HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-35-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN:PLNGINFO.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #~~~-~~ Date: Monday, March 23, 1998 Res. # L ~ s~ - 1~3 ~~ Report #: PD-35-98 File #: PLN 24.7 By-law # Subject: PLANNING PUBLICATIONS AND MAPPING FILE: PLN 24.7 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-35-98 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. 1. STAFF COMMENTS 1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the variety of planning publications and mapping available to Council and the public. 1.2 The Planning and Development Department is committed to creating a responsive planning framework, providing knowledgeable and timely planning services. The collection, analysis and distribution of planning information is an integral part of the Planning and Development Department's function. Relevant and timely information assists Council, various Municipal Departments (specifically the Economic Development Office, Clerk's and Public Works), the Region, other levels of government, residents, Clarington businesses and "out-of-town" businesses in a variety of ways such as: making investment, locational and service delivery decisions as well as providing information on the planning process within the Municipality. - 623 ~. .t REPORT NO.: PD-35-98 PAGE 2 1.3 Attachment No. 1 to this report illustrates to Council: • the planning publications and mapping available from the Planning and Development Department; and • the applicable charges for the publications and mapping. 1.4 The Planning and Development Department will continue to provide this information, ensuring that the public service needs are met. Reviewed by, Respectfully submitted, f~1r~ W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer J ^ .1 r~d~~-~~-~-~~ w Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development BR*LT*FW*df 11 March 1998 624 ATTACHMENT # 1 .:PLANNING DOCUMENTS PRICE G5T!- TOTAt.': Clarington Official Plan 56.07 3.93 60.00 Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle 42.06 2.94 45.00 Clarington Municipal Street Index 37.38 2.62 40.00 Town of Newcastle Development Charges Policy Report * 42.06 2.94 45.00 Sign By-law 9.35 .65 10.00 Landscape Design Guidelines far Site Planning 9.35 .65 10.00 Amenity Guidelines for Medium & High Density Residences 9.35 .65 10.00 Guidelines for the Preparation of Neighbourhood Design Plans 9.35 .65 10.00 Bow. W.Main Cent. Area Urban Design Guidelines -Black & White 4.67 .33 5.00 Bow. W.Main Cent. Area Urban Design Guidelines -Colour 18.69 1.31 20.00 Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies in Accordance with Section 4.3.8 of the Clarington Official Plan 9.35 .65 10.00 ;OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW :PLANNING STUDIES PR1CE GST7 TOTAL; Courtice West -Highway No. 2 Corridor Study (Published April 1990) 9.35 .65 10.00 Bowmanville CAUSE Study (Published September 1991) 9.35 .65 10.00 Community Improvement Policies: Background Research (Published December 1991) 4.67 .33 5.00 Newcastle Waterfront Study Background & Options (Published August 1992) * Recommended Land Use Study (Published November 1993) * 46.73 46.73 3.27 3.27 50.00 50.00 Municipal Housing Statement Study (Published March 1992) * 37.38 2.62 40.00 Port Darlington Planning Area Studies Background Study - (Published March 1992) Secondary Plan - (Published March 1992) Implementation Strategy - (Published March 1992) 37.38 9.35 14.02 2.62 .66 .98 40.00 10.00 15.00 Bowmanville Main Central Area Study Phase I: Overview - (Published May 1992) * Commercial Market - (Published November 1992) Phase II: Development Options - (Published March 1993) * 46.73 37.38 37.38 3.27 2.62 2.62 50.00 40.00 40.00 Power Centre Analysis (Climans Group -Published August 1994) * 37.38 2.62 40.00 Clarington Commercial Project Profiles 11.21 .79 12.00 Westside Marsh Report and Recommendations 11.21 .79 12.00 Commercial Hierarchy Study (Arthur Anderson -Published June 1993) 23.36 1.61 25.00 * These documents are not in print and require 7 days no ttce 625 'OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEIM RLANNING STUDIES (cont'd) PRICE GST TOTAL Background Reports -Official Plan Review Phase 1 - 28.04 1.96 30.00 (Published Nov. 1992) * 4.67 .33 5.00 (Each Paper) Issues and Options -Official Plan Review -Phase 2 (Published Nov. 18.69 1.31 20.00 1993) 4.67 .33 5.00 (Each Paper) .PUBLIC CONSULTATION REPORTS Public Consultation Report #1 -Phase 1 -Information Centres 4.67 .33 5.00 (Published February 1993) Public Consultation Report #2 -Phase 1 -Public Attitudes Survey 4.67 .33 5.00 (Published July 1993) Public Consultation Report #3 -Phase 1 -Submissions 4.67 .33 5.00 (Published September 1993) (Revised January 1996) Public Consultation Report #4 Phase 2 -Information Centres & 14.02 .98 15.00 Submissions - (Published December 1994) Public Consultation Report #5 Phase 3 -Public Meetings and Submissions 14.02 .98 15.00 Volume 1 (Published December 1994) 14.02 .98 15.00 Volume 2 (Published December 1994) 14.02 .98 15.00 Volume 3 (Published June 1995) Public Consultation Report #6 -Phase 3 -Agency Comments on 14.02 .98 15.00 Draft Official Plan (Published June 1995) Public Consultation Report #7 -Phase 4 -Review of Public 18.69 1.31 20.00 Submissions on Draft Official Plan (Published August 1995) Public Consultation Report #8 -Phase 4 -Public Meeting & 18.69 1.31 20.00 Submissions (Published December 1995) Public Consultation Report #9 -Phase 5 -Public Meeting & 18.69 1.31 20.00 Submissions on Recommended Official Plan (Published January 1996) Public Consultation Report #10 -Phase 5 -Further Submissions & 32.71 2.29 35.00 Council Adoption of Recommended Official Plan (Published February 1996) Public Consultation Report #11 -Post-Circulation Letter from 14.02 .98 15.00 Region of Durham Dated May 23, 1996 (Published May 1996) * These documents are not in print and require 7 days no tice ': AREA COVERED SCALE' PR[GE STREET MAPS Municipality of Clarington Reduced No Charge Bowmanville 1:25,000 No Charge 626 s' AREA COYEF2ED SCALE PRICE r STREET MAPS (cont'd) Courtice 1:25,000 No Charge Newcastle Village 1:25,000 No Charge Town of Newcastle (1980) Not to Scale No Charge Bowmanville 1:7,500 11.00 Courtice 1:7,500 11.00 Newcastle Village 1:7,500 11.00 Orono 1:6,000 4.00 'BONING BY-LAW SCFFEDULES {MAPS) ZS-1: Darlington 1:50,000 2.00 ZS-2: Clarke 1:50,000 2.00 ZS-3: Bowmanville 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-4: Courtice 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-5: Newcastle Village 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-6: Mitchell Corners 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-7: Hampton 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-8: Solina 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-9: Enniskillen 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-10: Tyrone 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-11: Haydon 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-12: Burketon Station 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-13: Orono 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-14: Leskard 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-15: Kirby 1:12,500 2,pp ZS-16: Kendal 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-17: Newtonville 1:12,500 2.00 ZS-18: Maple Grove 1:12,500 2 pp ZS-19: Enfield 1:12,500 2.00 DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY MAPS Bowmanville 1:7,500 ti 00 Courtice 1:7,500 11.00 Newcastle Village 1:7,500 11.00 Darlington Township 1:20,000 11.00 Clarke Township 1:20,000 11.00 (NEWj WARD VOTERS PER POLL Ward 1 Voters Per Poll Not to Scale 1.00 Ward 2 Voters Per Poll Not to Scale 1.00 Ward 3 Voters Per Poll Not to Scale 1.00 Ward 4 Voters Per Poll Not to Scale 1.00 627 :. AREA COUEEiED SCALE PRICE M•PLANS All Municipality of Clarington M-Plans Varying 4.00 !MINISTRY OF NA'fURAt RESOURCES TOPOGR APHICAL MAPS Clarington 1:10,000 4.00 Bowmanville 1:2,000 4.00 Courtice 1:2,000 4.00 Newcastle Village 1:2,000 4.00 Orono 1:2,000 4.00 Hampton 1:2,000 4.00 .:AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS • APRIL T992 Photomosaic covering the entire Municipality of Clarington 1:30,000 .65 each (3.00 minimum) :PAMPHLETS ',HIGHWAY 407 tNFORMATION Highway 407/Transit Transportation Corridor - Route Planning and E.A. Study -Hwy. 48 to Hwy. 35/115 Not Given No Charge Oshawa/Newcastle Freeway Link -Route Planning and E.A. Study -Hwy 401 to Proposed Hwy. 407 Not Given No Charge Citizen's Guide to Apartments in Houses: Some Questions and Answers Not Applicable No Charge Citizen's Guide to Safety Standards for Apartments in Houses Not Applicable No Charge 62b