HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-2018Present: S. Cooke H. Raj Regrets: W. Woo 1. Call to Order: MEETING OF THE BOARD: November 14, 2018 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario M. Morawetz S. Elhaj j eh H. Ridge (ED) S. Bobka S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: H. Raj C'lariiigiRm museumti S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: the minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Minutes: 70 None. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz announced that Eldad United Church, Solina, is participating this year in Christmas in Clarington on Friday, Nov 23 along with other churches, local craft vendors and local businesses Nov 23-25th, 10-4 pm. Christmas & seasonal shopping, and baking along with crafts available. S. Elhajjeh noted that public notice ads have been in local papers recently asking for applications for municipal boards including the museum board. Deadline for applications is Dec. 7, 2018. 8. Reports: a) Finance: See Appendix A Of note, the line regarding winter maintenance costs which equate to approximately 6% of our 2018 municipal grant. Some discussion followed on obligations of the municipality with regards to winter maintenance for most municipal properties & how costly it is for the museum to shoulder this expense. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the Finance Report of November 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED b) Membership (& Fundraising): See Appendix B Attendance & membership numbers included in the report. H. Ridge will follow up to see if any newsletters were sent out after Jan in 2018 as intended. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Middleton 71 THAT: the Membership & Fundraising report of November 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED c) Property: See Appendix C Further tree maintenance beyond the quote and work included by Mastwood Environmental Consulting will be required due to wind storms and damages this year. H. Ridge expressed a hope that the municipality will be able to assist as our budget limitations will not allow for further expenses. There have been a number of delays regarding the installations for the children's exhibit, flooring and accessible washrooms but the granting agency approved the washroom changes and informal bids on carpeting are now being requested. Cenotaph, part of Phase II, in the children's exhibit is delayed as a result. Phase I is still being installed. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Property report of November 2018 be received for information. MOTION CARRIED d) Curatorial: See Appendix D "Wild Ontario" exhibit opened Oct 11 with 110 people attending. Children's ClaringTown installation is behind a few weeks but expected done by mid -Dec. A letter from Soper Creek Wildlife was received just before the Board meeting and circulated expressing a number of concerns with the relationship and how it was going. After brief discussions, H. Ridge was asked to research the back story on this with all involved in setting up the contract, and to bring a report to the Board at our next meeting. See Appendix E-2) for ClaringTown update. MAP grant completed with budget to improve storage in the SJWHC basement as recommended in the reports earlier this year. The research request form was updated with a line stating it may take up to four weeks to research information requested. A signature is now required to ensure that people understand that. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: the items on the "Deaccession list 2" be approved, and THAT: the updated Research Request form be approved, and 72 THAT: the Curator report of November 2018 be received for information. MOTION CARRIED e) Programming: See Appendix E A number of events and funded outreach projects & commitments are ongoing. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Program Coordinator Report of November 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED. f) Executive Director Report: See Appendix F H. Ridge asked for discussion regarding volunteer engagement & appreciation. She wondered about holding an event of thanks. She said CMOG accepted our Strategic Plan and approved the grant but wants to see more effort to get the community involved. A decision was made to kick off Strategic Planning in the new year but that perhaps information could go out now to get people thinking. An event in early 2019 might be an opportunity to do both with the new Board. The proposed budget for 2019 was reviewed, adjustments made & lines added. It was noted that the museum responsibilities include 4 buildings. All four are owned by the municipality. Clarke is paid for by the municipality while the others are paid for by the museum; the municipality pays for grass cutting and the museum pays for winter snow maintenance. Moved by: S. ElhaJeh Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Executive Directors Report of November 2018 be received, and THAT: the 2019 proposed budget be approved and submitted. MOTION CARRIED. 9. New Business: None. 10. In Camera 73 No items. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held December 12, 2018 at 7 p.m Location: Library at Town Hall Meeting Room 1 C 12. Adjournment: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 8:48 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives 74 November 2018 Finance Report Overview 1.1 Final payment of $3737.48 was received on November 5t" from the Young Canada Works summer student grants. 1.2 Final paperwork was re -sent to complete our obligations for the Canada Summer Jobs grant. Final payments should be issued soon. 1.3 We have received the $2900 from Veterans Affairs 1.4 The first monthly invoice from Birk's landscaping for winter maintenance was issued November 1st for $3374.18 for the month of November. Winter maintenance will cost the museum $16,870.90 (minimum) for this contract. This would equate to approximately 6% of $282,643 (our municipal grant for 2018). 1.5 1 have received and activated my PCard. 1.6 1 have not yet been added as a signing authority on the bank accounts. Current signing officers are: K. Warren, S. Cooke, M. Morawetz. Recommendations: 1. That the Finance Report for November 2018 be received: Appendix A) 75 November 2018 Membership Report Overview 1.1 Attendance for year is 6328. 1.2 Membership for year is 46. 1.3 Appears as though a newsletter has not gone out since January. Has the frequency of the newsletter for members changed? Recommendations: 1. That the Membership Report for November 2018 be received: Appendix B) 76 November 2018 Property Report Overview 1.1 Tree maintenance was completed on October 23 by Mastwood Environmental Consulting for $847.50. Further tree maintenance work will need to be completed as there are more dead trees and limbs on the property. As this is quite an expense, hopefully the municipality can continue to provide the necessary tree work on the municipality owned museum grounds so that we do not have to incur any more costs. 1.2 The children's exhibit area has begun installation phase 1. The carpet tiles were installed on October 22-23. The mill and general store have been installed, in part. 1.3 The accessible washrooms upgrades and renovations have no install date, however, the granting agency approved the change in project scope. A bid was received by the municipality. They would like to know if the museum will be paying for the flooring to be replaced in the lower hallway as was discussed with K. Warren. 1.4 No date has been set for the replacement of the remainder of the carpet tiles on the main level. A request for informal bids has been issued. Recommendations: 1. That the Property Report for November 2018 be received: Appendix C) 77 Curator Report 1.0 Exhibits 1.1 Wild Ontario exhibit opening on Oct 11t" was well attended with 110 people recorded. 1.2 Phase 1 of ClaringTown was installed Nov. 1-2- The installation of Phase 1 is continuing Nov. 13t". We are running a couple weeks behind schedule, but still plan to be completed by mid December. Will update next month on expected completion date and planned events to open exhibit. See attached page of photos for a look at the progress. 2.0 Collections Management 2.1 Completed MAP grant. Requested $50,000 to complete phase 1 of the re-org to set up archives area in the collection space. The total cost of the proposed project budget is $118,694. Please see attached project budget. 2.2 Work is continuing on the reorganization of the collection and the deaccessioning project. Please see attached "Deaccession list 2" for approval. 2.3 Alex worked to update the research request form to better suit our needs. Please see attached research request form. 2.4 Attended the Ontario Museum Association Conference in Toronto on October 25t" Recommendations: 1. That the "Deaccession list 2" be approved 2. That the updated Research Request form be approved 3. That the Curator Report of November 2018 be received Appendix D) Program Coordinator (November 14 2018) Report 1 Spirit Walks 1.1 This was the second year that I have run Spirit Walks so I was able to rethink how these ran last year and improve on their profitability. increased the price from $10.00 to $12.00 and added an 8:00 walk on some of the more popular nights once the 7:00 walk had filled up. Unfortunately, due to staffing limitations I was only able to do this on the Saturday nights despite the fact that Thursday and Friday nights could also have easily supported a second walk. I also increased the numbers of people invited per walk as some don't show up in bad weather (though they have already paid in advance) and we can accommodate a full 24 if everyone does show up. 1.2 Last year we ran 10 nights at 20 people per night at $10.00 per ticket and so made $2000.00 minus minimal expenses for refreshments. This year we ran over 12 nights (2 nights with 2 walks) for a total of 14 walks, 304 tickets sold and 281 people attended. Our revenue was $3860.64, refreshment expenses were $96.36, for a total profit of $3764.28 (inclusive of taxes) or about $3415 after taxes. I am pleased with this result. People enjoyed the walks and we took a slightly different route to change things up from last year. The ability to add a second walk on sold out evenings should provide possibilities for greater increase in profit next year as well. 2 In -House Events 2.1 Myno van Dyke's lecture on Wilmot, the man and the creek, was enjoyed very much by the seven people who attended. Hopefully further lectures will gradually build up attendance for this type of event. 2.2 Halloween Hijinks took place on October 27t" from 1:00-3:00 and was a free, fun, family event with costumes, crafts, games, face -painting, and candy apples. 31 children and 23 adults attended which was a good turn out for the first time we held this event. 2.3 Our "Mixing Bowl" food rationing cooking workshop was a great success with a lovely intimate group of eight women who heard a presentation in the parlour about World War II food rationing and then got to sample some period recipes and make batches of cookie dough in our kitchen. All the ladies stayed and enjoyed tea and their freshly baked treats and were eager to know when we would host such an event again. 79 3 Hosted Events 3.1 Even though the Life Through the Lens exhibit is no longer up at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, we still have a few more of the history of photography series of talks. The second of these talks took place on October 18t" and the final two talks will be November 15t" and December 13t" 4 Outreach 4.1 1 presented the second of a three -workshop series at the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre on November 1st about the early history of writing. The final installment will be December 6tn 4.2 On November 10t", I attended the 55+ Older Adult Living Fair held by the municipality at the Courtice Community Complex. They had quite a good turn out and 51 people stopped by our booth for a chat about upcoming events and activities. We also sold one of our new museum calendars. 5 Education Partnerships 5.1 The Soper Creek education programs have been working with great success and fabulous responses from the teachers and students. In October, we had 469 students visit and the program only began running on the 15t"! 5.2 We have been in discussion with a representative from the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Board to create a new series of programs for grade 8 students. This focusses on an interest in learning about different career paths and will be a new trial free program for this school year. However, it has led to a lot of interest among grade 7 teachers as well who are requesting history -based inquiry learning. So far 5 local schools have shown interest in either the free grade 8 or paid grade 7 programs. 6 Upcoming Events 6.1 Imagination Station begins again on November 17t" and will take place every Saturday morning from 10:30-11:30 until December 22nd and will return again in January. This is a continuation of our free, drop -in Saturday morning story time, crafts and games program that we held last winter/spring. 6.2 Our Christmas themed PA Day will take place on November 23rd for the children to make gifts, wrapping paper, and cards for the holidays. 6.3 November 241" we will hold a Victorian Christmas Ornament making workshop as another interesting adult craft program as these continue to grow in popularity. 6.4 November 25t", Clarington Community Christmas Party outreach event at the Bowmanville Older Adult Association. 6.5 Our popular annual Edwardian Christmas Open House will take place on Friday, December 7t" from 7:00-9:00. Free live music, house tours, holiday crafts and treats for the whole family. 6.6 The Christmas Wreath Making workshop has been such a success, selling out in October, that we have added a second day, so that the workshop will take place on both Saturday and Sunday, December 15t" and 16tn The second workshop day has now also sold out. Recommendations: 1. That the Program Coordinator Report of November 2018 be received. Appendix E) W November 2018 ED Report Overview 1.1 Phase 1 of the children's area is being installed. The carpet tiles have been installed and the 3 pieces of phase 1 (agricultural area, mill, general store) are almost in place. Project installation is behind schedule. Cenotaph was not installed in time for Remembrance Day. We will have a public launch event in the new year when the installation is complete. 1.2 Proposed idea for discussion: End of year event for staff, board, volunteers to celebrate the success of the past year and look forward to the projects in the new year. Focusing efforts on current priorities and development of new volunteer opportunities. 1.3 Strategic planning will need to take place in the new year with an emphasis on community input. 1.4 2019 Proposed budget Recommendations: 1. That the ED Report for November 2018 be received: 2. That the 2019 proposed budget be approved: Appendix F) wft`- VAkm