HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-54-98DN: PD-5498 1 REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: Date: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, May 4, 1998 Report #: PD-54-98 FILE #: DEV 98-018 File#~l4~eo 9g` C?18~ Res. #~~`PA'~SS~?~ By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: CAMBRIDGE SHOPPING CENTRES PART LOT 16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE NO.: DEV 98-018 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-54-98 be received ; 2. THAT the application to amend the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Tunney Planning Inc. on behalf of 829426 Ontario Inc. and 838038 Ontario Inc., be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 829426 Ontario Inc. & 838038 Ontario Inc. do Cambridge Shopping Centres 1.2 Agent: Tunney Planning Inc. 1.3 Application: From "General Commercial Exception (C1-14A)" and "General Commercial Exception (C1-146)" to an appropriate zone to permit a veterinary clinic in addition the existing permitted uses. 1.4 Area: Commercial development will total 18580 m2 (200,000 ftftZ) upon completion. Proposed floor area for veterinary clinic is 241.5 m~ (2600 ft 2). 625 REPORT NO.: PD-54-98 PAGE 2 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Highway Two and Green Road in Bowmanville, Par[ Lot 16, Concession 1, Former Township of Darlington (Attachment #1). 3. LAND USES 3.1 Surrounding uses: North -commercial South -large lot residential and agricultural East -commercial West -large lot residential 4. BACKGROUND 4.1 On March 30, 1998, Tunney Planning Inc. filed this application for rezoning on behalf of 829426 Ontario Inc. and 838038 Ontario Inc. in order to permit a veterinary clinic in addition to the existing permitted uses. The commercial site currently contains a Zellers store and a Loblaws. Retail blocks "A" and "B", as identified on Attachment #2, are currently under construction. The agent has informed staff that the veterinary clinic proposes to be established in the most southerly 241.5 m2 (2600 ft 2) unit of retail block "A". 5. PUBLIC NOTICE 5.1 In accordance with the Municipality's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, written notice was given as follows: • the appropriate signage acknowledging the Public Meeting was installed on the subject property on all three road frontages. • written notice was circulated to all assessed property owners within a 120 metre radius of the area subject to rezoning. 5.2 As of the writing of this report no verbal or written inquires have been received into the application. 626 REPORT NO.: PD-54-98 PAGE3 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 The subject property is designated "Main Central Area" within the Durham Regional Official Plan. This designation permits a fully integrated array of community, office, service and shopping, recreational, and residential uses. The application conforms with the Durham Regional Official Plan. 6.2 The Clarington Official Plan has designated the property as Main Central Area within the Bowmanville urban area boundary. The Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan component of the Clarington Official Plan designates the site as Retail Commercial. The primary use within the designation is retail and personal service uses. The application conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. 7. ZONING BY-LAW 7.1 Within the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the subject property is zoned "General Commercial Exception (C1-14A)" and "General Commercial Exception (Ct-14B)". The differences between the two zones is that the C1-14A zone permits adrive-through facility whereas a the C1-14B zone does not. In addition, the C1-146 zone requires that all construction be streetfront oriented. Both zones permit a number of retail and personal services uses, but do not list a veterinary clinic as a permitted use. The veterinary clinic is proposed to be located within the C1-14A zone. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The application was circulated to the appropriate departments and agencies for comment. As of the writing of this report, comments remain outstanding from the following agencies and departments: • Regional Planning Department • Regional Works Department • Clarington Fire Department 627 REPORT NO.: PD-54-98 PAGE 4 • Clarington Hydro 8.2 The Clarington Public Works Engineering and Parks divisions have no objection to the application as filed. 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 As The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for a Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and considering the number of outstanding comments, it is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Respectfully submitted, C~ Y Q.«.~_~ ~Q_~, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. IL*FW*cc 18 March 1998 Attachment #1 -Key Map Attachment #2 -Site Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Tunney Planning Inc. 340 Bryon Street South, Suite 200 Whitby, Ontario Ll N 4P8 Mr. David Baffa Senior Development Officer 829426 Ontario Inc. 838038 Ontario Inc. do Cambridge Shopping Centres Ltd. 95 Wellington St. West Suite 300 Toronto, Ont M5J 2R2 - 628 ATTA[;HMFNT #1 ® SUBJECT SITE LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 CV `n ~ U Z ~ ~ - O U z --__~ -- °¢ ~___ ~ O UPT~C NAVE. ~ J HIS W,~ 2 m __ w z ~ -- z z O _ __ ~ g ~ ~ , C 1 y ~ ~P\~~~ W Z , ~G ~F - PG / Q O _; l , ~'\ P~ p~P~ O~~.IE ' ' - U ~ G PRWSS , _ ~ S ~~ ~Q BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP D E V _ 98-0 ~ $ 629 ATTACHMENT #2 F Y V Z Z O O 1 a, , ,I ~ it ti~ ali IR ~.. e: ~' ~j~~' ~ Q ~ i I,I, •~i i~.lj. i y~i} _€~~ CAI ~i&k F~ ilil~~t .y~,I~l i tiI ~i " € iD~sd e~l ~ ~ ~ ~_ -- _ ~•., ~x~ yy I F 9f ,..-\~ y~ I II r h, I I 'lP~~~ 1y 44 i~~ P III I'~III IIII) I'll 111 ~ a I I II n111i 111111 111 111 F I IIIIII III III!111111i1 ~'~ ~<-. 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