HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/29/2010 (Special) ~!fJ!~glOn SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: TIME: PLACE: APRIL 29,2010 9:30 A.M. COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX, 2950 COURTICE ROAD NORTH 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. PRESENTATIONS (a) Nancy Taylor, Director of FinancefTreasurer- Development Charge By-law Amendment 4. ADJOURNMENT CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 HANDOUTS & PRESENTATIONS _""'''''''.'' ""'" ""'M".~"_"____~~;..,.~. MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 2010 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BACKGROUND STUDY Special General Purpose & Administration Committee Council Information Session April 29th, 2010 HEMSON Consulting Ltd. TOPICS . Background . Overview of Development Charges Legislation . Growth forecast . Capital programs - General . Capital programs - Engineered Services . Calculated DC rates . DC rate comparisons . Next Steps HEMSON 2 BACKGROUND . Municipality passed currently enforced DC by-law in June 2005 . DC By-law was amended in June 2008 to recover revised costs of servicing growth . Current by-law expires on June 30, 2010 . If new by-law is not passed, the Municipality cannot collect DCs HEMSON. 3 STUDY OBJECTIVES . .The anticipated amount, type and location of development must be estimated . Identify development-related capital costs to be incurred over the next 10 years (and to 2031 for engineered services) HEMSON 4 STUDY OBJECTIVES . Calculate development charges consistent with the Development Charges Act, 1997 (DCA) and its associated Regulation . Review current DC policies and develop new development charges by-Iaw(s) and policies which conform to the DCA HEMSON 5 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 April! May 2010 I 2010 Development Charges Background Study Timeline I " ,~ Developers W?r1t!ihop #1 " A !'=, \ ~ , Rl'lvlew ():f " Ro~~ Capital RrQQram , Refinement of Capital Programs .. Refinement of PC Rate Calculation .. .. Steering Committee Meeting #3 Final ReView of Capital Programs Prepare DC Background Study .. Advertise for Public Meeting .. .. Council Info Session Developers Workshop #2 Statutory Public Meeting .. Passage of 2010 DC By-law .. .. 6 OVERVIEW OF THE DCA SERVICE EXCLUSIONS: . Cultural and entertainment facilities, including museums, theatres and art galleries . Tourism facilities including convention centres . Parkland acquisition . Hospitals . Headquarters for general administration of municipalities and local boards . Waste manaQement REMSON 7 OVERVIEW OF THE DCA SERVICE INCLUSIONS 100% Cost Recovery . Protection Services: · Emergency & Fire . Engineered Services: · Roads & Related 90% Cost Recovery . Library . I ndoor Recreation . Park Development & Related Facilities . Operations . Parking . General Government (Studies) HEMSON 8 OVERVIEW OF THE DCA ELIGIBLE CAPITAL COSTS: . Costs to acquire and improve land . Building and structure costs . Rolling stock with a useful life of 7 years or more . Furniture and equipment, excluding computer equipment . Growth-related studies . Interest and financing costs HEMS ON 9 GROWTH FORECAST . Hemson was retained by Municipality to prepare growth forecasts as part of OP Review . Clarington Community Forecast forms the basis of the growth forecast used in DC Study . Forecast consistent Region of Durham's Growing Durham HEMSON 10 STUDY PLANNING PERIODS . Forecast includes: · Total Population · Population growth in new housing units · Total household (by unit type) · Employment and non-residential space . General Services Planning Period: · 2010 - 2019 . Engineered Services Planning Period: · 201 0 - 2031 HEMS ON 11 GROWTH FORECAST 2009 2010 - 2019 2010 - 2031 Residential Growth Forecast Estimate Growth Total at Growth Total at 2019 2031 Households 28,850 8,853 37,703 21,455 50,305 Population Census 82,791 21,621 104,412 52,204 134,995 Total (ine/. Undercount) 86,100 22,400 108,500 54,200 140,300 In New Households 26,043 63,128 2009 2010 - 2019 2010 - 2031 Non-Residential Growth Forecast Estimate Growth Total at Growth Total at 2019 . 2031 Employment 22,568 6,974 29,542 15,852 38,420 Non-Residential Building Space (sq,m.) 367,733 822,675 HEMSON 12 HISTORIC SERVICE LEVELS . . The DC recoverable amount is limited to the lesser of: · Development-related capital program · Maximum allowable funding envelope . Maximum allowable funding envelope is determined by 10-year historical service level · Funding envelopes must be subject to excess capacity test HEMSON 13 WHAT IS EXCESS CAPACITY? . If the current service level (2009 inventory) exceeds the 10-year historical service level, then there is -"excess capacity" within the system to service future development . This occurs when a municipality adds infrastructure at a rate greater than the population growth . Services affected by excess capacity: · Library, Indoor Recreation, Park Development & Related Facilities, Operations REMSON 14 IllUSTRATION OF EXCESS CAPACITY SlCapita Constructton of New f acdity Con$frucbonof NewfKiftty ConStf\lction 01 Service Laval Me~fact&ity Hi.tori<: 10- Y..., Period HEMSON fi AveriJge 10-Year Servfce level <:J Excess Capacity ~ Available to New Development 15 COMMITTED EXCESS CAPACITY . If Council has previously expressed their intent to recoup the cost of oversized facilities from future development, excess capacity is considered committed' . Services recovering for committed excess capacity: · Library Service · Indoor Recreation HEMSON 16 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FUNDING ENVELOPES (SOOOs) Excess Capacity Calculation Se rvice 2009 10-Year Excess Inventory Average Capacity Totals Service Level 1. Library Service $24,808.8 $22,553.1 $2,255.7 2. Emergency & Fire Services $26,858.4 $28,758.8 $0.0 3, Indoor Recreation $154,487.7 $139,104,1 $15,383.5 4, Park Development & Related $56,059.1 $50,327.4 $5,731.6 Facilities 5. Operations $26,824.8 $26,707.5 $117.3 6. Parking $2,261.3 $2,295.0 $0.0 7, Roads And Related (2010-2031) $333,466.4 $335,714.2 $0.0 Maximum Allowable Funding Envelope (2010 to 2019) Calculated Less: Net Allowa ble Envelope Funding Uncommitted Funding Net of Excess Envelope Capacity Envelope 10% Reduction $7,094.4 $0.0 $7,094.4 $6,384.9 $8,825.0 $0.0 $8,8250 $8,825.0 $43,757,0 $0.0 $43,757.0 $39,381.3 $15,831.2 $5,731.6 $10,099.5 $9,089.6 $8,401.2 $117.3 $8,284.0 $7,455.6 $721.9 $0.0 $721.9 $649.7 $255,981.5 $0,0 $255,981.5 $255,981.5 . Excess Capacity has been considered as "committed", and fully calculated funding en",lope has been brought forward to calculations HEMS ON 17 DEVELOPMENT-RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAMS . Not all costs can be included in development charge · Costs are adjusted in accordance with the DC legislation: . Capital grants & subsidies · Replacement & benefit to existing shares . Available DC reserve funds . Post-period benefit shares . 10% legislated discount · Council will be asked to express its intent to carry out future development-related capital program subject to annual budget review REMSON 18 LIBRARY SERVICE DEVELOPMENT -RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM GmM G~"'" Not Inell ibleCosta Tolal DCEI IbleCosta Service Projec;t Dncription Timing Project SublltUeal othe Munlclpal Replacement '''' OCEllglble Available 20'0- Post Coot Recoveries eool & BTE 511al'8s Reduction . Costs DC Rellervell 2018 2019 ,.. LIBRARY SERVICE 1.1 Recovery of Bowmanvtlle Branch Oebenture! 1.1.1 Priflcipal Payment 2010 . 227,099 . . 227,099 . . . 227.099 . - . 227,099 . 1.1.2 Principal Payment 2011 . 1,045,674 . . 1,045,674 . . . . 1,045,674 . - . 1,045,674 . Subtotal Re<<lvery of Bowmanville Branch Debenture . 1,272,773 . - . 1,272,773 . . - . 1,272,773 . . 1,272,773 . 1.2 Recovery of Newcastle Branch Oebenture 1 1.2,1 Principal Payment 2010 . 55,000 . . 55,000 . 24,200 . . 30,800 . . 30,BOO . - 1.2.2 Principal Payment 2011 . 56,000 . . 56,000 . 24,640 . . 31,360 . . 31,360 . 1.2.3 Principal Payment 2012 . 58,000 . - . 58,QO() . 25,520 . . 32,480 . . 32,480 . 1.2.4 Principal Payment 2013 . 61,000 . - . 61,000 . 26,840 . - . 34,160 . . 34,160 . 1.2.5 Principal Payment 2014 . 63,000 . - . 63.000 . 27,720 . - . 35,280 . - . 35,280 . . 1.2.6 Principal Payment 2015 . 65,000 . . . 66,000 . 29,040 . . 36.960 . . 36,960 . - 1.2.7 Principal Payment 2016 . 69.000 . . 69,000 . 30,360 . - . 38,640 . - . 38,640 . - 1.2.8 Principal Payment 2017 . 73,000 . . 73,000 . 32.120 . - . 40,880 . . 40,880 . - 1.2.9 Principal Payment 2018 . 529,000 . . 529,000 . 232.760 . - . 295,240 . . 296,240 $ Subtotal Recovery of Newcastle Branch Debenture . 1,030,000 . . 1,030,000 . 453,200 . . 576,800 . - . 576,800 . - '.3 Courtice Library Expansion 1.3.1 Automation and Theft Protection ($10/sf) 2015 . 200,000 $ $ 200,000 . . 20,000 . 180.000 . . 180,000 $ 1.3.2 Design of Courtice library Expansion 2015 . 300,700 $ $ 300,700 . $ 30,070 $ 270,630 . . 270,630 $ - 1.3,3 Construction (14,000 sf@$355,6,000retro @ $200) 2016 . 5,869,300 . $ 5,869,300 $ - . 586930 . 5,282,370 . . 1,816.636 $ 3,465,734 Subtotal Courtice Library Expansion . 6.370,000 . . 6,370,000 . - . 637,000 . 5,733,000 . . 2,267.266 $ 3,465,734 ". Materials 1.4.1 Additional Collections Materials @ Historic SeNICe Lev Various . 2,261,830 $ - $ 2,261,830 . . 226,183 $ 2,035,647 . . 2,035,647 $ SubtatalMaterials . 2.261,830 $ . 2,261,830 . - . 226,183 $ 2.035,647 . . 2.035,647 $ TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICE . 10,934,603 $ $ 10,934,603 $ 453,200 . 863,183 . 9,6'18,220 $ $ 6,152,486 $ 3,465,734 . Note 1: Principal payments need not be reduced by 10% as reduction has been made in prior DC By-laws, 2010-2019 OisOOlJnted Funding Envelope less: Principal portions of negative reserve fund balance Adjusted 201Q..201g Net Funding E,:,velope $6,384,936 {$2324501 $6.152,486 Reserve Fund Balance Balance as al Dee 31, 2009 2010 Capilal Budget Oraws TOTAL ($320,947) ($309 OOOl (S629,t47) 19 EMERGENCY & FIRE DEVELOPMENT oRELA TED CAPITAL PROGRAM G~' G~"" Not lnet! ibleCosts T"" DC Bi ible Costs ServiClil ProjeclDe&Cription Timing Project Subsidinl Otha Municipal Replacement '" OCEligible Avail_ble 2010- POllt Cost -"'.... Cost & BTE Shares Reduction Costs DCRe..rves 20" ,." 2.0 EMERGENCY & FIRE SERVICES 2.' Buildings, land & Furnishings 2.1.1 New Station #2 Newcastle (12,000 sf, 1 ha land, and F&E) 2010 . 4,500,000 . 2,271,000 . 2,229,000 . 1,184,023 . $ 1,044,977 $ 1,044,977 . - . 2.1.2 Expansion of Headquarters (4,SOO sf and F&E) 2012 . 1,260,000 . - . 1,260,000 . . - . 1,260,000 . 310,293 . 949,707 . 2.1.3 New Station #{5 in Bowmanville (12,000 sf, 100 land, and F8oE) 2019 . 4,500,000 . - $ 4500,000 . $ . 4,500,000 . - . 4.500,000 $ Subtotal Buildings, land & Fw-nishings . 10.260,000 . 2.271,000 . 7,989,000 . 1,184,023 . . 6,804,977 $ 1,355,270 $ 5,449,707 . 2,' Vehicle& 2.2.1 Pumper (Station 2) 2011 . 600,000 . - $ 600,000 . - $ . 600,000 $ 600,000 . - $ - 2.2.2 Command Vehide 2011 . 90,000 . . 90,000 $ - . . 90,000 $ 90,000 . - . . 2.2.3 Scat Truck (Station 2) 2016 . 210,000 . . 210,000 . . - . 210,000 . . 210,000 $ 2.2.4 2 Pumpers (Station 6) 2019 $ 1,200,000 . . 1,200,000 . - . . 1,200,000 . - . 1,200,000 . - SubtotalVehides $ 2,100,000 . . 2,100,000 $ . . 2,100.000 $ 690,000 . 1.410,000 . - 2,' Equipment 2.3.1 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2011 $ 20,000 . . 20,000 . $ . 20,000 . 20,000 . $ 2.3.2 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2012 . 20,000 . . 20,000 $ - . . 20,000 . 20,000 . . 2.3.3 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2013 . 20,000 $ - . 20,000 $ . - $ 20,000 $ . 20,000 . 2.3.4 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fightel1i 2014 $ 20.000 . - $ 20,000 . - . - $ 20,000 . - . 20.000 . 2_3.5 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2015 $ 20,000 . . 20,000 . $ . 20,000 . . 20,000 . 2.3.6 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2016 . 20,000 . - . 20,000 . . . 20,000 $ . 20,000 . 2_3_7 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2017 $ 20,000 . - . 20,000 . - . - $ 20,000 . . 20.000 . 2.3,8 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2018 $ 20,000 . . 20,000 . $ $ 20,000 . - $ 20,000 . 2.3.9 Apparel and Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters 2019 $ 40,000 . . 40.000 $ $ . 40,000 . . 40,000 . Subtotal Equipment . 200,000 $ . 200,000 $ . - . 200,000 $ 40,000 . 160.000 . TOTAL EMERGENCY & fiRE SERVICES $ 12,560,000 $ 2,271,000 S 10,289.000 $ 1,184,023 $ $ 9,104,917 . 2,086,270 . 7,019,707 . 2010..2019 Net Funding Envelope $8,825,025 Reserve Fund Balance 2010 Capilal Budget Draws Uncommitted Reserve Funds TOTAL $1,044,977 $1040293 $2,015,270 20 INDOOR RECREATION OEVELOPMENT~ELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM Gm" Gnlnt>ol ... 'M' IbleCORlI ,_, DC EI ilM Co",ts Service Projol.&tD...;uiptl.on Timing Proje&1 SubllidiaslOtMr Munkipal R.pM&elRllnl ". DC Etigible Available lOHI- 'n' Cod Re&overias Cod &BTESha...a 'R.ductlon COlts DC Rnerw8 1llU Z01' ',0 INDOOR RECREATION 3.1 R."'o....ryofSotltt1 Courtio::.Ar.na Debenture' 3.1.1 PrindpalPa~menl 2010 . n9,OOO . . 779.000 . . . . 779,000 . . 779.000 . 3.12 PrincipalPaymenl 2011 . 822,000 . . 622,000 . . . 622,000 . . 622.000 . 3.1.3 Principal Payment 2012 . 5972 000 . . 5972_000 . . . 5972000 . . 5,972.000 . SublotaIRece\leryelSollll1Cour1i&eArenaDebenlure . 7,573,000 . . 7,573,000 . . . 7,573,000 . . 7.573.000 . 3.1 Recovery of Bowrnanville IndoorSoc&er Debentulll 3.2.1 P,jndllaIPa~ment 2010 . 199,000 . . 199.000 . - . 19,900 . 179,100 . . 179JOO . 3.22 PrincipalPaymenl 2011 . 209.000 . . 209,000 . - . 20,900 . 188,100 . . 188,100 . - 323 p,jnc,,",IPayment 2012 . 220,000 . . 220,000 . . 22.,000 . 198.000 . . 198.000 . 3.2.4 Principal-Paymenl 2013 . 232,000 . . 232,000 . . 23,200 . 208,800 . . 208,800 . 3.2.5 PrincipalPaymenl 2014 . 1,670.000 . . 1670,000 . . 167,000 . 1503000 . . 1,503.000 . Subletal RecoVl:lry 01 80wmanvi"" lndoer Sotter Debentult! . 2,530,000 . . 2,530,000 . . 253,000 . 2,277.000 . . 2.277,000 . - 3.3 Reco....l)IofNewcll5t1eRecreatlonComple"O.bent..... 3.3,1 PrincrpalPoymenl 2010 . 1,051.000 . . 1,051,000 . - . 105,100 . S45,900 . . 945.900 . 3.3.2 PrillCipaJPa~menl 2011 . 1,100.000 . . 1,100,000 . .. 110,000 . 990000 . . 990.000 . 3.3.3 PrincipalPaymenl 2012 . 1.151.000 . . 1,151.000 . . 115,100 . 1,035.900 . . 1.035,900 . 3,34 Principal Payment 2013 . 1,205,000 . . 1,205,000 . . 120,500 . 1,084500 . . 1,084500 . 3.3.5 P'indpalPayment 2014 . 1,261.000 S - S 1,261,000 S . 126.100 S 1,134900 S . 1,134900 . 3.3.6 PrincipalPa~ment 2015 . 1,320,000 . . 1,320,000 . - . 132,000 . 1.188,000 . . 1,188000 . - 3,3,7 Pnncil>alPa~ment 2016 . 1.381.000 . . 1.381,000 . - S 138,100 . 1,2<12900 . . 1,242,900 . 3.3.8 Principal Payment 2017 . 1,445,000 . - . 1,445.000 . . 144,500 . 1.300,500 . . 1,300,500 . 3.3.9 Principal Payment 2018 . 1.512,000 . . 1,512.000 . . 151,200 . 1,360.600 . . 1.360.800 . 3.310 Principal Paymenl 2019 . 1.583000 S . 1,583,000 . - S 158,300 . 1,424700 . . 1.424,700 . J.3,'1 Remainin9 Principal Paymenl5 (ZOZ0-2022) 2019 S 3500,000 . S 3,500,000 . . 350000 . 3150.000 . . 3150000 . Sublalal Recow:ry 01 Newcastle Racr.atian Compte" D,ebenture $16,509,000 . $16,509,000 . - I 1,650,900 514.858100 . $ 14,856100 . U NlIwlndoorR~reationFacility 3.4.1 Solllh Bowmanvilla Muh~Use Fadlny Phase II (112.000 51) 2016 $ 24,600.000 S $ 24,600,000 . . 2,460,000 $22140,000 . 514230,377 . 7909,623 Subtotal New lndool RecreationFacllil.~ $24.600,000 . $24,600,000 . - . 2,460.000 $ 22,140.000 . $ 14,230.377 . 7,909.623 TOTAL INDOOR RECREATION $61,212.,000 . $61,212,000 . S 4,3&3,900 $ 46,848,100 . $ 38,938,4n . 7,901,&23 NOle 1: Principalllayrnenls noed not t>e reducad b~ 10% as reduction hils been made III prior DC By-laws. 2010..2019 Net Funding Envelope Leu: Principal por1ions ofnegatl\le Illserve fund balance Adjusted201Q..2019 Net Funding Envelope $39.381,331 ~ $38,938,477 ReSelrv8 Fund Balance Balance as at Dee 31 2009 2010 Capital Budget Draws TOTAL (5747,054) 1$3097 8261 (S3,844,IIOI 21 PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT-RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM GmM GranW No<. IIWIi ible Costa Total DC Eli ibllll Costs Service Project Description Timing Project Subllidiell' Othe Municipal Replacement 10% DCElillible Available 2010_ POllt Co.. Recoveries C05t & BTE Shares Reduction CO$ts DC Reserves 201B 2019 4,0 PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACILITIES I 4,1 Park Development, Facilities & Equipment 4.1.1 penwest Parkatte 2010 . 245,000 $ . 245 ,000 . - . 24.500 $ 220,500 . 220,500 . - . 4.1,2 LongworthaMSwgogS/V'rlcorner 2010 . 40,000 $ . 40,000 $ - . 4,000 . 36,000 . 36,000 $ $ 4.1.3 HuntStreel Parketteami Bridge 2011 . 385,000 . - . 385,000 $ $ 38.500 . 346,500 $ 346,500 $ - . . 4.1.4 Conceptual Park Related DeslQn 2011 . 15,000 . - $ 15,000 . . 1,500 . 13.500 . 13,500 . . $ - 4.1.5 Longworth Park Phase 2 2011 . 650,000 $ $ 650.000 . . 65,000 $ 585,000 . 182,688 . 402,312 . 4.1.6 Soper Creek Tral _ King 51. to 51. Stephens subdNision 2011 . 400,000 . - . 400,000 $ - . 40,000 . 360,000 . $ 360,000 . 4.1.7 Harn::ock NelQbQumoad Park 2012 . 475,000 . . 475.000 . - . 47,500 . 427,500 . $ 427,500 . - 4.1.8 ConclilptualPllrkRelatedDes~n 2012 $ 15,000 . - $ 15,000 . . 1,500 . 13,500 $ . 13,500 . - 4.'.9 KI1O>I: Neighboumood Park East 2012 $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 . . 50,000 $ 450,000 . . 450,000 . 4.1.10 WestvaleParkette 2013 $ 125,000 $ . 225,000 . - . 22,500 $ 202,500 $ - $ 202,500 . 4.1.11 Bowmenvih Valley Trlla - Design (Baseline Rd, to Waterfront) 2013 . 30,000 . - . 30,000 . . 3,000 . 27,000 . . 27,000 . . 4.1.12 Fi!lrewelCrel!ll.ParkandTrall 2013 . 650,000 . - . 650,000 . $ 65,000 . 585,000 . $ 585,000 . - 4.113 ConcaptualPal1l.RelatedOestgn 2013 $ 15,000 . $ 15,000 . $ 1,500 . 13,500 . - $ 13,500 . - 4.1.14 Bond Head Waterfronl Pari< - DeSign 2013 $ 35,000 $ - . 35,000 . . 3,500 $ 31,500 . . 31,500 $ 4.1.15 Newcastle Communrty Park - DeSign Phase 1 2014 . 75,000 . - . 75,000 . - . 7.500 $ 67,500 . - . 67,500 . 41.16 BoWll1<imriUe Valley Trail- Baseline to Waterfront f014 $ 350,000 . - . 350,000 $ . 35,000 . 315,000 . $ 315,000 . - 4,1.17 BOfId HeadWaterffont Park 2014 . 700,000 . - $ 700,000 . . 70,000 . 630,000 . . 630,000 . 4.1.18 Conceptual Park Related De51gn 2014 . 15,000 . $ 15,000 . . 1.500 . 13,500 . . 13,500 $ 4.1.19 Aspen Springs Parkette 2014 $ 250,000 $ . $ 250 ,000 . - . 25.000 $ 225.000 $ . 225,000 . 4,1,20 Claringlon FleIds-Wilshrooms/ch;;inge room 2015 $ 1,000,000 $ - . 1,000,000 $ . 100,000 $ 900,000 . . 900,000 . - 4_1.21 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 2015 . 45,000 . - . 45,000 $ . 4,500 $ 40,500 . $ 40,500 . - 4.1.22 Courtil:eWalerffontParll-De5ign 2015 . 40.000 . . 40,000 $ . 4,000 $ 36,000 . - $ 36,000 $ - 4.1.23 Port Darlington Watertront Park - East Beach 2015 . 2,OOQ,000 $ - $ 2,000,000 . . 200,000 . 1,800,000 . $ 1,800,000 $ 4_1.24 Conceptual Park Related Design 2015 $ 15,000 $ - . 15,000 . . 1,500 . 13,500 $ . 13,500 $ 4.1.25 CourticeWaterfront Park Phase 1-OliIsign 2015 $ 50,000 . - . 50,000 $ . 5,000 $ 45,000 . $ 45,000 . - 4.1.26 Newcastle Community Park. Phase 1 Con5truction 2015 . 1,500,000 . $ 1,500,000 $ - . 150,000 $ 1,350,000 . - $ 1,350,000 . - 22 PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACIUTIES DEVELOPMENT-RELATEO CAPITAl PROGRAM GmM G~"'" No< ~e1i IbleCom Totlll DC ED Ible Costa SeMce Project De$cription TIming Project Subsldieal Othe Municipal Repllicement '''' DCBlglbkl Available 2010- Pool Coat Recoveries Co.. & BTE Shares Reduction Costa DC Reserves 2010 2010 4.0 PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACIUTIES 4.1 Park Development, Facilities & Equipment 4.1.27 Clarington Fields Soccer - Design 2016 $ 1'35,000 $ - $ 135,000 . - . 13,500 . 121,500 $ - $ 121,500 . - 4.'.25 Courtice Waterfront Park Phase 1 2016 . 1,000,000 $ - . 1.000,000 $ - . 100,000 . 900,000 . - . 900,000 . 4.1.29 Foster Creek NeighbourtJood Par1l 2016 . 650,000 $ - $ 650,000 . - $ 65,000 . 585,000 . - . 119,246 $ 465,754 4.1.30 Brookhill Neighbourhaod Park 1 2016 . 650,000 $ - . 650,000 $ - $ 65,000 . 585,000 . - . - . 585,000 4.1.31 Conceptual Park Related Design 2016 $ 15,000 . - . 15,000 $ - . 1,500 . 13,500 $ - $ - $ 13,500 4.1.32 Samuel Wilmol Nature Area 2016 $ 45,000 . . 45,000 . - $ 4,500 . 40,500 $ $ - . 40,500 4.1.33 Lord Elgin Park Redevelopment 2017 $ 450,000 . . 450,000 . 337,500 . 11,250 $ 101,250 $ - . . 101,250 4.1.34 Claringl1:m Fields Soccer 2017 . 2,700,000 . $ 2,700,000 . - . 270,000 $ 2,430,000 $ - . . $ 2,430,000 4.1.35 Conceptuat Park Related DeSign 2017 . 15,000 . - . 15,000 . . 1,500 $ 13,500 . . . . 13,500 4.1.36 Port Darlington Waterfront Park - West Beach 2010 . 1,500,000 . - . 1,500,000 . - . 150,000 . 1,350,000 . - . . 1,350,000 4.1,37 South Courtice Soccer Fields Phase II 2018 . 1,200,000 . - . 1,200,000 $ - . 120,000 . 1,080,000 . - . . 1,080,000 4.1.38 Brookhlll Community Park 2018 . 1,500,000 $ - . 1,500,000 $ - . 150,000 . 1,350,000 . - $ - $ 1,350,000 4,1.39 Newcastle Waterfront Park 2019 . 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 $ - . 60,000 $ 540,000 . - $ - . 540.000 Subtotal Park Development. Facilities & Equipment $ 20,180,000 $ $ 20,180,000 $ 337,500 . 1,984,250 . 17,858,250 $ 799,188 . 9,089,557 . 7,969,504 TOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT & RELATED FACJUTlES S 20,180,000 $ - $ 20,180,000 $ 337,500 . 1,184,250 $ 17,858,250 $ 719,188 . 1,081,557 . 7,969,504 2010-2019 Net Funding Envelope $9,089,557 Reserve Fund Balance 2010 Capital Budgel Oraws Uncommitted Reserve Funds TOTAL $256,500 ~ $719,188 23 OPERATIONS DEVELOPMENT -RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM Gross GranbJ No' Ineli ibleCosts Total DC Eli 'ble Costs Service Projec;t Description Timing Project Subsidie&l Othel Municipal Replacement ,,% DC Eligible Available 2010- P~. Cool Recoveries eo.. & BTE Shares Reduction Co'" DC Reserves ,.19 ,.19 5,0 OPERATIONS 5,' Municipal Fleet and Equipment Subtol.1! Municipal Fleet arel Equipment . 4,165,290 $ $ 4,165,290 $ - . 416,529 $ 3,748.761 . 1,153,373 $ 2.595,389 $ - 5,2 Buildings, Land.& Equipment . 5.2.1 Storm Water Management Equipment 2010 $ 60,000 $ $ 60.000 $ . $ 6,000 $ 54,000 $ 54,000 $ - $ - 5.2.2 Pole Barn and Quonset Hut at Yard 42 2011 $ 400,000 $ $ 400,000 $ . $ 40,000 $ 360,000 . 108,369 $ 251,631 . - 5.2.3 Hampton Depot Expansion 2011 . 315,000 $ $ 315.000 $ - $ 31,500 $ 283,500 . . 283,500 . 5.2.4 Snow Storage Design 2011 . 50,000 $ . 50,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 45.000 . . 45,000 $ Land (4 hectare) 2012 $ 1,460,000 $ . 1,460.000 $ - $ 146,000 $ 1,314,000 $ . . 1,314,000 $ - Srte Development 2012 $ 350,000 $ . 350,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 315,000 $ - . 315,000 $ - 5.2.5 CourtlCe Operations Space and Land Land (2 hectares) 2014 $ 730,000 . . 730,000 $ - $ 73,000 $ 657,000 $ - $ 657.000 $ - Site Development (10,000 sf@$225} 2014 $ 2,250,000 $ - . 2,250,000 $ - $ 225.000 $ 2,025,000 $ 5 1,886,944 $ 138,056 Subtotal Buildings, Land & Equipment . 5,615,000 $ - . 5,615,000 $ - $ 561,500 $ 5,053,500 $ 162,369 $ 4,753,076 $ 138,056 ." Animal Services 5.3.1 Cages 2010-2015 . 10,000 $ . 10,000 $ . . 1,000 $ 9,000 $ - $ 9.000 $ 5.3.2 Expansion to Animal Services Buildirll 2016 . 54.QOO $ . 54,000 $ - $ 5,400 $ 48,600 $ - . 48,600 $ 5.3.3 Cages for Expensoo 2016 . 25,000 $ . 25,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 22,500 $ . $ 22,500 $ 5.3.4 Animal Services Clerks Vehicle 2018 . 30.000 . . . 30,000 $ - . 3,000 $ 27,000 . . 27 ,000 $ Subtotal Animal Services $ 119,000 . . 119,000 $ - $ 11,900 $ 107,100 $ - $ 107,100 $ - TOTAl OPERATIONS $ 9,899,290 $ - $ 9,899,290 $ - $ .989,929 $ 8,909,361 $ 1,316,741 $ 7,466,664 $ 138,056 2010-2019 Net Funding Envelope $7,455,564 Reserve Fund Balance 2010 Capital Budget Draws Uncommitted Reserve Funds TOTAL $307,373 51 008368 $1,316.741 24 PARKING DEVELOPMENT-RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM Gros. Grantsl Not Inel" ible Costs Total DC Eli ible Costs Service Project Description Timing Project SubsidiesJ Othe Municipal Repiacement ,,% DC Eligible Available 2010. Post Cost Recoveries Cost & BTE Shares Reduction Costs DC Reserves 2019 2019 6,0 PARKING 6,' New Parking Spaces 6.1,1 Additional Public Parking lots 2013 . 629,000 . - $ 629,000 . . $ 62,900 $ 566,100 . 81,434 . 484,666 . - Subtotal New Parking Spaces . 629,000 $ - $ 629,000 . . $ 62,900 $ 566,100 . 81.434 $ 484,666 $ - 6,2 Parking Meter&. 62.1 Pay and Display Ticket Dispensers 121 2013 . 22,000 $ - $ 22,000 $ - $ 2,200 $ 19,800 $ - $ 19,800 . - 6.2.2 Additional On-Street Meters 2014 $ 20,000 $ - . 20,000 . - $ 2,000 $ 18,000 $ - $ 18,000 $ - 6,2.3 Additional On-Slreet MeIers 2015 . 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 . - . 4,000 $ 36,000 $ - $ 36,000 $ - Subtotal Parking Meters . 82,000 . - . 82,000 . - $ 8;200 $ 73,800 . - $ 73,800 $ - TOTAL PARKING $ 711,000 $ . . 711,000 $ $ 71,100 $ 639,900 $ 81,434 $ 558,466 $ - 2010.2019 Net Funding Envelope $649,721 Reserve Fund Balance 2010 Capital Budget Draws Uncommitted Reserve Funds TOTAl $0 $81434 $81,434 25 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT -RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM G_ G""'" N.. lnellglbae C05t5 Total DC Eligible Costs Service Project Description TIming Project Subsidle&l othe Municipal Replacement ,,% DC Etlglble Available 2010. Pool Cool Recover\e8 Cost & BTE Shares Reduction Co... DC"""" 'I'" "'19 7.0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 7,' Growlh.Related Studies Emergency Servlces 7.1.1 Fire Master Plan 2012 . 50,000 . . 50,000 $ . 5,000 . 45,000 $ - . 45,000 $ Planning and Development 7.1.2 Tooley I Robinson Creeks Subwatershed Study 2010 . 70,000 $ - $ 70,000 . - . 7,000 $ 63,000 . 60,000 . 3,0Q() $ . 7.1.3 OP ReView - Webcleslgner 2010 . 8,000 $ $ 8,000 $ . - . 8,000 . 8,000 $ - . 7.1.4 Hancock Master Plan & Conceptual SelVicing Plan Updaw 2011 $ 40,000 . - . 40,000 . - . 4,000 $ 36,000 $ 36,000 . - . - 7.1.5 StreetscapeMaslerPlans 2011 $ 150,000 . - $ 150,000 . - . 15,000 $ 135,000 . 112,995 . 22,005 $ 7.1.6 Inter'lSlflcation Areas/Comdor Studies 2011 . 150,000 $ . 150,000 $ . 15,000 $ 135,000 . $ 135,000 $ 7.1.7 6lke.....ayslTralls Master Plan 2012 . 50.000 . - . 50,000 . . 5,QO() $ 45,000 $ - . 45,000 . - 7.1.8 ZOnu'lQBylaw 2012 . 200,000 . - $ 200,000 . 150,000 $ 5,000 $ 45,000 . - . 45,000 $ 7.1.9 Offidal Plan Review ImplementatlOn Studies 2012 . 200,000 $ - . 200,000 . - . 20,000 . 180,000 . $ 180,000 . - 7.1,10 East Bowmanville Corridor Study 2013 . 250,000 . - . 250,000 . . 25,000 . 225,000 $ - . 225,000 . 7.1.11 Soper Creek Subwa\ershed Study 2015 $ 250,000 . - . 250.000 . . 25,000 $ 225,000 $ - . 225,000 $ 7.1.12 Architectural Control 2015 $ 50,000 . - . 50,000 $ - . 5,000 . 45,000 . - $ 45,000 $ - 7.1.13 Bloor North Secondary Plan 2015 . 200,000 $ - . 200,000 . $ 20,000 . 180,000 . - . 180,000 . - 7,1,14 Bloo! North Zoning Bylaw 2016 . 75,000 . - . 75,000 . - . 7,500 $ 67,500 $ - . 67,500 . - 7,115 Bennett Road West Secondary Plan 2016 . 200,000 . - . 200,000 . - . 20,000 $ 180,000 . - . 180,000 $ 7.1.16 Official Plan Review 2 _ Commercial Policy Review 2016 . 450,000 . - $ 450,000 $ - . 45.000 . 405,000 . - $ 405,000 $ - 7.1.17 Bennett Road West Zoning Bylaw 2017 . 75,000 $ . 75,000 . . 7,500 . 67,500 . - $ 67,500 . - 7.1.18 Official Plan Review 2018 . 350,000 . - . 350,000 . . 35,000 . 315,000 $ - . 315,000 . - 26 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT -RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM Gross GrantSl NO' . . ... 0 . Service Project Description TIming Project 5ubsldles/Othe Munlclpal Replacement '''' DC Eligible Available 20'0- Pool Co.. Recoveries COllt &8TESrnul!!lI Reduction Co... DC Reserves 2019 2010 7.0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (Con'td) Community Services 7.1.19 Community Strategic Plan - Review 2011 . 50,000 . - . 50,000 . . 5,000 . 45,000 . - . 45,000 $ - 7.1.20 Community Services Strategic Plan _ Study Review 2013 . 125,000 . - $ 125,000 $ - . 12,500 $ 112,500 . - . 112,500 . - 7.1.21 Indoor Facility Needs Study (Phase 2 Bowmanville) 2014 . 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - . 4,000 . 36,000 . - $ 36,000 $ - 7.1.22 Community Services Strategic Plan - Study Review 2016 . SO,OOO . - . 50,000 . - . 5,000 $ 45,000 . . 45,000 $ - Operations 7.1.23 Operations Department Master Plan 2015 . 100.000 $ . 100,000 . $ 10,000 . 90,000 . . 90,000 . library 7,1,24 l1braryServicesStrategicPlan 2014 . 50,000 . . $ 50,000 $ - $ 5,000 . 45,000 . - . 45,000 . 7,125 CoufIlce Branch library- Needs Assessment 2015 I 50,000 $ . 50,000 . - . 5,000 $ 45,000 . $ 45,000 $ - 7,1.26 Information Technology Study 2016 . 25,000 $ - . 25,000 . - . 2,500 . 22,500 . - . 22,500 . Development Charges 7.1.27 Development Charges Background Study 2014 . 100,000 . . 100,000 . - $ 10,000 . 90,000 . - . 90,000 . 7.1.28 Development Charges Background Study 2019 . 100,000 . . . 100,000 . $ 10,000 . 90,000 . - . 90,000 . - TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT . 3,508,000 S . $ 3,508,000 $ 150,000 S 335,000 S 3,023,000 S 216,995 S 2,B06,005 $ - Reserve Fund Balance 2010 Capital Budget Draws Uncommitted Reserve Funds TOTAL $68,000 $148995 $216,995 27 GENERAL SERVICE CAPITAL PROGRAM SUMMARY Total Gross Cost ($millions) Less: Grants Less: Available Reserve Funds Less: Replacement Shares Less: Post-2019 Benefit Less: Legislated Discounts $109.0 $ 2.3 $ 4.5 $ 2.1 $ 19.5 $ 8.6 DC Recoverable Share $ 72.0 HEMSON 28 DC ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR RECOVERY BY SERVICE Operaltons 1 0.40/Q \ , General Government 3.9'1l/00 Park Development & Related Facllilles 12.6% Parking 0.8%\ Library Service 8.5'11/. Emergency & Fire Services ~ 9.700/. I I i I . Library Service $6,152.5 . Emergency & Fire Servlce$ $7.019,7 w IndQor Recreation $38,938,5 . Park Oevelopmenl & Related Faciiiiie$ $9,089.6 .Operatlon$ $7,455.6 . Parking $558.5 'i- G<meral Government $2,806.0 'L Indoor Recreation 54.1% HEMSON 29 SUMMARY ROADS AND RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM Development-Related Capital Program (in $OOOs) Grants! Total Total Subsidies Benefit to Available Cost Eligible Gross Other Existing DC Post For DC Cost Contributions Share Rese rYes 2031 Recovery ROADS AND RELATED Roads & Related Projects $144,485.81 $0.00 $16,218.57 $7,06 $0.00 $128,260.18 Other Road Related Projects $3,020.00 $0,00 $833.40 $0.00 $0.00 $2,186.60 TOTAL ROADS AND RELATED $147,505.81 $0.00 $17,051.97 $7.06 $0.00 $130,446.78 HEMS ON 3D DC RATE CALCULATION . Residential: · Expressed as a charge per capita · Levied as charge per unit and by unit type . Non-Residential: · Expressed as a charge per square metre of gross floor area (GFA) · Rate differentiated between industrial and non-industrial uses REMSON 31 CALCULATED RESIDENTIAL DC RATES Residential Charge By Unit Type (1) Service Adjusted Low De nsity Charge Per Singles & Large Small Capita Semis Multiple Apartments Apartments Dwelling Unit Library Service $271.46 $842 $733 $578 $366 Emergency & Fire Services $207,79 $644 $561 $443 $281 Indoor Recreation $1,698,18 $5,264 $4,585 $3,617 $2,293 Park Deloelopment & Related Facilities $360.43 $1,117 $973 $768 $487 Operations $244,55 $758 $660 $521 $330 Parkin9 $18,44 $57 $50 $39 $25 General GOloernment $87.06 $270 $235 $185 $118 Subtotal General Services $2,887.91 $8,952 . $7,797 $6,151 $3,900 Roads And Related $1,829.51 $5,671 $4,940 $3,897 $2,470 TOTAL CHARGE PER UNIT $4,717.42 $14,623 $12,737 $10,048 $6,370 (1) Based on Persons Per Unit Of: 3.10 2,70 2,13 1.35 HEMSON 32 CALCULATED NON-RESIDENTIAL DC RATES Adjusted Service Non-lndustrial Charge I Sq.M. Library Service $0,00 Emergency & Fire Services $3,68 Indoor Recreation $0,00 Park Dewlopment & Related Facilities $0,00 Operations $4.32 Parking $0.33 General Gowrnment $1.54 Subtotal General Services $9.87 Roads And Related $50,25 TOTAL CHARGE PER SQUARE METRE $60.12 Adjusted Industrial Charge I Sq.M. $0.00 $3.68 $0.00 $0.00 $4,32 $0.33 $1.54 $9.87 $21.05 $30.92 HEMS ON 33 COMPARISON OF CURRENT VS. CALCULATED RESIDENTIAL RATES Current Calculated Service Residential Residential Difference in Charge Charge I SOU Charge I SOU Library Service $779 $842 $63 8% Emergency & Fire Services $779 $644 ($135) -17% Indoor Recreation $4,309 $5,264 $955 22% Park Development & Related Facilities $1,367 $1,117 ($250) -18% Operations $638 $758 $120 19% Parking $50 $57 $7 15% General Government $368 $270 ($98) -27% Subtotal General Services $8,290 $8,952 $662 8% Roads And Related $5,495 $5,671 $176 3% TOT AI.. CHARGE PER UNIT $13,785 $14,623 $838 6% Note: July 1, 2010 phase-in rate would be $15.401 / SDU HEMSON 34 COMPARISON OF CURRENT VS. CALCULATED NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES Current Calculated Service Non4ndustrial Non-lndustrial Difference in Charge Charge Charge Library Service $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 0% Emergency & Fire Services $3,27 $3,68 $0.41 13% Indoor Recreation $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 0% Park Oe\oelopment & Related Facilities $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 0% Operations $2.68 $4,32 $1,64 61% Parking $0,20 $0.33 $0,13 65% General Gmemment $1,54 $1.54 $0,00 0% Subtotal General Services $7.69 $9.87 $2.18 280A Roads And Related $43.27 $50,25 $6.98 16% TOTAL CHARGE PER SQ.M. $50.96 $60.12 $9.16 18% Current Calculated Industrial Industria I Difference in Charge Charge Cha rge $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 0% $3.18 $3,68 $0,50 16% $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 0% $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 0% $2,60 $4,32 $1.72 66% $0.20 $0.33 $0.13 65% $1.50 $1,54 $0.04 3% $7.48 $9.87 $2.39 320/. $20,52 $21,05 $0.53 3% $28.00 $30.92 $2.92 10% Note: July 1,2010 non-industrial phase-in rate would be $58.44/sq.m. July 1, 2010 industrial phase-in rate would be $32.80/sq.m. HEMSON 35 REASONS FOR RATE RESIDENTIAL INCREASES/SHIFTS . Library Service (i) · Maximizing increased funding envelope . Emergency Services (t) · Not fully utilizing funding envelope · 3 grants to fund Newcastle Station . Indoor Recreation (i) · Maximizing increased funding envelope · Funding of 3 outstanding debentures HEMSON 36 REASONS FOR RATE RESIDENTIAL INCREASES/SHIFTS . Park Development and Facilities (t) · Treatment of uncommitted excess capacity . Operations (i) · Maximizing increased funding envelope . Parking (i) · Increased funding envelope . General Government (t) · Recovering for fewer studies REMSON 37 CALCULATED RATES COMPARED TO JULY 1 PHASE-IN RATES . Residential Charge · The singles/semis charge would represent a 5% decrease . Industrial Charge · Compared to July 1 phase-in rate, it would be a 6% decrease . Non-Industrial Charge · Compared to July 1 phase-in rate, it would be a 3% increase HEMSON 38 DC RATE COMPARISONS - SINGLE DETACHED UNITS $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 . 'a Oshawa Pickering 'lMlitby Brock Uxbridge Ajax Scugog Clarington Clarington Newmarket Aurora Vaughan Richmond (Current) (Calculated) Hill -Upperl1er - LOwer~e~~.Clanngton. HEMSON 39 DC RATE COMPARISONS - NON- INDUSTRIAL (RETAil) $350.00 $300.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $50.00 $0.00 Oshawa Ajax u - . , - V\lhitby Pickering Uxbridge Brock Clarington Clarington Scugog Newmark.et Aurora Vaughan Richmond (Current)' (Calculated) Hill "UpperTler "'lower Tier '<IASOC -Clarington HEMSON 40 DC RATE COMPARISONS - INDUSTRIAL $200.00 $175.00 $150.00 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $0.00 U' U ... "...:.... " , ,,' ,-,- I Oshawa Scugog Clarington Uxbridge Clarington Ajax (Current) (Calculated) VVhitby Pickering Brock Newmarket Aurora Vaughan Richmond Hill "'Upper Tier ill LowerTier "'ASOC .Clarington REMSON 41 DC STUDY TIMELINE April 27 - Advertised for Public Meeting Apr 29 - Council Information Session (AM) Apr 29 - Developers Workshop #2 (PM) April 29 - Release DC Background Study May 17 - Hold Statutory Public Meeting May 31 - Passage of 2010 DC By-law REMSON 42 Bowmanville Vacant commercial lands with applications or expressions of interest Proposed floor Proposed floor Within a Registered Subject to an existing area (m') area (ft') plan of Subdivision Servicing Agreement Hartwell Dr. & Reg. Rd. #S7 - Medical Office 1,363 14,666 Yes Spicer Square Auto Mall - Office Proposal 3,720 40,027 Yes Bank - King St. E. (in front of Staples) 428 4,605 No No Mazda - Spicer Square Auto Mall 1,168 12,568 Yes Bowmanville Creek Dev. Inc. - Torgan 11,678 125,655 Yes Baseline Rd. - Plaza Expansion 520 5,595 No Smart!Centres Site (CON Tire, Swiss Chalet & others) 19,099 205,505 Yes Halloway Site 6,932 74,588 Yes Tim Hortons & Fuel Bar - Aspen Springs 627 6,747 Yes TOTAL 45,535 489,957 Proposed Commercial development Hwy 2/57 7,453 80,194 No No Proposed So bey's O.PA - Longworth Ave. & Scugog St. 4,105 44,170 Yes COURTICE URBAN AREA SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY REPORT - STATUS DEC. 31. 2009 IlS; APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED MUNICtPAUTY OF ClARlNGTON DATES RESIDENTIAL UNITS. FROM PROPOSED PlAN RESIDENTIAL PART LOT UNITS - FROM PROPOSED PLAN TOTAL NAME ~=e "00',"0 ~, PIJ'J'l' FileNo. Lot Coo. Revisions Single Soo; Multi. Apt, (bod,) TotalUrms Single S~I MultI. Apt other (beds) Total Units UNITS IlIfamTonno Conslruction limlted 16T-89055 32 3 05117/69 06I30I09 53 24 77 . 77 IngsbefryProperties 18T-90003 31 3 01/18190 06130100 40 00 70 . 70 BonnydonLlmlt€ld 18T_90022 00 , 04123190 07107192 15 15 5 , 7 CourticeWoods S-C-2003--0001 4 , 11/21103 10113109 55 55 . Head aleDeve ntsLimiled S-e-2009-0001 27 3 18 18 . . TotaIUnlta '42 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTO DATES RESIDENTIAl UNITS" FROM DRAFT PLAN RESIDENTIAL PART l T UNITS. FR M DRAFT P TOTAl NAME ffi ~,,~ l'lJ\N'" FileNo, Lot Coo, A,,,,,,,,,,, Revisions Single Soo; Mulll. Apt ,-) TotalUnlts Single Suml ..... Apt OIher(bads) ToIarUnlls UNITS Richard Gay 18T.B8060 29-00 , 08124196 04I26r09 1 16 17 1 1 16 CourticeHeights 18T.92014 27 3 07/28/99 3 6 9 4 4 13 CourticeHeights 18T.94027 28 3 07128199 71l 72 151 1 , '52 :89143 Ontalio lid, 181-95023 33-34 1 11l104J96 5 50 55 . 55 708545 Ontario ltd. 1BT-95028 31-32 , 12123199 6I28l2OO8 168 37 225 6 6 231 First Tech Mechanical S-C-2001-QOO2 31 , 10104107 3 . " . 12 PreslonvaleHeightsllmlted S-C-2007-ClOO7 34 , 11/12108 00 66 158 . 158 708545 Ontario Limited S-C-2007-Q009 15-16 1 06126108 61 61 . 61 Headgate Group Inc. $-C-2004-0002 27 3 07/21109 23 23 . 23 Courtice Homestead Land S-C-2007-QOOZ 30 3 11127109 31 31 . 31 Total Units 752 DRAFT APPROVED NAME UNICIPAL/TY OF CLARIN TON DAT RES ENTIAI. UNITS. FROM REGIS RED PLAN FileNo. Lot Coo. M-Plao Registered Singles Suml 7"",,,,,,,,,, Apartments PartLol T otalUnitS Permitslssuad TotarUnils PennlIslssued Total Units Permilslssued TotalUnlls Pemllls Issued TotalUni\:s Pe~lss Total Units Permllslssued Vacantlols Stolp (Robjnson Ridge) 18T-89037 35 1 4OM.2201 06128103 00 87 00 7 3 CourticeHelghts 18T-92014 27 3 40M-2364 12I04I07 77 " " 4 101 26 75 289143 Ontario Ltd. (Freedman) 161-95023 3~34 1 4OM-2178 11/28103 137 '00 00 30 67 '60 7 2891430ntarioLtd, (Froodrnan) 18T-95023 33-34 1 4OM-2353 06101107 45 30 14 14 53 6 891430nl3rioLtd,(Freedman) 181-95023 33-34 1 40M.2361 11f06/01 35 " .. 28 .. , 52 16' Prestonvale Heighls limited 1BT-95026 33-34 , 4OM-2148 05107103 187 142 18 6 42 29 77 50 leckCreekOeveloprnents 18T-95029 29--30 3 4OM-2317 07105106 23 18 23 1 1370304 Ontario Ltd. (Mclellan Court) 181-98012 32-33 3 40M-2349 03I151D7 10 9 16 . BlackCreekOevelopments S-c.2006-0001 29 3 4OM-2384 09108108 ... 13 40 13 35 Prastonvale Road land Co S-C2007-0003 32-33 , 4OM-239f 12111108 55 25 , 60 25 35 Total Units ,,.. 120 ". REGISTERED PLANS IY-"11 NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY REPORT - STATUS DECEMEBER 31.2009 APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DATES RESIDENTIAL UNITS. FROM PROPOSED PLAN RESIDENTIAL PART LOT UNITS. FROM PROPOSED PLAN TOTAL NAME -':'0"- t HeClURe urn" FileNo. Lot Coo. Complete Revisions Single Semi Multi. Apt, (beds) TotalUnils Single Semi Mulll, Apt. Other (beds) TotalUnils Plan Units Smooth Run Developments S G-2005-003 27-28 2 09122105 '5IOlW9 304 323 11. 737 . 737 Brookfield Home5 S-C-2005-004 27-28 2 .912210. 05I06I09 120 93 80 293 . 293 Total Units 1030 DRAFT APPROVED MUNICIPALITY OF ClARlNGTON DATES RESIDENTIAL UNITS. FROM DRAFT PLAN RESIDE TIAL PART LOT UN . FROM DRAF !.AN TOTAL NAME MO ~eaLlne FlIeNo. Lot Con. Approval Revisions Single 8.m/ MuiR Apt, ""'" Total Units Single SOm/ MUIII, Aot. OIher(beds) TotalUnlls Plan Units Foster Creek Developments Ltd. 18T-89059 29-30 2 04112/07 "" 85 665 85. KaitllnGroup 18T-96013 28-31 BFC 12109197 06122106 280 280 280 PatriciaJ.Ste hen$On -G-2007-QOO 31 2 08/19108 28 28 28 Total Units 943 MU IPALtTY OF CLARINGT N DATES RE IDENTIAL UNITS. FROM REGI TE DP!.AN NAME FileNo, Lot Con. M-Plan Registered Singles SOn; Townhouse A"''''m,,,'' PartLol 0" Total Units Pennitslssuec! TotalUnils Permits Issued Total Units Pennlts Issued Total Permllslssued TotalUnlt8 Permits ISSUed .TotalUnlts Pennllslssued Vacant lots KaillinGroup 18T-91004 28.30 .FC 40M.2253 05131105 12 12 0 '2 Port of Newcasl!e Phase 2 stage 1 18T-96l113 28-30 BFC 4OM-2303 .2I06I06 81 n n , Port Of Newcastle Phase 2 18T-96013 28-31 BFC 40M-2327 09/25106 " 21 22 . 70 " Port of Newcastle Phase 2 West Stage 3 18T.96013 29-30 BFC 40M-2373 03118108 85 11 30 " 11 83 Port of Newcastle Phase 2 West S 0' 18T-96013 30 BFC 40M-2375 05116108 3. 30 . 38 Total Units 29. 117 178 REGISTERED PLANS ~ n ~. (1- ~~iw;~ " ~I " , . ~ =ooooc::>o~ ~ f I" ~ i 0 W ~ . 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 . I< ;; : ~ ., W ~ 0 . en ~ c c . N I ~ M 0: . 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OW. ~ j ,qUill ~ _ ~""ea u.::E~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2010-XXX to impose development charges against land in the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997 (the "Act") WHEREAS subsection 2(1) of the Act provides that the Council of a municipality may by by-law impose development charges against land to pay for increased capital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from the development of the area to which the by-law applies; AND WHEREAS Council has before it a report entitled "Development Charges Background Study, The Municipality of Cia ring ton, April 2010" (thlil"Study"); AND WHEREAS Council gave notice to the publie of a puj:)jjc meeting and held a public </:"::'>" .':;::<;;; meeting pursuant to section 12 of the Act on May 17;.2010, prior to which the Study and a proposed development charges by-law were made alia~!~le to the public, and Council heard comments and representations from all persons who aPf;llil;ld to be heard (the "Public Meeting") and considered Report FND-XXX-10 dated May 17,2010 (the "Staff Report"); AND WHEREAS staff of Municipality considered the public comments and representations mademtl1e PubJic Meeting at the meeting of the Council held on May 31, 2010; AND WHEREAS at its meeting QOMay 31, 2010, by Resolution No, C-XXX Council approved the recommendations contained in Report FND-XXX-10; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Definitions 1, (1) In this By-law the term: Accessory: where used to describe a building means that the building is naturally and normally incidental, subordinate in purpose or floor area or both, and is exclusively devoted to a principal use or building located on the same lot. Act: means the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c,27, as it may be amended from time to time or a successor statute; Agricultural: means a bona fide farming operation, including farm buildings and buildings accessory thereto, sod farms, the breeding and/or the boarding of horses, greenhouses, and residential buildings which are used exclusively Page 1 ~ to provide living accommodation for employees of the operator of the land devoted to the practice of farming and which residential buildings are occupied for fewer than eight (8) consecutive months during each calendar year and must be a secondary residence; Agri-tourism: means an agricultural establishment that provides a service to promote and educate the public about farming and agricultural activities. An agri- tourism use shall be located on the same lot as a farm, An agri-tourism use may include a farm produce outlet. Agri-tourism may include the following uses: corn or hay maze; petting zoo; hayrides; sleigh rides; buggy or carriage rides; s'easonal activities/events related to the farm and farm tours, but shall not include: restaurant, amusement park, special event, overnight camping or motorized recreational competition with the exception of tractor pulls, Air-Supported Structure: means an air supported structure as defined in the Building Code Act; Apartment: means a residential building, or the residential portion of a mixed- use building containing 4 or more dwellingun!tswhich have a common entrance from the street level, common hall$, stai~f~levators and/or yards, and which is not a dwelling unit or dwelli1'lQ units~tained in a single- detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling, a tOWftl09use (rowhouse) dwelling, or a multiple dwelling; . . Approval Authority: means the Region's Commissioner of Planning, the Region's Land Division Committee or the Ontario Municipal Board having jurisdiction to approve <!plan of subdivision under section 51 ofthe Planning Act, to grant a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act, or to approve a description under section 50 of the Condominium Act, whichever Act is applicable in the circumstallces; Board of Education: means aboard as defined in Subsection 1(1) of the Education Act 1997, s.0.1997,c,27, as amended; Brownfields: means vacant or underutilized properties, with potential for redevelopment, which are in the process of site remediation by completing a . .8~~. ..of SiteConditionorsuccessor documentation under the regulations isso . >~he Ministry of Environment; Building: m~ns a building or structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metrl;lS consisting of a wall, roof, and floor or any of them or a structural sysll:!m serving the function thereof, and includes an air-supported structure; BuildingcC6de Act: means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, chapter 23, as..amended and all Regulations thereto including the Ontario Building Code, 2006, as amended, and as they may be amended or replaced from time to time; Conversion: means the change in use of a portion or all of a building as allowed under the provisions and regulations of the Municipality's Zoning Bylaws; Demolish: means to do anything in the removal of a building or a part thereof and the term "demolition" has a corresponding meaning; Development: includes redevelopment; Development Charge: means a development charge imposed by this By-law; Page 2 Dwelling Unit: means one or more habitable rooms designed or intended to be used together as a single and separate housekeeping unit by one person or by more than one person, containing its own kitchen and sanitary facilities, with a private entrance from outside the unit itself; Dwelling, Apartment: means a dwelling unit contained in an apartment; Dwelling, Apartment-in-House:, means a dwelling located within a permitted single detached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling created through converting part of or adding onto the principal dwelling, Dwelling, garden suite: means a one unit residential structure containing washroom and kitchen facilities that is designed to be portable and that is accessory to a single detached dwelling constructed on the same lot and is considered an apartment dwelling unit for the purposes of this by-law, Dwelling, Large Apartment: means an apartment dwelling containing 69.675 square metres of residential floor area or more; Dwelling, Linked: means a building separated vertically into two separate dwelling units, connected undergrouncll11Y footing and foundation, the horizontal distance between the inte~iorwaUs of the two (2) dwelling units above finished grade shall be in a~ordance with the provisions of the Municipality's Zoning By-law, eaeniof which has an independent entrance directly from the outside of the building andeacb of which is located on a separate lot; Dwelling, Low Density Multiple Unit: meansa.jlresidential dwelling units that are not included in the definition of "apartmel')f', "Hnked dwelling", "semi- detached dwelling" or "single detached dwelling': ;M~illil.Home: means a dwelling unit which is designed and a';W)i{~transported on its own chassis and is placed on a , ""'" ..::<..". ,.:.<'" "<>-:i-' '.<< Dwelling, .Rlei',I'Iil~i~~.Flre~i~ential building orthe residential portion of a mixed-use bui~l~ whictrOOl'iltains one or more dwelling units; Dwelling, Semi-Deta~l:led: means a residential building divided vertically so as to contain only two separate dwelling units each of which has an independent entranCe directly from outside of the building, is located on separate lots, at least 50 per cent of the above-grade area of a main wall on one side of each dwelling unit is attached to or is the same as a main wall on one side of the other dwelling unit, building is not attached to any other building or structure except its own garage or shed and the building has open space on all sides of it; Dwelling, Single-Detached: means a residential building containing only one dwelling unit which is not attached to any other building or structure except its own garage or shed, has open space on all sides, and has no dwelling units either above it or below it, and the term "single-detached dwelling" includes a mobile home; Dwelling, Small Apartment: means an apartment containing less than 69,675 square metres of residential floor area; Dwelling, Townhouse: means a group of three or more attached dwelling units which are separated from the other dwelling unit vertically and/or horizontally and each dwelling unit having a separate entrance to grade; Page 3 Existing Industrial Building: means a building used for or in connection with, a, manufacturing, producing, processing, storing or distributing something; b, research or development in connection with manufacturing, producing or processing something; c. retail sales by a manufacturer, producer or processor of something they manufactured, produced or processed, if the retail sales are at the site where the manufacturing, production or processing takes place; d. office or administrative purposes, if they are: i) accessory to manufacturing, producing, processing, storage or distributing of something, and ii) in or attached to the building or structure used for that manufacturing, producing, processing, storage or distribution, Farm Building: means a farm building as defined in the Building Code Act; Floor: includes a paved, concreti;l,'Wooden,gravel, or dirt floor; Grade: means the average level of~ pr~p()sed finished surface of the ground immediately abutting each bull1;ij!19 or mixed-use building at all exterior walls of the building or mixed-useQtal.lilding in question; Gross Floor Area: means the total floor area, m~~r'ed between the outside of exterior walls or betweenthe outside of exterior walls and the centre line of party walls dividing the building from another building, of all floors above the aver~fil,~V~ of finished ground adjoining the building at its exterior walls,- ....:>,.... -.., ......-..... ,", c.... .. Hotel: m~l'ls a bll-ilqi.ng providing overnight accommodation with a minimum of 70 overni9h~accOmfl'l<)dliltion rooms which each such room shall include a bedroom and a.llathroom combination and minimal kitchen facilities, which is not a dwelling unit or dwelling units contained in a single-detached dwelling, a semi-detached dwelling, a townhouse (row house) dwelling or a multiple dwelling and which have a common entrance from street level, common halls, stairs, elevators and that is three stories or greater in height. Convention meeting space facilities that are constructed within the hotel building, on the same lot as the hotel or an abutting lot, are deemed to be part of the hotel. Intensification: means areas such as urban growth centres, intensification corridors, and other opportunities that may include infill, redevelopment, brownfield sites, the expansion or conversion of existing buildings. Industrial: means any building located on lands having an industrial zone by a Zoning By-law of the Municipality of Clarington and used for or in connection with: a. manufacturing, assembling, processing, fabricating, refining; b, research and development, storage of materials and products, truck terminals, warehousing, and buildings and structures or portions thereof which are designed, used or intended to be used for a purpose, but the term does not include: Page 4 i) retail service sales or rental areas, storage or warehousing areas or uses used, designed or intended to be used in connection with retail sales, service or rental areas, and ii) office areas that are not accessory to any of the foregoing areas or uses, or to any other non-residential areas or uses, or accessory office uses that are greater than 25% of the gross floor area of the industrial building. Land for Parks": for the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection 2(4) of the Act: a, includes land for woodlots and land that is acquired because it is environmentally sensitive, and b, does not include land for an enclosed structure used throughout the year for public recreation and land that is necessary for the structure to be used for that purpose, including p~rl<.ing and access to the structure; Land: includes buildings and structures; Local Board: means a public utility commission, transpo'~j9n commission, public library board, board of park management, local boarCi,9f~e9.lth, police services board, planning board, or any other board, commissiQl1Iicommittee, body or local authority established orexercisingany power or authority under any general or special Act with respect to any of the affairs or purposes of the Municipality or the ~f:1gion; Lot: means a parcel of I!il')Cf'Wi_l:lin "a registered plan of subdivision or any land that may be legally conveyed1.lnderthe exemption provided in clauses 50(3)(b) or 50(5)(a) of the Planning Act; Low Density Multiple Dwelling Unit: means all residential dwelling units that are not included in the definition of "apartment", "semi-detached dwelling" or "single detached dwelling", MajQrcPffice Building: means a building containing business administrative and oft:)r()fessional offices and associated ancillary services containing a minimuni~:~. 000 square metres of gross floor area. Mezzanine: ~ans a mezzanine as defined in the Building Code Act; Mb(~..Use~1l1Iding: means a building used, designed, or intended to be usedeW1~for use for a combination of non-residential and residential areas and us~; or for a combination of different classes or types of non-residential areas and uses; Municipality: means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; Non-Residential: means buildings or portions of mixed-use buildings containing floors or portions of floors contained therein which are used, designed or intended to be used for a purpose which is not a residential purpose; Owner: means the owner of land or a person who has made application for an approval for the development of land against which a development charge is imposed; Protracted: means in relation to a temporary building or structure the persistence of its construction, erection, placement on land, or an alteration to or an addition to a building for a continuous period exceeding twelve Page 5 months from the date on which the construction, erection or placement of the temporary building or structure was completed; Region: means The Regional Municipality of Durham; Residential: means buildings or portions of mixed-use buildings and floors or portions of floors contained therein which are used, designed, or intended to be used as living accommodation for one or more individuals provided in a dwelling unit(s) and an accessory building to the dwelling; Residential Floor Area: means the floor area of an apartment measured either between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the apartment, or between the exterior faces of one or more of the exterior walls of the apartment and one or more of the centre line(s) of the wall(s) separating the apartment in question from an abutting apartment and the exteriorface(s) of the wall(s) separating the apartment in question from an adjacent corridor, elevator, lobby, or stair, whether or not any such walls contain one or more entrances to the apartment, provided that where the apartment dwelling in which the apartment is located is attached to another building by a party or common wall the centre line of such wall shall be deemed to be an exterior face of an exterior wall of the apartmeotgwelling in question; Service: means a service designat~d as such by subsection 6(2) of this By- law; Temporary Building: means a building constructed or erected or placed on land used exclusively by a realtor, builder, developer or contractor on a temporary basis for the sale, display and mlill'keting of residential.lots and dwellings within a draft approved subdivision or 6Qndominium plan, or means a building constructed or erected or placed on land for a continuous period not exceeding twelve months, or an addition or alteration to a building or structure tl'latPlill> the effect of increasing the total floor area thereof for a continu!i)us peri~f'lot exceeding twelve months. Total FI6QJ;\~ea:inme case of buildings other than mixed-use buildings, means the s~total~tll;e~~areas of the non-residential floors containeg in t~'P!Jilding that'are not exempt from development charges imposed by this By,law, whether at, above, or below grade, measured between the exteri()"f~s of the exterior walls of the building. In the case of mixed-use buildings that contain a combination of residential, and/or non-residential areas or uses that are not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, "total floor area" means the sum total of each of total areas of the non-residential floors, or the sum total of the non-residential portions of the floors contained in the mixed-use building that are not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, whether at, above or below grade, and (1) where the total area of the floor is comprised of non-residential areas or uses that are not exempt from development charges, total floor area shall be measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the mixed-use building, and (2) where one or more potions of a floor of the mixed-use building comprise non-residential areas or uses that are not exempt from development charges and another portion(s) of the same floor that either is a residential area or use, or is a non-residential area or use which is not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, total floor area shall be measured either between the exterior face(s) of the exterior wall(s) and/or between the centre lines of interior walls which separate the non- residential area(s) and use(s) from one or more residential area(s) and use(s) or non-residential areas or uses that are so exempt on the same floor. In the case of mixed-use building that contain (a) a combination of residential areas or uses, and non-residential areas or uses some only of which are exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, or Page 6 (b) only a combination of classes or types of non-residential areas or uses, some only of which are exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, "total floor area" means the sum total of each of the total areas of the portions of the non-residential floors that are not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, contained in the mixed-use building whether at, above or below grade, and (1) where the total area of the floor is non-residential which is not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, total floor area shall be measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the mixed-use building, and (2) where the total area of one or more portion(s) of a floor(s) of the mixed- use building is a non-residential area(s) or use(s) which is not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law and the same floor also contains another portion(s) of a floor(s) which is exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law, total floor area shall be measured between the exterior face(s) of the exterior wall(s) and/or the centre line(s) of interior walls which separate the non-residential area(s) and use(s) on the floor that are exempt from development charges from those on the same floor that are not exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law. In all cases in which the building or mixed-use building is attached to another building or mixed-use building, the centre line of the party or common wall shall be deemed to be an exterior wall of each building or mixed-use building as the case may be. Where a building does not have any walls, "total flo()r area" m.eans the sum total of the area of land below the roof of the buildil'lQ<;lnd the total areas of the floors in the building, except where the cand~sor.~t>Ofoverhand is for weather protection only for employees or custo~!'l> and does not have any retail activity or storage for retail purposes, Ex~liIt.as otherwise provided in this definition, in all cases, "total floor area": ..... a. includes the floor area of a mezzanine, an air-supported structure, interior corridors, lobbies and common areas, and the space occupieql;ly interior wall partitions, and b, excludesS;J'lY areas of the building or mixed-use building used for Ei!I~~ators, E1l'lClosed garbage storage areas, loading facilities, me<1~~nicale~uipment related to the operation or the maintenance ........... .. of the:p\JiUfirig!l.lrmil<Eild7vse building, parking of motor vehicles, .. .'.<r~tail gas~!-lmp canopies, stairwells, and any separately enclosed 'g~ge stl:1l'age area, Zoning B~~I~."...: me:~sthe Municipality's By-law No, 84-63 and By-law No, 2005-109, as amended, as may be further amended or replaced from time to time. (2) In this BYTlaw, unless the context otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. Rules 2, (1) The rules developed under paragraph 9 of subsection 5(1) of the Act for determining if a development charge is payable in any particular case and for determining the amount of the development charges that are payable are set forth in sections 8 to 16, inclusive, and section 22 of this By-law, (2) The exemptions provided for are the exemptions set forth in sections 18 to 21, inclusive of this By-law; the indexing of charges shall be in accordance with section 15 of this By-law; (3) The rules for determining if a development charge credit is available shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in section 22 of this By-law; Page 7 (4) The rules for determining refunds shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in Section 23 of this By-law, Lands Affected bv Bv-Iaw 3. This By-law applies to all lands within the geographic area of the Municipality, Desiqnated Services 4. It is hereby declared by Council that the development of land for residential buildings, non-residential buildings and mixed-use buildings in the Municipality will increase the need for services. 5. The development charges imposed by section 7 of this By-law shall apply without regard to the services which in fact are required or are used by or in respect of a particular development of land. 6, (1 ) Except where otherwise provided, development charges are imposed against land by this By-law to pay for increased capital CC)~ts required because of increased needs for services arising from the develOPment of land within the Municipality, . (2) The following are designated services for the purpose of thj~l;Iy-law: a, General Government; b, Library Services; c, Emergency Services'; d. Indoor Recreation; e. Park Development and Related Facilities; f. Operations (Buildings, Equipment and Fleet); g. Parking; h, ROaQs and Related; and Storm ,Water Drainage and Control Services. (3) The 1iI11ocatiqns of the residential development charges and the non- resid~f!*~ldevelopment charges imposed by this By-law, to the designated serviceli1referred to in subsection 6(2) are set out in Schedules "3" and "4", respectively, hereto, Imposition of Development CharQes 7, Except as otherwise provided in this By-law, development charges are imposed against land if the development of the land requires anyone or more of the following actions or decisions: (1) The passing of a zoning by-law or of an amendment thereto under section 34 of the Planning Act; (2) The approval of a minor variance under section 45 of the Planning Act; (3) A conveyance of land to which a by-law passed under subsection 50(7) of the Planning Act applies; Page 8 (4) The approval of a plan of subdivision under section 51 of the Planning Act; (5) A consent under section 53 of the Planning Act; (6) The approval of a description under section 50 of the Condominium Act; or (7) The issuing of a permit under the Building Code Act, 1992 in relation to a building, 8, Not more than one development charge for each of the services set out in subsection 6(2) is imposed by this By-law upon the development of land whether or not two or more of the actions or decisions referred to in section 7 are required before the land in question can be developed, 9, Notwithstanding section 8 of this By-law, if two or more of the actions or decisions referred to in section 7 occur at different times, additional development charges shall be imposed in respect of any increase in or additional development permitted by that action or decision or by those actions or decisions, 10. Where the development of land requires an action or decision referred to in section 7 of this By-law to be taken or made after the. ~$Uance of a building permit and no development charges have been paid, the~pevefopment charges shall be paid prior to the action or the decision referred to ..irlsection 7 being taken or being made, 11. If the development of land is such that it d~notr~qutre that a building permit be issued before the development is commenced,btlt the development does require one or more of the other actions or decisions referred to in section 7 be taken or made before the development is commenced, development charges shall be payable in respect of any increase inor additional deVek>pment permitted by such action or decision prior to the action or decision required for the increased or additional development in question being taken or being made, 12. (1) ~.. . ".., Nothinglri this ~..;~w shall prevent the Municipality or an approval authority frolT\reg~j~ing, as.lij;condition of an agreement under sections 51 or 53 ofthe Planning;;~~,tha~;tl)~.owner of land, at his or her own expense, install such local service~if;~ated;t(;}.(4~I~n9f subdivision or within the area to which the plan relates, as~appr6valatlthority may require, or that the owner pay for local connections;.tQ storm drainage facilities installed at the owner's expense, or adminis~f;l!itive, processing, or inspection fees. (2) Without derogating from subsection 12 (1), nothing in this By-law shall prevent the Municipality or an approval authority from requiring as a condition of any approval given under the Planning Act that the owner, at the owner's expense, shall install such services as may be determined by the Municipality or the approval authority in accordance with the applicable law. Basis of Calculation of Development Charaes 13, Subject to section 16 the development charges imposed by this By-law shall be calculated as follows: (1) In the cases of residential buildings, and the residential portions of mixed-use buildings, on the basis of the number and type of dwelling units contained in them; (2) In the cases of non-residential buildings and the non-residential portion of mixed-use buildings, on the basis of the total floor area contained in the non- residential building or in the non-residential portion of the mixed-use building proposed to be developed for non-residential purposes. Page 9 Amount of Development Charqes 14. (1) The amount of the development charges payable in respect of the development of apartment dwellings, linked dwellings, multiple dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, single-detached dwellings, and townhouse dwellings and in respect of the development of the residential areas of mixed-use buildings shall be as set out and shall be determined in accordance with subsection 16(1) of this By-law and Schedule "1" hereto, (2) The amount of the development charges payable in respect of development of non-residential buildings, and in respect of the development of the non- residential components of mixed-use buildings, shall be as set out and shall be determined in accordance with subsection 16(2) of this By-law and Schedule "2" hereto, Indexinq of Development Charqes 15. The development charges set out in Schedules "1" and "2" hereto shall be adjusted without amendment to this By-law annually on January 1st in each year, commencing on January 1st, 2011, in accordance with the Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics (catalogue number 62~007) based on the 12 month period most recently available, Timinq of Calculation and Pavment 16, (1) The residential development charges fret out in Schedule "1" hereto are payable in full on the effective date of this by-law, (2) The non-residential development charges sati9Ut in Schedule "2" are payable in full commencing on the effective da~eof this by-law. (3) Subjecttosub$ections 16(1) and 16(2), and except as provided in section 22 . of thisey-Iaw, development charges shall be calculated as of, and shall be payable on the date the first building permit is issued for the development of the land against Which the development charges imposed by this By-law apply. ' Pavmentbv Money... 17. PaYl11ent of develQ/,)I11ent charges shall be by cash or by certified cheque, Rules with R~~ct to Exe~Ptions for Existinq Residential 18, This By-Iawd~sinot apply to impose development charges if the only effect of any action or deciSion referred to in section 7 is: (1) An interior alteration to an existing residential building or structure which does not change or intensify the use of the land; (2) The enlargement of an existing residential dwelling unit; (3) The creation of one or two additional residential dwelling units in an existing single detached dwelling where the total gross floor area of the additional unit(s) does not exceed the gross floor area of the existing dwelling unit; (4) The creation of one additional dwelling unit in a semi-detached dwelling or row dwelling where the total gross floor area of the additional unit does not exceed the gross floor area of the existing dwelling unit; or Page 10 (5) The creation of one additional dwelling unit in any other existing residential building provided the gross floor area of the additional unit does not exceed the smallest existing dwelling unit already in the building. Rule With Respect to the Exemption of Aoricultural Development 19, Agricultural development of land including agri-tourism is exempt from development charges imposed by this By-law. Rules With Respect to the Exemption of Certain Public and Other Buildinas 20, Buildings within any of the following categories of areas or uses are hereby exempted from development charges imposed by this By-law: (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) Buildings owned by and used, designed or intended for use as hospitals governed by the Public Hospitals Act, R.S,O. 1990,C,P.40, as amended or replaced from time to time; (2) Buildings owned by and used, designed or intended for use for the purposes of the Municipality, the Region, or their 10Cil board$; (3) Buildings owned by and used, designed or intended fOf{jse as a place of worship; (4) Buildings owned by a board of education and used, designed or intended for use for school purposes including the administration or the servicing of schools; Buildings owned by, or It'IiI1lefe.+a.IJ~~ term lease of 20 years or longer has been entered into, and useg, desi~~~!:lr intended for use for the purposes of a college of applied arts'f\n\:1I'tectm*lJly'established pursuant to the Ministry of CQlleges and UnivE;fiSfties Act, ~,S,O. 1990, c,M.19, as amended or replaced from time to time; . Buildings owned by, or where a long term lease of 20 years or longer has been entered into, and used, designed and intended for use for the purposes ofal.lniversity established by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; Buildingsq~iparts thereof located either in the Clarington Science Park or the ClaringtonEn~rgy Park as shown on the plans contained in Schedule '6' l'1ereto, that are used, designed or intended to be used for the purpose of t~~earch facilities, laboratories, offices, amenity areas and service areas for st~"Vho cOli\j;!uct research, with evidence provided to the satisfaction of the Dire~r.QLFinancerrreasurer; Buildings owned by a corporation or organization registered as a charity for the purposes of the Income Tax Act R.S,C, 1985, Chapter 1 (5th Supp,) as it may be amended or replaced from time to time, and used, designed, or intended for use for any residential or for any non-residential purpose of the not-for-profit corporation or organization in question; (9) The gross floor area of the conversion where, as a result of development of land located in a 'revitalization area' as shown on the map contained in Schedule '5' hereto, a building is converted in whole or in part to a different use; and (10) Buildings constructed after July 1,2006 for the purpose of a hotel. (11) Intensification projects must be located within TownNillage Centres of the Municipality of Clarington Illustrated in the Land Use maps A2, A3, A4, A5 for the Urban Areas of Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono of the Page 11 Clarington Official Plan. To be eligible for a partial exemption, projects must meet the land use, urban design, and compatibility policies of the Clarington Official Plan and applicable Zoning By-law in addition to the regulations set out within this by-law, a) An exemption equal to twenty five percent of the applicable development charges otherwise payable at the time the building permit was issued for residential and or office intensification buildings that are three stories or less, b) An exemption equal to fifty percent, seventy-five and one hundred percent of the applicable development charges otherwise payable at the time the building permit was issued for residential and or office intensification buildings for the fourth, fifth and sixth floors respectively. c) An exemption equal to twenty five percent of the applicable development charges otherwise payable at the time the building permit was issued for non-office commercial floor space within any intensification building outlined in 20 (11) a. or 20 (11) b. Rules with Respect to the Exemption of Temporary BuildinQs 21, (1) Temporary buildings are exempt from the dtilve1bpment charges imposed by this By-law, (2) In the event that a temporary building bE!(:(.)fI')es protracted, it shall be deemed not to be, or ever to have been a telllPorary building, and the development charges required to be paid byi'this By-law shall become payable on the date on which the temporary building becomes protracted, (3) Prior to an actio11lQr decision referred to in section 7 of this By-law being takervorbsling ma~e in respect of the development of a temporary building, the MunicipliJlity, p,l;lrsuant to section 27 of the Act, may require an owner to enter into an'~~feem~w!1!<::hJJlay include the provision of security for the owner'sobliga~9nunder the'agreement and which agreement shall provide for all or part of fhemtilvelopment charges to be paid after the date on which they wouldotherwis~i~~payable under subsections 16(1) or 16(2) of this By- law, whicheveris aP8l1Cable. The terms of such agreement shall prevail over the provisions of subsections 16(1),16(2) and 16(3) of this By-law. Rules with Respect to Credits 22, (1) Where, as a result of the redevelopment of land, a building or existing structure is to be converted to another use, in whole or in part, or converted from one principal use to another principal use on the same land or such building or structure is destroyed in whole or in part by fire, explosion or Act of God or is demolished and reconstructed for the same purpose for which it was put before it was destroyed, the development charges otherwise payable with respect to such redevelopment or reconstruction shall be reduced by the following amounts: a. in the case of a residential building or the residential portion of a mixed-use building or structure, an amount calculated by multiplying the applicable development charges under the Schedule 1 of this By- law by the number, according to type of dwelling units that have been demolished or converted to another principal use or demolished and reconstructed as the case may be; and Page 12 b, in the case of a non-residential building or the non-residential portion of a mixed-use building or structure, an amount calculated by multiplying the applicable development charges under Schedule 2 of this By-law by the non~residential gross floor area that has been demolished or converted to another principal use or demolished and reconstructed as the case may be, (2) A credit in respect of an event referred to in subsection 22(1) shall not be given unless within five years from the date on which the event occurred, a building permit has been issued. (3) The amount of any credit under subsection 22(1) shall not exceed in total the amount of the development charges otherwise payable with respect to the redevelopment of the land or reconstruction of the building or structure as the case may be. (4) Notwithstanding subsection 22(1) no credit will be provided when: a, the demolished building or structure or part thereof would have been exempt under this by-law; b, where the building or structure or part thereof would have been exempt under this By-law prior to the conversion, redevelopment or reconstruction as the case may be; c. where a development or redevelopment which is exempt in whole or in part or eligiblefpr any other relief under this By-law. (5) Where a development li;harg(;lis payable f()r a development or re- development of brownfield,lands,Witn the exception of development or redevelopment of brownfiefejlaqdS for'tl:I~>purpose of a gasoline service station, which requires the cleiill'lUp of lancjsunderthe Ontario Ministry ofthe Environment's "Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario" as amel'lded or replaced from timek> time, an amount will be credited against the development charge otherwise payable equal to the amount of the actual cqsts of assessment and clean up of the property, approved by the Ml.u}j~~lity, but the credited amount shall not exceed the total development charge,P<i!yable hereunder. To obtain the development charge credit a Record ()f~ite Condition certifying that an assessment of the property has been done and it conforms to an appropriate standard for the intended use must have been issued by the Ministry of the Environment. Rules Respectina Refunds . 23. (1) An ampunt equal to the development charge that has been paid by the owner of a building that has been relocated as a result of land requirements by the municipal, provincial or federal governments to another property and designated with that property under the Ontario Heritage Act shall be paid to the owner after application is made to the Director of Financeffreasurerfor a refund and upon presentation of proof to the satisfaction of the Director that the building has been so designated; however, no refund or credit shall be provided on the original site of the building in question. (2) An amount equal to the development charge that has been paid by the owner of a building that has been relocated to another property and designated with that property under the Ontario Heritage Act shall be paid to the owner after application is made to the Director of Financeffreasurer for a refund and upon presentation of proof to the satisfaction of the Director that the building has been so designated; however no refund or credit shall be provided on the original site of the building in question, Page 13 ....1 (3) An amount equal to the applicable development charge paid at the time the building permit was issued for a dwelling unit provided that the existing dwelling unit is demolished within 6 months or such longer period as may be permitted by Council following the date of issuance of the building permit for the new dwelling unit. (4) An amount equal to the applicable development charge paid at the time the building permit was issued if the building permit was cancelled prior to the commencement of the construction of the building or structure in question. (5) An amount equal to fifty percent of the applicable development charge paid at the time the building permit was issued for major office buildings on lands identified in Schedule 6A and Schedule 6B and industrial development in the Municipality which is certified and registered with the LEED Canada Green Building Rating Systems (or its successor), (6) Intensification projects must be located within TqwnNiUage Centres of the Municipality of Clarington Illustrated in the Lan(j~se maps A2., A3, A4, A5 for the Urban Areas of Courtice, Bowmanville,Ne~stle, and Orono of the Clarington Official Plan. To be eligible fora refund,p~ojects must meet the land use, urban design, and compatibility policies of the Clarington Official Plan and applicable Zoning By-law in addition to thef~!.llations set out within this by-law, a) An amount equal to fifty percent of the applicable,development charges paid at the time the building permit was issued for commercial bui~gs located in intensification areas when these projects achieve a,lill~in1um Gold certification by the GBCG under the LEED Canada Gre~nB!ij!!gi!')g Rating Systems. (7) An amount equal to the app~cable;aevelop~ent charge paid at the time the building permit was issued.JC>r profes~ional offices and ancillary facilities designed to be occup~ primarily by medical practitioners licensed by the College of Physl~ans and Surgeons of Ontario upon presentation of proof to the satisfaction of the Director of F'ip.~ncerrreasurer that the building or portions thereof have in fact been ,mii0€lc~ by such practitioners. Interest . 24. The Municipality Shall pay interest on a refund under subsections 18(2), 18(3) and 25(2)of the Act at a rate equal to the Bank of Canada rate on the date this By-law comesjnto force upcfated on the first business day of every January, April, July and Octoberl.lf'jtil the date of the repeal or the expiry of this By-law. Front-Endina AQree~~f1t~ 25. The Municipality may enter into front-ending agreements under section 44 of the Act. Schedules 26. Schedule 1 - Residential Development Charges, Schedule 2 - Non-Residential Development Charges, Schedule 3 - Allocation of Residential Development Charges, Schedule 4 - Allocation of Non-Residential Development Charges, . Schedule 5A - Revitalization Area - Newcastle Village, Schedule 5B - Revitalization Area - Orono, Schedule 5C - Revitalization Area - Bowmanville, Schedule 6A - Clarington Energy Business Park and 6B - Clarington Science and Technology Park are attached to and form part of this By-law, Page 14 Date By-law Effectiye 27. This By-law comes into force and is effective on July 1, 2010. Date BY-law Expires 28. This By-law expires five years after the day on which it comes into force, Repeal of By-law No,2005-108 29. By-law No. 2005-108 as amended by By-law Nos, 2006-160, 2007-195 and 2008- 104, is repealed effective July 1, 2010, Headinos for Reference Only 30. The headings inserted in this By-law are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this By-law, Severability 31. If, for any reason, any provision, section, sub~!Ion or paragraph of this By-law is held invalid, it is hereby declared to be the iptention of Council that all the remainder of this By-law shall continue in full forc~~nd effect until repealed, reenacted or amended, in whole or in part or dealtwi1h:iltany ot~!hr way. This by-law read a first, second, and third time, and passed in open council this 31 5t_day of May, 2010. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Page 15 SCHEDULE "1" RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES SCHEDULE "1" TO BY -LAW NO, 2010-XXX THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PER UNIT Single and Semi-Detached $14,623 Townhouse, Multiple & Row Units $12,737 Apartments Large $10,048 Small $ 6,370 Page 16 SCHEDULE "2" NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES SCHEDULE "2" TO BY -LAW NO. 2010-XXX THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PER SQUARE METRE OF GROSS FLOOR AREA Non-Residential (excluding Industrial) $60,12 I nd ustrial $30,92 Page 17 SCHEDULE "3" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2010-XX)( ALLOCATION OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES % Allocation General Government 1,85% Library Services 5,76% Fire Protection Services 4.40% Indoor Recreation 36.00% Park Development and Related Fa9ilities Operations (Buildings, Equipmenf~,f.leet) 7,64% 5.18% Parking 0,39% Roads & Related 38.78% Total Devel~Hl't1ent Charge 100% Page 18 SCHEDULE "4" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2010-XXX ALLOCATION OF NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES General Government Library Services Fire Protection Services Indoor Recreation Park Development and Facilities Operations (Buildings, Equipment & Fleet) Parking Roads & Related Page 19 % Allocation Non- Residential (excluding Industrial 0% 6,12% 0% 0% 7.19% 0,55% 83.58% Industrial 4.98% 0% 1 0% 13,97% 1,07% 68,08% 100% 100% Schedule "5A" to Development Charges By-law 2010-XXX "r:--- 1, \II//h \ II;' I 'I I fr1 c':: ~ 1"---.1- " r-- ,ll-r~" ~ ---..... I ~!=IIIIIIr= ~ L rfm<>< \\~ ~ It 8~ "-. t GEORGESTW GEORGESTE fCETTffint II ~- =r-- f--..-- lrm' u L r1~E! ! I ~~ ~"",-",l f=f= iE 1-..-11- ~ ~ .---i~K ~ rr-,~ ~ : 'c -r- !' UI- >[IT e-.III I L I ~ ~- \ l.-..-- ttl RESNIK WI''''''''''' ~ ,\,. ~r I II II i~~ C II a:: OAmYCT cr:11 II lilt _ f-J W ~[\ I H~ ~ NOWLENGERCT:l tJrl. III1 I! I- I wm t- I-- IlARNER<><~ l- b,' .L- r= r= J-- I ] Tll I- h- N ~ ~IEM'LY"W l~~~'.LYm CL ~~ 0 -g = ~W ~ ~tl- N l- ti l- ~ f--1- ~ !5! = - <!: l- P" \--. ~. ~ w- i=l=~ !=-~ I-- L-~ V =~ ! ~ i WI~~~i_=~~~~.BtOO""'::::~ t == ~[]CAROLINEsm'W 'IJ"''''''''' I ~t:g,GO;:' :::: ~ ~ IE g - ~ a ~III ~= nT""" 8r= \== --,11 IIII lill[ III =~ ,~= [[Rs~ODIIR ~ ",E;iill~".l_ ~c ~ ~ > ,,,- llE!tij{j]~ ""'" ""'" ~ '" \ ~ '" ~ . "'ES-" ; t:::l .0 ! I , '~,-~lffjbBP ~llm~li~-j "" II.' ~ ~~ \! ----I JOSE Revitalization Area. Newcastle Village Page 20 'f:l;r Schedule "SB" to Development Charges By-law 2010-XXX " --c. l__L CENTREVIEW STREET / ! / ....J IV 1 E s [ '1 ...J Revitalization Area - Orono Page 21 Schedule "SC" to Development Charges By-law 2010-XXX ',> / / , I S"UI<PERSAVENUE 80R1.AN0CT U" , I 1 " Revitalization Area - Bowmanville Page 22 J~-r Schedule "6A" to Development Charges By-law 2010-XXX ---------. ~ Hl0l1WAY401 ----, W~E S Clarington Energy Business Park Page 23 , , Schedule "68" to Development Charges 8y-law 2010-XXX / / W~E s ~ HlG/1WAY401 I I I Clarington Science and Technology Park Page 24