HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/2010Leading tA¢ 4Yrt~ Council Meeting Minutes DECEMBER 20, 2010 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 20, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Hooper led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor J. Neal Councillor M. Novak Councillor Partner Councillor C. Traill Councillor W. Woo Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Present: Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella, attended until 9:10 p.m. Director of Community Services, J. Caruana attended until 9:10 p.m. Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath attended until 9:10 p.m. Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano attended until 9:10 p.m. Tax Collector, M. Maye attended until 9:10 p.m. Communication Co-ordinator, J. Vreeker, attended until 7:22 p.m. Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir attended until 9:10 p.m. Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming, attended until 9:10 p.m. Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Woo indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 8. Councillor Foster indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business. Later in the meeting Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business. Later in the meeting Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - ANNOUNCEMENTS December 20, 2010 Councillor Traill announced that there will be a Public Meeting on January 12, 2011 at Oshawa City Hall regarding the Highway 407 East extension. Councillor Hooper advised that on Friday the Emergency and Fire Services Department received a large donation of toys from the Phoenix Company for the Salvation Army Toy Drive. Councillor Hooper expressed appreciation to the many caring and giving residents of Clarington for their generosity. Mayor Foster mentioned a couple of events that he and other Members of Council have attended recently including helping prepare Christmas Hampers at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and the opening of the new Durham Region Humane Society building in Whitby. Mayor Foster thanked members of the community for making Clarington an amazing community. Resolution #C-443-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on October 4, 2010, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-444-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on October 19, 2010, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-445-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the minutes of the First meeting of Council held on December 6, 2010, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-446-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on December 8, 9 and 10, 2010, be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Mayor Foster advised that on November 25, 2010, the Holy Trinity Titans Football Team won the Metro Bowl by trouncing the King City Lions by a score of 28 to 3 and advised that each member of the team will be presented with a congratulatory certificate. Mayor Foster and Councillor Hooper presented certificates to Will Hepburn, Steven Courtney, Joe Mastromarco, Alex Scott, and Eddie Akeson. Mayor Foster and Councillor Neal presented certificates to Adam Kolodziejczak, Josh Baksh, Grant Shepley, David Neal, and Dillon Campbell. Mayor Foster and Councillor Novak presented certificates to Dustin Harris, Joe Longo, Jon Ritchie, and Mike Johnson. Mayor Foster and Councillor Partner and presented certificates to Luke Samuels, Steve Sirizzotti, Michael Shepley, Mark Lavellee-Demers, and Cole Cryderman. Mayor Foster and Councillor Traill presented certificates to Dan Murphy, Dan Fedirko, Conner Bayliss, and Mike Kashak. Mayor Foster and Councillor Woo presented certificates to Matt Johnson, Coach Fred Zinkie, Coach Rob Geary, and Coach Derek Sheridan. Congratulatory Certificates were also prepared for Earl Anderson, Latrell Paris, Nik Shymko, Alec Thompson, Akil Goodridge, Ryan Dus, Nathaniel Allen, Stephen Thompson, Kevin Risko, Svend Tamburro, Joe Crimi, Jake Clancy, Kyle Snowdy, Mitch McKnight, Tyler Ganhao, Tyler Forrester, Jamie Chalmers, Kelvin Hirschfeld, Coach Colin Winslow, Coach Bill Cramp and Coach Mike Lyons, who were not in attendance this evening. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - Resolution #C-447-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Council recess for five minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting resumed at 7:26 p.m. Resolution #C-448-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper December 20, 2010 THAT the rules of procedure be suspended to allow for an additional speaker to be added to the list of delegations. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-449-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Dave Patterson address Council during the delegations section of the Agenda concerning Correspondence Item D - 17. "CARRIED" Don Igbokwe, Co-Chair, Durham Region Multi-faith World Religion Day Committee addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 9 -request for proclamation of World Religion Day and for waiver of facility rental fees for January 16, 2011. Mr. Igbokwe introduced Joanie Gertler, Ron King, Vaqar Raees, Maria Igbokwe and Prudence Adams, Members of the World Religion Day Committee in attendance this evening. Mr. Igbokwe extended an invitation to Members of Council to attend World Religion Day, amulti-faith celebration to be held on January 16, 2011, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Centre and requested that Council proclaim January 16t" as "World Religion Day" in Clarington and to waive the facility rental fees. Mr. Igbokwe indicated that World Religion Day is observed around the world to celebrate unity and diversity. He stated the goal of World Religion Day is to bring awareness of the similarities and differences between religions noting various faith groups such as Christianity, Baha'i, Muslim, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Native Spirituality, Zorastrianism, Jainism and Sikhism will be featured. Mr. Igbokwe urged Council to support their request in promoting an inclusive society. Jeremy Woodcock was called but was not in attendance. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - December 20, 2010 Jim Richards addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion regarding Energy-From-Waste stating that all Members of Council should be doing whatever possible to either improve the process or stop it entirely. Mr. Richards expressed concern that because Regional Councillors voted not to see the final Host Community Agreement, the public has no idea what kind of liabilities the Region may be facing and whether the Region would try to force Clarington to foot the bill should the Municipality once again declare itself an "unwilling host". Mr. Richards stated even with some sort of financial penalty, it would be far cheaper than constructing a $280 million incinerator that will cost approximately $18 million per year to operate and not advance the Region closer to a sustainable solution to the waste management challenge. Mr. Richards urged all Members of Council to support Councillor Neal's Notice of Motion and demand that the comments of the former Municipal Solicitor be made public. He expressed concern that the Chief Administrative Officer dismissed the concerns of the former Municipal Solicitor with respect to the Host Community Agreement and wants to be assured that, as the current solicitor now reports directly to the Chief Administrative Officer, there will be no interference with the Solicitor's report. Mr. Richards suggested that the Solicitor report directly to Council on this matter or preferably turn the entire matter over to independent legal counsel to avoid any chance for political interference or any real or perceived conflict. Mayor Foster clarified that it was Council's decision not to make Mr. Hefferon's comments public and that Mr. Wu was following Council's direction. Jim Richards addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Unfinished Business regarding appointment to the Veridian Corporation Board of Directors. Mr. Richards stated that in reviewing various Candidate's election campaign material, he noticed key words such as honesty, integrity, trust, faith, openness, accountability, transparency, etc. and slogans such as "working together for change", "time for a change", working for you", "making a difference" and "listening to the people". Mr. Richards expressed concern that Council is now considering overturning a democratic vote made two weeks ago and questioned the message that will be sent to the residents of Clarington. Mr. Richards stated that personally he feels betrayed by the intentions of the motion and urged Council to reconsider their intended actions rather than the previous appointment of Councillor Neal. Mr. Richards also expressed concern with the compensation paid to elected officials for sitting on the Veridian Corporation Board of Directors and urged Council to support Resolution C-207-09. Reverend Dan Yourkevich addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion regarding Energy-From-Waste stating he wonders how many people outside of those in the public service and the media have read the Host Community Agreement and understand how it will affect Clarington. He stated the residents of Clarington should expect there to be some benefit in the Agreement and questioned what the Agreement will and will not do for the Municipality. Reverend Yourkevich questioned how Council will ensure that emission standards are met and what will happen following the three-year monitoring process. Mr. Yourkevich requested Council to be a watchdog and to protect the community. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - December 20, 2010 Barry Bracken advised prior to the meeting that he would not be addressing Council. Dave Patterson addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 17- Request for Amendment to Street Naming Policy to allow for the poppy to remain on the street sign on Corporal Patterson Lane, which was named for his son, who served in the United States Marine Corp. Mr. Patterson stated that he is aware of a recommendation from the Director of Planning Services to deny his request and wishes to oppose the recommendation. Mr. Patterson quoted various items of correspondence from Members of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Provincial Member of Parliament who are in support of his request. He also quoted correspondence from municipal staff acknowledging that an error had been made in placing the Poppy symbol on the street sign. Mr. Patterson reiterated his request to have the poppy on the street sign as it is a world insignia signifying veterans and is not owned by the Royal Canadian Legion. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-450-10 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Correspondence Items I - 10, I - 11, I - 13, I - 14, I - 22, I - 23, I - 27, and I - 29. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated July 20, and September 14, 2010. I - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated September 17, and November 19, 2010. I - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated September 23, and November 16, 2010. I - 4 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated October 12, 2010. I - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated October 19, 2010. I - 6 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated October 21, 2010. I - 7 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated October 6, 2010. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - December 20, 2010 - 8 J. Robert S. Prichard, Chair, Board of Directors, Metrolinx, announcing that effective September 4, 2010, he became the Chair of the Board of Directors of Metrolinx succeeding Rob Maclssac, founding Chair; extending appreciation to Mr. Maclssac for leading the development of Metrolinx's Strategic Plan and the Merger of Metrolinx and GO Transit; also announcing that effective September 4, 2010, Bruce McCuaig became the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Metrolinx following the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Directors; and, indicating that as Chair, he will remain actively involved in the leadership and strategic directions of Metrolinx supporting Bruce McCuaig and his Senior Management Team. I - 9 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, expressing disappointment with Minister Bartolucci's response regarding the Municipality's resolution calling on the Province to cover the costs of appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) resulting from policies in the Places to Grow Act, as the Minister provides no solution to the costs being incurred by municipalities who are forced to defend the provincial legislation at the OMB; and, indicating he will continue to raise the issue at Queen's Park. I - 12 Scott Vokey, Energy Services Coordinator, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), writing further to Council's resolution requesting AMO's support for a moratorium on wind turbines; advising AMO continues to support the creation of an independent academic chair to review the impacts of renewable energy facilities on the natural environment and human health including, but not limited to, low frequency noise, electrical and electromagnet disturbances, meteorology and any other perceived effects on human health and the natural environment; and, providing information on three important initiatives addressing those concerns including the publication of the Ministry of the Environment's "Provincial Approvals for Renewable Energy Projects" Guide; the review of existing scientific evidence on the potential health impact of noise generated by wind turbines technical working group and the award of the Ontario Research Chair in Renewable Energy Technologies and Health to Dr. Siva Sivoththaman, University of Waterloo whose research program will develop new technical approaches and provide guidelines in setting standards to ensure health and safety in the manufacturing, use and end- of-life phases of renewable energy technologies. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - December 20, 2010 I - 15 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of the Honourable Carol Mitchell, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' response to his letter of support for Durham Region's application to Rural Connections 2020 for broadband funding; advising the Province shares his views regarding the need for high-speed Internet access and is looking toward a more prosperous future for rural Ontarians by investing in broadband infrastructure; and, indicating that he will continue to work to ensure that broadband services for the Municipality of Clarington will remain a priority and that he will work to hold the government to keep its promises of bringing high speed Internet to rural communities throughout Ontario. I - 16 Bill Robinson, Executive Vice President, Nuclear Refurbishment, Projects & Support, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) advising that OPG is providing early notification to the community and interested stakeholders and initiating some of the environmental studies that will be required for the Environmental Assessment for the refurbishment and continued operation of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Project; indicating that the refurbishment activities are assumed to begin as early as 2013 and continue for approximately 10 to 12 years and that after each reactor is refurbished and returned to full power, it will continue to operate for another 25 to 30 years, with routine scheduled maintenance and inspections; and, indicating that as the project evolves, OPG will be seeking input through a range of information sharing and engagement opportunities. Further information is available by contacting Donna Pawlowski, Manager, Social Aspects -Environmental Assessment at 905-837-4540, ext. 5201. - 17 J. W. Tiernay, Executive Director, Ontario Good Roads Association, (OGRA) forwarding aNomination/Consent form for the 2011-2012 OGRA Board of Directors for OGRA municipal members interested in being considered as candidates for positions on the Board of Directors. The Nomination/Consent form, along with a resume, is to be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee for consideration. I - 18 Rita Kostyan, Planner, The Biglieri Group Ltd., writing on behalf of SBA Canada, ULC, as a follow up to the Public Information Session held November 2, 2010, regarding the proposed communication tower at 3585 Concession Road 5 in Orono; providing responses to four underlying questions or concerns communicated at the public meeting regarding the effects on public health and safety, property values, sightlines and effects on existing television and cell phone signals; and, advising that towers do not pose a health risk since they all abide by Health Canada's Safety Code 6, which is federally regulated; there has been no proof that communication towers affect property values; indicating that tower locations were chosen according to radio frequency requirements and that SBA Canada has worked with landowners to determine the proposed tower locations and is unable to reposition the proposed communication Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - December 20, 2010 tower; and, that the proposed tower will not have an impact on existing cell phone reception/service or television reception. Brochures entitled "Radiocommunication Towers, Environmental Assessment and Safety Code 6: Frequently Asked Questions" and "Safety of Cell Phone Towers" were attached to the correspondence. I - 19 Cheryl Green, Durham Region Diabetes Network (DRDN), expressing appreciation to Council for proclaiming November 14, 2010 as "World Diabetes Day" and advising that throughout the year, DRDN will continue to provide residents of Durham with diabetes awareness, education and assistance through programs, support groups and other community events. I - 20 Petra Wolfbeiss, Senior Policy Advisor, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) advising that on November 30, 2010, the Minister of Community and Social Services announced that it will not proceed with its 2010 budget decision to eliminate the Special Diet Allowance available to people receiving Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP); indicating that this decision may impact municipalities who have removed the SDA costs in their budget planning for 2011 and that Special Diet Allowance recipients will now be required to reapply for the allowance resulting in an administrative impact on municipal staff; and, requesting the government to consult with AMO and municipalities as they undertake changes to the special diet allowance and consider future changes to social assistance in Ontario to ensure that those in need of support because of medical conditions are not unfairly impacted by any provincial policy changes. I - 21 Doug Bain, Local Area Supt, Canada Post, advising that the Newtonville Postal Outlet on Highway 2 will no longer be in operation; indicating a contingency plan has been developed to service area residents and that counter services are available in Newcastle and Kendal and call for items or customer pick up product will be diverted to Kendal, approximately 5 km north on Newtonville Road; and, that a review will take place to determine the requirements in the area and the financial viability of service requirements. I - 24 Bruce McCuaig, President and Chief Executive Officer, Metrolinx, forwarding a copy of the 2009-10 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for Metrolinx. Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - December 20, 2010 I - 25 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham extending an invitation to the Mayor and Members of Council and to the public to attend his annual levee on January 9, 2011 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Clarington Beech Centre featuring official photos from the Queen's 2010 Visit to Ontario; and advising that he is also hosting a levee in Uxbridge at the Royal Canadian Legion from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and requesting that Members of Council RSVP to his office at 905-697-1501. - 26 The Honourable Gary Goodyear, P.C., M.P., Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario) (FedDev Ontario) writing to Her Worship Marilyn Pearce, Mayor of the Township of Scugog, regarding a request for investigation into the expansion of the Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) services for the rural municipalities of Durham Region; indicating that he has requested FedDev Ontario to examine the issue of communities that are not currently served by any of the CFDC's in southern Ontario and to provide possible recommendations; and, advising that he is committed to contributing to the Federal government's overall goal to build a stronger Canada, a stronger economy and to build upon the strength of southern Ontario. I - 28 Dan Mathieson, Chair, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) providing an overview of MPAC's activities undertaken in support of the recent elections including a number of improvements to the enumeration process for 2010, the delivery of the Preliminary List (PLE) and Voter Notification File (VNF); indicating that MPAC is now processing Voters' List revisions received from municipalities and is committed to processing these forms by March 31, 2011; and, that MPAC is also continuing its outreach to municipalities with the delivery of the Municipal Status Report -Enumeration which provides key Enumeration metrics at both the provincial and municipal level. I - 22 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of his statement in the Legislature regarding the province's unilateral changes to Durham Region's official plan resulting in the elimination of 155 hectares of developable employment lands in Clarington; expressing disappointment that the manner in which the change was made prevented Council from filing an appeal; and, indicating that he has called on the Government to give the new Clarington Council an extension to the appeal deadline to assess and appeal the decision arbitrarily made by the government. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-451-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item I - 22 from John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, with respect to Provincial changes to Durham Region's Official Plan, be received for information. "CARRIED" I - 10 The Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, writing to Mayor Marolyn Morrison, Greater Toronto Area Countryside Mayors' Alliance, thanking Mayor Morrison, Mayor Margaret Black and Mayor Marilyn Pearce for meeting with his predecessor, the Honourable Jim Bradley at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference in Windsor; indicating that he shares Minister Bradley's interest in the Economic Analysis Study undertaken by the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors' Alliance and looks forward to receiving a draft of the report and that he appreciates being apprised of the challenges faced by municipalities in the fringe of the GTA particularly regarding the impact of rural and farm property taxations; and, that he will advise the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance of the concerns raised. Resolution #C-452-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 from The Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with respect to concerns of the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors' Alliance, be received for information. "CARRIED" I - 14 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to Roger Anderson, Regional Chair and CEO, Regional Municipality of Durham, acknowledging the immense and undue burden the estimated $255 million in road expansion and $90 million in road maintenance will place on the Region of Durham as a result of the province's failure to fulfill its commitment to complete the Highway 407 extension; advising he continues to bring this issue to the forefront of discussion in the legislature and will continue to raise this important issue at Queen's Park; and, enclosing the Hansard of his statement on Durham Day. Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - December 20, 2010 I - 23 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of his statement in the Legislature regarding the Premier's failure to live up to his promise of completing the Highway 407 extension the entire way to Highway 35/115; indicating that by not completing the 407 extension as promised, the government is costing residents jobs, costing businesses and the Region tens of millions of dollars and will increase taxes for maintenance and work that will be required; and, indicating that the 407 extension is important to the economic future of Clarington and that it is imperative that the government is held accountable to working towards having the 407 extended to Highway 35/115. I - 29 Mayor John Henry, City of Oshawa, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, regarding the urgent issue of the phasing of the Highway 407 East Extension and briefing notes from his meeting on November 23rd with the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation, advising that atwo-phased approach will have crippling impacts on Durham Region and the City of Peterborough; and, requesting that the Province amend the RFP for the proposed Highway 407 East extension to include the entire section from Brock Road North to Highway 35/115, requesting the Federal and Provincial governments to honour their commitments solidified by the FLOW agreement and build the extension in one phase by 2013 and to request the Province to reallocate the $8.15 billion previously set aside for Toronto's LRT to the Highway 407 East Extension Project. Resolution #C-453-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Province be advised that the Municipality of Clarington does not support any decision to terminate the Highway 407 East extension anywhere in Oshawa or Clarington. THAT, consistent with the recently approved Environmental Assessment, the Province commit to construct the Highway 407 East extension to Highway 35/115, together with both Durham Links and all the Oshawa interchanges as part of the opening day scenario. THAT a copy of this Council resolution be forwarded to the Premier's Office, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, all local MPs and MPPs, the Region of Durham, all Durham Municipalities, the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Peterborough, Durham College and UOIT. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - December 20, 2010 I - 27 Correspondence has been received from the following individuals objecting to the proposed "Energy-From-Waste" facility (a) Louis Poirier (b) Barry Dutton Resolution #C-454-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item I - 27 from Louis Poirier and Barry Dutton, objecting to the proposed "Energy-From-Waste" facility, be received for information. "CARRIED" I - 11 The Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, acknowledging the growing concern with respect to bed-bug infestations in communities across the Province; advising that the Province has various measures in place to help combat concerns such as bed bugs and that in addition, municipalities are authorized to adopt by- laws that prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property and that public health units have the authority to prevent, eliminate and decrease the effects of health hazards within their jurisdictions; and, requesting Council's support in ensuring appropriate measures exist at the local level to tackle the apparent increase in bed bug infestation and encouraging municipalities to focus on prevention and education in order to reduce the number of people affected. Resolution #C-455-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item I - 11 from the Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with respect to bed-bug infestations, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - December 20, 2010 I - 13 Mary Tillcock, Organizer, Terry Fox Run, extending appreciation to Members of Council and staff for their support of the Annual Terry Fox Run from the planning stages of the Run through to Run Day; thanking the municipality for being a significant community partner; and, advising that early results for Clarington indicate that the 30th Anniversary of Terry's Marathon of Hope has raised over $73,000 for cancer research through the efforts of over 1000 participants which is a tribute to the generosity and community spirit of Clarington residents who take the time each year to follow Terry's example. Resolution #C-456-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item I - 13 from Mary Tillcock, Organizer, Terry Fox Run, with respect to the Annual Terry Fox Run, be received for information. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-457-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 7 be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" D - 1 The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, inviting nominations for the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers, a program to recognize and honour young volunteers between the ages of 15 and 24, who through their actions and dedication have improved the quality of life in their communities, their province, their country, and even around the world. Nomination forms are available on line at www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards or by contacting the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2011. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk to place information on the Municipal website) Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - December 20, 2010 D - 2 The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, advising 2011 will mark the 25t" Anniversary of the Volunteer Service Award (VSA) Program, along-standing Ontario tradition recognizing volunteers from all sectors of the community; inviting participation in the Programs for 2011 by nominating volunteers and providing an opportunity to thank them in a significant way by ensuring they receive the recognition they so deserve; and, indicating that nomination forms and additional information are available on the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website at www.ontario.ca\honoursandawards. The deadline date is January 25 of each year. All nominations received after the deadline will be considered for the following year. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk to place information on the Municipal website) D - 3 Jo-Anne McFarland, Clarington Polar Bear Swim Committee, requesting approval for members of Clarington Fire Station 2 to attend the 11tH Annual Clarington Polar Bear Swim, an annual event where participants go fora "swim" in Lake Ontario on New Year's Day, to raise awareness of the urgent need for organ and tissue donations and to raise awareness and support for liver disease research. Through sponsorship and pledges, the Clarington Polar Bear Swim has consistently been able to raise approximately $6,000 per year for the past six years, bringing their total money raised to date to $34,500 in support of the Sick Kids Foundation and directed to research for pediatric liver disease. (Request approved) D - 4 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Economic Development Officer, Clarington Board of Trade, writing to Franklin Wu, Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Clarington, advising of the Board of Trade's attendance at the Canadian Nuclear Conference in Ottawa in February 2010 which was an extremely valuable opportunity for the Board to showcase Clarington and to help build strong relationships with business leaders in the nuclear industry and their supply chain; indicating that the nuclear industry is the Board's prime target group for business attraction; requesting Council's support in funding the Clarington Board of Trade's attendance at the 2011 Conference on February 23 to 25, 2011; and, forwarding a copy of the expenditure list including Option A in the amount of $8,805, Option B in the amount of $12, 805 and option C in the amount of $14,855. (THAT Correspondence dated December 6, 2010, from Sheila Hall, Executive Director of the Clarington Board of Trade with respect to the request for financial assistance to participate at the upcoming Canadian Nuclear Association Conference be received for information; Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - December 20, 2010 THAT Option B in the amount of $12,805 to be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve Account approved; and, THAT Sheila Hall be advised of Council's decision.) D - 5 Mike Finnegan, Chair, Durham Deaf Accessibility Committee, a Committee established by local Deaf leaders with concerns about accessibility in Durham Region who actively participate in lobbying for improved services and a more accessible lifestyle for deaf people; hoping that Council will keep in mind accessibility issues when addressing local concerns in light of current legislation such as the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act; and, proposing issues in need of improvement for better accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing residents living in the Durham Region. (Correspondence referred to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee) D - 6 The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, advising of the Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism commemorating the pioneering legacy and achievements of the late Senator Yuzyk in the area of multiculturalism; indicating the award acknowledges and honours individuals who have made exceptional contributions to multiculturalism and diversity and includes a $20,000 grant to be given to an eligible, registered not-for-profit Canadian organization or association of the recipient's choice. Nominations are being accepted until March 1, 2011. Further details are available at www. cic. gc. ca/paulyuzyk. (Correspondence referred to the Municipal Clerk to place information on the Municipal website) D - 7 Alan Cornthwaite, Recording Secretary, Bowmanville and District Navy League requesting permission for Cadet tagging days on April 22, 23 and 24 and September 23, 24 and 25, 2010 and advising one of the aims of the Sea Cadet Program is to develop good citizenship and that tagging is an opportunity to exhibit the Cadets to the community and to raise funds for the Cadet program. (Navy League tag days approved for April 22, 23, 24 and September 23, 24, 25, 2011) Councillor Woo stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item D - 8 as his wife is a member of the Fundraising Committee and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - December 20, 2010 D - 8 Kathryn Roka-Ulrich, Sweetheart Dance Committee Chair, advising that on February 12, 2011, the Sweetheart Dance Committee will be hosting a fundraising dance in support of the Memorial Hospital Foundation - Bowmanville, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex and requesting the facility rental fee be waived as to reduce costs associated with the event. Resolution #C-458-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Correspondence Item D - 8 from Kathryn Roka-Ulrich, Sweetheart Dance Committee Chair, with respect to request for waiver of facility rental fee, be denied. "CARRIED" Councillor Woo returned to the meeting. D - 9 Donald Igbokwe and Rev. Larry Doyle, Co-chairs, Durham Region Multi- faith World Religion Day Committee, 2011, advising 2011 marks the Stn year of celebrating World Religion Day in Durham, a day to foster the establishment of interfaith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common denominators underlying all religions; indicating that over 12 faith groups will be participating at this celebration tentatively scheduled to take place at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex on January 16, 2011; requesting that Council proclaim January 16, 2011 as "World Religion Day" and that the facility rental fees be waived for the use of the hall. Resolution #C-459-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 from Donald Igbokwe and Rev. Larry Doyle, Co-chairs, Durham Region Multi-faith World Religion Day Committee requesting proclamation of "World Religion Day" and waiver of facility rental fee received; and THAT the requests be approved. "CARRIED" D - 10 Marolyn Morrison, Mayor, Town of Caledon, forwarding the following resolution to Mayors of the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayor's Alliance for consideration regarding the Government's current review of the Provincial Policy Statement (2005): Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - December 20, 2010 "WHEREAS the Government of Ontario is undertaking a review of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 (PPS) to determine the need for revisions; AND WHEREAS the 2006 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) focuses exclusively on land and does not consider the vitality and economic sustainability of the agricultural and rural community, AND WHEREAS the PPS provides province-wide policy direction for land use planning and development which has an important influence on the type, character and well-being of agricultural communities in Ontario and in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA); AND WHEREAS further improvements to the PPS would support the long-term sustainability of agriculture in the GTA; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Greater Toronto Area Countryside Mayor's Alliance Chair write to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing requesting revisions to the Provincial Policy Statement's agriculture policies to address policy gaps related to economic development, regional food systems planning, natural heritage and the protection of agricultural lands with the purpose of providing greater flexibility and support for the agricultural and rural economy." Resolution #C-460-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the resolution from the Mayors of the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayor's Alliance, with respect to the Government's current review of the Provincial Policy Statement (2005), be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 11 Bob Gleeson writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, expressing concern with the proposed closure of Ontario's Air Ambulance Service provider's (ORNGE) Toronto base and it's relocation to Hamilton; indicating that the move will decrease a patient's chance of surviving a serious injury or heart attack where every second is needed to facilitate a patient's survival, will increase response times and place lives in jeopardy; stating he feels that it is important to keep this essential service in the Greater Toronto Area and suggesting that Pearson International Airport or the Oshawa Airport be considered as the base locations; and, requesting that all Mayors and Councils, the Premier and Members of Provincial Parliament adopt resolutions to support the residents of the areas serviced by ORNGE's Toronto base in condemning ORNGE's move of this crucial and essential service to Hamilton. Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-461-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 from Bob Gleeson, with respect to the proposed relocation of Ontario's Air Ambulance Service Provider (ORNGE), be received for information. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-462-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 from Bob Gleeson, with respect to the proposed relocation of Ontario's Air Ambulance Service Provider (ORNGE), be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 12 Paul Johnson, President, Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) advising that Pelmorex, the parent company of The Weather Network, is making application to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to keep The Weather Network on basic cable and advising that Pelmorex is seeking support in this matter; attaching correspondence to the CRTC advising that the removal of The Weather Network from basic cable could affect public safety as staff provide information to the Weather Network for winter roads reports, that OGRA members use weather information available from radio and television including The Weather Network to plan winter maintenance strategies for upcoming storm events, and that The Weather Network provides local forecasts including storm watch and warnings to communities across the province as public service announcements; and, requesting that Council send a letter to the CRTC in support of The Weather Network's application. Resolution #C-463-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 12 from Paul Johnson, President, Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA), with respect to The Weather Network, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 20 - December 20, 2010 D - 13 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding information on the Leading Girls Building Communities Award, an award to recognize girls under the age of 18 who demonstrate exceptional leadership in working to improve the lives of others in their schools or communities and requesting Council to provide the names of suitable candidates for consideration to Mr. O'Toole by January 7, 2011 to meet the nomination deadline of January 28, 2011. Resolution #C-464-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item D - 13 from John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, with respect to the Leading Girls Building Communities Award, be referred to the Municipal Clerk to place information on the Municipal website. "CARRIED" D - 14 Ed Kennedy, President, Toronto Professional Fire Fighters' Association requesting support of the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Highway of Heroes plays a significant role honouring our fallen Canadian Servicemen and women who are serving Canada overseas; AND WHEREAS it is recognized that the Highway of Heroes provides a remarkable venue for Canadian citizens and our fellow brothers & sisters, along with Police & EMS to pay tribute to our fallen Servicemen and women; AND WHEREAS the Highway of Heroes has become a significant component of Canadian culture as a means to celebrate, honour, recognize and support fallen Servicemen and women and their families; THEREFORE the Toronto Professional Fire Fighter's Association unanimously endorses the production of a Canadian coin depicting the image of Canadians honouring our fallen Servicemen and women from bridges that span the Highway of Heroes; AND FURTHER supports the circulation of this endorsement to representatives of other Fire Fighter Associations across Canada in support of this initiative; AND FURTHER respectfully requests that it is made known to the Royal Canadian Mint that the Toronto Professional Fire Fighter's Association encourages the Royal Canadian Mint to produce a coin recognizing the Highway of Heroes; Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - December 20, 2010 AND encourages all members of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighter's Association to contact their MPs and sign the online petition (www.petitiononline.com/hhyoh123/petition.html) and to send a written letter to the Royal Canadian Mint supporting the development of a commemorative Highway of Heroes coin." Resolution #C-465-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the resolution from the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters' Association, with respect to a Highway of Heroes Tribute Coin, be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 15 Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative & Information Services/Clerk, Town of Ajax, writing to the Central East Local Health Integration Network, advising that on July 8, 2010, the Town of Ajax adopted the following resolution pertaining to health care services: "THAT the Council of the Town of Ajax supports a single hospital corporation for all communities within Durham Region; and, THAT the Central East Local Health Integration Network be requested to explore how this goal might be best achieved to serve the residents of Durham Region; and, THAT all municipalities in Durham Region and the CELIHN be so advised." Resolution #C-466-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the resolution from the Town of Ajax, with respect to health care services, be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 22 - December 20, 2010 D - 16 Deb Bowen, AMCT, Deputy Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, providing an overview of the Durham Trail Coordinating Committee, a Committee established to expand, enhance and promote a public Regional Health Trail Network supporting active and healthy lifestyles; forwarding the Committee's Terms of Reference describing activities to facilitate the implementation of the Regional Trail Network; and, requesting that Council nominate one Regional Council Member (or a Local Councillor if unable to appoint a Regional Councillor) and one citizen member for appointment to the Committee. Resolution #C-467-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Simon Farquhar be nominated for appointment to the Durham Trail Coordinating Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-468-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Councillor Novak be nominated for appointment to the Durham Trail Coordinating Committee. "CARRIED" D - 17 Dave and Roberta Patterson, requesting Council to amend the Street Naming Policy to allow the poppy symbol to remain on Corporal Patterson Lane. The correspondence indicates that their son, Corporal Daniel Patterson, is a Canadian Citizen serving with the United States Marine Corps, is an Honourary Member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 Bowmanville, and was a resident of Clarington when he returned from war in 2003. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson state that the poppy represents a Veteran, not a Country and are hoping that Clarington's Street Naming Policy will be more inclusive so that future Canadian Veterans, serving any military, will be included. Resolution #C-469-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the provisions of the current Street Naming Policy be upheld. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 23 - December 20, 2010 COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 -General Purpose and Administration Committee Report December 13, 2010. Resolution #C-470-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 13, 2010 be approved, with the exception of Items #15, #16, and #18. "CARRIED" Item #15 Resolution #C-471-10 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Item #15 of Report # 1 be referred to the Municipal Solicitor to prepare a report on protocol for appointment to the Veridian Board in an equitable manner. "MOTION WITHDRAWN" Resolution #C-472-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Frank Stapleton be nominated for the election of directors to the Board of the Veridian Corporation for a term commencing on January 2, 2011 and expiring on December 31, 2012. "CARRIED" Item #16 Resolution #C-473-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT Item #16 of Report #1 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a "closed" session of Council. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 24 - December 20, 2010 Item #18 Resolution #C-474-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal WHEREAS The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Regional Municipality of Durham entered into a Host Community Agreement dated February 18, 2010 which set out their rights and obligations regarding a proposed energy from waste facility (the "EFW Facility"); and WHEREAS in a decision dated October 21, 2010, the Minister of the Environment gave approval under the Environmental Assessment Act to proceed with the proposed EFW Facility subject to conditions; and WHEREAS the conditions imposed by the Minister addressed some, but not all, of the matters that were dealt with in the Host Community Agreement; and WHEREAS there continues to be a concern in the Municipality regarding the Municipality's involvement in the EFW process, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to prepare a report that analyzes all implications of the Host Community Agreement; and THAT such report be prepared for consideration at the General Purpose & Administration Committee meeting on January 10, 2011. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (See following motion) Resolution #C-475-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by adding the following to the last paragraph: "and that the report be submitted to Council directly, and not through the Chief Administrative Officer." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #C-474-10 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Council Meeting Minutes - 25 - December 20, 2010 STAFF REPORT(S) BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION Resolution #C-476-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Resolution #C-432-10 passed on December 6, 2010, nominating Councillor Joe Neal for the election of directors to the board of Veridian Corporation for a term commencing on January 2, 2011 and expiring on December 31, 2012 be reconsidered. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion as she is a candidate for nomination to the board of Veridian Corporation and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-477-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Councillor Novak be nominated for the election of directors to the board of the Veridian Corporation for a term commencing on January 2, 2011 and expiring on December 31, 2012, provided, that her term shall terminate on the earlier of December 31, 2012 and the date she ceases to hold such office. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak returned to the meeting. Councillor Traill indicated that she and Councillor Neal would not be proceeding with the Notice of Motion concerning the Host Community Agreement at this time. Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 1 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion as he is a candidate for nomination to the board of Veridian Corporation and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Council Meeting Minutes - 26 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-478-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Councillor Neal be nominated for the election of directors to the board of the Veridian Corporation for a term commencing on January 2, 2013 and expiring on December 31, 2014, provided, that his term shall terminate on the earlier of December 31, 2012 and the date he ceases to hold such office. "CARRIED" Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-479-10 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Addendum #3 to Report PSD-067-09 -Status Report: Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board by Smooth Run Developments Inc. (Metrus Developments Inc.) and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited on Applications in the village North Neighbourhood in Newcastle be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-480-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Addendum #3 to Report PSD-067-09 be received; THAT Report PSD-067-09 be tabled until such time as the Director of Planning Services deems it suitable to report back on the Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plans of Subdivisions and their related rezonings and Neighbourhood Design Plan and the appeals by Smooth Run Developments Inc. and Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Limited; and THAT all interested parties listed in the Addendum 3 to Report PSD-067-09 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Mayor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business as he is a candidate for nomination to the board of Veridian Corporation and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Council Meeting Minutes - 27 - December 20, 2010 Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business as she is a candidate for nomination to the board of Veridian Corporation and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Unfinished Business as he is a candidate for nomination to the board of Veridian Corporation and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Councillor Woo chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #C-481-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Resolution #C-207-09 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-482-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill WHEREAS Members of Council are appointed to represent the Municipality of Clarington while sitting as a Veridian Corporation Board or subsidiary Board Member; NOW HEREBY BE IT RESOLVED THAT effective immediately, any current or future Council Member who is appointed to the Veridian Board, or other like Boards, will be considered to do so as part of their elected duties, and will not receive compensation for such duties; THAT if it is permissible under the by-laws of Veridian Corporation, or other like companies, the compensation otherwise payable to current or future Municipality of Clarington Council Members sitting on the Veridian Board, be directed to the Municipality as revenue; THAT travel and other reasonable reimbursement of expenses to individual Board Members is acceptable in accordance with the prevailing policies of Veridian Corporation or other such companies; and THAT Veridian Corporation and the shareholder Municipalities of Pickering, Ajax and Belleville be advised of Council's decision. "MOTION LOST" Council Meeting Minutes - 28 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-483-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the method of compensation paid to Members of Council appointed to the Veridian Board of Directors on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, remain status quo. "CARRIED" Mayor Foster, Councillor Neal and Councillor Novak returned to the meeting. Mayor Foster resumed the Chair. BY-LAWS Resolution #C-484-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2010-138 to 2010-145 and 2010-147 2010-138 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive zoning by-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington [Lindvest Properties (Clarington) Limited] 2010-139 Being a by-law to repeal By-law 2005-135, and replace it with a By-law to designate the Municipality of Clarington as a site plan control area, to define classes of development that may be undertaken without the approval of certain plans and drawings, and to delegate the approval authority to the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services 2010-140 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owner(s) of the Draft Plan of Condominium C-C-2010-0002, any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the Municipality of Clarington, in respect of C-C-2010-0002 2010-141 Being a by-law to amend Sign By-law 2009-123, as amended of the Municipality of Clarington 2010-142 Being a by-law to require the payment of fees for services 2010-143 Being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington Council Meeting Minutes - 29 - December 20, 2010 2010-144 Being a by-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2010-145 Being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2010-147 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a tax arrears extension agreement pursuant to Section 378 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. OTHER BUSINESS There was no Other Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. Resolution #C-485-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. "CARRIED" The meeting resumed in open session at 9:34 p.m. The Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. Resolution #C-486-10 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report PD-120-10 be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 30 - December 20, 2010 Resolution #C-487-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2010-146 being a by-law to authorize the execution of Minutes of Settlement between the Municipality of Clarington and 902714 Ontario Inc. of claims arising out of the expropriation of 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-488-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Councillor Hooper be appointed Deputy Mayor for the purpose of chairing this portion of the meeting. "CARRIED" Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Mayor Foster, Councillor Neal, Councillor Novak and Councillor Woo stated pecuniary interests earlier in the meeting and refrained from voting on the Confirming By-law and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-489-10 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2010-148, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 20t"day of December, 2010; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" Mayor Foster, Councillor Neal, Councillor Novak and Councillor Woo returned to the meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 31 - Mayor Foster resumed the Chair. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-490-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:37 p.m. "CARRIED" December 20, 2010