HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #1 03/07/2011Clarin~~vvnn Gner =izin Ontario-~ ~ ~ REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 7, 2011 SUBJECT: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2011 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) FND-004-11 2012 To 2015 Operating and Capital Forecast (b) COD-008-11 Corporate Advertising Versus Corporate Newsletter 2. 2011 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET 1. THAT Report FND-003-11 be received; 2. THAT the 2011 Operating and Capital budgets as outlined in Schedule "A", at an estimated tax levy impact of 3.49% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in Report FND-003-11 be approved, with the following amendments: a. THAT Revenue Losses, Item #7, "Reduce Contribution from Veridian Interest -One Time in 2010", be changed from $300,000 to $150,000 b. THAT Expense Increases, Item #28, "WSIB Surcharge", be changed from $100,000 to $70,000 c. THAT the Mayor's office budgets be amended as follows: Phone & Fax accounts be reduced by $2,700; Staff Development accounts be reduced by $5,000; Reception account be reduced by $5,000; and • Office expenditures account be reduced by 3,000 for a total reduction of $15,700 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET; BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report #1 - 2 - March 7, 2011 d. THAT Item #38, "Proposed New Staffing Impact" be reduced from $700,000 resulting in no new staff being hired other than the following, with a start date of July 1, 2011: four full-time fire fighters; one Engineering position being upgraded; one full-time IT position in Corporate Services; one full-time staff member in the Operations Department; one full-time Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (MLEO) in the Clerk's Department, conditional upon CUPE's agreement to a letter of understanding that the new MLEO will be able to work weekends and evenings as required e. THAT Revenue Losses, Item #7, "Reduce contribution from Veridian Interest -One Time in 2010", be further amended from $150,000 by reducing an additional $100,000 for a total of $50,000 remaining; 3. THAT the items listed as optional items for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B" to Report FND-003-11 be approved, with the following amendments: a. THAT Item #2 "Pavement Patching" be included in the budget in the amount of $14,500 b. THAT Item #5, "Catch Basin Repairs" be included in the budget in the amount of $15,000 c. THAT Item #14, "Courtice CIP Project -Tax Levy Portion" be included in the budget in the amount of $50,000 to allow for a CIP project along the Highway #2 corridor d. THAT Item #25, "Reduce Corporate Advertising Program" be included in the budget in the amount of $20,000, leaving $7,000 in the budget for one edition of Clarington.net e. THAT Item 17, "Increase Revenue for Penalty and Interest on Taxes" be included in the budget in the amount of $100,000 f. THAT Item 19, "Increase Supplementary Taxation Revenue" be included in the budget in the amount of $75,000 g. THAT Item #16, "Decrease Various Facility Hydro Usage Estimates", be included in the budget in the amount of $50,000 h. THAT Item #18, "Reduce Physician Recruitment", be included in the budget in the amount of $30,000 i. THAT Item #20, "Reduce Fire Staff Development" be included in the budget in the amount of $5,000 j. THAT Item #21, "Reduce Fire Chemical/Foam" be included in the budget in the amount of $9,000 k. THAT Item #22, "Reduce Prf Firefighter Wages Overall Budget" be included in the budget in the amount of $50,000 I. THAT Item #15, "Staff Recognition" be included in the budget in the amount of $15,000 m. THAT Item #24, "Eliminate EAP (Partial Year)" be included in the budget in the amount of $23,400; Report #1 - 3 - March 7. 2011 4. THAT the grants for external agencies be approved as per their requests itemized in Schedule "C" to Report FND-003-11 at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.31 %; 5. THAT Schedules "D", "E" and "F" of Report FND-003-11 outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserves/Reserve Funds be approved; 6. THAT approximately $801,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 7. THAT the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the documents attached to Report FND-003-11 be approved; THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" of Report FND-003- 11 be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant requests; 9. THAT the Mayor's Golf Tournament take place in 2011, at no cost to the tax base, with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to Memorial Hospital Foundation-Bowmanville; 10. THAT any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Program, Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Funds, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 11. THAT the payment of the 10th year balloon on the debenture debt for the Municipal Administrative Centre and Main Library Expansion be approved with $1,000,000 from the General Municipal Reserve Fund and $569,480 from the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund for the MAC portion and $808,520 from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund for the Main Library Portion; 12. THAT the Main Library Portion of the balloon payment funded from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund in the amount of $808,520 be repaid from the Library Development Charges Reserve Fund over a further five year period with interest as cash flow permits and Council reconfirms its intent to fund this to the extent allowable from future development charges; 13. THAT the Staffing Plan (Schedule "G" to Report FND-003-11) be approved as revised by Recommendation 2.2(d) above, and subject to the budgetary allocation for new staffing in any given year not to exceed the value of assessment growth for that year; Report #1 - 4 - March 7. 2011 14. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to make any adjustment if necessary to ensure staff resources are allocated and deployed fairly and consistently among all departments, and in adherence to maintaining the current service standard; 15. THAT Report FND-003-11 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; 16. THAT the issue of dredging of Bowmanville Creek be deferred for consideration at a future budget when erosion issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties; 17. THAT $30,000 identified on Page 224 of the draft budget (Central Parking Meter) be deleted; 18. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to reconsider their position that they will no longer reimburse lower-tier municipalities for roadside clean ups, as identified in Section 17.1 of Report FND-003-11; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in the Region of Durham; 19. THAT Community Services Staff prepare a report on efforts to approach public and community partners to operate the canteen in the Newcastle & District Recreation Centre; 20. THAT the revenue identified for the Engineering Services Department (Page 70 of the draft budget) be increased by $8,000; and 21. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2011 tax requirements for Municipal Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available.