HomeMy WebLinkAbout855Bylaw of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to establish a new road across Lots 21 and 22 in the Broken Front concession of the said Township of Clarke. Concession oP the said Township of Clarke Y~EREAS the Corporation of the Township of Clarke bare decided that owing to the galley on the Fake shore at lot 22 in the Broken Front Concession of the said Township having eaten back almost to the Lake ~, Shore Road crossing. that lot the said read ar11 soon .become un,rm:Ce- ~. for traffic and that a new road should be acquired and opened across lots 21 and 22in the said concession to the north of the railaray tracks on those lots and that a h].ight deviation should be made in the said road at the east-side of lot 23 in the said conceseion'• AND tIPHEREA3 the Corporation bare receiTed offers to sell from tha owners of the. land required for such new road, being those parts of lots 21 and 22 in the Eroken Front Concession of the said. Tcarnship of Clarke described as follows CCI~ENC?.~1G at a point en the east 1.iA~.t of said 1®t 2l at a distance of ?61 feet measured northerly thereon. from the north limit of the Canadian Pacific Railway. right of stay THENCE south 85° 7' 30" Pest 4?2 feet tw® inches THENCE north 88•4:~~ ~' seat 155?feet ~3w nchess more or lees. to the east limit of the are~t half of said lot rsumber 22 TSENCE south 1&° east 112 feet 6 inches more or less to the north limit of the Canadian Pacific Ra3.lway right off: fray TSE~tCE north 65'D- ~7' Rest al+g~~e said ~rther-1~ li.t~ ~~ Canadian Pacific Iiaihray right` ®f ~ ~?5 feet -mere or les8 tCE continxiing alor~ the .northerly limit of the said right of array north 64° 39t crest 424 feet 10 inches to the hest limit of said let TEEN north lfi ° crest along the crest limit of said lot ?„ 2 g? feet 11 inches THENCE south 64° '39`= east 482 fast ~ inches .THENCE south 65 ~7 ~ 194 feet 3 inches THENCE south 88° 9.3' 30"asset l?54 feet 9 in®hee THENCE notch 85° ?t 3t)" east 456 feet 1 rich to the east licit of eai lot 21 THENCE south 16 ° east 6? feet inches to the place of beg' AND ALSfj that part of lot 23 in the broken front concession Qf the Township of Clarke which mayy be described as a triangular piece of 1 at the intersection of the Lake shore road and the side line between lots. 22 and 23 i.n the said broken wont concession baring a frontage, r of 32 feet 2 inches on the said Lake Shore Rtaad and 112 feet 6 lashes ~ on said side line`. AND TI~HEREA3 the ®ai.d C©rporation have .decided to purchase the sai$ THEREF©RE the I[unicipal Council t~f the C©rporation of °the ToaRnsh3.p of Clarke enaetr3 as fellot~sz ...._._ _ . ,.rr~-.= _ _ 1. It s$all and may be lawful for the said Municipality to the lands above described on the terms sat forth in the offers tm above referred to and th® Reeve and Clerk of the said Municipality ar~ a~ hereby authorized to accept the said offers to sell and to sign^affiz the seal of the said Corporation to such documents,agresments and conveyances as may be requisite and necessary to carry out the .. _. e _ _ _ - ______ _~_ resulting agreements; and 2. it shall and ma,y be laxfttl tar the said Runieipality to establish and lay ot~t a road upon the lands above described'. Clerk ~ Reeve _~ ~^ \' ~ r_, ,., -~ - `~.. ..; ~ . r=~... f ~-~. -~ ., ~~ , r