HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-37-95 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DNi DEFSRNAL.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # '~q ~ ~~ ' 4 3 ,~G v Date: Monday, April 3 , 1995 Res. #~6~A - ~4 3-9 Y Report #;PD-37-95 File #: PLN 2.2.7 By-law #_ Subject: 1991 DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REFERRAL OF DEFERRAL NO. 6 TO THE ONTARIO MIINICIPAL BOARD FILE: PLN 2.2.7 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-37-95 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality not participate at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in respect of Deferral Area # 6; 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 On March 22, 1995, Staff received a copy of a'letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to Mr. Stan Racansky advising that Deferral Area No. 6 to the Durham Regional Official Plan was being referred to the Ontario Municipal Board (Attachment No. 1). 1.2 The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the foregoing as well as to establish the position of the Municipality of Clarington with respect to the referral to the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan of the lands formally known as Deferral Area No. 6, and in order to determine the role the Municipality will take at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in respect of the subject referral. J / n ....2 REPORT NO. PD-37-95 PAGE 2 2. BACRGROIIND 2.1 The Durham Regional Official Plan, as approved by Regional Council in June 1991 and later in July 1993, designated lands north of the Courtice Urban Area on the east and west sides of Trulls Road and south of Pebblestone Road, as 'Living Area'. The Ministry, in approving the Regional Plan in November 1993, deferred its consideration of the Living Area designation and related urban area boundary for the lands west of Trulls Road (Deferral Area No. 6 - Tonno Construction/Erhard and Henrietta Witzke/687120 Ontario Limited). However, the lands designated east of Trulls Road were referred to the Ontario Municipal Board (Referral No. 1 - Kingsberry Properties). Both areas are indicated on Attachment No. 2. 2.2 As noted below, Council has adopted a number of resolutions in respect of urban development north of the existing Courtice Urban Area boundary: • March 25, 1991 - Council recommended the designation of a Special Study Area for lands bounded by Townline Road, Pebblestone Road, Courtice Road and the existing urban area in the new Regional Plan; • May 11, 1992 - Council resolved that it "strongly opposes the designation of a Living Area north of Courtice" in the new Regional Plan but supported the retention of a Special Study Area north to Pebblestone Road; • May 10, 1993 - Council, in consideration of its resolution to reduce the population target for Courtice to 40,000, approved Staff's report recommending "no northerly extension of Courtice should be contemplated within the timeframe of the Regional Plan"; Council also supported the elimination of Special Study Area No. 7 to the north of Courtice; • July 18, 1994 - Council resolved to request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to support a 30 year boundary in the Clarington Official Plan to facilitate the resolution of water quality problems on Courtice Road; ....3 c: ', i J %" i REPORT NO. PD-37-95 PAGE 3 • March 20, 1995 - Council approved Staff Report PD-17-95. This Report concluded that the technical reports submitted in support of Deferral Area No. 6 do not adequately address the principle of development for the subject lands with respect to .the protection of Farewell Creek and the Second Marsh, which is most appropriately addressed through a watershed planning study. The Report also concluded that the preparation of a comprehensive watershed study for the Farewell/Black Creek watershed and the implementation of long-term cumulative impact monitoring for the watershed are possible approaches to address the environmental sensitivity of this area. 2.3 Staff has consistently opposed the northerly expansion of the Courtice Urban Area in the Regional Official Plan, noting the environmental sensitivity of the Courtice North lands. 3. Comments 3.1 As the Minister will be referring Deferral Area No. 6 to the O.M.B., it is likely that the Board will be dealing with this matter in conjunction with other referrals of the Durham Regional Official Plan and specifically with Referral Area #1 (Foley) which is adjacent to the subject area. 3.2 Committee previously considered the matter of the Municipality's participation at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in respect of the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan through its consideration of Report PD-8-95. In that report, Staff recommended that the Municipality take a limited role for most of the matters before the Board in an effort to minimize costs and staff time required for the hearing. It was recommended, whenever the position of Staff, Council and the Region are coincident, that the Region take carriage of the case and Planning Staff be made available as witnesses if the Regional solicitor so desires. It was also noted that, on ....4 ~ f i_ REPORT NO. PD-37-95 PAGE 4 any of the referrals, Planning Staff may be under subpoena by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs or the Board to appear at the hearing and give evidence on the basis of their professional opinion. 3.3 Through Report PD-8-95, Staff specifically requested Council's direction with respect to the Municipality's participation on Referral No. 1. Council resolved that the Municipality would not participate in the hearing on this matter. Given Council's previous direction with respect to Referral No. 1, it is advisable that Council not to participate in the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on Deferral Area #6 for the sake of consistency as both properties are adjacent to each other. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has identified concerns with the urban designation of these lands, especially in relation to their environmental sensitivity. Presumably, the various Ministries will take part in the hearing although their final positions will not be known until the prehearing. 4. CONCLII3ION8 4.1 Until Council directs otherwise, Staff recommend that the Municipality not participate in the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on Deferral Area ~ 6. Respectfully submitted, .~ ~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development FW*cc Reviewed by, ~~~ ~-~ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment No. 1 - Letter from Ministry of Municipal Affairs Attachment No. 2 - Location Map March 28, 1995 7 ~~J A#tachment No. 1 •3 O Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario Ministere des Affaires municipales ` ~ ~~ MA&, c ~ 9.'?9y March 20, 1995 Mr. Stan Racansky, P. Eng. 3200 Hancock Road Courtice, Ontario L1E 2M1 Dear Mr. Racansky: Re: Request to refer Deferral No. 6 to the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham to the Ontario Municipal Board Ministry File No.: 18-OP-0012 On behalf of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Honourable Ed Philip, I hereby acknowledge your letter dated February 5, 1995 requesting that Deferral No. 6 to the Official Plan for the Region of Durham be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. It is also noted that your letter requests that Deferral No. 6 be considered in conjunction with Referrals No.'s 1, 6, 20 and 36. As you are aware, the Ontario Municipal Board has begun proceedings on referrals to the Durham Region Official Plan. This took the form of a preheating conference on January 30 and 31 of this year. The Board has now advised that a second pre-hearing conference is scheduled for April 21, 1995. The hearing itself is to begin on September 8 and run through to December 15, 1995. We therefore intend to refer this matter to the Ontario Municipal Board such that it is in the Board's possession in time for the April 21 pre-hearing. Please be advised that it is solely up to the Board to determine which referrals should be heard together. I therefore recommend that you be prepared to address the Board on your reasons for having this matter considered in conjunction with the other referrals you have identified. /2 J/4 -2- We have also sent a copy of this letter to the Municipality, the Region and a representative of the primary property owner seeking development within the Deferral No. 6 area. As well, upon request and pursuant to Section 17(9) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, a copy of your letter will be released to any interested. person, body or agency. If you have any questions,. please call me directly at (416) 585-6029. Yours truly, Victor Do~~M.C.I.P. Senior Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest c.c. A. Georgieff, Region of Durham F. Wu, Municipality of Clarington W. Manson ~~: 'FROM PEGgSUS IMPORTS PI-ZONE h10. 905. 637 6660 } To Tne Hon, Ed Phillip FEb. O5 Min. of Municipal Affairs 1996 Subject: Durham Region Official Development Man Clarington Official Development Plar. Item- Deferral #6 OMB Hearing- File OMB 0940179 Dear Sir, This is a formal request referring to the OMB Hearing on Monday Jan.30, 1996, The item that has been DEFERRED by the Minister known as the 'DEFERRAL # 6" (Tonne Construction Ltd,-M.Fo1ey/W, Manson/D. Martin) should be considered in conjuction with referrals # 1, 20, and 6&36, -your file OMB 0940119- Courtice North Urban Expansion, since it is a part of the groundwater recharge for the Black antl Farewell Creeks. Not only to be considered is the fact that 06 is larger than R1, it is even more sensitive by its proximity to the farewell Creek, by its location to cut--off points in tt~e basoflow, underground recharge system and being the vitsl part of a cummulative effect of the Courtice North Urban Expansion Area. Our concern is the need for the complete WATERSHED Study, and the impact the planned development would have on the basoflow, quality & quantity of the water in our creeks, water wells end the Courtice ~~Healthy" Community now and in the future. There are many facts and studies supporting our request. Dfi contains and affects the creeks we are concerned about and is in the same highest class of environmentally significant area. In reality it is a neigbouring property to R6 and even more important. Thank ynu for takin0 our request into consideration. PS. All related information to the fact of #p6-and R6 being in the same category may be provided by us or by CLOCA. Stan Racansky, Eng. 3200 Hancock Rd. Courtice, Ont. L1E 2M1 Tel. (905) 436-2376 cc: V. Doyle Min. of Municipal Affairs P01 ~l Attachment No. 2 _ ~ ~~~ ~~~~a~ a~c~oo~a~ o~~oc~oa~ p~~ ~~~~~aa~ aa~a~ ~ ~o~~a c~o~a~o~~ PEBBLESTONE ROAD --- - ~ REFERRAL 1 ~ ~ REGIONAL ~.~ OFFICIAL PLAN 0 Q 0 w DEFERR~L AR A 6 REGION L OF CIAL ° ~ U PLAN ~,. ~, .,,~ _~. ~ ~~~ I ---, ~~ I COURTICE URBAN AREA BOUNDARY L. 1 1