HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-12Newcastle BIA MINUTES December 12th, 2019
 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Debbie Miller, Adam Jeronimo (CBOT), Councillor Marg Zwart, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Valentine Lovekin Regrets: Greg Lewis, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Jane Black, Tracy Yates, Karen Bastas Attendance taken. 1.Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2.Edgar from the Bowmanville BIA spoke to us about their BIA planning to approach the Municipality of Clarington to request they purchase the flowers for the downtown core and water them. They would like Newcastle and Orono to be on board and the MOC can look after all 3 BIAs. He would like to go to council in January and make the request. Valentine will send him an email saying we are not in a position to ask council for that right now. Edgar suggested Newcastle and Orono could put metered parking on the street as an extra revenue. Again, this is something Newcastle does not require at this time. The 3 BIAs are going to try and plan a joint meeting to discuss things that work for each BIA and share ideas. 3.Approval of November Minutes:
 Janeen Calder Seconded by: Lina Schmahl 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: Marg let us know the details for Fred Horvath’s retirement party. The BIA motioned to thank Fred Horvath for all his support of the BIA. 6. President’s Report: n/a 7. Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance is $14,000. There is parade and tree raffle money still to come in. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Businesses are responsible for clearing the snow in front of their businesses. The BIA will do an initial plow but you must continue to keep it clear throughout the day. You will be responsible if anyone slips and falls while walking on your property. Advertising: Facebook likes are up to 1600, posts are reaching 19,000. Top posts are: Winter Wonder Lights, Parade, Newcastle Dental, CEFB Stars hockey team collecting food, Santa Breakfast, BIA Christmas window decor winner. Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - Home Hardware won the window display contest. Next years date is booked for November 13th b) Breakfast with Santa- The event was a big success, we served close to 500 people pancakes. Next years date is booked for November 28th. c) Santa Parade - It was a great night, the weather cooperated. d) Harvest Festival - nothing to report e) Canada Day - nothing to report 9. CBOT: The 1st Annual Economic Summit was a success. Their Christmas party is tonight. Watch their website for all the 2020 events coming. 10. Chamber News: Their comedy night fundraiser for the Hospice was sold out and they raised $9200 to donate to the Hospice Committee. 11. CIP: 12. New Business: 13. Next meeting, The AGM - Tuesday January 21st, 2020 at 6-9pm. Location to be determined. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Helen Vatandoust seconded by Janeen Calder