HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-005-11(,~j~ REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: MAR 21, 2011 Resolution#: GPI a~4~/~ By-law#: Report: FND-005-11 File#: Subject: MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR'S REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES FOR 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FND-005-11 be received for information. Submitted byh ~( ~../J ~~ Nancy Taylor, BBA, C.A Director of Finance/ Treasurer Reviewed by: y`~^"~~'~ '"~--' " Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer NT/RB/hjl CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 REPORT NO.: FND-005-11 1.0 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: PAGE 2 1.1 Appended hereto, please find a schedule detailing the compensation paid to each Member of Council during 2010 as required by the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, Section 283. Also attached is a schedule detailing compensation paid to Clarington's representatives on the Veridian Board of Directors. 1.2 As per Resolution # GPA-445-95, passed by Council on July 15, 1995, attached is the Regional Municipality of Durham Report # 2011-F-15 detailing the remuneration and expenses of the Members of Council and Regional Council appointees to local boards. Attachments: Attachment # 1 -Remuneration & Expenses for Mayor & Councillors -January 1 to November 30, 2010 Attachment #2 -Remuneration & Expenses for Mayor & Councillors -December 1 to December 31, 2010 Attachment # 3 -Remuneration & Expenses for Members of Veridian Corporation - January 1 to December 31, 2010 Attachment # 4 -Regional Report No. 2011-F-15 0 N O M 9 d 1 O Z .0. 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L M <O (O (O (O (O (O ~ l C O ~ (O c0 f0 f0 (D tD N X ~ N O ~ ~ N N rn rn rn rn rn rn ~ ~ M ~ O a ~ ~ ~ O) O) O Q) O m ~ O W W ~ 0 0 ' ~ ~ s oi of Oi ai s ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ + C O d O O C N x O ~ ~ L N c N O LL O 0 2 J 0 Z ~ 0 a' E '~ H O ~ Z Q Q ~ ~ C7 U ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ _ _ _ - C O C C C C C ~ J J J J J J ~ U U U U U U H N O n o ~ N M O N M M e» d `o ~ r E .. ~ _a o Z O O C +~ J N t0 L. O C O = ~p U ~ O ~ 0 c U m ~ f0 C T O ~ j Z ~ O « ~+ C O t0 O E E U U N O U C t6 N w O N O ~ C, m a O. U ~ C ~ J O ~ C N T N a N J a m E E '~ C j~ N p~ T -O m ~, o. ~ -~O a~ J ?~ U N C ~ U C d d ~ O O Z U N m U J O N m N U t0 C N E N N J E E O c0 a~ X N `i 'OC m N A m Y a ayi U C d O a"i a X N N N N C m a w Attachment #1 to FND-005-11 Attachment #2 to FND-005-11 N W Z W a X w Z 0 F O Q. ~ N Z M d W a£i ~ a ~ ~ 0 ~ J m` J a U ~ O O U 0 Q rrn O M CO M (O rn O N ~ j a rn M rn n V O C V O ~D O n cO N A rn n M ro M n rn rn N F ~ fO N N M 7 M N M N M N M 0 fp ~ N Fy s. N d d t .. 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U y ` ` ` ` O Q `o o o o o o U O C C C C C C d ~ U U U U U Ut i F 0 N M a E d d O d a E ~ d O O - d U ~ C ~ O O T U ~ C a ~ o, a ~ d . +~ a O E E U N O m d C O d O ~ r ~ ~ d a n U ry ~ O C d r d a ~ d n °m E E 'd C U d d T ~ N N o. m d - n d ~ 3 U N C ~ U c d N ~ Z U d O a V d N C d w 0 c 6 a 3 E F U a m a L d E d Q w m U c m d `m a Attachment #3 to FND-005-11 Z O H a 0 ~ U Z N Q ~ ~ M d > E LL d O ~ d y O O O F r U ~. W ~ _~ 3 ~ ~ Z~ O. F (7 Z J U LL W N Z W a X W z W Z W a a a a O O O O O N I~ O sT O W I~ e0 N a0 tf! N OC r _ N O M O M W ~ r r N r ~ F fR fA /A d! ~ o o ° o 0 ° o ~ W 1n ~ O V ~ y n N W 0 M C C N ~ ~ ~ V X N W ~ v~ ~ ~ V V V V ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° O O O O ~ ~O O O O ~p Q1 M (O M ~ ~ N Efl EA Efl 64 c O ~ m Y N a o R ~ ~ ~ Y Z y E ~ > O O Q W rL Z w 0 ~ 2 m ~ - 1 0 o _ E `~ E ~ v E U - R O i ~ O Y '~ l6 ~ o. N ~ c 3 O m (n N p~ N N N ~ ~ N o a w x C N ~ p N ~ N . 01 ~ L ~, E v ~ N y ~ ~ o m N E ~ m N ~ ~ ~ C U ~ _ N O` E (n W ~ ~ ~ n~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 m U ~ m <a axi 0 N C N N yj ~ V/ ~ C m C :% ~ a w Q Z _ ~ W W Attachment #4 to FND-005-11 The Regional Municipality of Durham Report to: The Finance and Administration Committee From: R.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance Report No.: 2011-F-15 Date: March 1, 2011 SUBJECT: The Remuneration and Expenses in 2010 of Members of Regional Council and Regional Council Appointees to Local Boards, as Required by Section 284 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25 RECOMMENDATION: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that this report be received for information and forwarded to Regional Council. REPORT: As required by Section 284 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, I have prepared a statement of the remuneration and expenses that were paid in 2010 to Regional Councillors and Regional Council Appointees. (See attached Schedules 1 to 3 respectively). The information concerning Regional Council appointees was obtained directly from the Local Boards, with the exception of the Brock Township Landfill Public Liaison .Committee, Compliance Audit Committee, Development Charges Complaint Committee, Durham Accessibility Advisory Committee, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, Durham Environmental Advisory Committee, Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation, Durham Region Police Services Board, Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change, Durham Region Transit Commission, Transit Advisory Committee, Durham Trail Coordinating Committee, Energy from Waste Facility Site Liaison Committee, Land Division Committee and the 9-1-1 Management Board, whose accounting records are maintained by the Regional Finance Department. R.J. Clapp, CA Commissioner of Finance Attach. ~~ 20~ SCHEDULEI REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, REGIONAL COUNCIL CONVENTIONS MEMBERS REMUNERATION SEVERANCE MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ Abernethy, J. (6) (6) 42,251.32 - 1,974.81 815.OD 45,041.13 Aker, J. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Ballinger, J. (fi) 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Bath, D. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Chapman, R. 3.99&16 - - - 3,998.16 Coe, L. (6) 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Collier, S. 3,998.16 - - - - 3,998.16 Crawford, 5. 42,251.32 2,422.09 - 2,270.49 46,943.90 Cullen, A. (5) 47,580.83 31,487.17 266.23 - 79,334.23 Diamond, N. ~ ~ 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Drew, R. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Drumm, J. (6) 46,249.48 - - 1.530.74 47,780.22 Emm, G. (6) 42,251.32 - - 3,167.09 45,418.41 England, A. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Faster, A. (6) 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Grant, J. 42,251.32 - 1,332.78 1,582.81 45,166.91 Gray, J. (5) 47,580.83 - - - - 47,580.83 Henry, J. 46,249.48 - - - 46,249.48 Henema, H. (6) 42,251:32 - 807.Si - 43,059.13 Johnson, R. 42,257.32 - ~ 565.14 3,061.52 45,877.98 Jordan, C. 46,249.48 - 756.35 346.60 47,352.43 Kolodzie, J. 42,251.32 - - 2,742.38 44.993.70 Littley, B. 42,251.32. - 494.82 - 42,746.14 Lutczyk, R. 42,251.32 - 156.93 - 42,408.25 Marimpietd, T. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 McLean, W. 46,249.48 - 372.80 2,174.23 48,796.51 McMillen, J. 42,251.32 - 1,184.52 1,553.43 44.989.27 Merrier, C. 3,998.16 - - - 3.998.16 Mitchell, D. (6) (7) 46,749.48 - 140.37 - 46,889.85 Neal, J. 46,249 48 226.40 - 46,475.88 Nicholson, B. 42,251.32 27,987.17 87.86 - 70,326.35 Novak, M. (6) 46,249.48 - 1,388.43 1,731.70 49.369.61 O'Connell, J. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 O'Connor. G.L. (6) (7) 4,498.16 - - - - 4,498.16 O'Connor, L. (7) 46,749.48 - 2,376.81 - 49,126.29 Parish, S. 46.249.48 - 225.72 3,772.46 50,247.66 Pearce, M. (5) 47,560.83 - 2,126.80 - 49.707.63 Perkins, P. (6) 46,249.48 - - - 46,249.48 Pidwerbecki, N. (7) 46,749.48 - 199.65 50.00 46,999.13 Rodrigues, P. 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 Ryan, D. 46,249.48 - 471.36 1,139.51 47,860.35 Shepherd, R. (6) 42,251.32 - 981.05 - 43,232.37 Trim, C. (5)(6) 47,580.83 44,981.67 2,361.03 1,535.53 96,459.06 Woo. W. (6) 3,998.16 - - - 3,998.16 1,318.303.48 106,878.10 18,497.67 27,473.49 1,471,152.74 Page 1 of 2 2~0 SCHEDULEI. (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL CHAIR REMUNERATION SEVERANCE MILEAGE 8 MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ Anderson, R. 174,708.22 5,981.35 23,734.51 204,424.08 NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF REGIONAL COUNCIL MEM8ER5 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES (1) Remuneration to the Regional Chair and Councillors is authorized by by-laws #16-2007, #01-2005, #08-2004, #0&2004, #10-2004,1X50-95, antl #61-93. (2) The Regional Chair is provided with an automobile and is reimbursed for actual expenses incuned. (3) Regional Councillors am reimbursed as follows: Mileage -based on a rate per kilometre. Conferences, Meetings, etc. - a rate of $75/day for meals, etc. without receipts; however, if the daily rate is insufficient, actual expenses with receipts are reimbursed. Accommodation, registration, etc. -reimbursed based on actual receipts. (4) Expenses relating to Regional CounUl study and training sessions are not inUUded in this statement. (5) Denotes Regional Committee Chair to November 30, 2010. (6) Remuneraton is paid to Regional Councillor by the Area Municipality, and the Region reimburses the Area Municipality. (7) Denotes Regional Committee Chair December 1 to December 31, 2010. (8) J. Abernethy donatetl fc the Region an amount equivalent to the 2010 salary increase. 2' ~ Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE2 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 0 COMPENSATION PAID IN LIEU OF PENSION PLAN REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Crawford, S. Cullen, A. 7rumm, J. .mm, G. 3rant, J. 3ray, J. ienry, J. ..ohnson, R. Jordan, C. Littley, B. Lutczyk, R. McLean, W. McMillen, J. Neal, J. Nicholson, B. O'Connor, L. Parish, S. Pearce; M. Pidwerbedci, N. Ryan, D. IN LIEU O_ p-ON E 3,048.49 6,696.10 3, 638.36 2,699.48 3,048.49 3,638.36 3,048.49 3, 048.49 3,048.49 3,048.49 3, 048.49 3,048.49 3,048.49 3,048.49 5,752.57 3,048.49 3,048.49 3,638.36 3,048.49 3,638.36 69,331.96 NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2010 COMPENSATION PAID IN LIEU OF PENSION PLAN i) Pursuant to by-law #08.2004 members of Regional CounUl, inUutling me Chair, who are not enrolletl in OMERS. are entitled to compensation in lieu o! a pension plan. Payment is made in the curtent year basetl on prior yeafs earnings. 2) Pursuant to try-law #16-2007, the Regional Chair is enrolletl in OMERS ef/eUive January 1, 2007. 21^ Page 1 of 1 SCHEDULES REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOIN TEES T ' O LOCAL BOARDS 2D 10 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES REGIONAL COUNCIL CONFERENCES, APPOINTEES REMUNERATION CONVENTIONS, -~_ MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOT Central Lake Ontario $ $ $ Conservation Authority Crawford, S. Cullen, A. 300.00 106.08 Drumm, J. 150.00 _ ~ 406.08 Emm, G. 400.00 83 20 - 150.00 Foster, A 300.00 124 80 - 48320 Gray, J. 250.00 _ - ~ 424.80 Hooper, R. 350.00 _ - 250.00 Johnson, R. 400.00 120 64 350.00 Mitchell, D. - 400.00 291 20 ' 520.64 Neal, J. 250.00 96.20 _ 691.20 Nicholson, B. 400.00 62 40 - 346.20 Novak, M. 100.00 _ 462.40 Pearce, M. 300.00 81 12 - 100.00 Perkins, P. 400.00 232.96 _ 381.12 350.00 -~4'3z 10192 1,3 0.5 - - ---- 632.96 451.92 5,650.52 Ganaraska Region _ Conservation Authority Robinson, G. Trim, C. 165.00 62.40 _ -- 275.0 156.00 .227.40 440.00 218.40 ---~ 431.00 658.40 Kawartha Region Conservation Authority Hodgson, L Hooper, R. 450.00 360.00 McMillen, J. 500.00 497 ~ 810.00 O'Connor,L. 900.00 900.00 997.00 - 7oD.oo ~-_ 487.50 - 1soo.oo 2,550.00 2,244.50 ~ - 1,187.50 - - a,7sasa Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Drew, B. Grant, J. 5.800.00 1,925.00 Herrema, H. 1.500.00 797.00 - 7,725.00 800.00 ~ 180.00 2,297.00 - 2,902.DD ~ - 980.00 - 11,00 .DO Toronto & Region - Conservation Authority Jordan, C. Littley, 8. 1,342.61 611.00 - O'Connor, G.L. 433.10 100.00 _ - 1,953.61 36,386.08 3-9 2,82710 3,538.1 ~- 533.10 -=- 39,213.18 41,699.89 2 ~ J Page 1 of 5 SCHEDULE 3 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, REGIONAL COUNCIL CONVENTIONS, APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL S $ $ g CTC Source Protection Committee Presta, J. - 240.35 240.35 Durham Accessibility Advisory Committee Angus, A. - - 40.00 40.00 Atkinson, R. - 98.60 40.00 138.60 Bremner, S. - - 40.00 40.00 Cordahi, M. - - 40.00 40 00 Drumm, J. - - 40.00 . 40 00 Edwards, C. _ _ . Roche, M. - - 40.00 40.00 Rundle, R - - 40.00 40.C0 Sutherland, M. - 40.00 40.00 - ~~ 320.00 418.60 Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Beach, E. - 444.60 - 444 60 Bowman, E. - 183.04. . - 183 04 Cohoon, Z. - 332.80 ~ . - 332 80 Grant, J. _ _ . Gray, B. - 496.08 - 496 08 Guthrie. N. - 65.52 . - 65 52 Kennedy, K. - 416.00 . - 416 00 Lea, R. - 135.72 . - 135 72 McMillen, J. _ _ . _ O'Connor, K. _ - _ - Pistritto, P. - 208.00 15.00 223 00 Puterbough, F. _ 124 80 . - 124 80 Risebrough, D. - 691.64 - ~ 691 64 Schillings, H. - 146.43 . - 146 43 Watson, T. - 211.33 . - 211 33 Westerbaan, R. - 286.00 . - 286 00 Wolters, J. - 291.20 . 291.20 - 4,03 .16 15.00 4, 4.16 2 ~ n Page 2 of 5 t SCHEDULE 3 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, REGIONAL COUNCIL CONVENTIONS, APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE $ MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ S $ Durham Environmental Advisory Committee Barrington, A Bielarczyk, S. Breslin, S. Burt, L. Edwards. A. Gillette, L. Gray, J. Grieve, 5. Karney, B. Lasis, A. Manns, H. McDonald, K. McRae. E. Middleton, D. Murray, K. Shepherd, R. Szenteczki, M. Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation Anderson, R. Cullen, A. Gray, J. O'Connor, L. Pearce, M. Perkins, P. Trim, C. Durham Trail Coordinating Committee Clayton, T. Cooke, R. Grant, J. Herrema, H. Jones, K. Jordan, C. Kolodzie, J. Littley, B. McMillen, J. Murray, J. Novak, M. Perkins, R Rowe, J. Stoner, J. Tucker, M. Visser, W. - 310.34 - 310.34 - 57.41 - 57.41 - 96.93 - 96.93 - 72.38 - 72.38 - 1,107.60 - 1,107.60 - 75.50 - 75.50 - 156.00 - 156:00 - 254.80 -~ - 254.60 - 2,130.96 6,000.00 - 1,189.97 7,189.97 ~Od~00- _ -~-i89~9T- --TfS9-57- - 46.80 - 46.80 - 96.72 - 96.72 - 78.00 - 78.00 - 2 1 2 _ --1.52 Page 3 of 5 21 5 SCHEDULE 3 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2010 REMUNERATION AN D EXPENSES CONFERENCES, REGIONAL COUNCIL CONVENTIONS, APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ $ $ Social Housing Services Corporation " € O'Connor,L. 8,250.00 638.17 255.68 9,144.05 Urbanski, A.' 833.33 - 833.33 9,083.33 638.17 255.88 9,977.38 ' Represents Region of Durham share of total remuneration of $5,000. Land Division Committee Chui, D. _ _ _ Collins, J. 1,721.46 647.95 8.48 2,377.89 Graham, H. 3,008.72 412.39 72.89 3,494.00 Hamilton, P. _ _ _ Hurst, J. 2,100.64 - - 2,100.64 Komarnicki, J.M. 2,650.99 260.59 49.59 2,961.17 Marquis, D. _ _ _ Patel, L. 2,100.64 199.69 52.88 2,353.21 Skinner, V. 2,100.64 89.78 47.75 2,238.17 Sutton, R. 2,100.64 295.87 72.58 2,469.09 Taylor, W. 2,100.64 451.30 44.57 2,596.51 17,884.37 2,357.57 348.74 20,590.68 Durham Region Police Services Board Anderson, R. 5,829.51 - - 5,829.51 Boyle, B. 9,311.64 - - .9,311.64 Drumm, J. 5.329.51 - 2,247.48 7,576.99 Henry, J. 500.00 - ~ - 500.00 McLean, W. 500.00 - - 500.00 Ryan, D. 5,329.51 - - 5,329.51 26,800.17 - 2,247.48 29,047.65 21 6 Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE 3 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES NOTE TO SCHEDULE OF REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2010 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES 1. No remuneration or expenses were paid to Regional Council appointees to the: - 9-1-1 Management Board -Association of Local Public Health Agencies - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Brock Township Landfill Public Liaison Committee - Business Advisory Centre Durham -Canadian National Exhibition Association - Compliance Audit Committee -Development Charges Complaint Committee - Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Resource Group - Durham Advisory Committee on Homelessness - Durham Region Child and Youth Advocate -Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change - Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation - Durham-York Residual Waste Study Joint Management Group - Energy from Waste Facility Site Liaison Committee - East Duffins Headwaters Committee (formerly the Glen Major Forest & Walker Woods Stewardship Committee) - GTA Agricultural Action Plan Committee - GTA Fare System Project Executive Committee -GTA Fare System Project Steering Committee - Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance -Greater Toronto Transit Authority (GO Transit) -Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Gmup - Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council -Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Panel for the Durham Sustainability Stewardship Program - Rouge Park Alliance - Rouge Valley Health System -Ajax and Pickering Health Centre Site - South Georgian Bay-Lake Simcoe Source Protection Committee - TRCA Trail Guidelines Advisory Committee - -Transit Advisory Committee - Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee L '~ "+ Page 5 of 5