT 27 cgNgo1 LOT 2 6 F1 AN p'�C/FjC cV 4y Z 0 V) U) � W U Z 0 G SFRE S U _ w f— Z 0 U) W U Z 0 Li _ U HIGHWAAY 401 S � NEWCASTLE VILLAGE KEY MAP 653 MEN . �� _• a-- , �i�I 4, .,�i1\ �g�gggg�7j8➢r'' M ! MINEI NEW NEW SITE PLAN F110 A# M. •�iii .�� , �►�3a�a3�►�3ii3i3i� ►�3►�3►a ... *�� ® ::- ATTACHMENT 3 AMENDMENT NO. 20 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of the Amendment is to extend the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include additional lands in order to permit 2,441 m2 of retail commercial uses on a 0.99 hectare land area. BASIS: The amendment is based on an application submitted by 1319164 Ontario Limited(COPA 99-002) for retail commercial uses on the subject lands. A Retail Market Impact Study by Malone Given Parsons Limited and a Planning Report by John Winter Associates Limited were prepared in support of the proposal. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: i) By amending Map A4—Land Use: Newcastle Village Urban Area as shown on Exhibit"l". ii) By adding a new Section 3.5 to the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan as follows: "3.5 To establish an eastern gateway to the Main Central Area." By adding a new Section 6.4 to the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan as follows: "6.4 Notwithstanding Section 6.1 of this Plan, the commercial development at the intersection of King Street and Brookhouse Drive shall be designed with a prominent street presence, landmark architectural features reflecting historic themes and high quality streetscape amenities to function as a gateway to the Main Central Area." iv) By amending Map A—Land Use: Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan as shown on Exhibit"2". IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. i 655 i EXHIBIT AMENDMENT No. 20 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN, MAP A4, LAND USE, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA CONCESSION ROAD 3 I P ACY S ECIAL. PAREA A. \ rA� REDESIGNATE FROM "URBAN RESIDENTIAL" TO "MAIN �/ '�--- CENTRAL AREA" - i::�n SPEgAI pOUCY r AREA E d ECIAL AREA E ~� { S� L ?? h s 0: EDWARD p � - ..� z 3�'� STREET �Y }D38 ® ADJUST"SECONDARY ' 4 ® PLANNING AREA" BOUNDARY HIGHWAY 401 t 3. v � � S i t � a c slh M }`� 4 �rV= 656 'Dv D GEORGE ST. W. J GEORGE ST. E. _ m O v ° � z GRAHAM % U Z cn � Z om CZ xf ADJUST"MAIN CENTRAL CA ­11 N WILMOT ST. AREA BOUNDARY" p _ °°°°�°°°°o° ° ° ° � 0- Z°0°°�%ggg gg LEY g° o g 0 g o ° °go ° °o° m O N O N D =0 LLJ CHALLEN °g°,g° ° co ° g0. ° ° m o°°o°o n °° KING STREET EAST 1 < C 0o g 0°g gg g°gg°ggg g°gg g°g g°g°gg r z m N .0. 0 .; x o o o ° o J o o°o°o°0 0 0°0 m p0°0 0 o°0g000 0 s 0 O O,�,° ° D 0QO00ofp0*0� Oo0o0o0°Ro0o0o0 � PI 00 N c� m ----1 EAREA"TRIP COMMERCIAL Z 0 Z DESIGN ATION o N m o z CAROLINE ST. W. S� E ° mm DZ MAIN CENTRAL ggggogo MIXED USE AREA m 0 AREA BOUNDARY 0 -n MAP A 0 -n MEDIUM DENSITY COMMUNITY FACILITY 0 RESIDENTIAL LAND USE 0 — STREET-RELATED NEWCASTLE VILLAGE D COMMERCIAL AREA :':NP NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK MAIN CENTRAL AREA "0 SECONDARY PLAN .� 0 50 X00 m STRIP FEBRUARY 2, 1999 Z TmMsiiiiiiim '^ COMMERCIAL AREA HERITAGE BUILDINGS tNS coNSOUDAnoN is PRCMED FOR 00WENOCE ONLY 96-062 AND RFPRESENi9 REWESfED NODIFICAmONS AND APPROVALS z THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ATTACHMENT 4 BY-LAW NUMBER 2001- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63,the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. i WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63,as amended,of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in accordance with the applications ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030 to permit the development of 2,441 m2 of retail j commercial floorspace and a retirement/nursing home with 88 units/175 beds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 16.5"SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS—GENERAL COMMERCIAL(C1)ZONE"is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 16.5.26 as follows: "16.5.26 GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION(C1-26)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2,3.12,3.15, 16.1 and 16.3,those lands zoned(CI-26)shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, shrubs,flowers,grass or other horticultural elements,such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. b) Permitted Uses i) Any non-residential use save and except a supermarket. ii) Convenience store C) Regulations i) Interior Side Yard(minimum) 8.0 metres to the first storey and 10.0 metres to the second storey Parking Space Size . 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip. iii) Number of Loading Spaces 3" Section 16.5"SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS—GENERAL COMMERCIAL(Cl)ZONE"is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 16.5.27 as follows: "16.5.27 GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION(C1-27)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2,3.12,3.15, 16.1 and 16.3,those lands zoned(C1-27)shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, shrubs,flowers,grass or other horticultural elements,such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. b) Permitted Uses i) Any non-residential use save and except a supermarket and an eating i establishment with a vehicular drive-through service Convenience store Motor Vehicle Fuel Bar C) Regulations i) Exterior Side Yard(minimum) 3.0 metres to a building or canopy ii) Parking Space Size 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip. iii) Number of Loading Spaces 1" 658 -2- Section 15.4"SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS-URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR(R4) ZONE"is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 15.4.21 as follows: "15.4.21 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION(R4-21)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2,3.15 and 15.2,those lands zoned(R4-21)shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, shrubs,flowers,grass or other horticultural elements,such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. ii) Dwelling Shall mean one(1)or more habitable rooms,designed or intended for use by one or more persons, in which sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive or shared use of the persons, in which a heating system is provided, and which has a private entrance from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. For the purpose of this definition, dwelling shall also mean dwelling unit. b) Permitted Uses i) Apartment building ii) Nursing home C) Regulations i) Density(maximum) 105 units per ha ii) Dwelling Units(maximum) 88 iii) Interior Side Yard(minimum) 8.7 metres iv) Parking Space Size 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip." f- 2. Schedule"5"to By-law 84-63 as amended,is hereby further amended by changing the zone I designation from: "General Commercial(C1)Zone"and"Special Purpose Commercial Exception(C4-2) Zone"to"Holding-General Commercial Exception((H)C1-26)Zone" "Holding-Urban Residential Type One((H)Rl)Zone"and"Holding-Urban Residential Exception((H)R1-43)Zone"to"Holding-General Commercial Exception((H)C1-27) Zone". "Special Purpose Commercial Exception(C4-2)Zone"and"Holding-Urban Residential Exception((H)R1-43)Zone"to"Holding-Urban Residential Exception((H)R4-21)Zone" j as shown on the attached Schedule"A'hereto. 3, Schedule"A"attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof,subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. I BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2001. BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2001. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2001. MAYOR CLERK I I I 659 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2001 - , passed this day of 9 2001 A.D. i LOT 27 LOT 26 KING ST. E. -•��sr � i � f - -' z _ ...vixere• � � I U ® ZONING CHANGE FROM Z "(H)R1"AND"(H)R1-43"TO"(H)C1-27" 1 ® ZONING CHANGE FROM "C1"AND"C4-2"TO"(H)C1-26" I ZONING CHANGE FROM "C4-2"AND"(H)R1-43"TO"(H)R4-21" - i - Mayor Clark LOT 27 LOT 26 ti ANAp/qN p AC/% N ®� �l`W AY Z O Uj j U Z O G S R S CJ ® WSE P R r� ZBA9"-027 PA 99.002 EfUm iu PA 99-021 Z A 99-027 ® 99-021 W z az 0 HIGHWAY 40 1 j NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 659 A THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, September 18, 2000 Res. #(� q—0 0 Report#: PD-087-00 File#: COPA 99-002; ZBA 99-027; ZBA 99-030; SPA 99-021 By-law# Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS - APPLICANT: 1319164 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOTS 26 & 27, CONC, 1, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE FILE NO.: COPA 99-002; ZBA 99-027; ZBA 99-030; SPA 99-021 Recommendations: i It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-087-00 be received; 2. THAT Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan as submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario limited to permit retail commercial uses and contained in Attachment 3 be APPROVED; 3. THAT the necessary by-law to adopt Amendment No. 20 be passed and that Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval; f 4. THAT the rezoning applications ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030 to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, as submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited, to permit retail commercial uses and a retirement/nursing home be APPROVED as contained in Attachment 4 and that the appropriate by-law be passed; I 5. THAT a By-law to remove the (H) Holding symbol be forwarded to Council at such time as the applicant has entered into a site plan agreement to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington; and 6. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 1319164 Ontario Limited 1.2 Agent: PMG Planning Consultants 660 i REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 2 1.3 Official Plan Amendment Application: Parts 1 and 3 (COPA 99-002) To redesignate the subject areas from "Urban Residential" to "Main Central Area" to permit the development of retail commercial uses and adjust the "Secondary Planning Area"boundary accordingly. 1.4 Newcastle Village Secondary Plan Amendment Application: I Parts 1 and 3 (COPA 99-002) To extend the "Strip Commercial Area" designation onto the subject lands to permit the development of retail commercial uses and adjust the "Secondary Planning Area"boundary accordingly. 1.5 Rezoning Applications: Part 1 (ZBA 99-027) To rezone the subject lands from "General Commercial Cl Zone" and "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-2) Zone" to permit the development of a two storey retail commercial plaza containing 2,112 m2 (22,733 ft2) of floorspace. Part 2 (ZBA 99-027) L To rezone the subject lands from "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-2) Zone" and "Holding — Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-43) Zone" to permit the development of a two storey retirement/nursing home with 88 units/175 beds. Part 3 (ZBA 99-030) j To rezone the subject lands from "Holding— Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) Zone" and "Holding — Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-43) Zone" to permit the development of a gas station and 329 m2 (3,542 ft) of retail commercial uses. 1.6 Site Areas: Part 1 - 0.67 hectares (1.66 acres) Part 2 - 0.84 hectares(2.08 acres) r Part 3 - 0.32 hectares (0.79 acres) 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located at 337 and 361 King Street East in Newcastle Village (See Attachment 1). Parts 1 and 2 are located on the east side of future Brookhouse Drive while Part 3 is located on the west side of future Brookhouse Drive. The land holdings = .661 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 3 subject to these applications total 1.83 hectares (4.53 acres). The property in legal terms is known as Part Lots 26 and 27, Concession 1, in the former Village of Newcastle. 3. BACKGROUND i 3.1 On April 28, 1999, a site plan application (SPA 99-021) was submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited to the Municipality of Clarington. The applicant proposed a 1,116m2 (12,013 ft2) retail commercial plaza on the property on a portion of the Part 1 site that is zoned "General Commercial Zone". A review of the proposal indicated that the proposal did not comply with the zone provisions in a number of areas. These issues are discussed with the agent. 3.2 Subsequent to further meetings, the applicant increased both the area and scale of the proposal to 2,112m2 (22,733 ft2) retail commercial plaza on the Part 1 lands, with 1,366m2 (14,660 ft2) on the ground floor and 750m2 (8,073 ft2) on the second storey. The proposal was also expanded to include a 264 m2 (2,842 ft2) retail pad for a restaurant and a 65m2 (700 ft2)retail area in association with a gas station on the Part 3 lands. As the size and scale of the application changed from the original submission, the applicant was informed that an official plan amendment was required. 3.3 On August 31, 1999, an official plan amendment application (COPA 99-002) was submitted on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited to the Municipality of Clarington. Within the Clarington Official Plan, this application would redesignate the subject lands from Urban Residential to Main Central Area. 3.4 Rezoning applications to permit the retail development and nursing/retirement home on Parts 1 and 2 (ZBA 99-027) as well as the retail uses and gas station on Part 3 (ZBA 99- 030) have also been submitted on behalf of the applicant. 3.5 The original site plan application (SPA 99-021) has been revised to include the proposal on Parts 1 and 2. No formal site plan application has been submitted for the Part 3 lands. Y.662 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 4 i 3.6 A Public Meeting was held on November 1, 2000 to solicit comments from neighbouring property owners: • The Newcastle B.I.A. submitted a letter of concern about the proposal. They support the requirement of a retail market impact study and request that future development be phased in accordance with population growth in Newcastle Village. • A letter of objection has been received from the owner of a plaza across the street at 282 King Street East stating that sufficient commercial development already exists in Newcastle Village to serve area residents. Approval of this proposal would also create hardship on existing tenants within the plaza. • Additional traffic from the development will compromise the ability of residents fronting on King Street to access their driveways. There will be increased noise from traffic and rooftop equipment. • Garbage, both in terms of loose material and odours from food waste, will cause problems. �{ • Lighting from the development will interfere with adjacent homes. • Gasoline spills or leaks could cause contamination and safety concerns. • Gas stations are located too close to each other. • The proposed development will decrease property values of adjacent homes. • Insurance rates for homeowners will increase due to the proximity of a gas station. • The remaining properties on the south side of King Street between the Newcastle Village Fire Station and the development proposal should be rezoned for commercial uses. These issues will be addressed in Section 8.5 of this report. 3.7 Staff met with the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce to provide information to its members. The concept plan and building renderings were presented at the meeting. A discussion of the commercial policies in the Clarington Official Plan provided information on the approval requirements. Chamber members wanted to ensure that additional development will not compromise existing businesses. Staff indicated that a retail market study would be prepared to examine the question of impact. 4. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES. 4.1 Part 1 of the subject area contains a new home sales office. Parts 2 and 3 are currently vacant, generally flat and slope southwards. Some earth has been stockpiled on Part 3 from previous activity. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - Urban residential North - Urban residential and commercial 6 63 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 5 West - Urban residential South - Vacant lands (future urban residential) 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Although the Durham Regional Official Plan designates a Main Central Area, the precise limits are defined within local official plans. As a result, the subject lands are designated "Living Area", which only permits the nursing/retirement home. Subject to inclusion of the subject lands in the Main Central Area, the proposal appears to be permitted by the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 The subject lands contain the following land use designations in the Clarington Official Plan. Part 1: These lands are designated "Urban Residential', which precludes retail commercial development. An application has been submitted to extend the Main Central Area to permit the proposed retail commercial development. f Part 2: These lands are designated "Medium Density Residential', which permits development of a nursing/retirement home. Part 3: This area is designated "Urban Residential'. Although a gas station is permitted within this designation, the retail store of this magnitude associated with the gas station and the free-standing retail commercial pad are not permitted. An application has been submitted to extend the Main Central Area to permit these uses. As the subject lands are currently not contained within the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan, the application proposes to expand the Secondary Plan boundary and designate the Part 1 and 3 lands "Strip Commercial Area" to permit retail commercial uses. The Newcastle Village Main Central Area provides for 15,000 m2 of retail and personal. i service floorspace. At present, there is approximately 10,525 m2 of existing and approved commercial floorspace. As the overall limits on floorspace can only be 664 i i REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 6 adjusted on the basis of an official plan review, the proposal requires the reallocation of the existing potential from the current limits of the Main Central Area to the proponent's lands. i 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY Part 1: These lands are currently zoned "General Commercial (Cl) Zone" and "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-2) Zone". While the "Cl" zone permits the proposed use, the "C4-2" zone only permits a lumber yard. A rezoning application has been submitted to permit the proposed uses on the remainder of the lands. Part 2: This area is zoned "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-2) Zone" and "Holding — Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-43) Zone". As the zoning does not permit a nursing/retirement home, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. I i Part 3: These lands are zoned "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl) Zone" and "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-43) Zone". As the zoning does not permit retail commercial development or a gas station, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. 1- 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The Clarington Fire Department has no objections to the proposal. 7.2 The Clarington Public Works Department has no objections provided that the following requirements are fulfilled. • All utilities must be installed underground. • The development cannot proceed until Brookhouse Drive and Edward Street are i constructed within the adjacent plan of subdivision. The applicant also owns these lands. • The applicant must prepare a traffic study demonstrating that the number and location of access points proposed on King Street does not negatively impact traffic flows at the Brookhouse Drive and King Street intersection. The study must also ensure that the proposed drive-through lane is adequately sized so that the queue does not spill onto the adjacent roadway. As a condition of site plan approval, the work will be prepared by the Municipality's traffic consultant at the applicant's expense. 6.65 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 7 • A master grading and drainage plan must be prepared detailing the on-site storm water system and overland flow. The plan must demonstrate that the proposed grading is compatible with surrounding lands. • The applicant is responsible for the construction of all required roadways and entrances to the development at municipal standards. • An appropriate cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication is required. 7.3 The Durham Region Public Works Department has no objections to the proposal. Water supply and sanitary sewers are available along King Street or will become available once Brookhouse Drive is constructed. Other issues must be resolved as follows: • King Street access issues must be dealt with through site plan approval. • A road widening is required along King Street to provide a minimum of 15.0 metres from the centreline of the original right-of-way. • A traffic impact study should be prepared for the King Street/Brookhouse Drive intersection to determine the intersection improvements that are necessary. The Eli requirement should be coordinated with the municipal study requirements. 7.4 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has no objections to the proposal provided that lot grading and drainage are addressed through a detailed storm water management plan through site plan approval. L 7.5 Veridian Corporation has no objections provided that the applicant enter into the necessary agreements with the utility and pay for all required improvements and fees. 7.6 Comments have never been received from the Durham Region Police Force, Canada Post Corporation or Bell Canada. f 8. STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 Retail Market Impact Study A retail impact study was required to assess the impact of the expansion of the Main Central Area. The study, which was prepared for the Municipality at the applicant's expense, examined the following issues: I • Market opportunity for the proposed commercial development. • Impact of the proposal on existing and proposed retail development. • Determine whether the proposal would delay the introduction of development on lands currently designated for retail uses. • Appropriateness of the proposed location. 666 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 8 I Malone Given Parsons Limited was retained to prepare the retail market impact analysis which provided the following results. i Market Opportunity The study examined expenditure potential for the proposal. The trade area included Newcastle Village and the surrounding area. The current population of 7,200 is expected to increase to 11, 600 by 2006 and almost double to 14,000 by 2011. Market support was examined within four retail categories: specialty/convenience food; non-department store merchandise; restaurants; and personal services. Based on population growth, the report estimated that the trade area could support between 21,800 ft2 and 32,400 ft2 of additional retail commercial floorspace by 2002, which coincides with the development's first full year of operation. The space includes: • 3,100 to 3,500 ft2 of specialty/convenience food; I • 10,700 to 12,500 ft2 non-department store merchandise; • 4,000 to 12,100 ft2 of restaurant space; and • 4,000 to 4,300 ft2 of personal services. Total retail market potential increases in 2006 to between 36,700 and 53,600 ft2 and in 2011 to between 55,200 to 79,900 ft2. . The consultant has recommended that a department supermarket or de P p t store not be developed within the proposal. A large supermarket already services Newcastle and a i department store is not supportable by the trade area. The consultant recommended that a ! supermarket be prohibited in the zoning of the site. This use exclusion will be included in the zoning by-law. i Market Impact The study indicated that sufficient market exists for this development consisting of 2,441 in (26,275 ft2) to enter the market place by 2001. Within its first full year of operation in 2002, a further 5,800 to 20,900 ft2 of additional opportunity is available to other commercial development and redevelopment sites, including the Massey factory building renovation proposed by 564069 Ontario Inc. i - ht 7 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 9 The proposed development will primarily serve the convenience needs of existing and future residents in the east end of Newcastle Village. It will not create an imbalance with existing businesses in the Main Central Area for the following reasons: • Aside from the new IGA, there has been no retail growth in Newcastle Village during the past decade. The proposed development will benefit Newcastle Village by adding additional facilities required to create a critical mass of retail and personal services in this underserviced area. Local residential and merchants surveyed would welcome more variety and selection in Newcastle Village. • Additional residential development proposed in the southern and western areas of Newcastle Village will increase the demand for retail commercial floorspace. Appropriateness of Location The report indicated that the extension of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to the subject site is appropriate for the following reasons. • The proposed location provides a definitive entry point to the Main Central Area. Considering that commercial uses have developed across the street, it creates a commercial presence on the south side of King Street at Brookhouse Drive. • Considering the site's current commercial zoning and past use as a lumberyard, commercial uses would be appropriate. 8.2 Planning Study The Clarington Official Plan requires planning justification for any commercial expansion to an existing Main Central Area. Staff outlined a number of issues that had to be addressed. The applicant's planning consultant has prepared the following response. Suitability of Existing Alternative Commercial Locations The study identified a number of sites that could be considered as alternative locations for retail commercial development. • A vacant 1.07 acre parcel adjacent to the CIBC was considered to have insufficient frontage for commercial purposes. Additional assembly would be required prior to development. • Two parcels at 11 Baldwin Street and 36 Church Street were considered too small for commercial development. • There are a number of properties with redevelopment potential once the existing dwellings are removed. Development potential would depend on the mix of uses proposed. • The Massey factory building has potential for more limited retail development than is being proposed. i - -6 8 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 10 • Commercial redevelopment of the lands on the north side of King Street between Beaver Street and Memorial Park requires significant land assembly. Development restrictions from heritage buildings also limited redevelopment potential. The consultant felt that no alternative sites were currently available that would permit immediate development potential of the scale being proposed. I Functional Implications on the Main Central Area Some fear that the "retail energy" may shift from the existing downtown area to this new development. The subject lands are located across the street from the existing Main I Central Area designation, where a strip plaza currently exists. If commercial uses are appropriate on the north side, then commercial uses should be appropriate on the south side. The consultant feels that, by better serving the residents, the "retail energy" will be enhanced throughout the area. A larger critical retail mass will offer more shopping opportunities and help to retain retail expenditures within Newcastle Village. If the development is constructed, these parcels would represent approximately 26.6% of existing floorspace. This figure would decrease to 16.3% if additional potential at other locations is realized. The majority of retail activity would still be located towards the traditional core area at King and Mill Streets. V Reinforcement of Retail Commercial Policies The proposal reinforces the commercial policies contained in the Clarington Official Plan L= in the following manner. E • Central Areas represent the focus of economic, social and cultural activity. It strengthens the functional and symbolic role of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area. i • It provides specialized retail commercial needs of existing and future residents, j reducing the need to obtain these goods and services elsewhere. • The proposal assists the Municipality in reaching its retail floorspace targets for Newcastle Village. • The Plan promotes neo-traditional development where possible. This development will provide retail commercial facilities within walking distance of significant residential areas. 669 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 11 8.3 Main Central Area Retail Floorspace Allocation The Clarington Official Plan designates 15,000 m2 (161,500 ft2) of retail commercial floorspace within the Newcastle Village Main Central Area. Existing commercial floorspace, approved but unbuilt floorspace (Massey factory proposal), and commercial floorspace proposed in this application totals 12,975 m2 (139,700 ft2). Therefore, a total of 2,025 m2 (21,800 ft2) is available for other commercial properties within the Main Central Area. f i Although designating the subject property does reallocate some floorspace potential, it is supported for the following reasons: • Although some commercially zoned properties have been marketed for development purposes, they have not developed to date. Since many of the development or redevelopment opportunities in Newcastle Village require medium or long term land assembly, the supply of land available for development at the proposed scale is limited in the short term. This limits the amount of retail choice available to the consumer in Newcastle. • A total of 2,025 m2 (21,800 ft2) potential remains available for new commercial development on commercially zoned properties within the Main Central Area. • All numerical figures in the Official Plan are meant to be approximate. If there are valid planning grounds, a deviation of 10% may be permitted. This would permit up to 1,500 m2 of additional development. • The five year review of the Clarington Official Plan will include a review of floorspace allocations, such review to occur prior to any anticipated redevelopment opportunity. In summary, it is staff's opinion that the inclusion of these lands will not negate the �— potential for redevelopment of the lands currently within the Main Central Area. 8.4 Road Realignment The Clarington Public Works Department had requested that the main entrance from Brookhouse Drive be relocated so that it aligns with Street"E" to the west. This has been done on the revised plan and appears to be to the satisfaction of the Public Works i Department. I ,6 70 1 I REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 12 8.5 Public Concerns i Adjacent residents and merchant groups in Newcastle Village have raised a number of concerns. These concerns are addressed in the following manner. • The Clarington Public Works Department has not required a major traffic report to examine the traffic implications for the change in use. Traffic in the area will naturally continue to increase as the subdivision to the south develops. Since the increase in traffic levels generated by the proposal are not anticipated to be major, King Street and Brookhouse Drive can adequately accommodate additional traffic levels generated by the commercial development. The traffic study will examine residents' concerns such as entrance location and spacing as well as drive-through length and location. -- • A noise study will examine noise from motor vehicle circulation, loading area and rooftop equipment sources. Required mitigation measures, which would include noise fencing and rooftop mechanical screening, will be implemented through site plan approval. • Garbage must be located within enclosures to avoid unsightly clutter. The tidiness of the development will be the responsibility of the business owner. • A lighting study will be required to minimize light interference with adjacent homes. 1 • The safety standards and containment mechanisms in place for new gas station installations are quite rigorous. The chances of a major leak are limited. • Gas stations are required to serve the increasing population in Newcastle Village. Staff do not feel that these facilities would be too close together. • Staff cannot provide an opinion on whether the proposed development will decrease property values of adjacent homes, nor that impact the proximity of a gas station I would have on insurance rates. • The retail market impact study demonstrated that sufficient market exists for the entry of the proposed development in its entirety. The consultant has determined that no undue impacts would occur to existing businesses in Newcastle Village. No phasing of development is required for the project. A copy of the study was sent to the Newcastle BIA and the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce on August 9, 2000 for review. No comments have been received to date. I • Both the retail and planning studies have concluded that the proposal will not detract from the existing core retail area. It will provide residents with additional choices, provide an eastern gateway into Newcastle Village and increase the critical retail mass within the area. i I 671 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 13 • The proposal should not have any undue impacts on the development across the street at 282 King Street East. It may even assist to bring new shoppers into the area. • Although the study has identified that sufficient market support for the proposal, staff cannot guarantee that some tenants will not leave existing locations for the new development. Additional floorspace will ensure a healthy level of competition in the retail marketplace. 8.6 Revision to Draft Plan Approval A revision to draft plan approval for subdivision 18T-88061 to the south was approved on h December 22, 1999. The amendment among other things, replaces four semi-detached lots at the northeast corner of Brookhouse Drive and Bloom Avenue with Block 249. The site plan incorporates this block into the nursing/retirement home containing 88 rooms and 175 beds (see Attachment 2). 9. CONCLUSIONS 9.1 Staff recommend the approval of the proposed applications for a number of reasons. The retail market impact study has indicated that the proposed commercial floorspace can be introduced without any negative impacts. There is sufficient retail market available for redevelopment of the Massey factory as well as other sites to occur. If a retail development of this scale is to be constructed in the short term, other alternative locations in Newcastle Village offer too many constraints. Other locations will develop over time but only through land assembly. I The retirement/nursing home would be permitted within the medium density symbol contained at that location. It substitutes for Medium Density residential development in i-- terms of scale, massing and general type of use. With changing demographics in the area, the demand for such a facility increases. Issues such as traffic circulation and access, storm water management, noise, lighting, � building design and location and landscaping will be addressed through site plan approval. 672 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 14 9.2 Based on the comments contained in this report, it is respectfully recommended that Council APPROVE Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan as contained in Attachment 3 and APPROVE the by-law contained in Attachment 4 to permit the development of 2,441 m2 (26,275 ft2) of retail commercial floorspace and a retirement/nursing home with 88 units/175 beds. 9.3 The applicant will be required to enter into a site plan agreement. Conditions of approval include completion of all required studies and reports and finalization of required drawings. Prior to issuance of a building permit, staff will forward a report to Council for approval of the Holding(H) Symbol. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, D i J. rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer RH*DJC*cc September 8, 2000 r Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Site Plan Attachment 3 - Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan Attachment 4 - Zoning By-law Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Ian Roher Mr. Ron Hope 1319164 Ontario Limited Newcastle BIA 1050 Finch Avenue West 24 King Street East Suite 201 Newcastle, Ontario Downsview, Ontario L1B 1H6 M3J 2E2 Mr. Hans Verkruisen Mr. Julius DeRuyter Newcastle Chamber of Commerce PMG Planning Consultants 3988 Highway 2 East 227 Bridgeland Avenue R. R. #8 Toronto, Ontario Newcastle, Ontario M6A IY7 L1B 1L9 673 REPORT PD-087-00 PAGE 15 Mr. Marty Levinson Mr. Murray Paterson M.S.M. Construction Limited 266 Church Street 180 Steeles Avenue West Newcastle, Ontario Suite 210 UB 105 Thornhill, Ontario L4J 2L1 Mr. Mike Peel 315 King Street East Mr. Joel Hirsch Newcastle, Ontario Mandel, Hirsch LIB 1 H4 Barristers & Solicitors 180 Steeles Avenue West Mr. Ron Verbeek Suite 218 327 King Street East Thornhill, Ontario Newcastle, Ontario L4J 2L1 UB 1H4 E211 f i 674 ATTACHMENT #1 LOT 27 LOT 26 CgN,4 Edp'4CIFjC N Rq��WgY Z Ld O ' �mm 0 � IIII1� I G S R S U _ PART 1 PART --==__ COPA 99-002 COPA - 02 - ZBA 99-027 ZBA 99- 30 SPA 99-021 L RT 2 ZBA 99-027 Z 1 O S 99-021 0 �= W U Z O j FU9 LLA U HIGHWAY 401 COPA 99-002 NEWCASTLE VILLAGE ZBA 99-027 0 KEY MAP ZBA 99-030 SPA 99-021 675 ATTACHMENT #2 if,) d �a I 1 I i 1 { j 1 ''4 ''6.' r�x W}yiGd. Y '.kk�ii.%G Q:Y.''Y?�iF�£f•�2.�>`i:...Y:`` ':�.�` Y...S. <i .a�:if' is F M '�.�a•�`�' .a' �< tfs•.�t�'ib;7. <: S( ' � £ f�' 1'��f"` ' yz;z F� 1_- i �f n ................ i � I I i j I 676 i I; AMENDMENT NO. 20 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of the Amendment is to extend the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include additional lands in order to p ermit 2,441 m2 of retail commercial uses on a 0.99 hectare land area. BASIS: The amendment is based on an application submitted by 1319164 Ontario Limited (COPA 99-002) for retail commercial uses on the subject lands. A Retail Market Impact Study by Malone Given Parsons Limited and a Planning Report by John Winter Associates Limited were prepared in support of the proposal. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: By amending Map A4 — Land Use: Newcastle Village Urban Area as shown on Exhibit"1". By amending Map A — Land Use: Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan as shown on Exhibit"2". IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Newcastle Village Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. I i i i 677 EXHIBIT AMENDMENT ■ 20 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL " '4 LAND USE, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN i :1 a - r FROM ■ ' TO CMRAL AREA" 1 - 44 f - 1 D38 Q ' ■ ST "SECONDA \ ING AREA" BOUNDARY HIGHWAY 4ol a �r� :p ;✓O4 t'.,P d`'°� o'��,yP�V Tp A:I•�°'a1'.J'rJ';ajr: • ...'S; ..x�r 1'L,tr, . s tf��d!P���i�✓�>4�%i'cvirJ.�l^ y��V)�{ LYE,. ✓ �`�P.a.��,�..fdi''������J�R'frd�f'f. � ..f 1.IP{y�f•���w3�di'�.f 2" eF.3".£°f�.1 y S s .2 FS f '.�f„4 Y*' 3��,'r,�'ai�i+�Yf�,�'a'•?�rr ''°" � r ?-,� Jcif. r t�'�i^°a, � � Str� �'�y i•f'''`�'j'��+��.,rJcri'i�a � �.. i��v"?0'�,,a!! ��liri°Y,2�°</�9.rY4n 2 1z � •s , •�' }t `ce5 �_ �1 -Do � GEORGE ST. W. GEORGE ST. E. _ D m O _:3 U r J D p �� ~ GRAHAM Q N Z cn v z p m C Z w O ADJUST"MAIN CENTRAL c N WILMOT ST. AREA BOUNDARY" m O Z°°° O o°° •. M N OATLEY ° �° ° o°.°Q°° °oo°o° °°° o ° n X. z w CHALLENGE � °°°°°° 2 r" m 000 m KING STREET EAST I < C °°°°°°;:;;: ° °°°°°°°°°°° z m °°°°° °g°,°°°°°,°,°'3 °oa%g %;o; ::::; og000g000gog% ° ° ° ..... °°O°° ° ° S � 0 °0;°so°°0 ° ° ° ° °°° ° ° ° ° , r =_� Z N m0 = ADD"STRIP COMMERCIAL z D �G Z AREA"DESIGNATION m o D fZj CAROLINE ST. W. ST. E. fr z 4 MAIN CENTRAL °o°°OO°o°°° MIXED USE AREA m O AREA BOUNDARY ° ° ° ° MAP A n '-n MEDIUM DENSITY COMMUNITY FACIUTY z n RESIDENTIAL LAND USE p D NEWCASTLE VILLAGE D r STREET—RELATED Np NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK MAIN CENTRAL AREA COMMERR RELATED CIAL AREA SECONDARY PLAN 0 50 100 m STRIP FEBRUARY 2, 1999 50 m COMMERCIAL AREA HERITAGE BUILDINGS THIS CONSOLI6QON IS PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY Z 96-062 AND REPR6ENI5 REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS z ATTACHMENT #3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2000- 1 being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 20 to the Clarington Official Plan. WHEREAS Section 17(22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; i AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to amend the following: i NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No, 20 to the Clarington Official Plan being the attached Explanatory Text and Map is hereby adopted; 2. That the Clerk of the Municipality of Clarington is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No.20 to the Clarington Official Plan; and 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, s I BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2000. BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2000. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2000. I � MAYOR I CLERK 680 i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ATTAC H M E N BY-LAW NUMBER 2000- I being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in accordance with the I applications ZBA 99-027 and ZBA 99-030 to permit the development of 2,441 mZ of retail commercial floorspace and a retirement/nursing home with 88 units/175 beds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 16.5 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS —GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C1) ZONE" is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 16.5.26 as follows: "16,5.26 GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION C1-26)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2,3.12,3.15, 16.1 and 16.3, those l lands (C1-26)shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other horticultural elements, such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. b) Permitted Uses i) Any non-residential use save and except a supermarket. ii) Convenience store L C) Regulations i) Interior Side Yard(minimum) 8.0 metres to the first storey and 10.0 metres to the second storey L ii) Parking Space Size 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip. iii) Number of Loading Spaces 3" Section 16.5 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS —GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cl) ZONE" is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 16.5.27 as follows: I 16.5.27 GENERAL COMMERCIAL EXCEPTION(C1-27)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2, 3.12,3.15, 16.1 and 16.3,those lands zoned(C1-27)shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, I shrubs, flowers, grass or other horticultural elements, such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. b) Permitted Uses i) Any non-residential use save and except a supermarket. I ii) Convenience store iii) Motor Vehicle Fuel Bar C) Regulations i) Exterior Side Yard(minimum) 3.0 metres to a building or canopy ii) Parking Space Size 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that j such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip. iii) Number of Loading Spaces F, 681 -2- Section 15.4"SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS—URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR(R4) ZONE" is hereby amended by introducing a new Subsection 15.4.21 as follows: I "15.4.21 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION(R4-21)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2, 3.15 and 15.2, those lands zoned (R4-21) shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Definitions i) Landscaping Strip Shall mean an area of land used for any one or more of the planting of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other horticultural elements, such as decorative stonework,fencing or screening. ii) Dwelling Shall mean one(1)or more habitable rooms, designed or intended for use by one or more persons, in which sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive or shared use of the persons,in which a heating system is provided, and which has a — private entrance from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. For the purpose of this definition,dwelling shall also mean dwelling unit. b) Permitted Uses i) Apartment building ii) Nursing home C) Regulations i) Density(maximum) 105 units per ha ii) Dwelling Units(maximum) 88 iii) Interior Side Yard(minimum) 8.7 metres iv) Parking Space Size 5.2 metres in length by 2.75 metres in width provided that such space is perpendicular to a landscaping strip." 2. Schedule "5" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: 1 "General Commercial(Cl)Zone"and"Special Purpose Commercial Exception(C4-2)Zone"to "Holding—General Commercial Exception((H)C1-26)Zone" "Holding — Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl) Zone" and "Holding — Urban Residential Exception((H)R1-43)Zone"to"Holding—General Commercial Exception((H)C1-27)Zone". "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4-2) Zone" and "Holding — Urban Residential I Exception((H)R1-43)Zone"to"Holding—Urban Residential Exception((H)R4-21)Zone" as shown on the attached Schedule"A"hereto. i 3. Schedule"A"attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. I 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. i BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2000. BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2000. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2000. MAYOR i CLERK 6.8.2 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2000, Pagroed this +�f .T _._� . 1 2000 A20o LOT 27 LOT 26 ry KING ST. E- i j 1 i i t i - i i i EZ 1112!1'0' /0 V/ a; LU U ® ZONING CHANGE FROM z (H)R1 AND (H)R1-43 11 TO (H)C1-27" ® ZONING CHANGE FROM _ I _ — "C1"AND"C4-2"TO"(H)C1-26" 1 ZONING CHANGE FROM { "C4-211 AND"(H)R1-4311 TO"(H)R4-21" — Mayor Clerk LOT 27 LOT 26 gNAOIgN PACIFIC N O j ® Z O G S R S U PART PART COPA 99-002 COPA 99 02 ZBA 99-027 ZBA 99. 30 SPA 99.021 114RT2 r— Z A 99-027 Z S 99-021 0 N ® U i HIGHWAY 401 NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 683 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: File # General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, January 8, 2001 Res. # Report #: CD-01-01 By-law #-- Subject: ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2000 _ Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: l 1. THAT Report CD-01-01 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-01-01 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 For the information of Council, the table attached to Report CD-01-01 summarizes the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the month of i November, 2000. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, i i t. P tti L �CW-lm C.T. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., cip Chief Adm inistrative Officer MPKS*PLB*dm i I Animal Alliance of Canada Animal Advisory Committee 221 Broadview Avenue Suite 101 Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G3 - 801 CLERKS DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENTNO. 1 ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION TO REPORT NO. CD-01-01 i ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER 2000 j F _ ---��- A.ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH YR.TO DATE 2000 YR.TO DATE 99 PICKED UP-WILDLIFE 7 _ 96 107 DOGS CATS DOGS CATS DOGS CATS PICKED UP 19 21 223 122 195 141 BROUGHT IN 19 28 164 232 157 190 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 18 3 182 10 140 12 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 19 30 179 252 193 222 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 p EUTHANISED 0 1 8 23 5 31 DEAD ON ARRIVAL 1 15 16 69 14 66 EQ7U7ARANTINE 7 p 2 5 9 7 6 r 7�77�7�7= WRITTEN WARNINGS - 14 212 129 P.O.A. TICKETS 9 48 95 CONVICTIONS 17 28 45 C CALL-OUTS AFTER HOURS 2 51 64 OVER TIME HOURS 6 182 196.5 B. REVENUES DOGS&CATS RELEASED 225.00 30.00 1015.00 375.00 462.24 370.22 LICENSES 1032.00 0 57487.00 19228.00 33313.09 0 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 p SOLD TO RESIDENTS 1200.00 1125.00 10714.75 9556.80 9194.50 6569.30 I DOGS REDEEMED 855.00 0 8979.00 75.00 4696.75 p ! SUB TOTAL 3312.00 1155.00 78195.75 29234.80 47666.58 6939.52 TRAP REVENUE 72.00 460.00 306.72 i TOTAL REVENUE 4539.00 107890.55 54912.82 EUTHANISED 1 INJURED CAT 1. ' - 8 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee FILE# DATE: Monday,January 8,2001 RES. # REPORT: CD-02-01 BY-LAW # SUBJECT: PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2000 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-02-01 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-02-01 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of September 2000 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. F KETS THIS MONTH Y/T/D 2000 Y/T'/D 1999 Y/T/D/1998 UED arking Enf. 370 5400 3371 3663 Officers By Police 32 289 231 117 By P.Works 0 42 102 76 By Sec.Officers 7 131 68 65 REVENUE From Meters $8617.50 $51,779.50 $47,105.71 $67,416.25 From Permits 94.30 217.35 250.00 2,350.00 Fines 3784.00 65,271.00 30,616.00 28,821.00 MTO 1039.50 18,991.50 N/A N/A Chargeback TOTAL $11,456.30 798,276.35 $77,971.71 $101,549.25 REVENUE i Respect ly sub itted, Reviewed by, c � P i L. ie, A. C.T. Franklin Wu, M.C.LP. ipal Cl Chief Administrative Officer PB*LC*JM*bm I 803 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee FILE# DATE: Monday, January 8, 2001 RES. # REPORT: CD-03-01 BY-LAW # SUBJECT: PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2000 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-03-01 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-03-01 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of October 2000 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. F CKETS THIS MONTH Y/T/D 2000 Y/T/D 1999 Y/T/D/1998 SUED y Parking Enf. 344 5744 4038 3975 Officers By Police 11 300 263 174 By P.Works 0 42 0 76 By Sec.Officers 15 146 79 81 REVENUE From Meters $6,397.50 $58,177.00 $52252.71 $72,957.55 From Permits 65.55 282.90 250.00 2,350.00 Fines 3,801.00 69,072.00 35,136.00 35,150.00 MTO 874.50 19,866.00 N/A N/A Chargeback TOTAL $9,389.55 $107,665.90 $87,638.71 $111,457.55 REVENUE i i Aec bmit. Reviewed by, , A.M.C.T. Franklin Wu, M.C.LP. rk Chief Administrative Officer I PB*LC*JM*bm 8 .94 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee FILE# DATE: Monday,January 8, 2001 RES. # REPORT: CD-04-01 BY-LAW # SUBJECT: PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2000 Recommendations: f - I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-04-01 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-04-01 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of November 2000 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. TICKETS THIS MONTH Y/T/D 2000 Y/T/D 1999 ISSUED Y/T/D/1998 By Parking Ent 304 6048 4649 4302 Officers By Police 8 308 319 195 By P.Works 0 42 0 76 By Sec.Officers 10 156 104 106 REVENUE From Meters $6,796.50 $64,973.50 $62,161.71 $79,157.73 From Permits 65.55 348.45 250.00 2,350.00 Fines $3,402.00 $72,474.00 $42,893.00 $38,937.00 MT® N/A 19,866.00 N/A N/A Chargeback TOTAL $10,264.05 $117,929.95 $105,304.71 $120,444.73 REVENUE Respect lly s mitted, Reviewed by, i arrie M.C.T. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. icipal lerk Chief Administrative Officer PB*LC*JM*bm 805 UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLALINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, December 11, 2000 Res. # I Report#: PD-114-00 File#: ROPA 99-013 By-law# Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPEAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN-APPLICANT: JOE DOMITROVIC PART LOT 29, CONCESSION 3,FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 3872 COURTICE ROAD FILE NO.: ROPA 99-013 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-114-00 be received for information; and 2. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On December 7, 1999, Joe Domitrovic filed an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan. The purpose of the application was to amend the "Major Open Space"policies on a sites specific basis p to legally recognize the existing automotive repair and automotive body shop. 1.2 On June 19, 2000, the Planning and Development Department forwarded Report PD-059- !— 00 to General Purpose and Administration Committee recommending that the application be denied. Council did not accept Staff's recommendation and adopted the following resolution: i "THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROPA 99-013) as submitted by Joe Domitrovic provided that he meets all of the municipal requirements; THAT the Rezoning and Clarington Official Plan Amendment process be initiated;". 1.101 REPORT PD-114-00 PAGE 2 1.3 The Durham Region Planning Department prepared Commissioner's Report #2000-P-82 on October 10, 2000 recommending denial of the application. Durham Regional Council approved the application of a site specific basis as Amendment#70 on October 18, 2000. 1.4 On November 2, 2000, Shan Jain appealed the October 18, 2000 decision of Durham Regional Council to the Ontario Municipal Board on behalf of Walter and Bernice Petryshyn. A hearing date has yet to be scheduled. i 2. COMMENTS 2.1 Staff has consistently recommended unfavourably towards applications to recognize the existing automotive repair and automotive body shop. The reasons are documented in various reports that have been prepared for Council's consideration. i i The decision to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan was made by Durham Regional Council, and as such, they may defend their position at the Ontario Municipal Board. As Clarington Council recommended approval of the application, Council has the option of whether or not to participate at the hearing. C 2.2 With respect to legal fees, Municipal policy is as follows: "That the owner/applicant of all development applications shall be required to bear the L Municipality's legal costs for an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in situation where his application either approved or recommended for approval by(Municipal) Council." Prior to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, the applicant has to commit to bear the Municipality's legal costs and, if failing to do so, the Municipality has the ability to withdraw from the hearing. I In the past, a legal agreement has been executed between the applicant and the Municipality to ensure that the Municipality's legal expenses are covered. 2.3 With respect to planning evidence, municipal planning Staff cannot be utilized because of j our recommendations to Council. Council therefore may wish to retain a land use planner to defend its position at the Ontario Municipal Board. It is estimated that the cost 1102 REPORT PD-114-00 PAGE 3 of retaining a planner would be between $10,000. and $15,000. There is presently no policy in place that requires an applicant to pay for consultant fees incurred by Council in defending its decision at the Ontario Municipal Board i 2.4 Council should also be advised that Staff may be subpoenaed by Shan Jain, solicitor for Cthe Petryshyn's, to testify on their behalf. 2.5 Should Council wish to participate at the upcoming Ontario Municipal Board Hearing it is recommended that the following recommendations be substituted: 1. THAT Report PD-1 14-00 be received; 2. THAT subject to Mr. Joe Domitrovic entering into a legal agreement with the Municipality of Clarington to cover all legal and planning consulting costs, that the Solicitor be authorized to retain a professional planning consultant and to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in support of Amendment 70 to the Durham Regional Official Plan; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, i Da id ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning &Development Chief Administrative Officer RH*DJC*cc December 5, 2000 Attachment 1 - Key Map Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Joe Domitrovic Walter and Bernice Petryshyn 3872 Courtice Road 1671 Taunton Road East Courtice, Ontario Hampton, Ontario LlE 2I,5 LOB 1J0 1 .103 i ATTACHMENT 1 SUBJECT SITE LOT 3 0 LOT 2 9 LOT 28 LOT 27 PEEI LESTON OAD (Unopenn.d Rdad) j � ; I D Q Q O Oa Z F- = O FT _ -- NASH R 4 . o COURTICE KEY MAP ROPA 99-013 i 1104 Mr. Topley has informed us he cannoti 28 HART BLVD. , attend GPA meeting on January 8, 2001 NEWCASTLE, ONT. Mr. Topley is listed as delegation (a) LIB 1E3 on the agenda. JANUARY 3 , 2001 MAYOR MUTTON, AND COUNCILLORS , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON , 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE REFERENCE ; FILE NUMBER COPA 2000-009 . MR MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS, ALTHOUGH SCHEDULED TO SPEAK TO YOU ON MONDAY, JANUARY 8 , I WILL , UNFORTUNATELY NOT BE ABLE TO DO SO. PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES FOR MY ABSENCE. HOWEVER, MY COMMENTS TO YOU REGARDING THE ABOVE FILE , ARE HEREBY SUBMITTED IN WRITING. 1 . THE CHOICE OF THIS LOCATION (SOUTH AND WEST) FOR A CATHOLIC SCHOOL TO SERVE AN AREA MAINLY TO THE NORTH AND EAST OF NEWCASTLE SEEMS ODD AS THE DEVOLOPMENT OF THE AREA IS NORTH AND EAST OF THE VILLAGE . 2 . THAT SAID, THE LOCATION IS VERY CLOSE TO THE 401 HIGHWAY, AND THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY, THEREFORE WILL SUFFER FROM CONSISTENT HIGH NOISE POLLUTION. 3. GIVEN THAT THE SCHOOL WILL BE LOCATED THERE FOR OTHER FACTORS (AVAILABILITY OF LAND AND PRICE.) THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AT THIS TIME; 4. THE STUDENT MAXIMUM HAS BEEN QUOTED AS 600. IT SEEMS THAT A REALISTIC BREAKDOWN OF THAT FIGURE WOULD BE 50 WALKING, 100 PRIVATELY DRIVEN, AND 450 TO ARRIVE BY SCHOOL BUS. ASSUMING 25 STUDENTS PER BUS , THIS GIVES 18 BUSES, AND 100 CARS ARRIVING AND DEPARTING TWICE EACH DAY. ON TOP OF THAT ARE THE VEHICLES OF THE STAFF , SAY, ANOTHER 30 CARS, ARRIVING AND DEPARTING ONCE PER DAY. 5 . THE ONLY PLANNED. ACCESS IS FROM THE SOUTH END OF RUDELL ROAD, WHICH RUNS SOUTH FROM HIGHWAY #2 . THERE IS A PROBLEM HERE THAT MUST BE CONSIDERED AT THIS TIME, AND SOLVED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION STARTS, AND THE SCHOOL IS OPENED. PAGE 1 OF 3 i i i i 6. HIGHWAY #2 AT THE JUNCTION OF RUDELL ROAD, IN EITHER DIRECTION IS ONLY 2 LANES WIDE , (EASTBOUND TRAFFIC DOES HAVE A SHORT TURN LANE) . THIS MEANS THAT ANY WESTBOUND TRAFFIC WANTING TO ENTER RUDELL ROAD, AND ENCOUNTERING WESTBOUND TRAFFIC MUST BLOCK ALL FOLLOWING TRAFFIC UNTIL THE TURN CAN BE MADE . IT IS SUGGESTED THAT HIGHWAY #2 BE WIDENED IN THIS AREA TO ALLOW SPECIFIC LEFT TURN LANE TO BE CONSTRUCTED, AND A TRAFFIC LIGHT BE INSTALLED, WITH FLASHING GREEN FOR TRAFFIC TURNING LEFT IN TO RUDELL ROAD. IT IS ASSUMED THAT TRAFFIC BOUND FOR THE SCHOOL WILL USE HIGHWAY #2, AND NOT USE EDWARDS STREET AS A MAJOR ACCESS ROUTE. 7 . RUDELL ROAD WILL BE THE MAJOR ACCESS ROUTE TO THE SCHOOL . AS IT STANDS NOW, TWO CARS CAN SAFELY PASS, WHILE PASSING A PARKED VEHICLE. THERE WOULD BE VERY MINIMAL ROOM FOR A CAR AND A SCHOOL BUS TO PASS, WHILE PASSING A PARKED CAR. IF THE PARKED VEHICLE WAS A TRUCK OR ANOTHER BUS, PASSING WOULD NOT BE SAFE. 8. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT RUDELL ROAD BE MADE 4 LANES WIDE . THIS WOULD SAFELY ALLOW REGULAR TRAFFIC FLOW WHILE PASSING ANY VEHICLE PARKED ON EITHER SIDE OF THE ROAD. 9 . IT IS ALSO SUGGESTED THAT THE SCHOOL HAVE DEDICATED ENTRANCE AND EXIT ROADS , WITH THE ENTRANCE ROAD BEING THE NORTHERN OF THE TWO. THIS WOULD ALLOW BUSES AND OTHER TRAFFIC TO ENTER, WHILE NOT CROSSING THE ROUTE TAKEN BY VEHICLES LEAVING THE SCHOOL AREA. 10. IT WOULD BE PRUDENT TO PLAN FOR STUDENTS WHO WALK TO SCHOOL BY INSTALLING ROAD MARKS AND CROSSING LIGHTS BEFORE THE SCHOOL OPENS. 11 . DURING WINTER CONDITIONS, WITH HIGH WINDS, RUDELL ROAD IS VERY PRONE TO DEEP DRIFTING OF SNOW, CAUSED BY THE LARGE OPEN . AREA TO THE WEST OF THE ROAD. WITH REGARD TO THIS SEASONAL PROBLEM, SOME THOUGHT SHOULD BE GIVEN TO KEEPING THE ROAD CLEAR FOR SCHOOL TRAFFIC. THE ROAD CAN BECOME ALMOST UNDRIVABLE IN A VERY SHORT SPACE OF TIME. PAGE 2 OF 3 i I I i 12 . EDWARD STREET, ALTHOUGH WIDE AND RUNNING EAST WEST FROM RUDELL ROAD, WOULD SEEM TO BE A READY MADE ACCESS ROAD FROM THE EAST SIDE OF NEWCASTLE. THIS IS FALSE THINKING. THE STREET HAS PARKING ON BOTH SIDES, AND HAS A PARK AREA LOCATED ALONGSIDE. BECAUSE OF THIS, AND THE FACT THAT IT RUNS THROUGH A SUB-DIVISION , IT HAS MORE THAN IT'S FAIR SHARE OF CHILDREN. 13 . IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ONLY SCHOOL BUSES THAT SERVICE THE SUB- DIVISION BE PERMITTED TO USE EDWARD STREET. ALL OTHERS, INCLUDING THOSE FROM SOUTH OF THE 401 HIGHWAY, AND EAST OF MILL STREET BE CONFINED TO USING MILL STREET AND #2 HIGHWAY TO REACH THE SCHOOL . THE SAME WOULD APPLY TO BUSES LEAVING THE SCHOOL . 14 IT COULD BE ARGUED THAT SOME OF THE POINTS MENTIONED, IF NEEDED, ARE NOT NEEDED AT THIS POINT. I WOULD REPLY THAT SCHOOL CROSSING LIGHTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ON MILL STREET, WHILE THE SCHOOL IS A BLOCK FURTHER EAST. THESE WERE FOUND TO BE NECESSARY AFTER THE SCHOOL HAD BECOME OPERATIONAL . THEY WILL CERTAINALY BE REQUIRED ON RUDELL ROAD, IF JUST TO ALLOW THE STUDENTS WHO WALK TO SCHOOL TO REACH THERE SAFELY BASED ON THE DENSITY OF THE TRAFFIC THE SCHOOL WILL GENERATE . MR MAYOR, AND COUNCIL , THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT THESE COMMENTS TO YOU , AND ONCE AGAIN, MY APOLOGIES FOR MISSING THE JANUARY 8TH MEETING. SINCERELY, 28 HART BLVD. NEWCASTLE. L1B 1E3 . 410J . TOPL Y 905-987-4118 . COPY TO: ISABEL LITTLE , R . P. P. ,M.C. I . P. . . PLANNER. COMMUNITY PLANNING PAGE 3 OF 3