HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-73-98.. ,, ,~ PD 73-98 ~r~` Meeting: Date: Report #: "THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON •', REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, June 22, 1998 PD-73-98 FILE #: PLN 8.13 Subject: AMENDMENT TO SIGN BY-LAW OFF-SITE DIRECTIONAL TOURISM SIGNS FILE NO.: PLN 8.13 Recommendations: Filed-0~ .S Res. #G P g - 3C~8"' 9 5~ BY-law #~ 9~=~a/ It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-73-98 be received ; 2. THAT the accompanying policy and related fee structure contained in Attachment No. 2 to control and regulate the erection of off-site directional tourism signs be APPROVED; 3. THAT the amendment to Sign By-law No, 97-157 as contained in Attachment No. 4 to this report, be APPROVED; 4. THAT the amendment to the Planning Department Fee Schedule By-law No. 96- 032, as contained in Attachment No. 3 to this report, be APPROVED; 5. THAT the Municipality not accept the contract proposal presented by Canadian Tourism Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Limited; 6. THAT Tourism Operators be notified and sent a copy of this Report and Attachments; and 7. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this report is three fold (i) address a request by Canadian Tourism Oriented Directional Signing Limited to erect off-site directional tourism signs within Municipal Road allowances; - 623 ~. r ,: s REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 2 (ii) provide municipal policy for the construction, installation and" maintenance of off-site directional tourism signs within municipal road allowances; and (iii) provide some housekeeping amendments to the sign by-law and the fee structure by-law. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The Ontario Government determined that off-site directional tourism signage along the province's highways shall be consistent in their purpose, appearance and location. 2.2 A contract was tendered out and Canadian TODS (Tourism Oriented Directional Signing) Limited is the private company which obtained the contract with the Province of Ontario to provide tourism oriented directional signing on non-toll provincial highways. The contract is for a ten year term in which Canadian TODS has the exclusive right to approve, manufacture, install and maintain all tourism signing on Ministry highways. The contract with the Ministry does not extend to providing signage along municipal and regional roads. In other. words Canadian TODS, the Municipality or another private company may install and maintain signage on municipal and regional roads. Canadian Tourism Oriented Directional Signing Limited (TODS) requested to erect off-site directional signage in Clarington's road allowances for tourist destinations. This is discussed in detail in Section 3 of this Report. 2.3 An off-site directional tourism sign is one which informs the motorist of services, facilities or destinations which may be essential or of interest to the driving public. Common examples of tourism services, facilities or destinations are. found in Attachment No. t of this report. - 624 ^~ ! a REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 3 2.4 The Municipality does not have a policy for locating off-site directional tourism signs within our road allowances. Policy is needed to provide design and installation criteria for these signs. 2.5 Staff are also proposing some housekeeping amendments. These amendments include redefining a wall sign, providing a fee for amending the sign by-law, and including a fee for temporary signs within the Planning Departments Fee Schedule. By-law. These items are addressed in Section 7 of this report. 3. TODS PROPOSAL 3.1 On Thursday, December 4~', 1997, Staff met with a representative of Canadian TODS to discuss for the first time, this new provincial initiative. TODS proposed to erect and maintain the required off-site directional signs for tourist destinations along municipal roads. TODS are representing a few tourist destinations within Clarington. These operators have also contacted the Municipality regarding establishing the required off-site directional signs. 3.2 Staff reviewed the proposal from Canadian TODS Limited to enter into a 10 year agreement where Canadian TODS would market, build, install and maintain tourism signs on roadways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington. Staff have determined, based on the following reasons, that the Municipality will assume the responsibility of erecting and maintaining the off-site tourism directional signs. TODS will continue to provide signage along Highway 401 and Highway 35/115. i) The Municipality wishes to administer, control, install and maintain all signage within our road allowances. It is not in the best interest of the Municipality to have a contract with a private business to erect and maintain these signs. 625 ^` S i REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 4 ii) The Region of Durham decided in March 1998 that they would install and maintain rather than TODS, the off-site directional tourism signs within regional road allowances. The Municipality's proposed signage policy (Attachment No. 2) is similar to that of the Regions, providing consistent signage on regional and local roads. iii) The proposed municipal policy will operate in a similar manner to that of the Region's, recovering installations and maintenance costs through .the application fee and annual maintenance fee. Regional policy has been implemented and is reflected in signage installed on Baseline Road in Bowmanville for the Darlington Marina. iv) TODS proposes to install different sized signage on rural and urban roads. Clarington have proposed one size of sign, regardless of whether the sign is to be located on an urban or rural road, which would provide. greater consistency. This is similar to Regional policy. v) All aspects of the sign specification, installation and maintenance would be controlled by the Municipality under strict guidelines, eliminating the current variety of shape, size, colour and symbolism. vi) Signs would be grouped on sign post assemblies regardless of type of tourism operation, allowing the Municipality to better control the location and quantity of signing, while highlighting the tourism destination, as required. vii) The policy will limit the location of signage to the most direct route(s) from major highways to the subject site. Signs will only be approved at intersections where changes in direction are required. No "reassurance" signage placed randomly along a route will be permitted. signage will be for directional purposes only and not advertising. viii) Operators requesting signage must agree to remove any existing sub-standard signage before new signs are approved. Existing signage approved before this policy that requires maintenance in the future will not be replaced in kind. - 62b T' ^ A REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE5 ix) There is no financial burden to the taxpayers of the Municipality. All costs associated with the manufacture, installation and maintenance of the signs will be offset by the annual maintenance agreement between the Municipality and the tourist operator, x) The Municipality can retain the right to limit, relocate or remove any sign that becomes a potential safety hazard in the operation of the roadway. 3.7 Instead of the tourist operators contacting TODS to obtain the appropriate approvals for signage along Clarington's roads, they will contact the Municipality directly. Dealing directly with the Municipality should result in a faster turn around with respect to sign approval and installation. 4. MUNICIPAL POLICY FOR OFF-SITE DIRECTIONAL TOURISM SICNAGE 4.1 The purpose of the policy is to provide for the. orderly implementation of a signage system on municipal roads. These signs will support the local tourism industry by assisting the public through the erection of off-site directional tourism signs at strategic locations. The policy attempts to balance the concerns of the industry to provide modern, effective signing while maintaining the municipal responsibilities for traffic management, roadside safety, aesthetics and maintenance of public right- of-ways. 4.2 The policy contained in Attachment No. 2 was developed through consultation with the Region of Durham and is similar to the direction being adopted elsewhere. In an effort to control sign proliferation, the policy governs installation criteria, standardized sign colour and symbols, and regulates the location and quantity of signs. These requirements are essential to protect the effectiveness of regulatory and warning signs, sight lines and visibility of other traffic control devices required to safely operate the road system. - 627 =m M .~ REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 6 4.3 It should be noted, recent court decisions in other jurisdictions have ruled that road authorities do not have the right to totally restrict this type of signage on public road allowances. The road authority does however have the right to control and limit the quantity of signage on its road allowances. Staff feel this policy falls within the courts impression of'limits' and represents a fair compromise. 5. DETAILS Of SIGNAGE 5.1 Location of Signage a. Signage within a Road Allowance To ensure visibility to the motoring public, off-site directional tourism signs shall be located within the road allowance. Within the recently adopted Sign By-law 97-157, this type of signage is not permitted within the road allowance. An amendment is required to the Sign By-law to allow off-site directional tourism signage to be permitted within the road allowance. b. Signage at Intersections Off-site directional tourism signs shall be located only at those intersections whereby a change in direction is required to reach a tourist destination. If there are a number of attractions needing signage at one location, the signage will be "stacked" on a single assembly structure. 5.2 Appearance of Signage Muriicipal Staff propose that the maximum size of an off-site directional tourism sign shall be 0.3 m (1 ft) by 1.2 m (3.75 ft)(0.36 square metres / 3.9 square feet). This size is large enough to ensure visibility to the motoring public. It is noted that the Region of Durham recently adopted this as their sign size. The signs will have white lettering or symbols on a blue background. - 628 g + L 4 1 REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 7 5.3 Number of Signs The number of signs for any tourist destination will be determined by the location of the establishment. Signage will only be permitted:. • on the most direct route to the tourist attraction; and • where a change in direction is required. As such, the number of signs permitted is a factor which cannot be predetermined. Staff recommend that there be no limit on the number of off-site directional tourism signs permitted. 6. FEE STRUCTURE FOR TOURISM SIGNS 6.1 There are 3 basic fees which have to be paid for each sign. They are: i) the Sign Permit Application Fee; ii) the Installation Fee; and iii) the Annual Maintenance Fee. 6.2 Sign Permit Application fee Sign By-law 97-157 requires a sign permit fee of $25.00 per permanent sign. A maximum fee of $100.00 is required for 4 or more signs. This fee is paid upon application for a sign permit. 6.3 Installation Fee The estimated cost for a typical sign installation is $330.00 based on sign manufacturing, installation and administration. This will cover the total installation cost, ensuring no financial burden to the taxpayer. This fee is required to be paid upon approval of the sign permit. - 629 ti t A REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE8 6.4 Annual Maintenance Fee The proposed annual maintenance fee of $100.00 per sign is consistent with the annual maintenance fee charged by the Region of Durham. 7. HOUSEKEEPING -FEE SCHEDULE AMENDMENTS 7.1 Fee for Amending Sign By-law 7.1.1 Currently, there exists no provision for making application to amend the Sign By- law or to tolled an application fee to amend the Sign By-law. A request to amend the Sign By-law will require Staff to complete an investigation and subsequently prepare a report to Committee and Council. 7.1.2 By-law 76-25, being the Municipality's previous Sign By-law, did not include an amending fee. Staff contacted a number of local municipalities in an effort to determine by an informal survey what other municipalities charge for amending their Sign By-laws. The results are listed below. MUNICIPALITY FEE City of Oshawa $50.00 Town of Whitby minor amendment- $150.00 major amendment - $900.00. Town of Ajax no fee Town of Port Hoe no fee Town of Pickerin no fee The City of Oshawa just reduced the amendment fee from $150.00 to $50.00. The Town of Ajax recently adopted their new Sign By-law and did not incorporate an amending fee. 7.1.3 By-law 96-032 is the Fee Schedule By-law for the Municipality of Clarington Planning Department. The Sign By-law amendment application fee should be - 630 ~~ i x REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 9 included within the Fee Schedule By-law. Staff recommend that the fee to amend the Sign By-law be $50.00 based on the following: • although the previous by-law did not require a fee for amending the by-law, a fee assists in offsetting the administrative process; • the permit fee for a permanent sign is $25.00, thus keeping the cost under $100.00 for a single sign if an amendment to the by-law is needed; and • this is comparable to those municipalities which charge a fee to amend the Sign By-law 7.2 Fee for Temporary Signage In addition, Staff recommend that By-law 96-032 with respect to fee structure be amended to include a sign permit fee for a temporary sign. The fee for a temporary sign is $10.00 which is detailed in the current Sign By-law 97-157 (Section 5.6 of the by-law). 7.3 Amend the Definition of Wall Sign There is a need to clarify the definition of a "wall sign" as contained in the current Sign By-law so that it accurately reflects that a wall sign does not go beyond the limits of the wall upon which it is displayed. 8. STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 Attachment No. 1 provides a list of tourism facilities/services eligible for signs under this policy. This list represents approximately 95°h of the operations covered by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Specific details on each type of operation are covered in the MUTCD Tourism section. 8.2 Attachment No. 7 provides a draft of the agreement that would be entered into with the tourism operator ensuring that the business qualifies as a tourism destination. - 631 { L REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 10 8.3 It is important to note that the Municipality will not permit excessive signage which could be construed as advertising. 8.4 The Municipality will regulate and monitor the installation of off-site directional tourism signs with emphasis placed on safety as the first and foremost criteria. In no way will signage be permitted which may compromise the safe operation of a roadway. 8.5 The Municipality must amend the Sign By-law in order to permit the erection of off- site directional tourism signs within the municipal road allowance. The proposed amendment includes a definition and an addition to Section 3 -General Provisions to permit these signs to locate in the road allowance. 8.6 Applications for off-site directional tourism signs will be reviewed jointly by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 8.7 A number of housekeeping amendments were included within the recommendations of this report. These amendments provide application fees for sign by-law amendments and includes the prescribed application fee for temporary signs on the Planning Department Fee Schedule By-law. In addition the definition of "wall sign" was amended to clarify the locational criteria for installation. 9. CONCLUSION 9.1 It is important for motorists to get clear, concise messages that will not lead to any hesitation in the decision making process. The provincial tourism signing installation criteria has the advantage of providing seamless tourism signing across the Municipality that delivers consistent messages with operations in other areas throughout the province. - 632 r ~ x REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 PAGE 11 9.2 The policy intends to recover expenses and may generate minimal revenue in the form of an annual user fee, while providing the Tourism Operator with an inexpensive form of highly visible off-site directional signing to their operations. It also provides approved signage, uniformly across the Municipality and the Region which complies with the recent changes to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), ensuring a safe effective system is maintained. 9.3 It is Staff's recommendation that By-law No. 96-032 be amended as contained in Attachment No. 3 to include an application fee for amendment to the sign by-law and a fee for a temporary sign. 9.4 Staff recommend that By-law No. 97-157 be amended as contained in Attachment No. 4 to allow off-site directional tourism signs to locate in the road allowance. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development Stephen A. Yokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works. HB*RDB*FW*SV*cc 16 June, 1998 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No. 2 Attachment No. 3 Attachment No. 4 Attachment No. 5 Attachment No. 6 Attachment No. 7 Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Offices - Typical Tourism Services, Destinations and Facilities - Off-Site Directional Tourism Signing Policy - Amendment to By-law 96-032 - Amendment To By-law 97-157 - Application to Amend Sign By-law - Correspondence from Canadian TODS Limited - Draft Agreement for Tourism Operators - 633 ~_ REPORT NO.: PD-73-98 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Canadian TORS Limited 120 Whitmore Road Unit 8 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 6A3 PAGE 12 - 634 ~~ TYPICAL TOURISM SERVICES/FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS - Major Tourist Attractions - National Park - Campground - Hiking Trails - Cultural Centre - Heritage Sites/Districts - Tourist Information Centres - Golf Courses (Open to Public) - Horse Racetracks - Sports Parks - Fairgrounds - Marina - Public Beach - Performance Theatres - Interpretation Centres - Farmers Market - Snowmobile Trail Access Points - Farm Based Tourist Attraction - Destination Accommodations - Provincial Park - Conservation Area - Scenic Lookout - Museums - Historic Sites - Convention Centres - Ski Operations - Motor Speedways - Swimming Pools (Municipally Operated) - Arena/Community Centres - Boat Launch (Municipally Operated) - Zoo - Casino - Themed Attraction - Go-Kart Tracks - Riding Operations ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Any other applicable information signs included in the MUTCD Tourism Signage Policy may be eligible. For specific details on any of the above, refer to the MTO Policy on Tourism signing. 635 Attachment No. 2 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFF-SITE DIRECTIONAL TOURISM SIGNAGE POLICY 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this policy is to define the use, design and installation criteria for off- site directional tourism signs while preserving existing and future signage used for the safety, control and direction to the motorist. 2. DEFINITION 2.1 Off-Site Directional Tourism Signs are signs which inform the motorist of services, recreational facilities, tourist attractions, scenic points of interest and other such services/facilities as may be essential or of interest to the driving public. 3. ELIGIBILITY 3.1 To be eligible for tourism signing, a tourist activity must comply with all of the following General Criteria which is further detailed in the General and Specific Criteria established by the Province: • The operation must serve transient customers and be open to the general public. • The operation must .comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal legislation The operation must be accessible by a road open to public traffic. • The operation must be open to the public as specified in the Provincially adopted Specific Criteria for that type of operation. • The operation must have a reception structure -such as controlled gate, staffed reception and orientation point, or permanent interpretation panels or displays. • The. operation must advertise its location, season and hours, contact information, and facilities either in tourism publications, or in publicity material regularly distributed through Ontario Regional Tourist Information Centres. 3.2 It is the responsibility of the Province and/or their agent to advise the Municipality in writing, if a tourist destination, facility or service meets the criteria established. 4. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Off-Site Directional Tourism signs shall convey their message by the appropriate legend or symbol, colour and shape. Wherever possible, the message shall conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Tourism signing convention. All signs shall have a blue background with a white legend or symbol and border. All signs shall be made of retro-reflective sheeting materials to - b36 f~ conform to ASTM D9456-90 or subsequent revisions as "Engineering Grade" to show the same colour and shape by night or day. 4.2 The name of the business, establishment or facility shall be supplied by the tourism operator. Names are to be displayed as fully as possible within the limitations of sign size.: and font requirements. Priority is to be given to venue name over its descriptive category (e.g. "Cedar Valley' is the most important element of "Cedar Valley Trailer Resort"). Where necessary, common abbreviations or short forms may be used. Installation of non-standard sign size or additional panels is not permitted. 4.3 All Off-Site Directional Tourism Signs shall be no larger than 30 cm by 120 cm (0.36 square metres). 4.4 The Municipality reserves the right to group signs on support assemblies at its sole discretion. Wherever possible, signs shall be erected in groups of four on a single support assembly. 4.5 Rural signs shall be spaced at approximately 100 m intervals in advance of intersections where spacing permits. They will be located on the right-hand side of the roadway and must not interfere with existing or future roadway operating signs. Similarly, urban signs shall be installed on the right-hand side where spacing permits. Distance between signs may be reduced due to lower operation speeds. At the discretion of the Director of Public Works, individual icons may be used in highly congested areas. 5. LOCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 This policy only applies to signs installed within the Municipal right-of-way and includes all existing municipal roads and any future roads assumed or downloaded to the Municipality. In the case of roads being assumed by the Municipality, any existing agreement(s) between the previous road authority. and an outside sign contractor shall be terminated at no cost to the Municipality. 5.2 Facilities will be signed only where there exists space for signs along a route that will lead motoring tourists to their destination in a reasonably direct manner 5.3 In general, signs will be permitted at the closest intersection where changes in direction are required. Reassurance route markers at non-intersection locations will not be permitted. 5.4 These signs must not interfere with or detract from other traffic control devices or signing. Priority locations will always be entitled to regulatory, warning and operational control signs used by the road authority. 637 ,~ 5.5 Any tourism operations fronting onto municipal roadways that are clearly visible to the approaching motorist, or where adequate on-site signage exists, or could be installed, will not be permitted signage in the right-of-way opposite their entrance. 6. ADMINISTRATION/GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 All signs on municipal roads shall be approved, installed and maintained by the Municipality. 6.2 All signage installed under this policy remains the property of the Municipality of Clarington. The Municipality retains the right to remove, alter or replace any sign at its discretion. 6.3 Application for signage in accordance with this policy shall be submitted to the Public Works Department in writing for consideration/approval in consultation with the Planning Department. Details on the attraction, proposed locations and number of signs shall be included with the request. 6.4 If a tourism operation qualifies under this policy for the provision of signage, but it is determined by the Municipality that. there are existing operational problems created by the tourism facility, the applicant will be responsible to correct, at their expense, such problems as a condition of the sign(s) installation. The operational problems shall be items such as, but not necessarily limited to, the following: -Access improvements -throat width, radius -Relocation of access -Reduction in number of access points -Parking prohibitions or improvements -Site plan conformity 6.5 Existing signs that do not meet this policy will be removed as required. The owner of these signs will be contacted prior to their removal and informed they will. not. be replaced in kind. 6.6 Replacement or removal of existing signage outside this policy will be required as a condition of new approvals. 6.7 If the tourism operation is on another Area Municipality or Regional Road, that Authority's policy will apply to their roads and they must agree to allow signs on their roads to complete the sequence of signs all the way to the site. The applicant should generally initiate requests at the appropriate municipal level. 7. FEES 7.1 .Tourism operations eligible for off-site directional tourism signs under this policy will agree to pay all fees prescribed in their approved agreement with the Municipality. The operator will pay the application, installation and first year 638 - .. a 7.2 maintenance fee in full, in advance of the initial installation. The Municipality will then invoice the operator on the anniversary date of the signed agreement starting the beginning of the second year from the date of the agreement. Failure to pay the' annual fee or comply with municipal requirements will result in the removal of the operator's sign. 7.3 The applicant will assume all costs associated with the removal of all signs which do not meet this policy 7.4 The Municipality is responsible for all ongoing maintenance costs. Ongoing maintenance will be at the discretion of the Municipality. 7.5 The following table provides information regarding the fees applicable for off-site directional tourism signs. ITEM FEE Si n Permit A lication Fee $ 25.00 (max. fee $ 100.00) Installation Fee $ 330.00 Annual Maintenance Fee $ 100.00 Note: The above fees include costs for generic icons but do not include costs related to speciality corporate LOGOS specific to a tourist business. These or any additional costs must be assumed by the applicant. - 639 • ~ ATTACHMENT ar3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY Of CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 98- being a By-law to amend By-law 96-032, the Fee Schedule By- law for the Municipality of Clarington Planning Department. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 96-032, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Item "N" - is hereby deleted and replaced 6y the following: "N. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION a) Permanent Sign $ 25.00 per sign to a maximum of $ 100.00 per application b) Temporary Sign $ 10.00 per sign" 2. Item "O" - is hereby amended by adding the following new section and renumbering items O. to R. inclusive to P. to S.: "O. APPLICATION TO AMEND SIGN BY-LAW $ 50.00" 3.. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1998. BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1998. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1998. CLERK - 640 -~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON gngCHMENT N4 BY-LAW NUMBER 98- being a By-law to amend By-law 97-157, the Sign By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 97-157, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: Section 2 -DEFINITIONS is hereby amended by adding the following definition for "Sign, Off-Site Directional Tourism" aher the definition of "Sign, Off-Site Directional". "Sign, Off-Site Directional Tourism means a sign for the purpose of only identifying a name of a tourism destination, business or service and providing directions to the tourism destination, business or service and shall be erected in compliance with a Municipal Agreement." 2. Section 2 -DEFINITIONS is hereby amended by replacing the definition of Sign, Wall with the following: "Sign, Wall means a sign of which the entire display surface and sign area does not extend beyond the limits of the wall and is wholly painted on or permanently affixed to a single wall or structure. The sign structure, display surface and/or sign area shall not project in a perpendicular fashion more than 0.3 metres from the wall of the said structure." 3. Section 3.7.5 -Prohibition in Street Allowance and Sight Triangles is hereby amended by adding the following words "off-site directional tourism site" aher the words "Official Bench Sign". 4. Section 3.7.5 -Prohibition in Street Allowance and Sight Triangles is hereby amended by adding the following new section: "b) Any person wishing to erect an off-site directional tourism sign within a municipal street allowance must first obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and upon approval shall enter into an agreement with the Municipality of Clarington. An off-site directional tourism sign shall not exceed a sign area of 0.36 square metres. The sign height shall be compatible with it's surroundings. The signs may only be erected at intersections where a change of direction is required to reach the destination. 5. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 6. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1998. - "" BY-LAW read a second time this day of 7998. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 7998. MAYOR 6 4 1 CLERK RIDING OPERATIONS To be eli¢ible for sig_nnins as a ridingoperation the operation must: meet basic criteria offer day livery services service is available at all times the operation is open to the public and is not available exclusively by advance booking offer adequate off-road parking for transient customers has adequate supply to serve transient customers offers duect access to trails from the operations main recaption and operating site CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: Signature: Signed this /_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date (Print Name) Day of . 19_ 659 FLYING OPERATIONS (Tourist -Oriented) To be eli¢ible for signing as a fl i~ng_operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria is a sea plane base offering float or sea plane charter operation offers guided, chartered or rental tourist flights on a regular, advertised schedule serves transient customers CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the MunicipaliTy of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign{s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: By: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 660 ~. CAMPGROUNDS To be eligible for signing as a campground operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria make available for booking by the transient public either 10% of its camping sites, or a minimum of 10 spaces, whichever is greater include both tent and trailer sites among the sites available to the transient public supply sanitary facilities, drinking water and picnic tables or equivalent CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of , 19_ /_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 661 1' ._ CASINOS To be eligible for signing as a casino operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria is a permanent, fixed-location casino recognized by the Province, that is either: a) a commercial casino under the Ontario Casino Commission Act or b) a permanent charitable casino under the Ontario GamingControl Act CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 662 ~~' ~' GOLF COURSES To be eligible for si,gnin,g as a golf course operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria offers a minimum of 9 holes of regulation golf is open to the general public at least 6 days per week during its advertised operating season has a pro shop/rental shop which offers on-site equipment rental has a base for operations such as a lodge or office building or ticket booth provides public rest rooms CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: (Print Name) Signature: Signed. this Day of 19_ /_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 663 ~. .. . TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND THEME PARKS To be eligible for signing as a themed attraction operation, the operation must: meets basic criteria is an establishment whose primary function is satisfying tourist needs by providing recreational, educational, cultural, scientific, environmental or entertainment- related activities to transient tourists at the site, the sale of merchandise or services is absent or is restricted to the sale of souvenirs and/or food and beverage service provides adequate off-road parking at the site CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indenmify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of . 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 664 ATTACHMENT ~5 1 NSTRl1CTI~NS APPLICATION TO AMEND SIGN BY-LAW THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR PROCESSED UNLESS: All sections of the accompanying application form are completed. 2. Two (2) copies of plans and/or drawings 8 %:" x 14" are attached. The plans and/or drawings must show the location, size, colour and type of all signs and their relationship to on-site and surrounding buildings, structures and roads. NOTE: Anon-refundable application fee $25.00 for permanent sign, $10.00 for temporary sign (includes G.S.T.) as per the Fee Schedule By-law 96-032, as amended, is due at time of application. Cheques, cash or money order shall be made payable to the Municipality of Clarington. APPLICATION PACKAGE MUST RESUBMITTED TO: Planning and Development Department Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Phone: (905) 623-3379 FAX: (905) 623-0830 Applicant's Information: Name: Address: Telephone Nos.: Home Posral Code Business Pax Home PosNal Code Business Pax 2. Policy/Regulation of Sign By-law to be amended: 642 ~' -2- 3. Reason for Amendment: 4. Proposed Location of Sign: Municipal Address: Lot. Concession: Former Township: 5. Sign Details: Location of Sign on Property (ie. wall, front yard, etc.): Type of Sign (ie. wall, ground, pylon) 6. Land Owner's Authorization: If the applicant is not the owner of the land, then written authorization of the owner (or the written authorization of each owner in the case of shared ownership) stating that the applicant is authorized to make the application must be attached. The authorization setout below must be completed by the owner. PLEASE PRINT: Authorization of Owner for Agent to Make the Application am the ~ registered owner of the land that is subject to this application and I authorize Date Signature of Owner to make this application on my behalf. - 643 i ' »~ ~~ ATTACHMENT ;Y6 n d an T ~ ~O~ it ll 120 Whitmore Rd, Unit 8, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L-6A3 October 2, 1997 Mr. Ron Baker Traffic Co-ordinator Municipality of Clatington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Baker, rLCd , 'F. ~ ',9iiV i The Province of Ontario has introduced a new Tourism FTghway Signing System, Canadian TODS Limited is the company chosen by the Province to market, build, install and maintain tourism signs on provincial highways. Members of Ontario's tourism industry have waited many years for this type of system. It has been planned and designed with industry participation, and with the needs of both tourism operators and their customers in mind. It is intended to ensure that members of the traveling public aze both well-informed and safe as they travel our roads. The sins are attractive and will be placed in an organized fashion to provide the necessary information without clutte roads with signs. ------ One of the aspects of the new policy is the intent to provide a complete and consistent way-Ending system to each destination. So where a tourism operator is in a location where they will require supplementary signs on Municipal roads, Canadian TODS Limited is required to secure the approval from each Road Authority in order to place these signs. The Region of Durham is still in the process of determining how they will handle the implementation of the new tourism sign policy on Regional Roads. We do require placement of some signs on some Municipality of Clarington roads and please consider this our application for permission to do so at the locations identified by the enclosed site plans. I have also enclosed the panel layouts of the intersections that we require signs at in order to complete the path to the destinations from their signs on the 401. 644 Ph: (905) 851-1322, Fax: (905) 851-4724. CST u i is! ----F-*~--~- I 120 Whitmore Rd, Unit 8, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L-6A3 -2- Canadian TODS Limited will pay the Municipality of Clarington a $150.00 permit fee per intersection fora 10 year permit. Canadian TODS Limited absorbs all costs of manufacturing, installing, maintaining and replacing these signs for the term of the contract with the destination. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. If you accept our application for these permits please inform us in writing to our Woodbridge address. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ Tracey Hepburn Account Executive 645 Ph: (905) 851-1322, Fax: (905) 851-4724, Toll Free: 1-888-263-9333 Ltlr-b~-`1 !~ b`1 ]4G HL1 .~ 1 Ht YJ31J FGH 7p.7'fJ lbT~J ~J MUNICIPF,LI-T" OF CLP.RING7,?N PLANNItdc~ Dccember• S, 1997 120 Whitmore Rd, Mr. Franklin Wu Planning Director Municipality of Clarington 40'Icmperance 5t. Bowt»am ills, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Sir, jP ~~ ~~~~ i ~, l: ~~'~ ~' DEC d 5 i~s% Ontario L4L 6A3 I n o.~ f~.9 k ~ 1~~1~u n The Province of Ontario has introduced a new Tourism Highway Signing System. Canadian TODS Limited is tltc company chosen by the Province to market, build, install and ,ttaintairt tourism signs on provincial highways. Members of Ontario's tourism industry have waited many years for this type of system. It has been planned attd designed with itiduslry participatipn, and with the needs ofboth tourism operators and their customers in mind. [t is intended to ensure that members of the traveling public are hnth well-informed and safe as they travel our roads. The signs arc attractive and will be placed in an organized fashion to provide the necessary information without cluttering the roads with signs. One of the aspects of the new policy is the intent to provide a complete and consistent way-finding system to each destination. So where a tourism operator is in a location where they will require supplementary sigrts on Municipal roads, Canadian TORS Limited is required to secure the approval from each Road Authority in order to place these signs. As advised by Heather Brooks, T would like to forYnally request an ammrdrnenl to your sign oy-iaw pcrnnumg the use of our trailblazers for tounst destinations wrthin the i~lumcipality of Clarington. Canadian TODS Lirnited is willing to commit. to our smallest sign design to he used on Clarington Roads, since the size of the sign was of some concern to Ms. Brooks (Please sec attached diagram). Canadian TOll5 Limited wit! also convnit to adhering to the Municipality of Clarington's Official Plan with respect to the sales of these sign; to businesses officially designated as tourism nodes. ~~~1 ..may-., ,.-~~ av~.i .,~i ~ncrr:urcrv 7n~.-o ro~'vo~o r. uo ,y '1 The standard agreement between Canadian TODS Limited and all municipalities is to pay a pennit fee of $150.00 per intersection we. require to place a sign at. Since we would like to keep our fees standard across the province and the Municipality of Clarington's permit fee is only $25.00 I would like to request that you waive any fees for amending the sign by-law. The by-law amendment fee is nol something we have been required to pay in any other municipality and as such, we would not be prepared to absorb that cost. Ms. Brooks also has a copy of our standard municipal agreement recommended by the nntario Good Roads Association Canadian TORS Limited would he prepared to include an) additional ~ clauses you feel are necessary. Ifypu have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact nte. Sincerely, Tracey l Iepburn Account Executive ~ cc: Steve Vokes Director of Public Works (! s ~~ r s ~~~ ATTACHMENT f7 L~J ~~ JUN fl 4188 Mt:NICIPA~ITY OF CiP,RINGTON Pi.ANNiP•1G DEPAEiTFAENT June 3, 1998 Dear Operator: Re: Request for Tourism Off-Site Directional Signing In response to your request for Tourism Off-site Directional signing on Municipality of Clarington Roads, attached is an application form and a copy of Council approved policy specifying the conditions that must be met prior qualification. Please complete the Tourism Signing application and a standard sign application through the Planning Department which requires a $25.00 fee per sign (ma~mum $100.00). We will review your request in accordance with the policy and inform you as to the extent of signing your operation qualifies for and the associated costs. If successful, you will be required to sign an agreement to abide by the conditions set forth in the Municipality's policy. The pricing schedule approved by Council is $330.00 per sign for the initial installation plus $100.00 per year per sign for annual maintenance costs paid in advance of any installation. Future maintenance fees may be adjusted by Council periodically. The Municipality is responsible for all maintenance for the duration of the agreement. This policy is similar to the policy adopted by the Region of Durham. If you have any further questions, please call the undersigned. Yours truly Ronald D. Baker, Traffic Co-ordinator Public Works Attach. pc Heather Brooks, Planning Department 649 TOURISM SIGNING APPLICATION Municipality of Clarington Date: Customer: Address: Contact: Phone: FAX: Type of Operation: Name on sign (limit of two lines of tent, 12 characters per line, one line preferred) Hours of Operation (include hours per day, days per week, weeks per year): Does your operation have existing signing visible from or on Municipal Roadways? Yes No If yes, provide description or sketch of locations. Do you have sign agreements with Region of Durham or Canadian TODS? Sign Location Requests: "(provide sketch or map of proposed sign locations) MAIN ROAD CROSS ROAD DIR. Of TRAVEL ARROW 4 COST: Installation -Sign Qty _ * $330.00 = $ Annual Maint. -Sign Qty _ * $100.00 = $ TOTAL DUE _ $ Annual maintenance fees are due with installation costs and will be invoiced on the anniversary date each subsequent year. Annual fees may be adjusted by Council periodically. Upon approval of this application you will be advised of acceptable locations and total costs due. PAYMENT TO BE CERTIFIED CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, paid in advance. 650 SKI OPERATION (Nordic or Cross Country) To be eligible for signing as a ski operation, the operation must:. meet basic criteria offers 10 km of groomed cross-country sld trails of at least 2 levels of difficulty offers duect access to the trails from the operations main reception point offers onsite ski equipment rental offers adequate off-road parking for transient customers RT E: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: By: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of . 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 651 HORSE RACETRACKS To be el~ible for signing_as a racetrack operation, the operation must: Meet basic criteria is a permanent racetrack supervised by the Ontario Racing Commission under the Racing Commission Act offer publicly accessible, advertised events on at least 5 days of each week in its operating season CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipaliy's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator:. (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 652 .. MOTOR SPEEDWAYS To be elieible for signing as a motor speedway operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria is sanctioned by Autorites Sportives Nationales (ASN) Canada as a motor speedway meeting ASN's minimum standards for speedway activities and facilities its public events are licensed by Canadian Automobile Sport Clubs (Ontario Region) offers publicly accessible, advertised events on at least 5 days of each week in its operating season CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this ~_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date Day of . 19_ 653 SHI OPERATION (Alpine or Downhill) To be eligible for signing as a ski operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria offer a minimum of 3 groomed downhill ski runs its ski tow equipment complies with relevant federal and provincial safety standards legislation offers onsite ski equipment rental offers adequate off-road parking for transient customers offers first aid, washrooms, and drinking water onsite offers food service, onsite or immediately adjacent to the site CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harnless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: By:, (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approva]/Date 654 f'- ~ ZOOS AND ANIMAL DISPLAYS To be eligible for signing as a zoo or animal displav operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria is a zoological gazden/park, aquarium, petting zoo, petting farm, aviary, bird sanctuary, animal conservation centre, or other public animal exhibit whose primary activity is wildlife conservation and/or the public display of animals has a permanent location complies with all relevant legislation and regulations concerning the keeping of animals in captivity, including the Ontario Game and Fish Act, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and (where these exist) relevant municipal enactments CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the signs} installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: By: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of , 19_ /_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date b55 ,, . FARMERS MARKET To .be eligible for signin¢ as a farmers market oneration, the operation must: meet basic criteria is a market devoted to the sale of local and Ontario produce and other foodstuffs the market must set a minimum level of local products and local producers to be sold on - the premises is open at least two days per week in its open season has a permanent facility the facility dedicated to the market has a minimum 10,000 square feet of floor space CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator:, (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 656 ' c PUBLIC ART GALLERIES Includes: Public Art Galleries, Sculpture Parks, Developed Outdoor Mural Sites To be eligible for sit*ning_as a public art gallery operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria is a permanent facility the facilities primary purpose is the public exhibition, rather than the retail sale, of works of art the facility houses a permanent art collection, part of which is on display at all times the operation is open to the public where the facility consists of an outdoor mural display, the murals are permanent that are accessible to the general at all times CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator:, (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 19_ b57 • ~ . ~ 1 : ` MARINAS (Publicly Operated) To be eligible for signing as a marina operation, the operation must: meet basic criteria maintain at least 10 spaces for rental to the transient public offers marine fuel facilities offers docking facilifies, including a boat launching ramp offers fresh/potable water provides sanitary disposal facilities, either onsite or immediately adjacent to the site CERTIFICATION NOTICE: I certify the requested information is correct; that I have read and fully understand the Municipality's Policy; that the operation I have applied for complies with the General and Specific Criteria for the type of operation being signed; that I agree to pay the prescribed fees; and to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality of Clarington from all damages or losses that may arise as of the erection of the sign(s) installed in accordance with this agreement. Operator: By: (Print Name) Signature: Signed this Day of . 19_ Planning Department Approval/Date Public Works Department Approval/Date 658 •a BY-LAW NUMBER 98- being a By-law to amend By-law 97-157, the Sign By-law for the ~~ _ ^~ Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. ~ ~~ ~~ G(,j~ WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Claringto advisable to amend By-law 97-157, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipa ity of Clarington. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 2 -DEFINITIONS is hereby amended by adding the following definition for "Sign, Off-Site Directional Tourism" after the definition of "Sign, Off-Site Directional". "Sign, Off-Site Directional Tourism means a sign for the purpose of only identifying a name of a tourism destination, business or service and providing directions to the tourism destination, business or service and shall be erected in compliance with a Municipal Agreement." 2. Section 2 -DEFINITIONS is hereby amended by replacing the definition of Sign, - Wall with the following: "Sign, Wall means a sign of which the entire display surface and sign area does not ` extend beyond the limits of the wall and is wholly painted on or permanently affixed to a single wall or structure. The sign structure, display surface and/or sign area shall not project in a perpendicular fashion more than 0.3 metres from the wall of the said structure." 3. Section 3.7.5 -Prohibition in Street Allowance and Sight Triangles is hereby amended by adding the following words `off-site directional tourism sign" after the words `Official Bench Sign". 4. Section 3.7.5 -Prohibition in Street Allowance and Sight Triangles is hereby amended by adding the following new section: "b) Any person wishing to erect an off-site directional tourism sign within a municipal street allowance must first obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and upon approval shall enter into an agreement with the Municipality of Clarington. An off-site directional tourism sign shall not exceed a sign area of 0.36 square metres. The sign height shall be compatible with it's surroundings. The signs may only be erected at intersections where a change of direction is required to reach the destination. 5. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 6. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1998. BY-LAW read a second time this day of 7998, BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1998. MAYOR CLERK