HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-003-11 GJ � ol REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: FEB 25, 2011 Resolution#: 49194-117-11 By-law#: Report#: FND-003-11 File#: Subject: 2011 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-003-11 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the 2011 Operating and Capital budgets as outlined in Schedule "A", at an estimated tax levy impact of 6.29% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-003-11; 3. THAT Council provide direction on the items listed as optional items for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B" at an estimated tax levy impact of negative 1.13% if all items are selected; 4. THAT Council provide direction on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule "C", at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.31%; 5. THAT Schedules "D", "E" and "F" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserves/Reserve Funds be approved; 6. THAT approximately $801,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 7. THAT the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be approved; 8. THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 2 9. THAT Council authorize the Mayor's Golf Tournament to take place in 2011, at no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to Memorial Hospital Foundation-Bowmanville; 10. THAT any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Program, Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Funds, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits: 11. THAT Council approve the payment of the 101h year balloon on the debenture debt for the Municipal Administrative Centre and Main Library Expansion with $1,000,000 from the General Municipal Reserve Fund and $569,480 from the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund for the MAC portion and $808,520 from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund for the Main Library Portion; 12. THAT the Main Library Portion of the balloon payment funded from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund in the amount of$808,520 be repaid from the Library Development Charges Reserve Fund over a further five year period with interest as cash flow permits and Council reconfirms its intent to fund this to the extent allowable from future development charges; 13. THAT the attached Staffing Plan (Schedule "G") be approved subject to the budgetary allocation for new staffing in any given year not to exceed the value of assessment growth for that year; 14. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to make any adjustment if necessary to ensure staff resources are allocated and deployed fairly and consistently among all departments, and in adherence to maintaining the current service standard; 15. THAT Council provide direction should they wish to pursue Canada geese deterrent methods in the 2011 budget; 16. THAT Report FND-003-11 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; 17. THAT the issue of dredging of Bowmanville Creek be deferred for consideration at a future budget when erosion issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties; and 18. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2011 tax requirements for Municipal Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. 15-2 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 3 Submitted by: // �/G Gib Reviewed by: v " — Nancy T yl r, d.A Franklin Wu, Director of Fin nce! Chief Administrative Officer Treasurer NT/hjl 15-3 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 4 1.0 OVERVIEW: 1.1 The 2011 budget is outlined in detail in the draft budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report. The approximate 2011 base impact is detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 1.2 The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.3 This impact is after assessment growth (growth is estimated at 2.2%). Every 1% increase in the budget generally results in a tax increase of approximately $10 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on average value of$255,000). This does not include the impact of tax policy changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.4 Based on the 2011 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits are 90% for residential, farm and multi-residential and 10% for commercial and industrial properties.. 1.5 Clarington continues to rely strongly on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts. For 2011 the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds is approximately $18 million (2010 - $15 million) including $801,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes Capital and Current (operating). The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the attached Schedule "D", "E" and "F". It is somewhat higher this year due to the recommended balloon payment to reduce debt. 1.6 Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Port Granby Trust monies were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. This is, of course, much reduced due to poor interest rates currently available on investments. Revenue increases for many departments where possible have been factored in. 1.7 For 2011, Clarington will experience minor increases in Veridian dividends. 2.0 TAX RATE STABILIZATION: 2.1 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund approximately $1,000,000 per year, on average. This was reduced in 2010 to $801,000. This is proposed to remain the same for 2011. The municipality should reduce its reliance on these funds in future years. The forecast documents reflect a continued decrease in our reliance on this and a switch to a focus replenishing this reserve fund for future economic downturns. 15-4 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 5 3.0 TAX POLICY CHANGES: 3.1 A long term strategic tax policy plan was approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham that will have an impact on the final tax rates. The 2011 update of the plan will be presented to Regional Council in early 2011. The tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. A particular additional impact to Clarington relates to the education retained portion of payment-in-lieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. In the 2008 provincial budget, a provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate was announced. As a result, Clarington will continue to experience a loss of revenue in this area. For 2011, any loss in this area will be included as a tax policy adjustment in the calculation of the final tax rates. 4.0 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT: 4.1 On July 14, 2008, Council committed to a four year funding program for the Physician Recruitment Program to be undertaken by the Clarington Board of Trade. The $120,000 annual commitment was drawn from Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and from the general tax levy. In 2009, the split was $90,000 from Reserve Fund and $30,000 from the tax levy. In 2010, this was changed to eliminate the additional $30,000 previously committed for 2010. The effect of this change would result in reducing the recruitment target from four to three new family physicians with $60,000 from the Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and $30,000 from tax levy. There is an option proposed in 2011 in Schedule "B" to eliminate the $30,000 tax levy funding and leave the $60,000 reserve fund monies available should it be necessary in 2011. Based on the recent update from the Board of Trade, it appears that, although we need to remain vigilant, the recruitment efforts and number of doctors are relatively satisfactory at this time. 5.0 STAFFING: 5.1 The Municipality of Clarington has one of the leanest organizational staffing complement among similar sized municipalities in Ontario. Our workforce has served our residents and businesses with pride while constantly striving for excellence in service delivery. While we continue to uphold such high standards, it is essential that we also have sufficient manpower to deliver the services as the Municipality continues to grow, albeit at a slower pace. In addressing the staffing need, we make a major departure from an annual budget exercise to having a longer term plan. This is necessary to avoid the ad hoc approach and to provide a higher degree of certainty in the planning for organizational growth. - 5.2 In the development of the Staffing Plan that is attached to this Report (Schedule "G"), we have taken into consideration of three guiding principles: a) Level of service The number of staff required to deliver services to our residents and businesses is highly contingent on the level of service Council wishes to 15-5 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 6 provide. A typical example is winter road maintenance where our service standard is dependent on the available man hours. In assessing our future need for staffing, we assume it is Council's preference that there shall be neither reduction nor increase in the level of all services offered by the Municipality. Any deviation from this would require re-working the Plan. b) Growth Growth, be it urban or rural, residential or non-residential, has a direct impact on the available staff resources. Growth without the corresponding increase in resources will stretch and stress the existing resources and is a major contributing factor to service deterioration. In projecting future staffing need, it is imperative that future staffing increases be tied to assessment growth. This approach is prudent and responsible and is flexible to adjust to changing economic conditions. c) Balancing Priorities A key consideration in arriving at the Staffing Plan is to have regard to all the services we provide. We assume all services are equally important to Council. Therefore, the staffing needs from all departments are carefully assessed within this context. 5.3 The Staffing Plan is a prudent way to manage staffing resources in the longer term and it provides a higher degree of certainty in the budgetary exercise in subsequent years, and is therefore recommended to Council for approval and subsequent implementation by the CAO. 6.0 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMENTARY: 6.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is a decrease from last year of$308,750. This translates to a 0.87% tax levy decrease and is a concern in light of discussions had with Council at the budget workshop and Council orientation over asset deterioration. 6.2 There has been significant dialogue in recent years pertaining to the state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario. In Clarington, there have been only minor changes to the tax levy support to Capital since 2003. Council recommended a tax levy increase for 2010 for capital. Staff have not factored in an increase this year but have factored increases into the forecast due to concerns over deteriorating conditions. 6.3 Details of Capital projects, by department, are included in the Draft Capital Budget. 6.4 Federal fuel tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $2,393,743. 15-6 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 7 6.5 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. 7.0 CURRENT BUDGET IMPACTS: 7.1 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing costs increases in areas such as wage increases, insurance costs, OMERS impact, fuel cost increases, utilities and facility maintenance costs. The Current budget impacts are detailed in Schedule "A" to this report. The most significant concern, as has been reported to Council, is the increases to health benefit costs experienced mid-2010. Factored into the budget is the annualization of this cost for 2011. Provision for additional cost increases for 2011 has not been included due to the magnitude of the 2010 cost increase. 8.0 DEBT STATUS: 8.1 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2011 budget purposes total $6,835.981. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena, the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility, the MAC/Main Library, the Newcastle Aquatic facility, RRC Community Care Durham space and the Newcastle branch library. It also includes the projected new debenture for the Mill Street Underpass project, the timing of which is unknown. The value is higher than prior years due to the balloon payment recommended for the MAC/main library as recommended for payout in 2011. 8.2 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2011 is $29,504,378. New debentures may be required in 2011 for the Mill Street works. As Council is aware, annual growth is required to maintain the debenture repayment obligations from development charges without impacting the tax levy. Growth numbers in 2009 were severely impacted by the economic conditions. As a result, Council approved interim borrowing from other Reserve Funds for 2009 and 2010 and this is also likey necessary for 2011 to some degree. Based on a projected 500 new residential units for 2011, interim borrowing would be required of approximately $500,000. 8.3 It is recommended that these funds be interim borrowed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund, General Municipal Reserve Fund and the Impact/Escrow Reserve Funds with the amounts to be repaid, with interest, as cash flow allows. 8.4 Total debt is now projected to be $27,469,600 on January 1, 2012, most of which is growth-related through development charges. The projected debt may be reduced further subject to the amount of collections occurring in the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund between now and when the debentures will be issued for Mill Street. 15-7 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 8 9.0 MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM: 9.1 The municipal grant program is administered through the Community Services Department. The budget presented via this report includes a total of$60,000 for the grant program. The $60,000 is allocated based on Council direction when the grant report is brought forward. While not listed as an option on Schedule "B", should Council wish to reduce or eliminate this program a cost saving of $60,000 would result. 10.0 INSURANCE: 10.1 Insurance premium costs for 2011 are fairly a significant cause for concern for all municipalities in Ontario. Many municipalities are being faced with increases in excess of 40%. A budget increase of$45,000 or 6% has been incorporated into the draft Current budget as an estimate due to deductible requirements and a minor premium increase. Clarington's participation in the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool has provided an insulating factor from fluctuating market impacts. 11.0 RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: 11.1 Consistent with past practice, transfers between reserve funds are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds. Other reserve fund contributions have been reviewed for reduction to assist with budget restraints. For 2011 no real changes are included on the Reserve and Reserve Fund summaries in the attached Schedules "D" and "E" from prior years due to budget constraints. 11.2 A transfer has been made into the Building division reserve fund to begin to build this reserve fund back up to address the next downswing in the economy. However, this transfer is funded from building permit revenues, not tax levy funds as building permit fees are not permitted to be set at a level to subsidize the tax levy. As a result, should Council choose not to approve the contribution to the reserve fund, the corresponding revenue reduction would have to be made and no corresponding tax levy savings would result. 11.3 In 2010, Council, for one-time only, to alleviate some of the pressure from reduced building permit revenues, approved a $300,000 transfer to offset the tax levy impact from the General Municipal Reserve Fund. The funds originate from interest on Veridian promissory notes. This amount is being reversed in 2011. 11.4 A new reserve fund has been proposed in Schedule "D" entitled "Beautification/Tree Planting Reserve Fund". The Municipality has acquired a large number of valleyland and other open space areas. Some of these areas had been farmed and would benefit in restoration through tree planting. At the same time as we face constrained financial resources, there is a strong public interest in making an investment in protecting and improving natural heritage areas. The purpose of this reserve fund is to encourage residents of Clarington 15-8 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 9 to make voluntary donations for tree planting projects. This could be in encouraged as memorial donations, as carbon off-sets for emissions that cannot be reduced (like plane and motor vehicle travel), or for general concern about the environment. The Municipality has also undertaken a number of streetscape improvement projects in recent years. Moving forward, there are many more areas that would benefit from renewed streetscapes, public art, banners programs and small park improvements. Some municipalities offer programs for sponsorship of park benches and similar enhancements. The purpose of the reserve fund would also be to encourage residents and businesses to make donations towards civic beautification projects identified by the Municipality. Donations would be acknowledged with a receipt from the Municipality for tax purposes. 12.0 EXTERNAL AGENCIES: 12.1 The requests from the external agencies, including the Museum, Library, Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Older Adults Board, etc. are detailed in the External Agencies section of the Draft Current Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis and Schedule "C" to this report. The external agencies tab in the Draft Current Budget provides background information pertaining to the requests by the external agencies. The increase in budget requests for the external agencies total $110,828 for 2011 which is a 0.31% total municipal levy increase. This is exclusive of the proposal to transfer the utility costs to the Clarington Older Adults Centre operating budget with the appropriate funding. 13.0 MAYOR'S GOLF TOURNAMENT: 13.1 For the 2011 budget, Council is requested to provide direction on inclusion of the Mayor's Golf Tournament. The anticipated gross revenues to be generated are approximately $67,860. The net proceeds estimated at $25,000 would be donated to the Memorial Hospital Foundation-Bowmanville, if approved by Council. 14.0 NEWCASTLE/BONDHEAD RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION CONCERNS: 14.1 At a meeting held on May 10, 2010, the following resolution was passed: "THAT Report CLD-014-10 be received and THAT methods of deterring Canada Geese in municipal parks be investigated for inclusion in the 2011 budget deliberations". 14.2 In May 2010, in response to correspondence from the Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers' Association, Council referred the issue of deterring Canada Geese in municipal parks to the 2011 budget deliberations. In researching the matter, it was determined that a number of scare techniques can be used to discourage the nesting and feeding as soon as the geese arrive in the spring (mid-April). 15-9 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 10 Companies who specialize in this type of work through the use of birds of prey, trained dogs and noisemakers are available at a cost of approximately $650 per week. Should Council wish to pursue this avenue of determent, it is suggested that an amount of$16,000 be included in the budget to cover the period of April to September 2011. 15.0 BOAT LAUNCH PARKING METERS 15.1 During discussion of the dredging of the Bowmanville Creek, the issue of parking was addressed. The following three options were identified at that time in order to charge the users of the lot: 1. Install a central parking meter that would accept both cash and credit card (cost approximately $10,000, plus installation); 2. Install a barrier gate lift system at the boat launch entrance that would accept both cash and credit card (cost $8,000, plus installation); and 3. Hire students to collect a fee on site during fishing season (cost $26,000). 15.2 In order to be consistent, staff have recommended in the 2011 capital budget, the installation of central parking meters at both the Bowmanville Boat Launch and the Newcastle Boat Launch. 16.0 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR COURTICE: 16.1 At a meeting held on January 17, 2011 the following resolution was passed: "THAT staff be directed to propose a Community Improvement project for Courtice in the 2011 budget". 16.2 It is proposed that the project would be a Civic Parkette on the north-west corner of Highway 2 and Trulls Road. These are lands purchased a number of years ago for this purpose. It is a high visibility location within the Coutice Main Street Corridor. The base project would be approximately $125,000. It is suggested that should Council wish to proceed, this project is listed under the optional items on Schedule "B" with a tax levy portion of$75,000. The balance of the funds would come from the CIP reserve fund at $50,000. 17.0 ROADSIDE CLEAN-UP: 17.1 Clarington has been verbally notified by the Region of Durham that it will no longer be reimbursed by the Region for costs incurred for cleanup of roadside dumping. Historically these costs were reimbursed to Clarington from the Region because, prior to regionalization of waste pickup, Clarington would recover these costs through its local waste rates. This represents a loss of revenue to Clarington of approximately $43,000 and is reflected on Schedule "A" attached as a local levy increase. 15-10 REPORT NO.: FND-003-11 PAGE 11 18.0 2011 ACCRUAL BASED BUDGET FOR PSAB PER ONT REG 284/09: 18.1 Public Sector Accounting Board annual reporting requirements for municipal budgets require that certain accrual based items be reported to Council in conjunction with the budget for 2011 and onwards. 2010 was reported to Council in report FND-001-11. 18.2 Accrual based expenses that are excluded from the 2011 tax based budget include amortization and post-employment benefits. Other items to transfer to a PSAB budget include tangible capital asset acquisitions, and accounting treatment of debt principal payments. 18.3 There is no financial impact of these PSAB additions or reductions since the tax based budget approves necessary funds to provide municipal services for 2011. 18.4 However, the estimated change to the accumulated surplus at the end of 2011 resulting from the above items is as follows: PSAB Additions to the 2011 Budget Tangible Capital Asset Amortization $15,366,468 Post Employment Benefit Estimate $ 560,000 Total PSAB Additions $15,926,468 PSAB Reductions to the 2011 Budget TCA Acquisitions ($13,659,450) Debt Principal Payments ($ 5,390,436) Total PSAB Reductions ($19,049.886) (Increase)Decrease in Accumulated Surplus ($ 3,123,418) 18.5 Due to timing, the draft capital budget is based on the same practice as done historically in Clarington. Schedule "H" attached is a summary of the transfer to the operating budget by overall department of items that will no longer meet the definition of capital under the new PSAB rules. For the final budget print, these items will be transferred to the operating sections of the budget. This will have no impact upon the financing or tax levy but will be a presentation issue and training issue for departments and Council for 2012. 19.0 MUNICIPAL DREDGING OF BOWMANVILLE CREEK: 19.1 At a meeting held on May 31, 2010 the following resolution was passed: "THAT Report CAO-004-10 —Dredging of the Bowmanville Creek be referred to the 2011 budgetary process for discussion of available options". 19.2 Subsequent letters received on this issue were also referred to the 2011 budget deliberations. A letter received from Vella & Pratt, Barristers and Solicitors was 15-11 REPORT NO,: FND-003-11 PAGE 12 received and is attached as Schedule "I". The letter indicates that there are ongoing issues with erosion pertaining to the condominium properties and requests that Clarington not assist in any way in any further dredging until such time as appropriate shoreline erosion measures are in place by the owner of the marina. An update has been requested. It is recommended that no action take place on this matter at this time and the item continue to be deferred into the future until such time as erosion concerns have been resolved. 20.0 FUTURE YEARS' BUDGETS: 20.1 There are certain known impacts for the 2012 budget year such as staffing, wage settlements, fire master plan implications, insurance costs and normal inflationary impacts. Also, depending upon the growth and resulting funds collected for development charges for indoor recreation and library, there may be tax levy impacts for debenture repayment requirements for new facilities. As mentioned above further consideration must be given in 2012 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. 20.2 Other items for future consideration include increased tax support to roads (estimated at 11% of$355,500). Detailed information pertaining to future years' budgets is included in the forecast documents reported separately. Attachments: Schedule "A"— 2011 Base Budget Impact Summary Schedule "B"— 2011 Additional Funding Options Schedule "C" — External Agencies Budget Requests Schedule D" — Reserve Funds Schedule "E" — Reserves Schedule "F" — 2011 Operating — Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions Schedule "G"- Staffing Plan 2011-2014 Schedule "H"- Tangible Capital Budget Summary Schedule "I" — Letter from Vella & Pratt, Barristers and Solicitors Interested Parties: • Clarington Museum and Archives • Clarington Older Adult Board • Clarington Public Library • Durham Region Community Care Association • John Howard Society (Firehouse Youth) • Newcastle Community Hall • Orono Cemetery Company • Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 15-12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 BUDGET IMPLICATIONS SCHEDULE"A" 02/14/11 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE INCREASES 1 INCREASE IN BUILDING FEE REVENUE - (400,000) 2 INCREASE IN FINANCE FEES - (90,000) 3 VERIDIAN DIVIDENDS - (40,800) 4 INCREASE IN CONTRIBUTION FROM ENG &INSP R/F (30,000) 5 INCREASE IN PLANNING FEES (86,500) 6 GROWTH AT 2.2% (784,500) (1,431,800) -4.03% REVENUE LOSSES 7 REDUCE CONTRIBUTION FROM VERIDIAN INTEREST-ONE TIME IN 2010 300,000 8 REDUCTION IN REGIONAL RECOVERY FOR ROADSIDE DUMPING 43,000 9 REDUCTION IN INVESTMENT INCOME 50,000 10 REDUCTION IN CEMETERY INVESTMENT INCOME 35,000 . 11 REDUCTION IN WSIB NEER REBATE 22,000 12 REDUCTION IN RENTAL INCOME 10,087 13 LOSS OF PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT REVENUE 12,000 14 EST LOSS OF EDUCATION RETAINED REVENUE _ 15 COMMUNITY SERVICES VARIOUS REVENUES 123,400 16 REDUCTION IN TRANSFER STATION ROYALTIES . - 3,300 598,787 1.68% EXPENSEINCREASES 17 SALARIES-NON-AFF AND CUPE 3.25% 586,174 18 FIRE EST INCREASE - - _ 132,700 19 FIRE RETENTION INCREASE 25,000 20 NON-AFFILIATED GRID CHANGE 196,703 - 21 PAY EQUITY ESTIMATED IMPACTS 49,829 22 HEALTH BENEFITS - 851,500 23 OMERS INCREASE 269,500 24 WSIB/CPP/EHT/EI 93,625 25 STREETLIGHT ENERGY AND PLAYING FIELDS LIGHTING 55,000 26 POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 25,000 27 ANIMAL SERVICES-VET CARE/FOOD/COMMISSION EXPENSE 6,000 28 WSIB SURCHARGE . 100,000 29 FIRE-CHEMICAL FOAM/EQUIP MAINTENANCE 8,500 30 UTILITIES 10,750 31 INSURANCE 45,000 32 GRASS CUTTING CONTRACT 10,000 33 MMS SIDEWALK IMPACT 24,000 34 MMS TRAFFIC SIGNS REFLECTIVITY IMPACT 35,000 35 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 15,000 36 BUILDING INSPECTION TRAVEL 14,500 37 CONTRIBUTION TO BUILDING DIVISION R/F 200,000 38 PROPOSED NEW STAFFING IMPACT 700,000 39 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE DECREASES AND COST INCREASES 140,073 3,593,854 10.11% 15-13 MUNICIPALITY OFCLARINGTON 2011 BUDGET IMPLICATIONS SCHEDULE"A" 02/14/11 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EXPENSE DECREASES . 40 VARIOUS SALARY SAVINGS(SEVERANCE,PLANNING REORG,C/S P/T ETC) (117,029) 41 Phone/Fax (25,000) 42 Design and Printing (15,400) 43 Various Finance (6,000) 44 Various Corporate Services (2,000) 45 Various Operations (10,000) 46 Various Community Services (7,500) 47 TAX LEVY SUPPORT TO DEBT - (34,465) 48 TAX LEVY SUPPORT TO CAPITAL (308,750) (526,144) -1.48% GRAND TOTAL 2,234,697 6.29% OVERALL SUMMARY SCHEDULE"A" 2,234,697 6.29% SCHEDULE"C"-EXTERNAL AGENCIES - 110,828 0.31% GRANDTOTAL 2,345,525 6.60% 15-14 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SCHEDULE"B" 2011 BUDGET OPTIONAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ITEMS REMOVED/DEFERRED THAT MAY HAVE IMPACT ON SERVICE LEVELS: 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY-WORKWELL/PANDEMIC ETC 7,000 2 PAVEMENT PATCHING 14,500 3 ROADSIDE BRUSHING 12,000 4 DITCH MAINTENANCE 8,000 5 CATCH BASIN REPAIRS 15,000 6 WEED SPRAYING/MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 25,000 7 CONTRIBUTION TO LEGAL RESERVE 25,000 8 EMS HQ RENOVATIONS AND SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS 16,300 9 CONTRIBUTION TO CLERK'S FLEET RESERVE FUND 5,000 10 CONTRIBUTION TO TAX WRITE OFF RESERVE 25,000 it FIRE PREVENTION PUBLIC EDUCATION EQUIPMENT 5,200 158,000 0.44% ITEMS FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: 12 Advance Supplier Information Night back to 2011 1,500 13 APPLEFEST TRANSIT 2,000 14 Courtice CIP Project-Civic Parkette-Tax Levy Portion 75,000 15 STAFF RECOGNITION 25,000 103,500 0.29% COST CUTTING/REVENUE INCREASE OPTIONS TO REDUCE LEVY: 16 Decrease various facility hydro usage estimates (50,000) 17 Increase Revenue for Penalty and Interest on Taxes (75,000) 18 Reduce Physician Recruitment (30,000) 19 Increase Supplementary Taxation Revenue (50,000) 20 Reduce Fire Staff Development (5,000) 21 Reduce Fire Chemical/Foam (9,000) 22 Reduce P/T Firefighter wages overall Budget (50,000) 23 Implement New Staff Plan July 1 (350,000) 24 Eliminate EAP(partial year) (23,400) 25 Reduce Corporate Advertising Program (20,000) (662,400) -1.86% TOTAL CUMULATIVE IMPACT ON OVERALL MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY (400,900) -1.13% 15-15 Cn SCHEDULE"C" AGENCY LAST YEAR THIS YEAR INCREASE $ INCR % CLARINGTON LIBRARY BOARD 2,542,600 : 2.639;694 97,094 3.80% VISUAL ARTS CENTRE 171,500 178,300 6,800 3.97% NEWCASTLE HALL 13,000 13,000 0 ., 0: COMMUNITY CARE 26,265 26,265 0 0 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS j231,11'7 , 238,051 6,934 3% ORONO CEMETERY BOARD 10,000 10,000 0 0 FIREHOUSE YOUTH 47,500 + , 47,500 0 0- OLDER ADULTS 132,000 132,000* 0 0 BOARD OF TRADE 110,000 ! ` ` 110,000 '0 0 Total Increase on Overall Municipal Tax Levy 110,828 0.31% "proposal to transfer utility costs C31 ( J J RESERVE FUNDS Fob v 14 2011 2011 BUDGET ACC.# NAME 2010 .2011 BALANCE (Estimated) EXPEND 1 T U R ES Contributions Estimated (Estimated) FUND - BALANCE CAPITAL OPERATING From General - -Revenues 2011 - - NAME - GENERAL 502 - INDUSTRAUECO.DEVELOPMENT 511 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL WORKS 307,963 4,861,480 (383,373) 1 - i - (808,520) 50,000 235,000 357,963 3,904,587 INDUSTIECO.DEVMT MUN.CAP.WORCS 515 DEBENTURE RETIREMENT 205,617 (32,971)1 172,646 DEBENTURE RETIREMNT 528 IMPACT/ESCROW 1,703,634 (629,460) 1,074,154 IMPACTIESCROW 512 554 GENERAL MUNICIPAL RATE STABILIZATION 2,590,633 4,075,515 (1,000,000), (801,000), 49,200 1,639,833 3,274,515 GENERA.MUNICIPAL RATE STABILIZATION NEW DISASTER RESPONSE - - 1 - DISASTERRESPONSE 521 COMPUTEREQUIPMENT 1,018,585 (304,600) - 60,000 773,985 COMPUTEREQUIPMENT 14763,427 11,197,683 Sub.To,A Gon...1 Sub Total 662,258 662,258 537 CLARINGTON/REGIONSTN.AACC. i 1 CLAWREGION STN.A CLERKS 501 PARKING LOT 358.178 (16,500) (163,261) 178,417 PARKING LOT 523 AmMA SERICEB CAPRA 102,912 (18,750) 7,000 91,162 IMALSEROICESCAPITAL NEW CLERKS BLEET I - CLERICS FLEET FIRE 522 FIRE EQUIPMENT 1,214,524 (165,000) (10,000) 1 275,000 1,314,524 FIRE EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING 503 ROADS CAPITAL 513 ENGINEERING&INSPECTION 405,469 2,171,683 (50,000) (305,000) 355,469 1,866,683 ROADS CAPITAL ENGIN&INSPECTION 514 ROADS CONTRIBUTIONS 2,079,443 (640,000) -.I 1,439,443 ROADS CONTRIB^NS 517 ENGINEERING PARKS CAPITAL 1,137,150 (187,600) 949,550 ENO.PARKS CAPITAL 520 557 CEMETERIESCAPITAL FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 3,387 63,447 (2,392,000). i 2,393,743 3,387 65,190 CEMETERIES CAPITAL FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 558 BUILDING DIVISION RESERVE FUND 3,041 1 200,000 203,041 BUILDING DIVISION 505 ENGINEERING FLEET WF 91,985 5,000 96,985 ENGINEERINGFLEETR/F 5,955,606 4,979,750 Sub.T*W I OPERATIONS 1 516 FACILITESIPARKS MAINTENANCE 471,097 (208,000) :1 250,000 513,097 FACILITIESIPARKS MANTENANCE 524 OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT - 1,197.686 (696,800) -. '.' 109,500 610,386 OPERATIONS-FLEET 1,668,783 1,123,483 Sab.TOtal j Sub TON[ COMMUNRYSERWOES 1 - 560 CSD BUILDING REFURBISHMENT 100,200 79,000 179,200 BUILDING REFURBISHMENT 518 COMMMUNITYSERVICESCAPITAL 578,170 (186,000) 225,000 617,170 COIN.SRVIOES CAPT. PLANNING 1 504 PARKLAND GASH IN LIEU - - - PARKLAND CASH-LIEU 507 WESTSIDEIBOWMANVILEMARSH 45,266 45.266 WESTSDIBOW MARSH 508 NEWCASTLE WATERFRONT 69,935 1 69,935 KCSTLE WATERFRONT 526 PORT GRANBY LLRW AGREEMENT 139,449 1 139,449 PORT GPANBY NEW SEAUTIFICATION)REE PUNTING 9EALTIFICATIONITREE PLANTING 556 COMMUNITYIMPROVEMENTPLAN 115,486 (25,000) ! 25,000 115,486 COMMUNITYIMPROVEMENTPLAN 370,136 370,136 Sub.TMAI '.1 Sub T.Ul LIBRARY 542 543 LIBRARY CAPITAL LIBRARYCOMPUTEREQUIPMENT 439,689 95,683 - 30,000 469,889 95,683 UBRARYCAPITAL LIBRARYCOMPUTEREQUIPMENT J CTI ( OD RESERVEFUNDS 2011 BUDGET F.bru.W14,2011 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS (10,057,324) 10,000,000 67,511,017 (10,082,324) (7,662,291) NAME 2010 - 2011 . BALANCE (Estimated) FUND (Estimated) EXPEND IT U RE S Contributions Estimate0 BALANCE CAPITAL OPERATING From General Revenues 2011 NAME MUSEUMS/CEMETERIES/OTHER - l 549 539 NEWCASTLEARENA-0PERAMNG OLDERAOULTSCTR-OPERATING 2,062 87,789 (20,000)i j 3,000 2,062 70,789 NEWCASTLEARENA-0PERATING OLDRAOULROPER 540 OLOERAOULTSCTR-CAPRAL 6,357 l 6,357 OLDRADULT-CAPTIAL 544 MUSEUM CAPITAL-BOamonvlllo 94,722 i 3,000 97,722 MUSEUM-aw.momnm 545 MUSEUM CAPITAL-CLARKE 51,568 -- 3,000 54,568 MUSEUM-CLARKS 547 BOWMAN iI aI:A. 44,147 44,147 SOWMANVILLE B.LA 548 NEwcAsTLE a.tA. 73,439 i 73,439 NEWC B.IA, 575 ORONO BIA 42,445 - 42,445 ORONO BIA 552 BONDHEAO CEMETERY 11000 - 1,000 BONDHEAD CEMETERY 559 IRENE RICH TRUST-NCH - - IRENE RINCH TRUST 553 MONTAGUE TRUST 21,168 i 21,168 MONTAGUETRUST 424,697 413,697 SubTctal Sub Total Sub-Total 26,734,464 (5,273,623)11 (3,770,232)il 1,608,700 11 2,393,743 21,693,052 - DEVELOPMENT CHARGES OEVELOPMENTCHARGES 580 581 GENERAL GovERNMENT PUBLIC LIBRARY 365,585 116,334 (38,250) (77,143) (297,000)) (309,000)] 30,335 (269,809) DIC GEN GOVT LIBRARY 582 583 EMERGENCY SERVICES INDOORRECREAMON 1,500,130 (548,129) (606,000) (3,073,559)i , 894,130 (3,621,688) EMERGENCY SERVICES IN600A RECR, 584 ENG-PARK BEV.It FACILmES 1,237,661 (621,900) I 615,761 PRK DEVA FACT 585 OPERATIONS 1,344,972 (449,100) I 895,872 OPERATIONS 586 ROAM&RELATED 4,023,838 (2,977,808) ': (187,500)• 858,530 ROG&RELATED 587 PARKNG 113,125 13,500 - . � 99,625 PARKING Total Development Charges 8,153,515 (4,783,701) (3,867,059) (497;245) TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS - 34,887,979 10,057,324 ` 7,637;291 1,608,700 2,393,743 21,195,807 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS (10,057,324) 10,000,000 67,511,017 (10,082,324) (7,662,291) DN: 11BudgeVRes'RF RESERVES:. .,, 2011 BUDGET ACC.# NAME ^ 2010 ;2U11 BALANCE (Estimated) FUND - 1 COMMENTS .`AVAl1A6LE -E X PE N'D I T U R E;S Clon butions 10 - - NAME 1 ` GENERAL 2902 SELF INSURED LOSSES 479,179 25,000 '504,179 SELF INSURED LOSSES 2903 MUNICIPAL ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY 559,029 (53,500). 40,000 .545,529 MUNICIPAL ACO.PROPERTYI 2905 TAXWRITE-OFF 206,045 . - 206,045 AXWRITE-OFF 1 2917 GENERAL CAPITAL 112,436 2,500 114,936 GENERAL CAPITAL 1 new LEGAL FEES 100,757 50,000 150,757 LEGALFEES 1 2926 CONSULTIPROF FEES 40,088 40,088 CONSULTING 1 1,561,534 1,497,534 I I CLERK'S 2906 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 25,615 10,000 - - 35,615 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 2928 ELECTION EXPENSES 2,431 65,000 '. 67,431 ELECTION EXPENSES FIRE 1 2908 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVE 50,632 - 50,632 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVEI I ROADS&PARKS 2918 PITS&QUARRIES 409,213 (400,000) _ 240,000 249,213 PITS&QUARRIES 2930 WATERFRONTTRAIL 20,585 20,585 WATERFRONTTRAIL 2931 BURKETON PARK IMPR. 7,569 7,569 SURKETON PARK 2932 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA, 28,523 (28,000) '523 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE 1 277,890 465,890 1 1 I TOTAL RESERVES 2,042,102 TOTAL RESERVES 453,500) ; - 28,000 432,500 1,993,102 J n io m J N O IbFOMI F2011 OPERATING- RESERVE&RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL SUMMARY RESERVE FUNDS -:: RESERVES RESERVE ,RESERVES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DEBT RET. GENERAL OTHER NAME FUNDS CHARGES &INSPECT. RIF MUNICIPAL NAME:° GENERAL GOVERNMENT Rate Stabilization 801,000 801,000 .." L.�`�: 801,000 RATE STABILIZATION Physician Recruitment 60,000 60,000 ': 60,000 IMPACT/ESCROW Debt Retirement 32,971 32,971 32,971 Balloon on MAC Debt 1,569,480 1.569,480 1,000,000 569,480 IMPACTIESCROW Balloon on Main Library Debt 808,520 808,520 - 808,520 MUNICIPAL CAP WORKS Growth related studies 297,000 297,000 - 297,000 Older Aduft-Capital Request 20,000 20,000 20,000 OLDER ADULT RF Energy Audits 25,000 25.000 25,000 MUN Goya ENTER FIRE Fire Defibrillator Maint. 10,000 10,000 ;._.'.. 10,000 FIRE EOVIP CLERK Parking Enforcement [match Acc.#7225] 163,261 163,261 163,261 PARH.LOT COMMUNITY SERVICES South Courtice Debenture 1,194,056 1,194,056 - 1,194,056 Indoor Soccer Debenture 296,741 296,741 296,741 ' Library debt retirement 309,000 309,000 309,000 Newcastle Facility 1,582,762 1,582,762 - 1,582,762 ENGINEERING Engineering Contribution re AdminAconsulting 305,000 305,000 - 305,000 Engineering design-growth projects 75,000 75,000 75,000 - - Engineering-Mill Street debenture 112,500 112,500 112,500 Samuel Wilmot Improvements 28,000 28,000. 28,000 SAMUEL WILMOT R 7,662,291 28;0001. 3,867,0591 305,000 1 32,971 1,000,000 2,457,261 28,000 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPERATING 7,690,291 SCHEDULE "G" STAFFING PLAN 2011-2014 DEPARTMENT 2011 2012 2013 2014 New Staff Salary/ Benefits New Staff Salary/ Benefits New Staff Salary/ Benefits New Staff Salary/ Benefits Clerks By-law -1 F/T Admin - I P/T $70,000. $25,000. Animal Services—1 FIT Admin-1 P/T to F/T $60,000. $14,000. Admin - I P/T $26,500. Corporate Services I.T. 2 F/T $133,000. Purchasing- 1 F/T $72,000. H.R. - 1 F/T $80,000. Communications- 1 F/T $70,000. Fire/Emergency 4 F/T $344,000. -4 F/T Admin - 1 P/T $350,000. $25,000. Additional staff to be determined subsequent to Master Fire Plan update. Engineering Position Upgrade $20,000. Finance Accounting- 1 F/T $57,000. Tax - 1 F/T $69,000. Budget - 1 F/T $71,000. Planning Restructure $35,000. Community Services Admin -1 F/T $55,000. Program- 1 F/T $71,000. Facility - 1 F/T $73,000. Operations 1 F/T $56,000. 1 F/T $57,000. - 1 F/T $58,000. -2 Ffr $120,000. Total F/T—9 P/T—1 $703,000. FIT-7 P/T—1 $561,000. FIT—6 PR—0 $387,000. F/T—5 P/T 1 $360,500. Estimate Value of Annual Assessment Growth @ 2% $711,000. $725,000. $739,000. $754,000. N J J 21811 TANGIBLE CAPITAL BUDGET SMI MARY Updated:E.Wotson OZ/11/11 CORPORATE SERVICES CLERKS FINANCE EMERGENCY SERVICES ENGINEERING OPERATIONS COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING LIBRARIES TOTAL 2011 CAPITAL BUDGET 2011 CAPITAL BUDGET 416,100 88,750 15,000 929,000 8,996,100 2,892,800 549,000 823,000 195,000 14,904,750 Ooeratinz BudRet GROSS REVENUE EXTERNAL RESERVE COST FUND FINANCING RESERVES FUNDS D/C' 8,100 (8,100) - - - - 6,500 (3,000) - - (3,500) - 15,000 (15,000) - - - - 128,000 (128,000) - - - - 266,000 (226,500) - (26,000) (13,500) 486,700 (241,500) - (134,950) (110,250) 247,000 (138,000) - - (109,000) - 83,000 (58,000) - (25,000) - 51000 (5,000) - - 302,000 - 1,245,300 (823,100) - - (298,450) (123,750) 2011TANGIBLE CAPITAL BUDGET GROSS REVENUE EXTERNAL RESERVE COST FUND FINANCING RESERVES FUNDS D/C 408,000 (103,400) - - (364,600) - 82,250 (2,000) - - (35,250) (45,000) 801,000 (30,000) - - (165,000) (606,000) 8,730,100 (1,287,340) (607,300) (100,000) (3,149,252) (3,586,208) 2,406,100 (740,000) - (300,000) (1,020,500) (345,600) 302,000 15,000 - - (317,000) - 740,000 (686,500) - (53,500) - - 190,000 (104,286) - - (8,571) (77,143) 13,659,450 (2,938,526) (607,300) (453,500) (5,000,173) (4,659,951) n 2 m v c r m 2/11/2011 M:\Capital Assets\2011 Capital Budget TCAAdjusted.xls = SCHEDULE "I" .110JUN17 P11G4t01r: la, LL.B. - Vella & Pratt PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Christopher. Pratt,B.A.(Hon) LL.B. v BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Matthew R. Vella, LL.B,I.L.M. 155 REXDALE BOULEVARD,SUITE 530, ETOBICOKE,ONTARIO M9W 5Z8 TELEPHONE:(416)742-0406 FAX:(416)746-2288 June 17,2010 JIM ABERNATHY VIA FAX NO.1-905-623-2582 _ MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL &REGULAR MAIL p ;"B:d ag ,: aT . THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville,Ontario JUN 1 Z 201(1 L1C 3A6 r. _, a,�ra Dear Sir. __� �v a RE:120 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville We are lawyers who act for Newcastle Condominium.Corporations No'3,6 and 7. The Condominium Properties are located at 120 Port Darlington Road, Bomanville,Ontario. This property is immediately east of Port Darlington Marina. One of the Board Members-of the condominiums noticed an article in a local newspaper which indicated that the Municipality of Clarington is considering contributing to the costs of dredging a portion of Bomanville Creek near the condominium properties, We are writing to advise you that it appears that the water from Bomanville Creek and from the marina is eroding into the condominium properties and further dredging could cause additional damage to the condominium lands. The condominiums have brought this to the attention of the owners of the marina who have not made a realistic proposal for dealing with the erosion. We have been instructed to request that The Municipality of Clarington not assist in any dredging of Bomanville Creek anywhere in the vicinity of the condominiums until the owner of the marina has put in place appropriate shoreline erosion measures to stop the erosion of t ®ISBy YOURS TRULY; R ION REVIE%IED EY VELLA&PRATT PC I ORIO ALTO: �� 1 COUNCIL U COUNCIL ❑ FILE to ION 1NfORMATION i COPY py TO: George F Vella ❑ MAYOR ❑ MEMBERS O CAO CFCOUNCIL O COMMUNITY ❑ CORPOfIATE U EMERGENCY SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES ❑ EIGINEUNNG ❑ MUNICIPAL Cl OPERATIONS PS RVICES CLERKS LMINING V<01.1CITOR TREASURY SERVICES U OTHER 15-23 MUNICIPAL CLERKS RLE I • THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 DRAFT OPERATING AND CAPITAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Overall Summaries 2 Operating Budget 4 Capital Budget 204 i i 2 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 DRAFT BUDGET CAPITAL CURRENT REVENUE: Proposed Tax Levy 3,761,626 34,141,777 Estimated Growth - 784,500 Non-Departmental 14,122,318 Legal - 186,100 Corporate Services 304,600 170,560 Clerk's 83,750 573,000 Finance & Unclassified Administration - 1,367,000 Emergency Services- Fire 771,000 35,800 Engineering Services 7,482,260 1,301,050 Operations 1,911,300 426,200 Community Services 426,000 4,427,080 Planning Services 78,500 421,525 Clarington Library Board 85,714 - Clarington Museums - - TOTAL REVENUE- MUNICIPAL ONLY 14,904,750 57,956,910 • TOTAL CAPITAL &CURRENT REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 72,861,660 EXPENDITURE: Mayor& Council - 832,204 Administrator's Office 412,806 Legal - 516,758 Corporate Services 416,100 3,924,417 Clerk's 88,750 2,235,467 Finance& Unclassified Administration 15,000 4,028,135 Emergency Services- Fire 929,000 9,113,225 Engineering Services 8,996,100 3,171,890 Operations 2,892,800 15,043,070 Community Services 549,000 12,256,674 Planning Services 823,000 3,009,954 Clarington Library Board 195,000 2,709,694 Cultural Agencies - 702,616 TOTAL EXPENDITURE -MUNICIPAL ONLY 14,904,750 57,956,910 TOTAL CAPITAL&CURRENT EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 72,861,660 NET LEVY 3 Total from Overall Summary in Draft Budget Document $ 34,226,277 Items Not Posted in Budget Worksheets until Final Approval: Tax Levy Support to Capital $ 3,761,626 Proposed New Staffing $ 700,000 Estimated Assessment Growth (2.2%) $ (784,500) $ 3,677,126 2011 Total Tax Levy $ 37,903,403 2010 Total Tax Levy $ 35,557,878 Net Increase over 2010 $ 2,345,525 Percentage Increase in Budget Report (prior to options) 6.60% dn:tr_admin/2011 budget/summary jan 14.xlsx s 2 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 DRAFT BUDGET CAPITAL CURRENT REVENUE: Proposed Tax Levy 3,761,626 34,141,777 Estimated Growth - 784,500 Non-Departmental 14,122,318 Legal - 186,100 Corporate Services 304,600 170,560 Clerk's 83,750 573,000 Finance& Unclassified Administration - 1,367,000 Emergency Services - Fire 771,000 35,800 Engineering Services 7,482,260 1,301,050 Operations 1,911,300 426,200 Community Services 426,000 4,427,080 Planning Services 78,500 421,525 Clarington Library Board 85,714 - Clarington Museums - - TOTAL REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 14,904,750 57,956,910 TOTAL CAPITAL &CURRENT REVENUE- MUNICIPAL ONLY 72,861,660 EXPENDITURE: Mayor& Council - 832,204 Administrator's Office 412,806 Legal - 516,758 Corporate Services 416,100 3,924,417 Clerk's 88,750 2,235,467 Finance & Unclassified Administration 15,000 4,028,135 Emergency Services- Fire 929,000 9,113,225 Engineering Services 8,996,100 3,171,890 Operations 2,892,800 15,043,070 Community Services 549,000 12,256,674 Planning Services 823,000 3,009,954 Clarington Library Board 195,000 2,709,694 Cultural Agencies - 702,616 TOTAL EXPENDITURE-MUNICIPAL ONLY 14,904,750 57,956,910 TOTAL CAPITAL & CURRENT EXPENDITURE- MUNICIPAL ONLY 72,861,660 NET LEVY 4 • THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET By-Law In final budget Executive Summary Organizational Chart 5 Current Budget Summary 6 Current Budget Summary by Department 7 Historical Comparison 8 Departments Revenue 10 Mayor and Council 24 Administration 27 Legal Department 29 Corporate Services 32 Clerks Department 41 Finance/Unclassified Administration 54 Emergency Services - 62 Engineering Department 73 Operations Department 85 Community Services 107 Planning Services 132 Levies/Business Improvement Areas 140 Clarington Library 142 Museums and Art 149 External Agencies 169 Clarin�ton Leading the Way CORPORATE ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 MAYOR. ' COUNCILLORS CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER` Franklin Wu Executive Assistant to the AdministrstWe Mayor AsslataM to the' .. Conncilbrs Linda Coutu Policy ExecudvaAaslstant to Janet Dauncey __ Researcher ___ Administrative Hirin Deferred Jane Pascoe Co-ordinator Heather Keyzers CORPORATEIHUMAN. CLERKS COMMUNITY RESOURCES EMERGENCY/FIRE ENGINEERING' FINANCE LEGAL -OPERATION$. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES DEPARTMENT - SERVICE$_ OEPARTMENT'.: SERVICES" .�.._..�.. ......- ..�..�..__.� .�.___.�.. .. .._.. CLERK DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR SOLICITOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Patti Barrie Joseph Caruana Marie Marano Gob Weir Ton Cannella. Nancy Ta for Andrew Allison Fred Horvath David Crome F LaW Clerk- Joanne Barchartl Mayor Adrian Foster Re tonal Councillor,Wards I and 2 Ma Novak R tonal Counclllor Wards 3 and 4 Willie Woo Councillor,.Ward I Joe Neal Councillor Ward 2 Ron Hoo er Counclllor,Ward 3 Corinna Traill Councillor,Ward 4 Wendy Partner Muniupalityd gton 02/1 t/11 BUDGE/WORi�APERS Clarin2 RY ' 20011 11 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 A(MAL DesmoWn 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (149,218,468.09) (152,732,948.43) GENERAL FUND-REVENUE (134,908,791.50) (141,455,667.00) (145,381,413.00 (24,925,014.00) 120,456,399.00 (149,218,468.09) (152.732,948.43) Total REVENUE _ (134.908,791.50) (141.455.667.00) (145,381,413.00) (24,925.014.00) 120.456.399.00 EXPENDITURE: 147,010,877.31 152,791,281.08 GENERAL FUND-EXPENDITURE 134,908,791.50 141,455,667.00 145,381,413.00 59,151,291.00 (86,230,122.00) 147,010.877.31 152.791.281.08 Total EXPENDITURE 134.908.791.50 141,455.667.00 145.381.413.00 59.151,291.00 (86 230,122.0 (2.207.590.78) 58332.65 NET LEVY 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 34,226,277.00 34,226,277.00 rT Municipality or lglon 0211'111 BUDGET WOR1 PAPERS Claringten:GENc-_.L FUND 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desalption 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (140,577,854.93) (142,127,391.97) NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS-REVENUE (126,224,955.00) (132.633,694,00) (137,102,013.00) - (16,016,699.00) 121,085,314.00 0.00 (6,793.59) LEGAL OFFICE-REVENUE 0.00 - 0.00 (80,000.00) (186,100.00) (106,100.00) (238,692.71) (250,365.16) CORPORATE SERVICES-REVENUE (132,604.00) (161,500.00) (183,200.00) (170,560.00) 12,640.00 (792,549,34) (642,22713) CLERK'S-REVENUE (387,750.00) (437,100.00) (544,500.00) (573,000.00) (28,500.00) (1,846,160.06) (2,137,707.42) FINANCE S UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN-REVENUE (1,160,000.00) (1,172,000.00) (1,272,000.00) (1,367,000.00) (95,000.00) (55,668.24) (63,867.00) EMERGENCY SERVICES-FIRE-REVENUE (9,250.00) (9,250.00) (9,250.00) (35,800.00) (26,550.00) (941,496.64) (1,446,539.11) ENGINEERING SERVICES-REVENUE (1,527,875.00) (1,452,450.00) (899,050.00) (1,301,050.00) (402,000,00) (387,313.00) (1,452,117.46) OPERATIONS-REVENUE (375,000.00) .(460,000.00) (454,800.00) (426,200.00) 28,600.00 (4,084,725.07) (4,072,106.00) COMMUNITY SERVICES-REVENUE (4,491,857.50) (4,702,173.00) (4,540,500.00) (4,427,080.00) 113,420.00 (293,988.10) (533,832.99) PLANNING SERVICES-REVENUE (599,500.00) (427,500.00) (296,100.00) (421,525.00) (125,425.00) (149,218,468.09) (152732.948.43) Total REVENUE (134908791.50) (141.455,667.00) (145,381,413.00) (24.925.014.00) 120,456,399.00 EXPENDITURE: 763,941.14 734,122.60 MAYOR-EXPENDITURE 760,107.00 783,358.00 794,655.00 832,204.00 37,549.00 398,765.02 419,155.60 ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE-EXPENDITURE 410,283.00 419,608.00 389,758.00 412,806.00 23,048.00 0.00 407,873.71 LEGAL OFFICE-EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 358,000.00 516,758.00 158,758.00 3,382,878.06 3,502,878.97 CORPORATE SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 3,502,954.00 3,646,618.00 3,641,916.00 3,791,417.00 149,501.00 2,439,912.72 2,366,976.04 CLERK'S-EXPENDITURE 1,948,900.00 2,218,827.00 2,258,804.00 2,140,467.00 (118,337.00) 4,116,976.54 6,030,572.64 FINANCE S UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN-EXPENDITURE 3,696,083.00 4,071,343.00 3,838,649.00 4,028,135.00 189,486.00 8,544,952.61 9,088,929.72 EMERGENCY SERVICES-FIRE-EXPENDITURE 7,316,016.00 7,467,269.00 8,038,979.00. 8,772,225.00 733,246.00 3,708,736.44 4,420,629.46 ENGINEERING SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 4,297,599.00 4,185,070.00 4,608,041.00 3,151,890.00 (1,456,151.00) 13,860,348.63 13,458,825.13 OPERATIONS-EXPENDITURE 12,445,095.50 12,799,204.00 13,059,675.00 14,987,070.00 1,927,395.00 11,100,342.01 11,564,909.83 COMMUNITY SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 11,325,358.00 11,982,141.00 12,119,406.00 12,201,674.00 82,268.00 4,884,755.93 3,562,190.98 PLANNING SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 3,686,855.00 3,976,550.00 3,473,910.00 3,009,954.00 (463,956.00) 90,707,811.19 93,848,111.85 LEVIES-EXPENDITURE 82,545,495.00 86,794,936.00 89,447,352.00 1,894,381.00 (87,552,971.00) 2,676,872,00 2,754,386.00 LIBRARIES-EXPENDITURE 2,595,393.00 2,686,158.00 2,721,686.00 2,709,694.00 (12,192.00) 424,585.00 411,953.55 MUSEUMS S ARTS-EXPENDITURE 378,65300 424,585.00 408,617.00 422,351.00 13,734.00 0.00 221,765.00 EXTERNAL AGENCIES-EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 221,765.00 280,265.00 58,500.00 147.010.877.31 152,791.281.08 Total EXPENDITURE 134.908.791.50 141,455,667.00 145.381.413.00 59,151,291.00 (86230.122.00) (2,207,59078) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 34,226,277.00 34�2262�77.00 0 :TAXABLE ASSESSMENT ' MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON (BASED ONAPPLICAELE ASSESSMENT YEAR 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Residential/Farm/Multi Residential 4,438,547,496 5,164,221,197 5,330,106,912 6,224,471,334 6,363,208,861 6,515,894,620 6,960,416,743 7,359,815,544 7,777,663,382 Commercial/Shopping Class 303,956,032 326,202,417 331,385,452 373,828,581 385,575,567 428,602,384 476,328,553 513,091,922 586,281,554 Industrial/Large Industrial 227,348,202 248,060,976 247,704,246 195,843,446 193,114,646 192,887,073 199,840,763 216,758,375 219,806,120 Pipelines/Managed Forest 45,614,870 52,211,120 54,612,920 47,109,600 46,961,270 48,042,490 51,465,343 55,455,486 57,865,198 Exempt 193,177,605 232,358,890 241,114,270 252,839,149 279,152,269 280,284,268 285,893,561 299,975,387 329,311,901 TOTAL 5,208,644,205 6,023,054,600 6,204,923,800 7,094,092,110 7,268,012,613 7 465 710 835 7,973,944,963 8,445,096 714 8,970,928,155 INCREASE 13.19% 15.64% 3.02% 14.33% 2.45% 2.72% 6.81% 5.91% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Residential/Farm/Multi Residential 88.5% 89.2% 89.4% 91.0% 91.0% 90.7% 90.5% 90.4% 90.0 CommericaVlndustriaVPipeline/Etc. 11.5% 1.0.8% 10.6% 99% 9.o% 93% 9.5% 9.8% 10.0% TOTAL(excludes exempt) - 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 00 YFARLY COMPAWSON'OF RESIDENTIAL TAX RATE TAX RATE YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Municipal 0.395 0.386 0.407 0.381 0.414 0.432 0.425 0.422 AT Region 0.663 0.633 0.671 0.689 0.736 0.772 0.768 0.752 FINAL Education 0,335 4.29.8 0 296 0.264 4254 0"21x4 0,252 4.241 TOTAL 1.374 1=4 al 1,445 INCREASE IN TAXES(%1 YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2003` 2004` 2005 2006` 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Municipal -5.06 -2.40 5.42 -6.45 8.78 4.19 -1.59 -0.60 AT Region -10.19 -4.61 6.06 2.71 6.88 4.83 -0.53 -2.07 FINAL Education 9.85 -11.6 DIM -10.81 4.44 DM ._-4M 9.3Z OVERALL APPORTIONMENT OF TAX DOLLAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 - 2009 2010 2011 Municipal $0.26 $0.27 $0.28 $0.27 $0.27 $0.28 $0.27 $0.28 AT Region $0.44 $0.44 $0.45 $0.48 $0.49 $0.49 $0.50 $0.50 FINAL Education $4.34 $429 $0 27 $0'2fi $424 $423. $0 23 $432 an S11.00 Sim Sim 2003,2004,and 2006 were reassessment years,2009 to 2012 represent a four year phase-in of reassessment values • Municipality R A .02/11/11 BUDGET WOR�APERS Clarirpton:2011 MENTAL 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL De cidption 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (39,332,111,99) (41,177081.84) MUNICIPAL TAXATION-REVENUE (37,298,940.00) (38,800,222.00) (40,454,560.00) (4,896,050,00) 35,558,51000 (63,660,444.65) (66,229,128.21) REGIONAL TAXATION-REVENUE (57,376,970.00) (61,093,056.00) '(63,355,535.00) (1,123,416.00) 62,232,119.00 (26,852,701.98) (27,428,599.(36) SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION-REVENUE (24,976,284.00) (25,507,213.00) (25,893,150.00) (569,943.00) 25,323,207.00 (27,168.36) (27,084.33) LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TAXATION-REVENUE (27,241.00) (27,16700) (27,167.00) (25,522.00) 1,645.00 (167,500,15) (171,500,15) BIA TAXATION-REVENUE (165,000.00) (167,500,00) (171,500,00) (175,500.00) (4,000.00) (120,419.00) (4,925.00) GRANTS-REVENUE (119,000.00) (116,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (102,953.63) (17,132.98) FEES SERV.CHGS-OTHER MUN.-REVENUE (30,000.00) (35,000.00) (30,000.00) (28,000.00) 2,000.00 (275,189.83) (244,797.72) FEES SERV.CHGS-AGGREGATE ANNUAL FEES-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (240,000.00) (240,000.00) (8,217,024,04) (5,670,813.64) CONTRIBUTIONS-REVENUE (4,547,960.00) (5,131,011.00) (5,799,96100) (7,654,291,00) (1,854,328.00) (119,060,13) (90,569.66) RENTAL INCOME-REVENUE (133,900.00) (138,570,00) (88,394.00) (80,684.00) 7,710.00 (100,309.10) (90,938.00) FINES-REVENUE (85,000,00) (112,000.00) (102,000.00) (90,000.00)- 12,000.00 (1,602,463.57) (974,756.71) INVESTMENT INCOME-REVENUE (1,454,660.00) (1,505,955.00) (1,179,744.00) (1,133,293,00) 46,451.00 - (508,50) (64.67) OTHER-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (140,577,854.93) (142,127,391.97) Total REVENUE (126,224,955.00) (132,633,694.00) _ (137,102,013.00) (16,016,699.00) 121,085,314.00 (140,577.854.93) (142,127,391.97) NET LEVY (126,224,955.00) (132.633.694.00) _(737,102,013.00) (16,016,699.00) 121065314.00 i 0 O Municipality 0 lgton .02/11111 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Clarington:MUNIL..AL TAXATI 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Dasoriot9on 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (32,625,293.54) (34,395,950.42) 100-05-220-10538-6100 TAXATION-MUNICIPAL (30,984,464.00) (32,625,296.00) (34,395,949.00) 0.00 34,395,949.00 (792,01 B.97) (973,213.38) 100-05-220-10538-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-MUN. (500,000.00) (500.000.00) (500,000.00) (500,000.00) 0.00 (1,155,596.90) (1,161,929.90) 100-05-220-10538-6102 TAXATION,PIL-MUN. (1,081,376.00) (1,155,598.00) (1,161,929.00) 0.00 1,161,929.00 (2,205,562.34) (2,104,471.39) 100-05-220-10538-6103 TAXATION,PIL-EDUCATION RETAINED (1,880,000.00) (2,066,078.00) (1,943,452.00) (1,943,452.00) 0.00 (3,053.63) 0.00 100-05-220-10538-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL—MUN. (400,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,547,355.00) (2,538,928.46) 100-05-220-10538-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-MUNICIP (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000,00) 0.00 (3,231.81) (2,588.29) 100-05-220-10538-6112 TAXATION—HEADS&BEDS-MUNICIP ' (3,100.00) (3,250,00) (3,230.00) (2,598.00) 632.00 (39,332.111.99) (41,177,081.84) Total REVENUE (37,298,940.00) (38,800.222.00) (40,454,560.00) (4.896.050.00) 35,558,510.00 (39,332,111.99) (41.177,081.84) NET LEVY (37.298940.00) (38,800.222.00) (40,454,560.00) (4.896.050.00) 35,558,510.00 Municipality o` tgton 2011 �py11/it BUDGET WORI�APERS Clarinflron AXATIO 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUOGU 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (59,003,151.80) (61,285,256,66) 100-05-221-10540-6100 TAXATION-REGION (55,442,013.00) (59,003,148.00) (61,285,256.00) 0.00 61,285,256.00 (1,428,498.87) (1,741,402.53) 100-05-221-10540-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-REGI 0.00 0.00 OM 0.00 0.00 (2,089,908.89) (2,070,277,65) 100-05-221-1054l16102 TAXATION,PIL-REGION (1,934,957.00) (2,089,908.00) (2,070,279.00) 0.00 2,070,279,00 (5,464.01) 0.00 100-05-221-10540-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL—REGION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,127,577.69) (1,127,579.66) 100-05-221-10540-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-REGION 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,118,814.00) (1,118,814.00) (5,843,39) (4,611.71) 100-05-221-10540-6112 TAXATION—HEADS&BEDS-REGION 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,602.00) (4,602.00) (63,660,444.65) (66,22 ,128.21) Total REVENUE (57.376.970.00) (61,093.056.00) (63.355,535.00) (1,123,416.00) 62.232,119.00 (63,660.444.65) ( NET LEVY (57.376,970.00) (61.093.O5fi.00 (63.355.535.00) (1.123.416.00) 62232119.00 N Municipality i9lon 02111(11 BUDGET WORI PAPERS Clarin9ton:SCHOO.-.BARD TAX 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Dmripfion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (25,429627.35) (25,822,282.87) 100-05-223-00000-6100 TAXATION-SCHOOL BOARD (24,893,032.00) (25,429,624.00) (25,822,217.00) 0.00 25,822,217.00 (775,542.01) (965,439.97) 100-05-22300000-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-SCHO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (77,589.45) (70,933.04) 100-05-223-00000.6102 TAXATION,PIL-SCHOOL 8D. (83,252.00) (77,589.00) (70,933.00) 0.00 70,933.00 (419,181.82) (416,354.90) 100-05-223-10545-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-ENG.PUB 0.00 0.00 0.00 (419,182.00) (419,182.00) (147,734.96) (150,442.20) 100-05-223-10550-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-ENG.SE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (147,735.00) (147735.00) (3,026.39) (3,146.08) 100-05-223-10560-6111 TAXATION--RIGHT OF WAY-FRERSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,026.00) (3,026.00) (26,852,701.98) (27,428.599.06) Total REVENUE (24976284.00) (25,507,213.00) (25893.150.00) (569,943.00) 25.323,207.00 (26,852.701.98) (27,428,599.06) NET LEVY (24,976.284.00) (25.507,213.00) (25,893.150.00) (569,943.00) 25. 3323y207®00 pali 02/11/11 BOOPGEMunicipality WO R A PERS LOCH Clarington VEMEN 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL c0mriotian 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (25,379.88) (25,379.88) 100-05-225-10540-6121 LOCAL IMP LEVY-NEWCASTLE SEWS (25,453.00) (25,379.00) (25,379.00) (25,399.00). (20.00) (560.16) (476.13) 100-05-225-10540-6122 LOCAL IMP LEVY-NEWC.WATER (560.00) (560.00) (560.00) 0.00 560.00 (1,228,32) (1,228.32) 100-05-225-10540-6127 LOCAL IMP LEVY-NEWTONVILLE WA (1,228.00) (1,228,00) (1,228.00) (123.00) 1,105.00 (27,168,36) (27,084.331 Total REVENUE (27,241.001 . (27,167.00) (27,167.00) (25,522.001 1,645.00 (27.168.361 (27,084.33) NET LEVY (27.241.001 (27.167.00) (27,167.00) (25.522.001 1.645.00 i F Municipality o' igton 02)11)11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Cladrpton:BIA....AEON 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desaiption - 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (136,500,09) (140,500.00) 100-05-227-10565-6106 B.I.A.-BOWMANVILLE-TAX LEVY (134,000.00) (136,500.00) (140,500.00) (144,500.00) (4,000.00) (25,000.03) (25,000.12) 100-05-227-10566-6106 B.I.A.-NEWCASTLE-TAX LEVY (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000,00) 0.00 (6,000.03) (6,000.03) 100-05-227-10567-6106 B.I.A.-ORONO-TAX LEVY - (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) - 0.00 (167,500.15) (171,500.15) Total REVENUE (165,000.00) (167,500.00) (171.500.00) (175,500.00) (4,000.00) (167,500.15) (171,500.15) NET LEVY (165,000.00) (167,500.00) (171.500.00) (175,500.00) (4.000.00) Municipality igloo 02/11/11 BUDGET WO�PAPERS Clari 2011 Draft 2011 ft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (4,419.00) (4,925.00) 100-05-230-10006-6200 GRANTS-CANADA-NON RECURRIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-05-230-10008-6201 GRANTS-PROVINCIAL-NON RECU (3,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (116,000.00) 0.00 100-05-230-30621-6201 OMPF-SUPPLEMENTARY ASSISTAN (116,000.00) (116,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (120,419.00) .(4.925.001 Total REVENUE (119.000.001 (116,000.00) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 (120,419.00) (4.925.001 NET LEVY (119.000.001 (116,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 f+ (T Municipality or gton 07/11/11 BUDGET WORT PAPERS Clarirgton:FEES S..-..CHGS-O 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (976.20) 0.00 100-05-235-00000-6402 FEES&SIC-OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (101,97743) (17,13298) 100-05-235-10540-6401 FEES&S/C-REGION OF DURHAM (30,000.00) (35,000.00) (30,000.00) (28,000.00) 2,000.00 (102,953.63) (17,132.98) Total REVENUE (30,000.00) (35,000.00) (30,000.00) (28,000.00) 2000.00 (102.953.63) (17.132.98) NET LEVY (30.000.00) 135.000.00) (30.000.00) (28.000.00) 2.000.00 V Municipality' M .02/11111 BUDGET WUH. APERS Claringtan:FEES GRGS-A 2011 Dr4 2009 ANNAL 2010 ACTUAL Desaiution 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (275,189.83) (244,797.72) 100-05-237-35005-6400 FEES&S/C-AGGREGATE ANNUAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 (240,000.00) (240.000.00) (275.189.83) (244,797.72) ToW REVENUE 0.00 0000 0.00 (240,000.00) (240,000.00) (275,189.83) (244,797.72) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 (240,000.00) (240,000.00) 00 00 Municipality o' 19ton 02111111 BUDGET WORi PAPERS Clarinpton:CONI... LMONS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL DWulONon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (379,756.09) (365,581.88) 100-05-250-00000-6601 CONTRIB,-RES.TO GEN. (103,375.00) (145,000.00) (340,000.00) (28,000.00) 312,000 00 (7,525,402.95) (5,257,903.37) 100-05-250-00000-6651 CONTRIB:R/F TO GEN. (4,434,585.00) (4,976,011.00) (5,449,963.00) (7,626,291.00) (2,176,328.00) (70,000.00) (32,500.00) 100-05-250-00000-6660 CONTRIB.FR:CAPITAL FUND (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) -100-05-250-00000-6760 CONTRIB.FR'.OTHERS-CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (241,865.00) (4,828.39) 100-05-250-00000-6770 CONTRIBUTION-OTHERS(DONATIONS 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8,217,024.04) (5.670.813.64) Total REVENUE (4,547,960.00) (5.131.011 00) (5.799,96300) (7.654.291.00) (1.854.328.00) (8,217,024.04) (5.670.813.84) NETLEVY (4,547,960.00) ( (5,799,963.00) (7,654,291.00) (1.854.328.00) . Municipality •02fi 1/11 BUDCladGETWORi 011 2 �PERS nq[p011 D COME 2 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (61,928.10) (50,975.27) 100-05-238-00000-6511 RENTAL REV.-OTHER RENTAL REV. (73,750.00) (79,090.00) (50,850.00) (51,753.00) (90100) (27,938.40) (26,223.17) 100-05-23&10156-6511 RENTAL REV.-FIREICOURT BLDG (35,265.00) (31,765.00) (26,034.00) (27,508.00) (1,474.00) (29,193.63) (13,371.22) 100-05-238-10159-6511 RENTAL REVASEECH CENTRE (24,885.00) (27,715.00) (11,510.00) (1,423.00) 10,08700 (119,060.13) (90,569.66 Total REVENUE - (133,900.00) (138.570.00) (88,394.001 (80.684.00) 7.710.00 (119,060.13) (90.569.66) NET LEW (133.900.00) (138,570.00) (88,394.00) (80.684.001 7,710.00 N O Municipality or 'igton 07111(11' BUDGET WOR4 PAPERS Clarinptom—AS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desc of n 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (100,309.10) (90,938.00) 100-05-240-10540-6506 FINES-PROV.OFFENCES ACT (85,000.00) (112,000.00) (102,000.00) (90,000.00) 12,000.00 (100.309.10) (90,938.007. Total REVENUE (85.000.007 (112,000.00) (102,000.00) (90.000.00) .12.000.00 (90,000.00) 12,000.00 (100,309.10) (90,938.00) NET LEVY (85.000.001 (112,000.00 (102,000.00) M aETipWlOito ta R 02/11/11 6000Rg�P I t Cla rl rgton:IN V ESi. 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desaiatian 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (363,301.52) (151,297.10) 100-05-245-00000-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME-PORT GRAN (420,000.00) (420,000.00) (300,000.00) (250,000.00) 50,000.00 (91759.78) (184,513.11) 100-05-245-01001-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME-OWN FUNDS (450,000.00) (450,000.00) (200,000.00) (200,000.00) 0.00 (1,115,200.00) (625,600.00) 100-05-24510019-6540 INVESTMENT NCOME-VERIDIAN DI (571,200,00) (598,400.00) (625,600.00) (666,400.00) (40,800,00) (27,479.78) (1,321.04) 100-05-24510416-6540 BOND INTEREST-BOW CEM (19,248.00) (24,354.00) (45,234.00) (14,185.00) 31,049.00 (3,272.81) (9,890.18) 100-05-245-10418-6540 BOND INTEREST-BONDHEAD CEM (2,213.00) (2,918.00) (5,337.00) (1,891.00) 3,446.00 (40.52) (6.03) 100-05-24510421-6540 BOND INTEREST-ADVENT CEMETE (27.00) (35.00) (71.00) (16.00) 55.00 (124.20) 31.92 100-05-24510422-6540 BOND INTEREST-TRULL'S CEMETE (56.00) (65.00) (131.00) (28,00) 103.00 (425.17) (192.43) 100-05-24510423-6540 BOND INTEREST-LOVEKIN CEMETE- (350.00) (425.00). (755,00) (145.00) 610.00 0,00 0.00 100-05-245-10425-6540 BOND INTEREST-ORONO CEMETER (331.00) (8,600.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (859.79) (1,968.74) 100-05-245-10426-6540 BOND INTEREST-ST.GEORGE'S C (1,235.00) (1,158.00) (2,616.00) (628.00) 1,988.00 (1,602,463.57) (974.756.71) Total REVENUE (1,464,660:00) (1,505.955.00) (1,179,744.00) (1,133293.0 0) 46,451.00 (1,602.463.57) (974.756.71) NET LEVY (1.464.660,00) (1.505.955.00) (1,179,744.00) (1,133.293.00) 46.451.00 N N Munidpality o' 'Igton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarif Wm ..,ER 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (508.50) (64.67) 100-05-255-30646-6400 DISCOUNTS TAKEN FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (508.50) (64.67) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (508.50) (64.671 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 W - Mupality d��t"o"n 02/11/11 BUOGETWORI�wPERS clarin 11 Draft raff 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: - 337,638.27 346,282.99 MAYOR-EXPENDITURE 352,482.00 360,718.00 373,201.00 392,055.00 18,854.00 426,302.87 387,839.61 COUNCIL-EXPENDITURE 407,625.00 422,640.00 421,454.00 440,149.00 18,695.00 763,941 14 734,122.60 Total EXPENDITURE 760.107.00 783.358.00 794.655.00 832.204.00 37.549.00 703,941.14 734.122.fi0 NET LEVY 760,107 DO 783,358.00 794.655.00 832,204.00 37.549.00 N F Municipality o' gton 02111/11 6000ET WORT PAPERS Clarington:N-OR 2011 Draft _ 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Dea iotion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 156,436.85 160,854.63 100-10-100-00000-7001 MAYOR'S-SALARY F/T 149,937.00 154,807.00 159,451.00 164,633.00 5,182.00 84,516.97 80,537.51 100-10-100-00000-7040 MAYOR'S-ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 81,579.00 84,129.00 67,235,00 89,575.00 2,340.00 4,719.86 4,408.44 100-10-100-00000-7050 MAYOR'S-EHT 4,515.00 4,661.00 4,810,00 4,786.00 (24.00) 15,482,61 13,871.91 100-10-100-00000-7051 MAYOR'S-OMERS 15,492.00 16,013.00 16,454.00 19,224.00 2,770.00 6,428.75 6,443.71 100-10-100-00000-7052 MAYOR'S-CPP 5,970.00 6,148.00 6,356,00 6,489.00 133.00 2,103.81 2,071.14 100-10-100.00000-7053 MAYOR'S-El 2,016.00 1,991.00 2,049.00 2,093.00 44.00 20,108.73 24,907.57 100-10-100-00000-7054 MAYORS-LTD/LIFEIHLTH 21,532.00 19,069.00 20,874.00 28,666.00 7,792.00 2,840.72 3,043.96 100-10-100-00000-7058 MAYOR'S-WSIB 2,391.00 2,680.00 2,719.00 3,336.00 617.00 4,40162 5,05128 100-10-100-00000-7101 MAYOR'S-OFF SUPPLIES 5,000.00 5,150.00 5,305.00 .5,305.00 0.00 860.99 1,976.06 100-10-100-00000-7132 MAYOR'S-PHONEFAX 3,500.00 3,600.00 3,708.00 3,708.00 0.00 321.04 565.74 100-10-100.00000-7181 MAYOR'S-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 250.00 260.00 268.00 268.00 0.00 895.69 959.58 100-10-100-00000-7186 MAYOR'S-POST/COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,030.00 1,061.00 1,061.00 0.00 320.00 330.00 100-10-100-00000-7200 MAYOR'S-MEMB/DUES 500.00 515.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 2,366.40 3,46648 100-10-100-00000-7201 MAYOR'S-CONFERENCES 7,500.00 7,725.00 7,957.00 7,957.00 0.00 11,28148 11,562.70 100-10-100-00000.7202 MAYOR'S TRAVEL EXP 11,000.00 11,330.00 11,670.00 11,670.00 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 100-10-100-00000-7203 MAYOR'S STAFF DEV 6,000,00 6,180.00 6,365.00 6,365.00 0.00 14,00156 14,739.01 100-10-100-00000-7205 MAYORS-RECEPTION 19,650.00 20,240.00 20,847.00 20,847.00 0.00 8,665.22 9,978.20 100-10-100-00000-7207 MAYOR'S-OFFICE EXP 12,150.00 12,515.00 12,890.00 12,890.00 0.00 396.57 164.07 100-10-100-00000-7299 MAYOR'S-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 515.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 1,487.40 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7506 MAYOR'S-FURNITURE/FIXTURES - 2,000.00 .2,060.00 2,122.00 2,122.00 0.00 33763827 346.282.99 Total EXPENDITURE 352,482.00 360,715.00 373,201.00 392,055.00 18.854.00 337,638.27 _ 346,282.99 NET LEVY 352,462.00 360,716.00 373,201.00 392,055.00 18,854.00 • B nicipality Tgtan 0 02/11/11 UDGET Mu WO�PAPERS Claringron. CIL 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desalo[iun 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 66,936.12 68,017.58 100-10.105-00000-7001 COUNCIL-SALARY F(T 63,440.00 65,502.00 67,467.00 69,660.00 2,19100 22609669 193,290.15 100-10-105-00000-7040 COUNCIL-ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 206,146.00 225,405.00 220,728.00 214,980.00 (5,748.00) 5,744.66 3,63108 100-10-105-00000-7050 COUNCIL-EHT 5,257.00 5,673.00 5,620.00 5,141.00 (479.00) 12,376.01 10,297.84 100-10-105-00000-7051 COUNCIL-OMERS 12,39090 12,800.00 13,032.00 15,459.00 2,427.00 7349.98 6,538.83 100-10-105-00000-7052 COUNCIL-CPP 6,780.00 7,029.00 7,278.00 7,871.00 593.00 1,051.38 1,071.15 100-10-105-00000-1053 COUNCIL-Et 1,008.00 995.00 1.,025.00 1,046.00 21.00 36,251.98 45,271.46 100-10-105-00000.7054 COUNCIL-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 41,176.00 34,381.00 37,713.00 57,144.00 19,431.00 1,277.26 1,389,32 100-10-105-00000.7058 COUNCIL-WSI6 1,078.00 1,205.00 1,241.00 1,498.00 257.00 3,010.24 3,06439 100-10-10500000-7101 COUNCIL-OFF SUPPLIES 2,500.00 2,800.00 3,30090 3,300.00 0.00 10,805.63 7,58142 100-10-105-00000-7132 COUNCIL-PHONEIFAX 7,500.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 303.96 402.03 100-10-105-00000-7181 COUNCIL-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 250.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 7.64 0.00 100-10-10500000-7186 COUNCIL-POST/COUR/FRT 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 11,724.33 4,962.51 100-10-105-00000-7201 COUNCIL-CONFERENCES 13,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 $9,531.09 40,530.15 100-10-105-00000.7202 COUNCIL-TRAVEL EXP 42,000.00 42,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 . 60.00 100-10-105-00000-1203 COUNCIL-STAFF DEV 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 OAO 3,835.90 1,497.96 100-10-105-00000-7299 COUNCIL-MISC EXPENSE 2,500.00 2;500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 232.74 100-10.105-00000-7506 COUNCIL-FURNITUREIFIXTURES 1,500.00 11500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 426 302.87 387.839.61 Total EXPENDITURE - 407.625.00 422.640.00 421,454.00 440.149.00 18.695.00 426,302.87 3B7,839.61 NET LEVY 407,125.00 422,640.00 421,454.00 440,149.00 18,695.00 I N O� Municipality WOR.' ton •6vt1nY BUDGET WOR.�AOWS Clarinpro 2011 D TOR'S 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 398,765.02 - 419,155.60 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 410,283.00 419,608.00 389,758.00 412,806.00 23,048.00 398.765.02 419.155.60 Total EXPENDITURE 410.283.00 419.608.00 389.758.00 412.806.00 23.048.00 39$765.02 419 155.60 NET LEVY 410,283.00 419,608.00 389,758.00 412.806.00 23,048.00 I N V Municipality or 'igton 02/11111 BUDGET WOR: PAPERS Clatlngton:ADMI.-i RATION 2011 Draft . 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 294,311.43 309,278.44 100-1 3-130-00000-7001 ADMIN-SALARY F/T 264,342.00 272,933.00 281,121.00 290,257.00 9,136.00 10,253,88 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7015 ADMIN-WAGES STUDENT 6,492.00 6,492.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,517.81 5,833.24 100-13-130-00000-7050 ADMIN-EHT 5,281.00 5,449.00 5,482.00 5,660.00 178.00 22,642.34 25,569.46 100-13-130-00000.7051 ADMIN-OMERS 22,667.00 23,418,00 24,213.00 27,942.00 3,729.00 4,440.94 4,388.89 100-13-130-00000-7052 ADMIN-CPP 4,128.00 4,247.00 4,237.00 4,326.00 89.00 2,26970 2,151.63 100-13-130-00000-7053 ADMIN-El 2,180.00 2,148.00 2,049.00 2,093.00 44.00 16,718.89 21,039.46 100-13-130-000004054 ADMIN-LTD/UFE/HLTH 16,941.00 15,856.00 17,211.00 23,905.00 6,694.00 3,036.81 3,073.07 100-13-130-00000-7058 ADMIN-WSIB 2,552.00 2,865.00 2,745.00 3,423.00 678.00 2,129.10 5,188.11 100-13-130-00000-7101 ADMIN-OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,500.00 - 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 2,748,45 8,916.45 100-13-130-00000-7161 ADMIN-PROF FEES 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 -12,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7174 ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 0.00 833.02 42765 100-13-130-00000-7181 ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 25.77 15.35 100-13-130-00000-7186 ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 2,512.50 2,588.66 100-13-130-00000-7200 ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 3,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 8,128.81 9,473.17 100-13-130-00000-7202 ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 6,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 9,000.00 500.00 8,571.97 9,377.80 100-13-130-00000-7203 ADMIN-STAFF DEV 12,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 3,243.93 4,608.23 100-13-130-00000-7205 ADMIN-RECEPTION 6,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 8,372.27 4,154.95 100-13-130-00000-7208 ADMIN-STAFF RECOGNITION 25,000.00 28,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 936.70 852.48. 100-13-130-00000-7299 ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,070.70 2,218.56 100-13-130-0000o-7505 ADMIN-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 12,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 398,765.02 419155.60 Total EXPENDITURE 410,283.00 419,608.00 389.758.00 412,806.00 23.048.00 398.765.02 419.155.60 NET LEVY 410283.00 419,608.00 389.758.00 412,806.00 23,048.00 • • 00 29 • LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2011 BUDGET 2010 was a transition year for Legal Services. My first day on the job was May 25, 2010. Joanne Barchard (Law Clerk) started her job on September 7, 2010. As of the beginning of this year, we are fully functioning as an in-house legal department should function, and the 2011 Legal Services Department budget is intended to reflect this. The majority of the Legal Services Department expenses are fixed (e.g. salaries). Revenues are variable. They represent our best estimate of fees and disbursements that we will recover for work done for the benefit of individuals and corporations other than the Municipality (e.g. fees to prepare and register development agreements). The goal of the Legal Services Department will be to limit, to the greatest extent possible, the amount of legal and paralegal work that is referred to outside counsel. Respectfully submitted, A r: And ew C. Allison, B. Comm. LL.B. Municipal Solicitor February 10, 2011 . Municipality o` Stan 02111/11 BUOGET'WOR, ERS Clarington2011 D RTMTMENT 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (6,793.59) LEGAL-REVENUE 0.00 0.00. (80,000.00) (186,100.00) (106,100.00) 0.00 (6,793.59) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (80,000.00) (186.100.00) (106,100.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 407,873.71 LEGAL-EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 358,000.00 516,758.00 158,758.00 0.00 407.873.71 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 358.000.00 516.758.00 158.758.00 0.00 401.080.12 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 278,000.00 330.658.00 52.658.00 W O Municipality c' gton 02/11111 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarin9Mn:._-.AL 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-14-130-00000-6400 LEGAL ADMIN-MISC.REV 0.00 0.00 (80,000.00) (5,100.00) 74,900.00 0.00 (4,532.72) 100-14-130-00000-6460 LEGAL ADMIN-PLAN AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 (56,000.00) (56,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-14-130-00000-6461 LEGAL ADMIN-ENG AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (562.00) 100-14-130-00000-6462 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF.FEE RECOVER 0.00 0.00 0.00 (80,000.00) (80,000.00) 0.00 (1,698.87) 100-14-130-00000-6463 LEGAL ADMIN-DISBURSEMENT RE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,000.00) (7,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-14-130-00000-6651 LEGAL-CONTRIB:R1F TO GEN. 0.00 0.00 0.00 (36,000.00) (36,000.00) 0.00 (6,793.59) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 (80,000.00) (186.100.00) (106,100.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 119,83370 100-14-130-00000-7001 LEGAL ADMIN-SALARY FIT 0.00 0.00 208,057.00 223,763.00 15,706.00 OM 3,990.48 100-14-130-00000-7050 LEGAL ADMIN-EHT 0.00 0.00 4,057.00 4,363.00 306.00 0.00 16,741.33 100-14-130-00000-7051 LEGAL ADMIN-OMERS . 0.00 0.00 17,125.00 15,295.00 (1,830.00) 0.00 4,116.80 100-14-130-00000-7052 LEGAL ADMIN-CPP - 0.00 0.00 4,2313.00 4,326.00 88.00 0.00 2,012.86 100-14-130-00000-7053 LEGAL ADMIN-El 0.00 0.00 2,050.00 2,093.00 43.00 0.00 12,021.67 100-14-130-00000.7054 LEGAL ADMIN-LTDILIFEHLTH 0.00 0.00 16,212.00 22,005.00 5,793.00 0.00 2,926.40 100-14-130-00000-7058 LEGAL ADMIN-WSIB 0.00 0.00 2,614.00 3,136.00 522.00 0,00 2,430.95 100-14-130-00000-7101 LEGAL ADMIN-OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-14-130-00000-7115 LEGAL ADMIN-CONVEYANCE EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 238,706.07 100-14-130-00000-7161 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF FEES 0.00 0.00 91,000.00 95,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 2,037.19 100-14-130-00000-7181 LEGAL ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 3,780.00 2,780.00 0,00 1,329.84 100-14-130-00000-7200 LEGAL ADMIN-MEMSIDUES 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,850.00 (150.00) 0.00 577.80 100-14-130-00000-7202 LEGAL ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 1500.00 (500.00) .0.00 95.41 100-14-130-00000-7203 LEGAL ADMIN-STAFF DEV 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-14-130-00000-7224 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF FEES RECOV 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 1,053.21 100-14-130-00000-7299 LEGAL ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 1,647.00 1,647.00 0.00 0.00 407 873.71 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 0.00 358.000.00 516.758.00 158.758.00 0.00 401.080.12 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 278,000.00 330.658.00 52.658.00 Uj 32 • CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2011 BUDGET TRANSMITTAL The 2011 Corporate Services budget reflects the Department's commitment to the excellence in customer service corporate philosophy that Council and the Administration have worked diligently to promote. In providing internal support in the areas of Human Resources/Payroll, Information Technology, Purchasing, Communication & Marketing, and Health and Safety, the Corporate Services Department's multi-dimensional functions are integral to many of the core responsibilities of departments. Our goal is to provide the best internal support service we can to assist all departments in serving the public and leading the way. The programs and services that support the organization have essentially been maintained in the core budget, with some minor modifications to accommodate the budget restraints and economic efficiencies. • We hope to continue partnering with the community on the events such as the Holiday Train and Clarington Blooms, as they are valued and appreciated by the residents and by the groups that directly benefit. • The Fire Department negotiations for the 2010 and future Collective Agreements continue into 2011, with hopeful resolution of the contract changes. CUPE Collective Agreements are secure until December 31, 2011. • All departments will be assisted in the incorporation of new or updated information technology applications which continue to enhance overall effectiveness. • The Health and Safety of employees is of paramount importance to the Council and Administration. The WorkWell team's health and safety compliance review will be undertaken to make every effort to maintain the achievement of the last WSIB Audit. • The recent approval of Bill 168 legislation on workplace violence is the primary focus of the Ministry of Labour audits, and it will require dedicated attention to ensure compliance. The 2011 Health and Safety report to Council will include policies promoting a violence and harassment free workplace, in accordance with the prevailing legislation. We look forward to working together in the 2011 budget year? Sincerel Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., A.M.C.T. Director of Corporate Services i r • CORPORATE SERVICES/HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 Clarin�wil Leading the Way DIRECTOR Marie Marano INFORMATION %WhellerJac�keiyn COMPENSATION HEALTH AND MANAGER OF PURCHASING TECHNOLOGY,: &$ENEFITS' "'SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER MANAGER !. SUPERVISOR CO-ORDINATOR ANDTOURISM - ASSISTANT Jer Barber Rob Van D k Jackel n Forse Mike McCron Jennifer Cooke Gerry Jordan Sr.Buren- Network ee Relations Communications Sandra McKee Administrator_ lerk Co-ordinator Jim Anderson ne Nazarko Jannffer Stycnuk_ BuyerI i Cosburn Jan Weaker . Bn,itte Harris Database Administrator ommunications./ John Zheng RESPONSIBILITIES: Information Clerk _ Clerk ll Human Resources Elaine Van n �Zanten Steve Gri g_ G.I.S. Payroll&Benefit Administration Elaine Ormiston _Analyst___ Corporate Advertising Purchasing Clerk Scott Sloldt Customer/Reception Web Technician .Kim Macdonald Tenders/Purchasing Adam Lebdak Network Information Technology _Analyst_ Tourism Promotion Elizabeth Ta for Communication Tourism Officers Corporate Health&Safety Mary Jane Oke(r Network Support Annette Muir(PIT) Technician _ Jason Douglas Staff Complement Non-Affiliated 1 12 Department Head Backup- Union-Italicized 12 Chief Administrative Officer Part-time 2 Total 26 Municipality "ton 02/11/11 BUDGET WO PAPERS • Clarington:COR ESBRVIC 2011 Drafi - 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (69,975.03) (74,576.31) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (2,000.00) (4,500.00) (25,000.00) (3,000.00) 22,000.00 (168,717.68) (175,788.85) COMMUNICATIONS&MARKETING-REVENUE (130,604.00) (157,000.00) (158,200.00) (167,560.00) (9,360.00) (238.692.71) (250365.16) Total REVENUE (132.604.00) (161.500.00) (183.200.00) (170,560.00) 12.640.00 EXPENDITURE: 228,207.78 232,857.87 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 311,046.00 316,671.00 250,450.00 261,450.00 11,000.00 1,007,766.68 856,421.39 HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL-EXPENDITURE 913,973.00 967,698.00 1,009,564.00 1,127,849.00 118,285.00 901,605.69 962,838.38 COMMUNICATIONS&MARKETING-EXPENDITURE 935,449.00 995,574.00 962,271.00 1,002,911.00 40,640.00 845,95475 1,032,743.50 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-EXPENDITURE 931,50100 951,859.00 999,969.00 950,916.00 (49,053.00) 374,906.43 402,415.44 PURCHASING-EXPENDITURE 376,983.00 380,816.00 394,662.00 423,191.00 28,529.00. 24,436.75 15,602.39 HEALTH&SAFETY-EXPENDITURE 34,000.00 34,000.00 25,000.00 25,100.00 100.00 3.382.578.00 3.502,878.97 Total EXPENDITURE 3.502 954.00 3.646.618.00 3.641.916.00 3,791,417.00 149.501.00 3,144,185.37 3,252,513.81 NET LEVY 3,370,350.00 3.485.118.00 3,458.716.00 3.620,857.00 162.141.00 W Municipality of 19ton 02/11/11 BODGE?WORI MAPERS ClaringtomADMIN.__.RATION 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL OeS aBOn 2008 BUDGET 2,009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (69,975.03) (74,576.31) 100-16-130-30643-6400 CORP SERV-MISC REVENUE (2,000.00) (4,500.00) (25,000.00) (3,000.00) 22,000.00 (69.975.03) (74.576.31) Total REVENUE (2,000.00) (4,500.00) (25,000.00) (3000.00) 22,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 18,158.94 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7001 CORP SERV ADMIN-SALARY FIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,054.86 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7008 CORP SERV ADMIN-WAGES TEMP P 10,906.00 10,588.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 208.60 16.68 100-16-130-00000-7050 CORP SERV ADMIN-EHT 21100 206.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 367.03 22.57 100-16-130-00000.7052 CORP SERV ADMIN-CPP 367.00 351.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 270.50 16.65 100-16-130-00000-7053 CORP SERV ADMIN-El 275.00 256.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 206.69 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7058 CORP SERV ADMIN-WSIB 165.00 195.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,273.63 14,135.30 100-16-130-00000-7101 CORP SERV ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 17,000.00 16,500.00 16,000.00 14,500.00 (1,500.00). 2,887.80 2,533.12 100-16-130-00000-7112 CORP SERV ADMIN-MISC.OPER. 2,500.00 3,450.00 3,450.00 2,900.00 (550.00) 125,250.90 138,667.23 100-16-130-00000-7132 CORP SERV ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 200,000.00 185,000.00 165,000.00 150,000.00 (15,000.00) 3,960.50 4,500.00 100-16-130-00000-7156 CORP SERV ADMIN-LEGAL 15,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7160 CORP SERV ADMIN-CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 162.31 100-16-130-00000-7174 CORP SERV ADMIN-RIM OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 (250.00) 1,260.39 1,952.37 100-16-130-00000-7186 CORP SERV ADMIN-POST/COURIFRT 600.00 800.00. 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 9,300.00 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7416 CORP SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7505 CORP SERV ADMIN-OTHER EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0,00 1,987.41 100-16-130-00000-7506 CORP SERV ADMIN-FURNITURE/FI 2,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 40,007.94 68,864.23 100-16-13000000-7520 CORP SERVADMIN-OTHER CAP 60,000.00 77,325.00 62,000.00 66,300.00 4,300.00 228 207,78 232 857.87 Total EXPENDITURE 311.046.00 316 671.00 250,450.00 261,450.00 11.000.00 158,232.75 _ 158,281.56 NET LEVY 309,046.00 312 1�� 71.00 225.450.00 258.450.00 33,000.00 Municipality 9ton 02111/11 • BUDGET WURpAPERS • Clarin0ton:HUM OURCEB 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Descrimlon 2008 BUDGET 3009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 562,117,18 575,950.36 100-16-160-00000-7001 H/R-SALARY FIT 574,36200 600,010.00 592,732.00 644,335.00 . 51,603.00 11,847.76 12,315.69 100-16-160-00000-7050 H/R-EHT 11,200.00 11,700.00 11,558.00 12,554.00 1.006.00 45,325.28 48,790.28 100-16-160-00000-7051 H/R-OMERS 44,697.00 46,878.00 46,020.00 - 57,324.00 11,304.00 15,000.06 15,328.17 100-16-160-00000-7052 HIR-CPP .13,92900 14,345.00 14,830.00 15,142.00 312.00 7,362.80 7,495.41 100-16-160-00000.7053 H/R-El 7,056.00 5,968.00 7,172.00 7,324.00 152.00 51,570.61 64,631.06 100-16-160-00000-7054 H/R-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 53,933.00 48,909.00 52,729.00 72,478.00 19,749.00 9,632.99 10,325.30 100-16-160-00000-7058 H/R-WSIS 7,991.00 9,088.00 9,223.00 11,482.00 2,259.00 125,000.00 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7061 H/R-POST EMPLOY 100,000.00 125,000.00 150,000.00 175,000.00 25,000.00 84,249.94 40,187.14 100-16-160-00000-7156 H/R-LEGAL 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 1,965.60 1,852.03 100-16-160-00000-7160 HIR-CONSULTING 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 .3,000.00 1,000,00 23,295.23 24,16120 100-16-160-00000-7161 HIP-PROF FEES(EAP) 25,000.00 28,000.00 25,000.00 .25,000.00 0.00 1,148.86 1,503.26 100-16-160-00000-7181 HIR-BOOKSIPERIODIOALS 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,981.76 2,565.73 100-16-160-00000-7200 H/R-MEMB/DUES 3,700.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0,00 1,65601 2,431.21 100-16-160-00000-7202 HIR-TRAVEL EXP 3,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,855.41 3,994.00 100-16-160-00000-7203 HIS-STAFF DEV 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,500.00 6,800,00 300.00 69130 300.04 100-16-160-00000-7299 H/R-MISC EXPENSE - 600.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 45,369.89 44,538.51 100-16-160-00000-7303 H/R-BANKS/C OTHER 34,000.00 35,000.00 43,500,00 44,000.00 500.00 14,696.00 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7416 H/R-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7505 H/R-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 500.00 500.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1,007.766.66 856,421.39 Total EXPENDITURE 913973.00 967,698.00 1,009.564.00 1.127.849.00 118.285.00 1,007,766,58 856,421.39 NET LEVY 973�00 967.898.00 1,009.564.00 1,127,849.00 1� 16�285�00 W 01 Municipality c 191on 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Clarington:COMMU.. uATIONS 9 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (3,316.01) 0.00 100-16-161-00000-6563 TOURIST INFO-HEADSTONE MTNCE (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (164.49) (2,769.23) 100-16-161-00DOM564 TOURIST INFO-INTERNAL BRANDIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,704.31) 0.00 100-16-161-00000-6565 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS(GST) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (358.76) 14.67 100-1fi-167-00000-6566 SALE OF MAPS(TAXABLE) 0.00 _0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 (90,853.11) (95,888.89) 100-16-161-33010-6400 MKTGITOURISM-ADVERTISING RE (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (90,000.00) 0.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 100-16-161-33015-6400 MKTG/TOURISM SPONSORSHIPS R (30,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,000.00) (6,180,00) 100-16-161-33020-6400 MKTGROURISM-BD.OF TRADE REV (5,604.00) (6,000.00) (7,200.00) (7,200.00) 0.00 (64,321.00) (70.965.60) 100-16-161-33025-6400 COMMTOUR-EVENT-MAYOR'S GOL 0.00 (61,000.00) (61,000.00) (87,860.00) (6,860.00) (168717.66) (175,788.85) Total REVENUE (130,604.00) (157.000.00) (158,200.00) (167.560.00) (9.360.00) EXPENDITURE: 304,749.39 316,716.01 100-16-161-00000-7001 COMM/TOUR-SALARY FIT 291,899.00 301,180.00 357,629.00 380,435.00 22,806.00 71,930.22 97,376.66 100-16-161-00000-7007 COMMTOUR-WAGES PERM PIT 55,473.00 54,042.00 37,398.00 38,617.00 1,219.00 8,441.06 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7015 COMM/TOUR-WAGES STUDENT 17,816.00 _14,779.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,306.12 6,160.80 100-16-161-00000-7050 COMMTOUR-EHT 7,059.00 7,215.00 7,703.00 6,142.00 439.00 21,232.63 26,74188 100-16-161-00000-7051 COMMTOUR-OMERS 21,249.00 21,960.00 25,533.00 31,361.00 5,828.00 13,520.45 14,304.67 100-16-161-00000-7052 COMM/TOUR-CPR 12,853.00 12,930.00 13,870.00 14,471.00, 601.00 7,019.39 7,357.43 100-16-161-00000-7053 COMMTOUR-El 6,887.00 6,643.00 7,053.00 7,177.00 124.00 27,996.95 39,821.36 100-16-161-00000-7054 COMMTOUR-LTD/UFEIHLTH 31,679.00 26,552.00 35,010.00 48,861.00 13,851.00 6,749.88 7,584.73 100-16-161-00000-7058 COMMTOUR-WSIB 5,804.00 6,368.00 6,775.00 8,437.00 1,662.00 6,862.34 7,114.52 100-16-161-00000-7101 COMM/TOUR.OFF SUPPLIES 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,000.00 6,500.00 500.00 4,692.00 4,843.31 100-16-161-00000-7104 COMMTOUR-CLEAN SUPPLIES 3,200.00 3,200.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,052.30 1,584.34 100-16-161-00000-7125 COMMTOUR-HEAT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 1,647.14 2,151.63 100-16-161-00000-7129 COMMTOUR-HYDRO 2,040.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 381.87 192.38 100-16-161-00000-7130 COMMTOUR-WATERISEWER 250.00 350.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 200.00 1,160.00 1,514.44 100-16-161-00000-7140 COMMTOUR,SNOW REMOVAL 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 1,268.68 1,176.51 100-16-161-00000-7165 COMMTOUR-WASTE DISPOSAL 720.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 200.00 31,204.38 37,951.20 100-16-161-00000-7167 COMMTOUR-DESIGN 36,000.00 48,300.00 42,450.00 35,750.00 (6,700,00) 3955.56 4,960.16 100-16-161-00000-7172 COMMT0UR-R/M-BUILDING 4,020.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 5,477.06 3,499.76 100-16-161-00000-7186 COMMTOUR-POST/COUR/FRT 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 20,535.55 26,882.23 100-16-161-00000-7187 COMM/TOUR-CORP NEWSLETTER 20,000.00 35,000.00 27,400.00 27,000.00 (400.00) 100,53817 96,612.61 100-16-161-00000-7188 COMMTOUR-PRINTING 145,000.00 142,000.00 133,700.00 125,000.00 (8,700.00) 127,799.32 119,96752 100-16-161-00000-7189 COMMTOUR-CORP ADVT 175,000.00 167,655.00 . 117,700.00 120,000.00 2,300.00 14.10 3,566.49 100-16-161-00000-7190 COMMITOUR-INTERNAL BRANDIN 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 24,813.18 28,239.77 100-16-161-00000-7192 COMMTOUR-SPECIAL EVENTS 38,500.00 27500.00 25,150.00 28,250.00 3,100.00 11,824.65 12,082.96 100-16-161-000047196 COMMTOUR-TOURISM CONSIGNM 10,500.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,250.00 250.00 3,381.11 4,527.96 100-16-161-00000-7200 COMMTOUR-MEMB/DUES 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 5,029.21 7,429.40 900-16-161-00000-7202 COMMTOUR-TRAVEL EXP 4,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 3,286.95 5,156.84 100-16-161-00000-7203 COMMTOUR-STAFF DEV 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 3,453.96 3,076.20 100-16-161-00000-7206 COMMTOUR-PROMOlOTHER 13,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 66,219.94 69,787.56 100-16-161-000047210 COMMTOUR-EVENT-MAYORS GOLF 0.00 61,000.00 61,000.00 67,860.00 6,860.00 3,44560 2,437.25 100-16-161-00000-7299 COMM/TOUR-MISC EXPENSE 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,6 43 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7416 COMM/TOUR-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90 $962838.38 Total EXPENDITURE 835449.00 $995.574.00 $962.271.00 $1002911.00 40840.00 V 732,888.01 787,049.53 NET LEVY 804.84500 838,574,00 804.071.00 835.351.00 31.280.00 Munidpalit�lgton �. OZ11/71 BUDGET WO PAPERS Clarington:INFO 10N TECH 2011 Dmft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL DesQiotlon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 392,939.41 408,724.94 100-16-162-00000-70011NFO TECH-SALARY FlT 372,516.00 388,055.00 400,231.00 486,504.00 86,273.00 7,662.56 8,289.63 100-16-162-00000-7050 INFO TECH-ENT 7,264.00 7,567.00 7,80590 9,486.00 1,681.00 29,290.58 32,940.86 100-16-162-00000-7051 INFO TECH-OMERS 28,988.00 30,294.00 31,183.00 42,283.00 11,100.00 10,714.93 10,948.89 100-16-162-00000-7052 INFO TECH-CPP 9,950.00 10,247.00 10,593.00 12,979.00 2,386.00 5,258.99 5,354.00 100-16-162-00000-7053 INFO TECH-El 5,040.00 4,977.00 5,12100 6,278.00 1,155.00 34,613.44 ' 43,825.86 100-16-162-00000-7054 INFO TECH-LTD(LIFE/HLTH 37,453.00 32,827.00 35,993.00 58,065.00 22,072.00 6,582.40 7,033.91 100-16-162-00000-7058 INFO TECH-WSIB 5,478.00 6,210.00 6,283.00 9,321.00 3,038.00 3,179.39 3,666.35 100-16-162-000004102 INFO TECH-DATA SUPPLIES 5,000,00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 37,968.12 71,744.22 100-16-162-00000-7146 INFO TECH-HO MTNCE CONTRACT . 35,000.00 37,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 140,965.22 168,957.92 100-16-162-00000-71481N50 TECH-SAN MTNCE CONTRACT 130,000.00 135,000.00 165,000.00 200,000.00 35,000.00 1,211.80 2,121.69 100-16-162-00000-7160 INFO TECH-CONSULTING 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 (2,000.00) 1,35130 174.66 100-16-182-00000-7166 INFO TECH-S/W DEVELOPMENT 3,000.00 3.000.00 2,00000 .2,00000 0.00 2,978.56 3,109.66 100-16-162-00000-7174 INFO TECH-R/M OFF EQUIP 3,000.00 3,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-10-162-00000-7181 INFO TECH-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 420.00 100-16-162-00000-7200 INFO TECH-MEMS/DUES 500.00 500,00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,807.38 749.24 100-16-162-00000-7202 INFO TECH-TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,096.00 3,606.96 100-16-162-00000-7203 INFO TECH-STAFF DEV 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,000,00 5,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 60,000.00 100-16-162-00000-7412 INFO TECH-TRSF TO RES FUND 35,000.00 35,000.00 60,00090 60,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 100-16-162-00000-7416 INFO TECH-TRSF TO RES 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94,500.00 100-16-162-00000-7418 INFO TECH-TRSF TO CAP FUND 93,000.00 94,500.00 94,500.00 0.00 (94,500,00) 63,671.82 65,319.99 100-16-162-10185-7001 INFO TECH GIS-SALARY F/T 64,926.00 66,906.00 68,793.00 0.00 (68,793.00) 1,321.48 1,424.66 100-16-162-10185-7050 INFO TECH GIS-EHT 1,266.00 1,305.00 1341.00 0.00 (1,341.00) 4,493.08 5,027.23 100-16-162-10185-7051 INFO TECH GIS-OMERS 4,494.00 4,647.00 4,757.00 0.00- (4,757.00) 2,142.57 2,190.15 100-16-162-10185-7052 INFO TECH GIS-CPP 1,990.00 2,049.00 2,119.00 0.00 (2,119.00) 1,051.38 1,071,15 100-16-162-10185-70531NFOTECHGIS-EI 1,008.00 995.00 1,025.00 0.00 (1,025.00) 5,823.56 7,355.21 100-16-162-10185-7054 INFO TECH GIS-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 6,794.00 5,523.00 6,031.00 0.00 (6,031.00) 1,226.38 1,334.46 100-16-162-10185-7056 INFO TECH GIS-WSIB 1,036.00 1,157.00 1,192.00 0.00 (1,192.00) 26,364.40 22,851,84 100-16-162-10185-7148 INFO TECH GIS-SAN MTNCE CONT 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 (40,000.00) 845 954.75 1,032,743.50 Total EXPENDITURE 931.503.00 951.859.00 999.969.00 950.916.00 (49,053.00) 845.954.75 1,032,743.50 NET LEVY 931,503.00 951,859.00. 999,969.00 950,916.00 (49.053.00) W 00 Municipality o' igton - 02111/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Cladngton:PUk.,d51NG 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE. 289,695.52 303,546.73 100-16-163-00000-7001 PURCHASING-SALARY FIT 276,174.00 288,561.00 302,355.00 312,412.00 10,057.00 5,698.06 6,254.88 100-16-163-00000-7050 PURCHASING-EHT 5,385.00 5,627.00 - 5,896.00 6,092.00 196.00 19,829.69 22,639.32 100-16-163-00000-7051 PURCHASING-OMERS 19,538.00 20,509.00 21,457.00 25,640.00 4,183.00 10,714.93 10,948.89 100-16-163-00000-7052 PURCHASING-CPP 9,950.00 10,247.00 10,593.00 10,816.00 223.00 5,258.99 5,354.DD 100-16-163-00000-7053 PURCHASING-El 5,040.00 4,977.00 5,123.00 5,232.00 109,00 30,354.63 38,548.18 100-15-163-00000-7054 PURCHASING-LTD/LIFEHLTH 34,588.00 28,788.00 31,719.00 44,546.00 12,627.00 5,413.26 5,842.75 100-16-163-00000-7D58 PURCHASING-WSIB 4,508.00 5,107.00 5,219.00 6,353.00 1,134.00 2,000.00 2,796.24 100-16-163-00000-7160 PURCHASING-CONSULTING 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 150.10 45.10 100-16-163-OOWO-7181 PURCHASING-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 (50.00) 1,684.60 1,47361 100-16-163-00000.7186 PURCHASING-POSTICOUR/FRT 2,500.00 .2,000.00 1800.00 1,500.00 (300.00) 0.00 (0.21) 100-16-163-00000-7169 PURCHASING-ADV7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,786,67 3,074.33 100-16-163-0000x7200 PURCHASING-MEMB/DUES 2,200.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,500.00 100.00 755.08 1,360.90 100-16-163-00000-7202 PURCHASING-TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 1,600.00 400.00 1,405.00 190.00 100-16-163-00000-7203 PURCHASING-STAFF DEV 5,900.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 . 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7206 PURCHASING-PROMO/OTHER 1,200.00 350.00 350.00 0.00 (350.00) 159.90 223.55 100-16-163-00000-7299 PURCHASING-MISC EXPENSE 400.00 400.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 97.17 100-16-163-00000-7506 PURCHASING-FURNITUREIFIXTURE 2,600.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 374.906.43 402415.44 TofaI EXPENDITURE 376.983.00 380.816.00 394.662.00 423.191.00 28.529.00 _374,906.43 402.415.44 NET LEVY 376,983.00 381600 394,662.00 423,191.00 28.529.00 . Muniapality Tg 02/11/11 BUDGET W PAPERS 0 Claringtun:H SAFETY 2017 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL De=ation 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE'. 41501.08 526.97 100-16-165-00000.7112 H/SAFETY-MISC OP EXP 6,500.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 488.21 0.00 100-16-165-00000-7113 WSAFETY-PRESENTATION 500.00 500,00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.16-165-00000-7181 H/SAFETY-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 674.00 380.00 100-16-165-00000-7200 WSAFETY-MEMBERSHIPS 500.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 1,712.67 1,387.70 100-16-165-00000-7202 H/SAFETY-TRAVEL 1,500.00 1,500.00 900.00 1,000.00 100.00 14,148.03 9,307.72 100-16-165-00000-7203 WSAFETY-PROF FEES 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 '10,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 700-16-165-00000-7416 HISAFETY- TRSF TO RES 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,912.76 0,00 100-i6-165-00000.7520 HISAFETY-OTHER CAP 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 24.436.75 15,602.39 Total EXPENDITURE 34,000.00 34,000.00 25.000.00 25.10000 100.00 24,436.75 15,602.39 NET LEVY 34,000.00 34,000.00 25,000.00 25,100.00 100.00 A O 41 Psnergfzing Onfarlo`� Dear Mayor Faster and Members of Council, I am pleased to present the 2011 Municipal Clerk's Department budget for your review. This budget is a conservative approach to ensuring that the service level expectations of our community are maintained, while executing the goals and objectives of Council and our corporate strategies. The focus areas for the department in 2011 will be: ✓ Further promotion of the Animal Shelter through education and awareness programs related to responsible pet ownership. ✓ in the area of Records Management, the expansion of the public record repository and development and implementation of a corporate information management program. ✓ Streamlining the dispatch and case management of active files in the Municipal Law Enforcement Division. ✓ Enhancement of the Municipal Clerk's section of the Clarington website to allow for i proved information sharing with the general public. P f arr' , CMO Municipal Clerk CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 0 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT O&ANIZATION CHART 2011 Clarin, Leading the rvay MUNICIPAL CLERK Patti Barrie DEPUTYCLERK Anne Greentree ' MANAGER RECORD/ELECTION ADMINISTRATIVE MUNICIPAL LAW CO-ORDINATOR ENFORCEMENT Senior Animal _ _ ASSISTANT Len Creamers _ Services Officer _ Chris Rainville Cintl Flemin Sheila Elkin ton td w Enfficer Animal Services Officer Clerk 9 .. .. .._.._-9 ..y ._.._. ide n Karen L le Teresa Aide co Mary Jane Bacon Lyonda Bell u Trac O'Donohue June Gallagher Parking I Animal Sa+rvlc" fficar PIT Clerkl _ Enforcement Officer ­Denise LeBreton Donna Collins —��—Kim Birketf �� Alison Albrecht Ierk�PlT Michelle Chambers Parking Enforcement __Clerk 1 PIT _ _ Officer PIT _ Mlls esa Silva ��Allisan Genosko Staff Complement Non-Affiliated 5 Union-Italicized 13 Part Time 4 RESPONSIBILITIES: Total 22 -Council/Committee Support -Municipal Elections' -Animal Services IlDepartment Head Backup- -Municipal Law Enforcement IDeputy Clerk -Parking Enforcement -Records Management -Licensing -Vital Statistics • Municipality lgton • 02/11/17 BUDGET W0fi Clarin9ton. S 2011 Dra0 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (7,393.69) (9,879.78) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (4,500.00) (5,100.00) (6,100.00) (7,600.00) (1,500.00) (88,286.62) (58,911.03) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (68,750.00) (78,500.00) (89,000.00) (89,000.00) 0.00 (148,893.53) (142,509.18) ANIMAL SERVICES-REVENUE (88,450.00) (95,950.00) (153,600.00) (155,600.00) (2,000.00) (26,040.55) (18,677.00) MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT-REVENUE . (10,500.00 10,500.00 ( ) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (179,307.25) 1 0.00 PARKING ENFORCEMENT-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (131,355:50) (86,969.50) GRANTS-REVENUE (30,000.00) (35,000.00) (55,000.00) (75,000.00) (20,000.00) (211,272.20) (295,281.24) CEMETERY-REVENUE (185,550.00) (212,050.00) (225,800.00) (230,800.00) (5,000.00) (792.549.34) (642.227.73) Total REVENUE (387,750.00) (437.100.00) (544.500.00) (573.000.00) (28.500.001 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 846,111,44 832,848.88 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 667,205.00 822,26L00 784,379.00 855,945.00 71,566.00 515,541.77 522,422.24 ANIMAL SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 490,093.00 513,429.00 494,005.00 515,456.00 22,451.00 633,618.80 530,834.13 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT-EXPENDITURE 545,980.00 616,631.00 461,865.00 495,549.00 33,664.00 348,862.05 162,067.41 PARKING ENFORCEMENT-EXPENDITURE 172,122.00 176,406.00 176,535.00 190,517.00 13,982.00 75,880.00 306,535.94 MUNICIPAL ELECTION-EXPENDITURE 50,000.00 75,000.00 325,000.00 65,000.00 (260,000.00) 19,898.66 12,247.44 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 18,000.00 15,100.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 2.439912.72 2.366,976.04 Total EXPENDITURE 1.948,900.00 2.218,827.00 2,258.804.00 2.140,467.00 (118.337.00) 1647363.38 1.724.748.31 NET LEVY 1561,150.00 _ 1.781.727.00 1,714.304.00 1.567.467.00 (146.837.00) i F W Municipality of igton 02/11/11 HUOGEr KVR, PAPERS Claringtan:UN. __GNED 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Des iotlon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (800.00) 100.19-000-00000-6400 ELECTION NOMINATION FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (500.00) (500.00) (6,835.00) (7,600.00) 100-19-000-30644-6400 COMMISSION DOCUMENT FEE (4,000.00) (4,500.00) (5,500.00) (6,500.00 (558.69) (1,479.78) 100-19-000-30645-6400 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE ) (1,000.00) (soo.00) (600.00) (soa.00) (soo.00) 0.00 (7,393.U) (9,87%18 Totaf REVENUE (4.500.00) (5 100.00) (6,100,00) (7,600.00) (1,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-19-000-1008&7205 VOL PRGM-RECEPTION 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-000-10088-7299 VOL PROM-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 5.500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,393.89) 19.879.78) NET LEVY 1,000.00 15,100.00) (6.100.00) - (7.600.00) (1.500.00) • • F Municipality Ift9ton 02/11/11 BUDGET WO APERS Llatln9ton:AOM TION 2011 Draft 2DD9 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (2,250.00) 100-19-130-0 0000-fi565 CLERK'S-SALE OF PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,022.07) (4,473.64) 100-19-130-30641-6400 CLERK'S-MISC REVENUE (1,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (27500) (25.00) 100-1 9-1 3 0-306 47-6 40 0 BIRTH REGISTRATION FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,231.61) (2,186.36) 100-19-130-30800-8400 BY-LAW ADMIN-MISC REV (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000,00) 0.00 (18,250.00) (19,000.00) 100-19-130-30815-6400 CLERKS-CIVIL MARRIAGES-MISC. (15,000.00). (17,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) 0.00 (33,600.00) (40,375.00) 100-19-130.35010.6500 MARRIAGE LICENCES (27,000.00) (30,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (2,774,00) (2,8%.00) 100-19-130-35015-6500 BINGO LOTTERY LICENCES (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (3,495.60) (2,859,00) 100-19-130-35020-6500 NEVADA LOTTERY LICENCES (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,000,00) 0.00 (1,723.34) (963.03) 100-19-130-35025-6500 RAFFLE LOTTERY LICENCES (1,750.00) (1,500,00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00. (14,915.00) (13,853.00) 100-19-130-35520-6500 OTHER LICENCES (12,000.00) (13,000.00) (13,000.00) (13,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (30.00) 100-19-130-35522-6500 HUNTING LICENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 (88286.62) (88,911,03) Total REVENUE 165,75D.00 (78,500.00) (89,000.00) (89000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 408,743.49 491,659.51 100-19-130.00000-7001 CLERK'S-SALARY F/T 396,280.00 441,032.00 497,854.00 516,912.00 19,058.00 13,801.81 23,184.68 100-19-130-00000-7007 CLERKS-WAGES PERM P/T 22,258.00 22,986.00 23,661.00 24,440.00 779.00 2,639.58 995.91 100-19-130-00000.7008 CLERK'S-WAGES TEMP P/T 2,060.00 2,000.00 2,122.00 2,191.00 69.00 9,201.76 10,779.24 100-19-130.00000-7050 CLERK'S-EHT 8,199.00 9,087.00 10,211.00 10,579.00 368.00 31,945.63 39,430.90 100-19-130-00000-7051 CLERK'S-OMERS 29,965.00 33,040.00 37,594.00 44,434,00 6,840.00 14,958.24 15,925.93 100.19-130-00000-7052 CLERK'S-CPP 12,503.00 14,305.00 15,448.00 15,770.00 322.00 7,623.80 7,986.73 100-19-130.00000.7053 CLERK'S-El 6,516.00 7,215.00 7,656.00 7,864.00 208.00 41,749.75 55,656.57 100-19-130-00000-7054 CLERK'S-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 42,558.00 39,595.00 47,183.00 66,571.00 19,388.00 7,738,83 9,180.04 100-19-130-00000-7058 CLERK'S- WSIB 5,991.00 7,301.00 8,200.00 10,184,00 1,984.00 12,690.90 13,973.24 100-19-130-00000.7101 CLERK'S-OFF SUPPLIES 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 0.00 7,745.84 3,613.00 100-19-130-00000-7156 CLERK'S-LEGAL 15,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.92 16848 100-19-130-00000-7174 CLERK'S-R/M OFF EQUIP - 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 304.61 349.98 100-19-130.00000-7181 CLERK'S-BOOKSlPERIODICALS 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 7,984.42 8,131.48 100-19-130-00000-7186 CLERK'S-POST/COUR/FRT - 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 1,128.47 565.94 100-19-130-00000-7188 CLERKS PRINTING 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 940.00 976.00 100-19-130-00000-7200 CLERK'S-MEMB/DUES 1,100.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,839.28 2,506.69 iW-19-130-00000-7202 CLERK'S-TRAVEL EXP 2,200.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,780.83 1,512.00 100-19-130.00000.7203 CLERK'S-STAFF DEV 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 3,800.00 1,800.00 845.29 430.63 10049-130-00000.7215 CLERK'S-RECORD RETENTION 6,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 4,00000 (2,500.00) 19,200.00 14,400.00 100-19-130-00000.7240 CLERK'S-LIC/PERMIT EXPENSE 15,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 142,770.07 119577.19 100-19-130-00000-7242 CLERK'S-LIVESTOCK EXPENSE 45,000.00 50,000.00 70,000.00 90,000.00 20,000.00 4,905.09 1,779.18 100-19-130-00000-7299 CLERK'S-MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 15,500.00 10,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7416 CLERK'S-TRSF TO RES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000,00 0.00 47,459.24 0.00 100-19-130.00000-7418 CLERK'S- TRSF.TO CAP FUND 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 980.00 0.00 100-19-130-00000-7505 CLERK'S-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 5,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 985.57 65.56 100-19-130.10516-7112 ACCESS.ADVISORY COMMITTEE-MI 8,10000 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,00090 0.00 38,488.02 0.00 100-19-130.10516-7160 ACCESS.ADVISORY COMMITTEE-C 5,275.00 50,000,00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 846,111.44 832.848,88 Total EXPENDITURE - 667,205.00 822,26100 784,379.00 855,945.00 71,566.00 757,824.82 743.937.85 NET LEVY 598,455.00 7.03,761,00 695.379.00 766,945.00 _ 71,566.00 1, L1 Municipality c `igton 02/11111 HOOGETWOR. PAPERS Clarington:ANIM. *ERVICES 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (6,984.44) (8,790.00) 100-19-190-30705-6400 ANIMAL SERVICE IMPOUND FEE (8,000.00) (8,000.00) (8,000.00) (6,000.00) '0.00 (26,014.42) (19,391.70) 100-19-190-30710-6400 SALE OF ANIMALS (20,000.00) (22,400.00) (20,000,00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) (190.42) (57.12) 100-19-190-30715-6400 ANIMAL TRAP RENTALS (250.00) (250.00) (200,00) (200.00) 0.00 (543,15) (1,343,61) 1DD-19-190-30720-6400 ANIMAL DISPOSAL FEE (200.00) (300.00) (400.00) (400.00) 0.00 0.00 (44.25) 100-19-190-30725-6400 ANIMAL SERVICES-SPAY/NEUTER FE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (115,161.10) (114,662.50) 100-19490-35525-6500 DOG/CAT LICENCES (60,000.00) (65,000.00) (125,000.00) (125,000.00) 0.00 (148,893.53) (142,509.18) Total REVENUE (88.450.001 (95950.001 (153.600.00) (155,600.00) (2,000.007 EXPENDITURE: 229,297.97 233,556.66 100-19-190-00000-7005 NSERV-WAGES FIT 256,664.00 245,017.00 230,638.00 238,341.00 7,503.00 50,316.34 53,394.87 100-19-190-00000-7007 NSERV-WAGES PERM P!T 26,336.00 50,177.00 51,670.00 53,357.00 1,687,00 9,946.74 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7015 NSERV-WAGES STUDENT 8,483.00 9,064.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,007.93 5,898-98 100-19-19D-00000-7050 NSERV-EHT 5,251.00 5,933.00 5,509.00 5,648.00 139.00 - 15,421.69 17,208.63 100-19-190-00000-7051 NSERV-OMERS 15,420.00 15,950.00 16,280.00 - 19,272.00 2,992.00 11,094.50 11,062.55 100-19-190-00000.7052 NSERV-CPP 10,265.00 10,610.00 10,686.00 10,846.00 160.00 5,721.81 5,604.40 100-19-190-00000-7053 NSERV-El 5,470.00 5,415.00 5,349.00 5,428.00 79.00 20,45469 25,865.44 100-19-190-00000-7G54 NSERV-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 26,994.00 19,399.00 21,225.00 30,387.00 9,162.00" 5,526.68 5,819.25 100-19-190-00000-7058NSERV-WSIB 4,660.00 5,214.00 5,198.00 6,227.00 1029.00 1,644.69 2,537.46 100-19-190-00000-7101 NSERV-OFF SUPPLIES 1,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 3,204.02 3,686.96 100-19-190-00000-7104NSERV-CLEAN SUPPLIES 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,300.00 2,800.00 500.00 16,620.61 21624.19 100-19-190-00000-7107NSERV-ANiMALFEED/CARE 11,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 412.87 909.05 100-19-190-00000-7112NSERV-MISCOPEXP 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 14,055.95 10,742.89 100-19-190-00000-7125NSERV-HEAT 18,000.00 20,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 10,062.10 10,820.05 100-19-190-00000-7129NSERV-HYDRO 91000.00 9,000.00 111000.00 11000.00 0.00 827.84 1,352.85 100-19-190-00000-7130 NSERV-WATER/SEWER 1,100.00 1,300.00 1,200.00 1,200,D0 0.00 7,222.55 7,825.84 100-19-190-00000-7132 NSERV-PHONEIFAX 7,000.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 0.00 156.51 153.80 100-19-190-00000-7142 NSERV-EQUIP MTNCE 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,00000 0.00 27,520.19 29,742.47 100-19-190-00000-7162NSERV-VETSERVICES 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 26,000.00 2,000.00 4,899.00 5,456.11 100-19-190-00000-7164NSERV-JANITORIAL 3,300.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 500.00 2,523.69 1,984.46 100-19-190-00000-7165 NSERV-WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 0.00 588.34 750.03 100-19-190-00000-7168 NSERV-DISPOSAL 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 18,156.18 5,204.00 100-19-190-00000-7172NSERV-R/M-BUILDING 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 1,02914. 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7173 NSERV-RIM OTHER EQUIP 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 .3,506.53 2,934.46 100-19-19D-00000-718DNSERV-SPAYED/NEUTERED 5,000.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,651.43 1,083.22 100-19-190-00000-7183NSERV-CLTWUNIFORMS 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 100.00 50.00 100-19-190-ODD00-7200NSERV-MEM&DUES 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 183.61 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7203NSERV-STAFF DEV 1,200.00 1,400.00 1,400,00 1,400.00 0.00 5,136.01 5,29342 100-19-190-00000-7240NSERV-LIC/PERMITEXPENSE 2,000.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 0.00 31,103.88 32,027.76 100-19-190-00000-7250NSERV-COMMISSION EXPENSE 14,000.00 14,000.00 25,000.00 27,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 788.03 100-19-190-00000-7296NSERV-INTERDEPTTRSF 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 1,201.12 723.50 100-19-190-00000-7299 NSERV-MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 100-19-190-00000-7412NSERV-TRSFTO RES FUND 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 QUO 5,000.00 100-19-190-00000-7418 NSERV.- TRSF.TO CAP FUND • 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 . •(5,000.00) a Municipality lg .02111/11 BUDGET WOPAPERS Clarinptan:ANI ERVICES 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Dwulption 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $2,947.16 $6,320.91 100-19-190-00000-7520 A/SERV-OTHER CAP $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $6,300.00 $4,000.00 ($2,300.00) 515.541.77 522.422.24 Total EXPENDITURE 490.093.00 513.429.00 494.005.00 516.456.00 22.451.00 366.648.24 379.913.06 NET LEVY _ 401.643.00 417,479.00 340.405.00 360,856.00 20,451.00 A V Municipality of lgton 02111/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarington:MUNIL-.-.L LAW EN 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (26,040.55) (18,677.00) 100-19-191-00000-6506 BY-LAW ENFORCE-FINES (10,500.00) (10,500.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (26.040.55) (18,677.00) Total REVENUE (10,500.00) (10.500.00) (15.000.00) (15.000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 349,84505 316,289.71 100-19-191-00000-7001 BY-LAW ENFORCE-SALARY FT 292,306.00 309,040.00 318,281.00 328,59100 10,312.00 12,294,17 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7015 BY-LAW ENF,-WAGES STUDENT 14,476.00 14,953 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,397.79 6,615.74 100-19-191-00000-7050 BY-LAW ENFORCE-EHT 5,963.00 6,318.00 6,206.00 6,407.00 201.00 21,929.75 24,525.31 100-19-191-00000-7051 BY-LAWENFORCE-OMERS 21,485.00 22,681.00 23,206.00 27,338.00 4,132.00 11,125.87 10,974.16 100-19-191-00000.7052 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CPP 9,954.00 10,640.00 10,593.00 10,816.00 22100 5,641.50 5,377.55 100-19-191-00000-7053 BY-LAW ENFORCE-El 5,312.00 5,339.00 5,123.00 5,256.00 133.00 30,068.89 38,073.04 100-19-191-00000-7054 BY-LAW ENFORCE-LTD/LIFFJHLTH 34,162.00 28,517.00 31,269.0. 45,028.00 13,759.00 6,140.40 6,316.31 100-19-191-00000-7058 BY-LAW ENFORCE-WSIB 5,057.00 5,793.00 5,642.00 6,862.00 1,220.00 3,861.39 3,696.68 100-19-191-00000-7132 BY-LAW ENFORCE-PHONE/FAX 7,500.00 5,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 6,087.55 2,242.58 100-19-191-00000-7140 BY-LAW ENFORCE-SNOW REMOVAL 4,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 119,510.81 59,341.91 100-19-191-00000-7156 BY-LAW ENFORCE-LEGAL 90,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,813.98 1,802.52 100-19-191-00000-7161 BY-LAW ENFORCE-PROF FEES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 26,609.75 24,935.20 100-19-191-00000-7169 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CONTRACT-CO 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 372.55 1,883.51 100-19-191-00000-7181 BY-LAW ENFORCE-BOOKS/PERIOD 750.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 36.00 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7182 BY-LAW ENFORCE-FILMS 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,550.18 1,123.71 100-19-191-00000-7183 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CLTHIUNIFORMS 2,250.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 748.00 604.00 100-19-191-00000-7200 BY-LAW ENFORCE-MEMB/DUES 650.00 650.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 18,912,04 19,175.78 100-19-191-00000.7202 BY-LAW ENFORCE-TRAVEL EXP 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 1,660.56 1,969.71 100-19-191-00000-7203 BY-LAW ENFORCE-STAFF DEV 3,300.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,00000 500.00 1,776.86 4,929.49 100-19-191-00000-7299 BY-LAW ENFORCE-MISC EXPENSE 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 1,537.85 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7416 BY-LAW ENFORCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7520 BY-LAW ENFORCE-OTHER CAP 650.00 700.00 700.00 - 700.00 0.00 2,697.86 757.22 100-19-191-10515-7041 PROPERTY STDS-OTHER PAY 3,415.00 5,500.00 5,665.00 5,849.00 184.00 0.00 200.00 100-19-191-10515-7213 PROPERTY STDS-APPEALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 633,618.80 530.834.13 Total EXPENDITURE 545,980.00 616.631.00 461.885.00 . 495.549.00 33,664.00 607,575.25 512,157.13 NET LEVY 535,480.00 606.131:00 446,885.00 480,549.00 33,664.00 • 00 BUDGET PAP . 02111/11 BUDGET WO�PAPERS Clatlngton:201 tlFORCEM 2011 Drag ' 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2000 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (80,890.90) 0.00 100.19-192-10100-6409 PARKING METER REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (98,416.35) 0.00 100-19-192-10100-6506 PARKING TICKETS FINES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (179,307.25) 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 96,952.57 91,377.95 100-19-192-10100-7001 PKG ENFORCE-SALARY FIT 121,896.00 95,165.00 102,282.00 105,281.00 2,999.00 26,638.97 21,802.31 100-19-192-10100-7007 PKG ENFORCE-WAGES PERM P/T 0.00 25,634.00 26,400.00 27,256.00 856.00 - 2,385.75 2,658.58 100-19-192-10100-7050 PKG ENFORCE-EHT 2,076.00 2,356.00 2,509.00 2,564.00 55.00 5,981.10 6,900.98 100-19.192-10100-7051 PKG ENFORCE-OMERS 6,310.00 6,186.00 6,546.00 7,820.00 1,274.00 5,431.18 5,551.34 100-19-192-10100-7052 PKG ENFORCE-CPP 5,035.00 5,194.00 5,371.00 5,450.00 79.00 2,758.94 2,809.18 100-19.192-10100.7053 PKG ENFORCE-El 2,642.00 2,611.00 2,688.00 2,727.00 39,00 8,737.98 11,089.38 100-19-192-10100-7054 PKG ENFORCE-LTDILIFEIHLTH 9,991.00 8,287.11D 9,121.00 12,342.00 3,221.00 2,356.31 2,651.01 100-19.192-10100-7058 PKG ENFORCE-WSIB 2,072.00 2,223.00 2,368.00 2,827.00 459.00 2,72821 465.83 100-19-192-10100-7112 PKG ENFORCE-MISC OP EXP D.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 699.51 698.74 100-19-192-10100-7132 PKG ENFORCE-PHONFJFAX 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,945.00 452.13 100-19-192-1 0100-7140 PKG ENFORCE-SNOW REMOVAL 4,000.00 6,000,00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 4,009.86 11,398.73 100-19-192-10100-7173 PKG ENFORCE-R/M OTHER EQUIP 7,500.00 7,500.00 6,000.00 9,000.00 3,000.00 2,025.88 1,692.00 100-19-192-10100-7183 PKG ENFORCE-CLTWUNIFORMS 900.00 2,00000 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,827.34 2,513.35 100-19-192-10100-7202 PKG ENFORCE TRAVEL EXP 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 (2,000.00) 2,164.60 25.90 100-19-192-10100-7299 PKG ENFORCE-MISC EXPENSE 200.00 250.00 250.00 2,250.00 2,000.00 179,30725 0.00 100-19-192-10100-7412 PKG ENFORCE-TRSF TO RF 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 1,911.60 0,00 100-19-192-10100-7416 PKG ENFORCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-192-10100-7520 PKG ENFORCE:,OTHER CAP 3,000.00 6,500.00 2,000.00 4,00000 2,000.00 348.862.05 162.087.41 Total EXPENDITURE 172.122.00 176.40800 176,535.00 190,517.00 13.982.00 169,554.80 162,087.41 NET LEVY 172,122.00 176,40fi 00 176, 190,517.00 13.982.00 F 1D MOnicipallly c' 19ton 07/11/11 B(/OGETWOR, PAPERS Clarington:EL-s ION 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL De=latlon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 126,115.16 100-19-193-10190-7006 MUN ELECT-WAGES TEMP FIT 0.00 0.00 106,000.00 0.00 (106 000.00) 0.00 10073.38 100-19-193-10190-7101 MUN ELECT-OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 ' 40,000.00 0.00 (40,000.00) 0.00 28,742.10 100-19-193-10190-7102 MUN ELECT- DATA SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 (40,000.00) 0.00 '3,161.19 100-19-193-10190-7112 MUN ELECT-MISC OPER 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 0.00 (17,000.00) 0.00 12,645.33 100-19-193-10190-7186 MUN ELECT-POSTICOURIFRT 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 0.00 (22,000.00) 0.00 21,350,84 100-19-193-10190-7168 MUN ELECT-PRINTING 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 (14,000.00) 0.00 507.03 100-19-193-10190-7202 MUN ELECT-TRAVEL EXP 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 880.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7203 MUN ELECT-STAFF DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,553.52 100-19-193-10190-7230 MUN ELECT-BLDG RENTAL 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 0.00 (9,000.00) 0.00 24,387.39 100-19-193-10190-7299 MUN ELECT-MISC EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 100-19-193-10190-7416 MUN ELECT-TRSF TO RES 50,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 65,000.00 (10,000,00) 75.880.00 306.535.94 Total EXPENDITURE 50,000.00 75.000.00 325,000.00 65.000.00 (260.000.00) 75.880.00 306,535.94 NET LEVY 50,000.00 _ 75,000.00 325,000.00 665000 (260,000,00) Lq • Munidpailty lgtan 07/11/11 HODGBT WO PAPERS . Claringto . TUTS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL DesvlOUOn 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET .2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (131,355,50) (86,969,50) 100-19-230-30631-0201 GRANTS-WOLF DAMAGE (30,000.00) (35,000.00) (55,000.00) (75,000.00) (20,000.00) (131.355.50) (86.969.501 Total REVENUE (30.000.00) (35,000,00} (55.000.00) (75,000.00) (20.000.00) (131.355.50) (86,969.50) NET LEVY (30,000.00} (35000.00) (55.000.00} 175.000.00) (20,000.00) N F+ Munidpalilyo' 191on WDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarin9ton:CE.-..(ERY 2011 Dralt 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Deaf IOti n 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (57,802.80) (55,56949) 100-19-326-10416-6400 BURIALS-BOWMANVILLE (44,000.00) (60,000.00) (65,000.00) (65,000.00) 0.00 (103.001.56) (166,828.51) 100-19-326-10416-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-BOWMANVILLEC (85,000.00) (90,000.00) (95,000.00) (100,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,050.00) (5,30000) 100-19-326-10416-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BOWVLLE CE (4,500.00) (4,500.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (4,566.36) (7,791.97) 100-19-326-10418-6400 BURIALS-BONDHEAD (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,500.00) (6,500.00) 0.00 (6,415.41) (18,316.64) 100-19-326-10418-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-BONDHEAD CEME (13,000.00) (13,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (400.00) (600.00) 100-19-326-10418-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-SONDHEAD C (700.00) (700.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (1,069.26) (2,675.90) 100-19-326-10426-6400 BURIALS-ST.GEORGE'S CEMETERY (3,000.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) (1,500.00) 0.00 (3,251.02) (2,793.64) 100-19-326-10426-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-ST.GEORGE'S C (5,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) 0.00 (100.00) (350,00) 100-19-326-10426-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-ST.GEORGE'S (350.00) (350.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (17,018.77) (21,530.09) 100-19-326-31100-6400 CEMETERIES-MISCELLANEOUS FEE (15,000.00) (20,000.00) (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 0.00 (12,575.00) (13,325.00) 100-19-326-35510-6502 BURIAL PERMITS (9.000.00) (12,000.00) (12,500.00) (12,500.00) 0.00 (211.272.20) (295.281.24) Total REVENUE (185,550.00) (212.050.00) '(225,800.00) (230.800.00) (5,000.00) (211,272.20) (295.281.241 NET LEVY (185,550.00) (212,050.00) (225,800.00) (230,800.00) (5,000.00) Lq I Municipality 19ton 02/11/11 BUDGET WUPAPE25 Clarin9w ET 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 2,770.03 2,771.50 100-19-388-02009-71712009 DODGE TRUCK#020- R/M-VEH 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-02009-71942009 DODGE TRUCK#020-FUEUOIL 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 6,452.67 2,235.66 100-19-38840543-7171'04 CHEV ASTRO VAN 9023- R/M-VE 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-00543-7194'04 CHEV ASTRO VAN#023-FUEUOIL 1,500.00 0.00 1,50000 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 100-19-388-40544-7171 A/S NEW VEHICLE- R/M-VEHICLES 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-00544-7194 A/S NEW VEHICLE-FUEUOIL 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 392.43 45.47 100-19-388-40545-7171'99 CHEV ASTRO VAN-R/M-VEHICLES 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.09 0,00 100-19-388-40545-7194'99 CHEV ASTRO VAN-FUEUOIL 1,250.00 1,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,962.62 659.14 100-19-388-40550-7171'01 CHEV VAN-R/M-VEHICLES 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 599.97 371.41 100-}g-388-00550-7194'01 CHEV VAN-FUEUOIL 3,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-40557 4171 PKG NEW VEHICLE-. R/M-VEHICLES 500.00 500.00 0.00 400 0.00 400 0.00 100-19-38840557-7194 PKG NEW VEHICLE-FUEUOIL 3,000.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,800.45 2,537.29 100-19-388-40708-7171'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR- RIM-VE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-38840706-7194'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR-FUEUOIL 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,841.40 3,034.80 100-19-388-42109-71712009 CHEV VAN-R/M-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 1,500A0 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 591.97 100-19-388-42109-71942009 CHEV VAN-FUEUOIL 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 0.00 19.898.66 12.247.44 Total EXPENDITURE 18.000.00 15.100.00 17.000.00 17,000.00 - 0.00 19,898.66 12,247.44 NET LEVY 18.000.00 15,100.00 17,000.W 14,000.00 0.00 Ln Lo 54 Clam n Ener ' in Ontarfo� Dear Mayor Foster and Members of Council, I respectfully submit to you the 2011 budget for the Finance Department. The Finance Department section of the budget also includes Unclassified Administration as well as Council's support for the Board of Trade. A continuing focus for the department in 2011 will be the PSAB integration of the Municipality's capital assets into processes and procedures. This will consume a great deal of time and effort, both in the Finance Department as well as those departments that have the greatest oversight responsibility for capital assets such as Engineering, Operations and Community Services, as well as Corporate Services as it will have implications for tender documents, etc. Another major focus in 2011 will be the appeal to the development charges background study. A primary cost that is reflected through the unclassified administration section pertains to insurance. This component includes premiums to the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool, deductibles on claims settled, adjusting fees for external adjusters where needed and costs that are below the deductible level for claims. We have made great strides through our participation with the Durham Insurance Pool to minimize the annual increases to premium costs. Clarington has always held the position as Chair of the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool. What is generally unpredictable and somewhat uncontrollable is the cost of claims. With a five to ten year window on settlement or litigation of claims,there is an upward pressure here as costs escalate through court awards as time goes by. Departments are as proactive as they can be within their budgetary constraints to minimize claims occurrences. Taxes receivable will also continue to be a major focus for 2011 as it is important for both the Municipality and individual taxpayers' financial well being to prevent significant arrears from accumulating. The Municipality participates in those assessment appeals having a significant impact to the municipality in order to ensure the municipality's interests are protected, this will be ongoing in 2011 for significant properties. We will also continue to apply pressure to get new properties on the assessment rolls this year. While contributions to reserves and reserve funds are found in various departments, some significant ones reside in the unclassified administration category. Both the transfer to the Economic Development Reserve Fund for future initiatives and the transfer to the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund for the non-growth component of development charge related projects are in this category. It is important to CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 55 maintain a long-term perspective regarding requirements for the future as new initiatives are often crucial turning points in returning to a healthy economy, • Last, but not least, the funding for the Board of Trade and the funding for the physician recruitment program through the Board of Trade are reflected here as existing Council approved initiatives. As always, it is our primary objective to meet the needs of Council and the citizen's of Clarington and we will continue in those efforts within the limits of the resources that are available to us. I would like to thank Council for their ongoing support. Sincerely, ' GC � f ncy Ta lor, B.B.A., C.A. Director of Finance/Treasurer • • 0 0 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 Clark, Leading the Way DIRECTOR OF FINANCErrREAS I I F1 Nancv Taylor .MANAGER : 'DEPUTY INTERNAL AUDIT _ _____TREASURER_: Catherine Carr�� Lori Gordon TAX CAPITAL ASSET AN ER ADMINISTRATIVE," COLLECTOR MANAGER ACCOUNTING. ASSISTANT Ma Ann Mae Erika Walson _SERVICES Heather L nch Rosalie Brent�� Revenue Co-o777t,r ACCOUntI Clerk II Clerk II _ �W Susan Qua le Adam Yarascavitch Accountants Belinda!v]hcke Alexandra Mzrano� _Revenue Clerk I_ Laura Pinto Liana Smith Heather McGregor Accounting Clerk I_I Shannon Crombie RESPONSIBILITIES: Jessica James -Insurance Kasey Schewa a -Risk Management -Investments and Banking Accounting Clerk_I -Financial Studies Cathy Rout -Accounting Michael Ste. Croix Staff Complement -Tax billing and collections Nicole Anderson Non-Affiliated -Budget Union-Italicized 13 -Financial Reporting -Performance Measures Total JE 20 -Internal Audit -Asset Management 1113epartment Head Backup- IlDeputy Treasurer Munidpality 'gton . 02111/11 BUDGET WO�PAPERS CIf.9ton 2011 2011 Draft UNCLAS 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (23,418.25) (12,626.72) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE 25,000.00 REVENUE (25.000.00) (27,000.00) (27,000.00) (27,000.00) 0.00 (1,822,741.81) (2,125,080.70) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (1,135,000.00) (1,145,000.00) (1,245,000.00) (1,340,000.00) (95,000.00)' (1.846160.06) (2,137,707.42) Total REVENUE (1,160.000.00) (1,172,000.00) (1,272,000.00) (1.367.000.001 (95,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 226,500.00 140,000.00 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 103,000.00 226,500.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 1,810,064.43 1,846,063.28 FINANCE ADMIN.-EXPENDITURE 1,717,740.00 1,748,892.00 1,760,116.00 1,932,485.00 172,369.00 2,080,412.11 4,044,509.36 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN,-EXPENDITURE 1,875,343.00 2,095,951.00 1,878,533.00 1,895,650.00 17,117.00 4.116.976.54 6.030,572.64 Total EXPENDITURE 3.696.083.00 4,071,343.00 3.838,649.00 4.028135.00 189 486.00 2 270,818.48 3 892,865.22 NET LEVY _ 2,536,083.00 2 899,343.00 2.566.649.00. 2.661.135.00 94,486.00 lJ1 V Municipality o' gton 07/11/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarin9ton:1.114, aGNED 2011 Drat 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (23,418.25) (12,626.72) 1 100-21-000-00000-6606 INTEREST PENALTY ON AIR (25,000.00) (27,000.00) (27,000.00) (27,000.00) 0.00 (23416.25) (12.626121 Total REVENUE (25.000.00) (27.000.00) (27.000.00) (27.000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 106,500.00 110,000A0 100-21-000-10525-7112 BOARD OF TRADE-MISC OF EXP 103,000.00 106,500.00 110,000.00. 110,000.00 0.00 120,000.00 30,000.00 100-21-000-10525-7206 BOARD OF TRADE-OTHER-PHYSICI 0.00 120,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 226 500.00 140.000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 103,000.00 226.500.00 200.000.00 200.000.00 0.00 203,081.75 127.373.28 NET LEVY 78,000.00 199,500.00 173,000.00 173,000.00 0.00 Un 00 Munldpa P 02/11/11 BUDGET WO�PAPERS Clarington:AD RATION 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,559,213.92) (1,833,646.99) 100-21-130-00000-6506 PENALTIES/INTEREST ON TAXES (1,040,000.00) (1,050,000.00) (1,050,000.00) (1,100,000.00) (50,000.00) (263,527.89) (291,433.71) 100-21-130-30642-6400 FINANCE-MISC REVENUE (95,000.00) (95,000.00) (195,000.00) (240,000.00) (45,000.00) (1.822.741.81) (2,125.080.70) Total REVENUE (1,135,000.00) .(1,145.000.00) ( (1,340.000.00) (95,000.00) (1,822.741.81) (2,125.080.70) NET LEVY (1,135,000.00) ( ( (1.340.000.00) (95.000.00) Municipality of gton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR/ PAPERS Clatlngton:FINA14-c ADMIN. 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,169,476.48 1,271,908.60 100-21-210.00000-7001 FINANCE-SALARY FIT 1,144,208.00 1,179,940.00 1,281,075.00 1,375,625.00 94,550.00 25,092.25 11,864.38 100-21-210-00000-7007 FINANCE-WAGES PERM P7T 22,258.00 22,973.00 23,661.00 0.00 (23,661.00) 0.00 0.00 100-21-210-00000-7008 FINANCE-WAGES TEMP P/T 4,062.00 4,194.00 4,318.00 4,458.00 140.00 23,836.27 27,011.54 100-21-210-00000-7050 FINANCE-EHT 22,811.00 23,539.00 25,527.00 26,908.00 - 1,381,00 85,055.24 99,813.36 100-21-210.00000.7051 FINANCE-OMERS 85,169.00 87,969.00 94,804.00 . .115,511.00 20,707.00 39,616.06 42,546.94 100-21-210-00000-7052 FINANCE-CPP 36,775.00 37,886.00 41,292.00 43,302.00 2,010.00 19,627.45 20,986.57 100-21-210-000007053 FINANCE-El 18,807.00 18,575.00 20,143.00 21030.00 887.00 116,017.79 149,066.01 100-21-210-00000-7054 FINANCE-LTD/LIFEHLTH 129,092.00 110,030.00 123,568.00 180,453.00 56,885.00 21,184.53 24,311.42 100-21-210-00000-7058 FINANCE-WSM 17,901.00 19,986.00 21,716.00 26,898.00 5,182.00 14,413.17 17,451.68 100-21-21000000-7101 FINANCE-OFF SUPPLIES 16,000.00 18,000.00 21,000.00 16,000.00 (5,000.00) 21,489.41 20,744.39 100-21-210-00000-7156 FINANCE-LEGAL 8,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 36,965.00 60,878.01 100-21-210-00000-7158 FINANCE-LEGAL(TAX 5,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 295.56 496.71 100-21-210-000007174 FINANCE-R/M OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00. 500.00 0.00 1,092.67 914.76 100-21-210-000007181 FINANCE-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 41,704.89 42,260.13 100-21-21000000-7186 FINANCE-POST/COUR/FRT 34,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 39,250.00 4,250.00 23,310.13 20,507.88 .10021-210-00000-7188 FINANCE-PRIMING 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,750.00 (4,250.00) 74,462.26 10,998.92 100-21-210-000007192 FINANCE-SPECIAL PROJECT/EVENT 122,657.00 110,000.00 5,212.00 5,500.00 288.00 4,638.87 3,885.00 100-21-21000000-7200 FINANCE-MEMB/DUES 4,500.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,300.00 (500.00) 8,325.81 6,435.38 10021-21000000-7202 FINANCE-TRAVEL EXP 6,000.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 9,431.33 12,362.86 100-21-210-00000-7203 FINANCE-STAFF DEV 12,000.00 13,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 0.00 741.36 1,118.74 100-21-210-00000-7299 FINANCE-MISC EXPENSE 1,000.00 1500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 71,167.66 0.00 10021-210000007416 FINANCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 2,120.04 500.00 100-21-210-00000-7505 FINANCE-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 (500m) 1.810,064.43 1,846.063.28 Total EXPENDITURE 1.717.740.00 1.748.892.00 1.760.116.00 1.932485.00 172,369.00 ,17236900 1 .81006443 1.84606328 NET LEVY 1,71774000 1 .74889200 1 ,76011600 1 .93248500 B=Munidpality 'glon 02111/11 O VO� PAPERS [IarinBWn:UN rIED ADM 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL De r' don 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE. 2,301.70 1,495.04 100-21-211-00000-7150 UNCL ADMIN-POST/METER MTNCE 1400.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 0.00 87,725.00 7,886.40 100-21-211-00000-7154 UNCL ADMIN-AUDIT&ACCT'G FEES 65,000.00 70,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 142,327,11 12,001.76 100-21-211-00000-7156 UNCL ADMIN-LEGAL 50,000.00 75,000.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,220.68 21,549.72 100-21-211-00000-7161 UNCL ADMIN-PROF FEES 50,000.00 129,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 12,31540 11,237.24 100-21-211<00000-7200 UNCL ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 13,000.00 13,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 14,306.16 13,778.49 100-21-211-00000.7203 UNCL ADMIN-STAFF DEV 40,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 3,500.00 100-21-211-00000.7205 UNCL ADMIN-RECEPTION 9,000.00 .9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 103,569.56 292,15793 100-21-211-00000-7212 UNCL ADMIN-TAX WIO 130,000:00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 874,894.05 915,605.65 100-21-211-00000-7217 UNCL ADMIN-INSURANCE 650,000.00 780,000.00 810,000.00 855,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 599.00 100-21-211-00000-7298 UNCL ADMIN-CONTINGENCY 290,743.00 254,951,00 200,033.00 246,000.00 45,967.00 70,895.99 1,055.97 100-21-211-00000-7299 UNCL ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 10,870.95 9,358.45 100-21-211-00000-7302 UNCL ADMIN-BANK S/C TAX 13,700.00 13,700.00 11,700.00 12,850.00 1,150.00 93,101.85 96,692.93 . 100-21-211-00000-7303 UNCL ADMIN-BANKS/C OTHER 84,000.00 95,000.00 80,000.00 95,000.00 15000.00 497,648.20 2,492,590.78 100-21-211-00000-7412 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 410,000.00 410,000.00 285,000.00 285,000.00 0.00 130,235.46 150,000.00 100-21-211-00000-7416 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 50,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 75,000.00 (75,000.00) 0.00 15,000.00 100-21-211-00000-7418 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 (15,000.00) 2.080.412.11 4044509.36 Total EXPENDITURE 1.875,343.00 _ 2.095,951.00 1,878.533.00 1. 95,650.00 17.117.00 2,080.412.11 4044,509.36 NET LEVY 1,875.343.00 2,095,951.00 1,678,533.00 1.895,650.00 17,11700 01 r 62 *C &Ciarington Emergency ji!3 Fire Services Your Worship Mayor Foster and Members of Council, as you debate the 2011 budget I encourage you to envision Clarington's future and the Municipalities responsibility to provide fire protection services. Many challenges face Emergency and Fire Services in delivering core services to our dynamic community: • Municipal Demographics • Fixed Assets' • Demand on Volunteers • Retention of Volunteers • Staff Efficiencies Using industry best practices, Municipal staff developed a vehicle replacement schedule. Continuing to apply this schedule ensures these types of capital costs are spread reasonably over time. A number of replacement vehicles will be requested in the 2011 budget. • Fire Station 1 opened in October 1994. Since then staff has maximized available space and minor renovations are required to sustain the Department until further expansion of Fire Station 1 can be realized. The Master Fire Plan provides the Municipality with a strategy to put fire protection resources in place. Obtaining the strategic benchmarks of the Plan will provide Emergency & Fire Services with the opportunity to deliver core service excellence. Adding career staff is a request in the 2011 budget. The Capital purchase of a new Pumper truck is time sensitive in that this truck will be required when Station 2 is staffed with career firefighters. If approved in the 2011 budget, the Department would expect delivery in late 2012_ In closing, the responsibility to provide fire protection services rests solely with Council and I urge Council to make informed decisions with respect to the 2011 Emergency & Fire Services budget. Since ely, 1 . Gord Weir, Fire Chief CLARINGTON EMERGENCY& FIRE SERVICES 2430 Highway 2, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C L1C 3K7 T(905)623-5126 F(905)623-3073 fire adarington.net AIERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPIkTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2010 DIR9PTORUPIRE P , 1EIV Gord Weir .................................i Bill Hessen Mark Berney! EDMINISTRATIVE SUPPRESSION TRAINING FIRE PREVENTION �.._ ASSISTANT_ _ CAPTAINS _ OFFIC_ER OFFICER _ Ann Macdonald D. Chambers Tim Calhoun Randy Reinert R. Klosinski _--_ CLERK_I P. Lomax FIRE PREVENTION Trixie 1 r ht G. Oliver INSPECTORS R. Payne Bill Reid G. Dusseldorp Jacquelyn Hill-Bower T. Ruiter Jennifer Delaney P. Shcherbak RESPONSIBILITIES: _DISPATCH _ Emergency Response SUPPRESSION K. Crouch Emergency Planning _ FIREFIGHTERS B. Pearce Fire Prevention Public Education F Azeverlo . .iadouceur- —:A"McConkey B. Mercer Fire Suppression G.Bradley I R.McCutcheon IM,Kalita S. Snowden -Communications/Dispatch C.Coatham :P.O'Hare :T.Muir R Cowan !Stephen Richardson !A.Pudlis SUPPKES51ON Staff om emen J.Dawson •-Stewart Richardson E.Dion _ 'VOLUNTEERS _on-H I Tate. R.Day IB.Rogers D. Worrell 5 District Chiefs Union-Italicized 55 M.Dennis IP Rowan !D. Glaspell 20 Captains Part-time 0 E.Donnelly '.G. Schroor R.Gardner 100 Fireficitnters Volunteers 125 K.Ostler !R.Staples IS.Proctor Total r 1 44 O.Ferguson 'M.Ulrich :M.Oliver J.Hansen !R. vanderkooi !D. Tyte Department Head Backup- S.Speakman 'D.White i Deputy D.Pellenn .T. Santos . Municipality . 02111111 PA BUDGET WO PAPERS CIannqWn:EMEMWl SERVIC 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (47,313.24) (46,296.04) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE p (z, 00.00) (z,ppo.00) (z,oap.pp) (22,000.00) (20,000.00) (8,375.00) (17,570.96) FIRE PREVENTION-REVENUE (7,250.00) (7,250.00) (7,250.00) (13,800.00) - (6,550.00) (55.688.24) (63.867.00) Total REVENUE (9250.00) (9,250.00) (9,250.00) (35800.00) (26,550.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,242,91061 - 1,289,835.15 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 1,256,708.00 1,200,751.00 1,281,807.00 1,293,740.00 11,933.00 413,842,73 516,06021 FIRE PREVENTION-EXPENDITURE 436,811.00 437,541.00 462,760.00 533,140.00 70,380.00 5,343,042.60 5,759,680.32 FIRE SUPPRESSION-EXPENDITURE 4,313,784.00, 4,438,094.00 4,746,174.00 5,344,105.00 597,931.00 119,320.68 149,910.43 FIRE TRAINING TECH.SUPPORT-EXPENDITURE 115,596.00 117,973.00 123,098.00 138,407.00 15,309.00 398,870.88 428,258.09 FIRE COMMUNICATIONS-EXPENDITURE 388,017.00 400,060.00 412,290.00 449,831.00 37,541.00 62,650.90 86,373.09 FIRE MECHANICAL-EXPENDITURE 80,000.00 95,000.00 127,000.00 127,000.00 0.00 928,765.99 823,609.33 ALL STATIONS-PT ADMIN.-EXPENDITURE 691,850.00 740,750.00 848,750.00 848,902.00 152.00 35,548.22 35,203,10 MUN.OPERATIONS CENTRE-EXPENDITURE 33,250.00 37,100.00 37,100.00 37,100.00 0.00 8.544.952.61 9.088.929.72 Total EXPENDITURE 7.316.016,00 7.467269.00 6.038.979.00 8,772.225.00 733.246.00 8,489.264.37 9,025.062.72 NET LEVY 7,306,766.00 7458,019.00 8029729.00 8,736.425.00 7p�6696.00 tT Municipality or 9ton . 02/11/11 BUDGET WORT PAPERS Clarin9tan:ADML.-_,RATION 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (9,713,37) (45,09904) 100-28-130-30650-6400 EMS-FIRE DEPARTMENT-MISC R (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (22,000.00) (20,000.00) (37,599.87) (1,197.00) 100-28-130-30652-6400 EMS-FIRE-EMERGENCY CALLS RE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (47,313.24) (46,295.04) Total REVENUE (2,000.00) (2,000,00) (2.000.00) (22,000.00) (20.000.00) EXPENDITURE: 458,99507 478,343.99 100-28A 30-00000-7001 EMS- ADMIN-SALARY FIT 431,094.00 445,104.00 458,455.00 473,355.00 14,900.00 448.80 427.69 100-28-130-00000-7007 EMS- ADMIN-SAL PERM PIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,789.62 9,496,11 100-28-130-00000-7050 EMS- ADMIN-EHT 8,406.00 8,680.00 8,940.00 9,228.00 288.00 38,569.71 48,280.41 100-28-130-00000-7051 EMS- ADMIN-OMERS 38,611.00 39,891.00 46,078.00 52,396.00 6,318.00 10,331.17 10,556.16 100-28-130-00000-7052 EMS- ADMIN-CPP 9,584.00 9,880.00 10,213.00 10,453.00 240.00 5,232.58 5,327.83 100-28-130-00000-7053 EMS- ADMIN-El 5,010.00 4,952.00 5,098.00 5,215.00 117.00 35,157,52 44,592.81 100-28-130-00000-7054 EMS- ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 37,480.00 33,343.00 36,664.00 51,547.00 14,883.00 6,424.47 6,850.31 100-28-130.00000-7058 EMS- ADMIN-WSIB 5,400.00 6,061.00 6,119.00 7,546.00 1,427.00 0.00 0,00. 100-28-130-00000.7085 EMS- ADMIN-WSIB SURCHRG 0,00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 5,944.78 7,264.00 100-28-130-00000-7101 EMS- ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 35,077.94 26,31792 100-28-130-00000-7125 EMS- ADMIN-HEAT 36,310.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 33,100.00 (7,900.00) 58,420.39 56,360.88 100-28-130-00000-7129 EMS- ADMIN-HYDRO 43,930.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 72,200.00 17,200.00 9,495.46 9,197 22 100-26-130-00000-7130 EMS- ADMIN-WATER/SEWER 6,283.00 10,040.00 10,040.00 10,000.00 (40.00) 67,464.04 73,386.63 100-28-13000000-7132 EMS- ADMIN-PHONFJFAX 63,800.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 9,783.13 708.38 100-28-130-00000-7160 EMS- ADMIN-CONSULTING 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7174 EMS- ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1053.03 1,000.00 100-28-130-00000-7181 EMS-ADMIN-BOOKSIPERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7182 EMS- ADMIN-FILMS 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,306.12 26,110.12 100-28-130-00000-7183 EMS- ADMIN-CLTH/UNIFORMS 30,000.00 30,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0.00 735.16 1,118.28 100-28-13000000-7186 EMS- ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,528.49 115.23 100-28-130-00000-7192 EMS- ADMIN-SPECIAL EVENTS 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 000 2,025.70 3,750.95 100-28-130-00000-7200 EMS- ADMIN-MEM6/DUES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 491.98 423.80 - 100-28-130-00000-7202 EMS- ADMIN-TRAVEL E(P 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 54,990.88 51,598.41 100-28-130-00000.7203 EMS- ADMIN-STAFF DEV 57,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 65,000.00 5,000.00 3,699.36 4,594.02 100-28-130-000007299 EMS- ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 287,599.87 275,000.00 100-28-130-00000-7412 EMS- ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 250,000.00 250,000.00 275,000.00 275,000.00 0.00 29,840.95 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7416 EMS- ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,00000 149,014.00 100-28-130-00000-7418 EMS- ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 195,000.00. 99,000.00 140,500.00 0.00 (140500.00) 3504.39 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7501 EMS- ADMIN-RENOV/CONSTR'N 5,000.00 5,000.00 5000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,242.910.61 1289.835.15 Total EXPENDITURE 1.256,708.00 1,200,751.00 1.281.807.00 1. 93,740.00 11.933.00 1,195,597.37 1.25470800 1 ,7980700 )1,24353911 NET LEVY ( . • Municipality gton • 02/11/11 HUOGETWO*,gt4on, Clarington:R ENTION 2011 Dra0 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (2,175.00) (3,735.00) 100-28-280-30655-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-COMMERCIAL/ (1,800.00) (1,800.00) (1,800.00) (2,000.00) (200.00) (75.00) (234.00) 100-2B-280-30660-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-DAYCARE CT (300.00) (300.00) (300,00) (300.00) 0.00 (100.00) 0.00 100-28-280-30665-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-WOOD STOV (200.00) (zoo.oD) (200.00) (zoo.00) 0.00 (750.00) (624,00) 100-28-280-306706400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-REFRESH.VE 800 00 ( ) (soo,DO) (soo.00) (soo.00) 000 (150.00) (692.96) 100-28-280-30675-6400 FIRE INSURANCE REPORT FEE (150.00) (150.00) (150.00) (500.00) (350.00) (5,125.00) (12,285.00) 100-28-280-35615-6502 BURNING PERMITS (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (10,000.00) (6,000.00) (8.375.001 (17.570.961 Total REVENUE (7250.00) (7250.001 (7,2500.01 (13.800.00) (6.550.00) EXPENDITURE: 301,792.63 375,479.70 100-28-280-00000-7001.EMS-PREVENTION-SALARY FTT 319,596.00 322,610.00 341,847.00 361,985.00 20,138.00 16,115.36 16,568.50 100-28-280-00000-7015 EMS- PREVENT-WAGES STUDENT 16,981.00 17,533.00 18,057.00 18,645.00 588.00 6,716.77 7,439.20 100-28-280-00000-7050 EMS- PREVENTION-EHT 6,56300 6,633.00 7,016.00 7,408.00 390.00 28,377.85 36,490.22 100-28-280-000007051 EMS- PREVENTION-OMERS 29,158.00 29,350.00 34,892.00 40,517.00 5,625.00 8,754.31 8,965.18 100-28-280-00000-7052 EMS- PREVENTION-OPP 8,107.00 8,372.00 8,675.00 8,847.00 172.00 4,655.64 4,739.49 100-28-28000000-7053 EMS- PREVENTION-EI 4,460.00 4,406.00 4,535.00 4,620.00 85.00 21,200.15 26,528.15 100-28-280-00000-7054 EMS- PREVENTION-LTD/UFE/HLTH 24,137.00 20.106.00 21,621.00 42,479.00 20,858.00 . 6,180.68 6,621.95 100-28-280-00000-7058 EMS- PREVENTION-WSIB 5,259.00 5,831.00 5,915.00 7,339.00 1,424.00 424.47 663.85 100-28-280-00000-7142 EMS- PREVENT-EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-280-00000-7160 EMS- PREVENT-TAPP&CONSULT 2,500,00 2,500.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 750,53 633.40 100-28-28x00000-7181 EMS- PREVENT-BOOKS/PERIODICA 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-28000000-7182 EMS- PREVENTION-FILMS 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 2,126.43 1,502.26 100-28-28000000-7200 EMS- PREVENT-MEMB/DUES 1,750.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 15,892.35 .26,946.49 100-28-280-000007206 EMS- PREVENTION-PROMO/OTHER 9,500.00. 9,500.00 9,500.00 30,500.00 21,000.00 358.76 416,68 100-28-280-00000-7299 EMS-PREVENTION-MISC EXPENSE 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 496.80 . 3,065.14 100-28-280-00000-7520 EMS- PREVENTION-OTHER CAP 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 413.842.73 516.060.21 Total EXPENDITURE 436.811.00 43754100 462.760.00 533.140.00 70.380.00 405.467.73 498.489.25 NET LEVY _ 429.561.00 430,291.00 455,510.00 519 340 00 63.830.00 ON Municipality tgton 02111111 BUDGE!WOR. PAPERS Cladngwn:R"S—ORESSION 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL D¢ ti - 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,482,693.11 4,730,760.07 100-28-281-00000-7001 EMS-SUPPRESSION-SALARY F7T 3,440,850.00 3,576,613.00 3,801,849.00 4,064,833.00 262,984.00 70,624.78 78,566.64 100-28-281-00000-7050 EMS- SUPPRESSION-EHT 67,070.00 69,744.00 74,136.00 79,261.00 5,125.00 313,610.56 404,917.65 100-28-281-00000-7051 EMS- SUPPRESSION-OMERS 311,885.00 324,354.00 387,293.00 455,379.00 68,086.00 97014.69 98,575.65 100-28-281-00000-7052 EMS- SUPPRESSION-OPP 89,546.00 92,778.00 95,337.00 97,342.00 2,005.00 47,801.16 48,211.10 100-28-281-00000-7053 EMS- SUPPRESSION-El 45,360.00 45,238.00 46,103.00 47,083.00 980.00 240,144.08 299,251.45 100-28-281-00000-7054 EMS- SUPPRESSION-LTD/LIFE/HLT 271,486.00 227,750.00 243,232.00 478,078.00 234,846.00 65,312.08 70,220.56 100-28-281-00000-7058 EMS- SUPPRESSION-WSIB 54,587.00 61,617.00 62,724.00 78,129.00 15,405.00 0.00 4,187.42 100-28-281-00000-7103 EMS- SUPPRESSION-CHEM/FOAM 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 8,281.04 7,643.91 100-28-281-00000-7106 EMS-SUPPRESSION-SAFETY SUPPL 8,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 7,639.10 6,845.87 100-26-281-00000-7142 EMS- SUPPRESSION-EQUIP MTNCE 5,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 9,000.00 2,500.00 9,922.00 10,500.00 100-28-281-00000-7173 EMS- SUPPRESSION-R/M OTHER 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,500.00 11,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-281-00000-7520 EMS'- SUPPRESSION-OTHER CAP 0.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 5,343,042.60 5759680.32 Total EXPENDITURE 4.313.784.00 4,438,094.00 4,746,174.00 5.344,105.00 597,931.00 5,343,042.60 5.759,680.32 NET LEVY 4,313,784.00 4,438,094.00 4,746.174.00 5,344,105.00 597.931.00 • Munidpality Iglon 02111/11 BUDGET WO�PAPERS Clarin9Len:FIR ING TE 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 98,459.99 124,699.22 100-28-282-00000-7001 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-SALARY F/ 92,286.00 95,186.00 98,343.00 106,159.00 7,816.00 1,879.44 2,038.60 100-28-282-00000-7050 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-EHT 1,800.00 1,856.00 1,918.00 2,070.00 152.00 8,496.92 10,698.73 100-28-282-00000-7051 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-OMERS 8,50200 8,788.00 10,215.00 11,809.00 1,594.00 2,142.57 2,190.15 100-28-282-00000-7052 EMS- TRAIN&TECH SUP-CPP 1,990.00 2,049.00 2,119.00 2,163.00 44.00 1,051.38 1,071.15 100-28-282-00000-7053 EMS- TRAIN&TECH SUP-El 1,008.00 995.00 - 1,025.00 1,04600 21.00 5,299.51 6,631.58 100-28-282-00000-7054 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-LTD/LIFE/HL 6,034.00 5,026.00 5,405.00 10,641.00 5,236.00 1,455.34 1,537.09 100-28-282-00000-7058 EMS- TRAIN&TECH SUP-WSIB 1,221.00 1,373.00 1,373.00 1,819.00 446.00 410.53 1,045.91 100-28-282-00000-7181 EMS-TRAIN&TECH-BOOKS/PERIODI 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 125.00 0.00 100-28-282-00000-7200 EMS- TRAIN&TECH SUP-MEMBOU 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 119,320.68 149.910.43 Total EXPENDITURE 115,596.00 117,973.00 123,098.00 138,407.00 15.309.00 119,320.68 149.970.43 NET LEVY 115,596.00 117,973.00 123.098.00 138,407.00 15,309.00 00 00 Municipality o' i9ton - 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Clarington:FIRE C,...4UNICATI 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 222,84363 278,896.47 100-28-283-00000-7001 EMS.COMMUNICATION-SALARY F/T 220,336.00 233,992.00 242,008.00 255,809.00 13,801.00 4,620.63 5,011.03 100-28-283-00000-7050 EMS- COMMUNICATION-EHT 4,297.00 4,563.00 4,719.00 4,989.00 270.00 19,209.92 22,935.38 100-28-283-00000-7051 EMS- COMMUNICATION-OMERS 18,537.00 19,868.00 21,813.00 25,547.00 3,734.00 8,648.69 8836.28 100-28-283-00000-7052 EMS- COMMUNICATION-CPP 8,041.00 8,271.00 8,549.00 8,653.00 104.00 4,335.47 4,409.52 100-28-283-00000-7053 EMS- COMMUNICATION-El 4,162.00 4,103.00 4,219.00 4,185.00 (34.00) 21,044.11 26,382,64 100-28-28&00000-7054 EMS-COMMUNICATION-LTD/LIFE/HL 23,898.00 19,958.00 21,529.00 40,148.00 18,619.00 4,563.16 4,985.21 100-28-283-00000-7058 EMS- COMMUNICATION-WSIB 3,746.00 4,305.00 4,453.00 5,500.00 1,047.00 4,665.77 4,382.95 100-28-283-00000-7142 EMS-COMMUNICATION-EQUIP MT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 108,939.50 72,418.61 100-28-283-00000-7144 EMS- COMMUNICATION-RADIO EQ 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 398.870.88 428,258.09 Total EXPENDITURE 388.017.00 400.060.00 412,290.00 449 831.00 37.541.00 398,870.88 428,258.09 NET LEVY 388,017.00 400,060.00 412.290.00 449,831.00 37,541.00 Municipalft iglon 07/11/11 BUDGET W PAPERS Clarington:Fi HANICAL 10 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2003 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.D0 3,317.82 100-28-284-00000-7142 EMS-FIRE MECH-EQUIP MTNCE/SE 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,214.82 100-28-284-00000-7171 EMS-FIRE MECH-FUM VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 10,645.02 17,972.25 100-28-28400000-7173 EMS-FIRE MECH-RIM OTHER EQUIP 20,000.00 20,000.00 .20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 52,005.88 52,868.20 100-28-284-00000-7194 EMS-FIRE MECH-FUEUOIL 60,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00. 75,000.00 0.00 62.650.90 86.373.09 Total EXPENDITURE 80.000.00 95.000.00 127,000.00 127.000.00 0.00 62,650.90 86,373.09 NET LEVY 80,000.00 95,000.00 127,000.00 127,000.00 0.00 V O Municipality o' --lgton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOK, PAPERS Clarington:ALL S _.aONS-P 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Da=iotion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 6,899.70 6,731.00 100-28-285-00000-7104 EMS-FIRE PR-CLEAN SUPPLIES 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 507.84 252.84 100-28-285-00000-7105 EMS-FIRE PfT-LIGHT SUPPLIES 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 183.00 100-28-285-00000-7112 EMS-FIRE P/T-MISC OF EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 8,047.72 7,134.70 100-2B-285-00000-7132 EMS-FIRE P/T-PHONE/FAX 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,00000 0.00 7,057.50 7,000.77 100-28-285-00000-7140 EMS-FIRE P/T-SNOW REMOVAL 7,500.00 9,000,00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 3,154.04 2,100.00 100-28-285-00000-7164 EMS-FIRE PIT-JANITORIAL - 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 25,713.03 24,312.18 100-28-285-00000-7172 EMS-FIRE P/T-RIM-BUILDING 23,600.00 20,000.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 190.00 40.00 100-28-285-00000-7200 EMS-FIRE PIT-MEMB/DUES 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 0,00 160,143.73 151,686.85 100-28-285-10588-7016 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-P/T F/F WAGES 150,500.00 175,500.00 185,000.00 174,759,00 (10,241.00) 0.00 0.00 100-26-285-10588-7050 EMS-BOW F 1STN#1-EHT 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,408,00 3,408.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10588-7052 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-CPP 0.00 0,00 0.00 3,082.00 3,082.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10588-7058 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-WEIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,757,00 3,757.00 319,333.17 289,950.82 100-28-285-10590-7016 EMS NEWC F/STN#2-P/T F/F WAGES 200,000.00 225,000.00 275,000.00 , 257,290.00 (17,710.00) 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10590-7050 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-EHT 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,01200 5,017.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10590-7052 EMS-NEWC FfSTN42-CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,167.00 7,167.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10590-7058 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-WSIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,532.00 5,532.00 176,921.00 157,67077 100-28-285-10592-7016 EMS ORONO F/STN#3-PTT F/F WAG 130,000.00 130,000.00 150,000.00 142,700.00 (7,300.00) 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10592-7050 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-EHT 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,783.00 2,783.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10592-7052 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-CPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,495.00 1,495.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10592-7058 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-WSIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,068,00 3,068.00 81,120.07 60,302.47 100-28-285-10594-7016.EMS COURT F/BTN#4-P?F/F WAGE B0,000.00 80,006.00 90,000.00 86,500.00 (3,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-28-285-10594-7050 EMS-COURT F/STN94-EHT 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,687.00 1,687.00 0.00 0.00 .100-28-285-10594-7058 EMS-COURT F/STN#4-WSIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,660.00 1,86000 119,678.19 116,243.93 100-28-2B5-10598-7016 EMS ENNISK F/STN 45-P/T F/F WAGE 80,000.00 80,000.00 90,000.00 86,500.00 (3,500.00) 0,00 0.00 100-28-285-10596-7050 EMS-ENNISK F/STN#5-EHT 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,687,00 1,687.00 0.00 0.00 100-28-28&10596-7058 EMS-ENNISK F/ST1,195-WSIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,860,00 1,860.00 928.765.99 823 609.33 Total EXPENDITURE 691.850.00 740,750.00 848.750.00 848,902,00 152.00 921297/199 - 823.609.33 NET LEVY 691,850.00 740,750.00 848,750.00 848,902.00 752.00 Municipalily� 'yton • 02/11/11 BUDGET PAPERS Clarin9ton:MU _MTIONS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL _ DesvloNan 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 76.02 0.00 100-28-286-00000-7101 EMS-MUN OP CENTRE-OFF SUPPL 250.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 25,603.43 25,515.72 100-28-286-00000-7132 EMS-FIRE MUN OP CENTRE-PHON 20,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 9,582.57 8,611.97 100-28-286-00000-7173 EMS-FIRE MUN OP CENT-R/M OTHER 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 286.20 1,075.41 100-28-286-00000-7299 EMS-FIRE MUN OP CENTRE-MISC 3,000.00 2,D00.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 35.548.22 35,203.10 Total EXPENDITURE 33.250.00 37,100.00 37.100.00 37.100.00 0.00 35,548.22 35.203.10 NET LEVY 33.250.00 37.100.00 37 100.00 37.100.00 0.00 V N 73 • Q4g) ngton Way MEMO TO: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance FROM: A. S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director Engineering Services DATE: January 10, 2011 RE: ENGINEERING SERVICES — 2011 BUDGET Although the Canadian economy made some headway on the road to recovery, the question still exists, "will the economy improve and return to the levels affording the Municipality of Clarington higher revenues in 2011"? Certainly in Engineering or more specifically, in Building, we look forward, as everyone else does, to the hope that the surprising increase in building activity in • 2010 continues providing a better fiscal year 2011. The sense at this point is that the economy is still stabilizing. Other challenges this year however, will include potentially higher construction costs resulting from increased labour and material costs, pavement management with a focus on structures management, rural roads, aging urban roads and servicing new development. With the majority of the stimulus projects coming to an end in 2011 there may be the potential for a more competitive tendering process as contractors try to increase their work load for 2011. The Building Department experienced a much stronger than expected year in 2010 with building permit revenues reaching almost pre-recession highs. While we are incredibly encouraged by these impressive numbers we are also cognizant of the fact that several factors may have combined in a positive manner to pull sales forward. Prior to June, 2010 The Bank of Canada had made a clear announcement that it would keep interest rates at historic lows until at least June, 2010. As this date approached there was a growing awareness that the economy was improving enough to allow The Bank of Canada to move in raising rates. • CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 74 Page 2 of 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES —2011 BUDGET Further to that homeowners were also aware that the new HST rules would begin to increase costs on building materials and certain homes and many moved to beat these increases. Naturally we hope that the permit numbers and revenues will hold but are cautious in that view, particularly because maximum mortgage amortization periods have recently been reduced at the same time that lending standards have been tightened to reduce Canadian debt loads. In 2011 Engineering will focus on addressing the needs of our aging infrastructure in the older neighbourhoods and rural and urban bridges and culverts. Economic development in Clarington is, and will continue to be, an area of priority as we work towards securing local choice and employment opportunities for our residents by working with key business partners to proactively encourage and facilitate local investment. 2010 saw an increase in the number of capital projects designed, tendered and administered by Engineering staff and in 2011 we plan to focus on increasing the level of in-house expertise within the Infrastructure and Construction branches to allow us to further increase the work that we were previously required to outsource. In order to achieve the increased level of in-house expertise the Infrastructure branch will look to staff restructuring, using our current complement of staff, with an emphasis on Municipal Infrastructure design, tender preparation and contract administration. The additional resources will put us in a position to rely upon in- house expertise not only to achieve substantial cost savings but also to provide a level of readily accessible technical support for all departments in the Municipality that was previously unavailable. Other issues that we will face in managing the Capital Budget this year will be the potential impact of higher construction costs. Oil prices have continued to rise throughout 2010 and this may impact on the cost of asphalt, construction materials and transportation. The majority of government stimulus projects started in 2009 and 2010 should be completed or approaching completion in early 2011 which may provide for a more competitive tendering process in this coming year. We hope that this may help keep construction costs at astable level. For this reason we will be very conscientious in our efforts to go out to tender early in the spring with as much work as we can to "beat the rush" and thereby improve our position in terms of pricing. At the same time however, we will be monitoring the market closely to take advantage of any opportunities to influence our construction costs downward through the timing of tenders and otherwise. With the recent improvements to Concession Roads 6/7 and 718 afforded to us with the stimulus programs that the Federal and Provincial governments initiated over the last couple of years there has been a slight improvement to the condition of the overall rural road network. In saying that, these two roads form a small part of the overall network and we will need to continue to invest in our rural roads to stop the further decline of pavement condition. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 DN:H:WP51 DATA/MEMO/MEM0021 75 Page 3 of 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES — 2011 BUDGET • Funding for roads is never unlimited and it is for this reason that the roads with the highest traffic counts, such as those found in more urban areas, are those that are often deemed higher priority. As logical as this may seem we will be working hard in 2011 not to lose sight of the fact that the pavement condition index in rural areas cannot continue to decline without impact simply because roads with higher traffic volumes keep getting bumped to the top of the list. The term "priority" can be arrived at in many ways and in 2011 we will be especially cognizant of the need to protect our investment in rural infrastructure through timely, appropriate and cost effective preventative and rehabilitation practices. I I An hony S.Z an-ne la Director of Engineering Services ASC/jb • • CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 DN:H:WP51 DATA/MEMO/MEM002/ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 Clarington Leadin%t8e Way DIRECTIDR Tan Came RUCTURE CRIES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION &CAPITAL TRANSP::B DESIGN:. PARK DEVELOPMENT' ;ADMNI�TRA71VEl: AEFIGVIL MANAGER r PROJECTS MANAGER _ MANAGER _ aMANADER ASSISTANT Rick Pi eon Norm Clark Ron Albri ht' Leslie Benson Peter Windolf Jenn Bilenduke-1 1 Building Plum bing/Neafing Cousnucfion Traffic Permit Ina ecfors Ins fairs _ Coordinator._.. ___CooMinaMr___ _.. Clerk.._. Dennis George Lloyd Cullen A.Coolen Ron Baker Barb Bards Kim Laing John Tresise Jeremy Zegere Adam Carter Engineering Engineering David Abramczuk iecbnicien ll/ Co-on/inafor M Bant J Maloney Brent Marvin Tony Ricciardi Vacant Staff Complement RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Affiliated 7 Right of Way Management Union-Ih oii ad 19 Capital Budgeting&Forecasting Pan-time 0 Design and Construction Park Development Total 26 Development ReviewlMunicipal Servicing Subdivision Construction Inspection Department Head Backup-. Transportation and Traffic Trans . Design Mana er Pavement Management Building Permit and Inspection . Municipalit lgA 02/11/11 600GETW0 PAPERS Claringtpn2011 NG SERV 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (582.53) (460.94) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (109,378.18) (37,575.00) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (6,500.00) (30,900.00) (30,500.00) (32,500.00) (2,000.00) (831,535.93) (1,408,503.17) BUILDING INSPECTION-REVENUE (1,521,325.00) (1;421,500.00) (868,500.00). (1,268,500.00) (400,000.00) (941,496.64) (1.446.539.111 Total REVENUE (1.527.875.00) (1,452,450.00) (899.050.00) (1,301,050.00) (402.000.00) EXPENDITURE: - 2,636,573.00 3,364,657.23 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 2,069,578.00 3,047,733.00 3,571,127.00 1,903,160.00 (1,667,947.00) 1,005,785.30 961,528.60 BUILDING INSPECTION-EXPENDITURE 1,111,221.00 1,014,737.00 942,814.00 1,215,110.00 272,296.00 0.00 1,688.00 TRANSIT-EXPENDITURE 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 STREET LIGHTING-EXPENDITURE 148,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 (45,000.00) 62,900.00 43,500.00 PARK-EXPENDITURE 162,500.00 71,000.00 43,500.00 28,000.00 (15,500.00) 3,478.14 4,255.63 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 6,300.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 3,708,736.44 4,420,629.46 Total EXPENDITURE 4,297,599.00 4.185,070.00 4.608.041.00 3.151,890.00 (1,456151.00) 2,767,239.80 2,974.090.35 NET LEVY 2.769.724.00 2,732,620.00 3,708.991.00 1,850,840.00 (1858.151.00) V J Municipality or 'glon 02/11/11 B(IDGET WORT PAPERS Clarington:UNw. sGNED 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL DeSaloOon - 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (582,53) (460.94) 100-32-000-30645-6400 ENG.PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (582.53) (460.94) Total REVENUE (50.00) (50.001 (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (582.53) (460.94) NETLEVY (50.00) (50.001 (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 • • . 00 MuniciPality 1"on 02111/11 BUDGET WO PAPERS :AD Ciarin9[onAATION 2011 Dreg 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desolorion 2006 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 (75.00) 100-32-130-000006565 ENG ADMIN-SALE OF PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (54,404.64) 0.00 100-32-130-31030-6400 ENGINEERING-MISC REVENUE (500.00) (900.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (21,223.54) 0.00 100-32-130-31034-6400 ENG.81NSP.ADMIN.FEES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (33,750.00) (37500.00) 100-32-130-35605-6502 ENG,MUNICIPAL CONSENT PERMITS (6,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (32,000.00) (2,000.00) (109.378.18) (37,575.00) Total REVENUE (6,500.001 (30,900.00) (30,500.001 (32.500.00) (2.000.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,055,472.12 1,109,540.55 100-32-130-00000-7001 ENG ADMIN-SALARY FIT 1,082,365.00 1,125,695.00 1,151,981,00 1,194,934.00 42,953.00 4,45141 398.40 100-32-130-00000-7015 ENG ADMIN-WAGES STUDENT 8,52100 8,518.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,396.31 23,905.85 100-32-130-00000-7050 ENG ADMIN-EHT 21,271.00 22,11200 22,484.00 23,301.00 817.00 82,704.76 92,365.38 100-32-130-00000-7051 ENG ADMIN-OMERS 82,123.00 85,538.00 87,387.00 102,996.00 15,609.00 32,403.06 32,862.51 100-32-130-00000.7052 ENG ADMIN-CPP 30,097.00 30,988.00 31,779.00 32,447.00 668.00 15,995.71 16,074.47 100-32-130-00000-7053 ENG ADMIN-El 15,335.00 15,138.00 15,368.00 15,695.00 32200 95,154.00 120,495.42 100-32-130-00000-7054 ENG ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 105,928.00 90,243.00 98,968.00 143,329.00 44,361.00 18,950.12 19,869.18 100-32-130-00000-7055 ENG ADMIN-WSIB 15,849.00 17,878.00 17,748.00 21,928.00 4,180.00 5,83425 5,734.01 100-32-130-00000-7101 ENG ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 7,000.00 6,800.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 2,823.21 3,551.48 100-32-130.00000-7132 ENG ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 6,900.00 6,000.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 10,914.34 12,593.89 100-32-130-00000-7156 ENG ADMIN-LEGAL 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,630.00 31249.67 100-32-130-00000-7159 ENG ADMIN-TRAFFIC WATCH CONSU 6,500.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 46,244.33 48,708.41 100-32-130-00000-7160 ENG ADMIN-CONSULTING 50,000.00 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7161 ENG ADMIN-PROF FEES 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 147,340.47 64,783.21 100-32-130-00000-7167 ENG ADMIN-DESIGN 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 - 150,000.00 000 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7174 ENG ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 395.38 366.46 100-32-130-00000-7181 ENG ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 800.00 800.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 1,447.05 1,751.18 100-32-130-000007183 ENG ADMIN-CLTH/UNIFORMS 1,700.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 300.00 766.86 1,167.01 100-32-130-000007186 ENG ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 1,500.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 592.43 1.52.65 100-32-130000007188 ENG ADMIN-REPROD/PRINTING 500.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 1,224.61 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7192 ENG ADMIN-SPECIAL EVENTS EXP 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) 5,766.29 4,926.27 100-32-130-00000-7200 ENG ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 6,800.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 17,901.36 15,987.83 100-32-13000000-7202 ENG ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 18,000.00 20,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 0.00 2,192.89 1,465.20 100-32-130-00000-7203 ENG ADMIN-STAFF DEV 6,000.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 42,436.12 1,828.78 100-32-130-00000-7299 ENG ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 2,100.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7304 ENG ADMIN-DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 56,250.00 56,250.00 0.00 0,00 100-32-130-00000-7305 ENG ADMIN-DEBT PYMT INTEREST 0.00 0.00 112,500.00 56,250.00 (56,250,00) 84,480.44 5,000.00 100-32-130-00000-7412 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 932,787.00 1,776,662.00 100-32-130-00000-7418 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 1,212,937.00 1,358,818.00 1,776,662.00 0.00 (1,776,662.00) 744.12 201.91 100-32-130-00000-7506 ENG ADMIN-FURNITUREIFIXTURES 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 . 0.00 1,522.36 1,015.51 100-32-130-00000-7520 ENG ADMIN-OTHER CAP 3,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 2.836,573.00 3.364,657.23 Total EXPENDITURE 2.869,578.00 3,047,733.00 3,571,127.00 1,903,180.00 (1,667,947.00) 2J27,194.132 3 327 NET LEVY 2,863.078.00 3.016.833.00 3.540.fi27A0 1,870,680.00 (1,669,947,00) V 10- Municipality o' 19ton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarirgton:BUILD..-.INSPECT 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (25.00) 0.00 100-32-321-00000-6506 BUILDING CODE INFRACTIONS FINES (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (14.21) (53.00) 100-32-321-30501-6400 BUILDING INSPECTION-MISC REV (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (14,000.00) (15,200.00) 100-32-321-35515-6500 PLUMBING LICENCES (12,500.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (812,746.72) (1,383,825.17) 100-32-321-35600-6502 BUILDING PERMITS (1,500,000.00) (1,400,000.00) (850,000.00) (1,250,000.00) (400,000.00) (4,500.00) (5,700.00) 100-32-321-35603-6502 POOL ENCLOSURE PERMITS (6,825.00) (5,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (250.00) (3,725.00) 100-32-321-35606-6502 SITE ALTERATION PERMITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 (831,535.93) (1.408,503.17) Total REVENUE (1.521,325.00) (1.,421,500.00) (868,500.00) (1,268,500.00) (400,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 729,126.69 679,684.15 100-32-321-00000-7001 BLDG INSPECTION-SALARY FIT 738,187.00 722,208.00 686,710.00 708,898.00 22,188.00 6,403.04 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7015 BLDG INSPECTION-WAGES STUDE 8,523.00 8,518.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,428.95 14,325.00 100-32-321-00000-7050 BLDG INSPECTION-EHT 14,533.00 14,249.00 13,391.00 13,823.00 432.00 50,772.67 52,827.10 100-32-321-00000-7051 BLDG INSPECTION-OMERS 53,366.00 52,512.00 49,682.00 58,290.00 8,608.00 25,974.31 24,235.58 100-32-321-00000-7052 BLDG INSPECTION-CPP 25,752.00 24,840.00 23,305.00 23,795.00 490.00 12,839.47 11,856.38 100-32-321-00000-7053 BLDG INSPECTION-El 13,226.00 12,151.00 11,270.00 11,509.00 239.00 68,491.94 82,235.86 100-32-321-00000-7054 BLDG INSPECTION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 85,091.00 64,957.00 65,173.00 93,535.00 28,362.00 13,822.71 13,415.17 100-32-321-00000-7058 BLDG INSPECTION-WSIB 12,293.00 12,852.00 11,963.00 14,510.00 2,527.00 3,681.18 3,351.09 100-32-321-00000-7101 BLDG INSPECTION-OFFICE SUPPLI 4,500.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 0.00' 3,530.44 2,974.49 100-32-321-00000-7132 BLDG INSPECTION-PHONE/FAX 7,100.00 4,300.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 192.50 996.54 100-32-321-00000-7156 BLDG INSPECTION-LEGAL 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906.24 5,090.50 100-32-321-00000-7160 BLDG INSPECTION-CONSULTING 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,00000 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7174 BLDG INSPECTION-R/M OFFICE EQU 500.00 500.00 250.00 0,00 (250.00) 910.77 975.92 100-32-321-00000-7181 BLDG INSPECTION-BOOKS/PERIOD 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 1,123.12 2,293.45 100-32-321-00000-7183 BLDG INSPECTION-CLTHAINIFORMS 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 401.59 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7186 BLDG INSPECTION-POSTAGE/COUR 500.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 108.27 110.35 100-32-321-00000-7188 BLDG INSPECTION-PRINTING 500.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 2,699.30 3,229.56 100-32-321-00000-7200 BLDG INSPECTION-MEMB/DUES 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 4,300.00 1,200.00 62,191.99 55,549.38 100-32-321-00000-7202 BLDG INSPECTION-TRAVEL EXP - 50,000.00 50,000.00 45,000.00 59,500.00 14,500.00 4,595.97 6,962.16 100-32-321-00000-7203 BLDG INSPECTION-STAFF DEV 11,250.00 11,250.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 (2,000.00) 130.52 570.29 100-32-321-00000-7299 BLDG INSPECTION-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7412 BLDG INSPECTION-TRSF TO RES F 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7505 BLDG INSPECTION-OTHER EQUIP 750.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,653.43 845.63 100-32-321-00000-7506 BLDG INSPECTION-FURNITURE/Ff 2,650.00 2,650.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 (500.00) 1,005785.30 961,528.60 Total EXPENDITURE 1.111,221.00 1.014.737.00 942814.00 272,296.00 174,249.37 (446,974.57) NET LEW (410,104.00) (406.763.00) 743 (53.390.00) (127.704.00) • Munidpalily lPA 02111/11 BUDGET WO PAPERS Claringto SR 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL De=iotion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 1,688.00 100-32-323-10435-7112 TRANSIT-MISC OP EXP 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.688.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,688,00 NET LEVY 0.00 1.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 00 t.. Municipality or }glon 02111/11 BUDGET WORT PAPERS Clarington:STREl._.GHTING 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Dewintion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 45,000.00 100-32-324-10417-7418 ENG-STREET LIGHTS-TRSF TO CAP 148,000 00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 (45,000.00) 0.00 45 000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 148.000.00 45,000.00 45.000.00 0.00 (45.000.00) 0.00 45,000.00 NET LEVY 1� 4 45.000.00 45.000.00 0.00 (45,000.00) N . MUn101 alit 7 on 02/11/11 RUUG MU;' PAPERS Glaring RK 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description - 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 62,900.00 43,500.00 100-32-325-10120-7418 PARK DEV.-TRSF TO CAP 162,500.00 71,000.00 43,500.00 0.00 (43,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-32-325-10123-7516 SAMUEL WILMONT NATURE AREA- 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 62.900.00 43,500.00 Total EXPENDITURE 162,500.00 71,000.00 43,500.00 28.000.00 (15,500.00) 62.900.00 4350000 . NET LEVY 162.500.00 71.000.00 43.500.00 28.000.00 (15.500.00) 00 W Municipality r -n9lon 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Cladn9Lpn:._.ET 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACIUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-32-388-40120-7005'01 CHEV VAN-504-WAGES F!T 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,458,20 767.60 100-32-388-40120-7171'01 CHEV VAN-504-R/M-VEHICLES 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 766.44 738.13 100-32-388-40120-7194'01 CHEV VAN-504-FUEIOIL 1,300.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-388-40220-7005'02 GMC SAFARI VAN-559-WAGES F/ 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 OM 542.54 2,025.55 100-32-388-40220.7171'02 GMC SAFARI VAN-559-R/M-VEHIC 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 710.96 724.35 100-32-388-40220-7194'02 GMC SAFARI VAN-559-FUEL/OIL 1,000.00 800.00 800.00 800A0 0.00 3.478.14 4255.63 Total EXPENDITURE 6,300.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 3.478.14 4,255.63 NET LEVY 6.300.00 5600.00 S.fi00.00 5.600.00 0.00 CO 85 ' I I OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT - 2011 BUDGET New minimum maintenance standards (MMS) came into force in February 2010. The new MMS impose additional obligations on municipalities which would potentially impact their liability. Two areas that will impact our 2011 budget will be sidewalks and traffic signs. Traffic signs must be tested if they meet the retro-reflectivity requirements of the Ontario Traffic Manual once per year. Our Building Services Division is responsible for the maintenance of the municipal community buildings including community halls, fire stations, operations yard etc. Staff is responsible for 346,000 square feet of building space for buildings ranging in age from 10 years to 172 years. Additional resources are required to maintain the life cycle of building components including roof replacement. In 2010, a roof audit was completed of all municipal buildings and we are starting to implement these recommendations through the budget process. I would be remiss if I did not mention the work of our volunteer boards. They continue to work hard in maintaining the buildings including capital programs as lighting retrofits, kitchen upgrades, and accessibility improvements. We have been fortunate in the past to receive funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation for improvements to kitchen facilities at the Kendal Community Centre and accessibility upgrades to the Visual Arts Centre. The Department will continue to work with the Ontario Trillium Foundation for alternative funding of potential capital projects with our community buildings. Storm water management ponds are reaching a point where extensive maintenance will be required to ensure that they continue to function the way they were designed. We have included funds in this budget to incorporate a preventative maintenance plan in our asset management program. This will include level of sedimentation, litter accumulation, inlet- outlets, slope erosion etc. The completion of this project will provide quality assurance and control procedures and a ten year maintenance schedule. 86 Ciarington is comprised of a total of 861.4 Ian of roads. Our rural road • program has not kept up with the rapid deterioration of our system. Road deterioration due to lack of maintenance is a growing problem. The Department spends significant time in patching roads as a result of this deterioration. Council will have to address this in future budget years in order to preserve our road system and to reduce the Municipality's liability exposure. In 2010, some of our accomplishments are as follow: • Installation of a second Niche wall at Bowmanville Cemetery • Permitted over 11,800 hours of sports field and park use • Coordination of the Official Support the Troops Banners Program • Completion of the Kendal Community Centre Kitchen Project • Collaborative with the Newcastle Horticultural Society/Newcastle Community Hall for the installation of a Victorian Garden • Reroofing of the Newcastle Memorial Arena • Coordination of Pitch-In Week and three Special Waste Events. • Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant for accessibility improvements at Visual Arts Centre The provision of quality infrastructure services is paramount and we will continue to strive to meet the expectations of Council and our residents with the resources provided. On behalf of the Operations Department, I thank you for your support of our initiatives and Iook forward to working together with the approval of the 2011 Budget. Sincerely, Frederick J.'Horvath, B.A.,R.D.M.R.,R.R.F.A. Director of Operations • OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 Clari�gton Leading the Way DIRECTOR Fred Horvath SUPERv1$ORS M�Devlit(Roads) R.Genosko(Parks) L. Postill(Roads) C.Peters(Roads) L. Lon hurst(Fleet) Leadhands Building Light Equipment Head ADMINISTRATIVE Leadhand Operators Mechanic ASSISTANT .._.._.._.. .._.._.._.. ._.._.._.._.. ._._._._. _.S �..�. T Cox R. Groen B. Jackson G. Luke Ka a Rand G. Cox T Beauvais M. Williams Bldg.Maintenance B.Allin _ ec anrc _ G. Duncan Kathe Groen c K. Sherwood T. Stout Clerk H M. Bourke Paul Neto T Belson M. Recoskie __ _ G. Somogyi S. Cobbledick P. Schoonderbeek C. Vgrhoog O. Fiorese B. Cyr Mechanic W Chandler C. Wubbolt G. Evans Apprentice(PIT) Heavy Equipment D. Forsey R. McKay (Vacant Fleet _ Operators V. Rand R. Stiles _ Clerk _ L.Alldread B. Pascoe Operations ,1.Thompson B. Bickell D. McDougall Technician D. Taylor A. Deman(LTD) S.FIa'nik C. Phillips K. Dillon C. Hams J. Stephen K. Mercer L. McBride RESP N I I ITI ES;— I Staff Complement J. Tennisco B. Goldsworthy Road Maintenance Unionf Italicized O. Bonekat Fleet Maintenance Union-Italicized 55 Labourers__ J. Brown Parks Maintenance Part-time 1 P Fice L. McBride Winter Snow Clearing Program IStudents 17 J. Campbell P. Raesten Parking Meter Maintenance Ota 80 D.Reid J. Shaw Sidewalk Maintenance Contract 17 Students B. Lynch Municipal Bldgs/Physical Plant K. Smith Streetlight Maintenance Department Head Backup- T. Welsh Cemetery Operation 11131rector of Engineering • Monidpality�'ngton • 02111111 BUDGET WO PAPERS Clarington: (IONS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL - Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: - (168,056.36) (182,577.33) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (220,000.00) (240,000.00) (190,000.00) (186,700.00) 3,300.00 (29,006.81) (38,397.42) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (190,249.83) (205,452.91) BUILDING&PROPERTY SERVICES-REVENUE (115,000.00) (180,000.00) (224,800.00) (199,500.00) 25,300.00 0.00 (1,025,689.80) FLEET-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 (387,313.00) (1,452,117.46) Total REVENUE (375,000.00) (460,000.00) (454,800.00) (426,200.00) 28,600.00 EXPENDITURE: 104,643.91 101,775.86 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 78,120.00 77,120.00 88,120.00 84,000.00 (4,120.00) 2,945,045.47 2,451,573.44 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 1,689,044.00 2,419,363.00 2,417,920.00 1,895,049.00 (522,871.00) 780,199.25 712,603.33 STREET LIGHTING-EXPENDITURE 565,000.00 647,000.00 725,000.00 780,000.00 55,000.00 1,554,997.97 1,630,812.83 PARK-EXPENDITURE 1,544,654.00 1,539,853.00 1,554,456.00 1,614,860.00 60,404.00 211,159.89 261,571.74 CEMETERY-EXPENDITURE 209,27450 200,513.00 209,983.00 216,597.00 6,614.00 2,309,117.50 2,366,115.55 BUILDING&PROPERTY SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 2,510,479.00 2,367,672.00 2,460,198.00 4,674,456.00 2,214,258.00 1,573,599.39 1,437,350.99 ROAD MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 1,574,984.00 1,621,650.00 1,543,700.00 1,597,000.00 53,300.00 836,667.82 834,729.97 HARDTOP MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 1,175,620.00 570,500.00 690,500.00 728,500.0 38,000.00 468,732.07 390,041.69 LOOSETOP MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 393,100.00 404,80000 396,300.00 403,500.00 7,200.00 1,637,090.79 1,206,235.96 WINTER CONTROL-EXPENDITURE 1,400,540.00 '1,665,500.00 1,710,500.00 1,737,600.00 27,000.00 365,389.19 328,640.80 SAFETY DEVICES-EXPENDITURE 332,610.00 343,700.00 349,300.00 373,900.00 24,600.00 24,912.48 22,859.29 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT-EXPENDITURE 15,150.00 33,000.00 28,000.00 23,000.00 (5,000.00) 19,659.10 12,892.71 REGIONAL ROADS-EXPENDITURE 21,453.00 21,850.00 22,150.00 20,950.00 (1,200.00) 914,959.36 1,582,351.31 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 762,657.00 763,172.00 733,969.00 709,13100 (24,836.00) 114,17444 117,269.66 LIBRARIES-EXPENDITURE 172,410.00 123,711.00 129,479.00 128,525.00 (954.00) 13,860,348.63 13.456.825.13 Total EXPENDITURE 12.445,095.50 12,799.204.00 13,059,675.00 14,987,070.00 1,927,395.00 73.473.035.63 12004,707.67 NET LEVY 12,070,095.50 12.339,204.00 12,604,87500 14.560,870.00 1.955.995.00 W 00 Municipality o' -i9ton 02111/11 .BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Clarinyton:UNs..iGNEO 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (85,343.07) (89,190.14) 100-36-000-31005-6400 SPORT FIELD RENTALS REVENUE (70,000.00) (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (90,000.00) 0.00 (82,713.29) (93,387.19) 100-36-000-31025-6400 ROYALTIES/SITE RENTAL-TRSF STN (150,000.00) (150,000.00) (100,000.00) (96,700.00) 3,300.00 (168,056.30) (182,577.33) Total REVENUE (220,000.00) (240,000.00) (190,000.00) (186.700.00) 3,300.00 EXPENDITURE: 75,340.17 76,138.94 100-36-000-10402-7112 CON.LINK/TRAFF.SIG.-MISC OF EXP 42,000.00 45,000.00 54,000.00 54,000.00 0.00 10.369.70 11,343.61 100-36-000-10402-7129 CON LINKITRAFF SIG-HYDRO 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 2,264.75 2,534,14 100-36-000-10440-7005 OPER WORK/OTHERS D#1-WAGES F 4,120.00 4,120.00 4,120.00 3,000.00 (1,120.00) 6,935.00 8,185.00 100-36-000-10440-7112 WORKIOTHERS D#1-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 8,963.99 1,556.57 100-36-000-10440-7163 WORK/OTHERS D#1-CONTRACT 7,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 770.30 2,017.60 100-36-000-10440-7231 WORK/OTHERS D#1-FLEET ALLOCA 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 (3,000.00) 104643.91 101,775.86 Total EXPENDITURE 78.120.00 77.120.00 88.120.00 84.000.00 (4,120.00) (63,412.451 (80,801.47) NET LEVY (141.880.00) (162,880.00) (101,880.00) (102,700.00) (820.00) . Municipalilylgton - 02/11/11 BUDGET WO PAPERS Cladn9Lan:AD !RATION 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Demiotion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET' 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (29,006.81) (38,397.42) 100-36-130-31010-6400 ENTRANCE CULVERTS FEE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (29,006.81) (38,397.42) Total REVENUE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 352,136.61 402,065.02 100-36-130-00000-7001 OPERATIONS-SALARY F/T 377,606.00 389,243.00 400,621.00 408,420.00 7,799.00 (10,352.04) 1,900.23 100-36-130-00000-7005 OPERATIONS-WAGES FIT 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 388.497.00 383,497.00 8,562.47 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7015 OPERATIONS-WAGES STUDENT 8,989.00 9,278.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 248,739.35. 250,370.42 100-36-130-00000-7035 OPERATIONS-VACATION PAY F/T 235,315.00 259,525.00 263,582.00 0.00 (263,582.00) 60,967.16 81,997.00 100-36-130-00000-7042 OPERATIONS-SICK LEAVE PAY 53,560.00 54,500.00 54,500.00 0.00 (54,500.00) 37,515.26 49,032.04 100-36-130-00000-7047 OPERATIONS-DOWNTIME PAY/MEET 85,272.00 80,000.00 82,000.00 0.00 (82,000.00) 48,121.13 51,107.31 100-36-130-00000-7050 OPERATIONS-EHT 50,986.00 47,521.00 48,048.00 49,696.00 1,648.00 167,057.08 183,223.66 100-36-130-00000-7051 OPERATIONS-OMERS 168,376.00 172,780.00 173,091.00 193,187.00 20,096.00 85,764.38 87,416.04 100-36-130-00000-7052 OPERATIONS-CPP 79,936.00 82,019.00 84,561.00 85,832.00 1,271.00 43,043.02 43,603.64 100-36-130-00000-7053 OPERATIONS-El 41,385.00 40,735:00 41,709.00 42,136.00 427.00 218,618.10 274,937.70 100-36-130-00000-7054 OPERATIONS-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 272,732.00 207,335.00 224,815.00 308,506.00 83,691.00 45,607.26 49,250.88 100-36-130-00000-7058 OPERATIONS-WSIB 38,487.00 43,027.00 43,993.00 52,275.00 8,282.00 15,740.69 9,723.74 100-36-130-00000-7074 OPERATIONS-MEAL ALLOWANCE 12,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 11,805.68 13,451.17 100-36-130-00000-7101 OPERATIONS-OFF SUPPLIES 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 9,702,61 10,278.19 100-36-130-00000-7112 OPERATIONS-MISC OPER(SMALL T 9,000.00 9,000,00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 25,365.03 25,150.19 100-36-130-00000-7132 OPERATIONS-PHONEJFAX 21,000.00 31,000.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.00' 4,160.00 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7161 OPERATIONS-PROF FEES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 12.79 0.00 100-36-130-000007174 OPERATIONS-R/M OFF EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 458.12 424.56 100-36-130-00000-7181 OPERATIONS-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 19,02198 24,828.32 100-36-130-00000-7183 OPERATIONS-CLTH/UNIFORMS 23,000.00 19,400,00 28,000.00 22,500.00 (5,500.00) 1,000.62 701.33 100-36-130-00000-7186 OPERATIONS-POST/COUR/FRT 800.00 1,200.00 1,200.00. 1,200.00 0.00 1,109.13 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7189 OPERATIONS-PROMO/ADVT 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,919,22 1,784.78 100-36-130-00000-7200 OPERATIONS-MEMB/DUES 3,300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,788.18 5,401.21 100-36-130-00000-7202 OPERATIONS-TRAVEL EXP 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 18,533.10 15,973.07 100-36-130-00000-7203 OPERATIONS-STAFF DEV 17,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 621.40 100-36-130-00000-7206 OPERATIONS-PROMO/OTHER 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 (120,981.19) 373.54 100-36-130-00000-7299 OPERATIONS-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 502,558.33 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7412 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO R/F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275,189.83 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7416 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 868,000.00 864,000.00 100-36-130-00000-7418 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO CAP 161,500.00 902,000.00 864,000.00 0.00 (864,000.00) 2,881.57 3,958.00 100-36-130-00000-7505 OPERATIONS-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 2945045.47 2,451,573.44 Total EXPENDITURE 1.689,044.00 2,419,363.00 2,417,920.00 1,895,049.00 (522,871.00) 2,918,038.68 2,413,176.02 NET LEVY 1,649,044.00 2,379,363.00 2,377,920.00 1,855,049.00 (522,871.00) O Municipality c' 19ton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS Cladn9tonSTREC. _•GHTING 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL D"criOtion 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 3011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 400,639.69 356,191.98 100-36-324-10405-7136 ST LIGHTING-BOW NEWC/ORONO 310,000.00 368,000.00 400,000.00 410,000.00 10,000.00 368,624.56 356,411.35 100-36-324-10410-7136 ST LIGHTING-RURAL NEWSTLE 255,000.00 279,000.00 325,000.00 370,000.00 45,000.00 10,735.00 0.00 100-36-324-10417-7416 STREET LIGHTS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 780.199.25 712.603.33 Total EXPENDITURE 565.000.00 647.000.00 725.000.00 780.000.00 55.000.00 780,199.25 712.603.33 NET LEVY 565,000.00 647,000.00 725000.00 780,000.00 55,000.00 Municipality lgton 02/11/11 • BUDGET WO�PAPERS • Clarin9to 9K 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL - 2010 ACTUAL DeScrlotlon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 484,801.68 520,042.22 100-36-325-10115-7005 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES F/T 498,726.00 . .509,076.00 527,352.00 550,150.00 22,798.00 104,120.28 86,306.82 100-36-325-10115-7015 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES STUDENT 107,495.00 100,938.00 103,933.00 96,580.00 (7,353.00) 12,045.22 13,071.14 100-36-325-10115-7050 PARKS MTNCE-EHT 10,857.00 11,895.00 12,310.00 12,539.00 229.00 33,005.33 37,085.59 100-36-325-10115-7051 PARKS MTNCE-OMERS 31,291.00 34,136.00 35,104.00 43,785.00 8,681.00 22,528.85 23,046.50 100-36-325-10115-7052 PARKS MTNCE-CPP - 19,554.00 21,545.00 22,299.00 22,479.00 180.00 12,051.20 12,267.36 - 100-36-325-10115-7053 PARKS MTNCE-El 10,987.00 11,405.00 11,738.00 11,760.00 22.00 46,834.17 59,314.15 100-36-32510115-7054 PARKS MTNCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 51,375.00 44,417.00 48,721.00 69,106.00 20,385.00 11,978.70 12,985.27 100-36-325.10115-7058 PARKS MTNCE-WSIB 9,919.00 11,301.00 11,599.00 13,461.00 1,862.00 61,805,46 69,060.88 100-36-325-10115-7112 PARKS MTNCE-MISC OP EXP 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 43,689.29 40,739.76 100-36-325-10115-7130 PARKS MTNCE-WATER/SEWER 24,000.00 24,000.00 42,000.00 47,500.00 5,500.00 2,004.00 1,837.65 100-36-325-10115-7132 PARKS MTNCE-PHONEIFAX 1,500.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 0.00 61,786.50 65,320.39 100-36-325-10115-7137 PARKS MTNCE-LIGHTS/PLAYING Ft 50,000.00 50,000.00 65,000.00 70,000.00 5,000.00 19,717.22 10,337.08 100-36-325-10115-7140 PARKS MTNCE-SNOW REMOVAL 30,000.00 45,000.00 35,000.00 -35,000.00 0.00 303,090.17 432,393.50 100-36-325-10115-7163 PARKS MTNCE-CONTRACT 338,000.00 295,000.00 345,000.00 355,000.00 10,000.00 3,295.56 2,948.05 100-36-325-101157165 PARKS MTNCE-WASTE DISPOSAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 151.20 0.00 100-36-325-10115-7170 PARKS MTNCE-R/M-GROUNDS(TRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.66 4,196.22 100-36-325-101157172 PARKS MTNCE-R/M-BUILDING 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 10,OB4.28 19,286.60 100-36-325-10115-7178 PARKS MTNCE-R!M IRRIGATION S 18,000.00 15,000A0 26,200.00 20,000.00 (6,200.00) 5,828.79 6,255.08 100-36-325-10115-7183 PARKS MTNCE-CLTH/UNIFORMS 6,600.00 12,640.00 7,900.00 7,200.00 (700.00) 691.43 946.00 100-36-325-10115-7200 PARKS MTNCE-MEMB/DUES 250.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 113,025.00 109,771.30 100-36-325-10115-7231 PARKS MTNCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 80,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 95,000.00 10,000.00 19,870.20 20,602.21 100-36-325-10115-7232 PARKS MTNCE-OTHER RENTAL 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 100-36-325-10115-7412 PARKS MTNCE-TRSF TO RES FUND 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 100-36-325-101154418 PARKS MTNCE-TRSF TO CAP 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) 4,868.29 4,426.82 100-36-325-10115-7505 PARKS MTNCE-OTHER EQUIP PUR 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 77,133.49 68,552.24 100-36-325-10115-7516 PARKS MTNCE-PARK IMPROVEMEN 68,000.00 78,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 1.554,997.97 1,630,812.83 Total EXPENDITURE 1,544,654.00 1,539,553.00 1.554.456.00 1,614,860.00 60404.00 1.554.997.97 1630812.83 NET LEVY 1.544.654.00 1.539.653.00 1.554.456.00 1.614.860.00 60.404.00 N Municipalityd i9ton 02111/11 BUDGET WOR, PAPERS ClaringWn:CE.-..fERY 2011 Draft - 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Deeaiotion 2008 BUDGET' 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 77,950.81 85,558.79 100-36-325-10419-7005 CEMETERY MTNCE B/B-WAGES FIT 101,357.00 104,332.00 107,311.00 110,791.00 3,480.00 1,941.12 13,293.73 100-36-326-10419-7015 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-WAGES ST 19,545.00 10,094.00 10,393.00 10,731.00 338.00 2,259.17 2,437.99 100-36-326-10419-7050 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-EHT 2,358.00 2,231.00 2,295.00 2,362,00 67.00 6,177,38 6,864,65 100-36-326-10419-7051 CEMETERY MTNCE B/B-OMERS 6,18200 6,389.00 6,492.00 8,199.00 1,707.00 4,365.65 4,463.92 100-36-326-10419-7052 CEMETERY MTNCE B/B-CPP 4,354.00 4,175.00 4,319.00 4,665.00 346.00 2,278.16 2,320.04 100-36-326-10419-7053 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-El 2,426.00 - 2,156.00 2,220.00 2,384.00 164.00 9,848.27 12,462.14 100-36-326-10419-7054 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-LTD/LIFE/H 11,433.00 9,340.00 10,231.00 13,336.00 3,105.00 2,041.50 2,218.88 100-36-326-10419-7058 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-WSIB 1,892.00 1,926.00 1,982.00 2,604.00 622.00 1,835.46 2,591.50 100-36-326-10419-7111 CEMETERY MTNCE B/B-FOUNDATIO 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 3,000.00 1,100.00 4,994.86 5,72280 100-36-326-10419-7112 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-MISC OP EX 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 550.74 882.64 100-36-326-10419-7129 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-HYDRO 772.50 635.00 635.00 820.00 185.00 1,435.02 1,608.36 100-36-326-10419-7132 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-PHONE/FAX 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 471.16 360.50 100-36-326-10419-7183 CEMETERY MTNCE B/B-CLTH/UNIF 550.00 585.00 455.00 455.00 0.00 736.38 1,350.61 100-36-326-104137225 CEMETERY MTCE BIB-RETURN GR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,719.00 26,709.50 100-36-326-10419-7231 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-FLEET ALL 26,500.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 32.40 0.00 100-36-326-10419-7232 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-OTHER REN 500.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 100-36-326-10419-7412 CEMETERY MTNCE BIB-TRSF TO R 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 47,690.65 68,019.20 100-36-326-10419-7414 CEMETERY MTNCE B/8-TRSF TO T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,606.56 9,086.49 100-36-326-10420-7112 ABANDON CEM SO-MISC OP EXP 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 7,500.00 (4,500.00) 3,193.20 0.00 100-36-326-10420-7416 ABANDONED CEMETERY-TRSF TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,032.40 10,615.00 100-36-326-10425-7112 ORONO CEM CO-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 211,159.89 261.571.74 Total EXPENDITURE 209,274.50 200513.00 209.983.00 216.597.00 6.614.00 2 159.89 21744 NET LEVY 209,274.50 200,513.00 209,983.00 216,597.00 6,614.00 l0 . Municipality PA ERS 111111 B[/O F WO PAPERS Clarington:BUIL &PROPE 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (190,249.83) (205,452.91) 100-36-370-31020-6400 OPERATIONS-MISC REVENUE (115,000.00) (180,000.00) (224,800.00) (199,500.00) 25,300.00 (190,249.83) (205.452.91) Total REVENUE (115,000.00) (180.000.00) (224,800.00) (199,500.00) 25,300.00 EXPENDITURE: 77,718.21 85,056.01 100-36-370-10115-7005 BLDG SERVICES-WAGES FIT 78,901.00 77,762.00 80,808.00 83,00100 2,195.00 1,535.15 1,672.89 100-36-370-10115-7050 BLDG SERVICES-EHT 1,236.00 1,516.00 '1,576A0 1,619.00 43.00 4,587.83 5,119.26 100-36-370-10115-7051 BLDG SERVICES-OMERS 4,604.00 4,745.00 4,843.00 6,437.00 1,594.00 2,142.57 2,190.15 100-36-370-10115-7052 BLDG SERVICES-CPP 1,990.00 2,049.00 2,119.00 2,796.00 677.00 1,051.38 1,071.15 100-36-370-10115-7053 BLDG SERVICES-El 1,008.00 995.00 1,025.00 1,381.00 356.00 5,151.90 6,511,06 100-36-370-10115-7054 BLDG SERVICES-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 6,783.00 4,886.00 5,341.00 10,039.00 4,698.00 1,271.96 1,381.48 100-36-370-10115-7058 BLDG SERVICES-WSIB 1,078.00 1,200.00 1,234.00 - 1,785.00 551.00 1,635.11 3,989.74 100-36-370-10115-7112 BLDG SERVICES-MISC OPER EXP 4,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 3,500.00 (700.00) 2,355.95 1,785.51 100-36-370-10115-7125 BLDG SERV-HEAT 1,500.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 2,250.00 (225.00) 911.25 1,049.90 100-36-370-10115-7129 BLDG SERVICES-HYDRO 400.00 800.00 800.00 1,050.00 250.00 633.03 516.83 100-36-370-10115-7132 BLDG SERVICES-PHONE/FAX 400.00 400.00 400.00 600.00 200.00 10,395.85 7,121.46 100-36-370-10115-7142 BLDG SERVICES-EQUIP MTNCE 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000,00 0.00 9,108.49 9,66945 100-36-370-10115-7170 BLDG SERVICES-R/M-GROUNDS 21,500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 (5,000.00) 9,511.29 9,260.44 100-36-370-10115-7172 BLDG SERVICES-R/M-BUILDING 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 64,057.29 49,023.99 100-36-370-10115-7173 BLDG SERVICES-R/M EQUIPMENT 58,000.00 58,000.00 58,000.00 58,000.00 0.00 10,932.84 8,527.84 100-36-370-10715-7176 BLDG SERVICES-R/M FIRE EQUIP 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 7,100.00 0.00 167.38 997.25 100-36-370-10115-7183 BLDG SERVICES-CLTH/UNIFORMS 585.00 455.00 565.00 455.00 (130.00) 120.84 536.87 100-36-370-10115-7202 BLDG SERVICES-TRAVEL EXP. 750.00 750.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 365.00 786.16 100-36-370-10115-7203 BLDG SERVICES-STAFF DEV 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 100-36-370-10115-7412 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO RES FUN 200,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 2,250.00 0.00 100-36-370-10115-7416 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,701.00 5,000.00 100-36-370-10115-7418 BLDG SERVICES-TRSF TO CAP FUN 98,500.00 49,701.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 38,772.73 14,105.78 100-36-370-10115-7501 BLDG SERVICES-RENOV/CONSTR'N 45,000.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 38,000.00 0.00 339,296.50 340,700.99 100-36-370-10151-7005 MAC-WAGES F/T 320,535.00 336,384.00 346,008.00 356,877.00 10,869.00 6,641.83 7,167.36 100-36-370-10151-7050 MAC-EHT 6,257.00 6,559.00 6,747.00 6,959.00 212.00 18,980.77 21,046.98 100-36-370-10151-7051 MAC-OMERS 19,031.00 19,631.00 19,901.00 26,504.00 6,603.00 14,087.20 14,382.26 100-36-370-10151-7052 MAC-CPP 13,045.00 13,472.00 13,914.00 14,827.00 913.00 7,483.26 7,621.65 100-36-370-10151-7053 MAC-El 7,160.00 7,082,00 7,293.00 7,648.00 355.00 39,969.89 50,697.71 100-36-370-10151-7054 MAC-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 52.992.00 37,907.00 41,684.00 52,566.00 10,882.00 5,865.87 6,377.88 100-36-370-10151-7058 MAC-WSIB 4,958.00 5,534.00 5,697.00 7,672.00 1,975.00 18,210.53 17,252.25 100-36-370-10151-7104 MAC-CLEAN SUPPLIES 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 5,799.20 5,709.25 100-36-370-10151-7105 MAC-LIGHT SUPPLIES 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 3,865.77 1,488.26 100-36-370-10151-7112 MAC-MISC.OPER. 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 39,719.48 18,82821 100-36-370-10151-7125 MAC-HEAT/AIR 51,500.00 51,500.00 41,500.00 36,300.00 (5,200.00) 157,250.31 154,560.97 100-36-370-10151-7129 MAC-HYDRO 170,000.00 170,000.00 180,000.00 173,300.00 (6,700.00) 13,274.12 13,998.49 100-36-370-10151-7130 MAC-WATER/SEWER 8,000.00 11,000.00. 13,500.00 14,350.00 850.00 1,543.64 1,601.38 100-36-370-10151-7132 MAC-PHONE/FAX 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,742.87 3,351.46 100-36-370-10151-7142 MAC-EQUIP MTNCE 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 2,367.71 1,598.03 100-36-370-10151-7165 MAC-WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 � Municipality or 9ton 0011111 BUDGET WURI 'APERS Clarington:BUILD..-_6.PROPE 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $2,086.87 $1,886.36 100-36-370-10151-7170 MAC-R/M-GROUNDS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 15,552.09 20,103.82 100-36-370-10151-7172 MAC-R/M-BUILDING 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 25,000.00 (7,000.00) 45,213.97 42,783.60 100-36-370-10151-7173 MAC-RIM OTHER EQUIP 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,00000 30,000.00 0.00 1,423.20 8,31978 100-36-370-10151-7176 MAC-RIM FIRE EQUIP 8,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 21,411.12 19,767.19 100-36-370-10151-7177 MAC-RIM ELEVATOR 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 1,656.60 2,706.73 100-36-370-10151-7183 MAC-CLTH/UNIFORMS 3,175.00 3,175.00 3,175.00 3,825.00 650.00 635,000.00 670,000.00 100-36-370-10151-7304 MAC-DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 603,000.00 635,000.00 670,000.00 3,085,000.00 2,415,000.00 244,575.25 208,724.34 100-36-370.10151-7305 MAC-DEBT PYMT INTEREST 281,657.00 250,000.00 215,075.00 147,496.00 (67,579.00) 4,228.47 3,016.48 100-36-370-10152-7125 HAMPTON HALL-HEAT 6,700.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 4,575.00 (2,125.00) 1,723.33 1,858,50 100-36-370-10152-7129 HAMPTON HALL-HYDRO 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,300.00 300.00 162.40 168.76 100-36-370-10152-7142 HAMPTON HALL-EQUIPMENT MTNCE 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 126.13 100-36-370-10152-7172 HAMPTON HALL-RIM BLDGS 1,600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,213.36 6,224.43 100-36-370-10152-7173 HAMPTON HALL-RIM EQUIPMENT 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 131.50 117.00 100-36-370-10152-7176 HAMPTON HALL-RIM FIRE EQUIPME 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 103.00 147.59 100-36-370-10155-7142 TOURISM CENTRE-EQUIPMENT MT 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,322.76 2,479.66 100-36-370-10155-7173 TOURISM CENTRE-RIM EQUIPMENT 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 20.35 100-36-370-10155-7176 TOURISM CENTRE-RIM FIRE EQUI 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 35,200.00 33,803.73 100-36-370-10156-7005 COURT BLDG-WAGES F(T 33,881.00 34,987,00 36,034.00 37,081.00 1,047.00 690.61 746.69 100-36-370-10156-7050 COURT BLDG-EHT 661.00 682.00 703.00 723.00 20.00 4,336.45 4,847.90 100-36-370-10156-7051 COURT BLDG-OMERS 4,336.00 4,485.00 4,587.00 2,905.00 (1,682,00) 2,142.57 2,190.15 100-36-370-10156-7052 COURT BLDG-CPP 1,990.00 2,D49.00 2,119.00 1,474.00 (645,00) 1,051.38 1,071.15 100-36-370-10156-7053 COURT BLDG-El 1,008.00 995.00 1,025.00 72100 (303.00) D.00 .0.00 100-36-370-10156-7054 COURT BLDG-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,115.00 5,115.00 1,193.52 1,298.64 100-36-370-10156-7058 COURT BLDG-WSIB 1,008.00 1,126.00 1,160.00 797.00 (363.00) 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7104 COURT BLDG-CLEANING SUPPLIES 500.00 .500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 8,126.01 6,008.91 100-36-370-10156-7125 COURT BLDG-HEAT/AIR 13,500.00 13,500.00 10,000.00 7,650.00 (2,350.00) 12,903.69 15,06184 100-36-370-10156-7129 COURT BLDG-HYDRO 17,500.00 14,800.00 14,800.00 15,375.00 575.00 4,416.53 7,480.35 100-36-370-10156-7130 COURT BLDG-WATER/SEWER 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,150.00 150.00 1,15100 161.00 100-36-370-10156-7140 COURT BLDG-SNOW REMOVAL 3,900.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 185.40 574.02 100-36-370-10156-7142 COURT BLDG-EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,645.76 2,241.14 100-36-370-10156-7165 COURT BLDG-WASTE DISPOSAL 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0,00 1,216.21 1,003.07 .100-36-370-10156-7172 COURT BLDG-R/M-BUILDING 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 6,437.61 10,673.11 100-36-370-10156-7173 COURT BLDG-R/M EQUIPMENT 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 672.18 457.63 100-36-370-10156-7176 COURT BLDG-RIM FIRE EQUIPMENT 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 3,160.86 390.59 100-36-370-10158-7125 KENDAL COM BLDG-HEAT 1,800.00 4,410.00 4,410.00 0.00 (4,410.00) 1,104.87 0.00 100-36-370-10158-7129 KENDAL COM BLDG-HYDRO 0.00 1,310.00 1,310.00 0.00 (1,310.00) 1,106.80 69.52 100-36-370-10158-7142 KENDAL COM BLDG-EQUIPMENTM 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 5,318.51 3,410.90 100-36-370-10158-7173 KENDAL COM BLDG-R/M EQUIPMEN 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1,072.65 377.60 100-36-370-10158-7176 KENDAL COM BLDG-RIM FIRE EQU 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 11,102.28 9,914.93 100-36-370.10159-7125 CLAR.BEECH CTR-HEAT/AIR 14,400.00 16,500.00 14,000.00 0.00 (14,000.00) 21,848.64 20,873.05 100-36-370-10159-7129 CLAR.BEECH CTR-HYDRO 17,000.00 18,100.00 18,100.00 0.00 (18,100.00) 1,824.00 1,895.50 100-36-370-10159-7130 CLAR.BEECH CTR-WATER/SEWER 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 1,752.53 627.91 100-36-370-10159-7142 CLAR.BEECH CTR-EQUIP MTNCE 3,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 0.00 16,284.22 12,953,69 100-36-370-10159-7173 CLAR.BEECH CTR-RIM EQUIP 9,000.00 9,000.00 - 9,000.00 9,000.00 . 0.00 Vi MuniGpality glon 02/11/11 - BUDGET WO CAPERS Claringtpn:BUi &PROPS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACrUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): - $892.30 $753.46 100-36-370.10159-7176 CLAR.BEECH CTR-R/M FIRE EQUIP $1,700.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 20,000.00 107,000.00 100-36-370-10195-7418 BLDG HALL BOARDS-TRSF TO CAP 40,000.00 30,000.00 - 107,000.00 0.00 (107,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10197-7418 BLDG MUSEUMS-TRSF TO CAP FUN 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,309,117.50 2,366,115.55 Total EXPENDITURE 2,510.479.00 2,367,672.00 2,460198.00 4,674,456.00 2,214,258.00 2,118.867.67 2160,662,64 NET LEVY 2.395.479.00 2187.672.00 2.235,396.00 4.474,956.00 2,239,558.00 Municipality of gton 02111/11 BUDGET WORT, PAPERS ClaringWn:ROAD%_...TENANCE 2011 Dra0 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,437.38 5,344.76 100-36-380-10200-7005 BRIDGE MTNCE-WAGES F/T 5,150.00 5,300.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 10,676.27 0.00 100-36-380-10200-7112 BRIDGE MTNCE-MISC OPER 5,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 (10,000.00) 704.60 1,176.20 100-36-380-10200-7231 BRIDGE MNTCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 (1,000,00) 74,831.49 42,923.63 100-36-380-10205-7005 CULVERT MTNCE-WAGES FIT 30,900.00 32,000.00 33,000.00 40,000.00 7,000.00 47,702.67 49,884.77 100-36-380-10205-7112 CULVERT MTNCE-MISC OPER 40,000.00 40,000.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 0.00 58,991.40 34,769.50 100-36-380-10205-7231 CULVERT MNTCE-FLEET ALLOCATI 20,000.00 20,000.00 26,000.00 34,000.00 6,000.00 200.00 0.00 100-36-380-10205-7416 CULVERT MTNCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,711.90 8,008.24 100-36-380-10225-7005 ENTRANCE CULVERTS-WAGES F/T 20,600.00 15,500.00 16,000.00 10,000.00 (6,000.00) 26,806.22 19,960.04 100-35-380-10225-7112 ENTRANCE CULVERTS-MISC OP EXP 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 9,646.40 7,352.40 100-36-380-10225-7231 ENTRANCE CULVERTS-FLEET ALL 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 (5,000,00) 144,573.59 188,519.32 100-36-380-10230-7005 BRUSHITREE REMOVAL-WAGES F/T 164,800.00 169,700.00 .165,000.00 160,000.00 (5,000,00) 88,126.85 0.00 100-36-380-10230-7161 BRUSH/TREE REMOVAL-OTHER PR 50,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,963.03 100-36-380-102307163 BRUSH/TREE-CONTRACT 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 49,436.70 57,643.10 100-36-380-10230-7231 BRUSH/TREE REMOVAL-FLEET AL 75,000.00 75,000.00 60,000.00 55,000.00 (5,000.00) 48,417.14 58,831.28 100-36-380-10232-7005 WEED CONTROL-ROADSIDE-WAGE 41,200.00 42,400.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 27,387.80 36,010.50 100-36-380-10232-7231 WEED CONTROL-ROADSIDE-FLEET 30,000.00 30,000.00 28,500.00 28,000.00 (500.00) 184,835.30 198,108.78 100-36-380-102407005 DITCH/SHOULDER MTNCE-WAGES F 196,744.00 202,600.00 205,000.00 205,000.00 0.00 40,442.01 27,001.96 100-36-380-10240-7112 DITCH/SHOULDER MNTCE-MISC OP 26,000.00 61,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 141,461.40 140,386.20 100-36-380-10240-7231 DITCH/SHOULDER MNTCE-FLEET 130,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 145,000.00 0.00 36,623.96 0.00 100-36-38010240-7416 DITCH&SHOULDER MTNCE-TRSF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,918.92 36,926.84 100-36-380-10245-7005 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE-WAG 15,750.00 11,300.00 12,000.00 26,000.00. 14,000.00 6,930.47 48,416.31 100-36-380-10245-7112 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MNTCE-MISC 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 43,814.60 0.00 100-36-380-10245-7161 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MNTCE-PRO 70,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56,615.48 100-36-380-10245-7163 CATCH BASIN-CONTRACT 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 4,299.10 15,806.50 100-36-380-10245-7231 C ATCH BASINISEWER MNTCE-FILE 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 31,185.40 0.00 100-36-380-10245-7416 CATCH BASIN MTNCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,450.04 20,711.70 100-36-380-10345-7005 BLDG MTNCE-WAGES F/T 12,300.00 12,700.00 13,000.00 12,000.00 (1,000.00) 75,849.72 79,665.30 100-36-38010345-7112 BLDG MNTCE-MISC OP EXP 90,00000 85,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 26,213.98 17,51725 100-36-380-10345-7125 BLDG MNTCE-HEAT 34,000.00 45,000.00 30,000.00 18,100.00 (11,900,00) 43,600.58 40,676.18 100-36-380-10345-7129 BLDG MTNCE-HYDRO 36,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 55,500.00 11,500.00 5,861.20 9,799.10 100-36-380-10345-7231 BLDG MNTCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 (500.00) 9,650.00 0.00 100-36-380-10345-7416 BLDG MTNCE- TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 782.68 100-36-380-10350-7005 OTHER FENCE-WAGES FIT 1,030.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 (1,000,00) 898.10 650.00 100-36-380-10350-7112 OTHER FENCE-MISC OR EXP 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 (1,000.00) 0.00 119.70 100-36-380-10350-7231 OTHER FENCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 19,560.20 14,176.16 100-36-380-10355-7005 PATROURADIO-WAGES FIT 20,600.00 21,200.00 20,000.00 12,500.00 (7,500.00) 3,309.05 3,300.89 100-36-380-10355-7112 PATROURADIO-MISC OP EXP 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,090.00 4,000.00 0.00 2,833.60 2,009.80 100-36-380-10355-7231 PATROURADIO-FLEET ALLOCATION 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 2,000,00 (500.00) 0.00 226.88 100-36-38010360-7005 OFF ST PKG-WAGE FIT 1,545.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) 315.92 311.43 100-36-380-10360-7112 OFF ST PARKING-MISC OF EXP 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 89.10 100-36-380.10360-7140OFF ST PARKING-SNOW REMOVAL 1,500.00 1,350.00 500.00 500,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-380-10360-7231 OFF ST PARKING-FLEET ALLOCATI 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 0,00 Municipaliry�PA - 02111/11 600GET WO PAPERS Cladn9ton:ROA NTENANCE 2011 Drag 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Desttlatlon 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(wntinued)'. $0.00 $0.00 100-36-380-10365-7005 BUS SHELTER WAGES F/T $515.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-380-10365-7231 BUS SHELTER-FLEET ALLOCATION 200.00 200.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 78.64 100-36-380-10370-7160 UNSPEC CONST-CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,818.60 11,129.44 100-36-380-10370-7163 UNSPEC CONST-CONTRACT 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-380-10385-7005 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP-WAGES FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-380-10385-7112 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP-MISC OP EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,047.60 100-36-380-10385-7231.ROADSIDE CLEANUP-FLEET ALLO 0.00 0.00 0.00. 8,000.00 8,000.00 760.00 0.00 100-36-380-10400-7140 SENIORS-SNOW REMOVAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,451.99 6,196.57 100-36-380-10400-7163 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR-CONTRACT 85,000.00 85,000.00 44,800.00 19,500.00 (25,300.00) 44,414.25 67,004.49 100-36-380-10733-7005 SIDEWALK MTNCE-WAGES FIT 40,750.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 55,000.00 13,000.00 46,891.46 40,15193 100-36-380-10733-7112 SIDEWALK MTNCE-MISC OP EXP 40,000.00 42,000.00 48,000.00 72,000.00 24,000.00 118,340.33 39,760.89 100-36-380-10733-7163 SIDEWALK MNTCE-CONTRACT - 192,000.00 150,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 13,718.80 16,294.40 100-36-380-10733-7231 SIDEWALK MNTCE-FLEET ALLOCAT 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 11,500.00 1,500.00 1,573,599.39 1.437,350.99 Total EXPENDITURE 1,574.984.00 1.621,650.00 1,543,700.00 1,597.000.00 53.300.00 1,573.599.39 1,437,350.99 NETLEW 1,574.984.00 1665 1.543.700.00 1.597.000.00 53.300.00 00 00 Municipality c 19ton 02111/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS CladngWn:HARDI,. MAINTENA 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 3,532.62 25,246.71 100-36-381-10250-7005 PAVEMENT RESURF-WAGES FIT 4,120.00 4,100.00 4,200.00 5,000.00 800.00 3,498.65 0.00 100-36-381-10250.7112 PAVEMENT RESURF-MISC OR EXP- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110,047.06 68,386.13 100-36-381-10250-7163 PAVEMENT RESURF-CONTRACT 110,500.00 110,500.00 120,500.00 120,500.00 0.00 5,479.90 15,662.40 100-36-381-10250-7231 PAVEMENT RESURF-FLEET ALLOC 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 4,500.00 276,778.33 258,194.68 100-36-381-10255-7005 PAVEMENT PATCH-WAGES FR 139,050.00 152,400.00 190,500.00 225,000.00 34,500.00 208,138.29 231,735.93 100-36-381-10255-7112 PAVEMENT PATCH-MISC OF EXP 60,000.00 100,000.00 160,500.00 160,500.00 0.00 69,647.20 56,317.70 100-36-381-10255-7231 PAVEMENT PATCH-FLEET ALLOCAT 49,000.00 49,000.00 67,000.00 60,000.00 (7,000.00) 40,394.84 52,825.54 100-36-381-10260-7005 SWEEPING-WAGES FIT 25,750.00 26,500.00 27,500.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 39,242.10 55,528.10 100-36-3131-10260-7231 SWEEPING-FLEET ALLOCATION 36,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 39,000.00 3,000.00 4,112.38 4,885.08 100-36-381-10265-7005 PAVEMENT MARK-WAGES F/T 5,150.00 7,000.00 7,200.00 7,000.00 (200.00) 59,416.04 58,013.40 100-36-381-10265-7112 PAVEMENT MARKG-MISC OP EXP 60.000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 3,490.92 994.20 100-36-381-10265-7231 PAVEMENT MARKG-FLEET ALLOCA 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,835.06 5,102.40 100-36-381-10270-7005 SURF TREATMENT-WAGES F/T 11,050.00 5,000.00 5,100.00 5,000.00 (100.00) 8,051.51 166.00 100-36-381-10270-7112 SURF TREATMENT-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-381-10270-7160 SURF TREATMENT-CONSULTING 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-381-10270-7163 SURF TREATMENT-CONTRACT 630,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,002.90 1,671.70 100-36-381-10270-7231 SURF TREATMENT-FLEET ALLOCAT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 836.667.82 834.729.97 Total EXPENDITURE 1.175,620.00 570,500.00 690,500.00 728,500.00 38000.00 836,867.82 834,729.97 NET LEVY 1.175,620.00 570,500.00 690,500.00 728,500.00 38,000.00 • QD MuniUpallly jj&i9ton 02/11/11 . BOOG£TWO PA • ClaringtWO AINTEN NTEN 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,632.11 6,111.62 100-36-382-10275-7005 DUST CONTROL-WAGES F/T 5,150.00 5,300.00 5,500.00 7,000.00 1,500.00 60,623.13 68,215.30 100-36-382-10275-7112 DUST CONTROL-MISC OF EXP 60,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 2,652.00 3,339.40 100-36-382-10275-7231 DUST CONTROL-FLEET ALLOCATIO 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 500.00 30,999.93 28,709.38 100-36-382-10280-7005 GRAVEL PATCH/RESURF-WAGES F/ 26,200.00 27,000.00 27,800.00 35,000.00 7,200.00 284,544.16 212,394.08 100-36-382-10280-7112 GR PATCH/RESURF-MISC OP EXP 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 0.00 23,432.00 17,927.20 100-36-382-10280-7231 OR PATCH/RESURF-FLEET ALLOCA 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 28,69194 26,074.71 100-36-382-10285-7005 DRAGGING/GRADING-WAGES F/T 25,750.00 26,500.00 25,000.00 28,000.00 3,000.00 33,154.80 27,270.00 100-36-382-10285-7231 DRAGGING/GRADING-FLEET ALLOC 38,000.00 38,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 (5,000.00) 468.732.07 390,041.69 Total EXPENDITURE 393.100.00 404.800.00 396.300.00 403.500.00 7,200.00 468.732.07 390,041.fi9 NET LEVY 393,100.00 404,800.00 396,300.00 403,500.00 7,200.00 O O Municipality o' 19ton 02111/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Clarin9Lan:WINT�.-CONTROL 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 151,126.69 43,735.31 100-36-383-102907005 SNOW PLOWING-WAGES F/T 124,630.00 156,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 152,695.80 58,825.00 100-36-383-10290-7231 SNOW PLOWING-FLEET ALLOCATI 150,000.00 180,000.00 174,600.00 174,600.00 0.00 197,654.76 194,532.00 100-36-383-10295-7005 SANDING/SALTING-WAGES F7T 242.185.00 254,500.00 254,00D.00 254,000.00 0.00 568,752.78 401,256.53 100-36-383-10295-7112 SANDING/SALTING-MISC OP EXP 440,000.00 565,000.00 648,000.00 646,000.00 0.00 191,018.10 207987.40 100-36-383-10295-7231 SANDING/SALTING-FLEET ALLOCAT 205,000.00 245,000.00 253,500.00 253,500.00 0.00 218,721.37 207,869.35 100-36-383-10305-7005 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-WAGES F/T 123,725.00 150,000.00 133,000.00 160,000.00 27,000.00 32,727.07 15,483.67 10036-383-10305-7112 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-MISC OP E 15,000.00 15,000.00 13,500.00 13,500.00 0.00 124,394.20 76,546.70 100-36-383-10305-7231 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-FLEET AL 100,000.00 100,000.00 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.00 1,637,090.79 1,206,235.96 Total EXPENDITURE 1,400,540.00 1,665,500.00 1.710.600.00 1.737.600.00 27.000.00 1,637,090.79 1,206,235.96 NET LEVY 1,400,540.00 1,665,500.00 1,710,600.00 1,737,600.00 27,000.00 • Municipality 02/11/11 BUDGET WO�PAP ERS CIadngton:SA VCES 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 6,138.92 2,911.25 100-36-384-10310-7005 GUIDE RAIUPOSTS-WAGES FIT 13,390.00 13,000.00 13,400.00 8,000.00 (5,400.00) 45.20 7,205.59 100-36-384-10310-7112 GUIDE RAIUPGSTS-MISC OP EXP 8,000.00 13,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 3,218.40 1,254.30 100-36-384-10310-7231 GUIDE RAIUPOSTS-FLEET ALLOCA 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 (5,000.00) 14,205,00 0.00 100-36-38410310-7416 GUIDE RAIL&POSTS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131,084.11 116,974.31 100-36-384-10315-7005 TRAFFIC SIGNS-WAGES FIT 103,000.00 103,000.00 106,000.00 105,000.00 (1,000.00) 68,838.32 54,467.82 100-36-38410315-7112 TRAFFIC SIGNS-MISC OF EXP 64,000.00 64,000.00 62,200.00 97,200.00 35,000.00 21,058.50 19,938.90 100-36-384-10315-7231 TRAFFIC SIGNS-FLEET ALLOCATION 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 20,000.00 (3,000:00) 28,325.09 28,849.91 100-36-384-10320-7005 COMM.EVENTS-WAGES FIT 26,020.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 28,000.00 2,000.00 533.49 17.98 100-36-384-10320-7112 COMM.EVENTS-MISC OP EXP 3,000.00. 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 5,152.90 6,290.60 100-36-384-10320-7231 COMM.EVENTS-FLEET ALLOCATION 6,200.00 6,200.00, 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 1,215.04 1,941.06 100-36-384-10330-7129 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-HYDRO 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 85,564.22 88,791.08 100-36-384-10335-7112 RAILWAY CROSSING-MISC OP EXP 77,000.00 80,500.00 80,500.00 80,500.00 0.00 365,38919 328,640.80 Total EXPENDITURE 332,610.00 343,700.00 349,300.00 373,900.00 24.600.00 365,389.19 .328.640.80 NET LEVY 332.610.00 343.700.00 349,300.00 373,900.00 24,600.00 O N Municipality d ngton 02/11/11 BUDGET WOR. PAPERS Cladngton:STORM.--fER MANA 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 3,543.52 9,711.06 100-36-386-10210-7005 SAMATER POND MTNCE-WAGES F7T 10,150.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 3,352.86 10,845.43 100-36-386-10210-7112 S(WATER POND MTNCE-MISC OPER 2,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 (5,000.00) 516.10 2,302.80 100-36-386-10210-7231 S/WATER POND MTNCE-FLEET AL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 100-36-386-10210-7416 SIWATER POND MTNCE-TRSF TO R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24912.48 22859.29 Total EXPENDITURE 15.150.00 33.000.00 28.000.00 23.000.00 15.000.00) 24912.48 22859.29 NET LEVY 15,150.00 33,000.00 28.000.00 23,000.00 (5,000.00) • • • Uj • - Mp0iciPelit • 02/11/11 BUDGET WO R�A Clarin9hn:REG ROADS 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 938.70 590.92 100-36-387-10260-7005 REG RD 14/17-SWEEP-WAGES F/T 1,654.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 1,228.50 737.10 100-36-387-10260-7231 REG RD 14/17-SWEEP-FLEET ALLO 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 945.95 118.32 100-36-387-10290-7005 REG RD 14/17-SNOWPLOW-WAGES F 515.00 800.00 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,097.00 176.60 100-36-387-10290-7231 REG RD 14/17-SNOWPLOW-FLEET 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 1,823.95 1,229.61 100-36-387-10295-7005 REG RD 14/17-SANDING-WAGES FR 2,060.00 2,150.00 2,300.00 2,000.00 (300.00) 10,464.00 7,634.06 100-36-387-10295-7112 REG RD 14/17-SANDING-MISC OP EXP 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 3,161.00 2,406.10 100-36-387-10295-7231 REG RD 14/17-SANDING-FLEET AL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-387-10300-7005 REG RD 14117-SNOW REM-WAGES F/ 824.00 - 800.00 850.00 750.00 (100.00) 0.00 0.00 100-36-387-10300-7231 REG RD 14117-SNOW REM-FLEETA 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 19.659.10 12,892.71 Total EXPENDITURE 21 453.00 21.850.00 22.150.00 20.950.00 (1.200.00) 19,659.10 12.892.71 NET LEVY 21,453.00 21,850.00 22,150.00 20.950.00 (1,200.00) r 0 F Municipality of nglon -- 02114111 BUDGET WORA. PAPERS Clarington:FLEET 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL _ 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE 132,061.29 203,924.63 100-36-388-40690-7005 FLEET OVHD-WAGES F7T 132,344.00 133,000.00 150,000.00 420,952.00 270,952.00 0.00 (4,862.75) 100-36-388-00690-7035 FLEET OVHD-VACATION PAY F7T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,476.00 7,197.04 100-36-368AU690-7050 FLEET OVHO-EHT 5,289.00 6,476.00 6,784.00 6,508.00 (276.00) 20,112.02 22,835.07 100-36-388AO690-7051 FLEET OVHD-OMERS 19,995,00 - 20,801.00 21,633.00 25,796.00 4,163.00 8,655.00 9,251.47 100-36-388-00690-7052 FLEET OVHD-CPP 8,398.00 8,655.00 8,951.00 9,777.00 826.00 4,290.00 4,615.12 100-36-38840690-7053 FLEET OVHD-El 4,343.00 4,290.00 4,416.00 4,845.00 430.00 21,046.00 28,112.56 100-36-38840690-7054 FLEET OVHD-LTDILIFE/HLTH 27,46700 21,046.00 23,096.00 38,101.00 13,005.00 5,404.00 6,256.98 100-36-388-00690-7058 FLEET OVHD-WSIB 4,821.00 5,404.00 5,589.00 7,028.00 1,439.00 50.00 $1,056.33 100-36-38840690-7074 FLEET OVHD-MEAL ALLOWANCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 107,470.62 100-36-388-40690-7112 FLEET OVHD-MISC OP EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.65 100-36-388-40690-7171 FLEETOVHD-R/M-VEHICLES 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 130,282.37 - 96,618.70 100-36-38840690-7173 FLEET OVHD-R/M OTHER EQUIP 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,0010.00 85,000.00 (25,000.00) 2,489.25 3,67754 100-36-38840690-7183 FLEET OVHD-CLTH/UNIFORMS 0.00 ' 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,625.00 125.00 582,118.43 400,000.00 100-36-38840690-7412 FLEET OVHD-TRSF TO RES FUND 450,000.00 450,000.00 400,000.00 109,500.00 (290,500.00) 914.959.36 1,562351.31 Total EXPENDITURE 762.657.00 763.172.00 733.969.00 709,133.00 (24,836.00) 914.959.36 556.661.51 NET LEVY 762.657.00 783,172.00 733.969.00 709,133.00 (24,836.00) • • • l�Jl Municipality1ft ton 12/14/11 BUDGET WO gton:L 'APERS Cladn IES 2011 Draft 2009 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL Description 2008 BUDGET 2009 BUDGET 2010 BUDGET 2011 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10570-7140 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-SNOW RE 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 293.90 593.88 100-36-440-10570-7142 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-EQUIPMEN 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 (900.00) 0.00 180.00 100-36"0-10570-7170 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ.WMS)-R/M-GROU 200.00 - 200.00 200.00 0.00 (200.00) 55.00 64.76 100-36-040-10570-7172 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-R/M-BUILDI 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 1,485.93 2,50129 100-36440-10570-7173 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-R/M EQUI 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 0.00 535.17 100-36-440-10570-7176 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-RJM FIRE 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 (300.00) 5,116.83 5,141.67 100-36-440-10570-7177 MAIN LIB(NOT SJ WMS)-R/M ELEVA 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 000 (4,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10571-7142 SARAH JANE WMS-EQUIPMENT MT 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10571-7170 SARAH JANE WMS-R/M-GROUNDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 100-36440-10571-7172 SARAH JANE WMS-R/M-BUILDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 100-36440-10571-7173.SARAH JANE WMS-R/M EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-3640-10571-7176 SARAH JANE WMS-R/M FIRE EQUI 0.00, 000 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10571-7177 SARAH JANE WMS-RIM ELEVATOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,087.50 1,836.55 100-36440-10573-7140 NEWC LIBRARY-SNOW REMOVAL 0.00 2,000.00 7.,200.00 7,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10573-7142 NEWC LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MTNCE 0.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10573-7170 NEWC LIBRARY-R/M-GROUNDS 0.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36440-10573-7172 NEWC LIBRARY-R/M-BUILDING 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36440-10573-7173 NEWC LIBRARY-RIM EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36440-10573-7176 NEWC LIBRARY-R/M FIRE EQUIPME 0.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 54,000.00 55,000.00 100-36440-10573-7304 NEWC LIBRARY-DEBT PYMT PRINCI 158,000.00 54,000.00 55,000.00 56,000.00 1,000.00. 49,031.45 48,777.93 100-36440-10573-7305 NEWC LIBRARY-DEBT PYMT INTER 0.00 50,401.00 48,969.00 47,015.00 (1,954.00) 1,247.00 1,060.00 100-36-440-10576-7140 ORONO LIBRARY-SNOW REMOVAL 1,300.00 1,300.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 0.00 615.30 16676 100-36 440-10575-7142 ORONO LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MTN 150.00 150.00 . 150.00 150.00 0.00 285.00 29155 100-36-440-10575-7172 ORONO LIBRARY-R/M-BUILDING 460.00 460.00 460.00 460.00 0.00 956.53 1,082.96 100-36440-10575-7173 ORONO LIBRARY-R/M EQUIPMENT 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 000 31.14 100-36-440-10575-7176 ORONO LIBRARY-RIM FIRE EQUIPM 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 114.174.44 117,269.66 Total EXPENDITURE 172.410.00 123.711.00 129.479.00 128,525.00 (954.00) 114.174.44 117.269.66 NET LEVY 172.410.00 123.711.00 129479.00 128,525.00 (954.00) r O 01 107 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2011 BUDGET TRANSMITTAL The 2011 Community Services Budget has been prepared with a focus on providing welcoming, safe recreation facilities along with innovative programming for our residents. The overall theme for the budget preparation was to maintain services, minimizing expenditure increases and maximizing revenue opportunities. During 2011 the department will complete the energy retrofit project at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex incorporating state of the art technology and systems which will increase the energy efficiency of the facility. Darlington Sports Centre is now fully operational after a much needed face lift where accessibility issues have been addressed and improved energy efficiency will be realized. Completing the centres make over,this years budget submission provides for a roof replacement which will complete the renovation program for this facility extending the buildings operational lifetime well into the next decade. The Clarington Fitness Centre is scheduled for an accessibility audit that will form the basis of our Capital Improvement program, as it pertains to the goal of providing barrier free facilities. Building on our successful day camp programs, Recreation Services has provided for enhancements to our various camps such as French Immersion Camp and our very popular Adventure Camp. New for 2011 is our Super Cool Science program offering 10 week sessions during the winter and fall. . Supporting our healthy lifestyle initiatives our Fitness Team is excited to offer new opportunities such as Urban Polling,The Biggest Winner and sport specific training programs. Always working to attract new member's, staff will be offering "Lunch and Learn" sessions to local business with a focus on health and wellness topics while encouraging memberships through our corporate program. Working with our many local volunteer boards and organizations, our Community Development initiatives will be offering 2 new workshops; " Building an effective volunteer management program" and "Planning for success- a practical way to strengthen your not for profit or organization". During 2011 the department is planning to update and revise our current departmental strategic plan, to ensure that it aligns with the goals and objectives of the anticipated corporate strategic plan. This process will provide an opportunity for Council, staff and the community to have input into the revise plan. In closing, the Community Services Department continues to maintain its focus on health and safety, energy conservation and excellent customer service. The 2011 budget submission has met corporate guidelines and is respectful of a recovering but still fragile economic climate. The department continues to work together with our many Community Partners to provide a variety of fun, educational and accessible recreation opportunities in a welcoming and safe environment. Res tfully submitted, J s p P. Caruana ector, Community Services i COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2011 Clarin "n DIRECTOR Leading ehe Way Jose h Caruana FACILITIES SERVICES' MANAGER ' MANAGER. Geo eAcoP Sharon Meredith FACILITIES kBARTENDERS VICES AQUATIC FITNESS COMMUNITYSERVIGE RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVEtOR3 TOR GQORDINATOR .COORDINATOR _COORDINATOR._! COORDINATOR ASSISTANT.. Dan Welsh hew Trace LeonaN Ee'ra Mida SkiCrosb `bre hen fe rs �enCFG`omiak Mark Sutherland` Ken Ferguson Len Hunter SION CLERKI F _ _PROGRAMMER CLERKI PRM STAFF me " Edn McF adden Annetta Bare Beck rtels 99 ParGgme CLERK II Clinsfie Faulkner CASHIER/ AQUATIC ERS_ AFF FITNESS STAFF —"2 part-time CLERK t IPRI e 79 Pert-time 18 Part-lime 3ParLtiine CASHIER>"> RE CEPTKRIISTS. FACILITY 19 Part-time LEADHANDS SreveParkei Steve Burns DaneMlant Head Backup- Allen Merow Facilities Manager Jim Cam Dell Recreation Sery ices Manager FACILITY OPERATORS - minlslrahon staff Complement Dave Potter -Aquatic Facility Operations Non-AXllieted 14 Jeremy Czechowsk -Arena Facility Operations Union-Iraliuzed 29 Jack Rousseau -Municipal Programs Part Time find.Students 297 Fred Cosgrove -Community Development Andrew Laton -Municipal Construction Total IF 940 Chns Welsh -Municipal Grants Jusbi Valckx -Older Adult Liaison Ian LaFlamme -=Liaison Babb Maertense - ntlOOf$OCCer O 8fati0n9 Wayne Kemohan Jason Muir Lyndsey Muir Corey Strand Grant Jones Fnn Currie Rob Farquharson Andrew Davey Enn Haass Vacenl ' PART TIME MAINTEffANCE 45 Pad-lime 109 ~ . : : : , I I I ~ I ~ : : • t E ~ ~ 3 r . ~ 9 N U CQ~ s°,n~ ^ 'O Oo ~3 UN ~~E Q ~ ? 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Crome DATE: January 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011 BUDGET -PLANNING SERVICES I'iT~l a C~7 PLANNING SERVICES The Planning Services Department seeks to fulfill its mission statement: Local Planning for Global Stewardship. In undertaking this responsibility, Planning Services undertakes land use planning; urban design; community improvement initiatives; review, coordination and approval of development applications; review of senior government policy proposals; and heritage and environmental planning, Planning Services undertakes the municipal real estate function in conjunction with the solicitor. In addition we supervise the adult crossing guard program for the Municipality. • In 2010, Planning revenues started to climb back up as new applications were being received. Our conservative estimate was exceeded. We continue to' forecast that new applications and revenues for 2011 will be generally on par with 2010, so a modest increase has been built into. the budget. The focus of our work in 2011 will be the Official Plan Review, including related studies. Development Review work will continue with revised Architectural Review Guidelines to be considered by Council. Port Granby, the Darlington New Build and Refurbishment projects, the Energy from Waste project and the GO Rail Expansion EA will require staff resources to review and participate in these projects as they progress. • The 2011 budget provides for the review of the Hancock Neighbourhood Plan and several streetscape studies. We continue to be engaged with the community with a number of advisory committees, implementation of Community Improvement Plans (CIPs), and the public process associated with the Official Plan Review. There is a modest increase in funding proposed for the CIP grant programs, but it is still less than in 2009. More funding is required for the more substantive and structural repairs for the heritage .buildings in. Clarington, particularly as merchants have to adjust to the new accessibility requirements. CORPORATION-0F THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 TF 1-500-563-1195 F 905-623-0830 133 PLANNING SERVICES MEMO PAGE2 • Land acquisition funding continues to be recommended to allow the Municipality to be able to acquire key lakefront properties and implement its Land Acquisition Strategy. It is important to keep funds flowing into the land acquisition reserve for key purchases. Planning staff continue to provide support to Council on a wide variety of issues. The 2011 salary budget provides for one additional crossing guard in light of anticipated traffic growth. The Planning Department remains stretched to fulfill its mandate after being "downsized" over the last two years. One part-time Clerk, 2 Planner positions and 2 Student Planner positions have been eliminated. Fortunately, the establishment of an in-house Legal Department has allowed for some functions related to the preparation and administration of agreements to be transferred. As development activity rebounds, there will be little capacity for additional projects and timely application review may be compromised. Respectfully submitted, ~- David J. Crome, MCIP RPF Director of Planning Services DCan • T T O N H Q 2 U Z O QHQ N Z 'Q^ v O Z cW G N~ 1.1. Q a w 0 w U W N Z_ Z Z Q J a m~~~ E" m c[ o "''' a U ti' H U m ~ ~ O ti w. E r Q G H O z°~a N ~ 1 ~ N O ~ d O N d' Q N 'h- U C N y N ~ O N m E a a` ~ ~ m m D c ~ ~ w E am m nazi °a ~^=tn¢ C7 m a m 0 N C a d 0 O N LL w o o 0 0 ° ° 0 0 ° o o o ° ~ ~ N O N N O O N Y. N O~ P P N O1 O~ t7 O Z m m' N m ~ V 1O 0 •. 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The Board has prepared its 2011 current (operating) budgets mindful of the need for continuing restraint. There are no requests for new staff or for new costs of expanded services. With the current (operating) budget, the majority of the increases in operating costs are the salary/wage increases as ratified in the Board/CUPS contract ($31,782), and the significant increases in existing benefits ($76,049). Other inflationary costs have been held at $5,649, -for an overall 2011 budgetary increase of $113,480. The overall 2011 budget need is $2,827,460. The Library Board is limited by provincial legislation in what charges it can levy for its users. Within that framework it has made every attempt to increase revenue in 2010, through the introduction of a Retrieval Agency to collect outstanding fines for overdue and lost items. The Library Board is projecting a revenue increase of $16,387; for a total of $187,767 in non-municipal revenue. This helps to offset the municipal funding request, reducing the impact of year-on-year costs from $113,480 to $97,093. The Board is requesting $97,093, an increase of 3.82% in funding from the Municipality for fhe year 2011, for an overall municipal request of .$2,639,694, This funding will maintain the existing level of library service to the communify. The Current Budget Forecast, 2011, 2012-2015, includes expanded public hours for the Newcastle Branch -five (5) hours in 2013 and five (5) hours in 2015 - in response to the continuing demand. for service in that growing area The Capital Budget Forecast, 2011, 2012-2015, estimates collection, technology, and facility needs. The Library Board plans, within this four-year time frame, to examine the needs for a larger service facility for the Courtice area. In 2010; the Board completed a new Strategic Plan that sketches a future for the library that will see it continue to be innovative, progressive, and widely-recognized and used by its community. We could not move forward without your guidance and assistance. Thank you for your continuing support in the delivery of public library service to the residents of Claringtonl Sincerely, Gail Rickard, Chair Clarington Public Library Board Copied to: F. Wu, Municipal CAO N. Taylor, Director of Finance 145 146 '~'_ Clarington Public Library r~ CURRENT OPERATING BUDGET 2011 CATEGORY 2010 Budget A. ' Yr-on-Yr $ Impacts B New C. `2011 Current Budget D= A+B+C i INCOME.. SUBTOTAL MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY $ 2 542 600 $ 97 093 $ - $ 2 639 693 SUBTOTAL NON-MUNICIPAL REVENUE $ 171 380 $ 16 387 $ - $ 187 767 .-TOTAL INCOME $ 2,713;980 $ `113,480 $ - $ 2 827,460.. EXPENSES ~ Salariesl4Vages ~ Benefits $ 1,639,673 $ 358 936 $ 31,762 $ 76,049 $ - $ - $ 1,671,455 $ 434,985 PERSONNEL $ 1 998 609 $ 107 831 $ - $ 2 106 440 LIBRARY MATERIALS $ 280 742 . $ 5 614 $ - $ 266 356 BUILDING SERVICES $ .162 053 $ 6 609 $ - $ 153 444 PRODUCTSBSUPPLIES $ 48 742 1 989 - 50 731 PUBLIC PROGRAMS $ 7 360 $ 500 $ - 7 860 PURCHASED SERVICES $ 56 625 $ 3 658 $ $ 60 283 COMPUTER SERVICES $ 115 040 $ 2 301 $ - $ 117 341 STAFF DEVELOPMENT $ 9 809 $ 196 $ 10 005 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL $ 35 000 $ $ 35 000 i TOTAL EXPENSES %Increase 2011!20101 $ 2,713,980: $ 113,480 $ - $ 2,827,460` 4.18% - MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY REQUEST.' °6lncrease 2011/201W $ 2,542,600 $ 97,093 $`= $ . ` _._ r' - 3.82% - CATEGORY 2010 Budget Yr-on-Yr $Impacts New 2011 Current Budget, 147 C~ C~ ~~- Clarington Public Library CURRENT BUDGET FORECAST 2011, 2012-2015 CATEGORY - . 2011 'BUDGET REQUEST '2012 BUDGET 2018. BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET Municipal Tax Levy Non-Munici al Revenue TOTAL.INCOME 5 S $2,639,693 787,767 '2,827 460 $ S 52,717,307 187,767 ' 2805,074 $ S $2,675,105 167,767 3 002 872 5 $ $2,697,689 187 767 -': 3 085,456 $ $ $3,007,607 187,767 3189,368 !".EXPENSES f.. Personnel $ 2,106,440 $ 2,169,633 $ 2,252 722 S 2,320,304 5 . 2,408,913 Libra Materials $ 286,356 $ 292,084 $ 297,925 $ 303,884 5 309,961 Buildin Services $ 153,444 $ 156513 S 159,643 S 162,836 5 766093 ProduetslSu lies $ 50,731 5 51,746 E 52,781 $ 53,836 $ 54,913 Public Pro rams $ 7,860 S 8,017 S 8,178 S 6 347 $ 8,508 Purchased Services $ 60,263 5 61,488 $ 62,718 $ 63 972 $ 65 252 Com uter Ex enses $ 117 347 S 119,688 $ 122,081 5 124 523 $ 127,013 Staff Develo ment $ 10,005 S 10,205 S 10,409 5 10,618 $ 10,830 Transfer to Capital !TOTAL EXPENSES $ $ 35,000 : 2 827,460 S S 35,700 r:..2 805,074 $ 5 36,414 3,002 672 $ S 37,142 3,085,456- $ S 37,885 3 189;368 " %Increese ~' 1':78% '- 2.7{% 3.37X "2.75% 7.J7% . MUNICIPAL:REQUEST S W, - N .~4 S r "2717,307. ` $ 2815105 S 2;897,689 S ~:. 3b01801.: "-: %Incroase "882% 2.94% -' 3.60% 2.97% 3b9% CATEGORY -~ 2011 '$UDGET !REQUEST ' 2012 BUDGET - 2013' BUDGET 2014 - BUDGET 2015 BUDGET The Library Budget Forecast includes 5 additional service hours weekly in the year 2013 and 5 additional service hours weekly in the year 2015 for the Newcastle Branch Library • 148 li ~~; Clarington Public Library CAPITAL BUDGET FORECAST 2011, 2012-2015 - PROJECTS 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 - ' - Libra Collections Branch Collections $110,000 $ 110,000 $110,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Subtotal Collections $ 110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $ 110,000 $' 110,000 Libra Automation/Securi ! Furniture and E uipment Com uter Hardware $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,OOD Securi /Self Check-Out $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,D00 Furniture/E ui ment SP ~ cfa . sa "ut4ma6on $ 5,000 t~~ $5,d00 $ 5,000 X85;0„„qd $ 5,000 `,~~ i36dQ . $ 5,000 ~tas;P00 $ 5,000 $=s5,ooo~ $ 5,000 i. .:t#s;oo~oG. Libra -Facilities Courtice Branch $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,000,000 Subtotal Libra Facilities $ - $ - ' $ $ $ - S 6,000,000 QTS~PROJECTS ~7,95,4Qt#A E 1~=19~,~ $~i95tipf~' ~i~19b000 .,$195,OQ<t~ ~±6;495;OQ03 149 • ~ "I I!'1 'III W~ oda R '~o ~~` ass ~ CCN ~_ ~ Y C ~ju m 9 ' I I I i l l w w ~ ¢ r ~ o ~ z o w z a a '~ w J K J F ~~ ~ Z F~ U w a ZU W W W W Z 2 N J X O O ~ w. w Z ' ' ~ 1 Il ° ~ i iso ' ' " ! ~ ~ ~ ~ O m O O N ; ' " ~ i W D 0 N m 0 R 4¢ o rnQ2 n i i ~n g H~ =00~. N;SN ~bA ju m N a C a " " ' ` I il I , ' , , , 1 1 ~ ~ w D ~ Q ] Z LL C9 U w ~ a a ~ ~ m O y p w W ~ ~ K ~ w y r z ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ W r p ~ W 6 ~ U' j W Q Z ~ Y ~ ~ 3 N 5 0 J U m O N U N m m ~ n K r m m m r ijj o 0 0 o Z w oY Y ° 4 '~ ~ Zm° °m ~ ~°u ~ °o °o o °o F W X w N O O ~o r_ o m °o e ~ N m O 00 o N ~ c z m .- a " Id l isi ~ °°"fill " " ' ` i 1 1 1 1 „ ' " ` ' I 1 11 1 . ~~°I~I~ O O O O O O O ? °a m ~ °o °a i° ~ H YI m c N M N ~~~ L~ S _ ~ ~~ 00~ r Q > > J N 3 Z . LL ~~ i a U' U U LL W ~ p ~ a tt K ~ ~ m ,~ O N ~ ~ m ~ `L f' N W rc > > " N W r Z y y ~ W ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ W N Z Z ~ t6 ~ O O W ~ Q ~ C7 j w ~ Z Z ~ Y _ j ~ K ~,gga > U U 6i U O O O N N r° ~ ° ~ ~ n K ~ O O N P m J r YI N ~}j O O O Z W o ~< e v q a K 2 a c a q y m ~ o° °a °o o °o ° C W r w Z a 0 0° o 0 0 0 o o °o °o d a a M O N o° °o o °o o °o m r °o v`Oi °o °a o n vmi Q m a 0 N ~ ry N f N N < N O 152 67 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A8 • 905-C 23-3734 14 January 2011 Nancy Taylor Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville ON Dear Nancy, Please find attached the 2011 Grant Application from the Clarington Museums and Archives Board. In 2011, the Museum Boazd is requesting a total municipal grant of $238,051 to maintain our ongoing operational expenses. Our municipal grant request reflects a 3% increase from our grant received in 2010. In 2010, we froze our staff salaries in recognition of the challenges faced within the current economy. In order to alleviate financial pressures on our staff due to cost of living'increases, our staff salazies include a 3% compensation in 2011. We continue to face increasing costs to heat and maintain our buildings each yeas We will work with the Operations Department to address these deficiencies and find solutions that are economically feasible while improving the ongoing maintenance of the museum sites. Our 2011 budget does include increases in exhibit expenses due to the cost of a travelling exhibit from the province of Manitoba.. There is a corresponding increase within the federal grant revenue column as a result of federal funds to support the expense of this travelling exhibition. Our programming revenue was much lower than the budget plan for 2010: It is anticipated [hat new capabilities within our staff in addition to an attractive travelling exhibition will ensure we attain our 2011 goals. Our 2011 Grant request does not include any Capitol projects. The Clarington Museums and Archives Boazd will focus on completing outstanding capitol projects doting 2011. The Clarington Museums and Archives Board wishes to express their appreciation to the Municipality of Clarington for their support in 2010. Sincerel Martha Rutherford Comad Executive Drector www. daringtonmus eums. com 153 SUBMR ORIGINAL T0: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of Organization(Association: SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 5, 2010 Clanngton Museums and Archives 905-623-2734 NAME TELEPHONE 62 Temperance Street STREET ADDRESS~POST OFFICE BOX Bowmanville Ontario L1C 3A8 TOWN ~ PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: Marfha Rutherford Conrad HOME #: NAMElPOSITION WORK #: _905-623-2734_ 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES X NO If yes, when? _1961 (ddfmMyy) 4. !s your Organization based within the Municipality of Clanngton or the Region of Durham? YES X NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. • 1. Guided tours of exhibits reflecting local history, special collections and world-class travelling exhibitions 2. Educational programming in support of school curriculum, seniors programs and community organizations and clubs 3. Preservation of local history through the collection of artefacts and archival records 4. Special Events and exhibitions attracting tourists to Clarington throughout the yeas 5. Lectures, walking tours and outreach programmes to extend the knowledge of history in Clarington U C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Grants'Svlunicipal Grant\20ll Grant Application.doc 6. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. 154 Municipal funding helps to cover the operational costs of the museum buildings, grounds and support staff. This • funding ensures that Clarington Museums arid Archives can preserve and protect the history of Ciarington for our, future generations. It also enables the museums and archives to extend the knowledge of the history. of Clarington into the community through educational programming, tours, outreach programmes and special exhibits The services offered by the museums and archives serve the needs of the residents of Clarington in addition to attracting tourists to the Municipality. 7. CATEGORY: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Board/Com. Centre 8. Amount Requested _$238,051 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES X NO If YES, lease com lete the followin 1~ 10. YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2010 $231,117 $231,117 2009 $226,585 $226,585 2008 $218,653 $218,653 2007 $226,866 $212,417 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES X NO AGENCY YEAR .REQUESTED RECEIVED Ministry of Culture 2010 $25,161 $25,161 (pending) Young Canada Works 2010 $15,000 $14,643.65 Celebrate Ontario 2010 $35,000 $0.00 Stimulus Fund (federal) 2010 $750,000 $0.00 If YES, please complete the following: Total program or association membership in your organization. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is C:\Documents and Settings\userlMy Documents\Grants\Municipal CTrant\2011 Grant Application.doc 155 endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNATURE Keith Isnor Chair December 29, 2010 ~~~ -- James Rook Finance Chair December 29, 2010 This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached farm. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the mostrecentfscalyear. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 • BUDGET INFORMATION C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\GrantslMunicipal Grant\2011 Grant Application.doc 156 ~, REVENUE SOURCE 2009 2010 2011 GRANTS - $54.028 $39,804 $53,000 FED/PROV MUNICIPAL GRANT $226,585 $231,117 $238,051 MEMBERSHIPS $465 $3,000 $1,325 REGISTRATIONS $12,444 $25,200 $23,216 FUNDRAISING $7,412 $15,000 $17,646 OTHER (SPECIFY) $36,848 $10,584 10,700 Shop/Mus. Serv. .LAST YEAR -$3,640 +$11,659 +$1,403 SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE j $356,088 $313,485 $346,354 EXPENDITURES 2009 2010 2011 SALARIES - FULL TIME $199,562 $199,997 $229,894 SALARIES - PART TIME $58,438 $39,100 $27,200 FACILITY RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES $8,009 $7,257 $5,600 TELEPHONE $3,685 $5,652 $5,000 ADVERTISING $7,618 $6,957 $7,400 MAINTENANCE $32,634 $29,775 $31,000 OTHER (SPECIFY) Retail $7,083 $1,187 $5,000 OTHER (SPECIFY) Museum Services $27,320 $22,157 $33,700 TOTAL EXPENSES $344,349 $312,082 $344,794 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2009 2010 2011 +$11,659 +$1,403 +$1,560 NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. ;• C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Grants~ivlunicipal Grant\2011 Grant Application.doc is7 Clarin ton Museums & Archives O eratin Books Gross Mar in Income Statement Comparison of Actual to Bud et for Fiscal End 2010 OPERATING REVENUE Actual. to 12/29/2010 Bud et REVENUE Grant- Federal 14,643.65 15,000.00 Grant- Provincial 0.00 26,000.00 Grant- Municipal 231,117.00 231,117.00 Grants-Associations 0.00 Events 7,955.82 10,000.00 Publications 2,579.74 3,500.00 Membership 465.25 3,000.00 General Admissions 563.25 4,000.00 Educational Admissions 2,759.85 10,000.00 Total Admissions 3,323.10 14,000.00 Other Revenue 2,061.20 300.00 Research Income 466.85. 1,200.00 Gift Shop 2,000.17 3,500.00 Rentals 700.62 1, 700.00 Donations 7,412.97 10,500.00 Bank Interest Revenue 505.03 1,000.00 GST Refunds Liabili 3,439.79 2,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE 276,671.19 323,317.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 276,671.19 323,317.00 OPERATING EXPENSE EXPENSES Refund 0.00 Bank Char es 851.78 1,500.00 Credit Card Charges 0.00 Operatin Costs 0.00 General Expenses and Promotions 600.86 400.00 Capital Ex enditures 0.00 Office Equipment Maintenance 2,241.49 800.00 Office Equi ment 1,741.41 1,000.00 Office Sup lies 1,788.48 1,000.00 Telecommunications 5,652.83 4,000.00 Posta e, Frei ht, Expense 636.81 500.00 Professional Development 493.36 500.00 Professional Fees 3,268.75 3,000.00 Travel Expense 412.24 600.00 Total Other O erating Costs 0.00 Buildin and Maintenance 3,952.39 3,500.00 Buildin Contract Services 5,128.20 5,000.00 Insurance 1,879.89 1,800.00 Heating 10,004.06 16,000.00 Water and Sewa a 1,141.31 1,000.00 H dro 5,696.19 . 4,000.00 u 158 Acquisitions 194.00 500.00 Collection Mana emenf 0.00 Collection Re airs 0.00 500.00 Collection Storage/Display 642.80 1,000.00 Secu ri 1,975.92 1, 500.00 Professional Memberships 791.12 700.00 Exhibit Expense 4,242.49 3;D00.00 Advertising 6,004.03 4,000.00 Outreach Pro rams 353.69 300.00 Brochures/Posters 403.86 1,OOO.OD Research 205.50 100.00 Shop Expense 514.41 2,OOO.OD Provincial Sales Tax 0.00 1,000.00 Seasonal Events -0.00 4,500.00 Pro rammin 1,579.40 1,500.00 Special Event 5,170.47 5,000.00 Publication Expense 673.75 3,000.00 Reimbursements 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 68,241.49 74,200.00 TOTAL PAYROLL 162,092.82 255,097.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 230,334.31 329,297.00 159 November 25, 2010 Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K8 Dear Nancy: Please find enclosed The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington's Municipal Operating Grant Request for 2011. Included in this package is a detailed budget, augmented by our 2009 audited statement, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Profit and Loss Previous Year Comparison figures, and projected programming related financial figures up to 2013 in the CADAC financial sheets completed for our Ontario Arts Council grant. After much consideration, we aze requesting a Municipal Operating Grant of $178,300; a slight increase from last year's generous allocation of $171,500. This slight percentage increase will help defray uncontrollable costs related to utilities, insurance and HVAC. i As you know, we were the grateful recipients of proceeds from this year's Mayor's Charity Golf Classic The $30,000 raised on our behalf will help to ensure the continuation and expansion of unique and diverse visual arts programming for the residents of Clarington. It was personally very rewarding for me to work closely with Municipal staff in prepazation for the tournament. The Municipality also generously augmented a successful $50,000 Trillium grant with $10,000 additional dollars to upgrade our washrooms, making them accessible to all. The Visual Arts Centre has a rich 35 year history of providing stimulating, cost effective visual arts programming to the people of Clarington and the Durham region at lazge. This programming would simply not be possible without the continued support of the Municipality of Clarington. Included in this package aze eight copies of a booklet that provides a visual celebration of events that have taken place at the VAC over the past 18 months. The Board of Directors, staff and membership express heartfelt thanks for the continued financial support of the Municipality. The efforts of all at City Hall on our behalf are deeply appreciated. Sincerely, ~ ~ .~~ ~ /~ James Campbell, Executive Director Encl. I. The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 143 Simpson Avenue P.O. Box 52 Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada LiC 3K8 Ph: 905-623-5831 Fax: 905-623-0276 Email: visual~vac.ca www.vac.ca 160 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON BUDGET AND PROGRANIMIlVG SUMMARY: 2010 The Board of Directors and staff of The Visual Arts Centre recognise the challenging financial -circumstances faced by the M~siicipality in 2011. Many worthy facilities and institutions rely on Municipal support for their daily operating requirements. We have requested a modest increase of $6,800 over last year's allotment to help defray predictable yearly increases in unavoidable costs. The Operating Grant request of 178,300 will allow us to maintain our current levels of exceptional programming. The VAC recognises the invaluable contribution of volunteers, co-op students, and summer grant students through Young Canada Works and Canada Summer Jobs. Once again this past summer, our beautiful grounds benefited from the efforts of the "Been There" project, in which at risk youth maintain the gazdens under the guidance of Reverend Dave Chiding. The Boazd of Directors and staff of the VAC wish to thank Municipal staff for their "hands on" approach to supporting this facility. Special thanks to Mike Williams, Rob Groen, Bob Genosko, Jen Cooke, Jan Vreeker, Skip Crosby, Brigita Hams, Nancy Taylor and Fred Horvath. The aforementioned, and others, regulazly go above and beyond on behalf of the VAC. THE EXECUTIVE DIItECTOR'S PROGRANIMIlVG HIGHLIGHTS: 2010 Although I have only held this post for nine months, I have already gained a deep appreciation for the importance and unique character of this place, and what it provides to our residents. Five curated exhibitions a year celebrate the work of noted Canadian artists, their concepts often specifically shaped by the unique exhibition venue that is the VAC. Our Curator, Maralynn Cherry, documents these exhibits in scholazly catalogues: Local artists one and all are invited yearly to submit works to our Annual Juried Show, which celebrated its 30`" anniversary this year. Members flocked into the gallery to submit works on a first come, first serve basis for the "100 Small Paintings Show and Sale" in November. The VAC co-ordinates three other venues for our artists in the Municipal offices and library on Temperance Street. The "Cream of Barley Mill" is indeed a gallery for its people. Our varied education programmes appeal to community members ages 4 to 94. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter sessions for all ages celebrate drawing, painting, pottery, glass, design, sculpture, drama, music and dance. Our ten weeks of summer art camps attracted 131 students! These camps also facilitated the hiring of 3 summer students who gained invaluable experience working as instructors/programmers for the summer. Teacher's workshops and art history slide lectures have attracted an intensely involved adult segment from our community. Many of the aforementioned programmes are documented in the accompanying bound booklet, "The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington". r~ ~ J LJ 161 C J SLATE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-2012 Officers: ,k Craig Ryan 2. Treasurer-Adrian Short CGA 3. Secretary-Jeremy Desjardine Directors: 5. Gary Jeffery (2 years) • 6. Willie Woo (as appointed by Council) 7. Korin Kassirer 8. Chris Earle (1 year) 9. Allison Fellowes-Strike 10. Joe Dalrymple (1 year) 11. Jesse Parsons Possible new Board Members: Liz Parkinson Note: Terms when re-elected. • 162 SUBMIT ORIGINAL T0: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILtE, ONTARIO L1C 3,46 PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of OrganizationlAssociation: • SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 5, 2010 TI{E V 15UA1_ RP.TS c~lVTf<~ OF CcA~//VCti%~N ~(oS ~,~3 5831 NAME TELEPHONE ~y3 S1MPsoni ,~v~NVE ~ P. a. i?ax Sa STREET ADDRESS~POST OFFICE BOX g~wryi~tK/ytz-~~ 011 LiG 3K& TOWN ~ PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. .Contact Person for this Application: Ja.MeS Caw,~bc li LKf'[. 17~rtc~c-R HOME #: NAMEIPOSITIO-N WORK #: yam ~a 3 5 f33) • 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO If yes, when? 11 o ~' 76 (dd'mMyy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES NO 5. List the programslservices provided by your Organization. Ex1n~~i ~i0ws fir- IaCg~~rP~l~ov,al Gu,dj ~Dro/iv~~;al Gr f~5t5- ~uL, 6~ 1-io,ns ~a~ wt~v~bPPS a~~ ~,tvo(P~1 ~"5. ~I-r fi e~lJCaf~o~( ~~ t 1-CaCl1~e'S _ ar -} ~~ ~i-s L 2 c -3'vV' tMPIM bP ~5 ~~~ . -I U ~ivt~ wvrJKSkaP`~ far ~~YwCU'/J, 1 ~v~l iC 1 Ue~tri~a~ ~a"CS~Ph~4frav~S ivy k~e c~v~'dap~ olv,:~lr,,-~[nC~d '("~ ~_ cx1~,6~i-:o,~s ;~ G~+y ifa~~ ~~~ ~UP~~T~~f-Q~ ~; b~-~~yt ~6wlMavl/i ~t 2. J~ b; -1.v:6~t f (a/y ~PWS~f '~",°'~'~r'~ tMPu'1~5, '~ ~fuay¢ Y<~c(" oliga ~'~ PToSraw+/V~~r.~l ~1~h1~,11tS~~~lac~e{' H:~2011 Budget~2011 Grant Application.doc 6. Describe how the programslservices provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of MunicipalLlfunding. 163 ~Ull ~ CI PG(I ~lvlr~rV~ot f hA~il2~ DU'r 1~5r6~r~1 M/~Ir~rPl -!O Vrq~~C l~• Th~S ~~~;~~~~ oo~v~ ~}1~e vUtaior;+~i cif sc~ia~~es ~r ~ _-Fuf(-t~"L'~'- LI J ~~I life es ~~o~ a~w~r~i~-(TCrf/~ Pxa~~e~ 1-h ~i~5~r5t~ vs ~~ Pay"9 ~tYlSirv~tvrs drat-Clct~Sc~~ ~~o{ ~r ~ta~pvrcfirr~Se G~arf Su~Ti~25. ~;~yNiC, (~~ ~ ~vv1~s ~i ~fGvt/ uS ~a aF~r ~j-~iwtulG{ l~N~l v;`iyRl a r f S Py-G=~~rv,v~e~ -t-a 1'lne People of Clar~~~ {avg. 7. CATEGORY: (Circle One) Recreational 5ociaf Civic Hall Board/Cbm. Centre 8. Amount Requested ) -7 8~ 3 ~D 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES~_ N0 If YES lease complete the following: !~ 10. AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED ,RECEIVED ONtar; ~ Ar+s Cduv,c; i ao 1 D f 9, 8d ~ L 5 X 5 0 r; l;uvt^ a~~nda-~;o~ col D j 0; 00~ ~j D O D O o~>^ v~2tc~~ Worus a09Q ~ a~a•SO 8 76f •5~ cq,~a~ s~~,~e~ sobs ao r o 5, a 50 ~+, ~ ~ B l1. Total program or association membership in your organization. 6 ~~ H:~2,011 Budget~2011 Grant Application.doc ICY fa { ue f"ollow%~~ ~ UPe f far C(ar r~cu fl~~ ?iea~e ~:e _ r2- Cu+CJa~'~~S ~~vv..bee- r'j~ av~of (C~, - YEAR REQUESTED- AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED aoio t~~ , soo ~ ~ i 5~0 aoo~ 6 00o 15y odo aoo8 f~~- 5oa 5 5aq.~~ ~vo~ 5~.4 OOo ~I-y- Goo Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal., Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES NO If YES please com lete the followin 164 CLARIFICATION: CATEGORIES NUMBER NINE AND TEN Cate¢orv Nine: The totals listed under "Amount Received" aze after the withholding of 10,000 for utilities costs. The lazge amount listed for 2010 is due to the fact that the 30,000 in proceeds from the Mayor's Charity Golf Classic aze included. Cateeorv Ten: The Trillium Foundation funds are earmazked for a very specific project, per Richazd Toms grant application of 2009: Accessibility renovations for our washrooms. Under grant money received from Young Canada Works and Canada Summer Jobs, please refer to line 4114 (Government of Canada) from our Profit and Loss Previous Yeaz Comparison sheet, Jan -Dec 10. The tally of 11,447.38 does not include a final payment of 1,792.24. ~_~ '/ a00q /1UD17Ell 4("A"TEMEri1t" ~TAN-DEL)p. PRoFITE 1.x55 LAMA(, Re~aeST ear aol l REVENUE SOURCE 2009 2010 2011 GRANTS.- ~ O ~75 ~7 O~7s 3(`j ~j D PjOO FEDlPROV ~ MUNICIPAL GRANT 16 ~ d 0 ~ ( ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 3 ~' Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MEMBERSHIPS -7, ~ f O ~.I O t+ S O C7 4~ Q CJ U REGISTRATIONS FUNDRAISING ~ q Q. ~ ~1 oc f ~ a C~ e O~ ( qU ~ ~ ~ G1 (~©NAi 10115 I OTHER (SPECIFY) Eout,grranl- Sig O6(~ GDUC/}TION' ~}~ 85a ~ to"eF+YfON" ~-O, 4-`~a . - ' I ~~ A27NAp 5~- ~ ~ vTHEK- 5~y'q`~•27 A~'I 5 AL>:5 - I ~, cq o Cj OrH;rR- ~~-73 ~ , . LAST YEAR aoog\ 00 ~ I ~ (abo9 '" S C~3 SURPLUS/DEFICIT J ° ~ TOTAL REVENUE a 87 a'-)-7 3 ~3 0!-}3. I~ 36 C~ 3 'SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2009 2010 2011 EXPENDITURES 2009 2010 2011 . SALARIES- g s y" ~ `~ Fv~'~ura Pay t i;,'Ke[ ? 6 16 I d `~ X 8 5 FULL TIME ~ a 8 SALARIES - PART TIME 5 a i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q 5.02 ~ FACILITY RENTAL ~ ~ 8 ~ a, .a 3 6-7 I-{- r-I- ~ 3. ~ (~ SP~Cltjl, E1/ENTS ~ OFFICE SUPPLIES a ~ 3 8 ~ i ~ , a `(' S • ~ ~" ~ c ~ -7 ~ I ~ ,FIDMINIhTKA IUE . ~ ANCE- 3 n svr TELEPHONE - - 3~ 5 I ~-I- ~ S ~ b 4- a- r z, I T I a^ s v T , ADVERTISING~ C Q ~ I r-{- , 3 00 • `~ 8 CJ 3 0 ~ MR~V~TINC~ ~ 1 ~RnuE~- ~l-`F7.30 , MAINTENANCE. I ~ 7 a I 5 ~ 6 S° ~' ~ ~J 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ OTHER (SPECIFY) A~ s ues~ e~ A czuieiriduS- ~jc~ a~5 -xN~ iTioNS-~O,gca.7€t 64~6 9S 5 ` '> 'xgigiT~ous- .. n a l Ci ~ a8 ~ ~ L - oTiisft .A- 7' ~S.I . G-gg8 .5 I g"a > . ~ OTHER (SPECIFY} Eouc T -?j5 D~~ aO,5aq.4-O ~S ~=vcn-r4~ 9 A- Pw~~o~al Fees A- 6 63 ~,~ - ' TOTAL EXPENSES a~ ~ 3Od ~aa 6$ 1 SU '>6 `t 6 l NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES L{STED ABOVE. H:~2011 Budget12011 Crrant Application.doc ~ ~PleaSe rer=c~ to eke ~bllgw~~q SkeetS ~o~ Clar~~~cat~aU: aai~ yvw~~na~ry, o2.oil horn lw~u~~~• ~ I., r \. , Uo <~ ~ Ko ~/ Tr ~l\;V ~'l ~~t~ a~l~ ~~ ~ tll~ayou S ~e~~ ~"fir l65 166 2010 SUNIlI4ARY . Grant totals for 2010 are considerably lazger than in 2009 for the following reasons: we were the recipients of a 50,000 Trillium grant in April of 2010, and 30,000 additional dollars in September from the Mayor's Annual Charity Golf Classic. These amounts are accounted for in the following lines on our Profit and Loss Prev. Year Comparison sheet, Jan. -Dec. 10: Line 4111, Clarington operation: 191,500. This tally includes the 30,000 mentioned above, added to the 161,500 (post 10,000 withheld for utilities) MOC operating grant for 2010. Line 4112, Trillium: 50,000. Once again, 2010 figures are from spreadsheets up to November 9, 2010. Figures can be modified at year's end if required. For further clarification, the tally of 5,499.87 listed as "Other" under Revenue is from the following entries: 4009, 4011, 4012, 4015, 4020, 4025, 4030, 4050, 4086, 4115, 4120, 4135. The tally of 9,985.591isted as "Other"under Exyenditures is from the following entries: 5030, 5035,5036,5040,5042,5043. C~ 167 2011 SUMMARY The following figures listed on our CADAC financial summary sheet submitted September 20, 2010, have been altered to reflect our grant request for 2011. Following aze the correct figures: Revenue Line 4515, Operating Grants: 178,300 Line 4700, Total Revenues: 304,634 Exnenses Line 5165, Catalogues/documentation/publications: 18,100 Line 5190, Other artistic program and services expenses: 6,513 Line 5320, Advertising purchases: 5,300 Line 5600, Total Expenses: 304,614 Surolus/Deficit . Line 6215, Accumulated surplus or deficit: 20 168 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNAT~ / L~~1 v TZ~~ ~ ~'~~~51 pEtV~ Nou. a~F, ~oio G flD~lnr~ 5r{~~T TKr~is~Rkt~ ~av~aU,a~~~ This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13.. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 n `U • H:~2011 Budget12011 Grant Application.doc 169 ;~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2011 OPERATING BUDGET EXTERNAL AGENCIES Clazington Older Adult Association Community Caze Durham - Clazington 172 178 John Howazd Society (Firehouse Youth Centre) 188 Newcastle Community Hall 195 Orono Cemetery Company (budget line included in Operations) 200 vo ~; 5,,~~ W O 4 W Q V. N. ~0 a=~O~O ~'~WN a~a ~ WW1a ~ p~ u ~ ~ I ~ ~ ` 9 I CI ' ' ~ I 1 1 ' ' I I1 w r 6 z w a w w ~ r ww ~w W F X W W o w x N ~ J W Z I I I I ' ~ I ll iii oooooo~°s~~o~ ~ r ~i~ ; ;~ , 1 ~ ~ I .yfie~ l~ , " ° ~ I 1 1 i °o °o °o °o °o °o 0 6 d 6 d d °o d °o o ~ m O '~ -O QU ory m °o t c N I ~~ 1ye a C'WO K U F O_~pN F (A J J ~ ~ J O V I p 0 ' u' w ~ Q Y Q ^ ~ ~ m ~ ~ m w ~ m O O U O ~ ~ ~5~'~~~ U ~- U Z ^ S U Z Z Z W Z Z [~ O O ~ U' w w w~ w a U O U O O O 1° o m ~ ~ n m n ~ O m N N ' O ~ O m F ~ N N N' N N N ~ Z 'J ~4 P O O S< ^ ~ < V O P Q W JC 1 Z 0 (00 t00 100 tOO 10p 110 J O o 0 0° °o °o F W Z - a °o °o o° °o °o °o °o m °o o c o h N O O O °o vi I~ °o ~ r 0 w N V N ~ m m N N G P O O N °o °o °o °o ° °a o o o 0 0 o° 0 °o 0 • 172 CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION Operated 6y tM1e Cinrington Older Adult Cenve Board ~• 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, ON . Ll C 3A2 905.697.2856 Fax: 905.697.0739 coaa@belnet.ca 19 November 2010 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A6 Attention: Director of Finance Nancy Taylor Dear Ms. Taylor, SEC 0 8 2010 M(A111ClPp(ITyOFC flNANCfCARfNP,TON Please find attached the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board 2011 budget submission for your kind attention. Our request for the municipal grant is $132,000. The 201 1 budget reflects the successful, continued growth of our organisation with enrolment expected to approach 1300 members. Income and expenses budgeted all relate to this growth with its subsequent expanded programming and increased member participation. Along with our annual budget request the COACB is requesting $20,000 from the Clarington Older Adult Centre Municipal Reserve Fund to cover the cost of replacing necessary kitchen equipment and updating our currently facility. As you have indicated, this Reserve Fund was established to assist the Older Adult Centre Board in its endeavours. We would be pleased to provide you with any additional information or explanations if required. Yours sincerely, ~. ~ti Don Welsh President COACB www.claringtonolderadults.cd 173 APPLICATION FOR MUNICIPAL GRANT Bowmanville TOWN SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTIfYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS t. Name of OrganizationlAssociation: FILE # ~J SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 5~, 2010 Clarington Older Adult Association 905.697.2856 NAME TELEPHONE 26 Beech Avenue 2. 3. STREET Contact Person for this Application: Angie Darlison -Executive Director BOX Ontario L1C 3A2 Panvitir.F POSTAL CODE HOME #:905.987-4167 WORK #:905.697.2856 . Is your Organization Incorporated asnon-profit? Formerly anon-profit If yes, when? January 1998 Became a Board of Council in 2005 4. 5. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES List the programs/services provided by your Organization. The Clarington Older Adult Association offers social, physical, educational and informational programs for the active older adults living within the Municipality of Clarington. Our mission is to promote the health and happiness of older adults by providing opportunities to enhance their quality of life. Active living programs and courses include: golf, slo-pitch baseball, cycling, various levels of cardio fitness, men's fitness, yoga, chair yoga, pilates, Tai Chi, Qigong, line dancing, ballroom dancing, tap dancing. Our creative courses consist of: acrylic painting, water colour painting, drawing, music theory, French and Spanish lessons, etc. We also offer numerous computer and digital photography courses and workshops. In addition to our registered courses, we offer various drop-in social activities such as dancing, weekly luncheons, cards, etc. along with health and wellness workshops and special fundraising events. In the Fall 2010 season, the Clarington Older Adult Association offered over 150 programslactivities, special events and workshops for the older adults of Clarington. . DN:C.S.lH: WP51 DATAlGRANTSIAPPLIC 174 6.. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. Municipal funding will help offset the operating costs associated with the Clarington Older Adult Association. These include: The cost of staff required to manage the Beech Centre facility, and organize and run all of the COAA activities; development and implementation of programs and events including satellite programming to match our growing membership within the Municipality of Clarington; hiring qualified instructors; maintenance of the facility including Waste Removal, Snow Clearing and Janitorial Services. By receiving this funding our Association is able to promote active living through the provision of excellent top quality programs, and services to the older adults within our Municipality. Participation by our membership is forever increasing ensuring positive results towards achieving our mission. 7. CATEGORY: Recreational 1 Social 8. Amount Requested $132,000 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES If YES please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2010 $132,000 $132,000 2009 $125,000 $125,000 2008 $114,750 $114,750 2007 $116,500 $112,500 2006 $77,000 $77,000 2005 $80,118 $75, 623 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES If YES, please complete the fDllowin AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED Ministry of Health (Elderly Person Centre Grant Application) 2010 $32,000 + $15,000 Special Grant - $32,000 + $15,000 Special Grant Total programs or association membership in your organization. Peak Membership of 1231 DN:C.S./H: WP51 DATAIGRANTSlAPPLIC 175 Anticipated Membership for 2D10 -1300 ?. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: • We certify that,- to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNATURE Donald Welsh Interim President- Board of Directors Friday November 19th, ~`~~/ J/~1. ~jy~ 2010 , Angie Darlison Executive Director Friday November 19th, 2010 ~C~/ ~~`~ This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue an~ expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BowmanVille, Ontario L1 C 3A6 • DN;QS.IH: W P51 DATAlGRANTSIAPPLIC 176 BUDGET INFORMATION REVENUE SOURCE 2009 2010 2011 GRANTS - $0 $8,000 $42,750 FED/PROV MUNICIPAL GRANT $125,000 $132,000 $132,000 MEMBERSHIPS $27,500 $30,000 $30,000 REGISTRATIONS $108,500 $107,000 $117,750 FUNDRAISING $30,000 $31,500 $32,000 OTHER "~• $69,670 $60,250 $45,000 (See Attached Notes) EPC Special Grant $15,000 Municipal Reserve $20,000 Re uest TOTAL REVENUE $360,670 I $368,750 I $434,500 ,'• EXPENDITURES 2009 2010 2011 SALARIES- $167,670 $211,050 $230,000 FULL TIME /PART TIME FACILITY $11,500 $9,500 $10,260 RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES $8,500 $8,500 $9,180 TELEPHONE $5,000 $6,500 $7,500 ADVERTISING $10,500 $12,550 $22,000 MAINTENANCE $63,000 $34,300 $45,000 OTHER "" $94,500 $86,350 $90,560 (See Attached Notes) Municipal Reserve $20,000 Re uest TOTAL EXPENSES $360,670 $368,750 $434,500 DN: C.S./H: W P51 DATAlGRANTSlAPP LI C i~~ NOTES:° - Registration Revenues Include: events, programs and services • - Other Revenues Include: advertising, donations, rentals, bank interest and hospitality - Other Expenses Include: programs, administration/general, fundraising and hospitality - Municipal Reserve Request of $20,000 is to cover the cost of updating our Kitchen Equipment, Facility Furniture & Room updates (i.e. painting) - EPC Special Grant Revenues $15,000 have been approved to cover the cost of Rural Marketing Campaign with the 2011 Budget year LJ • DN:C.S./H: W P51 DATAIGRANTSlAPPLIC C~ental Health Pr Individual Buppon Group Suppod Specialized Geriatrics Education Home Support Program Meals an Wheels. Transportation! Accessible Van Friendly Vsiting Foot Care Clinics Luncheon Out Telephone Reassurance Home Maintenance Home Help Respite Program Adult Day Programs In-Home Respite H~Last P Client Settlement from Hospital to Home Offices In: Ajax-Pickering Brock Clarington Oshawa Scugog Uxbridge Whitby Chartable Reg.k 11888 9955 RR0001 Supported b}' ~~ ~" Ontario ee~„a~-a. ~o~a~aea~,~ m~argm~ion Nehork Community Care Durham 178 • Clarington St~pportingPeople, Strena hertingCommunity 2440 Hwy. 2, Unit#1 Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 COPE Mental Health Program Te1:905-623-4123• Fax:905-623-26D4 Home Support Program Tel: 905-623-2261 • Fax: 905-623-2604 Adult Day Program Tel: 905-697-7231 • Fax: 905-623-2604 November 17, 2010 Respite Program Tel:1-688-255-6680• Fax: 905-985-0313 www.communitycared urham. on.ca Nancy Taylor, Director Finance/Treasurer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville ON L1C 3A6 Dear Nancy: We appreciate the extension granted for this budget request application that is enclosed for Community Caze Durham - Clarington. Along with the budget request, we have provided background information for Clarington's Home Support, COPE Mental Health and Adult Day Program services provided by our agency within the local community. We ask for your full consideration of the request and I would be most willing to provide fiuther details to members of council and municipal staff in the form of a presentation or response to any questions or clarification. Again, thank you for the time extension for this submission. Yours truly, C- /~, Sally Barrie Administrator Volunteering enri he yo~r d/~~ ~0~ 1 ~~a~~9iy~~R~ 179 SUBMIT ORIGINAL T0: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTlTYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of OrganizationlAssociation: 2440 Highway 2, Unit 1 ADDRESSlPOST OFFICE BOX Bowmanville TOWN 2. Contact Person for this Application Ontario L1 C OK6 POSTAL CODE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 5, 2010 623-2261 Sallv Barrie -Administrator HOME #: X905) 623-6330 NAMEIPOSITION WORK #: (905) 623-2261 3. Is yourOrganization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO If yes, when? 24 Feb 1983 (ddlmmlyy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES NO 5. List the programslservices provided by your Organization. Community Care Durham (CCD) is amulti-service registered charitable organization that provides Home Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief) and COPE Mental Health services for adults and their caregivers with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health. Our services are provided free of charge or for a minimal fee and are administered through seven service locations across Durham Region. The Home Support Program provides a basket of services to assist clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes and communities. A nominal fee is charged for some services. Home Support services include: Meals on Wheels: Nutritious hot and/or frozen meals delivered to clients in their homes. There are presently 12 routes throughout the Municipality where hot meals (includes an entree, soup and dessert) are delivered five days each week. Frozen meals (entree and soup/dessert as per client preference) are available in bundles on a bi-weekly basis and can be picked up at the office or delivered to the door. Transportation: Transportation for clients to medical appointments, shopping, etc. The transportation service is provided through the use of volunteer and paid drivers. Volunteer drivers primarily use their own vehicles. Our paid drivers also utilize a fully accessible van and two minivans that are equipped with a special chair on the front passenger side to facilitate entry and exiting for individuals with mobility issues. Care Durham - Application for 2011 Municipal Grant- Community Care Durham-Clarington iso Luncheon Out: Group outings for clients to enjoy a meal and entertainment in a social setting. ,• The luncheon out service is offered primarily ten months of the year in a variety of locations across the Municipality. There are presently two separate locations in Bowmanville, and one location each in Orono, Newcastle and Courtice. Home Help and Home Maintenance: Brokered helpers provide assistance with light housekeeping, yard work, grass cutting, snow shovelling, eta Friendly Visiting: Volunteers visit on a regular basis to share in activities and companionship. Telephone Reassurance: Volunteers provide regular contact to check on a client's well being. Foot Care Clinics: Services are provided by registered foot care nurses. Foot care clinics are also located throughout the Municipality as follows: 2 locations in Newcastle (offering a total of 4 clinics each month); 1 location in Orono (offering 1 clinic each month); 3 locations in Bowmanville (offering weekly and monthly clinics); 1 location in Courtice (offering 2 clinics each month) and 1 location at Wilmot Creek (offering 3 clinics a month). The COPE Mental Health Program of Community Care Durham is a unique community-based support program that uses trained volunteers and staff with the goal of supporting adults with mental health concerns to live and participate in their community, while maintaining an optimum quality of life. The COPE Mental Health Program includes the following components: • Individual support and non intensive case management services for mental health clients living in the community in the form of one-to-one support provided by trained volunteers and supervised by our Program Managers; • Support and coping skills groups for mental health clients living in the community, co-facilitated by trained volunteers and Program Managers. • Recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers to provide one-to-one support and co- facilitate group programs for mental health clients living in the community and their families. • Community development activities that include education to the community on mental health issues; and, • Referral and mental health-social service information to the. community. The Psychogeriatric Community Support Program (PCSP) is a collaborative program offered by CCD's COPE Mental Health Program and Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences. This program offers screening, assessment and clinical consultation plus referral and supportive services for high risk older adults 65 years + with mental health concerns and living in the community. There are two components: (1) Outreach assessments conducted by a nurse clinician in consultation with a geriatric psychiatrist; (2) Supportive Service Assessments, referral and follow up conducted by COPE staff; supportive services including: individual short term supportive counseling; psycho-educational and social recreational support groups; and one-to-one support provided by trained volunteers. The Home at Last (HAL) Program, a collaboration between community hospitals and community support organizations, and initiated in Durham Region in December 2008, has been very successful. . Community Care Durham has taken a lead role in the coordination of this program. The HAL Program assists clients with their settlement home upon discharge from the hospital and provides short term personal support to assist with this transition (i.e., transportation home, safety check of the home environment, linkage to community resources, grocery shopping, meal preparation etc.). It also ensures appropriate referral and linkage to Community Care Durham services. Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Ctarington 181 The Respite Program (Caregiver Relief Services) provide a temporary break for caregivers from the stress and ongoing responsibility associated with caring for a loved one with needs related to aging and/or a disability. Two services are offered, In-Home Respite and the Adult Day Programs. There is a fee for Respite services. In-Home Respite: Care is delivered by qualified Personal Support Workers who maintain a safe environment and are trained to provide personal care, assistance with routine living activities, social interaction, meal preparation, client centered homemaking and more. Adult Day Program: Offers a safe and comfortable setting for clients to enjoy a wide array of social and recreational programs. Qualified staff and volunteers provide the programs and assist with routine living activities. The program operates Monday to Friday and clients from all areas in Clarington may utilize CCD's accessible van for transportation to and from the program. In October 2009, Community Care Durham (CCD) also developed a partnership with the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CECCAC) to create a collaborative approach to providing intake services for seniors living in the community. The CHIP (Collaborative Health Intake Project) was started with a new CCD position (Supported Referral Coordinator) being created to work out of the CECCAC office in Whitby. The Coordinator performs a screening function by collaborating with CCAC Intake staff on requests for community service and assists clients in accessing CCD services easily and seamlessly. This new position has increased the referrals to CCD. The Clarington office received over 70 referrals in the past year through this newly created position. 6. Describe how the programslservices provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. In Clarington, Home Support services (Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Luncheon Out, Friendly Visiting, Foot Care, Home Help and Maintenance, Telephone Reassurance, Information and Referral) enhance the ability of adults with needs related to aging and/or physical disability, to remain in their own homes and communities and to function as independently as possible. The cost of providing our various services increases each year, including the need to actively promote our services so that the community is aware of the supports available. Because we rely on approximately 2,000 volunteers to assist in the delivery of Home Support Services, Volunteer Recruitment continues to be a big challenge, requiring that we invest more each year into advertising and other options to attract new volunteers. Recruitment of new volunteers then requires appropriate screening, interviewing, orientation and ongoing training to ensure that our volunteers are properly supported. The Clarington area has, and continues to experience significant population growth, particularly seniors. Statistics Canada reports an increase of 11.4% in overall population for the Clarington area as compared to the 2001 census data. However, those aged 55 and over in Clarington increased over 27% and those over 75 increased 30% over that same period. This has kept a high demand for the various services offered by Home Support. The Transportation service continues to be a necessary and important support to Clarington residents, ensuring that they can access medical appointments, attend our Adult Day Program, and go shopping for groceries or other necessary items. The Transportation service provided 18,867 units of service in 2009-10. During that year there were also over 1,457 cancelled units. Changes in appointments, weather, illness etc. all have an impact on the number of cancelled drives. The additional van driver hours received through the Aging at Home Strategy continue to allow us to meet the need for grocery trips, additional medical trips and for our partnership with the Older Adult Centre in transporting clients to their Luncheon Out services. 182 Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Clarington The Meals on Wheels service continues to be in high demand. Since 2005, the average total number . of meals delivered each year in the Clarington area has been around 15,000. This year again, our meal delivery will be above 15,000. This includes delivery to clients who rely on the meal service all year, and clients who might use our service for a limited time when first discharged from hospital or when recovering from a fall or lengthy illness. The coordination and management of these services places ongoing demands on staff time to both ensure service delivery and recruit and support the volunteers required. Our hot meal provider continues to the local hospital (Lakeridge Health Bowmanville). We continue to face the challenge of needing to find an alternative hot meal provider, as identified in past submissions. In order to move forward, a proper staging area is needed, to allow for the storage and heating of meals and staff time is needed to manage the staging area. With the potential of another increase in the cost of ourmeals, or the loss of the hospital as our meal provider, make this an imminent concern to find an alternative solution. CCD continues to explore its various options regarding the provision of hot meals in Clarington. Our frozen meal service continues to be very popular, providing clients with additional choices and options to assist them during holidays when our hot meal service is not available. Frozen meal costs increased again in April 2010 thus placing additional demand on our financial resources. In addition, the increase in food safety issues has meant additional staff time to ensure that clients are kept safe and aware of what is happening. Foot care services also continue to be in high demand for the Clarington area, with more than 14 clinics being offered in different locations in Clarington. Our foot care nurses provide an invaluable service for clients who need this assistance due to mobility issues, illness or because they have diabetes and require special care and attention. The cost of nursing, foot care supplies (sterilization materials, foot care instruments etc.) increase each year. We gratefully receive funding support from the United Way each year. Our funding however was reduced by 9% several years ago, and has continued to remain at that level. Our funding support from the United Way is dependant on the success of their campaign. For 2010, our support from United Way of Oshawa Whitby Clarington Brock & Scugog has not increased. The continued support from the Municipality would be of great assistance to us and would allow us to continue providing our services in light of revenue shortfalls and increases in operating costs. The COPE Menaa! Heaffh Program in Clarington is a community program that offers support to adults 16 years and older with emotional and/or mental health concerns living in the community. COPE supports clients through one-to-one matches and offers 6 local psycho-educational support groups. The COPE Mental Health Program is unique in Durham Region particularly with respect to the significant role volunteers have in service delivery. Additionally, COPE supports high risk older adults with mental health concerns remain at home with support through the Psychogeriatric Community Support Program described above. The COPE. Program has the ability to respond to local community needs. We are able to provide group programs, for example, based on needs identified by our clients and community stakeholders which are unique to the local community we serve. We are able to engage clients in a non- institutional, friendly environment that is mutually agreed upon by the client, staff and volunteer. • Recruitment of volunteers, their training, monitoring and supervision is ongoing. Volunteers receive at minimum a mandatory S week (24 hours) basic mental health training program with an optional advanced training in group facilitation for an additional 6 weeks (18 hours). Training consists of the development of active listening skills, group dynamics and confidentiality; and groups are facilitated several times a year. Volunteerism enhances and enriches Clarington as a caring community. Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Clarington 183 Educational opportunities such as COPE's Distinguished Speaker Series are also offered, as is • community awareness events. Programs are determined by local need and organized by the local Program Manager with the support of volunteers. COPE is accessible with satellite locations throughout Durham Region and referral criteria that is inclusive and is non-diagnostic. Approximately 57 % of all 2009/10 referrals in Clarington were generated by a self or family referral. COPE is well established within the Region's health care services as indicated by 3&% of 2009/10 referrals coming from the health care system that includes acute care hospitals (i.e. Crisis Intervention Services, discharge support planning), family physicians, psychiatrists, community-based mental health services, and case management programs. The COPE Program has received small percentage increases (i.e. 2% for 2001012011) in base funding from the MOHLTC in the last five years. MOHLTC guidelines prevent community mental health programs from charging fees for services for which the Ministry provides funding. A significant gap remains between MOHLTC funding for COPE and the actual cost of the program. With the existing gap plus increasing costs of operating not being adequately supported by MOHLTC, additional funding sources have become increasingly important to sustain COPE program services. The in-Home Respite Program in Clarington is part of a region wide service providing caregiver relief to informal/family caregivers caring for frail elderly, adults with dementia or physical limitations. Service is provided in clients' homes by Personal Support Workers for a minimum of three hours providing personal care, homemaking and a safe environment to the receiver of care. At the same time, this service provides caregiver relief lowering the risk of illness and caregiver burnout. The Adult Day Program in Clarington is housed under the same roof as the Home Support and COPE Mental Health programs. Community Care Durham offers an integrated program in Clarington geared to our target population. At the Day Program clients participate in social and recreational group activities while receiving assistance with daily living activities in a safe and comfortable home like setting. This program assists in maintaining the participants' maximum level of independence to prevent premature or inappropriate institutionalization and at the same time provides caregiver relief to the informal/family caregiver. The demand for Community Care's In-Home Respite and Adult Day Program services is increasing as adult children, spouses, and other informal caregivers take on the responsibility of caring for a loved one full time. Care needs in the community are increasing as people are being supported to age at home with the help of community based services. Many of our caregivers also work outside the home, in addition to caring for young children. These informal/family caregivers are essential to the health care continuum and need to be guaranteed of affordable respite to continue in their caregiving role. The In-Home Respite and the Adult Day Program services are partially funded through the Central East Local Health Integration Network and the remainder of the cost is made up by a nominal user fee. The Clarington Municipal Grant assists us in offering a further subsidy when the service cost is a barrier for clients. CATEGORY: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall BoardlCom. Centre 8. Amount Requested: 26 265 Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Clarington 184 ,.~. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES ~ NO If YES, please complete the following: 10. YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2010-2011 $26,265 $26,265 2009-2010 $26,265 $26,265 2008-2009 $26,265 $26,265 2007-2008 $25,500 $25,500 Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES ~I NO 11 • If YES, please complete the following: AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED CE LHIN 2010-11 $410,600 $410,600 Total program or association membership in your organization. As of March 31 2010 Home Support -Clarington area Registered Clients 2,033 Registered Volunteers 468 In-Home Res ite-Clarin ton Clients Served 37 COPE -Clarington area Total Registered 11 (1:1); 197 (groups) Clients Served Total clients = 208 Total Service Volunteers 34 Adult Da Pro ram -Clarin ton Clients Served s0 Re istered Volunteers 20 In-Home Respite service is a staffed program and does not utilize volunteers. Application for 2011 Municipal Grant- Community Care Durham-Clarington 185 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNATURE Brent Farr Executive Director Nov 15, 2010 Annamaria Maccarone Director, Home Support Nov 15, 2010 This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 i • ;/ ~/ Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Clarington BUDGET INFORMATION 186 REVENUE SOURCE 2009110 2010!11 2011/12 2012/13 2013114 Final Bud et Draft Bud et) Draft Bud et (Draft Bud et (Draft Bud et) GRANTS - 374,074 410,600 410,600 410,600 410,600 FED/PROV MUNICIPAL GRANT 26,625 26,625 26,625 26,625 26,625 MEMBERSHIPS REGISTRATIONS FUNDRAISING 16,500 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 OTHER :Donations 34,500 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 OTHER: uw a cs~ 23,363 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 OTHER: Client Fees 8 444 193 197,000 197,000 197,000 197,000 Reimbursable Subsidies , LAST YEAR SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE 668,506 710,225 710,225 710,225 710,225 EXPENDITURES 2009110 2010111 2011/12 2012/13 2013!14 Final Bud et) (Draft Bud et) Draft Bud et) (Draft Bud et) DraftBud et) SALARIES 366,500 370,165 370,165 370,165 370,165 BENEFITS 67,349 68,022 68,022 68,022 68,022 FACILITY RENTAL 20,300 42,500 42,500 42,500 42,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 14;049 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 TELEPHONE 7,200 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 ADVERTISING (and vol. 9 830 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 recruitment& recognition) , MAINTENANCE (and van 43,400 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 expenses and insurance OTHER: (Staff Training and Reimbursable Subsidy) 16,753 18,238 18,238 18,238 18,238 OTHER: (Program Costs) 123,125 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 668,506 710,225 710,225 710,225 710,225 SURPLUS 0 0 II o ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. Application for 2011 Municipal Grant -Community Care Durham-Clarington lE7 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM REPORT ON CLARINGTONHOME SUPPORT SERVICES Period: April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 # of clients served (discrete) 1,462 # of volunteers on file 466 Service Service Numbers Individuals Served Meals On Wheels 14,803 meals 186 (Hot & Frozen) Transportation 18,867 one way trips 543 Luncheon Out .2,681 meals (including 528 entertainment in a social settinp~ Friendly Visiting 5,706 visits ** 243** Telephone Reassurance 13,261 contact calls ** 196** (Security Checks) Home Help 6,658 hours 64 Home Maintenance 2,320 hours 227 Foot Care 3,267 appointments 507 *" The difference in units and clients served (when compared with. statistics reported prior to 2007-08) that is noted in the Friendly Visiting and Telephone Reassurance services has occurred as a result of changes to how information is now reported to the Ministry, as per the 'new OHRS (Ontario Health Reporting Standards) definitions of a unit of service. 188 Thursday, November 04, 2010 Members of Clarington Council 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville ON L1C 3A6 To the Members of Clarington Council: ~~ NOV 0 r~ ?010 MUNlCrPgUT~,of f/NANRf~RlNGTpN I am writing this letter to introduce myself and The Firehouse Youth Centre. Although there aze some familiar faces on council, there are also new ones! Congratulations on your recent election success. I have been Coordinator of The Firehouse Youth Centre since 2008 and feel lucky to have such a supporting community. Over the last three yeazs, I have been grateful for everything we have received. The Firehouse operates four nights a week on a "drop-in "basis and youth are able to access our after- schoolprogram free of charge. We aze open 3pm-8pm (Thursday-Friday) and offer adult-supervision. In addition to our annual events, such as Battle of the Bands and Fright Night, we organize youth nightly into fun and meaningful activity while educating them about the benefits of fair play and healthy habits. We offer one-on-one support to youth that maybe struggling with the challenges of life and if additional support is required we have qualified staff and volunteers that can help youth access further assistance. The Firehouse has been a part of the Clarington community for over 10 yeazs! Thank you for your continued and much appreciated support! Brad Arbour Firehouse Youth Centre Coordinator 905-623-6814, ex. 32 brad. arbouri a1 j hsdurham . on. ca 189 • WHAT IS THE FIREHOUSE? The Firehouse is a drop-in after-school program open 3pm-8pm Tuesday-Friday. WHERE IS THE FIREHOUSE? The Firehouse is located @ 132 Church St in Bowmanville under the water tower. WHAT CAN YOU DO AT THE FIREHOUSE? Youth can use the centre for sports, Internet, snacks, and to meet new people. WHAT ACTIVITIES ARE OFFERED? Youth of all ages aze welcomed to enjoy the use of our pool table, basketball court, hockey nets, online computers, and Nintento Wii. In addition, the youth centre has plenty of baseball gloves, footballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, boxing bag/gloves, and more. WHO WORKS AT THE FIREHOUSE? The Firehouse is adult-supervised by staff that are subject to criminal reference checks and are CPR/First Aid certified. Adult supervision promotes apro-social environment. HOW MUCH DOES ALL THIS COST? The Firehouse Youth Centre offers all of the equipment for use FREE OF CHARGE! HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Are you a high school student? Do you need to complete your community service hours to graduate? The Firehouse Youth Centre is a registered charitable program and by volunteering at our centre you can work towazds completing your school hours. WHAT EVENTS DOES THE FIREHOUSE HAVE? Throughout the summer months The Firehouse visits places like the Science Centre, Blue Jays games, PAINTBALL, The Zoo, WONDERLAND, Mirvish productions, Cineplex and more! Our summer coordinator organizes games, events and trips for you free of charge! Each and every Christmas we have a Volunteer Appreciation Christmas Dinner In addition to these fun events there are othef exciting things we do throughout the yeaz such as PIE IN THE FACE, Ball Hockey Tournaments, Wii Tournaments and more. HOW CAN YOU FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION? Call 905-623-6814 (ex 32) or email brad.arbour~~ihsdurham.on.ca 190 PLEASE PRINTlTYPE SUBMIT ORIGINAL T0: MUNICIPALfrY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of Organization/Association: SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Novembec5, 2010 The Firehouse Youth Centre clo John Howard Society of Durham Region 905-623-6814 (ex. 32) NAME TELEPHONE 132 Chumh Street ADDRESS~POST OFFICE BOX Bowmanville Ontario L1 C 1 T5 TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: Brad Arbour, Coordinator HOME #: NAMElPOSITIDN WORK #: 905.623-6814 (ex. 32) 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES ~ NO If yes, when? 06112199 (~'~Nr) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES ~ NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. The Firehouse Youth Centre is a °drop-in"after-school program operating four nights a week. Youth are invited to access resources which include both our staff and recreational resources. Staff provides support to members during recreational activities, teaching them teamwork skills, fair play, etc as well as supporting them with life issues such as relationships, family, etc. Some of the recreational resources include, but are not limited to: basketball, hockey, ping-pong, pool, online computers, Nintendo Wii. We provide use of our resouroes free of charge. Throughout the year, our staff and volunteers work to obtain donations and in-kind contributions to benefit our youth. We plan annual excursions to events and attractions that our youth would not typically have the privilege to attend. (For example; Science Centre, Blue Jays game, Oshawa Generals game, paintball, Mirvish Productions etc.) This year, we have begun to offer workshops for our members and youth volunteers that address topics such as "Healthy Relafionships" and "Effective Communication." In addition, we provide referral for youth that are in need of . more support than. a listening ear. Youth are referred to access assistance for employment, housing, relationships, etc. C:1Documents and Settings~Brad Arbour~Local SettingslTemporary Internet FileslContent.IE51MTLZMOFH12011 Grant Application.doc 191 Youth get involved in their community by volunteering their time at the centre, assisting with the daily operations or by getting involved with events such as Battle of the Bands, Fright Night, and our Annual Christmas Dinner. The Firehouse hosts local talent with "Band Nights" and "Open Mic Nights" allowing youth to utilize the centre as creativ~ outlet and sometimes a means to fundraise for equipment or charities that are important to them. Again this scho year, we have a partrrership with Bowmanville High School's Leadership class. The students plan programs and events with the help of their teacher and our Co-ordinator. 6. Describe how the programslservices provided by your Organization wrill benefit as a result of Municipal funding. The funding received by the Municipality of Clarington directly goes to the continuation of the after-school programs and services provided by The Firehouse Youth Centre. The Firehouse could not function without the support of the Municipality of Clarington. The core funding for a full time staff allows all the other great things to happen. This position ensures a safe and supervised program in a place when? youth feel they belong. The Firehouse provides the youth of Clarington a venue to engage in pro-social relationships and activities. CATEGORY: (Cirole One} Recreational Social Civic Hall BoardlCom. Centn: 8. Amount Requested $47, 500 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES ~I NO If YES lease com lete the followin YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2010 $47,500 $47,500 2009 $45,000 $45,000 2008 $45000 $45000 2007 $40000 $40000 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municpal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES NO ~l [L J If YES lease com lete the followin AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED Ministry of Health Promotion 2010. $2,445 $2,445 C:1Documents and SettingslBrad ArbourlLocal SettingslTemporary Internet FileslContent.IE51MTLZMOFII12011 Grant Application.doc 192 11. Total program or association membership in your organization. 180 members (January 1110.October 31110) 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the infonnation provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Ogganzation,-which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNATURE ~iO ~l /~cd n ~ /va ~ ~ , o A~ ~~nj~i~ois C/,~,~~1 ~~s~~ s,~ This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. ~~. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 • J C:~Documents and Settings113rad Arbour~L,ocal SettingslTempordry Internet FileslContent.IE51MTLZMOFH~2011 Grant Application.doc 193 BUDGET INFORMATION (HIGHLIGHTED FIGURES INDICATE ANTICIPATED AMOUNTS) REVENUE SOURCE 2009 (see attached) 2010 2011 GRANTS - FED/PROV NIA 2,445 N/A MUNICIPAL GRANT 45,000 47,500 47,500 MEMBERSHIPS NIA N!A N/A REGISTRATIONS NIA NIA NIA FUNDRAISING $10353 $10500 $10500 OTHER (SPECIFY) COFFEE HOUSE $542 $500 $500 UNITED WAY $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 LAST YEAR SURPLUS/DEFICIT $303 $1985 $1985 TOTAL REVENUE $65,592 $68,960 $66,515 EXPENDITURES 2009 2010 2011 SALARIES - FULL TIME $37,759 $38,036 $38,036 SALARIES - PART TIME $5,799 $8,245 $5,800 FACILITY RENTAL $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES $702 $500 $500 TELEPHONE $0 $100 $100 PROGRAMMING $0 $1,750 $1,750 MAINTENANCE $1,010 $1000 $1000 OTHER (SPECIFY) CPP/EIlAdministration $16,861 $16,864 $16,864 Mileage $869 $700 $700 Fundraising/Events $2135 $2000 $2000 Food $373 $400 $400 Client Assistance $220 $100 $100 Workshops $599 $0 $0 Bank Charges $250 $250 $250 TOTAL EXPENSES $67,577 $70,945 $68,500 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ~ 2009 ~ 2010 ~ 20 C:1Docuxnents and SettingslBrad ArbourlMy DocumentslGrant Applications~Ivlunicipality~2011 Grant Application.doc 194 JHS OF DURHAM REGION AAPI Income Statement with Breakdown ~rthe Period Ending03/31/2010 ~ted 4/1/2010 10:25:D3 AM partments: Dept CLY - CLARINGTON YOUTH _. `F(INI3RAISIIcIGFLARE 600 ,=: 600 ., MUNICII'ALrfY OF CLARINGTON 45,000 , 45,000 ;UI1'EDI~AY'' O1Wt~ ., 10 q00 ~. YO,tIQO _ () - DONATIONS CHRISTMAS DINNER 500 500 _- -..,- ( ) ?~ONA'I'IflI95`SERE>vLUES 2,500 : ..: ::2,5{10 ~); ,,:, DONATIONS PRIVATE/BUSINESS 788 1,500 712 Total Revenues 90 65,895 66,500 605 r:ni,iar wvtcanna ~jtl 5,799 5,800 ] CI'I'~I. 4351 5,225 ,$.227 Y ~: JHSO AD69N1ST'RATION 154 5,590 5,592 2 •' 33G::: 6,046 fi;0~1~ (~) OFFICE SUPPLIES ___. 702 500 .... (202) _._ r~IILEAGE _ 73 788 700. ~ ~', ~SBj : MII,EAGE -FLARE 81 S1 .. . :: T£sI,I~I<f7~1E~ :: _ _ _ r 100 100 RENT 56 _ 1,000 , 1,000 ( ) _ ._ ___ REPAIRS:&IvIAII•1TENANCE_ ],010 1,OD0 ~1D~, CHRISTMAS DINNER 490 .. 500 .._.. _ 10 _.... __ i 10RATSII~IG 13f45 ? ` 3.640 , ., ~~'. CLIENT ASSISTANCE 220 220 FOI)I5 ` 22?: 373 r 2901 ~g3){ WORKSHOP FLARE 599 _ _ 600 1 BANK CHARGES 3&- _ 250: 250 Total Expenses 4,796 67,575 67,302 (273) Net Earnings(Loss) (4,706) (1,680) (803) S77 - Page 1 Current Month Current YTD Totat Budoet Budget Balance 195 m: Taylor, Nancy ~t: Thursday, December 02, 2010 8:43 AM To: Lynch, Heather Subject: FW: Newcastle Hall 2011 Budget Attachments: 2011 - 2015 Income:xls; 2011 - 2015 Operating.xls; INCOME 201 Lxls; Operating Budget , 2011.x1s _ __..,-- ----_..__ _ ._,...d_ From Gabrielle Bell [mailto gabriellebellC~rogers.coml Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 7:22 AM To: Taylor, Nancy Subject: Newcastle Hall 2011 Budget Good morning Nancy Thank you for the information you gave to us last night. Although some of us have heard it before it is always good to heaz it again so it is not forgotten. I was pleased to have one of my boazd members there to heaz what kind of information we get from these meetings first hand. I have attached our budget for 2011 as well as the 5 year plan. Gabrielle Bell Events Coordinator Newcastle Community Hall 905 987 3856 ~m: Taylor, Nancy t: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:22 PM To: 'Gabrielle BeII' Cc: Lynch, Heather Subject: RE: 2011 Budget That would be fine. We will note what your draft request is in the meantime. Thanks, Nancy ~----_ From: Gabrielle Bell (mailto•gabriellebellC~rogers.coml Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:03 PM To: Taylor, Nancy Subject:-2011 Budget Hello Nancy In response to your letter requesting budget by November 5 2010. We do have the budget done but it does have to be passed at our next meeting which is not until November 23. The Hall is not requesting anymore support than in the past few years of $13000.00. Is is alright for us to send our final figures after the budgetis passed on the 23rd? ~ank you Gabrielle Bell Events Coordinator Newcastle Community Hall 905-987-3856 196 2011 - 2015 Income.xls 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CONTRACTS Lions Masons ! I YWCA Historical Society Bowling Alley SUB TOTAL 18520 18890 19267 19652 2D045 AUDITORIUM Chamber of Commerce Auctions Lions Fiddlers Weddings/Dances Chairs SUB TOTAL 58200 60528 62949 65467 68085 MEETING ROOMS Miscellaneous Storage Space I Kitchen Usage SUB TOTAL 4380 4467 4556 4647 4739 GRANTS 13000 20000 20000 25000 25000 I TOTAL Oct '09 Bank Balance 10000 6000 6000 6000 6000 GIC 5420 TOTAL 109520 109885 1112772 120766 123869 Increase Contact Income 2% each year Increase Auditorium Rentals 4% each ear • • 197 i~ 2011 - 2015 Operating.xls 2011 2012- 2013 2014 2015 WAGES: Custodial 35963 36652 37415 38163 38926 Hall Coordinator 22503 22953 27300 27846 28402 Vacation Coverage 1280 1305 133t 1357 1384 Benefits 4000 4080 4161 4244 4329 Dental/Medical 3700 3774 3849 3926 4005 SUB TOTAL 67446 68764 74056 75536 77046 UTILITIES Gas ' 9000 9900 10980 11979 13176 Hydro 8800 9680 10648 11712 I 12884 Water 1500 1650 1815 1996 2196 Bell/Cell 1920 2000 2000 2100 2100 SUB TOTAL 21220 23230 25443 27787 30356 MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal 2500 : 2500 2500 2500 2500 Carpets/Gardening 1000 1000 I 1000 1000 1000 Closings 5500 5600 5600 5700 5800 Office Supplies 1000 1000 1200 1200 1200 Hall Repairs/Supplies ' 8000 8800 9700. 10700 11800 Bank Charges ', 500 550 600 650. 700 Advertising 2000 2100 2205 , 2315 2431 Miscellaneous 500' 500 600 600 600 i i SUB TOTAL 21000 22050 23405 24665 26031 TOTAL 109666 i 114044 122904 127988 133433 CAP EXP 2010 - 2013 1. Painting 3000 2. Outdoor PA s stem 2000 198 s~~.n u~~.vm~ w ~ i ACTUAL 2009 BUDGET 2010 EST 2010 I BUDGET 2011 CONTRACTS Lions 1689 1727 2343 1793 Masons 2860 2918 2918 2833 YWCA 10703 10661 11294 10528 Historical Society 877 894 929 869 Bowling Alley 1511 1539 1541 1497 Model Train Assoc 1000 ' 1000 SUB TOTAL 17640 17739 19025 18520 AUDITORIUM Fiddlers 1696 4500 C of C/BIA 2263 2300 1555 1500 Auctions 5488 5500 5160 3700 Lions 3623 3000 3270 3000 WeddingslDances 38409 40000 47908 43000 Chairs 1350 1950 2711 2500 SUB TOTAL 51133 52750 60604 58200 MEETING ROOMS Miscellaneous 2000 2000 750 750 Storage Space 600 630 630 630 Kitchen Usage (new) 5000 522 3000 SUB TOTAL 2600 7630 1902 4380 TOTAL 84373 78119 81531 81100 Bank Balance 1/10/09 6258 6258 16309 10000 GIC 9415 9415 5420 5420 Municipality 13000 13000 13000 13000 TOTAL 100046 106792 116260 i 109520 • O 199 Operating Budget 2011.x1s • (. BUDGET 2010 TO DATE 'EST 2010 BUDGET 2011 WAGES: Custodial 16.32/hr 33945 30144 33946 35963 6% (17.29/HR) Coordinator 16.65/hr 20828 21571 22503 4% (17.31/H4) Vacation Coverage 2121 1280 1280 Benefits 4500 12220 3799 4000 Dental/Medical 3500 4015 2976 3700 SUB TOTAL 64894 46379 63572 67446 i UTILITIES Gas 11000 5988 7054 9000 Hydro 9000 6998 7998 8800 Water 1010 851 1042 1500 Bell/Cell 1260 633 1203 1920 SUB TOTAL 22270 14470 17297 21220 MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal 2500 735 P 1000 2500 Carpets/Gardening 1000 349 438 1000 i Supervision 5500 3679 4929 5500 Office Supplies 1000 591 792 1000 Hall Repairs/Supplies 8000 6562 7562 8000 Bank Charges 400 340 460 500 Advertising 1700 1857 1983 2000 Miscellaneous 500 79 1029 500 GST/HST 2100 4215 6183 n/a ! SUB TOTAL 22700 18407 24376 27000 TOTAL 109864 79256 I 105245 109666 CAPITAL ITEM Montague Trust Fund Original Principal 1983 Available Interest 10139 Balance Sept 2009 20139 Irene Rinch Trust Fund Original Principal 2007 Interest to 07/09 Balance at 31/09/09 160331 Up to $25,000.00 has been allocated to the Herita a Garden atio portion) Project: zoo SUBMIT ORIGINAL T0: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTlTYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of OrganizationlAssociation: 6.5 TELEPHONE ~iy • SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 5, 2010 3 TOWN ~ PROVINCE - POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: NAMElP cmoN I//oL6~ /~.~JIJJ/~E/ZI/~ G~ 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO' If yes, when? (ddlmmyy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. H:~2011 Budget~2011 Grant Application.doc ~nvr - -~ cueu MUNICIPALITYOFCLARIN6TON FINANCE 6. Describe how the programslsen+ices provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. ~/ i ~ . G zol 7. CATEGORY: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Bbard/Cbm. Centre d 8. Amount Requested %li, 06G. UCH 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formedy the Town of Newcastle)? YE5 Y NO If YES, lease complete the followin YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 00.7 .~ G~ooo.oo g G o U-~ o (jtl ~ lJ. UD~~o ~ l1G,UC) o~'D ~ O p~t~ ©J ~ D •~_©O 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES NO YES, please complete the followin AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED 11. Total program or association membership in your organization. H:~2011 Budget~2011 Grant Application.doc 202 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and i. endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. NAME TITLE DATE SIGNATURE ~rr~ ~ S~ - % ~ , ~' ~~~ o: d - S~ -~ ~~~/~~ This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fscal year. 14. Please return application form to: ~I Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street • ' Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 H:~2011 Budget~2011 Grant Application.doc 203 ORONO CEMETERY BUDGET INFORMATION for 2011 REVENUE SODURCE 2009 2010 2011 GRANTS -FED/PRO MUNICPAL GRANT 10,000 10,000 10,000 MEMBERSHIPS REGISTRATIONS FUNDRAISING INTEREST 5600 6000 6000 LAST YEAR SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE .15,600 16,600 16,600 EXPENDITURES 2009 2010 2011 SALARIES -FULL TIME 40000 40000 40000 SALARIES -PART TIME , 3600 3600 3600 FACILITY RENTAL TELEPHONE ADVERTISING 300 300 300 MAINTENANCE 8000 8000 8300 OTHER (SPECIFY) BANK CHARGES 200 200 200 OTHER(SPECIFY) NICHE 3800 TOTAL EXPENSES 55900 52100 52400 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2009 2010 2011 • 204 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .2011 DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET 2011 Summazies 205 Corporate Services 216 Clerks Department 220 Finance Deparhnent 226 Emergency Services 228 Engineering Depaztment 238 Operations Depaztment 290 Community Services 312 Planning Services 333 Clazington Public Library 337 2os " - MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Capital Expen diture Summa ry & Forecast 2011 2012 2013 2014 ' 2015 TOTAL 16 CORPORATE SERVICES 416,100 - 335,000 335,000 335,000 310,000 1,731,100 19 CLERK'S 88,750 6,100 - 35,000 - .129,850 21 FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 28 EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE 929,000 2,272,000 2,097,000 1,312,000 687,000 7,297,000 32 ENGINEERING SERVICES 8,996,100 12,603,700 6,621,700 9,913,700 13,168,700 51,303,900 36 OPERATIONS 2,892,800 4,429,800 3,314,300 3,572,500 4,529,500 18,738,900 42 COMMUNITY SERVICES 549,000 829,500 1,479,000 492,000 452,500 3,802,000 50 PLANNING SERVICES 823,000 1,085,000 1,105,000 1,130,000 1,148,000 5,291,000 62 LIBRARIES 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 975,000 TOTAL 14,904,750 21,771,100 15,162,000 17,000,200 20,505,700 89,343,750 • 206 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Capital Funding Summary by Source TOTAL 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Expenditures 89,343,750 14,904,750 21,771,100 15,162,000 17,000,200 20,505,700 EMernal Financing (657,300) (607,300) - (50,000) - - Tax Levy (22,641,520) (3,761,626) (4,568,236) (4,479,586) (4,840,786) (4,991,286) Reserves (1,696,500) (453,500) (457,000) (260,000) (263,000) (263,000) Reserve Funds (33,884,680) (5,298,623) (7,021,121) (8,362,664) (6,266,971) (6,935,301) Development Charges (30,463,750) (4,783,701) (9,724,743) (2,009,750) (5,629,443) (8,316,113) TOTAL - - - - - • 207 • a N ~ e 6 ~ _ w 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S S a ~ ~ ~ ~ a m° ~ s 8 S 8 ~ o Z E N F1 m Ri O N + U b O O O o O O O O pp ~O N_ O ~ a O 0 p ~ W _ 6 C I ~ N N 0 W C 0 ~ C p y ° p m ~ 2 CI 0 Ol O S S ~ ~ h m r ° of ri ~ o ~ q !%I o ro b N ~- M m m C W 0 p p O LL O O O O q N p N O p 0 E . 0 W z N C N ° ' m 8 S ~ m L ~. c e - a a LL R OI ~. 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W_ O O ~~ J ~^ O t+OJ M~ N~~ V O V iNG W ~ A L M~~~ F rO m 0~ cND fND F O A ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ O ~ F 215 216 C Y rn E L 'L d ~'' !a a1 N U v a ~ 3 d p m ~ w .~+ .C f6 O. N w .U V ~ C ~O a N W tl W N w ~ ~ a o O N () y m 5 m a m c ~ m w a ~ A t ~ U m y N 9 N C N d LL N Z m N d tD O C C d V C W ._ LL d 9 J C J j LL m U 0 U N O a c E r O O O O O (D ~ ~ O O 0 0 o in r O f00 O CJ 0 0 0 0 o ° °o ° o m ~ m N ~- V 3 `m 0 i6 _ o ~ N N W O W ~ `m ~ O U > W E E _N w y U o U o U' ~ W H W ~ o Q Q o N 0 m o K O K O a O N m `° m co cNO `° C OU U ~ m ~ F O N [1 m N ~' Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment CORPORATE SERVICES ub-Department IT 217 CORPORATE WIDE($170,000): Contingency; Server upgrades; replacement printers; replacement workstations; Upgrade radios to remotes; Upgrade switches for VOIP at remotes; Upgrade UPS's; Additional storage; replacement phone sets. CORPORATE SERVICES ($5,000): replacement monitors; replacement laptops (Admin/Communications); EMERGENCY SERVICES ($16,000): Upgrade phone system; replacement laptop. ENGINEERING ($1,000) Remote solution for inspectors (laptop). COMMUNITY SERVICES ($1,OOD): LCD projector. ~$ ($6,500): Handheld unit & printer for Parking; Intermec barcode reader & printer (archives); Laptops (2) for Animal Services. FINANCE ($1,500) B/W laser for Tax Expenditures Computer Hardware Expenditures Tofal ~nding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Computer Equipment Funding Tofa! 1,061,000 2D1,OD0 220,000. 220,000 220,000 220;000 1,081,000 201,OOD 220,000 220,000 220,OOD 220,000 ,~~iE~1 +~+~ ii `" UU--- ~0=r~DO'~ '~2'd ROA Ii~ia yT g 0~ ~^~~f~~~ {ter ~ s: ~ , -~~..t h. pl~n~I ~,. strme.t..xaw.,a".--,-,O_-.~-t~..~~'~~f E...._.,....~..., ,~_.. _.....~.~.-..t~~.sa.,~~L .-_.____-._. .. _.-.-. __. Sub-Department .. ~. ._._.___-_-'_ -__-_ A .____.-_----..,.. ..___.~. _,.__. _. ;IT Project Approval ;Approved - ' 'Location - `All ' Project Classifcation ~ - ~- ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ - _ ~ ~~ _ _ ,PrograMActivity ,IT- 2004 COMPUTER HARDWARE DC Reference No. ' _ _ 'Road Segment NO. ~~._ .~~.0' °-- .________. _. -w _.___._________ ______ , ~ ~-~ ~~~ ~~ - ~ ~~~ rEzpected Useful Life Project Manager ', ' 156,OD0 11,000 55,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 156,000 71,000 55,000 30,000 90,000 30,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department CORPORATE WIDE ($60,000): Upgrade server software; Citrix remote software solution; Upgrade MS software; CORPORATE SERVICES($7,000): Dreamweaver CS5 (2); Adobe Creative Suite 5. EMERGENCY SERVICES ($1,100) Heavy Diesel Diagnostic Soflwa~e; Photodex Pro Show Gold. ENGINEERING($10,000) Remote solution for Inspectors (LDO). COMMUNITY SERVICES ($30,000): Class Point of Sale module. CLER ($50,000): By-law enforcement tracking, Laserfiche Workflow; Lasertiche upgrade to version -consulting. FINANCE ($24,000): Great Plains enhancements; Vailtec upgrades, Great Plains scripts. Various Expendifures Computer Software Expenditures Tota! Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Computer Equipment Funding Tota! 218 272,500 67,500 70,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 272,500 67,500 70,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 269,600 714,600 20,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 ;Department 'CUr<r~rwit atnvii.^a ,.. _ _ ._. .. ~,_. _ ___ .. ,.___.~_ _ .. ___ ~a __~__._ ......_._ `Sub-Department _ ,,. __- .____ .__. _. _r ..__ _._ _ ,., __ IT ._ ... _. i _. . .._ __ v.... ._ _ _..__ - _._ ProjectApproval Approved -.-.~ . ._.... .... __... ... .__._ ... ... _e _~ 'Location _ ~ ~ __ ., . ._ .._ .._ ._. _ _ ..... _ ,., ._ [ ~ Prgect Classifcation .,.. , ProgramlActivity _ IT-2004 COMPUTER 80 FTWARE __ ...... ,. ^. _ . bC Reference No. _ Road Segment No. 0 __. _..___, ,.. ~._ 'Expelled Useful Life 'Project Manager ,-- - - - -- -- -° -'- IT Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Ion artment Sub-Department CORPORATE WIDE ($33,000): Orthophotos for future years; Durham parcel agreement; Modifications to LDO Expenditures Computer Software 108,000 33,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 • Fxpenditures Tots! Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 219 Department `CORPORATE SERVICES ` ub-Department 'IT _ ~ ~ roject Approval ...._ -.., _. _. ,_m.___ :Approved ____.-~ -___..___ __. .w.~_____ ._ _ ----_._... ... _..__.__ .__.- I ocation --_._.__.. .. ___ __ _ ---_-_____ .__.._..__ _ _f_----____.__~_ roject Classification rogram/Activity PCORP.SERV.-GIS SOFTWARE ._.__._~~.____.___. ., C Reference No ~ oad Segment No. '0 ' xpected Useful Life - .., _ _.._ _ -_ ~, roject Manager .._ ~,. ,. _._ _ ____ _ _.~.,. ._W .~_._ ~ ..__._,..._____ _,___ ..,.-__...__ • IT 220 C y0 ~, C c d „ E L d ~+ U ~ ~- p m ^ T A w w ~ jp d N w 'v V d ~ ~~ O ~ a i• N Y O J N (,) N N C 0 N C ~ d m E O r ~ U d Z ~ ~ C N 3 ~ LL N d N N d N m C C U N C % ~ W ~ LL m a ~ c j LL N U 0 U U 0 a` c N E r n O O O io ~n o '= ri ~ m ~ a N r l~ N N v N M f0 m ` -' ° ° ° o o o 0 0 0 ~ .~... O O O ~ 1~ N M ~ ~ o ~ ~ d L Cn ~ _v N E C Q ~ ~ ~ N E 'c °J U L > w ~ N Q ~+ d a p ~ o E m ~ °o ~ Q 0 Y ~ ~ > o p_ E ~ m °o ~ r W U ~ O Z W ~ J a U c o ~ . ~ `o w 3 m .~ m .a ~ °o ~ m m c x ~ d ~ U o > c" ~ U U °o y Y W Y W Z Q rn ~ rn m j ~ rn m rn m rn m U m O H N a d LL m d O c K Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion ~partment Sub-Department To replace existing dry atAnimal Shelterwith a Wascomat TD30 (301b) industrial natural gas heated tumbledryer. Existing dryernotworkingproperlyandnolongermeetsthelaundryvolumeoftheShelter AnimalControlShelter, LibertySf. South, Bowmanville Expendifures Equipment Expenditures Tota! Funding Reserve Funds Animal Services Capital zu 3 500 3 500 Funding Total. !E#F~,a~;°,~~~tl~~#'~'~101.-,---'.x.~., ...`~-~ ~~:,~_...`~,I ''~ ~'~~I._ r' a.' ..~ i.~..- a„ rs~ ~~m ia,.. u. mn ,u .-. av °^._.w.,.m, ,....,.».. ... _R.#...~,. -Sub-Department ';ANIMAL SERVICES Project Approval 'Not Approved ~ ~ - - _ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ._ ~ ~~ ~~ Location 'All __ _. _ __ _ . __ Project Classification ;Replacement ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Program/Activity . DC Reference No. ;Road Segment No. '0 'Expected Useful Life '6-10 Project Manager • ANIMAL SERVICES Project Version Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 222 Capital Projects 19-190-11001 Buildin Im rovements to Animal Shelter Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • CLERK'S ANIMAL SERVICES Install new central air conditioning. Existing ductless airconditioner units are causing maintenance issues and HVAC service provider has indicated that parts are getting very difficult to source. AnimalControlShelter, Liberty St. South, Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Taz Levy Reserve Funds Animal Services Capital Funding Tofa! 17,250 17 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 15,250 15,250 15 250 15 250 ,~' ?,-'1~~350,r ~.,_...:~~x"~50, .- .:,~` I~,~ ~,_ ~ - - ._, _ .n ..~... _. ..-.~ .r ._ `,Department CLERK'S ...:,...,. _. _ __ _ _ . _. _.. _ _ . ~ _ ......, _ _ ... _ _. _ .... _ ; 'Sub-Department ANIMAL SERVICES _. _. _. _. _ .._ _. .... _ ~~ ._ _... _ -_. _. ,. . ~ ...... _. ... s. `Prgect Approval -° ._ _.._. .,., . .-_... .---°- -__- _-_. __ - . _ _. . - 'Location , . .,. _- _.... _.._ ..._ _ _ ._ _ ._ ... ...... _ .. _. ... _ _..... `Protect Classifcahon ~ Replacement ..__ _ .._ _ .. , _.,.. ~ ...... _ -. . .. -_ ... _. _. ~ ~ ~ 'ProgramlActivity .., ~ _ ... _ .... _. _. ,_ _ _ ..- _ _. _ - -_ ....._ ..... `DC Reference No. ... _ ..... . .. .... .. .~ _. _.. 'Road Segment No ._._ ___ 0 ._ ... , .. _.._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _... _ __ . _ _. _ ._ _ i .__ q _ __ _ .. __.. _..__. .. _ 'Expelled Useful Life _ -__. .. 16-20 ~ ._......_ ...-- - -.. - ~ - -- -- ~ - ~-- `Protect Manager ... _ _ _..... ~ _. .. _ ... .... _. Project ersion partment Sub-Department Municipality ofClarington Capital Projects 19-191-11001 Municipal Law Enforcement Vehicle Capital Plan .Year MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT to add a 4-wheel drive pick up crew cab to the current fleet Expenditures Fleet Replacement . Expenditures Tofa! i Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Operations Department Funding Tota! 223 35,000 .35,000 35,000 35,000 ss,,,,~,-,~~ - j, i;'i~~F~~.r. s+-':r!L~'~ '~~, ~~i} mom` .`.~.itt~=~ii°~i,~:~~~1.~~-~,..,3.~4~1 {~w, ~~ ~Ii .?j 3,500 3,500 31,500 31 ,Department _ ~ 'CLERK'S ;Sub Department .MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT '. .. . ..... .. ... _. _ _.. E ,. .~ . - - --, - - Project Approval ._ _ .._ . _ .. _. I Location Project Classification 'New ., , ... ~ .,~ .... .w . ..._. _ _..,. .._ - .Program/Activity ~ . _ ~- - _ . _. __ . ... _..... _ _. _ .. _ .... ....._ __ ^. DC Reference No. '5.1.1 :Road Segment No. `0 ' Expected Useful Life `6-10 ' 'Project Manager ' CJ Municipality of Clarington Project Version ,epartment Sub-Department Capital Projects 224 19-191-11002 Central Parkin Meter Ca ital Plan Year 2011 CLERK'S New unit to be installed at Newcastle Boat Launch and another new unitto be installed in the Division Street parking lot and that existing 8-year old meterto be transferred to Bowmanville Boat launch along with newsolarpanel. as detailed Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Fundrng Reserve Funds Parking Lot Development Charges 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 Parking 13,500 13,500 13 500 13 500 s d' ~ ? i, Funding Total 41s-'3 iS3f~~Q~~_~ 30'~Q~Qe",.. ,~' _~~. ~ ,. ~ ....~ .. _,._ ~ _ `Department CLERK'S .. .._ _. _. __ _ ._ ... _ _ .._ ...._ . ....._ _. _. _ _ ..._ ,., ., . . °Sub-Department ._..__~... ___ ,.._ MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT _ _ _ ,_ __ _, ,_ _ - _ _.... ~. .-. -~- -~ - - -' n _ .__ __._ _. _ : :Prolect Approval ...~- _.. ..,. .... ....._ _ _. _ .. ~, ._ __ _, 'Location _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ __ ... ~ _ _. __ _ Prolect Classification Re Iacement _ _ __ _ , _ _ _ ~. _ .. _ ... _ - - - -- 'ProgramlActivity . _. _ _ __ ._ _. __ ~ .._ _ ~ .._ _..-.. t ' DC Reference No. _._ 6 2 1 ., ._ _. . ,_ ._ -... _ _..,. _.. _ _ _ .. _ ~.__-m 'Road Segment No 0 .._ . _. ,.. _ _ _ .. _.._ . .... ~..., _ _. _ ._. _ i ', Expected Useful Life ._ .._ ... ~. _ _. _ _ _. -..-. - # ..Prolect Manager _ ...... _ _..._ .... _. ....: • MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project slop ~partment Sub-Department To replace existing counter. The counter is used weeklyto sort and roll coin in the parking enforcement division. MunicipalAdministrativeCentre,4OTemperanceStreet, Bowmanville Expendifures Equipment 3,D00 3,000 3,000 3,000 i ~, Expendifures Total 1~ ~- ; D;~ i ....~~,F~O Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total zzs MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT i• ~• • L71 C ," ~~ ~ f0 p~ U a w ~ O m ~' .`° ,N G. Q A 'v U 'c 7 •.I L d Z" R Q d a w U d .o L a Z Q O W LL N N J U Z 7 W U Q O Z N ~y N N C N a m O N y i a E °' a m O r d U m O d N 2 ~ m ~ m LL N N N N d (6 ~ C ~ ~ V ~ Tr W ~ LL. C ~ LL O > m ~ U N 0 °o C7 U m 0 a C E C n O °o E a Q w m O ? c Q ~ ~ Q W a LL m N N Z N Q ~ J ~ ~ U Q ~ 7 O ~ (/j o N ~ W J ~' -j U ~ N Z ~ LL N N f 0 a LL °= m 7 226 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project X21-211-08100 Unclassified Admin -Other Equipment "~rsion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN Sub-Department UNCLASS. ADMIN. m ~-r u ' "i _,S` v ~ ~ # Fm e '3~eSC~rFF3tlbn , v i+ "c r_. k Project Description: Provision for unanticipated requirements (ie. ergonomic needs, security, etc.) Various Expenditures 22~ Miscellaneous 75,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total 4svriS °-s"°ax-r ( {h >~ ~ ,z ~q ~I ,~ ~ i N'#`: h & t z{T ~ III ~ '~5~ ~ i OOQ ,~,5ygp11 ..35 3, ;, j "~5'P~~~~:~ += : ~ ' ~~ f ~~dl' ' 11 C ~~ ~~p~ ~nding :~. ~ =:.~€.~~ ~ ~ , .,. _ .~,., ,rm. , n .=,,. ~: ,,, , a ~ ,, . .~~r Municipal Tax Lery Municipal Taz Levy 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total 'IDepartment :FINANCE & UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN ' Sub-Department .. ~. ... ~._ .. 'UNCLASS. ADMIN. '. ... . _. _. ~_.. ., ..,. ...__ "___._. . :.~. . .. ... .... .~__. _.___..____.. m,,.,.__ .., Project Approval --.-------__-- .'Approved _ __,._ .~.. ____.. _..__ -- -------______. _w__ ... _.~. _..___... .; Location 'Combination " Project Classification " 'Program/Activity _ _ _ _ _ 'UNCL.ADMIN - 2004 EQUIPMENT " `DC Reference No. Road Segment No. A Expelled Useful Life 'Project Manager • C 0 a./ ~ ~ d ~ E ~C d t+ ~ ~ U a a ~ m ,~ O m ~ • T w ~ f0 Q. N a m ~ ~~ U y . ,C o a • W 0: LL W U C W N Y U Z w r ~ 6 ~ N W I~ !~ a 0 E O1 n m O t U d d w ~ a ~ c y ~ ~ LL N d Z m N p N ~ C ._ ~ U C % N W ~ LL ~ G 0 C ~ 0 LL ~ N Q' "i 0 U 0 0 r c~ d 0 a C C 2 0 0 0 °o a a 0 a O 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ri o v ~ O O O O O O O O O O f0 O O ~ O V V ~ v ~ ° o ° 0 ° ° 0 ° o o 0 o o o 0 o ~ ~ o M m N V O N co m d E d N ~ N O "` W O ' N y ll d U C > U Q Z N E P ° W w O Q o o - O U o a a ~ - m ~ Y m r o o Q m U fq ~° 0 0 ~ Q `m c ~ U m K °' 0 0 ~ ~ E o. W O ~ n o 0 J Q U Q U w ~ N `o m o U ~ m o o ~ F N E J d Z 0 0 ~ U 0 0 r ~ , ~ o o ~ w K LL W U D! y U W (7 ~ ~ ~ ~ W N N .- N ,. N ~ N W J M m ~ w w O N N N N N V N N N N N NJ ~ ~ m A ~ N N M G H O N d ti O zzs Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 28-130-11004 Audio Visual Equipment erslon Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment EMERGENCY SERVICES -.FIRE Sub-Department ADMIN 229 Installation of security cameras at Station 1 and 4 as per Workplace Violence Assessment Station 1 - Bowmanville and Station 4 - Courtice Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofa! 17,000 17,000 17,OD0 17,000 eil jrlti("~~_t~°'A~{~'ii ~.~. ~®'~70,~0 i i~ ~'s~ "' ~'a"-i '~ '.~~~i ~~ ~ i '~`.~i;t !3~"`''.. ~~, {~i Sri ~;' g iris 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 v;ii,+°°I-.39~~1;.. -„-~.a7.~~4Q it ..w«.,~~..~, ,ai ~. _~.aw i__~=~ ~~...,..rt~...aE.:, °s.~.., 71_~i r. ~.._. ~..... 'Depadment "EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE ' - 'Sub-Department _. .;ADMIN -~-m_m_"~ ~-- ~ ._-- ~ 'Project Approval 'Location 'Combination _ .Project Classifcation ;New _ .. ... . Program/Activity _ _. . . , ~ --._. ._ _. --~ ~ -~----__.___ ____ ___.__ 'DC Reference NO. `Road Segment No. `0 ' Expected Useful Lrfe ~ - ,~6-10 ~ ~ _ -- ~- -- '. Project Manager • Project Version Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 230 Capital Projects 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear Ca ital Plan Year 2011 EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE FIRE SUPPRESSION Outfit newfirefighters as per Master Fire Plan as well as replace current gear, as required. Bunker gear costs - $1,500 each Replace 1 set -Station 1; 5 sets -Station 2; 7 sets -Station 3; 2 sets -Station 4; 5 sets -Station 5 Fire Service Management - $10,000 annual for inspection Helmets-$2,500; Boots $2,000; Gloves $1,000; Balaclavas$500=approx. $6,000 annually Headquarters, Station 1, Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tofai Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Taz Levy Development Charges Emergency Services 40,000 40,000 34,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 34 000 6.000 7.000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Funding Tofal 'Department _ ..___. ..___ . ~ 'EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE ' . _.__eu _ .... .. ... .. _. _.__ _.. ___..._ ~ ___. _ ._ .... ___._ ._ ... _ '.Sub-Department 'FIRE SUPPRESSION :Project Approval Approved s 'LOCahon ;All -~ 'Protect Classifcation New ,... .._.. .,. .,. ...- ' Prog ram/Activity 'DC Reference No. ___ ~-~- - - ___ Road Segment No. 0 ..... ._ :Expected Useful Life :.... _.... _ . _..._ __ , 1 5 . ..,. . __ J .... ... .,... ..,, _ _ ..,. _ , 'Protect Manager 240,000 52,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version ~partment Sub-Department SCBA Replacement/Upgrades. Funds required to upgrade and replace SCBA. 6 SCBA's at $6,000 each - 2 SCBA to be returned to Tanker 1 and 4 put on to Rescue 2 when it went to Newcastle Additional Masks - $2,000 Posi Chek 3 Software Upgrade -used forfit testing- approx. $2,000 All Stations Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tofal ending Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofa! 231 110,000 40,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 15;000 110,000 40,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 °''yi6r 79'b b¢d~~~'OpOd .. ..~~,a, 9$~~-.~;`15``~UU'~" I~.~,~, __ O''iiu ~~. ~~,:1~ 7i _ ,,!",. i E,i,=,i ':Department 'EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE ' Sub-Department _._- ,. __.. __.._ `FIRE SUPPRESSION ... _ ,- _...,. ... _. .___ _____ _ :.. _...... .. .. .. .. .. ... ,. _.w___ Project Approval ~... . _._. -----.__ NOt Approved - ' _'_ _. _. _.. .. .__ _. ._.. .. s._ _ .. .~.._~..----------__._. ._.. . Location __.. ~---------. '.All .. _ ~ __..__ W.. ... __- ... ,. ._ _.__._"----- -._._._. .. -__ ;Project Classification ~.__.___.__.._ ..... . 'Replacement ` -._ ....P ____._.. .____... .._. .__. _._ ~~-_.~~~-_--~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ `Program/Activity ' ' DC Reference No. .. _ .. . ... _ _ ._ .._ _ ._ __ _ _. _ _. _ _ _.._ _ -s. _ ._ _ - . _ _ _. 'Road Segment No. . `D ' _. Expected Useful Life '1-5 ' - .. ._ :..._ ... _... ..... _. Project Manager = • FIRE SUPPRESSION Municipality of Clarington Project Version Department Sub-Department Replacement ofworn/defectivefirefightingequipment, such as nozzles, hose, ladders, extrication equipment etc. that has become damaged orworn All stations Erpendifures Equipment Expendifures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 232 °°Department '.EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE ~'Su6-Department ,FIRE SUPPRESSION '.Protect Approval __ _ __, Approved _ ._ ___w _..,.. ._., _ ., -~._.... .___. ...___ .,_ _. .__ _ . . _. ....,..__ 'Location All .__; `Project Classification ~- _ _ .._.._ ~ __, Replacement m_ .. -__ -. __ _ _ _. .__ _ _Program/Activity _. _. ... .. ., _,__ ._ _-- a .__ _._ __.. __ ... DC Reference No. .. - `Road Segment No. , _ 0 _... "Expected Useful Life ~~ _ 1 5 _ _ ..... _ . ~ Project Manager .. FIRE SUPPRESSION Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 233 Version Capital Plan ~ Year 2011 ~partment EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE Sub-Department FIRE SUPPRESSION =r - ~ ..,,.....;~ i .e ...,. e_1. ~` ?E.. i~ .,~«. X4..7 ~ ~~ ~ ...`;,, DeS,C~'f .,k~n r ¢C'w: ! ~,-~..~ ~ ,i a° ~e> ~ Project Description:' Required portable radios, replacement batteries, chargers, etc. In 2013 Radio System Replacement All Stations Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tafal i unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program General Municipal Purposes Funding Tofaf 345,000 15,000 10,000 345,000 15,000 10,000 300,000 10,000 10,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,0oo,ooD 1,000,000 °Department ..._ _-__ ., _.. '.EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE _ _.. _. .. _._..__. .. .~. _. _.__, _. -._ ~_'__-_._____T._.___.__._________ Sub-Department 'FIRE SUPPRESSION Project Approval ;Approved 'Location All `Project Classifcation 'Replacement 'Program/Activity _ ------ _.__. _____m .. __._e _____. _-...., ..-.._.._ _,__. ~ _ __~--~-_~-~___~'~ 'DC Reference NO. _..-....____~____.._,_ ' ' _.. ~_.. .._____ _t .... _ _. .,. ... .. Road Segment No. ......_- _.r _._.. ___.__. __ _ ; '.0 ..; ~ _.__--------- -. - _ ~ _._._ .-.,-_ __.... -__-. ... .. __ ~ "Expected Useful Life .. _ _._ , . _. . '.1-5 ._ .. ..e __.__ __.. ,,.. ...._. .. s._ . .. _ Project Manager , ~ " • Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version department Sub-Department Replace Bauer Compressor- an aging unit that is 22 years old Station 1 - Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Fire Equipment Funding Totai 234 70,000 70,000 'Department EMERGENCY SERVICES-FIRE ,. ; '.Sub-Department FIRE MECHANICAL- ',Protect Approval ~. _..~w~ ______. .. ...._,. __. .. .__ .,____ _.._ _.~,.~~_ _ _._ .__ _.___ -'---.. `Location All ' 'Project Classification Replacement . _. - 'Program/Activity .,. ~- i 'DC Reference No. ,.... :'Road Segment No. 0 _ - - .Expected Useful Life 21 25 - -- `Project Manager FIRE MECHANICAL Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 28-388-11002 New Pumper 2 Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 '•partment EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE Sub-Department FLEET New Pumper- Pumper 2 for Full Time crew at Station 2. Truck should be fully equipped Station 2 -Newcastle Expenditures Fleet Replacement 600,OD0 600,000 600 000 600 000 Ex endifures Total '"t i~ fiQ~~IIDII"- 6y~~~0 L ~ ,_,;;, (ham F ~ x~ i ims. ~ §~tu'. ,ice !i4c,~ P Ni, ~.. ~ ' ~ `.~.ki~,.-,, t ,- .. _... .... i tea.-2 ,,.a, ~~',..., , ,-~ , 7 i .»~.~ -,..z, ~~ 'Funding Development Charges Emergency Services 600,000 600,000 Funding Tofai `Department 'EMERGENCY SERVICES FIRE ' 'Sub-Department ;FLEET .---. .-.___ ~......__~, m_.____._ _ Project Approval , ~ .- - - -..._ _ _ _ _. __. ~ _ Location - Project Classification 'New 'Fire - Lic ______.___ ,. ..__..~__. _ ~.. Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. 22.1 "Road Se ment No. _. .... ... r~ _._.._. '0 _ _ __._ ______ .. .... „- .___w ___________.. _„__.._ __i Expected Useful Life . ___._. ____ '.6-10 .. .. _m.. __.- ... ___._____.____ _ .. Project Manager _ 1 235 L.J Municipality of Clarington Project Version Jepartment Sub-Department 236 28-388-11007 Carl Ca ital Plan Year 2011 EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE • FLEET Capital Projects Replace Car 1, 2005 Chev Impala as per Fleet ReplacementSchedule Headquarters Station 1, Bowmanville Expenditures Fleet Replacement Funding Reserve Funds Fire Equipment Expenditures Total 35,000 35,000 35 000 35,000 ~. - ~- r ~ { 'c F p,., ..4 Funding Total ,,~3s0U.(~ _ 3~~0.U', .+t ,.- .. .... .. ..... . .._ ._m ,ii.. , _ I. ~I.. ,.._ ~.u, ;Department `EMERGENCY SERVICES tlRt _ .; 'Sub-Department FLEET _ _ _ ._. .. Prgect Approval -- 'Location 'All 'Project Classifcahon Replacement ... ProgramlActivity _ ,_ DC Reference No. ~ .... ~ -' 'Road Segment No. 0 - ',ExpectedUsefulLife 610 .. - Proied Manager -~- ~-- 35,000 35,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version `•partment Sub-Department 1008 Year EMERGENCY SERVICES -FIRE i FLEET Replace 1992 GMC Sierra 4x4 truck, used for protection of Ganaraska Forest and assist with grass firefighting Station 3, Orono Ezpendifures 237 Fleet Replacement 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Expenditures Tofa/ ~~ i~ '~7~UA0~ "~`~.'...al a ~~v:~-.~ ~,-a T•-=-`it ~ ~;iiia~~~s ~ ~t ii t ., ru++c~. i-~-i ~~ -ir,~*i.?ei~ _ e :r ~3u _ I i,ruN +ry°~a~ ~ ._~;-awc , Funding =~.._ Reserve Funds Fire Equipment 60,000 80,000 60 000 60 000 Funding Total ~`~ ,i ;~Q„~,gAt~ ~0 1 _ , ~ :~ i c ~ ~ " t~`~-:.;,t r:= i 3I '- F ~w .___ ... ..._~- _. ,. .....-.. .. .. ... _...__.~__... ._. _____._ _:... ,_.. _.~_ __ .__ _., .. .,._ .. ... ... _ __..,. _'s 'Sub-Department . . 'FLEET - - 'ProjectApproval .. _ .. .__ .... _.________.____.__ Location ~ 'Ward 4 Project Classification ;Replacement _. _ _ .. . . , . ,. _ 'Program/Activity . .._ . _ ~DC Reference NO. 'Road Segment No. '.0 Expected Useful Life ~6-10 ' .Project Manager .. _. _,. ,_ ..._ .. ...... ..,., _„ .. I 1 ~_ J N N C N d d . ^ C ~ m O1 d N O t U Z -Na d c N ~ ~ LL d d N N OI C U C N C LL C ~ = d D ~ LL C ~ ] ~C ~+ d 'C d {Q ~ ~ ~ U ~ Q- ~ d p I m D ~ r «° a o 16 Q w U m U y o .C Q a W U C W U N N C7 0 z a ~~ W ~ W ~ z E r N N Z O. W p O O O O N O V O O O O N O ~O O N W Y O O W M v m v o O) 0) O) N n ~. N ~ .. v o 0 0 0 o m o 0 0 o co o 0 0 0 o n o 0 0 0 CO N (O O O O O O O O M N O r V O O O O W N N N N r `-' W LO O l0 '-' `-' M M t0 N `-' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - O O O O O O O O ~O ~O O (O O O O O O o ca ~n ci vi o o o ui N „" „" `-' M W O v t0 ` ' N O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o in O o 0 0 0 0 m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O (p ~ W N (D O ~ O i[J ~ O O 0 0 0 ~ N .N N N ~ ~ O ~ M ~ r N N O r N ~ N N C d ~ E d o E a >o o n m E 7 W to (~ Z ~ W Z ~ Z Z ~ ^ Q O O ~ = °~ C7 ~ O r o O M N M ~ ~ = ~ J ~' W ~ ~ N N j g ~ o m ~ ~ in N O ~n o V M N M y ~ Q d N >y ^ y ~ a .N ` o ~ m ~ a O U N O ~ o h M N M - ~ ~ c -O m` - j ~, m D m N O ~ .- h M N M ~ m d ~ ~ N z C O ~ ~ N M N M Y m O .t 3 c ° m O a r O ~ ~ N M N M ~ m `m a ii ~ ~ m O ~ ~ N ~ N M m ~ ^ ~ ~ a. y ^ Q ~ ~ m c ~ 6. ° ^ .~ m m 's Q ~ ~ r ~ 0 O M N M N m C o n t d aci > a (O in 0 O M N M C O O ~ K m ~° ~ m z O n 0 O M N M ~ m ~ l6 ^ y ° ~ o ~ > ~ O d' ~ 0 O CM] N M C o a f m > = m N rn 0 O ~ N M E O a ~ °' o v N ~ O o O M N M ~ c ~ U t0 O 0 O CM] N M V . K h > ~ M 0 O M N M N c j o n E m > oC ~ m` (O 0 O (M~l N M d ~ U E a m ~ N m O O M' N M °' c O ~ ~ °~ N ~ a o ~ .N C U N O O M N M O 2 0 m a 0 a Y ~ M O O M N M W .- M M M M 238 0 N m m N 239 ~ ~ C ~ 87 N V v a ~ m c m o T .~. ~ ~p C. N ~ ~ V •~ U y ,~ ,p 3 a N W U K W N 2 C W W 2 C7 N W N d C d a m C N d N W a s N U d N Z a ~ C N ~ O LL K N N N y d N D) C C ~ U C X N W C LL ~ C C 7 j LL U h 0 0 a d m d D Y1 O ~ O O O m ~ N M (O O O) O V t 0 p r O r N O N O O O vi (D Oi N O ~ O co N N m ~ ~ N r r CJ N O r V - i O W V ^ O O M O !~ O N O O O N O O O f O ~ N N t7 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 o a o 0 o a 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~ N 0 O O> 0 V' N 0 C1 0 (`~ O 0 In W 0 O N 0 m o W m N o N ~ri N ~ M O M O [o, of 0 N ~ Y N H ~ N C a 3 a O y C d ~ c o o E ~ G U C U N O d O N ~ O. N N C ~ /+ O ~ N U N d ~ O ~ C j ~ C O Y N '~ O ._ c N td ~ U N m a 3 E c~~ c E W o m d z m N O d N (.) d f7 U U ~ a N ~ d C N~ LL' 0 a¢ ~~ O a Z N~ N W. O N ~ f0 O W C. U Q d O N V O Y ~ fn N O H C ~ U ~ ~ N ~~ t ~¢ 3 r m ~ w E Y¢ ° w H O Z ~ V! `m d r t a~~ m. ~ m 3 o m ~ ~ U' lL Z R' ~ f/7 J 0] C7 W' Rl R] L- F Z ~O m _o r h 10 Y N N V ~fJ d Z N O O O O J O O O O Z O O Q O W v¢ in ~ ~ ~ O o ~~ o o W 0 0 0 0 0 o W ~~ p o o Q N? M m M M M CO'J ~ m M m M ~ M m 0 C01 Z N N N N N N y N N N N W N N ~ N W cn m cn m~~ •- M M M m o cn cn oo in m m ~ m c H • N n LL m ~~ L Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project rsion ~partment Sub-Department Enhance the valuable infrastructure information existing in the municipal engineering database. Make this information readily available to municipal and engineering staff through several applications. This will increase effciency in data retrieval. Expenditures 240 Equipment 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total '; ~`fyOQ'l~ ~a;P~I,I,R2i~~D;DO.r~~{11~6flri... ,w,~~5~~~t nf..~~'~„~~~a ~~,=..~.t,-~',~~,..~~.(v,I€ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Tofat '`=~'Ip'~rOH,~Cc~~ 3,01[., z~fl~C~~~ ,=-...a~2,~~i10,~Ok3~00(li~:._~~DIaO~Iw ~'i`~~$'~ ~ ~~~ li~.i.,.. 'Department '.ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department 'ADMIN ' `Project Approval 'Approved ' _._ _ _ ...... _ __ `Location `---------- ~ .~ . ~. __ .. _m .....-- -----. . _ ---.._ __~_ _... ___ 'Project Classification ~ ' Program/Activity `ENG OTHER EQUIPMENT - _, ... _. _ _ __ .... _.. .... , 'DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No 'D _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Expelled Useful Life _ ' ' 'Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Project 'rersion Department Sub-Department Capital Projects 9,000 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 19,000 1,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 241 32-324-05102 Street Li ht Installation -Various Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES The purpose of this project is to provide illumination in accordance with By-law #84-21, "Criteria and Warrants for Street Lighting". Works will include intersection illumination and a section of roadway illumination. Various. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Constmction Expenditures Tofa! Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 186,500 6,500 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 'Department `,ENGINEERING SERVICES -. ButrDepartment STREET LIGHTING Protect Approval ,. _.__ __ ____. `Not Approved ' ..~ ,_ ___,.._- _ ..r _. . _ __ _... , Location Protect Classification . . .._.._... _. _..._ _ ..._ i_ ... ... _ . -- - -,.... _..,. .. ...._ _... Program/Activity ST.LIGHTS IMPROVEMENT VARIOUS ~ DC Reference No _ Road SegmentNo. _ u .. _ ..,... _.. 0 ', ... .. _ _. - _ .._ _ _ _ .. ,. .- _ . Expected Useful Life Project Manager STREET LIGHTING Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-325-07102 Conceptual Related Design -.Park Development 'ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department PARK This project provides funds for the preparation of conceptual park related design by Consultants for various park development projects that may arise during the course of the year. Expenditures 242 Design 75,000 15,000 15,oD0 15,OD0 15,000 15,D00 75,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Erpendifures Tota/ ( . '~'i~ ^:.. ~4 ~~~7; 1'~ O Oj~~j{I;, .' ~ 157 ~K5~R0!~''';`~' ~~~0"~ r! „!'y~~(#9ilr~ki ~ ~ '~~~Q~ ~~ I{~i~~1 .~ , ~ . , ; m. ~ -c= _ .. ~. , .~! ,... _ _~.,_ __.... Funding Municipal Tax Lery Municipal Tax Levy 7,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Development Charges - Eng.-Park Dev. & Facilities 67,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 67,50D 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Funding Total ,. ~°TS i7Qd iil i~S,DeD k5„ifOtr'' 4~''OQi£. ,,~~'~3°D (a` ~ i*-f ~_,~_,'~ .~epei uiroui ov~uvccrtnv~a xr<v wca Sub-Department ~...... _..__. _.___.. .- PARK ' . .. .. ..._ m. ,..__ ... _ ~ _ Project Approval __ _ _____ _ ._. .. __ .. .__._. .... Approved ..__.. .. _ _..~ . Location . Project Classifcation Program/Activity 'CONCEPTUAL PK RELATED DESIGN ~ ~ DC Reference No. ________._... ~ ! . ._,. ... ... , Road Segment No. - _____ ___._____ ._ . .._ _.___ ___.. ... ... ,__. _... _. _s `0 _ ;Expected Useful Life _ . ._ . _ . _. _. _w _ __ .~ _ _ _ _ ' Project Manager ~ _ ' Municipality of Clarington 243 Capital Projects Project ~32 325 111 D2 Bowmanville Valley Bridge and Trail I °tersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 Department ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department. PARK Construction of a pedestrian bridge overthe Bowmanville Creek and 200m of asphalt trail .The project will provide a linkfrom the neighbourhoods on the east side of the Bowmanville Creek to the existing BowmanvilleValleytrail. The trail will connect Nelson Streetto the existing Bowmanville Valley trail justwest of SpryAvenue. Fxpendifures Contract Admin. 13,000 13,000 Design 15,000 15,000 Construction 270,000 210,000 Expendifures Tofal Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital 23,800 23,8D0 23,800 23,800 Development Charges Eng.-Park Dev. & Facilities 214,200 214,200 214 200 214 200 _ Funding TOfaf ~ 3l4.U....~ i `'~~!n, ~~k~2 ., f 1~.=;-..., ,a ... >:~7`. ,.. ~ ,~.,_ i-,.. _ . ._ _.. s . _. `Department ENGINEERING SERVICES ,,, ___ .. ..__~. ... ... .-_..--; Sub Department PARK _ ,,.. _ , .... ....._ . . ..... _.. _ . ..... _. ..._ i 'Prolect Approval .... __ ._ _ .... . _ ... _ _... ._ ....... Location ._ __. _ ~.._ _ _. _ __. ,Protect Classification New _ _, . _. _ _ _ _. _. .. - -- - ~ ~ .- ~ProgramlAchvity ~ .... .... _. ._ .... _. ,.. _ -. --., `DC Reference No. ~_---------- --- - -~°--° Road Segment No. 0 ._._.__, _... ._.~._ -.- -----, _ ;Expected Useful Life ., ._ _ _. _ _ _.... _ _ ._ _ _ _. _ _... _ ._ _ __ .. _. Project Manager ,~ _. ._ _ _ .,. __ ... ~. _ _.. ._ _ Municipality of Claririgton Project '+ersion ~partment Sub-Department Capital Projects J:IEngineennglRon Altiright12011 Budgetl8owmanville Valley Bridge & Trailjpg N W' 'F. S m ~ n3 io m x < m 0°,~~''~ 4y ,b ~Cvy~ ~. 0 St o~~~ V ~~~' t d So~~S P ~e~ Park'Dr BOWMANVILLE VALLEY BRIDGE & TRAIL Pine-St 244 • Municipality of Clarington 245 Capital Projects Project 32-325-11104 Nelson Street Parkette `/ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 Department ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Construction of a .5 ha parkette in the Fairhaven Estates subdivision in Bowmanville. The parkette will include playground equipment, seating areas, landscape planting and walkways. The parkettewill also be the access point to the proposed Bowmanville Valley bridge and trail. This parkette is intended to serve the needs of this new subdivision which is now complete and fully occupied. NelsonStreet, Bowmanville F~cpenditures Design Construction F~cpendifures Tofa/ Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital Development Charges Eng.-Park Dev. & Facilities Funding Total 12,010. 12,010 22,200 22,200 22,200 22,200 199,800 199,800 199 800 199 800 i ~ r - i ~ h - rii i d~3~`.u0M0a. ~. 22;000 . i :.- ..P `III. ~ .t.~ .. ~ .,. .-.1:". a S , .~r. ~ .~:. z,.~ ~ I' I Project Municipality of Clarington .Capital Projects N W' r s' n` ~ ` ~~ m m m ~ x < m o ~/ ` ~~'•° ~~ ~m NELSON ST.PARKETTE Pine-St 246 svy ~y ~be~ ~. ~ ~~~5~ Project 'version Oepartinent Su b-Department Municipality of Clarington x47 Capital Projects 32-325-11107 Port Darlin ton Waterfront Park Ca ital Plan Year 2011 . ENGINEERING SERVICES PARK This projectwill include the construction of a gravel parking lot, trails, boardwalk and seating areas to provide public access to the West Beach portion of Part Darlington Waterfront park. ThesewaterfrontlandshaverecentlybeenacquiredbytheMunicipality. This projectwillfacilitatepublic access to the site. West Beach Road. Expenditures Design Construction Fxpendffures Total Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital Development Charges Eng.-Park Dev. 8 Facilities Funding Total 10,994 10,994 205,006 205,006 216.000 216,000 ~ 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 'Department ENGINEERING SERVICES , ,._ ,. ..... ... .. ... _ _. -. -.,.. Sub-Department PARK _ ._ ._ _.. . _ .. .... .._ .._, ._. ~. ;Project Approval ---~- -~--~- -°- "-" "~ -~' Location ..._ _. _ _ . _ _ ... _. _ ..._ _. _ - - .. 'Protect Classification New _ _._., _ .. ,.. ..... ..... _. _. .. ..... .:; Program/Activity ~~ __ _ _ _. _ .. __ _ .. _. _ DC Reference No. ._ ..,. ._ .., .... ... _ .. .. .... . ...._ _ ..._ _.. _ 'Road Segment No. 0 _ ... _ .... _ ._ ,_..... _.. .... _.. _ -. -- Expected Useful Lrfe _ w..... _ _. ,.,. _. _. _.._ _ .. ....._ _.._ .... m_ _.... ._ .,,. .... .. _ _ . _ ,- .... _ _ _. . ''Protect Manager .... ,.._ ~. ._ _.... .. _. _..,. ~_ _ ... __ _. _ .. ; Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project rsion partment Sub-Department 248 JaEngineeringlRon Albrightl2011 BudgetlPort Dadingfon Waterhont Park.jpg Municipality of Clarington x49 Capital Projects Project 132 325 11109 Leash Free Park No 1 I 'version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • Department ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department PARK This project is to provide a fenced, leash free dog park. It will include the installation of fencing, bag dispensers, dog waste receptacles, regulatory signage, parking lot, walking trails and seating areas. Potential locations for leash free parks will be presented in a future report to Council. To be determined. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Tota! Funding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital Funding Total 120,000 120,000 120 000 120 000 ... I~il`IfQ~ ~;J;1~d6di _`y,iT.'-'+,film., ~~,~._I%:s~,~..,t'.v `f-_~--~-.,tea. _ ,. ~.~' .s,~.. Department ENGINEERING SERVICES _ _ ,,. _, ... _.. _. ._ ._ ._ _ _... _ .. _ Sub-Department 'PARK _. _ ...... ..._ ,. - ; '. Protect Approval ... ._. _. ...._. .. ... ,., ._ _ .... _.. :Location _. ___ __ ~__-- ____i.. __-_.. .. ._. _..._ _.___ ___ 'Protect Classifcation New ,... -. - - - -~- 1 ',Program/Activity _ _ ~ .._ _ _ .._ _ _, . __ -- _~ ',DC Reference No. .__.___ .-_-- - ,----- ~-', __ _ .Road Segment No. 0 ~ --- -- -- -- - -- - ~ - 'Expected Useful Life ,__ _.. _. _.__m ___ __ _ -_ __ ._. ._ ... __ .. __ _. ..-.- .-. 'Profed Manager _. _,... _ ~.. _ ..._ _ .~ _.._. ..- __ . _ _.... .. _. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-05117 Works Associated with Development `iersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 Impartment .ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES zso Enhance the valuable infrastructure information existing in the municipal engineering database. Make this information readily available to municipal and engineering staff through several applications. This will increase efficiency in data retrieval. I Unspecified locations. The project will require ongoing attention to ensure that all information is readliy available in GIS format and that the information is up-to-date. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total i Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Development Charges Roads 8 Related Funding Total 75,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 ~~,iiii,~nsf~.~u~~r~x.I'`a..:.~.rV'rQx~n„DOs>~,.,.~"iy 2D~t1QU~~.,,~.,,.,~?~OrOb~r`~ii~~i20i~.,Q .~,=,.=r.~'~~~.,.. }. j.i i... _i I'. ~: ~!k 40,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 .40,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 -00,000 10,000 35,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 .,i ~ ~~t1p ~ 50~0i ~.tt,PDb ....a ;~6~.00, i1~0~00-p:,;~ 03 ',..~> Iii ;i r .. _., i ~ v~..~____. ..~.r.:. ,_... _ . __ .._~ ,,.,...,_-.,, r-i , Department 'ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department 'ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Approval -'-`-----___ ;Approved ~ ._..~- --"----~ Location r _ Project Classification ..-._ __ ._ ___ __ ` ~- .___, ... .. _. .. r _ ~ 'Program/Activity __ 'WORKS ASSOCIATED WITH DEV. DC Reference No. Road Segment No. i0 '.Expected Useful Life , _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _. _ _ .._ ~~ Project Manager. i~ Municipality of Clarington 251 Capital Projects Project `!ersion Department Sub-Department 11 Year 201 1 I ROADS & STRUCTURES The purpose of this project is to extend the life cycle of road pavement structures by the use of an asphalt overlay in conjunction with asphalt base repairs such as cold milling, pulverization, joint sealing, and full depth crack repair. Unspecified locations: Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Pits & Quarries Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 61 100,000 Funding Total 700 1,968,700 1,993,700 1,993,700 „ r ..,.. 'Sub-Department __ _... ..... ROADS & STRUCTURES _. _ _ . .. __ _. _ .. ~ . -- _ _. _ _~ __ _ '.Protect Approval 'Approved.. ,. _ . ,_ ._ -._ . _. ~...... Location ~ .~ _. _ _. _ . __ _w _.._ ..~ _ . _ _ _ -. _ -- - 'Project Classi5cahon ... .. _. ° .... ~ '.. -" ` -. _Prog raMActivity PAVEMENT REHAB PROGRAM _.,. , , _ _„ , _ _..._ , ..._ _,. -... ~ - ~ _ 7 ~ ~ DC Reference No _. _ _ _ ... ,.. __ ... ~. _.._ _ oad Segment No. _ _ _ ~ . _ _ _ _ -_ ... _ .- -- - _. ...0__ __._ _ - 1,119,96D 200,000 184,370 231,870 251,870 251,870 459,990 92,185 115,935 125,935 125,935 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ` rsion partment Sub-Department 10 Nash Road -Road (Capital Plan I Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES ROADS & STRUCTURES 2007-Design. 2009-The works include road reconstruction, contract administration, utility relocation/installation, services, and road construction to base coarse asphalt. 2011-The installation of the surface course asphalt. This project is in collaboration. with the Region of Durham benefiting both levels of government. Expenditures Contrail Admin. Design ,Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total 9,50D 9,500 4,750 4,750 D 750 80,750 252 95 000 95,000 yp ~a,9~5;O11~ -~5~QQ1X tl;~ hl ~. fill iit~ =i'"{ii'j1 ~ ~K '~ fi(` ~~~"~~ N iA.W. .~'.lv. _sa ...F`i.--~va!t. S...-.... ~ r~ ~a }ks 1.4..-. e..~vn-n... p'h~..~.w.w.......... >.t..t T ~. GI Ad ,..fe ~ ... ®. .._ 4,978 4,978 4,978 4,978 90,022 90,022 90,022 90,022 ?j u .... ' 95 6gtl: "~~ 9.S 0 Q ,._ 'l µ l ~ r ~ - , ~ .>F ':Department 'ENGINEERING SERVICES , Sub-Department ;.ROADS & STRUCTURES Projeil Approval 'approved , ._._._______.~.. _ _ _ 'Location _;...._____ ,._. .m___ ... .. .. _. ,..__..____. _._. -.__.__ ...1 Project Classification ___-. ... .-. ~__. __ _ ._. ~ -._m_..-_-_ . __ _ __. ... .. __~. .. _-- _- -- ~ProgramlActivity :NASH ROAD _ _ _ - ....... ~ ... ~ .. ; DC Reference No. ! '.. 'Road Segment No. '0 ; Expected Useful Lrfe ' _ _ _ olect Manager Municipality of Clarington 253 Capital Projects Project 32-330-07110 Nash Road -Road Reconstruction 4ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • Department ENGINEERING SERVICES - - ~ l A 1 ~ Westmore St Nash Rd f«. N ~ W ~ Y . E C4 ~ Nloyrse=Dr a S' i ~ u 0 CU Gt d ~~ ~~~~0~ ~ L M 'C ~ CreeK d Bta //~ /~ L~ Hwy ~r0. 2 T T nT-r"_~-r ~* f COV ll l l l.li I NASH RD. SURFACE ASPHALT I 1 • JaEnaineennolRon Albnahn2091 Budget Wash Rdjpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department With base course asphalt given an opportunity to settle, 2011 will consist of surface asphalt to complete the existing project. From Ormiston Lane to Millville Avenue, Hampton. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 3,500 3,500 1,750 1,750 '.9,750 29,750 254 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 i~l~'-'35ar,ai~"35,~QOU.,,-,..-...,r.~~:i,`~..,,.,»~I~I',.~~',..r ;i:...} r~ii'~jr.»'.,~~~`....~:..'~.. ~a`+i F,~„.. r riifG: 'Department 'ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ;ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Approval `.Approved Location Project Classification Program/Activity `OLD SCUGOG ROAD `. _ _ 'DC Reference No. ,Road Segment No. a '0 ' .,. ,..__..,. ,__. ~__ _ .... ..._.... ._._... _. _._ ._... .. .. ___ . ___.______._-_____ 'Expected Useful Lrfe __.. , . __ _.,....,._ __,......___. _y-_ `Project Manager '. ~ ` ' ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington 255 Capital Projects Project 32-330-07114 Old Scu o Rd Reconstr. & Draina a Im rovements Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 iepartment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES J:1EngineennglRon Albrightl2011 BudgetlOld Scugog Rdjpg ~ N E ~~ S~ O{~`S~o~ c O~ A`' roF ~~~~ ~~ ~a~ ~5 ~' ~a F co S'` u VeS~ ~ ~ v~ ~~~ ~ ~s~ ~tio HAMPTON OLD SCUGOG RD. SURFACE ASPHALT ~aS~/ Municipality of Clarington Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department 12 Structures Rehabilitation Year 256 Rehabilitation and/orreplacementofstructuresthroughouttheMunicipality resulting from the legislated inspections that occurevery 2yrs on all bridges. Through the HighwayTraffic Act and Bridges Act, Clarington is responsible for ensuring bridges are kept safe and in good repair. Evaluations and priorities are assigned to bridges. Due to variables, results are. fluid from one years inspection to another. Unspecified locations Expenditures Contract Admin. Design .Construction Expenditures Tofal Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Pits & Quarries Reserve Funds Road Contributions Funding Totat 401,200 52,200 76,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 383,800 34,800 76,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 3,115,000 493,000 438,000 728,000 728,000 728,000 3 900 000 580 000 590 000 910 000 910 000 910 000 ;.ata-,q{~ { {{f ~ , N ~~s9t n=bas ~ ~'P ~~~~ ' ~ H I ll(f~h cif "'{ ~-.~Y (II I t t"' ~,s--1 Y'5 ~ I ~ ~ ~ bu= ~„I1~pso I~ ' '= -~ ^ ' ~ z , ~~s l~. , ,r ~ 5„ ~ 4i , ~ n . ~r . u ~ _;~ ~~~. . 1, . cl ~~ ., 1,110,000 190,000 200,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 1,110,000 190,000 200,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 900,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,890,000 390,000 390,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 1,890,000 390,000 390,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 i9(#O;OOb`*~- 580~000~ 89 Oe 9.~1T_gA "~193,'{f' Q='-~I$"=`~"•j~OOn..m;.{, , ,~ ~ !_: i u 'Department '.ENGINEERING SERVICES 'Sub-Department ~ :ROADS & STRUCTURES '. Project Approval 'Approved ._ ....... .... .. ..._ _.._ 'Location .. Project Classification Prog ram/Activity _ __ 'STRUCTURES REHAB-BRIDGE IMPR __. _ ...._._. .. n____._ ___ .. ..__ _-._ _.. .____ _.. DC Reference No d Segment No _ '.0 Municipality of Clarington Project Version Department Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES Capital Projects 257 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Pro ram Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • ENGINEERING SERVICES Guiderail replacement at Conc. Road 7 Bridge west of Leskard Road being completed in conjunction with rehabilitation of Structure #98045. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Roads Capital Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total 90, 000 15,000 15, 000 15,000 15, 000 15, 000 15,000 45,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 '65,000 127,500 127, 500 127,500 127, 500 127, 500 127,500 750,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 '.Department trvvirvttrurv~ atrcvwta _. _ ..: ;Sub Department ROADS & STRUCTURES _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ,__ ...... .-- -- I Proled Approval .... Approved .-- - ......._ .. .. . _ ' _, ~. ..._ ...., ._ .... - 'Location _ _ _. `Prged Classification Betterment ._.. ... __ ~ .. "ProgramlACtivity __ -- - 'DC Reference No. - - - i 'Road Segment No. D -. - Expeded Useful Life ... ne .. _. ___ .. _. __.. ~ _ .~ _ ._. ., - Project Manager ._. - -- -- - Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department 258 Full urban road reconstruction including sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm sewer, road structure and tree planting. This projectwill have cost sharing with Region on some road costs as they relate to the replacementofthewatermainand sahitarysewer. This work is within the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood and will complywith the streetscape report for the the area. From Centre StreettoLiberty Street, Bowmanville. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Contract ~onstrudion Expenditures Tota! Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Roads Capital Federal Gas Tax Receipts Funding Total 51,000 51,000 1,750 1,750 3,500 3,500 488,750 459,000 29,750 545,000 510,000 35,000 . .., ~.3,Q~Or~`„,'~`ig~71~'i„ -......,h»..r _...-.__„ _;~~`4~Ox~,~r ..:~,~=s ij.:d~.,..._~ 1'i*a~`v ~_..,,?. 45,000 10,000 35,000 45,000 10,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 450,000 450,000 500,000 500,000 qi 345,OODa _,x,„51©17AO ,.., ;~~ ~- --i, : hl,,...,.~~r,~~~~~i~,~.., y_i;.~_v:.,. v..i,.. „.~:,li.... _.:-. Sub-Department 'ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Approval .. ,. _.. _ Approved ' ' .. .. ..,. _ '_ _ __ .. _ .. ..... _ 'Location .... _ __... m ; .. _ ______ __._ ._____ . ; ~ Project Classification .._-------- ________. _ _________ 'Replacement r- .. _~_----- ----_ Prog ramlActiv_ity ' `DC Reference No. ~ .~ _ _ ... .._ .. .. ... , . ad Segment No _ . _ . 0 ~ected Useful Life ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project i32-330-1011 Version Ca ital Plan department ENGINEERI Sub-Department ROADS & S Year 12011 259 1._.J 'Project Manager .. ... , v , .. ., .. .. ...... _ .-. ' .. ~ _ ~`~' ^E ~ _ i JaEngineennglRon Albright12011 BudgetlCadiste Ave.jpg .~ , / ~~ ~ (] (~ Lowe St Lovers Ln . o ~~ J , y~ ~ ~IIJ ~~ 4, Carlisle Aw `~w ch~hch ~,~ Q Sr ~o~ao ~'~,YJ,'i cs gfo'sf ,Q ~ ~ Pq .ii Ta !.I'A Ti TTT .T.i~ . CARLISLE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION ~SJS 1Vlarchwood Cr Trudeau Dr N W' F_ S Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department Reconstruction resultingfrom Region of Durham servicing requirements including curb and gutter, storm sewer and road structure. This will be cost shared with the Region of Durham with the Region being responsible for most of the restoration costs forthe road due to its narrow width. This work is within the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood and will complywith the streetscape reportforthe the area. From Liberty Street to Centre Street. Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction Expenditures Tofal Funding Reserve Funds Road Contributions Funding Total 25,000 25,000 260 250 000 250 000 k'#,..i 2r~~r.U~4170,~, ~ ~~ ~b "' '~ 'i:; t~. .r... ~i !:., °1~._:..~4 J,itu, ., .. .~, ~„I~.-.-.,-. ,,:~ ~ .~ 250,000 250,000. .. .~.n~~~.f-.z3, ~~~.~~li~S.~H~~'-~. ,~'G, ~s~Glra t~yt-x' _„~iw_, .r ~, w}~~~ial ,--_;.;,i a.. ~,~. 1,....~,~',~~24 .Sub-Department 'ROADS & STRUCTURES _ _ Project Approval Approved Location Project Classifcahon 'Betterment ' Program/Achvdy _ ' 'DC Reference No. ` Road SegmentNo. ',0 __ _ Expelled Useful Life 'Project Manager • ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Version department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 261 32-330-10113 Lover's Lane Reconstruction Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • ENGINEERING SERVICES ,r11 u J.~IEngineeringlRon Albright12091 8udgetLLovers Ln.jpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion ~partment Sub-Department 16 Bridge & Culvert ENGINEERING SERVICES I ROADS & STRUCTURES 262 Minorrehabilitationanct maintenance ofstructuresthroughoutthe Municipalityresultingfromthe legislated inspectionsthat occurevery 2 years on all bridges. Improvements are atvarious locations. Through the Highway Traffic Act and Bridges Act, Clarington is responsible forensuring bridges are kept safe and in good repair. Evaluations and priorities are assigned to bridges. Due to variables results are fluid from oneyears inspection to another. Various. 5cpendifures Contract Admin. Design consulting onstruction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy MunicipaV Tax Levy Funding Tofal 180 120 20,000 ~ 20,000 979,700 200,000 180,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 Year 180 120 200,000 200,000 199,700 200,000 200,000 200,000 m ;_ 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 iriln~..©xY0 'r~2Ub~"0.~Q~'i„~~.2i0`OU~D~~ .~~Q~I~OOOU ,'~?d~1~107~ ~ai2~,Ofi}_~ "~'~(~ s ,~ _>~.:` ;Department ._ ._ .......... _ _ , .... 'ENGINEERING SERVICES - _.;...._ _ . ,.. _ . .. . .. .. . . .... ..... s . . Bub-Dep_artm_ent _ ~~ . . . . _ .... __ .... _ .. _..., ... _. _ .._ _. _ _ ._ _. ._ .... ... `.ROADS & STRUCTURES ~ ' _ .~. _~ _. ..__. ~ _. ... Project Approval _ . ____ r _.~ _.... _ _. ..._~- ~',APProved . , ..- - . - - _ ..~ m _ _ _ Location __ ., - _ ____. Project Classification _ ~__. __~ .__ _ ;. -e_.-_______________ _., 'Betterment . _ __ _.. ., ~ .. ._ . ..... _ ._ _ _ _ _ - 'Program/Activity - DC Reference No. .._. _. .. _ _ ' _ . s. _ . ... _.... ..... .... . ~ ~ ; : _ . . ROad Segment No. . _ _ _ ._ _. . _ __ ~ .. _ _ .., _. _ ... _ _ _ '0 Expected Useful Life - _ Proled Manager ~ '. Municipality of Clarington Project "ersion Department Sub-Department 263 77,500 17,500 21,000 21,000 Capital Projects 32-330-11101 Baseline Road Structure Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES Structure 99065 on road section 99029. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction l-xpendifures Total Funding Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total 196,000 21,000 175,000 ,..~ ~~n ~, nnn 775,000 Department .ENGINEERING SERVICES _ ._. __ ,., __ _..., - ~~, ~ -- ,Sub Department ROADS & STRUCTURES _ ". " ", „ ,., ..." -. .... . ... ..~ ';Project Approval .._ _ .. _..,. " ... _ ....... ''Location _ .. :_.~ _._ _.. _ .._ _.. .. " _..,. ; ;._ __ _ ;Protect Classification _ . _ .._ _ New .,_._ _._ _. . . _. ... .. . ..__. _ _ _ _, _. . 'Prog ra_m/Activity " _ - _ _ .. . ~ _ _ __ v _ _ _ _.... " _ u., _ _. _. __. ... ~~ ~DC Reference No. . _. ." .. _.. _. _ ~ , _.. _. _ ..... _ ., ._ _. "Road Segment Na _ ~ ~ .. _ _ _ _ _ __ .. _ . - - ~ ~ - - - . ._ _. _v ._.._.., 3 Expelled Useful Life - - - ~ - -- ~~- -- " ' ~ ~' - i ;Protect Manager - ------- - -"'- °--'"-' • ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project rsion partment Sub-Department iCapital Plan i Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES ROADS & STRUCTURES With base course asphalt given an opportunity to settle, 2011 will consist of surface asphaltto complete the existing project. 500m West of MearnsAvenue to Mearns Avenue. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design construction Expenditures Tota/ Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Tata! 9,100 9,100 264 4,550 4,550 77,350 77,350 91 000 91 000 a,, ,~-.Og , ~;. ~. a'11l(tP--~- ,=,~ , i,_-, is ~ h ~ et°,LS, ~:_-=. ... ,-~~«°.. Iy ` :` .~,.R: r.~.~. 19,146 19,146 71,854 71 71,854 71,854 'nu,~. ~ ,Ut1Q ' ni 911000{ ~ ": i ~ i 7'j. i n r u ~:~. i~_' I .:::~ ' '~ „it ~ `Department '.ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department '.ROADS & STRUCTURES ' ~~ .,Project Approval ~. .._. _. "Location -a .... .. .._.___ ___ ___- _. ._ ...._ .._.. Project Classifcation 'Betterment ~ ProgramlActivity ,._._. .-__.. ,. ~_._ ; _ .~. ~_. __~_,., __--. ... ...m.. ..,. __~. ..__. _.__ ..____ ._~._ 'DC Reference No. 'Road SegmentNo. '0 _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ~ Expected Useful Life '. oject Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department 265 32-3 30-1 1 1 02 Concession Road 3 Road Resurfacin Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES J:1EngineeringlRoh Albrighfl2011 BudgetlConcession Rd 3.jpg `J Municipality of Clarington Project ersion ~partment Sub-Department 2011-Design. 2012-Theworks include road reconstruction, contractadministration, utilities, services, and road construction to base coarse asphalt.2015/2016-The installation ofthe surface course asphalt. This project is in collaboration with the Region of Durham benefiting both levels ofgovernment. Expenditures Contrail Admin. Design Construction - i Expendifures Tofa/ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves. Pits & Quarries Reserve Funds Roads Capital Funding Total 17,ODD 193,50D 75,000 113,000 110,50D - 1,017,000 11,000 5,500 266 1 315,000 75 000 1 130 000 110 000 't~ ~~~~, '~S Ur,,:a .=.~~q „~a,.,, ~I E~.'!~f~..r.-~1 N#tI1.~(Q~~Oii -..f°-~_„ Is:...=~<;,~. t..u „a, 895,000 75,D00 710,000 110,000 895,000 75,D00 710,000 110,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,D00 'Department 'ENGINEERING SERVICES ' Sub-Department `ROADS & STRUCTURES _ _ Project Approval _ ...___---_---------__-_ _ ...._ _. _. ;.. , _. _. _ ._. _. _ _.._ . ,...._ ._ ,..., ._ __ _...._ Lo_ca_hon ~ Project Classification .Replacement _ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~--~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _. ... .. . _.. .. '.ProgramlActivity . _ _. __ 'DC Reference No. d Segment No ~ . ~.~ ... ._. _ _. _. _.. .... ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington 267 Capital Projects Project ~32 330 11103 Duke Street Road Reconstruction ~ Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 Department ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES :Expected Useful Life _ .~ _ ..F e ~. _ .., ,a~ _ , ...,. ~: ... ~... ~, _. _ ._ .._ j Protect Manager _ ,.. m ... .., <, .,. _. .., ~ . ~. _ ~., ._ , n ,..., ._.e.. ,,. ~, .... ,-: _. ' ~al~e J:1EnaineehnolRon Albright120118udgetlDuke Stjpg L v N eyeSt~ee. ~ QueenStreet W ~ p.<° d, ~ ~ HgbbsDiwe e S ba `d~• ;, PrinceStreet 90< O`n ec ~ t ~ ~ beYCS ?-- `~' ivas~rcj ~ JaneS[reet ~ u, ~~e ~ g6, Q u, c. c 'd'i>•. 7~ oa ~~ ~ ~ 3 8 HatibsDri);e U. ~ F .t :~ ~ i. ~ f T GQ P s: 6 .L. A v ~ L ~ J v ~ l y _ _ v ~ ~ hf0 ~ °' O Soper_Court - I+ n V t'Tq 3 F° `~ ParkDriv_e_ a M I ~ S ParkvvayAvenue „ ~ Am~Strett i ~ ~ ParlcwayCrescent• c > ~. ~' BOWMANVILLE ~ x ~ ' ~ ~BaselineRoad DUKE STREET RECONSTRUCTION Municipality of Clarington Project ersion partment .Sub-Department Capital 1105 Mearns Avenue Roar Year ROADS & STRUCTURES With base course asphalt given an opportunityto settle, 2011 will consist of surface asphaltto complete the existing project. From Sprucewood Crescent to Concession Road #3. Expendifures Contract Admin. Design .Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total 27,000 27,000 13,500 13,500 268 29,565 29,565 29,565 29,565 240,435 240,435 240,435 240,435 r ~ 27p o ii z~n aou ~i. ~ ~ I ~ ry ,..4 t '.I~ ... ~,.. ... ~ -. ,»m.. .-..,. .rv ... ...... .. .. ....®-+.._.m:..m.„.®A. 't.,wuF"F31'i.i.r.3Fd.«SC.v«L -_z-_e-a- ..r. vepanmern ov~irv¢nirvo xnvi~.~a 'Sub-Department ;ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Approval Location Project Classifcation 'Betterment Program/Activity _ bC Reference No 'Road Segment No. ~- -- `0 ` .m.___.--..----. __ _.. _'_--_.______- .--e--_ _._ --` `Expected Useful Life '. '. , rolect Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-11105 Mearns Avenue Road Reconstruction Version Ca ital Plan Year Department 269 • ®® (Freeland Awl j~~~'Q~J ® ~ u ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ b v ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~oYtr~'' ~ ~11fIIIR Clayton Cr iL' E- MEARNS AVE. SURFACE ASPHALT ti d e S --~,~ N ~. R I i s r L J J.~lEnoineennolRon Albrigbtl2011 BudgetlNleamsAve.jpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project rsion partment Sub-Department 1109 Mill Street Reconstruction Year vo Full urban reconstruction of Mill Street, including curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewerand street lighting. Works being completed separatelyfromthepedestriantunnel. From Clarke Street to Toronto Street. Expenditures Contract Admin. Construction ~`• Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total `r u 90,000 90,000 10,000 810,ODD 900,000 900,OOD .<i~"_. 4„ ~'~a,~yQ4ltaefG ,{ +ia m , ~,~ i~ ~ ~.~1, vii n~ ~~:.iis~ i :'- v i ';: i ..: ~i~~~.~_ -mom ~,.,- ~„_--- ____..~~ ': t _,.~ ,x L .~ ,-"uI,N~~..> ~. d'a 66,240 66,240 833,760 833,760 833,760 833,760 ;~ ik I'u"" , mii ~ : ~- ~ i „mod ~ .,-.~,~'~*M : ~ a :t~ t r a I i i r...a~.W~~i "i',-,.9~:.d~t~.Q~>.. _.....a~.. -:,+. z~;, _. ~i°L~I:~-~~a-~..,t~=..~.. ~.,~~€ rW f~,_. (,.:~~--....d"~ Project Version Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 271 Capital Projects 11110 Green Road Reconstruction Plan Year 2011 • =ERING SERVICES ROADS & STRUCTURES Works include the sidewalk, boulevard restoration and tree planting associated with the reconstruction of Green Road to a full urban standard. Stevens Road to 635m North of Stevens Road. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Tota! Funding External Financing Developer Recovery Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Tota! 17,300 17 f 7,300 17,300 - 45,899 45,899 45,899 45,899 176,801 176,801 176 801 176 801 ~ -,.. ~ 34T~~O~tl ',, .`-3di~i1#46d y;~ ,_.'~ _ i w ~ ~ -,.... ~.~,_~. _ "i_ ' _._.._ . . ~i r~._~ _ ,. ._ .. `pepartment ENGINEERING SERVICES .. _.. _. ..... ... _- -. Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES _.... _ ,.. . .-..... -. -- - PrciedApproval ,. _ _.. .. . _... _ _.. _. _.. ._ . Location ., - _ ...._.. ._ .... _ ._. .. _ . .. ''. Project Classification Betterment . ._ _.... _.... `Program/ACtlvity _ _ .,_ _.. _ _ _ .._ , _ _. _ _ ~_ _ . _ - - E _ . _ _. '.DC Reference No. 2010-DC#14 _ _ _, ,.._ _ _ . _ ._ _. _ ~. -- -. - - '.Road Segment No. , . 0 _._ . .,... _... ,. _.._ .__ _. _ ~..~ _ _. `Expected Useful Life _ -- - ~-- ~ ~ -- - - --° ~ roied Manager _ . _ _. .. ...... ........ _ . • Municipality of Clarington Projects Project ~32-330-11110 Green Road Reconstruction rsion Ca ital Plan Year `~partment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES z~z • J.~1EnoineennolRon Albriahf12019 BudgetlGreenRdjpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project `lersion Department Sub-Department 273 32,700 31,500 1,200 51,000 30,000 21,000 32-330-11117 Flett Street Road Reconstruction Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES Urban road reconstruction including limited sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter, storm sewerand road structure. This projectwill have cost sharing with Region on some road costs as they relate to the replacement ofthewatermainand sanitarysewer. From Jahe Streetto Southway Drive. Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tota! 410,000 30,000 350,000 30,000 410,000 30,000 350,000 30,000 ~1byIlOQ=e3D 000 3511:ODD ,.,4a{i ~-,~ ...... _, 340DD _. .. _.. ' Department _._.. .._ _..._ '.ENGINEERING SERVICES ,., ;~ __.w ..__. .. __ __ ,. .... _ ~ -_ .. 'Sub Department 'ROADS & STRUCTURES ',Protect Approval (Location ` ., ... 'Protect Classification 'Betterment ProgramlActivity _ . DC Reference No _ ... . _ ,. _ -. .. - .. Road Segment No. '.0 Expected Useful Life -, .. .Project Manager ,.-. .. ROADSS~STRUCTURES ;o~~ ~~~ a ~ of ~' ~ ~~ .~ B w a C R- w a Prince St 3. J ~~~ s~ u s, 0 J-l w FLETT ST. RECONSTRUCTION Hobbs Ashdale Cr ~-- N " W` .E S • Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department 275 32-330-12107 North Scu o Court Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • ENGINEERING SERVICES Full urban reconstruction including curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewerand street lighting. Works required due to development pressures as well as to complete the recommended road improvements which include a cut-de-sac atthe north limit ofthe road. From West Scugog Lane to Concession Road 3. 108,000 100,000 8,000 34,000 30,000 4,000 Expenditures Contract Admin. Design Construction Expendifures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 118.764 Development Charges Roads & Related 991,236 919,796 71 oo~~na o~o~oa 71 Funding Total 'pepanment ,ENGINEERING SERVICES ...._ ... _ ... ~. 'Sub-Department 'ROADS & STRUCTURES Project Approval .. -.. ._ - - 'Location - - - ._. -. ._.... .-. -. .,-.. - - ~. - Proled Classification Replacement _ ~Prog ram/Activity - °' DC Reference No 201 D DC#64 ` ..,,, _ _ _ _ _ . -_ _. ~~ 'Road Segment No. 0 .,_._ _:. _ _ -.._ - [ ~ `Expected Useful Life - ~~ Protect Manager _ -- - -- - - - ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project z~6 ersion Capital Plan ~ Year 201 T ~partment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department ROADS & STRUCTURES rs ~,G;31rer , ~ _, J:IEngineeringlRon Albright@011 BudgetWorth Scugog Courtjpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department 1,040,000 950,000 90,000 2~~ 32-330-14105 Rudell Road Reconstruction Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • ENGINEERING SERVICES Full urbanization of road associated with the development of the residential lands oh either side ofthe road. There is a cost sharing arrangementwiththe developerofthe subdivision reducing our overall share forthis project. From Hwy. #2 to 500m north of Hwy. #2. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Tofal Funding External Financing Developer Recovery Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Tota! 640,000 590,000 50,000 640,000 590,000 50,000 _ 19,744 ~ 17,784 1;960 19,744 17,784 1,960 380,256 342,216 38,040 'Department _ ENGINEERING SERVICES , „ , _ _ . ....._ . .. -- ~ `Sub-Department _ __ ROADS & STRUCTURES _ ... _. .. _ _ ... _ '; Proied Approval _.__ __. ___. __. _..._ -i 'Location ~ .... ...__ .___. ___._ _~_._.~. . _ _. __ _ _ "Prgect Classification Betterment _ ,_. _., _ . , . _. _...... _ .. _ :.. _. _ . _. _ .. .... _ _ ...._ ;Program/Activity .. ..._ _ .. _. .. .. _ _.. _ ._ ,. _ ..~ -,. -.... ; _... .__ ... r_ - °-- ~ - -- -DC Reference No. .2005 #151 _ ......._ . -. - - -- -- - - . v . _.,~ . .. _ _ _ .._ :Road Segment No. 0 . _ _ _ __ _ _ . -_ -.._ . _ _. _ _ _. _ -- 'Expected Useful Life - . .., ... _ ..- - ~ - - - ~ ~ - . - _ .~ _ ~roiect Manager ..... .._ . ._ ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project rsion ~partment Sub-Department Capital Plan I Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES (ROADS & STRUCTURES I z~a • JaEngineeringlRon Albright12011 BudgetlRudeURdjpg Municipality of Clarington Project Version Department Sub-Department Capital Projects 279 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Re lacement - Uns ecified Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • ENGINEERING SERVICES The purpose of this project is to provide funds for the replacement of deficient sidewalk throughout the Municipality. Expendifures Design Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofa! 'Department _ ENGINEERING SERVICES '. _ _ ,_ _ ,_ _, _ _ . , ._ _..._. _ .. . _ ......... __ BulrDepartment SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS "_ __ _ ,, ,.. _.... _ ... .......... "Project Approval .... _. _ _ _ Approved .". - _ .. .. _ ,_ .~ . _.. m '... ~ 'Location _ - _ _ _ .. _ .._ ._ _ _ _ _ '. Proled Classification .. .- ~ .. _ , ._.. '~- ~ fProgram/Activity S/WALK REPLACEMENT UNSPECIFIED ,_ ."...,_ _ . _ w .... .. _ ~DC Reference No. - ...... .. ~ .----- ~ --- ~--°-- ~ °~- ~ Road Segment No. 0 ..._ _.. _ _ .. - __ ... _ . .Expected Useful Life ..__m __e. ~._ ---- ~- --° - ~ - ._._ ~_ __ ...._.. .,.. 'Prgect Manager ... _ __ _ ..., .... _. _..,. ,_ _....... _ _ .,. .. _, .- i SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS SD,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Project rsion partment Sub-Department .Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 1102"Liberty Street DGSidewalks Ian Year ENGINEERING SERVICES ~ SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS New sidewalk, West side of road to accommodate new development to the West. Nelson Street to Albert Street. Expendifures 2so Design 5,000 5,000 Construction 25,000 25,OD0 30 000 30 000 "" P m ~ ~7, ,e ? i= , ~ ;~ FX enditures TOfa! iii D":0 ,~. -3©fQdQQli,~',~'.ff° ~ .i €"~~..~,iii ~rr~~~'.`fl ^...,Iii~_~ ~ ~.,,rl~ E.,~~ i ~:;u~=... Funding Development Charges Roads & Related 30,000 30,D00 30,000 30,OD0 Funding Tota! -H' ~itt!(a;U i' '~0'bI1Cf i"~' ., i ~ ~ ,, r ~ -c~ I' ~~ '" '' ~ `~ k ~1i'p ~ .-: 'Sub-Department SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS ~ " Project Approval -- _ _. _.. _ .........._.... __ .._ _ _.. _ ... ..,.._ .. ... .. . ..,. _. .__._. _ ' 'Location _ ,. ~. _.__.. ...._ .. ..... ,.. .. _.. .. . `Project Classification 'New . ;ProgramlActivity .m . _.. ~.. _ ._ _. _ _ _. _ _ . _ .... ..._. .... . ,_ _.. " '.DC Reference No. ,______ ___ ,. ... r. '38 ' ' __ .. ,_ .__ , 'Road Segment No. _ . _ _-_ _. _ _. _._ ... ,_ _..__.___ _~ ... _e e.. . '.0 Expected Useful Life - 'Project Manager - - -- --- - ._ _ i Project Version department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 28>. Capital Projects 1 11104 Baseline Road Sidewalk- Green to Westside al Plan Year 2011 VEERING SERVICES SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS Construction of this facility allows for safe crossing of Baseline at Green Road Signals and access to Clarington Fieldsfacilityforpedestrians. From Green Road to Westside Drive. Expendifures Contract Admin. Constmction Expenditures Tota! Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Tofa! 1,200 1,200 78,800 78,800 752 Department _ __ _ ,ENGINEERING SERVICES ,.. _. _ ., „ ,._ _.._. _ _ _.._ ._.. _..._ _. . _. _ _.. _ _. . , Bub-Department _ _ . .. -.. SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS _ _ ....._. _,.. .- -- 'Project Approval .._. _. _ ,_.. ... _,.._. _... __ ...... ._ 'Location ... . . _ _ _ ..._ _... _ _ _. _. ... .:. 'Project Classification .. ., .. New ,., . .. _~ ...... _ _.. ._ _ _ ._... ... - -_. ~ .. ~ 'Program/Activity . ._. . ... .... DC Reference No. ~ - ~. 40 ... .... _ ...._ ,. . __ ..... _. _.., . ._ . . _. _ -. ,-.. . `Road Segment No. _. ..-__ O _ „ ,,, m _. _. _ .... _. ._ ._..,. _ .:. `Expelled Useful L'rfe _ ~ - - ~° - -- ~~ ', ~.Prolect Manager .. __ _. _ _ _ ._. _ ;.. _ ._ _. __ ... _ ... _ ... . ,.... _ _ ....._ _ .., _ _ _ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-331-11104 Baseline Road Sidewalk- Green to Westside ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS J:1EngineeringlRon Albnght12011 Budget1Baseline Rd Sw.jpg ~ ! I Bottrel St i' ~ ----- I ~-------T----.-- ~ N i i i . ;. ~,~ i ;1 ,~ ~,, ,---~ ~ .~ j ------- i j s a i --- --I----~ ~ I ~? i U' i ',~~ I~ I I I- i ---- -- ___ -" ~- ~ I -'- -------- ----- ------ ----- Baseline Rd. '~Qrlin~~~,n j Creek ,I I 1 I BOWMANVILLE BASELINE ROAD SIDEWALK s iii 282 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version .lepartment Sub-Department 283 32-331-11105 Green Road Pedestrian Connection Ca ital Plan Year 2011 . ENGINEERING SERVICES 2.0 m asphalt multi-usetemporarywalkway includingtemporarystreetlighting on existing hydropoles. The GO Train extension to Bowmanville has delayed the bridge and road construction and with additional developmentthewalkway provides a safer passage for pedestrians. From Aspen Springs Drive to Boswell Drive. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tota! 25,D00 25,000 25 000 25,000 _ i i~~530.0, "~'°~OQ~ ~ `,,: __~~.. i~-.~.'_.-r M ... ".- ~ , 1.~~ ~ i ~~ , T_.r i 1~~ SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS 25,000 25,000 O N W' .L S~ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects r vi ~~ ' ~, ~, .coo ~cv. Asper prings p _m. .r 4+-NUrVCdLr Dr +.1 . - i~ a c: __ n.~n.:~ °' A °~ ,~ ~~ rig -*fTTT1 T1T1 ~ ~-,-~ iBonnycastle-Dr.= ~ a, ,~~~ GrL ~ ® ~ ; GREEN ROAD PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION 4 284 Municipality of Clarington Project .Version department EROSION PROTECTION Sub-Department Capital Projects 285 32-340-10101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES Erosion control and mitigation measures including reestablishment ofbank oneast side of creek. Limited access is expected to increase the cost of this work. Previous estimates based on preliminary design. Current estimated based on completed detailed design. ($330,000 total project cost less remaining budget of $90,000 = $240,000). Additional funding required to deal with added costs resulting from complexity of the work (limited access) and to cover $110,000 used to undertake Kendal Drainage work. BowmanvilleValleySouth. Expenditures Contract Admin. 24,000 Design 12,000 Construction 204,000 Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 24,000 12,000 79,992 79,992 Development Charges Roads & Related 160,008 160,008 Funding Tofal Department "tNGINttKINO JtKVII:CJ _ __ _. Sub-Department _. ,____. ___ EROSION PROTECTION , ,._ .._ _ .-- --_ p -- - -' - ~-- _ -.Protect Approval Approved _. 'Location ._ _. ... Protect Classifcation Betterment :. Program/Activity .. - DC Reference No. :Road Segment No. 0 _, _ ~. ._ _ _ Expected Useful Life - j Protect Manager ....._ _..... ... __ . Municipality of Clarington 286 Capital Projects Project X32-340-10101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion rsion Ca ital Plan Year ~partment ENGINEERING SERVICES Sub-Department EROSION PROTECTION J:Wenny612010 BudgetlBOwmanvilfe Creekjpg Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ~32-340-11101 Brookhill Version Capital Plan Remed Year Department (ENGINEERING SERVIGtS I Sub-Department. EROSION PROTECTION 2s~ Erosion and realignment of existing tributaryjustwest of Bowmanville Creek. This work is recommended for completionthroughtke Environment ImpactStudycompleted forthe Brookhill Subdivision. 2012 Construction. Works identified in the Brookhill EIS and recommended for remedial works tD be completed to address existing erosion prior to build out of Brookhill Subdivision Phase 2. Cost will be recovered from contributing developments upstream ofworks. Just West of Bowmanville Creek. Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Roads & Related Funding Total 8,332 16,668 16,668 16,668 16,668 .. `._=~25;Ub:°ti'' 25~Od0 r s ~~ ~` `s i_! . _' ~.. ,.~ ,.~ ,.. .., 'Department - ~ `ENGINEERING SERVICES „ ,... ..._ ._ _. ... _ ._ .. _ ;.Sub-Department _ EROSION PROTECTION _ ,._ _ ,. ,,.. ,., _ .. _ .:.._ . _ ~Prgect Approval .. _ _ , _ _ ,, _ __ ._ . _. _ ; _~ ...... ._ _ _ Location . _ , .. _ _.... ,..... . _. _... .. _. . . ,... _. ~ ~ ... Proled Classifcabon _ ~ . ... .._ _.._ __. _. New . __ __ ProgramlActivity .. ... . _. ,.... _. . . .._. DC Reference No. ..._: . _.... .. _ _ .._ ._ .. _ _. _ _ Road Segment No _ _. ~ , ._. . _..., .._ _ _... . Expected Useful Life _._ -, ._ _ . _.. .... ...,. ._ j ;Project Manager _ ..._ ~, ,... ... __.... _.. . ._. ... .. _.. ___ ... ~. CI Project ersion partment Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects 1101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works Ian Year 2011 288 i. J:lEngineeringlRon Albrightl2011 BudgetlBrookhi7l Tributary Nick Pointjpg Municipality of Clarington Project Version ,~epartmenY Sub-Department Capital Projects 289 32-332-10102 Traffic Si nal U rades Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ENGINEERING SERVICES 36,000 36,000 Traffic signal modernization by replacing of controller cabinets as recommended by the Region of Durham. King Street at MearnsAvenue in Bowmanville as specified Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tofa! Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofal 36,D00 36,000 36,000 36,000 _ ._,~ r, it. ~`~~'-,~`^a!*~''$Q,©tT ,.~~v v. r.x ~4({ :`ice ~~ ~.,.~'~ ~,,.~~~~^~`r°°e=. ~: ~~.-...: ~,., --._.. .,. .-„ 'Department ENGINEERING SERVICES ; . _ _.._ , _ _, _.. _. . _ ._ ...._ .. ~ ;Sub-Department ROAD MAINTENANCE , ~, _, ... . ..... .... _. ; .. .._ `Protect Approval ... _. Not A proved _ ,_ __ , _ _. _ . _ ...._ _ _ ._ _ - t _ ___. p. ._._. _ ~. .__z `Location . .._ _...._ _ ._ . _ ..., ._ - ... .. ._... _T_ .. .. .....__. __ ...... _,. .. .__. "Protect Classifcation Betterment _,_.. _ __..._ -.___... : _ __-----.. --; 'ProgramlActivity _. _. ..... __ .... _ . .,..., .. .- .~ ... __ . ~. `DC Reference No. . _ _. . ,.. _ ..._ .._ _., _. _ ._ -.. .. _ . 'Road Segment No 0 _. ~. _ ._ ...._. _.. ......_ _ _~ -- ~ 'ExpectedUsefulLife ._-. ----.- ---~~ ~ ----~- - ~ '.Protect Manager _ ._ _. .~...._ ......_. _ .. ...... _ ... ROAD MAINTENANCE 290 C - ~ C rn C E 'L N L ~ V ~ Q = d p ~ m ~ s y w ~ . !C d N a m ~ 'v U d ~ .~ O ' a` I • y Z O Q w o a N ~ d d 0 m rn a m O t y U d a~ w 2 -O N ~ N ~ d LL N O Z d N N ~ O) C C m O C X ~ w = lL m a ~ LL U 2 C7 N 0 j E r n 0 0 ~n o N (O ~ n m ~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O N . N t7 N O N O N O v O V N C ~ O W (v . ... ._. .... .... .N.., .N.. O O 0 0 O M ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o in o o o 0 0 O O ~ M if1 to ~ O M O ^ Q) ~ ~ N . ... ~ ~. .i ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o u~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 in o m th ~ O O O O M to N O ~ O t~ O N m N I~ r M M W ~ (D f0 l0 O' CO N ~n v E a C ~ O C O m m a E a w E L' U c m ~ o N (n O O ~ Of w > O m d a ~ U o ~ m e = c c a E ~ a w 0_ W w ~~ y m r 'c ~ ~ rn ° a~ci -"o 7 ~ N v E m m ~' m ° E m E o 3 w ~~ ~ aZi 2' Q m w m ~ o a E o F d ~~ y ~ ~ N w D! y 6 N O) ~ N c Z O m >. U' > d N 3 LL U K d c m ~~ K c ~' = o Q~ m m~ d' Z 4 ~c c O a m ~c Y o a ~ c 3 E > a ~ m aw ~ v = °o `m '6 ~m m w ~ '~ m - W o d m ~ (n m Q ~ K d U> S H ~ ~ ~ F fn IL ll O O ~ O °~ O O N O O O o O Z O O O Q O O O Z ° ~ ~ ion ~ i+> ° ° rc'i n v u°> o Q o in v ~ co, o u~ QO o o N~ Z o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o 0 0~~ F o 0 K Q m M ~~ o cn+~ M m o M iri m° O c°~ r°~ ° ~ m° w m oro w a K m ~ m M n ~ M ~ c~ r~ p N m M o c+~ o r~ m m m M M m m o ro r~ m co m w m m N C] I~ m OJ N o m c+~ m M m m m 0 N ~' m LL N m 291 C •+ c „ '~ d m ~ U ~ w 3 O m .~ ,Q .~ a U 'c w+ C d E R Q N O A .C Y v d .Q a y 2 O Q K W o a N N d J C m n m O N i E °' n m O s N U N d m Z c ° ° 0 o 0 N > O O O LL ~ ~ O N ' O d ~. N Z m N m ~ l6 C ~ U C X N W ~ LL d U O C N IL d 0 U N 0 U` m O c d r a m 0 0 0 0 °o °o °o N N O 0 v O O 0 0 O M z d y Y ` E m m a v c c m m m c m U U U (0 l0 a d C a ~ ~ m d d ~ N d ~/1 LL LL ~ N ° ° o 2 o o c o p N c7 d O h U W M ~ ¢ M a ~ o LL ~ ~ c n N A a c H O a LL m d m O K Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 36-325-1 0 1 0 0 Various Park Upgrades erston Ca ital Plan Year 2011 `~partment OPERATIONS Sub-Department PARK 292 Install rubberized surface on splash pad at Guildwood $15,300 Purchase 20 picnic tables $15,300 4 Mini Soccer posts & 2 full post sets $22,400 Expenditures Renovation - 75,300 15,3D0. 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Equipment 37,700 37,700 • ExpendituresTofa! 113 D00_ 53 ODO 15,000 15 000 I:T 6~; "~~#~ 1' v ~~D' ,~" ~" '~ e9 ' -° 15,000 15 D00 n 5 ar l ~ i ."a ~t ,re r ~_ ~ `~ lY~.:, '~~' tiIX~l Iti~~ ~ : a :1t" ~' a i ,' t ~#1, . 5 , .,.-- ~. " ~ x „ ,r.t y ~, , ~ . ,~; ~,~, ~ .a !f Funding Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance 113,000 53,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total _,.. ... _ _ .~_.__. _ _._.. _. .. ... ..._ .. ._.. .. _. .-____W .~ .Sub-Department ----.----______w PARK .._ _.___.__._,_.__------_-.___ _ ------.. ____------.__.. .,.. 'Project Approval r .__~_,_.._ ,'Approved ` ___. .. -__.. ... ..._ ....______.__. ---_. ._~_ ____. ___ _ .._~ °. Location - Project Classifcahon ;Betterment Program/ACtivlty ~ _ _ _ DC Reference Nc. ~ ~ ~ - _ _.__ .... ._ ... _.. .. _ ._ _ . ....... ._ .._ __ Road Segment No. ; ;D .. _.... 'Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager ., Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department 293 36-325-10110 Park Furniture / E ui ment Ca ital Plan Year 2011 OPERATIONS To replace two (2) playground structures in accordance with CSA Play Space Guidelines To be determined. Expendifures Equipment Fxpendifures Total Funding Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance Funding Total iDepartment urtrw i iurv~ ;Sub Department PARK 'Project Approval Approved location ., ._ - -- t Project Classification Replacement - Prog ramlActivity ,,, DC Reference No. ~ ~ _ _ ~ 'Road Segment No. 0 Expelled Useful Life _. _. .. ~ - -- .. ~ ._ _. _ .._ .. _.. ,.. _. ~. ,.. Profed Manager _ .. , .. PARK Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department This new requirement is forannual inspection ofthe retro-reflectivity of certain signs to ensure compliancewith the Ontario Traffic Manual requirements. Expenditures 294 Consulting 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 f"" r iii x ; e ~. i ~ ;5 ~t v, ,::".aI ..+ h.j:_ i,,~~ v w~~I ". Expendifures Total a~i~I~b dit[~-li u7~@P0~;1. ~G~ ",?. ~"~...,. .,i'»,,. ~-~-~+t.:~til} .,-=,~~tii},i .~~,+,~~e r~~~..n~{ Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Y tz -~" , , ii, '1 i ~~xi s i ~ Ali -F = Funding Tofaf fi~~il`(,~QQ~u~~7~1{Aii'- :~~.r,`~~ ,,~ _ x ~r~ i.p_, ~ , :`i~ , , ` _, i,, '. ~ ~,~~~ . ,._._~,....,~., _ _m ~:._. • ROADS & STRUCTURES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department Physical Plantand Roofcontingency To be determined. Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tofa! Funding Reserve Funds Facilities !Parks Maintenance 150,000 30,000 30,000 295 Funding Tofa! :Department ',UPttcv l wrva 'Sub Department _~. _._--_~ ______ BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES .. _ y _ ._ ., __~ ... __ _ ;_ _... . _ .. ._ _ _ .._ Project Approval _.. .. ~._ .._. ':Approved , .._r_ ..._ __ ...._ ._"- ._. _ _ ._... Location ' .Protect Classification Betterment Program/Activity _... .. '.DC Reference NO. ,, ._... 'Road Segment No. '.0 ~ „ _. ..,.. 'Expected Useful Life Project Manager ,,, ,., " • BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Project Version `~partment Sub-Department Capital Projects 296 To upgrade buildings to comply with accessibility requirements Various locations Expenditures Renovation - Expendifures ToWI Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Taz Lery 10,000 10,000 Funding. Total BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 36-370-11105 Municipal Administrative Centre Version Capital Plan _ Year 2011 Budget: Exterior $30,000; 2012 Budget: Renovations to 2nd floor Planning Department and Clerk's to address accessibility issues. 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance 297 100,000 15,000 85,000 100,000 15,000 85,000 Funding Total . vepamneiu ~„~.~ .. .. `Sub Department '.BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES `Project Approval location .Project Classification 'Replacement _ ProgramlACtivdy ...._ , ,.. - -- __ .., .... .. 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No 0 ;Expected Useful Life '. +. Project Manager • 115,000 30,000 85,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department To initiate roof repairs and / or replacement, as per the 2010 Roof Assessment Report completed by Trow & Associates. To be determined. Expenditures Consulting Construction !~ Expenditures ToWI Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 298 495,500 93,500 100,500 100,500 100,500 100,500 495,500 93,500 100,500 100,500 100,500 100,500 ~~+ r~~~~rt qtr ~`~~S'. QQ. ~~P-'I~U 56~"'~.'t~Q~~i~~7Al 5~(10','~ ,li.~~~~ SL~ ~t ;'i, ..r ~t r~_._. `Department ,c~rerv~, i i~rva 'Sub-Department ,BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES .Protect Approval ~___. -- .. .- i .. ,_ _.. .. ... _-., ~. __..- ..~.,._ ... ~_ .. .___ _,__w._.. ... _. .. .__ _ 'Location '. Project Classification '`Replacement Program/Activity - -_ ~.. ~~ I. .. - _. _ .. _ . _ - _ _. _..- ~ 'DC Reference No. I Road Segment No. '0 _ ~ ~ '.'Expected Useful Life ' - _ _ '.Project Manager ,, BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES 50,500 8,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version department Sub-Department Memorial Park Clubhouse Parking Lot Rehabilitation. 120 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 299 15,000 15,000 15 000 15,000 ~,I v -09;Ir .~ i ,~} '~ ~a!,~i''~' ~' ~l_ ~,,r~;~~:,m .- ~~ ..~ii?x bA~~~m.aca - .t~.-, si,a_ Hzi,__ .~. i~ vrcnniivrva _.. .. __. _~~ .._.. .._ __. ..., .. __..., ...L .. .. .,,.. ._._. .__ lent `BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES `_ __. _y _ W ___ ~_.~. __ _ _ _.._ _ _ _ ._ __ __- wal BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES 15,000 15,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion i partment Sub-Department Additional required funds to replace boiler. 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville Expenditures Equipment "~ Expenditures TOfaf I Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 300 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 rt~`~ _~ __ i~ '~~ b Its r I~~~ -7 ~~n~h ~- i ~ ~~~~b *, ri r~i i{jr tr ~ ~ ~ ;. ~ .~`~;,.,. ~ (f ..., ~. t n ,. _.,,:,„ .:.....~ ..A..ve ~'ad~- ,. ' ~ ,..,,, I m :: , ~ _i. , ' _}'~ n N ui ,!i yl-~.«s 65,000 65,OD0 65,000 65,000 _ Funding TOfa! .J„ .,~~tl9am~~-~~~. ~ .,~~ r~{t i,~ ri.;a; ~ .,.,I i,.~~.»:~-~~~.~I;~ ~i t, h~' , a. ,~ka. ~ 'Department :OPERA 110N5 ' Sub-Department `BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES ' ~ -- - .. _. . ,Project Approval ~ ~LOCation . . .. ~ __ .._ _ _7_. _. ___ __... ..._ ___ ,..._ .~_.__,,. _. ._._ _ ..-. _..-_ __... _ .. :`Project Classification _----__. _.~. . Replacement .._ _j.-.. ._.____ _. ~.. .. _. _._ ... _. _._ ___ __. _ _..... ProgramlActivity _. .. -... ... r____ '. ..... _~ _.. ... .___ _ .... ... .. .. ~,.._ __ .,. .. .__ ... _. 'DC Reference No. ', "Road Segment No. '0 ;Expected Useful Life .. ._ ' ' . _ .... ~ ..__. ... ,. ,. Project Manager " . • BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department Structural adequacy reports for Newcastle and Orono Arena, in accordance with the Ministry of Labour Occupational Health and SafetyAct. As Specified Expenditures Consulting Expenditures Tota! Funding Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance Funding Total 110,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 20,000 301 11a,ooo 1a,ooo ao,oao ao,ooo zo,ooo ~~ itstlll~QAD° c .z ~A4~.QDCi ij;...~~.. : ~~~la ~ ~f'~~ r dOrcGi,Q„0~"~ ..~,.~pi00Q' ~ , _..__.rd i :. Department 'OPERATIONS Sub-Department 'BUILDING 8 PROPERTY SERVICES Proled Approval 'Location .Project Classification 'New „_. ._ ProgramlACtivity _ _.._. DC Reference No. ~ ... .Road Segment No. 0 ' ... `Expected Useful Life Project Manager ~ - -~ ~.J BUILDING & PROPERTY SERVICES 110,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 20,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 36-370-11700 Haydon Community Hall Replace soffitt and fascia 2503 Concession Road 8, Haydon Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total i unding .Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance 302 15,000 15,OOD 15,000 15,000 1*~dD.Q.: r-~i~'I~5"QO(fr 4¢~i{{'~~-' i ~t i ~i'. "L~ it "~~' y -~ ~ :i7IIi~ r~=~;°s ~ r i ~ { ~i~ ~~.--.i '~...-.w.-.,a..-....,..._.+. '~ ~-:.-.,.,.va..I,-',~-!ut`«~ra''a.~6~.mc~.m.,r :. ........ .. .:+_'~' i. Y~..n~~cs~. a~~= '~ I~r~,a+-.. i:.-.._.. a a~14i:a- ,. -~., 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Totaf r~ri~B'ti~QO:. t-~3°~~..„- Ei~ ~~~,, ., , .~.rv~ 1. ~..:.kv.,t,-_-,~(!~ ii ti,a<:,ic iii.€'u' ~ n",~„'=:i Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version .epartment Sub-Department Surfacetreatmentonrural roadswithintheMunicipality To Be Determined Expenditures Consulting Contract Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserves Pits & Quarries Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 303 3,500,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 760,000 760,000 3,500,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 760,000 760,000 300;000 300,000 Funding Total vcyaiuucin .~~.-.r. ~,..,.., _ Sub-Department 'ROAD MAINTENANCE Project Approval :Approved "Location 'AII ; ~Projed Classification ;Betterment ' Prog ramlActivity _ _ '. __ _.. .__~ __ w. __ ____ ___ °DC Reference No. `Road Segment No. '.0 :petted Useful Lrfe '. ;. ROAD MAINTENANCE 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Municipality of Clarington 304 Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department Costs incurrred for 2011 will be for design and engineering only. Nash Road, Courtice Expenditures Design Construction Fxpenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 3,OD0 3,000 'Department _ _=.OPERATION_S _ ' !Sub-Department `.ROAD MAINTENANCE '. ' 'Project Approval ','Approved ' -- ... ___ .. .. ._. .... -Location `Pro'ect Classification `Betterment '. ,Program/Actwity 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No. '0 ' Expected Useful Life __. .. .. ... _. ..--- .,m :_ ... __.__~ ~..-. :- ~._ .. _.~- _._ - _. .Project Manager : ROAD MAINTENANCE Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version .epartment Sub-department Railway crossing improvements at Holt Road Mile 166.55; Prestonvale Road Mile 170.7; and Concession Street Mile 160.82. As specified Expendifures Construction F~cpenditures Totaf Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofa! 305 uepartmene ,.__~____ _ ._.__ yr ~rv~ ~ ~..~.., _. _. ,.:_ ... _. _... _. E __._ .. ._ .... __ _. _ ,. .. 'Sub-Department ___~_-_.._ _ __. 'ROAD MAINTENANCE '. ~ __ °_ -._ ___ _r ... ,__ _ __ ..__.._ Project Approval _______ .. ___ ;Approved e. .~ .__ -_ _ _ _. -_ ._ _... __ Location "Project Classification (Replacement .. ProgramlActivity _._ ... ._. ---- _ ._ __`.- ..m_ .. _. _._ _._ ..; `DC Reference No. - Road Segment No. '0 '':Expelled Useful Life Project Manager ... ROAD MAINTENANCE Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department Development of a "Storm Water Management Master Plan" to assist with the implementation of a preventative maintenance program. 306 Expenditures Consulting 138,500 42,500 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 138,500 42,500 24,000 24,000 24,000 2 4,000 Expenditures Toial trvn ,~, _~~_ ~ p ^ tii q} U~U xlfMgt, ~Q~ a`- ~, ~ ~ ~ ! i~~ 3 Itf Ta ~ O~ 3j l it Y'~ ~~jw h $~' ~ i` um ~ N ' J i~ `c-'»~ I _ ^3_d L: { , v. ..,r,r3 e ah v i ~ a-c. i m , ,, , V.u.. r c>a«. . I F Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 100,250 4,250 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 100,250 4,250 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 Development Charges General Government 38,250 38,250 Funding Tofa! STORM WATER MGMT Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Jepartment Sub-Department 307 36-388-10100 Fleet Re lacement -Roads Ca ital Plan Year 2011 . OPERATIONS To replace equipment in accordance with Resolutiori #GPS-475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment".One 1994 Mobark Chipper#94552 $35,000; One 2002 GMC van #02549 $40,000; One 19981nternationaltruck#98507$205,000toincludepatchattach- mentand GPS; One 1999 John Deere loader#99509 to include scale $224,000; All above equipmentto be replaced with same. One 2001 Chev 3/4 ton truck #01501 $45,000; and One 2002 GMC 1/2 ton truck #02532 $40.000, to be replaced with 4X4 trucks. Expenditures Fleet Replacement Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Operations Equipment Funding Tota! `.Department ;urtrcr.n~rva r_ ,. "Sub-Department FLEET `Project Approval Approved Location ;All Project Classification `Replacement 'Prog2MAdivity ~__ _ _._..__ _.. _ _ _.__. . _. ___ _... ___. .. _.~ N ___ W_ _... __ _, -DC Reference No. Road Segment No. g - .Expelled Useful Life _ ;Project Manager FLEET Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department 308 As per DCA Study: Item #5.1.9 Bobcat Compact Excavator $77,000; Item #5.1.21 One Ton Crew Cab c/w Dump Body $75,000; Item #5.1.18 Small Equipment Upgrades $20,000; Item #5.1.18 Service Vehicle for Storm Water management $112,000; Item #5.2.1 Storm Water Management Equipment$60,000; Items #5.1.10 and #5.1.11 combine to purchase One Tractor c/w mower, plow and sweeper broom $120,000. New Equipment purchase (not included in DCA) One remote traffic signal c/w trailer $17,800 Expenditures Fleet Replacement • Expenditures Tofal I Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Operations Equipment Development Charges Operations Department Funding Tofa/ 3,443,865 481,800 978,065 966,000 663,000 355,000 3,443,865 481,800 978,065 966,000 663,000 355,000 4 I fl °^k5r t N °fyty t{"~" ~ . -`rv. aa{~.~I .: • (~ ?Y~' ° 5 t ~ ~: '_~ ~~.. ~61.~txY. mt A'tP Ya331.^,:C-~.~±.b~~ ~r!p.~` MW~"<~~i-?~wF .-. ~~;. ~~as.~u~h,...L~:F 335,326 46,400 93,526 96,600 63,300 35,500 sDSOO 17,800 42,800 30,000 425,926 64,200 136,326 96,600 93,300 35,500 417,600 841 417.600 841 31 Sub Department _ ..._ _____ `FLEET ' _ __..p.. .. __. __. . _. ,. __. _....__._____._____. n .. __ .; Prgect Approval _~Approved _. .~_____ ___. `Location Project Classification 'New .~. ... _ .__ . , ..~.. ... _ '.Program/Activity . ---- DC Reference Nc. ' ' "Road Segment No. '0 _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ _ ,Expected Useful Life - . ._ , ... _ __ _ _. _ ... _ , _ _ _ '.Project Manager FLEET Municipality of Clarington Project Version Department Sub-Department To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution #GPS-475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment". One 2003 Chev 112 ton truck #03571 $45,000 to be replaced with 4X4 truck; Two J D Mowers #03572 and #03573 $20,000 each to be replaced with same. Expenditures Fleet Replacement 309 36-388-10200 Fleet Re lacement -Parks Ca ital Plan Year 2011 OPERATIONS Capital Projects Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Operations Equipment Funding Total 'Department .-."._,,, OPERATIONS _...-. -. .. .., _~. _. 'Sub-Department _ FLEET _ _..... ._ - - ".- . ,-- -- --- -" _ ~ ~. .n ~ _ ~ ~~- ~ 'Protect Approval .. __ . ... -,,. _ . _._. __ ~ _ . Approved _ _ ._ .,. - __ - " '.Location „ i . __ w .. .... ......._. _. _. _~ _ __ ... .. ._..... .. `Project Classification Replacement .. ._ _ . ..._ _ ... _ _ _ 9 :Program/Activity .. "-. - ~- - - - - -- - -- - - - -_ ~- - ~°~ 'DC Reference No. .. _. _~_-... __ . __ _ _._-.. 'Road Segment No. 0 .._.._. _ .. _ _ _ _ __ - -- -- -- - - - ' "Expelled Useful Life .,. .. ..._ _ -. -... -" - - , Protect Manager ... _. _..._ _ _..~ _ _ , , ..._ ... - _ . ...._. - 1r i FLEET Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department One Cemetery trailer, to be replaced with same. 2320Taunton Road, Hampton Expenditures Fleet Replacement Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Operations Equipment 310 Funding Total • FLEET Municipality of Clarington 311 Capital Projects Project X36-370-11460 Visual Arts Centre I Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • department OPERATIONS Sub-Department FAC. Municipal portion forthe completewashroomrenovation as perthe OntarioTrillium Foundation Grant requirement, pendingapproval. VisualArts Centre, 143 Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds Facilities /Parks Maintenance Funding Total 10,000 0,000 312 • I. C O C 'C y l0 ~ U a w ~ o m ~ w ~m a .~ a U .C w C N a d D n w v d a N W U W }f}/! F 7 $.. O Q U N d C N d d N O E ~ a m O L y U m O d w Z ~ d = N ~ N LL N N Z N y d N W C C ~ U C X ~ W ~ LL m -o ~ c c ~ > LL K U 0 U d 0 2 J c E C N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~n o o in o 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~ t0 O - l0 ~ O O O N n V N N N N N . .- . ..- ~. ~- N ._. o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o 0 0 o °O °o °o 00 °0 0 0 0° m v iri v ui N o o ui 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O M N N N O h N c ~ m ifl N O O O ~ LLS N ~ r N 0 m E 0 0 d m C A c L U y U c E v t0 O- ~ C E '9 ~ W S LL !~ a a`> E W O. ~~ W ~ ~ m U ry ~ ~ ~ N a OI ~ n c U ¢ m ~ d ~ m J ~ , K Y m o x W E d N ~ ~ N ~ a 3 (n _ °~ W ~ N ~ o U m a ~ d Y O J ~ ~ m m U °o d °O ~ ~ d m ~ L U vi ~ LL ~ m 0_' ~ d K o K h N m ~ ~ w v Q ~ ~~ m a n O N U ° LL °o c ~ ° r N d O 0 y O ~ m LL' - ~ ~ a W Y 3 .'moo N ' N U > 2 c E L y ~ w N LL' m N ~ d d o C m m - d K o d' W L ~ d rn 'o O m ° x W E v n. N ~ L ~ 'c = C ~ d ^ ~ ~ C W D o m O N a o U N c N ~ m c N U °o ILL l U ~ j ~ W ~ ~ Z ^ O U L N C U U U N O r o ~ N N V a fn U .- O T o ~ V N V U U U O O O ~ V N V U LL U (7 O ~ V N V U W U V O ~ V N V U d' d' N O V r N N V U U U ~ O N ~ V N V U U U M O ~ ~ N N V U U U C O O ~ V N C U U U In O N V- N O U U U r O N ~ V N V U U U O O i[1 r N N V U U U ~ N V N V U U U N N ~ V N P U fn O O O ~ O N 'V U In ^ N O O ~ N N V U VJ ^ M O [D r V N Q Q U (A V O W ~ V N V Q U N ~ O N ~ V N O Q U N (O O of ~ V N Q W N Y (.. Z ~ ~ ~ U R V H 0 N lL m O K Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version ~ ~partment Sub-Department Replace 3 aging crosstrainers and replace 3 aging treadmills 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tofal Funding Reserve Funds C!S Capital Funding Tota! 186,500 37,500 36,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 186,500 37,500 36,500 37,500 37,500 37.500 'Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES ' 'Sub-Department ~.. ._..__.___,. ~FAC. v . _._._ Project Approval ____ _ .._ _... _._ _.__ _ ,_ _ .______. :... ... ..____.___ 'NOt Approved ~ Loca4on _........._ . ,.., _ _ _. _ __ ._ _. . _ . .. ,.... _. Project Classification ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ProgramlActivity -_ T 'CCC-FITNESS EQUIP. REPLACE. __. _ ,.. .__ _ ~ a 'DC Reference No. __ ,_ _.. _.. .. _____ _ .... . .. .. .... ._ Road Segment No. 0 ~ ~ ~ - ~-' _;Expected Useful Life ... ~ ~-- _- ,_ _ ...._ _ _ _ _.. .,...,. .... . Project Manager _ ! . _........_..._ ._ ._ _.. . __ . 313 FAC. Project Version Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 314 Capital Projects 42-421-09701 CS Admin - Mechanical E ui . Emer .Re lace. Ca ital Plan Year 2011 COMMUNITY SERVICES FAC. Budget annually for emergency equipment repair/replacement for any Community Services recreation facility. Capital contingency. Any Community Services Recreation Facility Fxpendifures Equipment Enpendifures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total `Department COMMUNITY SERVICES ,. __,.. ,.... ... ,... ~ ,,. -_ 'Sub-Department _.°_____ ...__ FAC. _. - -- -- - .... _.. -_. w,. .._- __ _ _ _ __' ;Project Approval ,Approved _ _ _. _ .,. .. _ _ . _ _ .... _ . _ ~ 'Location W_. ____ ,. .... ~ __._.. ____,__~ _. .___ _ __ _ ___ _ ... ....__ _._ _ '.Project Classifcation ~----- - '~, `:Program/Activity _ CS MECH EQUIP EMERG REPLACE 'DC Reference No. ------ ~ ~-' Road Segment No. _. _, __ _ ,0 . .. _... ,., ._. `Expected Useful Lrfe ~ .. _. _.... -- - -. Proled Manager _ _.. ._ ,, _...._ - s 123,000 23,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department Desdt~ ion,. Project Description::. CCC requires aBAS -Building Automation System to centralize and control all of the facilities (HVAC) heating, ventilating. and air-conditioning equipment atone consistent location. Currently there are 3 different control systems in the facility that are difficult to consistently control/troubleshoot issues and expensive to repair. Anew BAS Control system will provide an opportunity for better energy management with the benefit being lower utility costs. A BAS system provides a specific programming schedule so heating or cooling can be provided when needed or set back if not required. A further benefit would be possible lower Mechanical Service costs because a BAS system enables the Operator to trouble shoot the areas of concern, Location: 2950 Courtice Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Equipment Expenditures Tota! Funding Reserve Funds Veridian (Mun. Govt Enterprise) Funding Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 i ifi~.S~O ~5 A00 ~.. _. ~~::_ ,. ~: ~.. ,.-,.~ ~ * vs*;~~z _ ~' ~~,n..a ..~a 3.~-.;~-.F.. ~_.':,:- a~~.Iw4,= 25,000 25,000 - 25 ODO 25 000 n, ~..a~.r`~$~QD4`~~r~, l~; ~29~09..J_ ~_~*~.-5~..z,.:._..U; .,.-,m:,. .,._.,~ ,.~+.1 t,,.~t~. ~`_ :'~,..~€+ iy~' ". ',i '. _ .~ ~„ ';Department !COMMUNITY SERVICES `Sub-Department . a _ .. _ _ ___ 'FAC. .. :______,. _._.__ _._ . . - --~- - -- -- 'Project Approval ~ ___ ____. ._____ _ ' 'Location 'Ward 1 '.Project Classification !Betterment " ~ , _. 'ProgramlActivity -- - _ _ ._.... __ . _ ... ':DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. ''0 'Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager ;George Acorn 315 L J FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Department Sub-Department 316 42-421-11103 CFC -Lane Ro es Ca ital Plan Year 2011 • COMMUNITY SERVICES FAC. The current CFC pool lane ropes are aging and need replacing because some of the plastic discs on the lanes are cracked and faded, some of the hardware ends are becoming faulty. Most lane ropes do not have a long life span do to the exposure of pool chemicals in the water and the humid air quality when the ropes are rolled up on the cart. 49 Liberty Street, Bowmanville, On L1 C 2L8 Expenditures Equipment Expendifures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total .Department COMMUNITY SERVICES , _ _ .._ ._ ,.. ._ ~_ ._ _ . :Sub Department FAC _ . __ .. _ --~~ -. ~ ~ ' Project Approval . _ _._ _.. _ .. _ _... _.. _ - 'Location Ward 3 ,- -- ~- '.Project Classifca6on Replacement , _ _... .._ _ . -. -. ' 'ProgramlACtrvity ._ ._ .._ ._ . _ DC Reference Na. .._ - - -.. -- -- Road Segment No 0 _. ..- - ... _.. . 1Expected Useful Life -.... ._ ._.. ~ _... _. ~ _ .~ ~ 'Protect Manager _ .. _. George Acorn • Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-11104 CFC -Exterior Brick Repair erston Ca ital Plan Year 2011 '~partment COMMUNITY SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. At CFC some areas of the exterior brick wall at the front and south side of the facility is missing mortar. In some areas the smaller corner bricks have fallen out and the brick fronts are deteriorating. The exteriorwalls need to be re-mortared and new bricks need to be replaced so the exterior portion of the facility isstructurallysound. 49 Liberty Street N. Bowmanville, On L1 C 2L8 Fxpendifures Renovation • Fxpendifures ToWI Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital Funding Tota! 317 zo,ooo zo,ooo 20 000 20 000 '~ ~ `i2.e9S{o~ti t i,~a2Q' 0 °i, `' ~ ",i#. ~;s. ~ ~3rI ~~~,in~'I#~ l...i'i:'.._.._.,. 4.~~(`z~..#k. .___~. `° 20,000 20,000 'Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES ' 'Sub Department 'FAC. ._.. ..~_ __.__ '.Project Approval _.__. __i 'Location 'Ward 3 Project Classification '.Betterment .._ .... ~. _ .. ... _. _.. Program/Activity _ m - `bC Reference No. Road Segment No. '0 _ '_ Expected Useful Life __ _ _ Project Manager 'George Acorn C~ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project X42-421-11405 RRC -Concession Fire Suppressic Version Capital Plan Year Replace Fire Suppression System,'upgrade tonatural gas -possible link 2440 Hwy #2 West, Bowmanville, On L1 C 1 K5 Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tota! 5,000 318 • 5,000 5,000 5 000 5 000 ,. u ii{'~i,> k~~1Q~ ~ b~C~D~ ~..,...:~k t ~ t .N. , w,.-....: ~ ate` ~ ~-x' ~ ,.., ~ a .. _ ..- . r .' 'Department ,COMMUNITY SERVICES .. ..._ .-...,; ;Sub-Department FAC _. --.- - '.Project Approval _ , ,. „_ _ :. Location ,Ward 2 ... _. .Project Classification ~ - Replacement ~ ProgramlActivity . __ _ _ _ -.. .. ... _. _.. . ._ _... ..~ -- _ .- _ _ _ .. ...... ..... _ _ _ DC Refere nce No. _ _ ..._ .'. _ . _ .._ Road Segment No. __ 0 ... . ,.. , ... ,.. 'Expected Useful Life -.. - - - - ~- - -- Protect Manager 'George Acorn . __ _... ... _ __ _ .- + • Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department CCC has 3 change rooms forthe pool and each have many lockers that are recessed into the walls. The lockers will be 14 years old in 2011 and many of them are in need of repair including: replacing missing or broken coin mechanisms, patching rustspots/holes and painting worn orscratched fronts. The benefit to repairing these lockers would be a possible increase in patron uses (rentals) therefore a possible increase in locker revenues. 2950 Courtice Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation 5,000 5,000 . ~ Expenditures Total i Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 319 5,000 5,y0~.00p Funding Tofa/ .. _. ., 5„U,OA.,~ 4OM ...__.._....., m.. ~" _.. ~, .' t ~ --; '' v.~'. .ti'um.a I.I i 1 is~_.?r'a t.. ~..-';'i'I~F+F._.Y .. In t'.<I~Ie ~~.~ ~ T.r«.°.' ~ T~... .... Bub Department m__.. ....~~. --- ~~ .._.. ~_ ..rte. __~ .. ..-. .... .._ _.~ ...: `FAC~ ` _.L. __. ____ ___. .... _.__ ...~ _ ..,. ~~ ~... :Project Approval _._ ... .,,.~_____._ .. ________ ._._ _.._.__ _. _. .. _.____ __.. _.. n. ~~. . ._. _..,, ...; Location . 'Ward 1 Project Classifcation 'Replacement - _ __ _ .... _ _ _ _ _. _ _ ~ _ _ __ _ _ r ;Program/Activity , . DC Reference Na. Road SegmentNo. '0 Expected Useful Life ...._... ..._..._ s. .... _... ._.._ __ .__ ... Project Manager `George Acorn FAC. Municipality of Clarington 3zo Project Version Department Sub-Department Capital Projects 42-421-11503 CCC -Replace Fitness Change Room Floorin Capital Plan I Year 2011 . COMMUNITY SERVICES FAC. The CCC Gym (Fitness) men's and women's change room carpet has many worn spots in the high traffic areas of the room. In some areas the carpet has been torn and repaired but the replacement repair portion of the carpet does not match properly and can become a trip hazard. The worst area of worn carpet in both rooms is the first 8 to 10 feet in the entrance way. This is because patrons walk into this area with outside footwearwith dirt, snow, sand and salt on their shoes and boots. To help elevate future replacement it is Drooosed that this area be tiled and the low traffic area around the locker be re-car eted. 2950 Courtice Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation Expendifures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total 15,000 15,000 15 000 15 000 _ ~: '.Department cunnmurvi i r aenvicta ;Sub-Department FAC. 'Project Approval 'Location Ward 1 - .Project Classification Replacement 'Program/Activity -- - 'DC Reference No. _ ...... Road Segment No. 0 Expelled Useful Life ~... :. ~. _. _... ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 'Project Manager George Acorn _. • 15,000 15,000 Municipality of Clarington Project ersion partment .Sub-Department Capital Projects To make repairs to membrane roofing above pool. Steel entrance canopy and areas of built up roofing as identified in assessment audit. To extend life ofthese roof systems. 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation '.~ Expenditures Totaf Funding Municipal Tax Lery Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds C!S Capital Funding Tofa! 11 11 321 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 11 #Department . ,.. .._ ___._ :COMMUNITY SERVICES ' w.. .,__ _ _. _._ ..,_ _ _,... _.______ ._,____..____ ; Sub Department FAC ' - ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ 'Project Approval ' ~--~~---~~~ '.Location Ward t 'Pro ect Classifcabon i rment ._.------- ~--~ --- .Bette 'Program/Activity ' '.DC Reference No. 'Road Se ment No. '0 '~ .Expected Useful Life ` Project Manager '.George Acorn ' FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Jepartment Sub-Department ~ro]ect uesenpnon: In 2010 a detailed Accessibility Audit (BRAP -Barrier Removal Action Plan) was completed at CCC that identified many areas and items that require upgrades and retrofits to improve the accessibility inside and outside of the facility. The audit specifically listed all of the outstanding accessible deficiencies in priorities so this capital project is to address most of the priority #1 items only. This is a two or three year plan and therefore additional funding will be required in subsequentyears to implementthe full retrofitprogram. 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax,Levy Funding Total 322 85,000 35,000 50,000 85 ODO 35,000 50 ODO 'Department COMMUNITY SERVICES .. .. ..-. ... -; Sub-Department FAC .... . _ ... 'Prolect Approval ._.__._ ...._ ..._.. _ _. ..- ~ i '.Location :Ward 1 _ -~ ' 'Project Classifcation Betterment .... _ __ ._ . ~- ProgramlAdivity - -- -~- ~-~- - - - `DC Reference No ._.. _. .. ._ _ ... _ .. .Road Segment No. 0 _.. ...... _ - '.Expelled Useful Life ,. _... _ ._ _ ,_ 'Prolect Manager _ George Acorn _ ...._ -.. -. -- FAC. 85,000 35,000 50,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-11507 CCC -Front Canopy Painting Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ~partment COMMUNITY SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. The paint on the underside ofthe large metal front entrance canopy at CCC currently is deteriorating and large pieces of paint are peeling off exposing the bare metal. Not only is this aesthetically unpleasing to look at butthe unexposed metal could deteriorate and further damage or rust is likely. The canopy requires removal of all of the old paint, sanding of the bare metal and properly primed and repainted with several coats of high grade ofexterior metal paint. 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures 323 Renovation 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Expendifures Total ,~{ ,, ~ ~I ter ~,~~~~ ~ I~ ~: .~ ---~-T ,«i~ ,: 4r~ili~ ~-wu~~,a~ '* : L !i ~ r ~ t'' = ~ `~f #~ a ~!~~ -~ '~ 'i i ending ,... ia: u~ ~ i ».,t._.~:: .„ ., , i~ .. ri , .-~ u .,. .. - +~,. ~-~" Reserve Funds C/S Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 F di T l 'S°69~r 6'~dA'~ ~ ` I~ ~; i li, ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~' r , i ; '"'~-=-~ I~ i m a ~ry un ng ota , ~ I , ~ ... '.,, 1 .... , o , .. , n , I ~ i 'Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES ~ ' 'Sub-Department 'FAC. j Project Approval " location '.Ward 1 ' Project Classifca6on ;Betterment ' _.. .... .._. . Program/Activity ! ADC _Reference N_o. _____. '~ ___ ___ _.. - _. .. _._ .. _.___ __~ ' 'Road Segment No. .. 't1 Expected Useful Life ' 'Project Manager 'George Acorn • Project Version Department Sub-Department Municipality of Clarington 3x4 Capital Projects 42-421-11508 CCC - Re lace Washroom Partitions in Pool Chan e Rooms Ca ital Plan Year 2011 COMMUNITY SERVICES FAC. CCC has 3 Pool change rooms that contain old and worn metal washroom and shower partitions that were installed in 1997 and are fixed to the floor making it difficult to properly clean the floors. The current shower area partitions are equipped with old hardware systems that run from the floor to the ceiling but they are not strong enough to hold the large dividing partitions securely so these sets of shower partitions are unstable and could pose possible patron health and safety concerns. New durable phenolic partitions are required with wall and ceiling mounting hardware so the floor area is left open for proper cleaning. 2950 Coultice Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation Funding Reserve Funds CIS Capital Expenditures Total Funding Total 25,000 25,000 25 000 25 000 _ `Department uurnmurvu r atrcvii.~a _. , _ a 'Sub-Department FAC _. .. i Protect Approval ._.. - ' Location Ward 1 "Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity _. -. `DC Reference No. ~ 'Road Segment No. .... _.._ '0 . .... ..... ..... _ ',Expected Useful Life - ~ 'Project Manager George Acorn ._ .. 25,000 25,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project ersion partment Sub-Department 325 The CCC sidewalk needs to be expanded in front area of the facility adjacent to the parking lot. This sidewalk is very narrow and when cars park up to the curb the fronts of the cars slightly impede into the area of the sidewalk and therefore patrons sometimes need to walk on the grass area that has now formed a rough pathway. In the winter months, snow clearing is a challenge in this space because of the parked cars and the cleared pathway can be even more narrowfor the patrons due to the shoveled piled snow encroaching on the sidewalk edges. 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Renovation Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds CIS Capital Funding Total 10,OOD 10,000 10 000 10 000 Fk ~-. ~ -^-, ~ .. ~ : g tig.r.-.,~.~. ti ~ i ~ G r N r i ~ i sJ di tf t4..M,~e'~~{(-~~~~-a ~(t ~-,_~,~.~,-~~~vi ~ ~.~. _'tvi~-i:~~sy~ 3 ia_~`~t°~, x 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ~;'IA'dAL4~sai~(1j011,0i ... ., ~ ~ ~ e=i _il ...;(h i..i~ ""a I i si t-~- _, __ _ ~.~ ~... ~.rs~_C~_~ a ~=~i ':'Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES ' 'Sub Department '_.---_m_.. ~ .... °FAC. . _ _ .__ . _ _. ., _ _ , _ ..,__ .. . _ w_ _~_---_'. -°---- --__.. 'Project Approval , _ Loca4on : Ward t 'Project Classification 'Betterment. ' 'ProgramlActivity : _ _.._ . .. _.._ _ ._ _ m _ _ _ , = DC Reference No. - 'Road Segment No. _. .... .. ___ .,. _. ... .. _. _. . '0 _..:... _ ., ,_.. .. .. _._._. r . .. . 'Expected Useful Life ._ ... ' :Project Manager ;George Acorn C~ Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version Jepartment Sub-Department 326 42-421-11512 CCC -HVAC Retrofit Ca ital Plan Year 2011 COMMUNITY SERVICES . ~ ~ ,. ~ . ~` _~ ~ Descrr tron Q.. .. .. ~, ~ ~ ~..,.-_~ -~~- .. v ~ .. ._.,., e._~ ~, ~, ;_ Project Description: Thls CCC HVAC unit is one of 2 units that was to service the Clarington Kids Daycare space and was installed initially when the building was constructed in 1997 but was never commissioned to operate because it was decided that one unit was efficient to heat and cool this space. The space in the daycare where the second non-working unit serviced was occupied by a large jungle gym play area so the unit was never needed. The jungle gym has now been removed from the daycare and they have expressed interest in using this space as a playroom and sleep area for the kids so this unit will need to be operating. Please note: There wasn't any duct work installed from this unit inside the daycare so duct work will need to be installed. Location: 2950 Courtice Road N., Courtice, On L1 E 2H8 Expenditures Construction Expenditures Tofai Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Total Department COMMUNITY SERVICES , _,. _,. ,_ „ _.. _. .. ~ .,. 'Sub-Department FAC. -.Project Approval .. _ _ .. ~ - - Location Ward 1 _ ,_ _. '. Protect Classifcation Betterment _ .._ Program/Activity ~ - -~- - - - - DC Reference No. - - - ~- - - Road Segment No. 0 .. --- - '.Expected Useful Life _ .. - -- -~ ~- _ ` _ _. . ~ - - ~ 'Project Manager _.. George Acorn FAG 10,000 ~ 10,000 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-11601 DSC -Ice Resurfacer Refurbishment ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2011 i partment COMMUNITY SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. 327 Recondition 1998 Ice Re-surfacer: Hydrolysis, tires, sled, drive-train, overhaul augersystems and a paint job. 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, On LOB 1 JO Expendifures Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ~ ~~ _ F~enditures Tofa! iii .i"~~FDf~1I „d'„ry+~,~, ~. _.... ~s i~.. =!a. i~{.~..(~'`~Pw~~~~.~r~-m+....,,,~+.~ i~ ,~a,.>.,.~~ ,1 i[~ ~r .,~--~.~..+' i Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 Funding Total m~~1gq~,I. a~~~.Pr,.. ,. , i~..`: ~_. ~,. -s__:. ,.,,.~.iaTmz;.. i'-. ~~,~?a ,Sub-Deparfinent m_ ... _.. . °. _.°. FAC. ' ------- _ _.... .. °.. ._~_______.__ ~~ - ~ ~~ °° ~ ° ~~ _ ,Project Approval ~ ~ `Location Ward 2 Project Classifcaticn ''.Replacement ' 'Program/Activity ` --- ----------'.- _...- _._ 'DC Reference No. . ~, ROad Segment No. 'D _ _ _ _ " Expected Useful Life Project Manager 'George Acorn •. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version .lepartment Sub-Department 328 Replacement of entire roof section above arena ice floor. This section is identified in recent assessment auditas requiring immediate replacement. 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, On LOB 1J0 Expenditures Construction Expenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds C!S Capital Federal Gas Taz Receipts 47,000 35,000 12,OD0 53.000 215,OOD 38,000 Funding Total '.Department wmmuNi i x aercvicta 'Sub-Department FAC . Protect Approval _____ , Location Ward 2 ; Protect Classifcation Replacement _, Program/Activity ~ '. `DC Reference No. - .. 'Road Segment No. 0 `.Expelled Useful Life 'Project Manager George Acorn L FAC. 300,000 250,D00 50,000 Municipality of Clarington Project ersion I partment Sub-Department Scrape and repairthe exteriorof Darlington Sports Complex. 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, On LOB 1 JO Expenditures 329 Renovation 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Ex enditure5 ToYa! ~ i'!5i"Q0'' 'tT~5IlOA' ~ ~~~'~ ~ f~-sal ji- 3' ~"'~' a~ f~°~- t""'~',~'E ~ `'~L`' P i ~P ._ , t_._3~ i ..a:,~ ~. d~+, _.~..m.e~..u,~':~ .z..`~`- ~;:.r:~.~.,.~ ~.t s; ~ ~.:i..~'....i Funding Municipal Tax Lery Municipal Tax Levy 15,000 15,000 15,000- 15,000 Funding Tofa! ` '~ ~~'1.5'(I 9: ~ ~ ~Dtli ~ „-,, -a i fI ,i~ :" -'~"-`"~~ i r~ ~ i4 ._ ,.,~ .-, , i.. ._,,..: _... ~ .i ., d,~:~.. ..,., FIi ~ ~.eaor ." ~ 3 .,,E .,.~?#,~..~,.~ ~ ry :'.Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES Sub-Department fAC ' ' _~ __.~.___ _~_ ... .. ~"r __ ---'------------ Projed Approval ,Location `Ward 2 Project Classification Betterment ' . - 'Program/Activity ... ... _...... _ _ _. _ _ ._...._ _.. _ ._ " ,.. 'DC Reference No. .___.____. _... _ - _ . .... . ... - Road Segment No. . M ._ __. ___ .___. _ .._.. _. _._ '0 .. ... _... _....... , .. .... ._ , . . _ '; Expected Useful Life , ._ _ .. _.__ .. .. ... ~- _ . _. _ ._ _.. _. ..... ._ _ Project Manager . .. _.. . • FAC. Municipality of Clarington Project Version Department Sub-Department Capital Projects 330 42-421-11804 SCA -Desiccant Unit Wheel Re lacement Ca ital Plan Year 2011 . COMMUNITY SERVICES Replacement of ice rink dehumidification desiccant wheel unit. Estimated life span is 5 years and facility will be in 8th year of operation in 2011. 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2P2 Expendifures Equipment 20,000 F~cpenditures Total Funding Reserve Funds C/S Capital 20,000 Funding Tofa! 'Department 'cuMmurvi i r acrcw~^a ... i `Sub Department ______._ .FAQ _~.. _.,__ p _~ _ __ ,:_ __ ,___ ._.. Project Approval - Location Ward 1 ' .,-._ ___ _. _.__ ..__. _i .. _ .. .... .__ .._ .., .Project Classification __ .~_ Replacement __ ... __ .~__ ___ _ ... __e_ ._-. - "ProgramlACtivity _ "_ ....., DC Reference No. Road Segment No. 0 'Expected Useful Life Proied Manager George Acorn ,_._ r I• J FAC. Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version ~partment Sub-Department Phase one of compressor lower end retrofit and repair. Two of four compressors to be completed in 2011. 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2P2 Fxpendiures 331 Equipment 30,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 15,000 _, Expenditures Total '°°° Q 0(~;QI -=°~-~'~.~'(`li ~~QQ',~~u-' i;: II, C kt'~I~ v~y ~...'-.'_.x i! ~ 1 i k ~r~ '~ ' r ~I 3i'a.. P .,ud,.m. 3 _.j Nm?c LL.~I~ ~~, IdI II „i T.b ss3_="astl a'_t I~. ~I!~'zl~a ding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Reserve Funds C/S Capital 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 iv ~ *--,~-.i {,~~$ t~ i a r - a n x~ . ~m~ I€rz ~"l IIY 3,._.. i ~e~ Funding Tofa! _'?,~,1 :I~p~'~6~„~* 501S5r ~B;UD4r!.` w .,:. ~`' } ~"` I;s~` Ii ~{,~i~~. ~i h t i~M~ ~~ ..~,. 3ia4~s: d ;. ~.~ 'Department 'COMMUNITY SERVICES `Sub-Department 'FAC. ' '. Project Approval _,_m. .. .,.._ __. _. _ ._..._______,.. ,_._.__ _.... _., .__._ _ _ _ ~ _ . , LOCation _____ _ _. _ _ __._ ___ __ _ . .i 'Ward 1 ' _. _.___.. _._ _ 7 _ 'Project Classification T.._... .... ___ ._---__ ___ _~.______. ____. _., .. .. ____._ '.Betterment ..__. .___._---_.,... 'Prog raMActivity ~- ~-°-- ------- ,___.__ DC Reference No. ,,_.~m.. ___---.-___ .._ .~_.. _..._ _ ----_ . ~_ ~ , Road Segment No. ._. ..~______ _. . . _ _ _. __ __.. .. ..~. .___ 0 _.. ~. _:- . . .. ..N__... .... _ ...__. Expected Useful Life --. _. ..__.----- .. . . _________... ..__. ___ ., k.,____-- --.-_._ Project Manager !George Acom '~ • Municipality of Clarington 33z Capital Projects Project 42-421-11806 SCA -Floor Cleanin Machine Version Ca ital Plan Year 2011 ,epartment COMMUNITY SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Replacement of 1 walk behind floor scrubbing machine, existing machine at end of life span for use. Constant break downs and repairs required in 2010. Machine is used for cleaning of change rooms, lobby areas, washroomsetc.. 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, On L1 E 2P2 Fxpendifures Equipment F~cpendifures Total Fdnding Reserve Funds C/S Capital Funding Tota! 7,000 7 000 7,000 i~..- +gh ... at u`r` - F. -{ ik . m.._TxQd~.. L".i~,~t~~i ~~£I.~- wk... 'H ~..,.,. xf ..,~ '~'... ~iu~..t. U~t '.' ,«. x;'t""`.=.h .u ;Department wmmurvi i r atr<v n,w `Sub-Department r ..-... ..____ ... _... _. _ FAC ...___ _ _ .~. ~. _ _ .. _ . _ - ....- __. 'Protect Approval - i 'Location 'Ward 1 --! 'Project Classification Replacement - IProg ramlActivity `.DC Reference No. "Road Segment No 0 `Expected Useful Lrfe .... Project Manager George Acorn --: C O C ~ d c E 'C d L' ~ Of !4 U ~ Q- ~ m ,,. p m ^ . Y H N II. N fl- ~ V .v U ~ ~ 'c o a` w U C W y C7 z Z 2 o a N d C d a m m m E °' a ~ O L y U d d h Z ~ d ~ N y LL ~ - N N N N N m C C ~ U C X N W ~ LL m -o ~ c c ~ j LL K N U 0 C7 d 0 E r 0 0 °o N O O M °o °o °o °o 0 0 ~n ~n ~ ~ ~ V m r O O O O 0 0 0 0 `~ °m °c e m 0 ` a c m E m 0 ~ `o c E 2 ~ S ~ ~ $ W ¢ w v E ' o > O U ~ ~ y ~ °o °o °o ~ ? ~ Z o o ~ Z Z ~ o 0 o Z a Q 5 ° o a o i° ~ n u ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N m m m 33' Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version partment ub-Department Plan I Year 334 PLANNING SERVICES I ADMIN Various office equipment (chairs, fle cabinets, bookshelves). Basement storage and other capital equipment. Expenditures Furniture Expenditures Totai i unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 5,000 7,000 5,000 Funding Tofal ;Department '.PLANNING SERVICES ~"~ 'Sub-Department ADMIN 'Project Approval ':Approved " .-_.._ .. ..,. __._ ._~...__ _~..__. ..... ;Location Project Classification ` " 2ProgramlAdivity 'PLANNING-OFFICE FURNITURE-2004 " DC Reference No. _-..__-_.-..____ __ ~ " e_ _--- -.. _. , ______ __-~-----_-----_ .__. _.. __._- ... _. Road Segment No. . `D _ " '.. Expected Useful Life Project Manager " Municipality. of Clarington Project Version Jepartment Sub-Department To be split as follows: $50,000 to Bowmanville, $20,000 to Newcastle and $10,000 to Courtice. Expenditures Miscellaneous Expenditures Tofa7 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Community Improvement Funding Tofa7 Capital Projects 000 140,D00 16~ 335 'Department ~_____. ._... _ ..... ;PLANNING SERVICES _.________..n_ __...._ ____ __.. _._._ .. ..._ .._ `Sub-Department __ ..._~------ ADMIN .~ _.... w.-__.__._ ~ .~._~_ .__~.... ~. _ ~ _. .. .~._ _ .__ -- __ ,_ ._._~ .._, Project Approval Approved '. '. Location ' '.Prged Classi5cation ProgramfActivity `PLANNING-OFFICE FURNITURE ' 'DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. D 'ExpectedUSeful Life , '. Project Manager _ ~~ ADMIN Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version department Sub-Department Land Acquisition financial analysis as approved by council on March 2, 2007 336 Expenditures ~ - Land ~ 4,586,000 740,000 960,000 960,000 963,000 963,000 - .4,586,000 740,000 960,000 960,000 963,000 - 963,000 Expenditures Total 4586;0©0'' 0000 96Q000 9fiQ,000 9 3000 9&~ Q ,,,_~,_ ?_ Funding Municipal Tax Levy - Municipal Tax Levy 3,489,500 686,500 703,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 ~ 3,489,500 686,500 703,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 Reserves Municipal Acquisitions - 296,500 53,500 - 57,000 60,000 63,000 63,000 296,500 53,500 57,000 60,000 63,000 63,000 Reserve Funds ~ - - Parkland Cash-In-Lieu 800,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Tota! ~4~fi 'Sub-Department ~~ `ADMIN :Protect Approval ~~~~~~~.~~~~-',Approved ~~`~.. °___ __..,. .._____ - ..-__...._______._____ .______ __..__.___________________a.__._ _..._n__ ...-_._..,.. Location __._ _ ..._._....._._~___._.-._._ _.__... ._____ ', Proect Classification- :New Program/Adroity _._ _ __...._._ «-._.__ .____. .... __ ____. ..__.______ ~. ~..__ __. _ _ ___ _____-f.____..... ___....._____ _.~_______.~.-___.-._ ._.._._._____________._.__. _. ._; ADC _Reference N_o. !Road S_e_gm_ent_No_. _ `0 Expelled Useful Life. .,...~,,... .. ._.... _-.... ...._______....__ ______ _ ...________. _w ..._________ 'rotectManager____..... _ ~., ....._^______. __ _._.__......_____.___v,. _.. _. ... _._.~ i_ ___ - ___-_ _ _ .___ __ _ __ --_____ __ ~~ C Q ~ an ~L U ~ w 3 o ro _~ m ~m a a U .U .~ 7 Y_ d C a d 0 a N V d O a tl! w O m N J N d J I ~ IN Ld d C ~ d ~ d N O t y U m y N ~ C N 3 ~ LL N d d N N N ~ C C ~ U C X A W C LL d ~ J L C ~ LL U 0 (~ O j E L d V r n m O (O O N O N O V OJ N °o °o °o °o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ui ~ri m rn N C N E m 0 a m E ~ = o ° - rn C U ~ .- L N 'O m H U ~ ~ ~ N ` N N a a a J J J (n O O O W N O O W O O ~ ~ ' W Q 1 C O O O ~ ~ C ° ~ m v v v m _ [D O (ND (ND ~ J J ~ A N O- O H 0 N m N K 337 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version partment ub-Department ReplacemenUpurchase of material theft detection systems for Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle libraries, using radio frequency identification. Ongoing replacement and upgrading of library automation system, public and staff workstations (computers, printers, other peripherals); wireless technology. 338 Bowmanville, Clarke, Courtice and Newcastle Branches. Expendifures Computer Hardware 175,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Equipment 225,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 ~ 45,000 - 400,000 BO,OOD 80,000 80,000 BQ000 80,000 Expenditures TOfal ~ i, .i t... atr^ rn -~_ti ,n ., ~ ...~....~ .~TJ.-•`~~~b~,~~:a~.~~tf~'~.~l.~,F~,-i._._84.i~,_.~,, ~~r~~.-i~-,,.~~t~i~~-~',1$~'in.,.! ~k s Funding _ Municipal Tax Levy - Municipal Tax Levy 400,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 400,000 80,000 BO,OOD 80,000 80,000 80,000 Funding Tota! OCIQ: Us ~ SfI SO~ 1~Tf BQ ~4 ~ ~ ~~ ' ' ~ '" ` ' ` ~ e,_,, ~ a s ,-....; . ..,~,--, , i .,~ , _i -Ir _ -. r .~ .;[,. ,r! ';= ,uepaiuneiu uorwrtica 'Sub-Department ~ LIBRARIES Project Approval ._ _ _ ._ _ _ -'- .. ... _ `Not Approved ' ~ .. .. ._j_ ..~...~ _ _ _ _ -'°-----_-__----- Location -____.__ - ~-. w. - - ---. 'Project Classifcation _ ----°---______. _.__-_.. _ ~ - _ - - _ ~ ~-~ ~ ~~ ~- ~~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~~ - ~ ~~ _ - '.ProgramlACtivity l ~- T _ MAIN BRANCH-LIBRARY AUTOMATION _ ~ ~ _ __ _ _ ~ ~~ DC Reference No. Road Segment No 0 . 'Expected Useful Life ~~ '1.5 - _, _ . ... Projec!Manager • LIBRARIES- Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version department Sub-Department Purchase of additional resources in all formats, to provide for growth, mainly in Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle. Various Library locations Expenditures Miscellaneous Expendifures Total Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program Development Charges Public Library Funding Total 339 ~~ 121,430 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,266 Z4,ZBti 121.43D 24.286 24,286 24,286 24,286 _24,286 42,855 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 42,855 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 385,715 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 385.715 77.143 77,143 77,143 77,143 7.7,143 `Department unrwrciw _. ,... _. -sub-Department __ u.,.. -. ... _ LIBRARIES _.._~. ... .__ . ~ ___ _.. ._ ___ ____ 'Project Approval Not Approved "Location "All -Project Classification New _ 'Program/Activity MAIN BRANCH LIBRARY COLLECTION `DC Reference No _.._ _ 1 4 1 .. ... .._ .. _. ._ ._ .. _. _ ,.... 'Road Segment No. .. D _. ..... .... _ _ .. ._. _ ,... ....- 'Expected Useful Life 6 10 ~rofect Manager ._. ~-~ LIBRARIES Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project Version ~partment Sub-Department To replacefurniture and equipment, as well as any renovations, such as carpet replacement. Allbranches Expenditures Furniture Expenditures Total 'Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy Funding Tofal 340 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ~~ ~, t98~ t4@ ~.._ D( '~~~.`.. ~' T(~i:= ~~ 0e.i ~tei .+71.,-tea Ufa ~... +t ,,.._. Lii ?,t„e ,ItLi~Ll_~4~~,.~ w..a~.,f~'.u~... €~-,a?~,u tik r 5...,.~n~ ~~"~ _~,-$~~~r.C~.Ftitz~u......,_:,- 25,000 5,000 5,000 :-Department _ _ '.LIBRARIES . _ __ _ Sub-Department _ . _ .. ,. _._ _ ._ _ _ _ ~. ..~ ~_ _._ ._ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ ._ _ _. =LIBRARIES ~ ._ _ _ . .. `Project Approval ...... ..____. .... ____. - - __w______ _ Location __ . _ _. _ ; . . _.__ Project Classification ______.. _.._ ... ._.... ... _ _ _.~... _.___ ... ._. _. ,___.T_ .. _ '.Replacement Program/Activity ' DC Reference No. '.Road Segment No. '0 Expected Useful Life Project Manager C~