HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-11Newcastle BIA MINUTES July 11, 2019 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Councillor Marg Zwart, Leslie Ray, John Thistle, Donna Wood, Ken Easey, Lina Schmahl, Valentine Lovekin, Tracy Yates, Theresa Vanhaverbeke Regrets: Helen Vatandoust, Sheila Hall (CBOT), Greg Lewis, Ann Harley, Granville Anderson, Karen Bastas Attendance taken. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Approval of June Minutes: Ken Easey Seconded by: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: Theresa spoke to Ron Hooper about Municipality grants for BIAs and was directed to a staff. The Grant program is currently under review and will advise us of the changes. Currently only 1 event committee within the BIA is allowed to apply for the Community Event Sponsorship for a grant in that year. We will watch for details in the Fall. 5. Council Report: Marg is going to look into the Tenants By -Laws regarding the lack of garbage bins at the Busters building, causing rats in some of the near by businesses. 6. President's Report: There was some confusion about the Canada Day event and who was running the event - A Gift of Art or the BIA? We are expecting a Canada Day report at the September BIA meeting. 7. Treasurer's Report: Current bank balance is $35,900 . The Harvest Festival money is coming in. Valentine motioned to donate $250 to the Concerts in the Park, Leslie seconded. The motion did not pass. Theresa will let Lloyd know the BIA does not have the money in their budget this year. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: n/a Advertising: Top searches on the website are the Events, Concerts in the Park, Lovekin Law, A Gift of Art, Canada Day event Facebook has 1488 likes, and reached 9000. Top posts are Old Newcastle House Ice Cream truck, Kim Rudd's Ground Breaking for Parkview Seniors Lodge, Decorate your Bike event, Canada Day event, No Frills Hospice Fundraiser. Special Events: A fundraising question came up about committees carrying over extra funds to the next year's event. If any event makes a profit, that money goes into one pot and then will get divided amongst each event at the January budget meeting. a) Town Hall Lighting - The lights will be installed by October at a discounted cost of $3800. They are applying for the road closures. b) Breakfast with Santa- Hall is booked for November 30th. Santa is booked. Entertainment is booked. c) Santa Parade - n/a e) Harvest Festival - Scheduled for October 5, 2019. They have 50 vendors booked, there will be goat yoga - the Mayor will be attending, the street will be closed from Beaver to North St. f) Canada Day - report for the September meeting. 9. CBOT: n/a 10. Chamber News: They have adjourned for the summer. The next meeting is in September. There is no news to report. 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: Ken from Gold Reflections is going to present a new event idea for June 2020. 13. Next meeting, Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Tracy Yates seconded by Janeen Calder