HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-18 MinutesMUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held in the Council Chambers on January 18, 2011 at 7 pm. Present Were: P. DeJong (chair) L. Franssen S. DeJong G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: B. Snowdon C. Abraham As the board did not have a quorum motions were unable to be made. MINUTES 1.1 Tabled to next meeting BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 -P. DeJong will try to attend the AED Site Coordinators meeting in February -P. DeJong and S. DeJong have been verbally told they have been appointed for a two year to the board. Nothing has been received from the Municipality to date. CORRESPONDENCE 3.1 -Municipality is asking if we would like to make presentation to council February 25 at 9:30 am for Budget. Suggested that we ask Cathy to make this presentation. FINANCIAL REPORT 4.1 - Received. BILLS 5.1 -bills for supervision paid as presented. HEALTH & SAFETY 6.1 -Report received – carpet needs to be cleaned in auditorium. Report to be copied to Operations Dept. BUSINESS ARISING 7.1 -4 tickets to be ordered for Chamber of Commerce AGM on January 25 -secretary reported internet could be brought into the hall from Rogers or Bell Canada with 5 email addresses. Board would be responsible for the bill. Suggested sharing cost with Masons and Historical Society. Bell is set up on present phone line. Rogers would have to bring lines in and could cost dollars to have this done. Cost with bell would be approximately $80.00/month for 5 GB. Have asked Historical Society for their usage to see if this will work for us. Masons and Hall would not use very much. Secretary will speak with G. Forget to see if this will work for Historical Society. -C. Abraham will be attending CBOT event with speaker Tim Huddak – she will report back to board next meeting. Fee is $25.00 -Curtains will be sprayed in February with fire retardant. -Discussed use of Council Chambers for wedding ceremonies. Agreed on a fee of $60.00 -Secretary will check with Bowmanville Museum on what they charge for wedding photos. Board will then discuss a fee for picture shoots in hall gardens or in the hall itself. -Secretary is going to be discussing updating website with CBS Group. -Big Brothers and Sisters will be hosting Wine and Food Festival at the hall on June 11 2011. They will be using the gazebo area as well and will obtaining appropriate permits to serve food and wine outside. Asked for use of outdoor chairs and card tables in exchange for advertising Newcastle Hall as a sponsor. It was agreed this would be acceptable. -Regular use of Lions Room by groups other than Lions – Ratepayers third Monday (evening) of the month, Seniors second Tuesday of the month in the morning, and Scouts last Sunday of the month. ADJOURNED 8:05 PM