HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-15-01 l-.- ::t:',,;,<- .' .,,t ,. REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Date: APRIL 2, 2001 Res. # Report No.: WD-15-01 OurFile: AS.1O.09 By-Law # Subject: OLD BOWMANVlLLE NEIGHBOURHOOD STREETSCAPE AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN REPORT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-15-0l be received; 2. THAT all infrastructure improvements outlined in the Totten Sims Hubicki report entitled "Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan" dated March 2001, noted as being consistent with current municipal practices, be included in Capital Works Budgets for future rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of streets in the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood; 3. THAT the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association formally approach the municipality regarding a special designation for their neighbourhood so that 'the theme- related improvements such as decorative street lighting, historic street signage and gateway development which exceed current municipal standards can be considered for full or partial implementation in future Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood projects; 4. THAT the tree trimming practices of utility companies be reviewed by Public Works staff and that underground conversion of overhead utilities not be included as part of the streetscape improvement plan due to the significant costs and possible legal implications associated with the conversion and the precedent it would set for dealing with future requests from other neighbourhoods in the municipality; and ( ~ REPORT NO.: WD-15-0l PAGE 2 5. THAT a copy of this report be provided to Mr. Bill Humber of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1 Table ES-l - Summary of Streetscape and Infrastructure Components No.2 Report WD-35-00, Centre Street Information Centre No.3: Map F, Community Improvement Areas, Clarington Official Plan 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On March 6, 2000 a group of citizens from the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA) approached Council with concerns regarding the proposed reconstruction of streets in the old section of Bowmanville generally bounded by Wellington, Concession and Liberty Streets. In order to address the concerns of the OBNA, Council directed that a detailed Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan be prepared for the area. A steering committee composed of staff, consultants and residents representing the OBNA was formed. This committee met frequently, resulting in the development of the design drawings for Centre Street that were presented to the public at the Public Information Centre on June 14, 2000, as well as the general design concepts presented in the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan, March 2001, prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki (copies of the report are available in the Council office and Public Works Department). 2.2 The results of the Public Information Centre are provided in Attachment No.2, Report WD- 35-00. 2.3 Table ES-l (Attachment No. I) provides a summary of the streetscape and infrastructure features discussed in the Totten Sims Hubicki report. The improvements have been grouped into three categories. The first category includes infrastructure WOlXs that are consistent with current municipal practice and are typically considered for all Public Works projects. The second category lists improvements developed by the Steering Committee to enhance '. , REPORT NO.: WD-15-0l PAGE 3 the historical nature of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood. Through installation of specialized infrastructure components such as historic street signage, decorative lights and gateway development, the existing heritage theme of the neighbourhood will be further developed. These infrastructure components would not normally be considered on a typical infrastructure renewal project. The third improvement requested by the OBNA is for the conversion of existing overhead utilities to an underground system. By eliminating conflicts between trees and hydro wires, the tree canopy could be more fully developed, enhancing the visual appeal of the area. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The report prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki presents design guidelines specific to the area generally bounded by Concession Street, Wellington Street and Liberty Street, designated as the "Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood" (OBN) by the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA). As stated in the report, specific design details will be addressed during the design of each individual street. Public involvement similar to that incorporated in all major projects undertaken by Public Works will form part of the design process used for all road improvements in the area. 3.2 Concession Street from east of Wellington Street to Liberty Street is the next street to be considered for infrastructure renewal in the area. It has been included in the 2001 Budget and Four-Year Forecast for design with construction tentatively scheduled for 2002. The public consultation and design process for this street will commence in Mayor June of this year. Public input on project specific issues such as traffic calming and the future role of the Prospect Street Bridge connection to Concession Street will be sought at that time. 3.3 As noted in Section 2.3, a number of the recommended infrastructure improvements outlined in the Totten Sims Hubicki report are consistent with current municipal practice and therefore can be implemented by staff through the normal budget process. These features have been incorporated into the Centre Street design that has been tendered and, with Council approval, will be implemented in 2001. ~' ; REPORT NO.: WD-15-01 PAGE 4 3.4 The reconstruction of Centre Street this year will provide a model for some of the design elements recommended in the Totten Sims Hubicki report. The performance of Centre Street will be monitored upon completion of the proposed improvements. If concerns arise regarding specific functional elements on the street, the Municipality will work with area residents to resolve these concerns and incorporate the solutions into future Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood infrastructure works. 3.5 The proVIsion of on-street parking will reqwre careful consideration ill the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood. Due to the older nature and typically larger lot sizes, the majority of properties in the area have adequate parking and on-street parking is not required. In instances where individual parking provisions are not adequate, and on-street parking may inhibit the Municipality from providing basic services for the street, the Municipality should work with property owners and area residents to resolve the parking issue during, or prior to, the planning stages of future street improvements. On-street parking practices in the neighbourhood should be monitored by staff on an ongoing basis. If public safety is at risk, signage and enforcement may be required. 3.6 Other improvements intended to develop a theme consistent with the vision of the OBNA are not in keeping with the current municipal practices and therefore require Council endorsement prior to implementation. The costs associated with the non-standard treatment of providing decorative street lights, historic signage and gateways for the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood are summarized in the following table: Special Treatment Unit Cost Entire OBN Cost Decorative Street Lighting $5,500 each $800,000 (c/w underground wiring) Historic Street Signs (double sign & post) $750 each $20,000 Gateways $10,000 each $30,000 Total Cost $850,000 REPORT NO.: WD-15-0l PAGE 5 3.7 If these improvements are funded using municipal resources, staff is concerned that other neighbourhood groups will approach Council requesting financial assistance for specialized infrastructure initiatives. In order to address this issue, the OBNA should formally approach the Municipality regarding a special designation for their neighboumood. The special designation would provide Council with a framework within which it could analyze the financial implications of funding these works. Issues such as promotion of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood as a tourist destination and a revenue generator for the Municipality of Clarington could be considered. Alternatively, staff and the OBNA could pursue other funding sources such as local improvement, special programs set up by the provincial or federal levels of government for neighbourhood/community improvements, or a private fundraising campaign could be organized by the OBNA. 3.8 Another issue that was raised by the OBNA and documented in the TSH report was the conversion of overhead electrical utilities to an underground system. This issue arose as a result of the overly aggressive tree trimming that occurred on both Concession Street and Centre Street when the hydro authority was maintaining and upgrading their plant. The trimming severely degraded the old growth tree canopy in the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood. In order to minimize future concerns, municipal staff is developing a policy to regulate the tree trimming practices of electrical utilities and their sub-contractors within the municipal rights-of way. Required clearances between electrical cable and tree limbs are being reconsidered and a public notification process is required prior to the commencement of tree trimming. In addition, municipal forces will monitor the work in progress. These measures will provide municipal staff with the ability to protect the tree canopy and avoid reoccurrence of the problems experienced on Concession Street and Centre Street. An aggressive tree-planting program will also be included with the , infrastructure renewal projects to ensure that the tree canopy will be maintained over time. 3.9 Based on a detailed estimate provided by Veridian Connections, the cost to convert the Centre Street hydro system is $270,000. The table below provides three possible funding scenarios developed by staff for the underground conversion of overhead utilities on Centre Street. Scenario I would result in no cost to the local homeowner while Scenario 2 calls for the improvements to be paid for entirely by the homeowner at a cost of $7,700 per . '. REPORT NO.: WD-15-01 PAGE 6 household. Scenario 3 is a cost sharing scenario where homeowners would pay for the cost of the secondary low voltage cable required to service their house while the Municipality would pay for the higher voltage distribution system and lower voltage streetlight work. Scenario 1 2 3 Municipality Funds Primary Servicing and 51reet 100 % 100% Lighting Cost/Local Description Funding from Funding as Improvement Funds House Municipality Local Servicing Costs Improvement Municipal Local Improvement Primary $75.000 $85,000 $0 Disllibution Street $25,000 $25,000 $0 Lighting House $170,000 $0 $160,000 Servicing Total $270,000 $110,000 $160,000 Cost Per $0 $7,700 $4,600 Household Primary distribution estimates include for pad mount transformer costs. 3.10 The costs to implement these same hydro improvements for the entire OBN are estimated at as much as $3 million. For Community Improvement Areas BI, B2, B3 and B4, as illustrated on Map F of the Clarington Official Plan (Attachment No.3), the hydro conversion costs could reach $26 million. 3.11 Notwithstanding the significant cost associated with hydro conversion, there has been a question raised regarding the Municipality's legal ability to pursue the request. It is recommended that, if Council considers the proj ect, a legal opinion be obtained to protect the Municipality's interests. 3.12 Hydro conversion from overhead to underground servicing will provide a direct benefit to Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood homeowners and is not essential in developing the theme for the area. As such, the OBNA should pursue these improvements in partnership with Veridian Counections. Municipal staff can provide information to the OBNA to assist them in negotiations with Veridian Connections. REPORT NO.: WD-15-01 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~,~ Director of Public Works d~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ASC*SA V*ce 27/03/01 Pc: Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association C/o Mr. Bill Hwnber 15 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON LlC 3Al ~ 0)= c'!! - 0 "" c c 0 = e. u. 0 c 0: '" - c Ql c o c. E o U Ql ~ ::> - " ::> ~ - '" '" ~ - .5 " c '" Ql C. '" " <II ;; ~ - VI - o ~ '" E E ::> VI ~ . 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THAT Report WD-35-00 be received; 2. THAT the reconstruction of Centre Street be deferred and tendered early in 2001; and 3. THAT a copy of this report be provided to William Hwnber of the Old Bowmanville Residents Association. REPORT 1.0 AITACHMENTS No.1: Information Centre Register 2,0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On June 14,2000 an information centre was held at the Clarington Beech Centre from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to provide the public with details of the proposed reconstruction of Centre Street from Carlisle Avenue to Concession Street. ~otice of the Information Centre was provided by hand delivered flyers and by advertising in the local newspaper. Thirty-two people signed the register at the Information Centre. A copy of the register is provided as Attaclunent No. I. It was obvious that not all parties signed the register as there were definitely more than 32 people in attendance. ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-lS-61 1 1 7 ~ '. REPORT NO.: WD-35-00 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 On March 6, 2000 a group of citizens. from the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association (OBNA) approached Council with concerns regarding the proposed reconstruction of streets in the old section of Bowmanville bounded by Wellington. Concession and Liberty Streets. In order to address the concerns of the OBNA, Council directed that a detailed Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan be prepared for the area A steering committee composed of staff, consultants and residents representing the OBNA was formed and has met frequently resulting in the development of the preliminary design drawings that were presented to the public at the Information Centre. 3.2 From 5:00pm to 7:00pm the Information Centre was informal with staff and consultants present to review the design drawings with members of the public. At 7:00 p.m. a formal presentation was made by Bill Humber, representing the OBNA, Ron Albright from TSH and Tony Cannella from the Public Works Department. 3.3 The proposed design was well received. The roadway will be reconstructed to its existing width (back of curb to back of curb). Sidewalk will also be replaced at its existing width and location. An aggressive tree planting program is proposed with 35 boulevard trees to be planted and 8 renewal trees proposed for private property. 3.4 New storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermain will be installed as part of the reconstruction work. Gas mains will be relocated to avoid conflict with the proposed boulevard trees. The OBNA has had some discussions with Veridian about placing the existing arial electrical plant underground. This would resolve the issue of complaints regarding the aggressive tree trimming practices of Veridian that have impacted the tree canopy over time. 3.5 Timing for construction of the project was discussed. As a result of the significant amount of public consultation that has taken place to date the project is behind schedule. The earliest possible construction start date for the project is August 21, 2000. Construction would not be completed until mid to late November. Given the narrow road width and 1 75 REPORT NO.: WD-35-00 PAGE 3 congested working environment associated with this project it was indicated by Public Works Staff that it was not advisable to cl?1l1plete the reconstruction in the fall months. Inclement weather could cause complications and delays, inconveniencing residents and increasing the cost of the project. 3.6 By delaying the project for a year it was agreed that the OBNA could complete their negotiations with Veridian and if the electrical plant were to be relocated duct work could be added to the design prior to tendering. Other utility relocations could be completed well in advance of construction. In addition. the Streetscape & Infrastructure Implementation Plan could be formalized and presented to the OBNA prior to reconstructing Centre Street. 3.7 Based on the above it is the recommendation of Public Works Staff that the detailed design of the Centre Street project continue as scheduled but that tendering of the project be delayed until 2001. An early tender call in 2001 would secure a competitive construction price and ensure a more practical construction start date. In addition. outstanding streetscape and utility relocation issues can be addressed prior to tendering. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works o f-~ -e0~u Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ASC*SA V*ce 28/06/00 Pc: William Humber Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood Association 15 Beech Street Bowmanville, ON LtC 3At 11711 o o o :"l ~ ..- Q) c: ::::l -, a::: w I- en - (!) w a::: - - en ~" a::: c ~ III a::: c en ... ~ c en 0 "C III "0 l'll E a::: c: (3 l'll Gl Q ::::l - € ::J Q 0 0 c:: (,) ::J Gl C ~ c > c: ... - <C 0 0 iii 0 ..c: - Co Cl "u .u c 0 c: c 0 Gl 'C ::J .2 "51 :r: :r: Gl l'll 0 ::J III (/) UJ aI (3 (,) ::E Ill:: l- I- a::l III ~ C .!!! Z ~ Qj II) Gl - ..c: l'll c E l!! Cl Gl > Qj c:: .c ~ 0 ..c: l'll .s (,) .c "C Z (,) 0 - 0 (/) < (/) ~ (/) :>. ::E E c "'5 c C l'll {:. l'll ~ 0 lU ::E " a.. Ill:: <C z o l- e!) I- Z III 0: lii~ :3 WI- (.)wa:::(/) II..llI::l-z 01-(/)0 :>-zwUi I-wa::(/)W _Ul-w :;i~ffiu::l e:i=(.)~> ~<cl&.(.)Z Z~OO<( ::la:::ZI-::E :EO!2w~ ~~t;i!O I-U::lwCO II..-a:::> O~li;<c Z::lZW OC.O~ - uUJ I- w:J ~ 1lI::a::: o <c c. (.) 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