HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-51-98// DN:LOMBARDO.GPkHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # c~5 . Date: Monday, April 20, 1998 Report #: PD-51-98 File #: PLN 33.7.2 Subject: PLACEMENT OF FILL AT 3242 SOLINA ROAD FILE: PLN 33.7.2 Recommendations: Res. #G'~~ ' a3~ ~~ ~ By-law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-51-98 be received; 2. THAT the Waste Reduction Branch of the Ministry of the Environment be requested to amend the Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites as indicated in Section 5.2 of this Report; 3. THAT the Waste Reduction Branch of the Ministry of the Environment, Mr. John O'Toole, M.P.P., Mrs. Libby Racansky, Mr. Frank Lombardo, and any delegation and the interested parties listed at the end of this report be forwarded a copy of this report and Council's decision thereto. 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 Over the past year, Mrs. Libby Racansky has appeared before Council a number of times regarding the issue of fill from the decommissioning of the former General Motors site in Oshawa being deposited at various sites in Clarington, most specifically at 3242 Solina Road. Council's actions in respect of this issue are summarized below: • January 13, 1997 -Resolution #C-30-97 'THAT Report PD-8-97 be received; THAT the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to keep the 651 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 2 Municipality of Clarington apprised of matters relating to the placement of fill at 3242 Solina Road; and THAT the Ministry of Environment and Energy be requested to test the soil at the three sites within the Municipality of Clarington to determine the level of contamination and take remedial action if necessary." (Note: Report PD-6-97 forms Attachment No. 1 to this report.) • September 15, 1997 -Resolution #C-627-97 "THAT, as the Municipality of Clarington has received no response from the Ministry of Environment and Energy with respect to Resolution #C-30-97, the Council of the Municipality requests that the Ministry test the three locations in Clarington, and specrfically the 3242 Solina Road location, at which fill from the former General Motors property in Oshawa was placed, to determine whether the content of the fill meets regulatory guidelines". • September 29, 1997 -Resolution #C-682-97 'THAT the delegation of Libby Racansky be received and referred to staff in consultation with Councillor Hannah; and THAT, if it is determined that new information has come forward, the issue be pursued." • October 27, 1997 -Resolution #C-802-97 'THAT the delegation of Libby Racansky be acknowledged and a copy of her presentation be circulated to staff for review and preparation of a report." 1.2 This report has been prepared in response to Council's direction and to address the various issues identified by Mrs. Racansky with respect to the placement of fill at 3242 Solina Road. - 652 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 3 2. CLEANUP OF FORMER GENERAL MOTORS SITE 2.1 The City of Oshawa obtained the sRe at Bond and Mary streets from General Motors in 1985. Golder Associates was retained by the City to develop a site remediation plan for the site and to supervise the actual site cleanup. The site remediation process was developed in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and undertaken in accordance with The Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Cleanup of Sites in Ontario, issued by MOE in 1989. A site assessment initiated in 1986 found lead present in varying concentrations across the site. This was due to grading of debris after the old battery plant had been demolished. Under the 1989 Decommissioning Guidelines, fill intended for agricultural residential/parkland re-use should not have lead levels exceeding 500 parts per million (ppm). 2.2 As part of site remediation, the former G.M. site was divided into a system of 30 metre by 30 metre grid cells, and composite samples taken from each grid block were chemically analyzed to determine the nature and level of contamination. The test results for the composite samples taken from each grid cell were evaluated against the cleanup criteria in MOE's 1989 Guidelines. On the basis of this evaluation, grid cells were classrfied as follows: • material suitable for re-use as fill at agricultural/residential/parkland - designated properties; • material suitable for re-use as fill at commercial/ industrial - designated properties; • material which met the definition of hazardous waste pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act and its Regulations; 653 e REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 4 ~ material which met the definition of solid non-hazardous waste pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act and its Regulations. Material which fell into these latter two categories was not available to be used as fill and, in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act, was disposed of in a secure landfill. 2.3 The actual cleanup of the former G.M. site started on September 30, 1996 and was completed on January 13, 1997. A trucking firm was contracted to haul fill from the site to locations approved by Golder Associates. Materials which satisfied the 1989 criteria for re-use were deposited at the following three properties with the consent of the land owners - 3242 Solina Road, Clarington (14,390 tonnes); Dom's Auto Parts, Baseline Road, Clarington (71,404 tonnes); and the closed Kitson Road landfill, Oshawa (31,139 tonnes). The Solina Road site was identified as being suitable to receive agricultural/residential/parkland quality fill, while the other two sites were to receive commercial/industrial quality fill. Golder has indicated that they confirmed the zoning of the two sites which received commercial/ industrial fill. However, Golder did not specifically indicate whether they contacted Clarington Planning with respect to the zoning of the Solina Road or Dom's Auto Parts site, or whether confirmation was provided verbally or in writing. 2.4 Fill was hauled to the property at 3242 Solina Road between October 8 and October 26, 1996, and on November 18, 19 and 20, 1996, and deposited in the northwest portion of the property. The computation sheet prepared by Golder Associates indicating the weighted average lead concentration of fill shipped to the Solina Road site forms Attachment No. 2. On October 16, 1996, nine loads of fill excavated and removed from a grid cell classified as suitable for commercial/industrial re-use were 654 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 5 mistakenly deposited at the Solina Road site within a roadway being constructed to access the rear of the property. Testing of this soil before it left the former G.M. site indicated a lead level of 983 ppm. This level was above that permitted by the 1989 Guideline for agricutural residential/parkland fill (500 ppm), but below the maximum level specified for industrial/commercial fill (1000 ppm). 2.5 The suspect fill was incorporated into the roadway before it could be removed. In an attempt to isolate the fill, the consultant collected a number of soil samples of the roadway material. Testing of these samples could not isolate the suspect fill and the lead levels in the samples did not exceed 300 ppm. The consultant decided, in consultation with MOE staff, that it was appropriate to leave the fill in place. 2.6 On April 25, 1997, MOE staff obtained five grab soil samples from the area at 3242 Solina Road that had been identified as having received fill from the former G.M. site. The samples were analyzed for lead and other heavy metals and were compared to the agricultural/ residential/parkland criteria in both the 1989 and the 1996 Guidelines. This analysis indicated that no criteria were exceeded and that the lead levels ranged from 12 ppm to 140 ppm. MOE staff have indicated that they are satisfied that the property at 3242 Solina Road has not received material which would be classified as either 'hazardous waste' or 'solid non-hazardous waste' from the former G.M. site. 3. 3242 SOLINA ROAD 3.1 The subject property has an area of 31 ha (76.7 acres) and is located at the northwest corner of Nash and Solina Roads. Since 1989, the property owner, Mr. Frank Lombardo, has been filling in an old sand pit located in the northwest corner of his property. He has indicated that he intends to 655 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 6 reclaim the farm land and to eliminate liabilities related to people using the pit for swimming and driving dirt bikes and snowmobiles. The pit has an average depth of 3 m (10 feet) and an area of approximately 4 ha (10 acres). Mr. Lombardo has indicated that he and the contractor who manages the filling operation will only accept clean fill. A copy of a letter submitted by Mr. Lombardo forms Attachment No. 3 to this report. 3.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff originally investigated the filling at 3242 Solina Road in October 1996. At that time, it was determined that the filling was occurring in the north half of Lot 25, and therefore, a fill permit would not be required pursuant to Ontario Regulation 145/90. Further investigation by CLOCA staff in January 1997 indicated that Lot 25 is longer than a standard lot and that the filling was in fact, occurring in an area requiring a fill permit. 3.3 Mr. Lombardo submitted an application to CLOCA for a fill permit on January 13, 1997. The Authority delayed processing of the application pending receipt of MOE's comments on the possible presence of lead contamination in the fill. As indicated above, MOE testing has indicated that the levels of lead and other heavy metals do not exceed current provincial guidelines. 3.4 Planning Department Staff, in comments on the permit application submitted to CLOCA on October 2, 1997, referenced MOE's comments and noted that the area of the property being filled is designated 'Green Space' in the Clarington Official Plan and zoned 'A-Agricultural'. Staff indicated no objection to the issuance of the fill permit. On October 15, 1997, the Authority subsequently approved the issuance of a fill permft to Mr. Lombardo. 656 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 7 4. RESPONSE TO ISSUES IDENTIFIED BY MRS. RACANSKY 4.1 Issue -Mrs. Racansky stated that the excavation of the former G.M. site and the placement of fill at 3242 Solina Road should be subject to MOE's 1996 Guideline which permits lead levels up to 200 ppm, not the 1989 Guidelines, which permits lead levels up to 500 ppm. 4.1.1 Response -The Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites, issued by MOE in June 1996, replaces the 1989 Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Clean-up Of Sites in Ontario. MOE staff has advised that any project which began under the 1989 Guideline could be completed under that guideline. Any project that was scheduled after June 1996 would be required to use the 1996 Guideline. 4.1.2 The process to decommission the former G.M. site was initiated in 1986; specifically, the fill characterization study was conducted between 1988 and 1990. Accordingly, the 1989 Guidelines could be used to determine the category of soil quality at the site, and the subsequent placement of any soil at other sites, including 3242 Solina Road. 4.2 Issue -Mrs. Racansky has inquired as to who was responsible for determining that the fill from the former G.M. site was being deposited at appropriately designated sites. 4.2.1 Response - MOE staff has advised that, in general, they do not inspect or monitor sites that receive fill material. MOE will follow-up on information that a site may have received material which would meet the definition of waste under the Environmental Protection Act. The owner of the property receiving the fill is responsible for ensuring that the site receives only clean fill. - 657 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 8 4.2.2 The consultant for the City of Oshawa has advised that his firm was responsible for determining the appropriateness of the sites to receive fill from the former G.M. site. The trucking contractor was responsible for ensuring that the fill went to the three designated sites, although Golder did undertake random checks. Written authorization from the registered land owner of the three sites was obtained. Staff note that the written authorization from Mr. Lombardo specrfied that the fill to be deposited at 3242 Solina Road was to meet the chemical criteria for residential land use as set out in MOE's 1989 Guidelines. 4.3 Issue -Tests by an independent laboratory on soil samples taken by the Racanskys from the area of the G.M. fill on the Lombardo property indicated one sample with a lead level of 820 ppm and a second sample with a lead level of 1200 ppm. 4.3.1 Response - Staff do not have the technical expertise to comment on the test results provided by Mrs. Racansky, and must rely on the advice of MOE. In this regard, testing of soil samples undertaken by Ministry Staff indicated that the levels of lead and a number of other heavy metals did not exceed either the 1989 or the 1996 Guidelines for agricultural/residential/parkland fill. MOE has not identified the lead levels present as posing a problem requiring the soil to be removed. 4.3.2 MOE Staff have also advised that the testing of individual soil samples can show either abnormally low or high contamination levels, and thus not accurately represent the contamination level across a site. To eliminate the bias inherent in the testing of individual samples, the Provincial Guideline encourages soil samples to be collected randomly across a site and then be mixed together for the purposes of testing. The seven samples collected by the Racanskys from the Lombardo property were apparently - 658 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 9 tested individually and not as a composite sample. The test results for two of the samples indicated what MOE Staff call "hot spots" -isolated areas of abnormally high contamination which are not representative of the site as a whole. 4.4 Issue - Mrs. Racansky has stated that the fill has been deposited in a groundwater recharge area for two Coldwater streams which drain into the Second Marsh, and could contaminate area wells. 4.4.1 Response - MOE staff has advised that, in general, heavy metals such as lead do not leach from soil unless under very specific condtions, such as soil acidity of less than 2 (pH values range from 0 - 14; 7 is neutral and pH values less than 7 indicate acidity). The natural soil pH in this area is 7.5 to 8, and the pH of the soil from the former G.M. site was reported as ranging from approximately 8.2 to 8.7. Under these conditions, the lead in the soil should not leach into the groundwater, nor will lead be released to surface water should any of the soil runoff from the site. 4.4.2 Based on MOE's comment, there appears to be very limited potential for the lead in the soil to leach out and contaminate either groundwater or surface water. 4.5 Issue -Mrs. Racansky has indicated that wetland habitat used by many amphibians is being filled in. 4.5.1 Response -According to information provided by Mr. Lombardo, the area being filled is an old sand pit. Ministry of Natural Resources and Conservation Authority Staff have also advised that the fill site at 3242 Solina Road is not located within the defined boundaries of the Farewell- Black Wetland Complex. 659 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 10 4.6 Issue -The levels of DDT (0.025 mg/kg), DDD (0.011 mg/kg) and DDE (0.020 mg/kg) found in the soil samples collected from 3242 Solina Road exceed provincial guidelines. 4.6.1 Response - MOE staff have advised that no criteria exist in the 1989 Guidelines for these compounds. The 1996 Guideline indicates a maximum concentration of 1.6 mg/kg for DDT, 2.2 mg/kg for DDD, and 1.6 mg/kg for DDT in surface soils for an agricultural land use for a potable groundwater condition. The concentration of DDT, DDD and DDE found in the soil samples taken from 3242 Solina Road do not exceed the 1996 Guideline for these compounds. 4.7 Issue -Mrs. Racansky has stated that the soil samples taken from 3242 Solina Road contain many hazardous waste chemicals which are regulated by Provincial regulations. The fill should be considered as 'waste' because of the presence of these compounds and removed to an appropriate landfill facility. 4.7.1 Response -There are a number of Provincial Regulations that determine which chemicals are to be classified and handled as 'waste'. In general, under these Regulations, a material is classified as waste if the concentration of an identified chemical exceeds a limit specified in the Regulations. Therefore, the presence of a chemical identified in a Regulation does not automatically result in a material being classrfied as 'waste'. Only soil with a concentration of chemical compounds that exceeds the levels specified in Provincial regulations would be considered as waste material. 4.7.2 The Racanskys retained a consulting firm to test the soil samples collected 660 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 11 from 3242 Solina Road for a number of hazardous chemicals. MOE Staff have reviewed the laboratory results and, with the exception of DDT, DDD and DDE (discussed above), the test results indicate that the chemicals were not detected in the soil samples. A copy of Mrs. Racansky's letter, together with the laboratory results, form Attachment No. 4 to this Report. 4.8 Issue -Mrs. Racansky has requested that the fill deposited at 3242 Solina Road be removed. 4.8.1 Response -The 1989 and 1996 MOE Guidelines are not Regulations. Therefore, there is no legal requirement for a property owner to receive fill which corresponds to his land use designation - ie. a property designated for agricultural use can receive fill characterized as industrial/commercial. MOE will only get involved if the levels of contamination in the fill would result in it being characterized as waste under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act. In these circumstances, the Ministry can require the waste to be removed to a secure landfill. As noted earlier, soils testing undertaken by MOE at 3242 Solina Road indicated that the level of contamination present meets the agricultural/residential/parkland criteria under both the 1989 and 1996 Guidelines. 4.8.2 The Guidelines also do not confer on the Municipality, the right to require a property owner to remove fill. However, the Municipality controls the development of a property through the planning process. Should an application be submitted for development of a property where the presence of contamination is suspected or known, the Municipality may, at that time, require that a soils study be undertaken to ensure the suitability of the property for its intended use. The Municipality can only require the removal of soil from a property if the level of contamination in the soil is found to be inappropriate for the proposed use (eg. the 661 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 12 presence of industrial/commercial fill for a proposed residential use). In these circumstances, the Municipality can require the fill to be removed as a condition of development approval. Staff note that Sections 4.8.13 to 4.8.15 of the Clarington Official Plan provides policies regarding development proposals on potentially contaminated sites. 5. COMMENTS 5.1 Municipal Role in Decommissioning Process 5.1.1 Under the Province's Guidelines, the Municipality's role in the decommissioning of properties and the subsequent placement of fill is very limited. As noted earlier, responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Guideline rests with the owner of the property being decommissioned and the owner of the property receiving the fill. The Municipality only becomes involved in the event of a development application for the property which received the fill. 5.1.2 MOE will only become formally involved in a decommissioning process if they have a reasonable suspicion that waste material is not being handled in accordance with provincial regulation. In this regard, MOE Staff have indicated that they are satisfied that 3242 Solina Road has not received waste from the former G.M. site. 5.2 Prior Notification of Fillina 5.2.1 The depositing of substantial amounts of fill from the former G.M. site at the two properties in Clarington has understandably caused a great deal of concern among area residents. In this regard, Staff note that the Municipality was not advised of the filling prior to it occurring and therefore was not able to respond quickly to residents' questions. 5.2.2 The Province's Guidelines do not require that the Municipality receiving the 662 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 13 fill be given prior notification of the filling. The Guidelines also do not require that written confirmation regarding the Official Plan designation and zoning of a property be obtained from the Municipality prior to fill being deposited. 5.2.3 Staff therefore recommend that Council request the Waste Management Branch of the Ministry of the Environment to amend the 1996 Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites as follows: • Require the Municipal Government to be advised of the placement of fill from a site decommissioning prior to it occurring; • Require written confirmation to be obtained from the Municipality regarding the zoning and Official Plan designation of any property on which fill from a site decommissioning is to be deposited. 5.2.4 The suggested amendments to the Province's Guidelines would serve the following purposes: • Not'rfication of a Municipality prior to any filling activity would enable the Municipality to respond more quickly and effectively to residents' concerns and questions; • The requirement to receive written confirmation of a site's zoning and designation would help ensure that fill is being deposited at appropriate sites; • The notification and confirmation requirement would assist the Municipality in identifying those sites where soil investigations may be required in the event of a future development application. 663 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 14 6. CONCLUSION 6.1 Planning Staff have thoroughly reviewed the matter of the decommissioning of the former G.M. site and the depositing of fill at 3242 Solina Road and Dom's Auto Parts. This review has involved discussions with staff from MOE, CLOCA and the City of Oshawa, as well as the City's consultant, Mr. Lombardo and Mrs. Racansky. Based on this review, Staff are satisfied that the issue of filling at 3242 Solina Road has been appropriately addressed by MOE Staff. 6.2 The mandate for overseeing compliance with the Province's Guidelines rests with the Ministry of the Environment. Municipal Staff have neither the technical expertise nor the authority to become involved in filling activity in the absence of a development application. Although Staff can appreciate residents' concerns with the filling activity at 3242 Solina Road, questions and concerns in this matter are more appropriately directed to MOE staff. 6.3 The Municipality would however, like to be more informed about filling activity which occurs within its boundaries. In this regard, it is hoped that the Waste Management Branch of the Ministry of the Environment will give serious consideration to the proposed amendments to the Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites. 664 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 Respectfully submitted, ~r~~w Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS*DC*FW*df 7 April 1998 Reviewed by, PAGE 15 W.H. tockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 -Staff Report PD-6-97 Attachment #2 -Computation Sheet Regarding Lead Contamination -Golder Associates Attachment #3 -Letter from Mr. Lombardo dated December 31, 1997 Attachment #4 -Letter from Mrs. Racansky dated October 23, 1997 and lab results Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mrs. Libby Racansky 3200 Hancock Road COURTICE, Ontario Li E 2M1 Mr. Frank Lombardo 3242 Solina Road R.R. # 3 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Li C 3K4 Mr. Richard Daniels 3142 Hancock Road North COURTICE, Ontario Li E 2M1 Mr. Rod Adams Ministry of the Environment 230 Westney Road South 5th Floor AJAX, Ontario Li S 7J5 Mr. Ed Rodrigues Senior Project Coordinator Waste Reduction Branch Ministry of the Environment 40 St. Clair Avenue West 7th Floor TORONTO, Ontario M4V 1 M2 Mrs. Linda Gasser P.O. Box 399 ORONO, Ontario LOB 1 MO - 665 REPORT NO.: PD-51-98 PAGE 16 Mr. John Simmonds Director of Engineering and Environmental Services City of Oshawa Public Works Department 50 Centre Street South OSHAWA, Ontario Li H 3Z7 Mr. John O'Toole, M.P.P. 79 King Street East BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Li C 2H7 Mr. Don Wright Manager, Environmental Approvals and Planning Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue OSHAWA, Ontario Li H 3T3 bbb ATTACHMENT NO. 1 ~:~~~~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT HAND OUT Meeting: Council Date: Monday, January 13, 1997 File # Res. # Report #: PD-6~7 File #: By-law # Subject: P~pCEMENT OF FCILL FROM STAN AND LIBBY RACANSKY REGARDING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-6-97 be received; 2. THAT the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to keep the Municipality of Clarington apprised of matters relating to the placement of fill at 3242 Solina Road; 3. THAT the Interested Parties indicated in this report be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The General Purpose and Administration Committee, at its meeting of January 6, 1997, received correspondence from Stan and Libby Racansky regarding the placement of fill on lands immediately outside the Courtice Urban Area. Committee directed Staff to prepare a report on the matters raised in the letter for the January 13, 1997 Council meeting. This report has been prepared in response to Committee's direction. 1.2 The letter from the Racanskys states the following: o fill has been- deposited on five sites identified on a map as being immediately outside the Courtice Urban Area; b67 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 2 o the fill originates from the former General Motors site at Mary and Bond Streets in Oshawa; o the Racanskys randomly collected seven soil samples and had them tested; all of the samples possess lead levels in excess of provincial guidelines; o the area in which the fill has been deposited is a ground water recharge area for two cold water streams which drain into the Second Marsh; o government officials are requested to remove the soil and have it sent elsewhere where it would not contaminate groundwater. 1.3 Staff met with Mrs. Racansky to verify the location of the sites where the fill was deposited and to clarify the information provided in the letter. Mrs. Racansky indicated that soil samples were only taken from the site located at the northwest corner of Nash and Solina Roads. 1.4 Staff also participated in meetings attended by the Racanskys and representatives from the City of Oshawa Public Works Department, the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to discuss the issues raised by the Racansky's letter. 2. FORMER GENERAL MOTORS SITE 2.1 The City of Oshawa obtained the site at Bond and Mary Streets in Oshawa from General Motors in 1985. The City retained the consulting firm of Golder and Associates to test the soils on-site to determine if any contamination was present, and to oversee the clean-up and remediation of the site. This involved the removal of all the soil and other debris on the site down to native soils. - 668 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 3 2.2 The soil to be removed from the former GM site was tested for the presence of contaminants, most notably lead. The soil was graded as being suitable for either 'Agricultural/ Residential/Parkland" uses or "Commercial/Industrial" uses according to the extent of contamination present. Soil with contamination levels exceeding Commercial/Industrial standards was graded as "Waste" and was disposed of accordingly in secure waste disposal sites. 2.3 In mid-1996, a contractor was retained by the City to excavate the fill at the former GM site and to truck it to appropriate locations to tie deposited. Excavation of the site began on October 1, 1996 and finished on December 24, 1996. The City's consultant maintained staff at the site to supervise the excavation of the fill and to monitor the weight and quality of fill being removed by the trucks. 2.4 Under the terms of the contract between the City of Oshawa and the contractor, the contractor is responsible for ensuring that the sites receiving the fill are appropriate to receive the type of fill being received - for example, Commercial/Industrial quality fill could only go to lands designated for commercial or industrial uses. The contract also states that the responsibility rests with the contractor to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are adhered to with respect to the placement of the fill. 2.5 Three properties were proposed by the contractor and approved by the City's consultant to receive fill from the former GM site. Two of these sites are in Clarington - the Dom's Auto Parts property and a 31 ha property at 3242 Solina Rd (Pt. Lot 25, Conc. 3, Darlington Twp.) owned by Frank and Maria Lombardo. These two sites, as well as the other sites identified in the Racansky's letter as having received fill from the former GM site, are discussed below. - 6b9 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 4 3. LOMBARDO PROPERTY 3.1 This property was one of the five sites identified by the Racansky letter as receiving fill from the former GM site. This property received "Agricultural/Residential/ Parkland" quality fill from the former GM site. Between October 8 and 26, 1996, 802 truckloads of fill (comprised of soil, construction rubble and concrete) from the former GM site were deposited on this property. A further 126 truckloads of soil from the former GM site were deposited between November 18 and 20, 1996. A total of 14,390 tonnes of fill from the former GM site were deposited on.4he Lombardo property. 3.2 The fill from the former GM site was deposited in the central and northern portion of the property which is designated "General Agricultural Area" by the Clarington Official Plan. The extreme southern portion of the property is designated "Environmental Protection" in recognition of Black Creek and the Black/Farewell Wetland Complex. None of the fill from the former GM site was apparently deposited within or beside the wetland or the creek. 3.3 The Lombardo property is subject to CLOCA's Fill, Construction and Alteration to Watervvays Regulations. These regulations require a permit from the Authority prior to the commencement of any filling on the property. Such a permit would define the footprint and maximum contours of fill to be deposited on the land. Mr. Lombardo has not obtained the appropriate permit from CLOCA. Authority Staff have indicated that they will be discussing the matter with Mr. Lombardo in the near future. 3.4 Mr. Racansky indicated that, on October 22, 1996, he randomly collected seven soil samples from mounds of fill on the Lombardo property. Subsequent testing of the soil samples indicated two of the samples had lead concentrations in excess of the limits for Agricultural/Residential/Parkland soils as defined by 670 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 5 provincial guidelines. The Racanskys contend that these samples were taken from fill originating at the former GM site. 3.5 Documentation provided by the consultant for the City of Oshawa indicates that the fill from the former GM site destined for the Lombardo property was tested to confirm that lead levels in the soil complied with provincial guidelines. Ministry of Environment and Energy Staff have verbally indicated that they are satisfied with the documentation provided by the City in this regard. Ministry staff also indicated that the Lombardo property has received fill from a number of other sources, and therefore the soil samples collected by the Racanskys which exhibited excessive lead levels did not necessarily originate from the former GM site. Ministry Staff will discuss the matter with the property owner and determine whether a formal investigation of the fill on the site is required. 4. DOM'S AUTO PARTS PROPERTY 4.1 The City's consultant advised that approximately 65,000 tonnes of fill was deposited at the Dom's Auto Parts site in south Courtice. The fill was largely of Commercial/Industrial quality; however, some Agricultural/Residential/Parkland quality fill was also deposited here. 4.2 The Dom's Auto Parts property is designated "General Industrial Area" and "Special Policy Area D" by the Official Plan. The property is located adjacent to Robinson Creek; however, CLOCA staff have advised that this stretch of the creek is not subject to the Authority's Fill Regulations. Therefore, a permit from the Authority is not required to deposit the fill. 5. OTHER FILL SITES IN CLARINGTON 5.1 The Racansky's letter identified other four properties as having received fill from the former GM site. The consultant for the City advised that none of these properties was approved to receive fill from the former GM site, and that random ~7~ REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 6 checks undertaken by the consultant's staff did not reveal any evidence that the fill was being deposited at these or other unapproved locations. 5.2 Mrs. Racansky indicated that, on November 1, 1996, she followed atruck from the former GM site to the property at the northeast corner of Highway 2 and Hancock Road, where the fill was deposited. Staff note that this site has received a fill permit from the Conservation Authority, and is subject to Rezoning and Site Plan Application DEV 93-002 to permit the development of a golf driving range. 5.3 The consultant for the City indicated that, on that date, fill-was being transported from the former GM site to Dom's Auto Parts,and that they have no evidence that fill was not being transported to the approved site. The consultant also indicated that General Motors was also undertaking some excavation on lands the company owned immediately abutting the site being decommissioned by the City. General Motors apparently hired the same contractor as that retained by the City's consultant, and that these trucks used the same exit being used by the trucks hauling fill for the City. The consultant indicated that Mrs. Racansky may have, in fact, followed a truck carrying fill from the site being excavated by General Motors. Ministry of Environment staff indicated they would contact General Motors to determine their activities on the day in question. 5.4 The other three properties identified by the Racansky's letter are not subject to CLOCA's Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulations. Mrs. Racansky has not been able to provide evidence that these sites received fill from the former GM site. 6. CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Staff have no reason to doubt that the lead levels in the soil samples taken by the Racanskys from the property at 3242 Solina Road are above the levels permitted by provincial guidelines. However, given the extensive testing of the fill from the 672 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 7 former GM site and the fact that fill on the property has been received from several other sources, there is no conclusive evidence that the soil samples were taken from fill originating from the former GM site. 6.2 Staff also have no reason to doubt Mrs. Racansky's contention that a truck from the site in Oshawa deposited fill on the property at the northeast corner of Highway 2 and Hancock Road. However, there is some doubt as to the source of the fill. As stated earlier, the Ministry of Environment and Energy staff will follow-up this matter with General Motors. 6.3 The Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will both be contacting the owner of 3242 Solina Road regarding the placement of fill on his property. Staff from both agencies have indicated that they will keep the Municipality advised of these matters. Respectfully submitted, ~ P ~ ~.__~_.__-1~4Lt Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS*DC*FW*df 10 January 1997 Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Libby and Stan Racansky 3200 Hancock Road Courtice, Ontario L1 E 2M1 Mr. John Simmonds Director of Engineering Public Works Department City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street S. Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 3Z7 - -673 REPORT TO COUNCIL: PD-6-97 PAGE 8 Mrs. Linda Gasser P.O. Box 399 Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Mr. Dave Fumerton Senior Environmental Officer Ministry of Environment and Energy York Durham District Office 230 Westney Road South, 5th Floor Ajax, Ontario L1S 7J5 Mr. Don Wright Manager of Planning Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue Oshawa, Ontario Li H 3T3 Mr. Frank Lombardo 3242 Solina Road R.R.#3 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K4 674 ATTACHMENT NO.2 Summary of Fill Quantities Exported To Solina Road Dump Site Representative Lead Total Total Date Sample #'s* Result (ppm) Loads** Tonnage** October 08, 1996 Na 14 200.0! October 09, 1996 Na - 4l 516.53 October 11, 1996 Na - 45 563.48 October 15, 1996 Na - ]0 138.75 October 16, 1996 SPC7010.0-M D83 (verification at site) RR1026-M 300 21 264.36 October 17, 1996 TP1015-J .320 19 276.42 October 18, 1996 TP1015-J 320 TP1016-C 150 SPC1014-N-S 460 15 200.34 October 19, 1996 TP1o16-B 180 TP1016-C 150 SPC1014-N-S 460 82 1,101.61 October 2I, 1996 SPC1011-GA-S 163 SPC1010-GM-S 41 TP1015-J 320 103 1,744.21 October 22, 1996 TP1016-B 180 TP1016-C 150 TP7015-J 320 TP1015-K 110 TP1015-L 210 TP7016-R 120 119 1,912.24 October 23, 1996 TP1016-B 180 TP1016-R 120 TP1015-K 110 TP1018-H-E 280 TP1018-H-W 200 TP1021-U 240 TP1o21-V 3so 84 1,345.02 October 24, 1996 TPt021-Q < TP1021-U 240 SPC1021-V 360 133 2,052.04 • samples taken of soil fractions only. •• includes clean concrcte and cobble loads not represented by samples. Golder Associates Ltd. 675 Representative Lead Total Total Date Sample #'s* Result (ppm) Loads** Tonnage** October 25, 1996 TP1015-K 110 TP1021-V 360 TP1022-Y 250 TP1021-Q < 103 1,688.05 October 26, 1996 TP1021-Q < 13 221.40 November 18, 1996 TP1030.X 110 4 73.26 November 19, 1996 TP1030-S 75 TP1022-0 120 TP1030-X 110 Sl 845.99 November 20, 1996 TP1022-0 120 TP1022-Y 250 TP1030.S 75 71 1,246.62 TOTAL 928 14,390.33 * samples taken of soil fractions only. ** includes clean concrete and rubble -oads not represented by samples. Golder Associates Ltd. 676 Page 1 Computation of Weighted Average Lead Concentration of Fill Materials Shipped to Solina Road Site Fill Type Date Weight (tonnes) Lead Conc. (ppm) Weight x Conc. (t-ppm) Concrete OS-Od-86 200.01 0 0 Concrete 09-Od-96 516.53 0 0 Concrete 11-Od-96 563.48 0 0 Concrete 15-Od-96 138.75 0 0 Mixed 16-Od-96 110.38 300 33114 Concrete 16-Od-96 71.00 0 0 Concrete 16-Od-96 82.95 0 0 Mixed 17-Od-96 48.06 320 15379.2 Concrete 17-Od-96 228.36 0 0 Mixed 18-Od-96 200.34 310 62105.4 Mixed 19-Od-96 354.46 263 93222.98 Mixed 19-Od-96 331.52 165 54700.8 Mixed 19-Od-96 322.61 165 53230.65 Mixed 19-Oct-96 93.02 165 15348.3 Soil 21-Od-96 426.54 163 69526.02 Soil 21-Od-96 419.04 163 68303.52 Soil 21-Od-96 429.25 1D2 43783.5 Soil 21-Od-96 384.53 41 15765.73 Soil 21-Od-96 29.10 180.5 5252.55 Mixed 21-Od-96 55.75 180.5 10062.88 Mixed 22-Od-96 376.11 190 71460.9 Mixed 22-Od-96 410.85 162.5 66763.13 Mixed 22-Od-96 399.26 165 65877.9 Concrete 22-Od-96 17.75 0 0 Mixed 22-Od-96 401.06 165 66174.9 Concrete 22-Od-96 13.27 0 0 Mixed 22-Od-96 262.01 165 43231.65 Concrete 22-Od-96 31.93 0 0 Mixed 23-Od-96 314.02 180 56523.6 Concrete 23-Od-96 92.95 0 0 Soil 23-Od-96 14.43 180 2597.4 Mixed 23-Od-96 119.84 177.5 21271.6 Soil 23-Od-96 81.91 177.5 14539.03 Concrete 23-Od-96 192.90 0 0 Mixed 23-Od-96 368.24 240 88377.6 Concrete 23-Od-96 16.71 0 0 Mixed 23-Od-96 144.02 240 34564.8 Mixed 24-Od-96 426.70 200 85340 Mixed 24-Od-96 391.92 200 78384 Mixed 24-Od-96 378.11 200 75622 Mixed 24-Od-96 371.90 200 74380 Soil 24-Od-96 12.99 200 2598 Mixed 24-Od-96 352.12 200 70424 Mixed 24-Oct-96 118.30 2D0 23660 Mixed 25-Od-96 271.13 240 65071.2 Golder Associates Ltd. 677 Page 2 Fill Type Date Weight (tonnes) Lead Conc. (ppm) ` Weight x Conc. (t-ppm) Soil 25-Oct-96 29.79 240 7149.6 Concrete 25-Oct-96 82.19 0 0 Mixed 25-Oct-96 251.01 240 60242.4 Soil 25-Oct-96 103.15 240 24756 Concrete 25-Od-96 89.15 0 0 Mixed 25-Oct-96 52.69 240 12645.6 Soil 25-Oct-96 352.94 240 84705.6 Soil 25-Oct-96 403.11 55 22171.05 Soil 25-Oct-96 52.89 55 2908.95 Soil 26-Oct-96 221.40 9.9 2191.86 Soil 18-Nov-96 73.26 110 8058.6 Soil 19-Nov-96 428.41 102 43697.82 Soil 19-Nov-96 417.58 102 42593.16 Soil 20.Nov-96 425.65 185 78745.25 Soil 20-Nov-96 442.64 97.5 43157.4 Soil 20.Nov-96 378.33 75 28374.75 ' Soil concentrations below the reliability limit of 10 ppm entered as 9.9 ppm Totals: Including Concrete: 14,390.30 2,008,055.27 Excluding Concrete: 12,052.37 Weighted Average Lead Concentration: Including Concrete: 139.54 ppm Excluding Concrete: 166.61 ppm Explanation of Fiil Tvaes: Soii < 15% construction rubble Mixed 15% to 85% construction rubble Concrete 100°~ concrete Golder Associates Ltd. 678 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 December 31, 1997 Municipality of Clarington Municipal Office 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville L1C 3A6 Attention: Janis Szwarz RE: Solina Road Clean fill Site This letter is to clear up some facts about my clean fill site. i~ ~ T _ i .' I ~ w=J " `- ~r,,. MUNICIPl~LI7Y OF CLFlRlNG''TON PLANNING OFPfIRThRr.~r The reason we want the old sand pit filled in is to reclaim the farm land and eliminate the liability of kids swimming and driving dirt bikes and snowmobiles on my property. The property is zoned agriculture. The property is 76.74 acres in size with about 10 acres of the sand pit which is the clean fill site and the average depth of 10 feet. I started the clean fill site in 1989 with a sigm on the barn saying CLEAN FILL WANTED 436-2445. I received a lot of calls, of what people call clean fill and I refused them. The material that I refused went to other so called clean fill sites (dumps) in Clarington. Materials that people, contractors call clean fill was demolition waste, tires, shingles, decommission properties such as gas stations and car lots contaminated with used motor oil for dust control. As you are aware all these materials must go to a licensed landfill. The only material that 1 was accepting was topsoil, sand, clay, rocks and some concrete placed under the frost line on site. The deal with all contractors was and is that they may dump such materials on site and push the material to a grade at no cost to myself A lot of contractors would not honour this verbal agreement and were band from any future use of the site. Randy Russell did everything he said he would and took over the site in 1990 to look after it and to work with the neighbours for the final grades. I have a verbal agreement that only clean fill as above would be placed on site and to keep track were it is placed. I do not receive any money from Randy for the use of the site and I also there is no charge to me for all the equipment on site used to push and grade the material. Randy will provide references on your request on the quality of work and his work ethics. He has done work for CLOCA and MOEE. Regarding last fall incident I as the owner and Randy as the contractor did not say to the consultant of the Mary St. job that my property was zone industrial. I have stopped all fill action till this matter is closed. In the future there will be no material brought to the site that requires a soil consultant to give direction. 679 There have been a lot of he said she said in the local papers as a long time tax payer I want this matter stopped. I recommend that the Municipality put a clean fill permit in place to control all the illegal dumps and there are a few. if you require further information please call any time. ank Lombardo 680 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Stan and Libby Racansky 3200 Hancock Rd. Courtice, on. LlE 2M1 To Claring[on Council October 23, 1997 In October of 1996, fill was placed at 3242 Solina Road, Clarington. The owner of this property Failed to apply for a permit prior to receiving the fill, as was required by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). The site was zoned to receive clean fill only, yet the owner received fill which was clearly designated commerciaUindustrial fill. The owner of this property is an employee of Durham Regional Works Recycling Centre at 4600 Garrard Road in Whitby and should have been aware that a permit would have been required and that his property zoning allowed him to receive clean fill only. CLOCA was made aware in October 1996 of this industriaUcommercial fill being deposited on the site. CLOCA was made aware that a road was being constructed right up to the banks of a cold stream creek on that property, and that the fill being redistributed on the property yet did not pursue the matter until formally requested to do so in January 1997. The Municipality of Claring[on was asked to investigate this matter as a number of residents were concerned that the groundwater and therefore their drinking water would be contaminated. The husband of the Municipal Planner involved in investigating this matter on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington is employed by the Regional Municipality of Durham at the same facility as the owner of the Solina Road site as a Manager of the Regional Works Traffic Control. The Municipal Planner appears to have a conflict, and the Municipality's and the residents' best interests may not have been paramount in this matter. Any fill for Solina site should have met July 1996 Guidelines for allowable levels of contaminants. It is evident from test data that the lead levels in the soil exceed acceptable levels according to these guidelines. The soil contains many ACUTE HAZARDOUS WASTE CHEMICALS (like Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endosulfan, Endrin, Heptachlor, Toxaphene), HAZARDOUS WASTE CHEMICALS (like 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3- dichlorobenzene, 1,4 dichlorobenzene, 1,4-chloroethoxymethane, 2-ethylhexylphthalate, chlordane, 2- chloronaphthalene, DDT, DDD, diethyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate, 2,4-dinitromlene, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlororobutadiene, hexachloroethane, lead, methoxychlor, nitrobenzene, nitro-N- propylamine, 4-bromophenylether, di-N-octyphthalate), AND LEACHATE (like endriq heptachlor, lead, methoxychlor, toxaphene). This is dangerous to humans as well as plants and fish habitats. This fill has now been redistributed and the owner of 3242 Solina Road site intends to grow crops on this property. The independent MOEE investigators should review the data, assess the problems and suggest solutions that will safeguazd the groundwater resources and protect the residents from the negative impacts of soil and water contamination. A Site Specific Risk Assessment Approach (SSRA), or, Ontario Regulation 347 should be applied to this site to assess health risks posed to humans and the environment, as suggested by R. Shaw, Regional Director- I am here today to find out what are the Council members that are standing for re-election committed to doing to help the residents resolve this issue? The problem will not resolve itself. We need your help. Thank you r,C~. /`u~lnC'~~N~ Libby Racansky c¢ CLOCA, MOEE, MPP Durham East 681 LAKEFIELD RESEARCH LIMITED P.O. Box 4300, 165 Concession St., Lekerield, Ontario, KOL 2H0 Phone :706-652-2038 - FAX :705-662-6447 Libby Racausby Lakefield, April 23, 1997 3200 Hancock Courtice, Ontario, LIE 2M1 - Canada Date Rec. March 14, 1997 LR. Ref. MAR7529.R97 Attn Libby Racausby Reference EPA 625 Base Neutra Fax 905-837-6680 Project LR 9702470 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS EPA 625 -Base/Neutral No. Sample ID Limits µ4/4 Comp Sol. µ4/4 1 Aldrin - < 0.0009 0.009 2 Endrin Aldehyde < 0.009 0.009 3 Benzyl butyl phthalate < 0.45 0.45 4 beta-BHC ~ < 0.002 0.002 5 gamma-BHC < 0.001 0.001 6 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether < 2.0 2.0 7 Bis (2-chloroethoxy)meth. < 1.6 1.6 8 Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthal. < 1.8 1.8 9 Bis (2-chloroisopropyl)eth < 1.4 1.4 10 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ethe < 0.36 0.36 11 Chlordane < 0.004 0.004 12 2-Chloronaphthalene < 0.90 0.90 13 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl eth < 6.0 6.0 14 4,4-DDD 0.011 * 0.001 15 4,4-DDE 0.020 * 0.002 16 4,4-DDT 0.025 * 0.004 17 Di-n-butylphthalate < 1.5 1.5 18 1,3-Dichlorobenzene < 1.5 1.5 19 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 1.5 1.5 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene < 1.5 1.5 21 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine < 3.0 3.0 22 Dieldrin < 0.001 0.001 23 Diethyl phthalate < 3.0 3.0 24 Dimethyl phthalate < 3.0 3.0 25 2,4-Dinitrotoluene < 0.90 0.90 26 2,6-Dinitrotoluene < 0.90 0.90 27 Di-n-octylphthalate < 1.5 1.5 28 Endosulfan sulfate < 0.005 0.005 29 Methoxychlor < 0.005 0.005 30 Mirex < 0.004 - 0.004 31 Heptachlor - < 0.003 0.003 32 Heptachlor epoxide < 0.002 0.002 33 Hexachlorobenzene < 0.36 0.38 34 Hexachlorobutadiene < 0.75 0.75 35 Hexachloroethane < 1.0 1.0 36 Isophorone < 1.5 1.5 682 LAKEFIELD RESEARCH L[MITED P.O. Box 4300, 185 Concession 8t., Lakefield, Ontario, KOL 2H0 Phone :705-652-2038 - FAX :705-852-6441 NAR7529.R97 No. Sample ID Limits Comp Sol. k4/g µ4/4 37 Nitrobenzene 38 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine < 3.0 < 2 4 3.0 39 PCB-1016 . 2.4 40 PCB-1221 ND 41 PCB-1232 ~ 42 PCB-1242 ND 43 PCB-1248 ~ - 44 PCB-1254 ~ 45 PCB-1262 ~ 46 PCB-1260 ND ~ - 47 Toxaphene 48 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene < 0.4 0 4 < 0,75 0.75 * analysis indicates presence of compound ~t~ . . ~M~ on gran A MEMBER OF IAETL CANADA Accredited by the Standazds Council of Canada and CAEAL for specific registered tests. The analytical results reportetl herein re/er to the samples as received. Reproduction of this analytical report in lull or in part is prohibited without prior written appro - 683 walke~~ labo~•ato~•~~s BUFFALO, N o-19 8 divlslon of Niagara Waste Sy6lams Llmlled TEI-:(776)634-D012 P. D H O X f 0 0 T H O A a L D Q N T A R I D t 2 V 3 Y 8 NIAQAHA FAfA$, N.' crrvironmental Services _L O C A T I O N- T H D R- D L Q T O w N L I N E, NIAGARA FALL 5 TEL: (776) 285-3699 16-Apr57 /i([ALYTE Sample: 9703499.01 Mar7529COmnsollna 1,2,0-7richlore5enzene 1,2-Dichlorohenzene 1,3-Dichlwohenzene 1,4-Dkhlorobenzene 2,4-Dinffintoluene 2,6.Oinihataluene 2-Chloronaphthalana 3,3-0ichbrohentldlna 4-Bromophonyl phenyl ether 4-Chfrnophany}phany}ather .. Benryl butyl phthalate 9is(2-ohforoath wcy)methan e eis(2-r3rloraethyl)ether Bis(2-ch loraisopropyl) ether BisQ•elhylhexyl)p hthelato Di-n-butyl phMalate Dl-n-odyl phthalate Dlothlyl phNalale Dtmathyl phthalate Hexachlorodenzene Hexachlmobutadiene Hexachtoroelhane is ophorane N-Nitrosadi•n•propyle mine Nitrobenzene (Surrogate) tl10-Anthreeene (Surrogate) d3-2p-Dlchlorophenol (Surrogate) d5-Phenol (SUrmgate) dB-Naphthalene Aldrin alpha-BHC afpha~htardane beta-BHC detra-BHC - _ Dleldrln ~~---~~Lntloaulfanl -~ -~ -- Endnsulfan II Entlosulfan~sulpnato Endrin Work Order i!: 97!13199 itESULTS R Collected: LAG DET. t)MYF IN4tT5 DATE ANALYST <0,75 - ~--- ~ 0,75 mgNrg ~~~~ B-Apr97 RAS < 1.5 - 1,5 mg/kg B•Apr•97 RAS c t5 -~- _. __ 1,5 --~- _ - mglkg 8•Apr-97 RAS < 1.5 ---- -~ - -T...... 1.5 mglkg -._._.__ 8-apt-s7 ... - RAS <0.90 0.80 mg/kg 8-Apr-97 RAS < 0.90 .- ~ 0.90 --~ - mglkg B-Apr-07 RAS < 0.90 -.. - ~ ~ 0 90 mglkg 8-Apr-97 .. RAS <3.0 ._. 3.0 m91kg 8-APr-97 RAS < 0.36 0.36 mglkg 8-Apr-97 RAS <6.0 6A mglkg 9-Apt-97 ~ RAS <0.45 ~- 0.45 mglkg B-Apr-97 RAS . 1.5 ~~ ifi -- mg{hg -- 8-APS~97 ~ RAS <2.0 2.0 ._. mg/kg ~ ~ ~~ 8-APr-97 ~ RAS < 1.4 - ~ 1.4 mglkg 6-Rpr-97 RAS ~ ----~~ <1.B 7.8 mglkg 8-Apr-97 R4S < 1.5 1.5 mglkg 8-Apr-97 RAS < 1.5 ---~- -~ 1.5 mglkg ~ ~~~ 0-Apr-97 RAS - <3,0 ~ ~ ~ -~- 3.0 __ mglkg P-Apr-97 ftAS c 3.0 3.0 mglkg B-Rpr-97 RAS ~ 0.38 0.30 mglkg 8-Apr97. -- NAS - <0.75 -- 0,75 mg/kg ~ ~ 9-Apr-97 ~ ~ liAS ~ < t.0 1.D rtrg/kg 8-Apr-97 RAs < 7.5 7,5 - -._ rng4rg ~_ &APr-97 RAS <2.4 - ~ ~~ 2,4 mg/kg 8-Apr-97 RAS c 3.0 ---- - 3,0 - mq/kg 8-Apr-97 RA& Low Hlgh -~~~--~ -~ ~ - ~-- Low - HiOh Low High _ ~~ ---~ _~ Low ~~-- High < 0.0009 - 0.0009 mglkg 14-Apr-97 RAS <0.002 0.002 mglkg 14-Apr-97 RAS < ~ 002 ~_ ~ ~~ 0-002 ~ ~- mg/k9 t 4-Apr-97 RAS < 0.002 - ... 0.002 mglkg ta-Apr-97 RAS <0.004 ~ 0.004 ~ ~ mglk9 14-Apr-97 RAS ~ <O.OD1 - . .._ -__ O.OOt mglkg t4-Apr-97 RAS <0.003 0.003 mykg Pa-Apr-o7 RAS c0.002 ~ ~ ~ ~~-_-- 0.002 - mglkg 74-Apr97 RAS <0.005 --- 0.005 mglkg ra-Apr-97 RAS c 0.002 0.002 mglkg 14-Apr97 - - RAS The mformeden In Utle document may centaln legally prlvlle9ed end/or cerdldentlel Inlormatlon. It the receiver a} ihla dacumant or lax trenamlas la not the Intended redplent, he is 6arv6y nogfled that the dlahi6ution of roproduclton le abyono o[har then the eddreseee Ie etrlclly ptohlbllat 684 EtMronmental Service 16-Apr-97 uuaike~• ~a4e~•a~a~•~e~ _ division of Niagara Waste 6yalems Llmlted P. D B O X 1 D O T H ^ fl^ L^ O N T A R f r7 L 2 V 3 Y B L O C a T 1 O N T H D R O L O T O W N L 1 N E NIAGARA FALL S ANA1 VrF Endtin Aldetsyde _ .... gamma-BHC (Lindana) gamma•Chlardane Heptachlor Hepfacnlar epoYitle MBlhoxythlor Mite>< o,p'-DOT P,P''DDD R.p'•ODE P~P'-DDT Toxaphtssre (Surrogate) 1,3,5.Tr~Oromobenzenn Arertlor 101&, % of Tatai .. Aroclor 1221. Y° of Total Afoclor1232, %afTotal Aroclor 1242, % of Total Aroclor 1248, % of Total arotlor 1254, °~G of Total Aroclor 1260, % of Total Aroclor 1262, Y° of Total - PCBs, Total, mglkg ~~~--~ (Sunogate} 22'44'66-HeYabromahiphenyl (Surrogate) 22'56'-Tetrabromobiphenyi (SUrrogate) 4.8mmobiphertyl Chiadane RFCI r1 TS r 0.009 < 0.001 c 0.W2 < 0.003 _- <0.002 < 0.005 < 0.004 < 0.002 0.011 0, 020 0.025 < 0.4 64.3 __.. ND _...- ND - -.. NR _ ND ND ND - ND ND <o.tg 111 _._ 137 144 < 0.004 ,.« , . ~ . ~~ ,1 FAX: (905) 880-1916 RI ICF I n ~I V h ~....-. TEL (716) B3q-0012 NIAGAgA FALLS, N.' TEI_: (716) 205~fi99 black order #• 9703199 FJASi DET. LIMIT t1N1T5 pgT~ ANq~I 0.009 mglkg 14-Apr-g7 RAS 0.001 mgAc9 14-Apr-57 RAS 0.002 mgfk9 14-Apr-'g7 F1AS 0.003 .... mglkg 14-Ap~•97 RAS 0.002 m91k9 }4-Apr 97 RA9~__ -....._ .- 0.005 -_. in9lkg 14-Apr•97 RA5 - 0.004 mgrkg 14-Apr•97 _ Rq$ 0.002 mglkg 14-Apr•g7 RA5 0.001 -- .. mglkg 14-Apr-97 _ - RAZ v 0.002 ^ mg/kg ld-Apr-s7. RA5 0.004 - ~-- - mg/kg td-Apr-97 RAS QA mglkg 14-Apr•97. ----_- 1iAS_~ Low 42.3 High 121 -- - - it-Apr-97 RDE 11-Apr-97 '. RDE 11-Aps-97 RDE. 11-Apr-s7 ~- ROE rt-Apr-s7 RDE 11-Apr•97 RDH 0.10 i1-Apr•97 ft0E 11•Apr•97 RDE 11-Apr-97 RDE Low 35 High 1%5 Low 14 High 173 Law t5 High l73 __ --~ 0.004 mglkg 74-Apr-97 RA5 The Inlormatlon In this document may contain legally prlvllagod ancVor contldentlal Intnrmlr0on. B the replvar a1 lhla document or fax lrnnemin lc not the 6dended recipient, hn Ix hereby nolltled that the dierHhotien et rnpreduedon to anyone odror than the eddre6see le evlmly~prahlhlre 685