HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-12-986 ~` THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~ ~ DN:LISHMAN.GPA REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #"~t4. ,~ ~ ~ ~~~ Date: Monday, February 2, 1998 Res. # jam' 9 ~ Report #: PD-12-98 File ~EV 97-058 (COPA 97-008 & ROPA 97-t~Y faw # Subject: APPLICANT•~ TUNNEY PLANN NG MONT BEHALFGOF- PAULA ELISHMAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED PART LOT 33, CONCESSION 6, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILE NO.: DEV 97-058 (X/REF: COPA 97-008 AND ROPA 97-020) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-12-98 be received; 2. THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 submitted by Tunney Planning Inc. on behalf of Paula Lishman International Limited, be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3. THAT the applicant and all persons who spoke and registered at the Public Meeting be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owner: Hannu T. Halminen, in Trust (see Section 1.8) 1.2 Applicant: Paula Lishman International Limited 1.3 Agent: Tunney Planning Inc. 1.4 Regional Official Plan: Seeking to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to designate the subject lands as a Rural Employment Area and to allow Rural Employment Uses to include fur garment manufacturing. - 609 t `' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 2 1.5 Clarington Official Plan: The applicant is also seeking to amend the Clarington Official Plan in order to add Rural Employment Area policies to Section 11 and a Rural Employment Area symbol to Map Ai (Clarke) on the subject lands. The proposed Clarington Official Plan amendment submitted by the applicant is included in this report as Attachment No. 1. 1.6 Rezoning: The subject property is currently zoned Agricultural (A) and Environmental Protection (EP) as shown on Attachment No. 2: The applicant intends to amend the zoning by-law in order to implement the above-noted development. Staff note that the Environmental Protection zone is not intended for development with the current application and the limits of the Environmental Protection zone will be confirmed by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority through a detailed review of the proposal. 1.7 Site Details: The applicant submitted a drawing in January of 1998. Pertinent information includes the following: • 2500 square metres of total floor space on two floors • an area for a septic bed and a reserve septic bed • 110 parking spaces • native species reforestation • landscaping details surrounding the proposed building and the entranceway including existing and proposed vegetation. A photocopy reduction of the site plan for the main part of the subject-site is included in this Report as Attachment No. 3. A full scale version of the plan may be viewed at the Planning and Development Department during normal office hours. 1.8 Area: The area subject to the applications is 20.54 hectares which includes a 20 hectare portion of a 84.7 hectare parcel of land owned by Hannu T. Halminen, in Trust and a 0.54 hectare right-of-way on lands owned by Robert and Jean Kingsley. A location map of the area subject to the applications is included within this report as Attachment No. 4. 610 t' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 3 1.9 Studies submitted: • Agricultural Impact Study prepared by Dale Toombs Agricultural and Rural Land Use Consulting. • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Gartner Lee Limited. • Hydrogeologic Site Assessment prepared by Gartner Lee Limited. 2. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 2.1 The lands subject to the applications are located in Part of Lot 33, Concession 6, in the former Township of Clarke (See Attachment No. 4). The lands subject to the application were at one time used for aggregate extraction but the lands are currently vacant. A small pond is present on the site to the south of the proposed location of the earth-integrated structure. Much of the topsoil has been removed from the site, due to the previous aggregate extraction operation. 2.2 The surrounding land uses include: North - Agricultural and rural residential uses along both sides of Concession Road 7. Former aggregate extraction site located to the north-west of the subject lands. A private airstrip is also located to the north. South - Closed Municipal landfill site (former Township of Clarke). Wildlife Education Centre south of Taunton Road. Rural residential uses on both sides of Regional Road 4. Open Space and agriculture on the south side of Regional Road 4. East - Boy Scout Camp immediately to the east along the Wilmot Creek valley. Trailer camp with 8 seasonally used trailers/cottages. Agricultural and rural residential uses along Leskard Road. 611 r - ~ REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 4 West - Agricultural and rural residential uses along Regional Road 4, the Darlington-Clarke Townline and Nixon Road. Farm Implement Dealership is located on Regional Road 4. Two private airstrips are also located to the west of the subject site. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 In July of 1997, the applicant applied for an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan. The proposed amendment contemplates the introduction of a Rural Employment Area symbol. In July of 1997, the applicant also applied with the Municipality of Clarington Planning and Development Department in order to amend both the Clarington Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 to implement the proposed Durham Regional Official Plan amendment. 3.2 The statutory public meeting with respect to the Official Plan Amendment application (COPA 97-008) and the zoning amendment application (DEV 97-058) was held on September 8, 1997 at the Municipal Administrative Centre. Resolution GPA-469-97, as endorsed by Council on September 15, 1997, referred the applications back to staff for further processing. 3.3 On September 16, 1997, the Regional Municipality of Durham held the statutory public meeting with respect to the Regional Official Plan amendment application (ROPA 97-020). 3.4 On October 14, 1997, following the delegation of four concerned area residents Council passed the following resolution: THAT the delegations of Bill Woods, Rhonda Hooper, Dan Hooper and Linda Gasser be acknowledged; THAT staff prepare a status report on the applications submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Lishman in order to address all questions raised by the residents; - b12 ~ REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 5 THAT a further public meeting be held pertaining to this matter; and THAT Bill Woods, Rhonda Hooper, Dan Hooper and Linda Gasser be advised of Council's decision." 3.5 On December 4, 1997 the applicant initiated a public information meeting at the Orono Town Hall. Approximately 60 area residents attended the meeting. 3.6 In accordance with the Council direction of October 14, 1997, staff scheduled a second public meeting for Monday February 2, 1998. Notice of this meeting was mailed on or before Friday January 2, 1998 in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. 4. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 4.1 The Department has received a large number of submissions and comments with respect to the proposal. These submissions are available for review in the Planning and Development Department. In order to assist Council to understand the nature and background of the submissions, staff have prepared the following table: NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS BY DISTANCE FROM SITE Within 1 km Between 1 km & 3 km Between 3 km & 5 km Outside of 5 km Outside of Clarington Total Opposed 12 42 21 105 67 247** Support 3 39 4 4 0 50*** * All figures include submissions received up to January 16, 1998 ** Total excludes7unreadablesignaturesandpersonswhoseprimaryresidenceorbusiness could not be determined. *** Total excludes 12 unreadable signatures and persons whose primary residence or business could not be determined. 613 b ` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 6 4.2 Names of the persons who signed petitions or submitted comments with respect to the proposal can be found in Attachment No. 5 to this report. 4.3 Issues expressed by those in opposition included the following: • increased traffic along Taunton Road • the possible introduction of traffic lights on Taunton Road • costs associated with improvements to Taunton Road and the existing bridge and the lack of a financial plan regarding the applicant's obligations • the proposal's proximity to the closed municipal landfill site and the former aggregate extraction site • the removal of prime land from the agricultural land base • increased noise • future development • impacts upon water supply • dye disposal and storage of chemicals • tanning and dyeing of hides • the perceived treatment of the applications as a priority • the conflicting information regarding the size of the subject lands • the amount of frontage on Taunton Road • further information on employment with the company • the scope of the operation • safeguarding water quality from tanning and dyeing operations • the lack of an Environmental Impact Study • ultralight aircraft activity • expropriation • rural location as opposed to industrial park location • rural employment areas allow other uses • loss of privacy • Section 13.2.6 of the Durham Regional Official Plan Each of the above-noted concerns and/or comments will be elaborated upon in Section 8 of this report. 4.4 The rationale expressed by those in support of the application included: • growth • job creation • increased revenue through taxation • future land development -housing and business • assistance in Orono's desire for sewers 614 f' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 7 • the denial of the application will send the wrong message to the business community 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject lands are designated Permanent Agricultural Reserve. Lands so designated are intended to be used for agriculture and farm-related uses. An amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan is required in order to permit the proposal. 5.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands are designated Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection. Lands designated Prime Agricultural are intended to be used for farm and farm-related uses. The Environmental Protection designation corresponds to the tributary of Wilmot Creek and the on- site pond. An amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is also required in order to permit the proposal. 5.3 Both Plans have numerous policies which are applicable, dealing with matters such as economic development, the environment, the agricultural areas and the rural employment areas. The applicable policies of both plans will be considered in relation to the proposal. 6. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the lands subject to the current applications are currently zoned in part Agricultural (A) and in part Environmental Protection (EP) as shown on Attachment No. 2. 6.2 These zone categories do not permit the development as desired by the applicant and hence the applications propose to amend the zoning to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendments. 615 I ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 8 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan was circulated for comments by the Regional. Municipality of Durham. Concurrently, the proposed Clarington Official Plan amendment and the proposed zoning amendment was circulated in order to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following provides a brief summary of the comments received as of the writing of this Report. 7.2 Durham Regional Planning Department The Durham Regional Planning Department forwarded a letter dated October 3, 1997 which advised that there was a related Regional Official Plan amendment application. The letter also forwarded the comments of the Works and Health Departments which had been received. These comments will be elaborated upon in the following subsections. However, the letter did not provide any comments on matters of provincial interest. A subsequent letter was received from the Regional Planning Department on January 9th., 1998 which detailed the matters of Provincial interest. The letter indicated the following: • The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has examined both the Phase 1 ESA and the Hydrogeologic Site Assessment and have indicated no concern with any migration of leachate from the adjacent closed municipal landfill site to the subject site. • The MOE has concerns however with the potential for gas migration from the landfill site and feels the issue was not adequately addressed. Additional information such as fill area configuration, detailed site plan and appropriate control measures is required. (We understand the applicant is currently addressing this issue through gas measurement on site.) • The proposal meets the Agricultural Code of Practice for Minimum Distance Separation requirements. It is noted that the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has also reviewed the application and the accompanying Agricultural Impact Study and indicates no concern with the proposed land use. 616 ~' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 9 • The Region's review of the site characteristic demonstrated that there is no significant potential for archaeological remains. The Ministry of Citizenship Culture and Recreation has concurred with this conclusion. • The Regional Health Department has forwarded its comments which is discussed in Section 7.5 of this Report. 7.3 Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation The Ministry, in a letter to the Regional Planning Department dated October 8, 1997, advised that they had no objection to the proposal but noted that there were concerns for archaeological resources that may be impacted by the development following approval. Consequently, the Ministry recommended the inclusion of a standard archaeological resource condition within any implementing municipal agreement such as the site plan agreement. However, the Ministry subsequently forwarded a second letter to the Regional Planning Department dated October 14, 1997 in which the Ministry withdrew their previous comments, based upon the review of additional information. As noted in Section 7.2, the Regional Planning Department notes that the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation has offered no objection to the proposal and has no conditions to impose.. 7.4 Durham Regional Works Department Staff conducted a site inspection of the property and determined that there is a sight line deficiency. In order to correct the deficiency and provide acceptable sight lines, the re-construction of Taunton Road is required. This would involve re-profiling the road and the existing grades such that an acceptable design speed could be accommodated. The total cost of such improvements is estimated at approximately $200,000 to $260,000. Durham Regional Works has advised that this section of Taunton Road had previously been identified by the Region as a candidate location for improvements. Regional Works also noted - 617 '' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 10 that there exists adequate capacity at an acceptable level of service on Taunton Road to accommodate the proposal. As a result, the Durham Regional Works Department offered no objection to the proposal and noted that a financial arrangement with the applicant will be finalized through the site plan approval stage, should the applications receive the support of the municipal and Regional Councils. 7.5 Durham Regional Health Department In a letter dated October 6, 1997, Health Department Staff advised that the Hydrogeologic Site Assessment needs to clearly state whether or not the proposal requires a greater in-depth assessment pursuant to the MOE's B-7 Guidelines. In addition, the report contained insufficient information and discussion on the design features of the private sewage system. The applicant has been requested to address these issues. We understand this information has recently been submitted to the Health Department.. 7.6 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority The Authority offered no objection to the proposal but notes that the following information will be needed prior to site plan approval: • detailed stormwater management,sedimentation and erosion controls; • floodplain information; and, • access to the site. 7.7 Clarington Public Works Department It has no objection to the proposal but notes that through the site plan approval process the applicant will need to: • ensure the suitability of the entrance location • provide written approval from Durham Regional Works for entrance location 618 ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 11 • provide an acceptable grading and drainage plan • provide a performance guarantee for the following external works - entrance illumination - entrance construction 7.8 Fire Department It advised that fire protection would be provided by the Orono station which is staffed with part-time firefighters. In the event of a major incident, support would be provided by the Bowmanville and Enniskillen stations. Although, the department offered no objection to the proposal, it was noted that storage of any chemicals required for processing will need to be provided in accordance with Part 4 of the Ontario Fire Code.. 7.9 Ontario Hydro Ontario Hydro has verbally advised that they would review the proposal with respect to power supply should the application proceed to the building permit stage. 8. CONCERNS AND COMMENTS EXPRESSED BY THE PUBLIC 8.1 Planning Staff has undertaken a review of the issues and comments expressed by the public. These have been summarized in the following sections. 8.2 Increased traffic along Taunton Road As noted in Section 7.4 of this report the Durham Regional Works Department advised that there exists adequate capacity at an acceptable level of service on Taunton Road to accommodate the proposal. 619 i '` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 12 8.3 Possible introduction of traffic lights on Taunton Road This concern has been forwarded to the Regional Works Department. As of the date of this report a response from Regional Works Department is still pending. 8.4 Costs associated with improvements to Taunton Road and the existing bridge and the lack of a financial plan regarding the applicant's obligations Several submissions raised the issue of the cost associated with improvements to Taunton Road and the existing bridge on Taunton Road which is located to the east of the subject lands. Subsequent submissions inquired as to the costs associated with these improvements and whether or not a financial plan has been filed with the Region or the Municipality detailing the applicant's ability to fulfil his obligations. Taunton Road is under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham. The need for a financial plan is a matter to be determined by the Region. 8.5 The proposal's proximity to the closed municipal landfill site Concerns have been expressed regarding the proximity of the proposal to the closed municipal landfill site. Gartner Lee Limited prepared a Hydrogeologic Site Assessment which concluded that the direction of groundwater flow is to the south, away from the landfill site. In addition, it was concluded that given the distance between the test wells and the landfill, any contaminated groundwater could not reach the test wells. With respect to gas migration, the Assessment concluded that the pond acts as a barrier to preclude the movement of subsurface gas in a northerly direction. As noted in Section 7.2 of this report, the Region has advised that the MOE has requested more information. - 620 ,~ ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 13 8.6 The removal of prime land from the agricultural land base These concerns were expressed primarily due to the designation of the property as Permanent Agricultural Reserve in the Durham Regional Official Plan and Prime Agricultural in the Clarington Official Plan. The applicant has asserted that the designations do not accurately reflect the capability of the soil to sustain agriculture. Staff visited the site and confirm that the site exhibits previous gravel extraction activities and is generally void of top soil. An Agricultural Impact Study was prepared by Dale Toombs, a qualified agricultural and rural land use consultant. The report indicated that when proposing non-farm rural residential development, the proposal needs to: • meet the minimum distance separation formula and be well removed from agricultural uses so as not to impede agricultural practices and introduce potential conflicts; and, • be located on poorer quality agricultural soils so as not to consume the basic agricultural resource. The report concluded that the site meets both criteria. As noted in Section 7.2 of this report, the Region has advised that the report has been found to be acceptable. 8.7 Increased noise The possibility of increased noise due to increased activity associated with the private airstrip was raised as an item of concern by several area residents. Staff note that increased noise due to the fur garment manufacturing facility was not raised as a concern. Although private airstrips are not licensed, they are regulated by the Federal Government. Staff researched the pertinent legislation (Air Regulations and Aeronautics Act) and determined that the Municipality cannot prohibit the use of an airstrip through any form of municipal regulation including U2~ ~' REPORT NO.: PD-12-S8 PAGE 14 the zoning by-law or the official plan. This conclusion was subsequently verbally confirmed by staff of Transport Canada. 8.8 Future development The current owner of the property, Hannu T. Halminen, approached several area residents with a model which details the future development of his total holdings, including not only the proposed fur garment manufacturing facility but also. a residential subdivision with vehicular access from Concession Road 7. This proposed development has also been referred to in the background reports and technical studies submitted by Tunney Planning and the model was also present for viewing at the resident's meeting held by the applicant at the Orono Town Hall on Thursday, December 4, 1997. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the scope of the current applications does not include any development other than the proposed fur garment manufacturing facility. Should the owner wish to apply for such a development, it will be subject to all regulatory planning processes. A concern has also been expressed that the approval of the fur garment manufacturing facility would merely be "the foot in the door" and any future development applications would therefore, also be approved. In that regard, staff note that each application is reviewed on its own merits. The review and subsequent approval or denial of the current applications in noway prejudices the Department's review of any future development applications. 8.9 Impacts upon water supply in order to determine the impacts upon groundwater supply, the Hydrogeologic Site Assessment made the following assumptions: • a maximum of 100 employees on site with an average usage of 75 litres per person per day; • no shower facility on site for employees; and - 622 S ~ REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 15 • a maximum of four industrial washing machines averaging 10 loads per day with two 8 litre cycles per load. The assumption of 75 litres per person per day is an industry standard and includes consumption as well as the use of a toilet. These assumptions were then analyzed and it was determined that the fur garment manufacturing facility would require 8.22 m3 of water per day. The Hydrogeologic Site Assessment, relied in part on a previous report prepared by GeoCor in 1992. During the preparation of the GeoCor report, four test wells were drilled and pumped. The wells were found to provide the following yields: Test Well 1: 196 m3 of water per day Test Well 2: 130 m3 of water per day Test Well 3: Bedrock (no potable water) Test Well 4: 57.6 m3 of water per day With the exception of Test Well 3 which was drilled into bedrock at a depth of 69 metres, it can be seen that all of the wells greatly exceeded the requirements of the fur garment manufacturing facility. As noted in Section 7.2, the Region has advised that further analysis is required to confirm the findings of the Hydrogeologic Site Assessment. 8.10 Dye disposal and storage of chemicals The disposal of dye was considered by Gartner Lee Limited during the preparation of the Hydrogeologic Site Assessment since the proposed method of disposal is a septic system. In that regard, Gartner Lee examined the dye composition to determine if it contained any critical contaminants as defined by MOE. A critical contaminant is defined as an element or compound, whose - b23 REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 16 concentration exceeds a certain limit established by the MOE, and is subsequently discharged to a body of water. Gartner Lee Limited determined that the amount of dye, combined with the amount of water used and the amount of the receiving water rendered the concentrations within acceptable levels. As noted in Section 7.2, the Durham Regional Planning Department only advised the Assessment was found to be inadequate with respect to the migration of gas from the closed Municipal landfill site, measurement of which is apparently underway With respect to the storage of dye and chemicals, staff note that the Fire Department has advised that Part 4 of the Ontario Fire Code requires the safe storage of all chemicals in accordance with a safety data sheet. This requirement can be implemented through the site plan approval process, should the development receive approval from Council and Regional Council. 8.11 The perceived treatment of the applications as a priority At the Public Meeting, and subsequently at the Planning Department's counter a few residents expressed concern that staff were treating the applications as a priority. In that regard, staff note that on April 19, 1993 Council passed Resolution GPA-247-93 which states: "That all Department Heads and all Staff deal with Commercial and Industrial applications as top priority." Staff also note that all applications are processed as expeditiously as possible, in light of the 90 day time-frame for review permitted by the Planning Act as amended by Bill 20. The applications were received on July 25, 1997 and the 90 - b24 ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 17 day time-frame for review lapsed on October 22, 1997. As of February 2, 1998 the Municipality has been reviewing this application for 193 days. 8.12 The conflicting information regarding the size of the subject lands When the applications were received by the Department, there was some initial confusion as to the size of the subject site. This confusion was due primarily to the conflicting information provided in the various background reports. In that regard, for the benefit of the public, staff requested the applicant's agent to submit a letter confirming and detailing the size of the subject lands. As indicated in Report PD-110-97, when the applications were submitted the area subject to the applications was a 19.2 hectare portion of an 84.7 hectare parcel of land. The applicant subsequently submitted a letter in December of 1997 which revised the area subject to the applications. The area subject to the applications is now 20.54 hectares (See Section 1.8). 8.13 The amount of frontage on Taunton Road The applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 were received in July of 1997. Section 2 of the zoning amendment application form requires the provision of information regarding the dimensions of the property. The application form, submitted by the applicant, states that the subject lands has 12.34 metres of frontage on Taunton Road. Through the review of the applications, staff noted a discrepancy between the stated frontage on the zoning amendment application form and the amount of frontage indicated on the assessment mapping. Staff subsequently requested clarification from the owner and his agent, who later confirmed that the subject lands have only 5.02 metres of frontage on Taunton Road. However, the owner, - X25 REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 18 and his successors in title, do enjoy a 7.32 metre right-of-way over the easterly abutting property owned by Robert and Jean Kingsley. The 5.02 metres in the ownership of Hannu T. Halminen in Trust and the 7.32 metre right-of-way, cumulatively total the 12.34 metres of "frontage" referred to in Section 2 of the zoning amendment application form. 8.14 Further information on employment with the company Several submissions also requested information regarding employment. The Planning and Development Department forwarded the request on to the applicant who provided the following information. At the time that the applications were submitted, Paula Lishman Limited had 170 full time employees. Of these employees, 100 worked out of their residences while the Blackstock, Port Perry and North Port facilities cumulatively accounted for the remaining 70 employees. As of December 1, 1997, Paula Lishman Limited has 200 full time employees with 120 employees working out of their residences while the Blackstock, Port Perry or North Port facilities cumulatively account for the remaining 80 employees. The company anticipates that all of the existing employees would remain with the company should the applications be approved. The application package submitted by Tunney planning Inc. indicates that the proposed new facility is intended to accommodate 100 employees. 8.15 The scope of the fur garment manufacturing operations Several submissions also requested information regarding "the scope of the fur garment manufacturing operations." The applicant has responded that operations of the facility include: • product design ~~~ ` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 19 • product cutting • product knitting • product assembly • product finishing and shipping The facility would also include the corporate offices and a showroom. The term consolidation referred to consolidating the Blackstock, Port Perry and North Port facilities into one location. 8.16 Safeguarding water quality from tanning and dyeing Several submissions also requested information regarding what safeguards would be established should the tanning and dyeing of hides occur on the premises. We understand that the Paula Lishman operation does not include any on-site tanning, nor have they applied for this use to be permitted. Specific zoning regulations could prohibit on-site tanning. With respect to dyeing, we understand that their operation does include the use of water-based dyes for touch up purposes. Gartner Lee Limited has addressed this concern which is summarized in Section 8.10 of this Report. 8.17 The lack of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Several residents have questioned why the Planning Director did not require an EIS given the presence of a tributary of Wilmot Creek. Prior to making the decision, staff reviewed the following material: • Map C to the Clarington Official Plan • Section 4 of the Clarington Official Plan • Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies - b27 ' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 20 Map C identifies the approximate location of known natural features and land characteristics. Section 4.3.8 of the Clarington Official Plan states that an EIS shall be required for development applications located within or adjacent to any natural feature identified on Map C. The proponent's application covers a large land area but only a relatively small portion of the site will be developed. The applicant indicated that development activity would not be located in proximity to the natural features of concern, specifically table land woodlots, streams and valleylands. Consequently, the Director therefore advised the applicant's consultant that the EIS would not be required if the proposed building is located some distance away from the tributary of the Wilmot Creek. Based on the draft site plan which has been submitted, it has been determined that the proposed building will have a setback in excess of 50 metres from the tributary. Although the applicant is not required to submit an EIS, the applicant has submitted a Hydrogeologic Site Assessment Report which addresses the issues of water supply, septic disposal, baseflow interference, landfill plume and landfill gas, all of which would have been investigated through an EIS. 8.18 Ultralight aircraft activity Several submissions were received in early January of 1998 in which concerns were expressed regarding ultralight aircraft activity on the site. At the Orono public information meeting, Mr. Lishman commented that he intended to store as many as eight ultralight aircraft on the site. The submissions questioned when a public meeting would be held to determine the scope of the ultralight activity. As noted in Section 8.7 of this Report the ~~$ ~' REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 21 Municipality of Clarington does not have the legislative authority to regulate the use of land with respect to a private airstrip. 8.19 Expropriation Several submissions also inquired as to discussions regarding expropriation from adjacent property owners in order to satisfy entrance and access requirements. Staff advise that Taunton Road is under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and not the Municipality of Clarington. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff confirm that there has not been any discussion with the applicant and/or his agent regarding expropriation. 8.20 Rural location as opposed to Industrial Park location At the public information meeting, several residents inquired as to why. the applicant was proposing a rural location as opposed to a site in an industrial park. Mr. Lishman responded that Paula Lishman International Limited has spent several years fostering a corporate image which embraces the combination of nature and industry in harmony. This image has been enhanced by Mr. Lishman's involvement in Operation Migration and the motion picture Fly Away Home. Mr. Lishman feels that the proposed earth integrated structure would draw attention to the site and make a statement about the company's image with respect to the environment and land stewardship. 8.21 Rural Employment Areas allow other uses This issue was raised at the Orono public information meeting. The implication is that the rural employment area symbol in the Regional Official Plan would allow for a wider range of industrial uses and not just fur garment manufacturing. The concern is that the subject site is such a large parcel of land that it could easily accommodate more than one facility and become amulti-use site. In order to deal with this concern, Council could approve the application but place limits on b29 `` ,REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 22 not only the permitted uses but also on floorspace. This is usually accomplished through the implementing zoning by-law but could also be accomplished through a site specific Official Plan Amendment. 8.22 Loss of Privacy The westerly abutting property owner along Taunton Road expressed a concern that the approval of the application would impact upon his rural lifestyle. Although the applicant expressed opposition to the proposal, he also expressed a desire to discover a solution to the problem. The Director contacted the resident and advised the resident that his concerns with respect to loss of privacy would be addressed at the Site Plan Approval stage, if and when the Official Plan Amendment was approved. The Director also assured the resident that he would be contacted at that time and would be able to participate in and have input into the Site Plan Approval process. 8.23 Section 13.2.6 of the Durham Regional Official Plan The Municipality has received a submission which commented that Section 13.2.6 of the Durham Regional Official Plan required a region wide analysis which demonstrates the need for and amount of rural employment development, identifies appropriate types of rural employment uses and assesses the long term cumulative impact of such development on municipal servicing costs and the natural environment. This matter is currently being reviewed by the Durham Regional Planning Department. 630 ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 23 9. CONCLUSION 9.1 Staff have received numerous technical studies with respect to the proposal. The Agricultural Impact Study was found to be acceptable by the Region of Durham and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. In addition, the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment has been found to be acceptable by the Region of Durham and the MOE. However, the submission of additional information is still required prior to considering the Official Plan Amendment and rezoning applications and subsequent to that, a site plan approval application. In summary, the required information is as follows: Further information reauired ariorto considering the Official Plan Amendment • additional hydrogeological work for MOE and the Durham Regional Health Department including subsurface/surface water quality parameters, preliminary siting and design features of the septic system and test well information. • additional information for MOE on gas migration from the closed municipal landfill Further information required at the Site Plan Approval stage • a geotechnical study for the Regional Health Department detailing sewage design • satisfactory financial arrangements with respect to the road improvements on Taunton Road • further information on detailed stormwater management including sedimentation and erosion controls, floodplain, the access road, and any other information required bythe Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority • a complete set of site plan approval drawings including: 631 ~` REPORT NO.: PD-12-98 PAGE 24 - site plan - elevations - grading plan - drainage plan - landscaping plan stamped by a member of the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects • any further details requested by public agencies. 9.2 As the purpose this report is to provide a status of the applications for the Public Meeting and in consideration of the outstanding issues, it would be in order to have the applications referred back to staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, .` 11 - ~' iJ ~ ~ti ~~ ~---~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer WM*FW*cc January 20, 1998 Attachment #1 - Proposed Clarington Official Plan Amendment as submitted Attachment #2 - Existing Zoning Attachment #3 - Proposed Site Plan Attachment #4 - Location Map Attachment #5 - Detailed list of the objectors and supporters - b3~ ATTACHMENT NO. 1 DRAFT Amendment No. to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan The Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington is hereby amended as follows: i) In Section 11: Employment Areas, add a section following 11.6 General Industrial Areas as follows: 11.7 Rural Employment Areas 11.7.1 Rural Employment Areas may be permitted in Agricultural Areas by amendment to this Plan provided that: a) they access onto a Regional Road; b) they are not located on high capability agricultural lands; c) they conform with the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae; d) they do not adversely impact the ability of surrounding agricultural operations to carry on normal agriculture practices; e) they do not impact significant natural features and minimize impacts on watercourses, groundwater resources or other environmentally sensitive features; f) they are individually serviced with a private sewage disposal system and private drilled well which complies with the standards of the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Regional Municipality of Durham. ii) In Section 11.7.1, inserting after the words All Employment Areas, the words "with the exception of Rural Employment Areas" iii) Renumbering all of section 11.7 to 12.7 iv) Adding an appropriate symbol and legend to Map AI (Clarke) Land Use to identify a Rural Employment Area within the south half of Lot 33, Concession 6. -633 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 EXISTING ZONING 35 34 33 32 31 30 -1 Q A-1 ~~ ~~ ~I A-I ~ ~ °~ EPT ~i O U w " z ~ o C SI N OAD ~ I Qo ' II ~ ~ I ~ ii w A-11 E ~ ~ i - - co ~ ~ o ' ii ~ g Z Ai ~~ A - o ~ ~ o o ~ ~ can ~ i ii ~ w Z ' A' ~~ J A z ~ ii ~ ~ O o ~i ~ U RC i i A-52 i ~ P RC i~ I 4 ~ TAUN 0 i ROAD ~ A EP i i A ~i ' ~ I I ~ U ~ ~ i~- ~ ~ U ®SUBJECT SITE s COPA. 97-008, DEV. 97-058 ROPA. 97-020 634 n ATTACHMENT NO. 3 e e ~~ ~. S 1 ° ~ ~yg a < YC g~g~ ~ ~ ~~ 1~ }oElj ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ F7 9 6' 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ <;~8 o- a M N ~ ~ o B R N33a7 lOW~1M $ 0 (Q3l 3ntle1 lOW EE QNV 2E S101 N33M1 3JNV/1011Y ~V08 ~~ '~~----- ------------ 1--- ----------- ~' ,1~1_~ ---------- -~~~ JAL ~ ~ - \,~ .~`~- , LP L_ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~ ` ~ J ---- ~ - \ - ____~_____ ~ j ,~ '~ ~ _- j r ~ ~ ,~ ,_~ ~ ~ r ~'~,~ IG ,. ~ 1 ~, ~a i- ~/~~ ~E i i i ~~ n II , iu ~`LS 3 i .. ~. ~~ ~~~/ ~ ~' ~ 1 ~\~, i .• ~---. ~r~ ~ t,/ ~ ~ ~ r \ -- - ~~ i , ~~-rT ~~ 1~ r~ ~NOo ~ % ~...... ~~ ~-~ ~ ___-______ > ~ ~ r ~~~i J ~~YY ~p( \ ~~ ~~J ~ 3 ~ i ~ ~ fl ~ ~~ ~\ I (, ~~ ~ ~_ i ;; 635 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 ,, . , LOCATION MAP SHOWING SURROUNDING LAND USES 35 34 33 32 31 30 ~,• . ,__ 4<_ _ ~ r I ~ - ''~ - G ,~ _ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ , ~ ~, ~"~ ~ Z <.~ O I ~. ~ r~CONCESSI~N RO '~~ ` ~• ' ' ~ U i •~~ •%•- ~ Forest ~ d ':. ,- ~:: ~ ~ ~ ~ F: ~ Area - ~ ' :~ o , Hal-n~ 'I o I Q n - Air ~ ~ ' :- O -~ ~+ ~ z.~ _ ~ C , . ~ ~~ ~ . ~ W ~ ru ~~ ~ ~ C a ti ~ Ai - r ~ ti _ i ~ K . V' e ry _ ~ ~ t ~tiplStrip - _ t ~ ~ o I ~. ..., ~~ .; a ~ : ... I, _ ~ ,Q ' z }:. _ ~~ ~ w .Y : e X G. n a r ~) ~ ' + - ~ d • SCO[~It ~ ~ Z _ -Camp Site I U ~~ King{sley ~' ' f I Trail`~er Si~e ti's ~ sed Myrnieipal a ~~ -ndfill Srte ' ' ~ ~ ' •, I r r:. ~ '•~ TAUN ON ROAD ~ j ~e ' o r I ~ U it%Olq t ~ ~ Z ~_. .-0 ~ ` Z ~ ~ N I = . i ~ - E Q ; s - 636 ATTACHMENT N0.5 .e s m 0 a o ~ N m L W N Y C I~ f0 m O D O N N ~` E N J O_ -O -O ~ U p ~ ~O ~'~~"O O.D~~OON~ .. ~3y mc~c~mm ~ mw~m ¢ ro ~ m m U [CFOOY¢~Vi~~C7¢~~ H O 4 F N Z ~ U c O Y N V1 N N N N C ~ -6 d d ~ 'O a W U L I.~ O C UN O N~ N 'CY- N N U .-N« R.n.. -Q °o °o a.a c O y U) C7 ~ =~ CJ ~~ U m ~ 4 O N O » a~ ~ J Z -O O U a~ U ¢ O O U . w N (rl C N N O O> L~ C O L N E E O j N U N N N~ C O Y U J ~ V m J~~~= 2 x x >.(n N S F ¢- W~~ U U m¢ F J O. ~ 2i Z~> m c N ?+ ~~ ~ O O O o fA Z~ cnF- ~YY~~ O ~ o c m c m O m m H¢~076. 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N N O) O d~ O 41 U = R ~ J N ^ ' > Z L ~ ¢ W ~ RR ` W U= O ' m Q 01 ~ C G m~~ O Y O JO S O N= ~ N J~ O d CO C T m O ~ ~ R m ~ W G N N C~ ~~ y N N N O N R c N O) a T~ A N C U_O Y C L N 4 O N~ O~ = L N (6 R N fQ C C ._ C R ~ Y Y a U C~~ H a- R C~ Y R O= lQ - ~N!']tpdNRt6NRNENN~tQ ~ l6>NE ~O=N°~ ~ ~ ¢7 O O_d tUN 10 ~ ~ W UY-YQ(n~ O~i~IL W LiOY H~Q2~~Qm Ofb>(A_ RFm O~Z~ IiHF~- H (O } Q ~ ~ J Z Q C ~ ti O N C7 ~ Q E O x 3 Y f ~ ry Z. C Y m W N c Ul N ~Y m O _ L ~ o _ ~. ~ R W F- Q(7 H 6 Printed by MARIE KNIGHT 2/03/98 12:16pm * i .~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MARIE KNIGHT To: WARREN MUNRO Subject: REPORT PD-12-98 - INTERESTED PARTIES ------------------------------------------------------------------- ====NOTE________________________________________________________ Will you please add the following names to your list of interested parties contained in Report Pd-12-98: Mavis Carlton, R. R. #2, Group 9, Box 14, Bowmwanville, L1C3K3 ~' = -- Richard Ward, 3709 Regional Road #9, Orono, LOB 1M0 ~'~P"°"~~ ,.,~. Tino Montopoli, Stutt's Pharmacy, 5344 Main St., Orono, LOB 1M0 ~J"~~ ~i , , ~~ ~ ., Will you please provide names AND addresses of interested parties for my G mailing of the decision made on Report Pd-12-98 on Feb.10. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------