HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-16 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Oct 16, 2018 Members Present: Katharine Warren, Mark Stanisz, Tracey Ali (7:50), Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Robert Malone, Councillor Hooper Regrets: Todd Taylor, Steve Conway, Staff: Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 18.31 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by M. Stanisz That the agenda for October 16, 2018 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 18.32 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by K. Warren That the minutes of the Meeting of Sept 18, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations Business Arising Wilmot Creek Heritage Park update: • B. Malone provide a presentation on the originally proposed subdivision design (from 8-12 months ago) to what has now been approved by Council. The approval of Council was significantly influenced by the work of B. Malone, V. Suppan and M. VanDyke who provided presentations at the Planning and Development Committee meetings in June and September and has a number of discussions with the Developer and Council members. The park has been shifted from the central area westerly to the creek with much expanded open space surrounding the Belmont House and linking to the future trail system to the north and south. The Belmont House itself will remain in private ownership. 1 1 P a g e B. Malone, V. Suppan, M. VanDyke recently met with the developer, Mayor and now retired Director of Planning Services (D. Crome) to articulate the program for the 7+ acre park. 17 items have been listed for inclusion in the design which will be prepared by the developers' landscape architect as a conceptual design for the park. It is vital that the lands owned by the MNRF on the western side of the creek (13 + acres) be part of the overall design and interconnected with the trail system. The lands owned by MNRF are where the former fisher operation, mill and museum were located. The developer believes that a conceptual park proposal should be ready within 3-4 months for review. R. Malone and V. Suppan will continue to work with the developer and his consultant and bring back to the committee the concept plans as they evolve. K. Warren wanted to ensure that as part of the list of 17 items for the park that playground equipment and/or activities for children are included. B. Malone assured committee members it was part of the program, which V. Suppan committed to circulating to the committee members. If there are additional ideas beyond the 17 items listed please forward them to B. Malone. B. Malone also noted that the involvement of the Indigenous groups is key. To date he has been unable to garner interest and will continue to follow-up. K. Warren suggested contacting Alderville may be a better avenue to pursue. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) V. Suppan provided comments on the proposed Urban Design Master Plan. He noted that the Ontario Heritage Act designation should be acknowledged and referenced in the resources. The preference would be to see both National and Local designations referenced. The 6 buildings, oval road and description of the "tail" to Concession Street are outlined in the local designation, the national designation is more encompassing and references the history of Camp 30, the Boys training school its campus plan and architectural style. The national designation is significantly harder to obtain and has some cache with it and eligibility for grant applications. The Park Road as it is referred to in the study is intended for occasional use from Concession Street by vehicles to access the park and as a pedestrian/cycling trail. The main access to parking areas for the park would be from Lamb's Road. F. Langmaid explained that the Urban Design Master Plan is out for comment and how it gets adopted into the Official Plan is by amendment to Special Study Area F, Policy 16.7. The Public Meeting Report to Committee can be found at: https://weblink.clarington.net/WebLink/0/edoc/139718/PSD-067-18.pdf and includes the proposed Official Plan amendment. It works with the other policies of the Official Plan. The display panels and consultant presentation for the Jury Lands are online at www.clarington.net/JurVLands. • Low Impact Design for storm water management means that rather than having a large storm water management pond the site development will aim to have rainwater soak into the greenspaces within the design, such as engineered dry creek beds, 2 1 P a g e swales and small collection areas that will temporarily hold water after storms rather than flushing into the creek quickly. This improves the water quality, allows silt to settle and is better for the fish in the creek and overall creek health. • K. Warren provided an overview on the artifacts held by Clarington Museum and Archives, which is the official archives of Camp 30. They have photographs, letters, paintings by POWs, newspaper clippings and other items. They also have the model which was created by a former prisoner to show the escape attempts. The log cabin behind the Museum was a make-work project by the Prisoner's. Reports from Other Committees Orono CIP: • The Orono group met on Oct loth and received an update on the Public Art project that is underway for the 4 urban centres in Clarington. The group helped generate ideas for Orono's downtown public art project. • The group passed a resolution regarding support for an outdoor patio on Orono's Main Street. • The clock tower on Town Hall is in need of repair and the CIP group discussed how that could be accomplished with CIP grants, working with Operations Department and the Town Hall Board. • CHC members would like to know if the clock tower is included in the designation by- law. Staff will provide at the next meeting agenda. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch: • Annual General meeting was October 15th, current executive all agreed to continue to serve. All reports for the past year were accepted. • Doors Open is growing every year, great response in 2018. Looking forward to 10th anniversary in 2019. Resolutions were passed to allow for grant applications. • Ehrenwort tours have been very successful, looking for a portable sound system, additional tour guides for 2019. • ACO on the GO may include a Speaker Series in 2019. • ACO received an update from F. Langmaid on the Cream of Barley building at former Bowmanville Zoo, that building has been retained by the land owner to continue its operation as a cafe and apartments (second storey). The trailer park was also retained by the land owner. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: • Harvest Fest was very well attended, the historical room was full to overflowing. • Memorial celebrations will be held for the entire month of November to honour veterans from the area. • Santa Claus parade is November 18th. NVDHS will have a float in parade. • B. Malone is pursuing corporate donation for digitization of documents. • B. Malone is aiming for 20% corporate memberships in NVDHS, currently there are 160 members with 10% corporate. 3 1 P a g e Museum; • M. VanDyke will be speaking about "The Wilmot" on Saturday, October 20th at 1:OOp.m. at Sarah Jane building. • Spirit Walks are scheduled all during October. • Heather Ridge, Executive Director is back from maternity leave. • K. Warren showed the 3 calendars that are for sale at the Museum, 1 calendar is a joint fundraiser with the Heritage Committee. Calendars are $20+tax. • ClaringTOWN is being assembled and there will be an unveiling of this children's exhibit in the near future. Correspondence and Council: the Belmont house amended by-law appeal period expires October 30th, only the owner can appeal. By-law will go to Council in December. Project Reports - no reports for this meeting. New Business M. Stanisz updated the group that a number of houses along Trulls Road have been purchased by the land developers for the South East Courtice Secondary Planning Area. The houses are vacant and boarded up. Members are concerned they could be demolished before being fully investigated for their history. 18.33 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by M. Stanisz That the Clarington Heritage Committee request $1500 from their account in the 2019 budget for the Municipality. "CARRIED" V. Suppan reminded members of the upcoming event in Cobourg at Victoria Hall on November 3rd at 2:00 p.m. Topic: Cultural Heritage: Landscape and Remembrance - Evolving Perspectives Speaker: Julian Smith - Architect Vimy Restoration and Heritage Conservation Educator Peter moved adjournment Next meeting: November 20th, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A as