HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-27-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: SCUGOG.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, February 16, 1998 Report #: PD-27-98 File #: PLN 2.4.6 Subject: SCUGOG OFFICIAL PLAN FILE: PLN 2.4.6 Recommendations: File #~~~`~ Res. #~==,1~A-jam-~~ By-law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-27-98 be received; 2. THAT Report PD-27-98 be adopted as the Municipality's comments with respect to the Scugog Official Plan; and 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department be requested to forward it's post- circulation letter and any further revisions to the Scugog Official Plan to the Municipality of Clarington Planning Department; and 4. THAT the Township of Scugog and the Durham Region Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this report and be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On November 3, 1997 the Township of Scugog adopted a New Official Plan. The Official Plan was prepared by The Planning Partnership. Since Clarington is an abutting Municipality, the Region of Durham forwarded a copy of the Official Plan and requested the Municipality's comments. 669 REPORT NO. PD-27-98 PAGE 2 1.2 The purpose of this report is to provide our comments for the Region of Durham. This review has been scoped to deal only with the designations and corresponding policies which would have an impact on Clarington. 2. SCUGOG OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 2.1 Oak Ridges Moraine 2.1.1 Land Use Designation in Oak Ridges Moraine Within the Scugog Official Plan, the majority of lands abutting the Municipality of Clarington in the Oak Ridges Moraine are designated "General Agricultural". The Scugog Official Plan acknowledges that these lands are not considered to be of prime importance for agriculture, but are considered to have significant landscape features and views. However, farm uses are encouraged to continue. In addition, the Scugog Official Plan includes an overlay area identified as the limit of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The area is identified for the purpose of additional development standards which are applicable in this area. Neither the General Agriculture designation and the Oak Ridges Moraine line reflect the limit of the Oak Ridges Moraine in the Durham Region Official Plan or within the Province's Oak Ridges Moraine Strategy Area. Comments Those lands located on the Oak Ridges Moraine which are currently designated "General Agriculture" should be modified to a designation of "Greenlands -Oak Ridges Moraine". This would be in keeping wifh both the Region of Durham Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan. The location of the Oak Ridges Moraine should complement that which is described in the Durham Region Official Plan. 2.1.2 Non-Farm Uses in Oak Ridges Moraine The Scugog Official Plan states that non-farm uses may be permitted, in the General Agricultural Area (including The Oak Ridges Moraine). The Official Plan - 670 REPORT NO. PD-27-98 _ ___ PAGE 3 restricts the size of non-residential and non-farm uses such as industrial, commercial, and institutional uses, by water consumption. The Plan states that a use must not generate more than 4500 litres of sewage efFluent daily, and a use shall not generate non-domestic effluent. Comments The uses permitted within the Oak Ridges Moraine designation should be in keeping with that of the Durham Region Official Plan. 2.2 Aggregate 2.2.1 General Within the Scugog Official Plan, Aggregate is dealt with in Section 3.8 Lands having an aggregate licence are designated "Aggregate" on Schedule A. On Schedule "B", the "Environmental Features" map, the "Primary Aggregate Areas" have been included. The "Primary Aggregate Area" reflects the area identified as having an aggregate deposit of Primary Significance as defined by the Ministry of Natural Resources. There are two sites abutting the Clarington border which posses an "Aggregate" designation. One being on the north border of the Hamlet of Burketon, the other is located just north of an existing aggregate site in Darlington Township. 2.2.2 Locational Criteria for New Aggregate Operations The Scugog Official Plan states that when considering applications for new aggregate operations, preference will be given to those sites located within the identified "Primary Aggregate Areas". In addition, it also states that extraction operations will be restricted to areas that are not exposed to public view to preserve the scenic beauty and amenity of the area. Under the land use designation, "Aggregate", extraction activity is permitted. However, extraction activity is not defined. The Durham Region Official Plan 671 REPORT NO. PD-27-98 PAGE 4 requires an official plan amendment for some aggregate related industrial and accessory uses. The separation distance between Aggregate Areas (licenced pits) and all types of settlement areas is 120 metres (400 ft). This includes the Port Perry Urban Area, Hamlets, Country (Residential) Neighbourhoods and Shoreline Residential Areas. Comments Staff suggest that the uses permitted as an extraction activity be elaborated upon within the Scugog Official Plan. Aggregate-related industrial uses such as concrete batching plants or asphalt plants should only be permitted by amendment to the Plan. The separation distance between Settlement Areas and Aggregate Areas should be increased. New Aggregate Areas should be prohibited within a 1 km radius of Hamlets such as Burketon and 300 metres around Country Neighbourhoods. 2.3 Greenlands System The Greenlands System is described in Section 3.9 of the Scugog Official Plan. The "Greenlands System" includes natural features such as wetlands, ANSI's, significant forests, important watercourses and valley systems, ESA's, areas of significant wildlife habitat and corridors, fish habitat, and areas subject to hazards such as flooding, and slumping of soils. Further detail to the environmental features such as core and corridor areas, cold and warm water streams have been depicted on Schedule B. Comments The Municipality of C/arington supports the inclusion of core and corridor areas on the Oak Ridges Moraine. 672 REPORT NO. PD-27-98 PAGE 5 The Long Sault Forest needs to be identified as a Core Area on Map B as this would be in keeping with the Oak Ridges Moraine Area Strategy and it would recognize the significant forest block, most of which is located in Clarington. 3. CONCLUSION . 3.1 Staff recommend that the comments contained within this report be adopted by Council as The Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Scugog Official Plan. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning Department. Respectfully submitted, J r ~~,~...-P~ ~ C%~ tiL Franklin Wu, M.C.I. P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer HB*FW*cd Attach.i February 10, 1998 *Attachment #1 -Map -Official Plan Designations Within the Southern Limits of the Township of Scugog - 673 C s t N ~ ~ ~ O ~ N ~ ~-' = V C ,~ ~ .~ J O N C ~ = t C ~' C a c°~ o ~a as ~ •- ~ ,~ ~... O 674 C N '~ ~ ~ E a° J ~ ~ ~ ~z •V ~ .-. 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