HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-03 MinutesDraft minutes — Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2018 7:00 PM Present: Brian Reid Tom Hossie Kate Potter Suzanne Land Leo Blindenbach Meaghan Vandenbrink Rod McArthur Regrets: Jim Cleland Paul Davidson Councillor Corinna Traill Patrick Bothwell Staff Present: Peter Windolf 1. AGENDA MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach THAT: the agenda for November 13, 2018 be accepted with the following additions; Monarch Ultra and Clarington Community Connections Networking event CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Suzanne Land SECONDED by Rod McArthur THAT: the minutes of September 11, 2018 be approved CARRIED SWNA November 2018 minutes 3. UPDATES Fall Clean-up On Saturday November 3, 23 volunteers and members of the SWNA Advisory Committee braved poor weather to remove trash from the trails and the shoreline of the creek. Twenty bags of litter were picked up but it was noted that the area was relatively clean this fall in comparison to previous years. At this year's event the committee also accepted donations of material for Soper Creek Wildlife animal rescue. Fall Monarch Tagging Numbers Approximately 150 people of all ages attended the 2018 monarch tagging event at Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park on Saturday September 8. Several committee members and some graduate students from Trent University provided guidance to the public on capturing, tagging and recording the data. 107 monarchs were tagged over a three hour period. Over the following weeks SWNA members and other volunteers tagged another 243 monarchs. Tom Hossie will submit the data to Monarch Watch. The committee continued to discuss ways to improve the 2019 tagging event. Suggestions included; doing a morning and afternoon session, tagging on consecutive weekends, a public presentation in the spring to present the results of the previous years, emphasizing the science aspect of the tagging event. The success of the tagging event could lead to a future bio-blitz inventory of other creatures at the SWNA. Kate, Tom and Meghan will discuss how to possibly implement a future bio blitz event. Fishing line disposal containers Six fishing line disposal containers made from poly pipe have been installed at locations convenient to anglers at the SWNA. Identification stickers have also been made up and will be placed on the six containers. The containers have generated good feedback from SWNA users. There is no need to clean them out until spring 2019. Jim Cleland Certificate Jim Cleland is no longer able to participle on the SWNA Committee. To acknowledge Jim as the longest serving member of the committee, and his many contributions over the years, a framed certificate has been prepared by the Mayor's office and will be presented by committee members to Jim at a date to be determined by Brian Reid and Jim's son. SWNA November 2018 minutes 4. ACTION ITEMS SWNA You Tube video The committee received a request via email about the lack of information about the SWNA available on You Tube, The writer suggested that someone should create a video tour of the SWNA "to make a geographically systematic video "survey" of all parts of SWNA." Suzanne land will contact the Newcastle Photography Club to see if they have interested in taking on such a project. 2019 Capital Budget Projects The draft 2019 capital budget includes two projects that would benefit the SWNA. 1) Vehicular access barriers are proposed at several location along the Waterfront Trail. This project would include the installation of lockable P-gate bollards at Toronto Street and Cobbledick Road where cars currently can access the Waterfront Trail. 2) Paving the Waterfront Trail from Cobbledick Road to the new valley trail. The intent of this project is to eliminate the erosion that repeatedly occurs at the approaches to the pedestrian bridge and at some other locations. Paving the trail will also help prevent vegetation along the edges from narrowing the trail width, as happens on the granular trails at the SWNA. Monarch Ultra In September 2019 a group of Ultra Marathon runners will follow the migration route of the monarch butterfly from Peterborough to Mexico over 42 days. Each of the 42 marathon runners will run 100km. The group organizing the run has asked to meet with representatives of the SWNA committee to discuss a possible joint event to recognize their run through Clarington. Brian, Tom and Leo will meet with the organizers of the run to learn more. Clarington Community Connections Networking event Kate Potter will attend this Nov. 14 event organized by the Community Services Department. The event is intended to allow different community organization to discuss networking opportunities. 5. OTHER BUSINESS Applications for next SWNA term Applications for the next four year term of the SWNA are due on December 7. The application is available on Clarington's web site. Hard copies were handed out at the meeting. 6. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Kate Potter THAT: the meeting be adjourned. SWNA November 2018 minutes CARRIED Adjournment 8:15 PM Next Meeting: Probably in January 2019 following the appointment of the new committee by Council. Notes prepared by: P.Windolf