HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-20 MinutesMinutes Tyrone Community Centre — Monthly Meeting Wednesday March 20, 2019 Attendance: Larry Quinney, Lyndsay Luckhardt, Dave Taylor, Cecile Bowers, Joy Vaneyk, Steve Hutchinson, Kyle Young, Alvina Hare, Greg Carroll, Dianne Woodley, Mick Bonnell, Corina Traill, Corrine VandeGrootheveen Regrets: Marlene Craig, Paul Rowan, Marlene Raby, Craig Raby, Danielle Carroll 1. Adopt minutes from February meeting Alvina Cecile 2. Treasurer Report - Steve — Grant request was submitted to the Municipality. Balance in bank is $21000. One oil bill has arrived for approx $2000. 3. Maintenance Report— Kyle — Work Requests initiated for basement review; double doors into Main Hall; Outdoor Lights; Exterior bar door; locks on ladies washrooms; window cages Follow up on Fence between small soccer field and parking lot. Kyle would like to be included on all emails to the municipality involving maintenance. He has started the % report and will send the finished report once completed. It was noted that there is a ton of water sitting around perimeter. Wondered if regrading around building might help this issue as well as the constant water problem in the basement. Ash trees are still a concern due to safety. A reminder to the municipality will be given. 4. Janitor Report — Larry. Floor has been waxed. Larry is waiting for the municipality to come and varnish. 5. Special Events Committee — Marlene is coordinating a Ukrainian Egg Decorating on April 7th. Two sessions will be ran, one starting at 9:30 and the other at 1. No help is needed by board members. Event will be held in back area by the kitchen. Cost is $10 per person. 6. Hall Booking Report - Bookings are coming in fast and furious. Music and Movement is going well. No back to back cleaning issues - Helpers to set up for Funeral this Sunday March 24 at 10am please 7. Dance Update — Dave —104 attended this dance and last year there was 208. Not sure why the lower numbers this last go around. Discussion was had about someone taking on the task of ensuring that the dance is advertised in the local papers to promote more. Alvina and Joy have decided to work together to ensure that this is completed monthly. Lunch Helpers for April - Pick up liquor — 10 Helpers for April Dance — Evening: 8. Old Business: • Thanks to Everyone who worked on the Ice Rink and the Fire & Ice events. Great Job! • Community Grant Application (for water fountain) — Not yet reviewed by council. Will be reviewed May 6th at their meeting. • Clean up day for April 27 has to be rescheduled due to a booking. New availability is either Sun April 28th or Sun May 5 (come at noon for a hotdog and stay to work). Hall is booked for Saturdays. May 5th was the voted as the date to complete the clean. • Update on display at Community Events/Leagues Open House — will be provided at next meeting 9. New Business • Event Sponsorship Grant Application due April 15t (Breakfast with Santa for $500.) Motion to proceed Greg, seconded by Kyle • CPR / Defib training TBD in April. Vote for weekend or week day was had by those who required the training. It was decided that a week day was the best for most who are required to take it. • Fundraising: discussion was had in regards to fundraising for a board member and possible ideas. It was mentioned about possibly donating bar tender fees from private functions to a pot, selling t-shirts promoting Tyrone. Alvina is trying to put together a fashion show fundraiser to support Marlene. • Other: asked Corinna to look into why the hall is paying a rental on the hot water heater. It is considered to be a fixture so the suggestion was made that either the municipality purchase a tank and install or take over the rental fee. 10. Monthly Fire Extinguisher and Defib checks. Quarterly checks as needed. 11. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday April 17, 2019 7-9 pm 12. Adjourn — motioned made by Steve