HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-005-11Clari~gton REPORT Leading the Way PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 10, 2011 Resolution #: G'P/~-Ob6-If By-law#: NIA Report #: PSD-005 -11 File #: PLN 37.3.1 Subject: NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN GRANTS UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-005-11 be received; and THAT all interested parties listed in this report PSD-005-11 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director, Planning Services IUFUsn/df/ah 22 December 2010 Reviewed by:~ ~ ~~""'~ . ll~-~ "lam Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-005-11 nw~.r .. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On January 29`h, 2007 Council approved the preparation of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Newcastle Village and a study area By-law 2007-015. The terms of reference for the study called for a community focus group, which was formed in March of 2007 and guided the study to its completion in April of 2008. 1.2 Council adopted the Community Improvement Plan bey By-law 2008-064 on April 215, 2008 and it became final and binding on June 3 , 2008. As part of the review process, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing commented on the CIP and its recommendations. 1.3 The Community Improvement Plan allows the Municipality to provide incentives to business and property owners in the Newcastle Village Community Improvement Project Area (Attachment 1). The merchants and business owners of the area were notified of the approval of the CIP and the availability of the incentives and grants during a well attended trade show in the community in June of 2008. The Newcastle and Bond Head Ratepayers Association were given a presentation on the CIP in June of 2009. Should businesses and/or property owners apply for a building permit or works that may be subject to a grant they are informed of such by the Building Division and Planning Services staff. The CIP implementation has been assisted by a CIP Community Liaison Group which .meets quarterly to review the Plan's progress and to bring forward issues that the Municipality can assist with. The Group chair is Myno Van Dyke and members include Gord Lee, Carl Good, Arthur Wynn, Ron Wame, Karin Murphy, Peter Sainovski, Councillor Robinson, and Theresa Vanhaverbeke representing the Newcastle BIA. This Group speaks to merchants and property owners on a regular basis to raise awareness of the CIP program and the services that are available. 1.4 The purpose of this report is to update Council on the grants that have been approved and pending the completion of works, paid out, or deferred pending further grant funding. This provides Council with an overall understanding of how the grants are assisting property owners. 2.0 CIP INITIATIVES 2.1 General Comments There are a number of general rules within the grant program that are applicable to all grants and then there are specific rules for the different types of grants. We have encouraged applicants to take advantage of the free design service offered by the Planning Services Department for fapade improvements and development of visualizations. In all cases we have worked with applicants, and inspected the buildings prior to the anticipated works. Grants are not released until the works are completed and the contractor paid. Property owners must be current with their tax payments. For properties that have multiple municipal street addresses or storefronts, each property owner is subject to an overall maximum of $45,000. REPORT NO.: PSD-005-11 PAGE 3 2.2 Site Plan Control Fee Grant Program This grant program is intended to assist commercial zone property owners with financing the cost of the development process by providing a grant to offset some of the Site Plan Control Fee to a maximum of $3,000. 2.3 Building Facade Improvement Grant Program This grant program is intended to assist property owners with the financing of building fagade improvements. The grant covers up to one half of the costs of the eligible work per building to a maximum of $5,000 per municipal street address or storefront. 2.4 Upgrade to Building Code Grant Program This grant program is intended to assist property owners with the financing of building improvements required to bring existing older buildings into compliance with the current Ontario Building Code. The grant covers up to one half of the costs of the eligible work per building to a maximum of $10,000 per municipal street address or storefront. 2.5 Infill Project Grant Program This grant program is intended to assist property owners with financing the cost of the development by providing a one time grant to offset the amount of building construction to a maximum of $10,000. All buildings are to be designed in keeping with the historical context of Newcastle Village. 2.6 Signage Grant Program This grant program is intended to assist property owners with the financing of signage improvements. The grant covers up to one half of the costs of the eligible work per building to a maximum of $2,000. Clark Chiropractic Fagade Improvements, 10 King Avenue East REPORT NO.: PSD-005-11 2.7 Grants Applications and Status PAGE 4 Grant Type Year Business Name Location $ value Stage F 2008 You're in the Dog House 205 King Ave. E $3,195.94 Paid F, S 2008 The Black Knight 119 King Ave. W $7,000.00 Paid F 2008 Clark Chiropractic 10 King Ave. E $3,087.00 Paid F 2008 Roselina's 4 King Ave E $5,000.00 Paid B C 2009 The Black Knight 119 King Ave. W $10,000.00 Paid F 2009 Yummy Pleasures 123 King Ave. W $5,000.00 Paid F 2009 Canada Brokerlink Insurance In Person 83 King Ave. W $3,508.00 Paid F 2009 Newcastle Eye Care 85 King Ave. W $3,508.00 Paid S, BC 2009 Yummy Pleasures 123 King Ave. W $12,000.00 max Pending Site Plan 2009 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E $3,000.00 Paid S 2009 Lovekin Law 35 King Ave. W $2,000.00 Pending F 2010 Clark Chiropractic 10 King Ave. E $310.75 Paid S, BC 2010 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E $12,000.00 max Committed F 2010 Syvan Developments 187 King Ave. E $5,000.00 max Committed r - racaae S - Signage BC -Building Code Committed - means letter issued committing the funding Pending - means we have been in discussion with owner; waiting for additional information and application Below is a photograph of CIP projects that were completed in 2010 for facade improvements to 83 King Avenue West and 85 King Avenue West. Before Facade Improvements After Facade Improvements REPORT NO.: PSD-005-11 PAGE 5 2.8 Other CIP Works The Community Improvement Plan area is cted y Mill, Street, otherwise known as Regional Road 17. The Region ¢f Durham upgr~ded Mill Street South from Highway 401 to King Avenue in 2009 The works included left turn lanes at Edward Street, reconstruction of the road pavement, curb and gutter, watermain and storm sewer, overhead cobra lights and repair and rep acement of existing sidewalks. The CIP included comments regarding the tr canopy; the road reconstruction was conducted in such a manner to pr ect the trees and their root system. Consideration for the pedestrian environ tat the intersection of King Avenue and Mill Street South has been enhan~ as part of the project through the installation of interlocking brick in the street boulevard. 2.9 CIP Funding Council has provided funding since 2008 for the CIP and a total of just over $43,600.00 has been dispersed for various projects. There will be $4,389.00 remaining. upon completion and payment of the 2010 applications. There is already interest in the 2011 budget allocation as the owners we have had discussions with intend to proceed providing funding is available. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 There has been good response to the grant program. The owners we have met with are pleased with the program and the financial incentives provided by the Municipality. Staff will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for changes as necessary. 3.2 It is recommended that Council provide funding for the continuation of the CIP grant program in 2011.. Staff Contact: Isabel Little Attachment: Attachment 1 -Community Improvement Project area map List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Valentine Lovekin, Newcastle BIA Newcastle Village CIP Community Liaison Group Go Isabel Little Attachment1 To Report PSD-005-11