HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-20 MinutesTyrone Community Centre Minutes Wednesday November 20th, 2019 Meeting 7:00 – 9:00 Attendance: Larry Quinney, Lyndsay Luckhardt, Dave Taylor, Joy Vaneyk, Danielle Carroll, Marlene Raby, Craig Raby, Alivina Hare, Greg Carroll, Paul Rowan, Janet Bell, Marlene Craig, Steve Hutchinson, Kyle Young, Cecile Bowers, Dianne Woodley, Justin Vachon Regrets: Corrine VandeGrootheveen, Corinna Traill, Dani McCarthy Welcome Approval of agenda – approved by Dave, seconded by Cecile Approval of minutes from October – motioned by Joy to approve minutes, seconded by Marlene Committee Reports • Chair – Danielle – new furnace is ready to be installed. Hall will be converted over to propane. Girl’s night out was a success and well attended. All that participated seemed to have fun. 24 vendors were here. All the maintenance work orders have been submitted. The message board has arrived. Just pending confirmation from Municipality on who is installing, us or them. Water fountain has also arrived and pending a plumber to install. • Vice Chair – Joy – will cover more during New and Old business • Treasurer – Steve – provided the hall financials. Our current balance is $19008.34. Discussion was had in regards to transferring money into our savings account to earn interest. Steve made a motion to place $15,000 into the savings account, seconded by Kyle. All in favor. Carried. Motioned made by Alvina to allow Joy and Dianne to set up a benevolent bank account and be signing authorities. Seconded by Cecile. All in favor. Carried. Board will be provided account summaries during meetings. This goes back to discussion had in February when t-shirts were first brought to the board in the hopes to raise monies for a benevolent fund. Steve has agreed to stay on until February, will help train anyone coming into the position. • Rental Coordinator – Marlene – 1 event in November, all other rentals were community events. There is a work shop being held on Nov 30th from 11-3. December is a little busier. Tractor parade is Dec 4th, Kids movie night/dance on Dec 6th, 30+ dance on Dec 7th. Youth dance on Dec 13th, Breakfast with Santa Dec 14th. No back to back rentals that require help cleaning. • Maintenance – Larry – will be looking into propane costs and negotiating for price. It was mentioned that work requests will need to be submitted until ladders can be brought back as we do not have enough to hold ladder training sessions. • Grounds and Building Up Keep – Kyle – received an email that lights have been fixed. Someone was in to look at rodent problems. Not sure what fixes were done. Will look into what exactly was completed and done. The snow shield has not been completed as of yet. Danielle will place another work order for that. Will put the “C” back on the building. The glass on the fire extinguisher was replaced. • 30+ Dance – Dave – 157 attended the last dance. Last December the attendance was low so not thinking this years will be any higher. Joy mentioned that a girl from the Ladies Night is willing to come and decorate for the dance. • Shirts – Dianne – mentioned above in Treasurer report about bank account. Another order will be going in soon. New Business • Proposal to make the cleaning a 2.5 hour job each cleaning time that way it will be easier to bill. Some days might only take 1 hour and some a little longer. But it should all work out in the end. Discussion was had, agreement was made that a set rate for cleaning after events would be put in place. Motion made by Steve for flat rate for after event cleaning. Seconded by Craig. All in favor. • Other events in the works or of interest – Kyle mentioned maybe having a Yuk Yuk night. Also possibly having a Family event on Family Day weekend. More information and discussion will be had. • Janet Bell Saving Money for products and supplies. – gave a little history to her background and the company that she works for. Provided some feed back on some money saving areas for cleaning and janitorial supplies like toilet paper and paper towels. Suggested and spoke about Sysco and the products that could be purchased from them. • Municipality Updates and Insurance – Danielle – All rentals need to provide special event insurance or obtain it through the Municapality. This brought up lots of discussion around the table. Joy is looking into this more and will communicate with Corrina. Old Business • Message Board – handled in Danielle’s report above. • Water Fountain – handled in Danielle’s report above. • Flyers to be handed out for all events. Please post anywhere let’s get people out to our little village and get some more interest in what we do! • Breakfast with Santa – What is the plan? Shopping Joy will cover this, activities (Danielle), set up 5-6:30pm on Friday (5 people Paul, Marlene R, Danielle, Greg, Craig, cooking (5 people) Alvina, Marlene R, Greg, Gord, clean up (6 people) Joy, Marlene, Greg, Craig, Face Painting – Cecile, Laurie • Girls Night Out – How did it go? – Mentioned in above report by Danielle • Board Dinner – What and Where – discussion was had and it was decided that they would see about booking an Italian caterer that was here for a wedding. Danielle will contact them and book. • Ice Rink – updates – Danielle will contact Corrina to see where this is • Snow plowing – discussion was had and all quotes were presented at board table. It was decided that we would use quote #1. Joy will contact them to let them know. • Decorate for Christmas - All • Other – All Adjournment motion made at 9:25 by Dave and seconded by Larry. NEXT MEETING Wednesday January 15th, 2020 7:00 pm