HomeMy WebLinkAboutLGL-002-11~Iarington ~c~angrne way REPORT MUNICIPAL SOLICITOR Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINSTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 24, 2011 Resolution#:G'PA'~yT ~/By-law#: ~6//-D/a Report #: LGL- 002-11 File#: L2030-06-01 Subject: CONVEYANCE OF PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 10 AND 11. CONCESSION 10. DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council as follows: 1. THAT Report LGL-002-11 be received; 2. THAT Council pass the form of by-law attached to this report (Attachment 4) to stop up, close and convey that portion of the unopened road allowance situated between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 10, Darlington, legally described as Part 2 on 10R-1249 to Neil MacKay Orton in order to remove a cloud on title; 3. THAT the conveyance to Mr. Orton be exempted from the Municipality's Policy and Procedure For Road Closures dated November 1996; and 4. THAT the Municipal Solicitor be authorized to take all necessary action to complete the transaction. n Submitted by: i ~ ~ Reviewed b ~(~ Andrew C. Allison,. B. Comm., LL.B. Franklin Wu, MAOM Municipal Solicitor Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6020 REPORT NO.: LGL-002-11 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On May 31, 1985, Neil McKay Orton purchased the property legally described as part of Lot 11, Concession 10 and the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 10 ,Geographic Township of Darlington, being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 10R-1249 (see Attachment 1). 1.2 Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249 was the original road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 in. Concession 10. It was originally conveyed by Instrument 7502 on January 28, 1897 from the Corporation of the Township of Darlington to James Ashton (see Attachment 2). This conveyance was made pursuant to a decision made at a Town Hall Meeting (Hampton) on December 26, 1896 (see Attachment 3). 1.3 Title to what is now Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 10R-1249 has been transferred many times. Mr. Orton was the most recent purchaser (1985). 2.0 CLOUD ON TITLE 2.1 Unfortunately, no by-law was ever registered to officially recognize that the Township of Darlington had stopped up, closed and conveyed what is now described as Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249 (the road allowance) in 1897. Staff have searched corporate records (including a search of Ontario Archives) but have not been able to find a registrable copy of the by-law (#536) that was passed in 1897. As a result, the original conveyance of the road allowance from the Township of Darlington to James Ashton is not being recognized in the current Land Titles System for lack of documentary evidence. The Registry Office records mistakenly indicate that the road allowance is owned by The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. 2.2 In order to clear up the "cloud on title", a by-law is required to stop up, close and convey Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249 to Mr. McKay. 2.3 Because the conveyance is intended to clear up a title problem, it is not necessary to go through the process set out in the Municipality's Policy and Procedure For Road Closures dated November 1996. Attachment 1 -Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 10R-1249 Attachment 2 -Instrument 7502 Attachment 3 -Minutes of a Town Hall Meeting (Hampton) Attachment 4 - By-law to Stop Up, Close and Convey Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249 /~ / ~/ ~~ ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT LGL-002-11 ~ ~_ ~ o C~ Z O y 44x . J ~c~ ~ ~ o ?. 2 $ o ~~ ~ ~_ a ~ ~ ~~, ~, 4 Y~ ~~ ~~ ,s yikiik ~ ~ (i,~a I i 'ei~t~~ ~ i `~`~ ~~i~r~ ~ ~~Y~ ~ - - - v rMrnw / stns !sw 4 T .3 ,.~ t ` ~ Ix. 1..oru r hl )n ~ ~~ ~- frrrwl mcls srln .w rorn . us y ~ 5 :0~ N33Ml ~ ' f°rO 1OX r ]JNlal?I'R 41Vd1 Z 1lmH y y ; : ~ y , , a ~ o ~ ~ \ 1 .w \ ~~ ~I i r ~ - a \ ~* - F 7 ~ ~ ~ w fL N \ ~ N 1~ N 3 \ ~Oy uan t _~ .we- M~~ I ~ - ~~ ~~ f. ~i~~ p \ ~~~~, O q 3 e Aj w ! w J 3 ~° Y ~ A 1 '11 lI b ~m ti ,IQ x i~ tl 4 1 1t I ~__.._ ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT LGL-002-11 ~.`..y~...~ .s~is-,/~jr-~L.zat~.osce.f~sarcw~eu~~+~},aw~,a .~'8~ui~ml6a ~ B ~t~ tt~~lA~tf~ ~~Ait~ n . .. ~~ R~ .. ~ ,~ y~ `; ~A i J... ;il= ,! 1Sr ~~ .. ry44Y~~: !' i ;I~4'' '''. ~~~Jy(~ jj ~ 1 ~p ~11~Y~~~^rfccr~.mi~ ~ ~~~ '~ ./r~.fPi~aG ,~j ~u'`4x`°~~! .~~I~i,PiekoC. ~~~~ .ice ~za~l~~r /~..~~ys~ ~!~ S~4CS4aC/~tt~ Pt... ~ ~1" e (.1( ~/y / ~ .pax aODsssw ~p~, .~is1Lt' C~y~Hl CKi'b L~Cy~~} l 9 f/ ~~ ~.:~ ~^ V '/vf.L ~J/~f ~~ 4N4f~ J 'ii ;; . ,,. 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Cbt.7'~A !//.L ./iic~~MY i p~.Y~I.//~C. •lR2A~~(LS`~~(..r v //c .!/F v D'a~ ilytvt J . yLfri` SICO+.s~~`F! /~si/ ~GI ~y,/•../m /'~Ok(oddstwrael/~~iN.Jare~.lONwI ~'J ws.r~s.'.,.__..~. i . :•~",,f~~~//`~~r~'T'.~s6rd~zr+1 ~'f>lec ~~~~p(~./~~aiK{' fis/rri j •%~W~iEw/.. .~~t/r SlCrst~~~./ha/~4/ai+Ya/.arv~ ' ~'°'~" ~.~e~w'.~s~7~a'~D t:fi~.,J+rsL.~ni...fi. -~,~` ! `,~c.~y . .s~, s.~ ,,,x {'!, i.' . vy ::~ '. ~~ ~ i I$ ~ 1 ib ~~ in p' i' n~ p. III ~.: j' . ~1~ ~~~.fSi~~ fQFQ~64geeao~r~t:.?el. f~Rl.6/./LHrtdd.an~.Jlo~J. '~": ~' bsacLsb occ.b bsetiressb ;,it / ~rt~r~, .. is ` f/~/ IM1~ ~~~~~ I, +[p1' l~ q ~~ ATTACHMENT NO. 3 TO REPORT LGL-002-11 J k ~/t~t.~Ii(iC tvv~c.~ u `~'~li~+- I~ l9 DJ l ,.tic. ; ~ !!~' . 3 tr !.~ <.. 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NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AS FOLLOWS: That the property described as Part of the unopened road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession 10, Darlington, being Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249, is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That Part 2 on Plan 10R-1249 be conveyed to Neil Orton McKay by The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 3. That the Municipal Solicitor be authorized to take all action necessary to effect the transfer. By-law read a first and second time this 31st day of January, 2011. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 31st day of January, 2011. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk