HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-142THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2010 - 142 being a by-law to require the payment of fees for services WHEREAS Subsection 69(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, provides that by-laws may be passed by the council of a municipality to establish a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters; and WHEREAS Subsection 391(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, authorizes a municipality to impose fees or charges far services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Commencing January 1, 2011, the fees for services provided by the Municipality shall be as set out in the following Schedules to this By-law: Schedule "A" -Planning Services and Legal Services Departments Schedule "B" -Emergency and Fire Services Department Schedule "C" -Chief Building Official Schedule "D" -Municipal Clerk's Department Schedule "E" -.Financial Services Department Schedule "F" -General Fees; 2. Section 4.1 of By-law 89-175 is deleted and replaced with: "The fee for obtaining a license or renewal of a license shall be as set out in the prevailing Fee By-law"; 3. Section 3.4 of By-law 97-77 is deleted and replaced with: "the current non-refundable application fee will be paid upon submission of an application for registration. The current registration fee will be paid upon issuance of the certificate of registration for the Apartment-in-House"; 4. Paragraph 3 of By-law 2004-253 is deleted; 5. That the following by-laws be repealed: a. By-law 74-37, as amended; b. By-laws 96-032, as amended; c. By-law 97-3; d. By-law 2009-162, as amended; and 6. Short Title: This by-law may be cited as the "Fee By-law". BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20~' day of .December 2010 '~_ )/ _ - ria F ,Mayor' _ - Pa i arr' ,Municipal Clerk BY-LAW 2010 - 142 SCHEDULE"A" PLANNING SERVICES /LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTS FEE SCHEDULE 2011 TYPE OF APPLICATION PRICE 13%HST TOTAL Minor Application $5,163.00 $671.19 $5,834.19 Major Application (note l) $12,390.00 $1,610.70 $14,000.70 Aggregate Pit or Quarry $25,813.00 $3,355.69 $29,168.69 Adoption of Amendment $2,127.00 $276.51 $2,403.51 Regional Official Plan Amendment Review $1,276.00 $165.88 $1,441.88 ROPA Review not part of a local OPA $2,127.00 $276.51 $2,403.51 Neighbourhood Design Plan $15,488.00 $2,013.44 $17,501.44 Neighbourhood Design Plan Amendment ($3,190 + Facility Rental) Zoning By-lawAmendmeM~note7) - VARIES 13%HST TOTAL ~! Major (note 3) $5,317.00 $691.21 $6,008 21 Minor $2,127.00 $276.51 $2,403.51 Removal of (H) Holding Symbol $2,127.00 $276.51 $2,403.51 Removal of Environmental Holding Symbol (Zoning By-law 2005-109) $so5.nn RFS Fs cF~n at Residential ($10,635+$266/unit, ($54 for apartment unit)) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Non-Residential _ $5.317.00. $691.21_ $6.ppR.21_ Preparation of Subdivision Agreement Amendment (note 5) - $600.00 $78.00 $678.00 Plans for approval only (no agreement) Red Line Revisions to QraftgpPfoval`Plan;af Selbdtvisi!pn-(note T.). $957.00 $124.41 ~~ $1,081.41 ~~ Major ($7,976 + $266 additionallunit ($54/apartment)) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Minor ($2,127+ $266 additional/unit ($54/apartment)) (note 6) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Where original application was filed prior to July1, 2000 ($10,635 + $266/unit ($541 apartment)) .VARIES 13%HST TOTAL Where original application was filed between July 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2006 ($5,317 + $266 /unit ($54/apartment) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Where original application was filed after December 31, 2006 $5,317.00 $691.21 $6,008.21 Subdivision Clearance $2,127.00 N/A $2,127.00 Extension of Drak Plan Approval ~ !°c ia: . u Daft Plan of-Condomiq(um nnkd ' - ~ ~' .~a _ $2,127.00 $276.51 $2,403.51 ~ ~ Residential and Non-Residential ($5,317 + $27 /unit) (note 10) ~ VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Ap lication for Condominium Conversions $5,317+ $27 /unit note 10 VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Preparation of Condominium A reement (note 5 $3,000.00 $390.00 $3,390.00 Preparation of Condominium A reement Amendment note 5 $600.00 $78.00 $678.00 Condominium Clearance '!::!i'-S LIi! t~ , .! ... ~ Part Lat Control note 7 ~ ' ' ~~~! i , - $1,595.00 :_ N/A - $1,595.00 ($774 + $52/unit (maximum $8,26D)) Site Plan Appro~allAmeindmen~(it~aT) ~ =_ VARIES 13% HST TOTAL ,, ! . _ Telecommunications Towers $5,160.00 $670.80 $5,830 80 Residential Use ($3,190 + $2071 unit) VARIES 13%HST TOTAL Commercial Use($3,190+$27/100m2commercialgross floor area) VARIES 13%HST TOTAL Mixed Use Building ($3,190 + $27/100m2 commercial gross Floor area + $54lresidential unit (maximum $15,952)) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Industrial! Other Uses (($1,291 +$11l100m2 gross floor area (maximum $7,976)) VARIES 13%HST TOTAL Plans for approval only (no agreement) $957.00 $124.41 $1,081.41 Amendment -Residential Use ($638 + $27/unit (maximum $5,317)) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Amendment -Commercial Use ($1,595 + $27l100m2 commercial gross floor area (maximum $15,952)) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Amendment -Mixed Use ($1,595 + $27/100m2 commercial gross floor area + $27/residential unit maximum $15,952 VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Amendment -Industrial !Other Use ($638 + $11/100m2 gross floor area (maximum $6,381)) VARIES 13%HST TOTAL Minor Site Plan /Oak Ridges Moraine (note 2) $532.00 $69.16 $601.16 Sales Trailer /Model Home $1,063.00 $138.19 $1,201.19 Preparation of Section 41'Agreement (note 5) $400.00 $52.00 $452.00 Preparation of Section 41 Agreement Amendment (note 5) $400.00 $52.00 $452.00 Landscape Inspection Fee -for projects with greater than 2500 sq. m. of floor area, or 25 units or greater (0.5% of the landscape cost estimate with a minimum of $1,000) ' ,n~~1L xi,itL!n ,; VARIES 13%HST TOTAL ,: ~u11.a 1 BYLAW 2010.142 SCHEDULE"A" PLANNING SERVICES /LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTS TYPE OF APPLICATION cv n PRICE ~ 13% HST ~ TOTAL iaonng ree tappucam mrtiated) $106.00 $13.78 $119.78 Re-circulation (applicant initiated) $106.00 $13.78 $119.78 Temporary $77 $1,167 Zoning Act (including outstanding work orders & building $1,100.00 $1a3.ool $1 $112.00 N!A $1 $112.00 N/A $1 $112.00 N/A $1 .~ ~ ~v" ~ " $304.00 $39.52 $343.52 Preparation of Section 53 Agreement (note 5) $400.00 $52.00 $452.00 Peer Review (Applicant responsible for 100% Municipality's full costs of undertaking a Peer Review) VARIES Comments on Applications Under the Green Energy Act ~ ~ $5,160.00 $670.80 $5,830.80 Street Na me Change Request $1,595.00 $207.35 $1,802.35 Application Requiring An Open House or Additional Public Meeting -additional fee for each subse uent ublicmeetin $1063+Facilit Rental VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Application Requiring Additional Public Meeting -additional fee for each subsequent public meeting where notice is provided through the local newspaper ($1,595 + Facility Rental) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Application Involving Review Under EPA and/or EAA Process (additional fee) $12,000.00 $1,560.00 $13,560.D0 Ontario Municipal Board Related Administration Fee (note 8) VARIES Preparation of Development /Servicing Agreement (note 5 and note 9) VARIES 13% HST TOTAL Notarial Fee B Munici al Solicitor $20.00 $2.60 $22.60 Commissioners Fee By Municipal Staff cow ~~ xv an x~o ~n Small Maps - $4 39 ~ $0.57 ' $4.96 Large Maps $13.16 $1.71 $14.87 Aerial Photography (colour) $4.39 $0.57 $4.96 Official Plan Colour Map $2.63 $0.34 $2.97 Clarington Official Plan $70.75 $9.20 Rya oa Clarington Street Name Index CD Format $15.00 $1.95 .$16.95 Studies: Under 40 pa es $12.00 $1.56 $13.56 40 - 100 pages $24.00 $3.12 $27.12 100 - 200 a es $40.00 $5.20 $45.20 Real Property Transactions For the preparation of any agreements relating to real property transactions not otherwise specifically addressed in this Fee Schedule; land transfers (e.g. right-of-ways, encroachments, leases and licenced, easements) the person requiring the agreement shall be required to pay fees and disbursements in accordance with notes 5 and 9 below. The following are criteria for determining what constitutes a Major Official Plan Amendment application: - New golf courses or expansion to existing golf courses; - New waste facility or expansion to existing waste facility; - Expansion to urban boundary or re-designation of Future Urban Residential lands; - Hamlet expansion where a settlement capacity study is required; - Commercial Development greater than 2,500 mz; - Deletion or addition of arterial or collector road; and/or -Any application that due to the broader policy implications for the Municipality would require the need to review or manage studies, or any application deemed to be major by the Director of Planning Services. 2 BY-LAW 2010 -142 SCHEDULE"A" PLANNING SERVICES! LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTS FEE SCHEDULE 2011 Note 2 -The following are criteria for determining what constitutes a Minor Site Plan application: - A residential or agricultural site plan in the Oak Ridges Moraine as required by the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2005-109; - A dog kennel, agricultural tourism use, and similarly-scaled uses; and/or - A minor alteration to an existing site plan to revise parking, add a patio, add a storage building, revise signage, add or delete portables, etc. Note 3 - The following are criteria for determining what constitutes a major Zoning By-law Amendment application: - Associated with an Official Plan Amendment; - Associated with an application for proposed Plan of Subdivision; -Application involving multiple properties, except for commercial and industrial related applications; and/or -Any application that requires the review of technical support documents or studies (e.g. environmental analyses, transportation studies, retail market studies), except for commercial and industrial related applications Note 4 Minor Variance applications for the construction or placement of an accessibility device to provide access to asingle-detached! link or townhouse dwelling is exempt from the fee. An "accessibility device" is defined as a device including a ramp that aids persons with physical disabilities in gaining access to a dwelling unit. Note 5 Agreement preparation fee does not include the cost of registering the agreement and all related documents (e.g. Transfers, Postponements, or Initial registration $250.00 plus $32.50 HST, plus disbursements. All subsequent registrations $125.00 plus $16.25 HST, plus disbursements. Applicants must provide the Municipality (Legal Services) with all such costs prior to registration. Note 6 The following are criteria for determining what constitutes a minor application for red-line revision to Draft Approval: -Does not require circulation to outside agencies. Note 7 Fees for all Planning applications submitted by a registered charitable organization or for a registered non-profit housing organization will be reduced by 50%. Note 8 In addition to the fees set out for Planning Act Applications, the total fees payable shall include all fees associated with supporting an applicant at any hearing where the application was approved by Municipal Council including legal fees and consultanUwitness fees where required, but excluding the costs of the Planning Department staff. Note 9 For the preparation of any developmenVservicing agreement other than a subdivision agreement, Section 41 agreement or a Section 53 agreement, the applicant is required to reimburse the Municipality for its legal costs. If the legal work is undertaken by the Municipal Solicitor, it will be charged at the rate of $175/hour. If the legal work is undertaken by other legal counsel, it will be charged at that legal counsel's hourly rate. The minimum fee for any such agreement shall be $400.00 plus $52.00 HST. Note 10 The base fee only shall be applicable to any application for Draft Plan of Condominium for a parcel of land which was previously subject to a Site Plan application approved within the previous 24 months of the submission of a Draft Plan of Condominium. By-law 2010-142 Schedule "B" Fire Services Department Service PRICE 13% HST FEE TOTAL Information /Documents: Copy of Emergency Response Report, Fire Loss Re ort -within past 2 ears $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Copy of Emergency Response Report, Fire Loss Re ort -over 2 ears -Archival $ 156.00 $20.28 $176.28 File Search $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Fire Regulation Compliance Letter including WETT Inspections, License Renewals $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Burnin Permits: Schedule "A" Open Air Fire Permit- ' Residential 12 months $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Schedule "A" Open Air Fire Permit - Residential 30 da $39.00 n/t $39.00 Schedule "B" Agreement for Controlled Burn Permit -farm n/c Inspections: Liquor Licensing for outdoor patios - includes full inspection $ 234.00 $30.42 $264.42 Part 3 Inspection -over 600m2 -initial ins ection - u on re uest $ 468.00 $60.84 $528.84 ' Part 9 Inspection -less than 600m2 - initial ins ection - u on re uest $ 234.00 $30.42 $264.42 Part 3 or Part 9 Inspection additional store -above or below rade $ 39.00 $5.07 $44.07 Sin le Famil Residential Ins ection n/c Fireworks -sales trailer $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Refreshment Vehicle $ 78.00 $10.14 $88.14 Public Education and Trainin Fire Safety Plan Development -single famil dwellin n/c Fire Safet Presentations and Lectures n/c Fire Safet House Presentation n/c Fire Drill n/c Fire Extin uisher Trainin n/c By-law 2010-142 Schedule "B" Fire Services Deaartment Service PRICE 13% HST FEE TOTAL Emer enc Services Standby Requests -per vehicle for the $ 350.00 $45.50 $395.50 first hour or art thereof Motor Vehicle Collisions on 400 Series Highways, Highway 35/115, Highway 35, Highway 115 - (cost recovery through $ 350.00 $45.50 $395.50 MTO) -per vehicle for the first hour or part thereof Services as a result of a Malicious or 'criminal act as determined by the Fire $ 350.00 $45.50 $395.50 Chief - er vehicle -per hour Additional Expenses - in order to Cost eliminate an emer enc Recove Preventable Fires and Alarm Services Response to Unapproved Open Air Burning -following one warning -per $ 350:00 $45.50 $395.50 ' vehicle - er hour Response to fires on or beside rail lines Cost caused b railwa com an Recove Response to Malicious and Nuisance Alarms - at the discretion of the Fire Chief $ 350.00 $45.50 $395.50 - per vehicle - er hour By-law 2010-142 Schedule "C" Chief Building Official Service PRICE Master Plumbing License $100.00 Drain Contractor License $100.00 By-law 2010-142 Schedule "D" Municipal Clerk's Department Service PRICE Certification of Documents $1.25 + HST Line Fence Viewing $40.00 + HST Subscription -Council Agenda $625.00 + HST Subscription -GPA Agenda $1125.00 + HST Subscription -Council Minutes $150.00 + HST Subscription -GPA Minutes $250.00 + HST Subscription -Agenda Pages $250.00 + HST Snow Removal By-law $15.00 + HST Live Birth Registration $25.00 Live Birth Confirmation $25.00 Burial Permit $25.00 Civil Marriage Ceremony $250.00 Marriage Licenses $125.00 Cost to file Appeal Property Standards Order $88.50 + HST ($44.25 (+ HST) to be refunded to Appellant following appearance before Appeal Committee. Failure to appear for the Appeal will result in forfeiture of entire fee amount. ) By-law 2010-142 Schedule "E" Finance- Department Service Fee HST TOTAL Tax Certificate $60.00 HST Exempt $60.00 Mortgage Administration Fee charged to mortgage companies $10.00 per roll number $1.30 $11.30 New Account/Change of Ownership Fee $25.00 per roll number $3.25 $28.25 Refund of Overpayment by Mortgage Company $33.33 $4.33 $37.66 NSF Cheques or NSF Pre-authorized Payment $33.33 $4.33 $37.66 Mortgage Account Information $10.00 per roll number $1.30 $11.30 Tax Receipt (Duplicate) $6.67 $0.87 $7.54 By-law 2010-142 Schedule "F" General Fees Service Fee Photocopies $.65/page + HST (Minimum Charge) $3.00 + HST Staff Reports No charge prior to Council meeting After meeting, no charge under 10 pages; 11-20 pages = $5.00 + HST Over 20 pages = $10.00 + HST Long Distance Fax Service Flat rate $10 + HST up to 5 pages $1.00 + HST per page thereafter Commissioner of Affidavits $20.00 + HST (per signature)